"That's A Big Bear!" Giant Alaska Peninsula Brown Bear Hunting, MDMM Season 5 #10, Grizzly

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i was eight years old trapping muskrats on lightning creek when something came alive inside me i promised myself i would somehow live like the mountain man of old [Music] since then i've guided hunters in alaska for more than two decades and counting all told eight years of my life has been lived out of a tent in the wilderness the majesty solitude trials endured and tribulations overcome the endless wonders of nature and divine orchestration of everything in it keep calling me back [Music] [Music] morning of number two are you ready barry day two about a half hour and a day too i'm not so sure that's not the same bear we saw yesterday good bore well there's the beer we're going after come on out buddy he just ran this bear off but he's moving away the whole dang time again i better see is this coming doesn't want to move but she's in her way oh she got the picture [Applause] yeah she's getting out of here now that's good that's a good size so our bear's up here somewhere four or five hundred yards away the race is on again our bear got off the creek headed up that hill two big runs in one day he was heading up this drainage we were following him and i'm like well we'll just sit here i knew we weren't gonna catch him when i first spotted him he had his mouth hanging open so i knew he was moving out next thing you know he's coming across this flat so we were hoping he'd maybe stay on the flat but of course he started side hilling and i think we're left with our tongues hanging out he beat us again this old bear we called blacky a few years ago i first saw him four years ago i don't know if that's him or not but this is what he would do one time we actually had a chance on him there was a ten foot one-inch bear in between us and him [Applause] and uh blackie black bear was bigger than that one i don't know it's probably not the same one but because this bear i don't think is as big as what that blacky bear was because it i figured with an 11 foot bear i don't think this one's that big but anyways the big bear and this seems to be his core area every other bear that we've seen fish in this creek here is always nervous and real jittery and so he seems to be we're heading back to the knob now and probably go back to camp and dry out because we're soaking and uh seems to be fishing this creek in the morning heading back that way to the hills at night so i don't know maybe what we need is a couple days of terrible weather where he's holed up and then he comes down some evening to feed and we get him but we'll be waiting for them that's for sure yeah you can see the steam rolling out of them i think my feet my feet are actually pretty dry but they sweat a bit we're in operation dry out yeah we were soaked from the head to the toe we were going too hard to wear rain gear so once again we were up on the the glasses the glassing gloves was laughing dog anymore actually it's just a depot where we drop everything that we can't carry anymore you know we just go there look find the bear drop whatever you can hit your pack change your gear run down on the side of the hill run up the valley swept your butt off turn around come back come in and it's just it's just nothing to find yep a good time with that bell yeah that bear after all the fun we've had in two days he ran away from us again but by gosh we're gonna make an effort to catch up to him but he's a it would be a shame not to try to get that there yeah i mean we really have to wait to see a bear like that one more time yep hopefully he'll screw up but we've seen everything yeah if we've seen a good number of bears every bear that goes through where we've seen that bear is nervous and uh so i don't know who knows if we'll see him tomorrow if we'll see him again but in my experience you'll see bears like that and then you'll go a couple days you won't see them then often time they appear again so they rarely do exactly the same thing you know they're not really patternable but that bear did roughly the same thing he did yesterday and all bears are different but generally they're doing something a little bit different each time so we'll uh we're just going to get dried out eat some lunch or try to get dried out change pants socks underwear that kind of stuff and eat some lunch and go back out for the afternoon there's one that's digging up my foxhole every morning or night this box is five yards away i'm on a wide angle i spotted a bear about two miles away and a couple minutes later barry spotted this one's about a mile away looks like uh i would call it about an eight and a half foot bore limping a little bit on his front right [Applause] leg seeing a few other bears down the way as well pretty far away [Music] [Applause] day 30 i mean three feels like day 30. oh yeah i'm tired it's still raining i i don't think we'll have to run after that bear again this morning i i don't know if i could i suppose i could you know if we had to if you told me i had to well we see them you're gonna have to probably i'll get ready i'll i'll down a couple more but let's uh get some coffee and some energy shots and you will be good to go and some vitamin c and and then we'll be ready to go all right the race is on again morning of day three there's our bear let's go he's just feeding in the creek we gotta go it's go time for this bear pretty sure it's the same bear and been doing the same thing he runs to the hills there's another bear behind him just wait [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's a big bear whatever it is [Applause] the morning okay just pick it here just make the first one come barry [Music] yep shoot them again and got them shoot them again shoot them again shoot them again shoot him again barry shoot him okay shoot him shoot him shoot him take him shoot him you drill them there goes another bear oh that's a big bear i think that's him there goes another bear right there he's down he's definitely down what's that bear running away there yeah you got a bigger bear yeah barry barton are your ears ringing i didn't think this was going to happen i i that was the furthest thing from my mind i could not believe we come over here again and that damn bear he's arrogant enough to try to do that again i'm 90 sure it's him it's a big bear you're the man buddy day three we caught up to that sucker that's the third day of chasing him he was just a little late barry and i were talking about it we're like well maybe we just need a weather change yesterday got real foggy there that bear is heading for the high country i am soaked again five minutes after the hunt starts i can't hold still but yeah someday i'm gonna have to actually come back and find out what you actually do off the looking knob knob because i don't know what you do other than drop stuff and run well do we go get the pack or do we go look at them first i guess we might as well go get the pack yeah i think that's probably the wise thing to do yeah we got plenty of time where he stayed in the same pile he's been in ever since we got there i don't know yeah i don't know if we got the same bear or not because they're both real dark real black and big but that sure appeared to be a dang big bear to me when i looked at him that bear that bear is huge if it i i'd like to think it's the same one we'll see if he's 10 foot or bigger we'll figure it's the same one either way we will have done well but you know it's funny you practice and practice on shooting and you practice shooting over and over again but when it comes right down to it it's instinctive yeah you know when you've got the shot you want to pull the trigger yep and like the other day i never felt quite like i was comfortable today it was like today i just like i owned that bear today i'm gonna you didn't have time to get nervous we ran up here i laid my pack down you plopped in and i said are you ready and i'm like okay so i set the camera up on the tripod i said just get ready i kind of expect him to be over here i thought we were gonna have to take a cause did you ever see the bear before we popped over here did you ever look at him from up top or anything yeah that's probably that's that's what we talked about is that don't even worry about them pulled the glasses up i i just started stripping clothes and i'm like he's not getting in front of me today we're cutting him off gotta stay up with him yeah yesterday you know you kept pulling me across the tundra with that pack and i was doing the best i could do to keep up to you but i'll tell you one thing any any of you guys want to come hunting up here you better change your stride instead of that 30 inch stride you need a 34 inch drive you want to keep up the billy moles you better get your ass in shape because you can't keep up and practice with a pack because your shoulders i get that when i'm she punting the first couple days the only thing that'll be sore on me will be my shoulders because i don't really why should i hike too much with the sides of my spine are are still sore but actually today i actually felt a little better that's because you left your pack on the hill the one day where we go on a little short jaunt we got to go back get the pack but hey we got the bear down it don't matter that beard down he's down and i think that's him i'm i'm excited to go look at him i don't think that bear was quite as big but it's a big bear i can tell you that but i i'm 99 sure this is a big bear i'm sure 90 sure it's him but he's been right here every morning after we hammered that bear i didn't care 30 bears spread out across here that's your bear we got the bear you know we may actually be able to look at bear over and compare the other video yep i think the face i think we look at the face i think i'll be able to tell because we saw a lot of that bear's face on day number one at about 40 yards as he was looking at us about five different times i thought you know i've been waiting all my life to do this and i've been waiting a year and a half to come hunt with you billy and the first damn day i get here a bear charges me that's all i had in my mind and i looked up at that bear i couldn't believe we were 30 yards from a thousand pound bear i just um they're like what the hell am i doing here leaning behind a stupid back look at that thing laying down there that is unbelievable it's a mound of bear i'll tell you another thing guys need to understand no matter how close you are up here the distances look they're longer than they look they're a lot further i would have said that was about 150 yards and it was over 200. yeah i'll arrange it right now and see what we got barry your dream just came true buddy you got a heck of a bear it sure did i i i just thank god i just thank god that bear we get down there i might be able to actually talk a little bit more coherently right now i'm just i don't know what to say you know my whole life is based on me being able to communicate with people now i can't even talk to one person thanks billy you betcha nice shooting made my my dream come true you really have well we were talking about what a good story would be if we actually got this bear after chasing them two days and these big bears that's what they do often times they come down and feed at first light they boogie we were just i i figured when we saw him that's right where we first spotted him i looked down and i'm like there there he is it's just a dark bear i looked at him yeah it's a big bear it's got to be him and i was expecting that by the time we got here he would be moving up the creek but we knew this trail so well we made good time coming down buddy i think it was worth it you leave in your pack because i mean you were right on my heels we got up here i said as soon as he lifts his foot put yours in it yep make sure he can't get two steps ahead of you yeah you did perfect i was jumping to get in some of them but yeah i love it when it comes together we got a bear let's go get your pack we'll come down there and take a look at this bugger nah that ain't him barry he's not as big as that other bear psych that's him that is him [Applause] that's him and i can see your first shot just playing his day [Applause] i guarantee you that's him you see his ears he's got those uh light-colored tips on his ears that's him that's a 10-foot brown bear barry [Applause] look at the hind end on that bugger you see your shot this is exactly because we saw it we did we watched the footage back saw it blow out behind the front leg look at look at the hind in on that sucker i mean he he's a big old fat bear [Applause] what i'd be willing to bet money that's him [Applause] it's a fine bear [Applause] can you pick it can you pick his head up he's got a melon on him he was worth holding out for oh my no no not worried i know i don't know that at them bears heads oh my god he is a bacon somebody going back here oh yeah i know i hit him in the rump at least once maybe even both my shots as he's running that's a monster that is that is a monster bear i i i can't believe that the size of that animal maybe i can hold them off or something it's a good sized paw wait he's got a little mark there in his elbow [Applause] how wide what are you uh yeah put your hand up against his paw there yeah that's a wide paw that's a big bear yeah he's gonna be right at the 10 foot mark i think he's got ripped up ears ripped up lips here we'll be able to get a better shot i guess but yeah he's got a lot of missing teeth bear's probably going to be pushing 20 years old yeah there we go there'll help you yeah it's an old bear [Music] a real old bear got a nasty canines are chipped up a little bit but pretty good shape though but yeah that's an old bear okay so let's just get a visual here's a 200-pound mound next to that bear there that showed you the size of a man the bear was in a perfect position for the a good shot i kept remembering make sure the first shot counts because anything can happen after that first shot uh i don't know what all went through my mind at that time i looked down there and i'm like that's a dream of my lifetime it's about ready to happen i i just couldn't believe that bear was down there i didn't even really i just saw it with the big bear it was a beautiful [Applause] dark brown bear then i realized it really hit me that this probably it was exactly the same bear that uh uh didn't think we were even worth being around so i gotta thank billy moles for being patient with me and he ran me up this up this valley two days in a row i thought we were ready to run it three days in a row which i really i kept saying i don't know if i could but i could if i had to do it again i would but thanks billy and again i want to thank my wife for giving me the motivation to be here thank god for creating such a place where you can come and hunt like this 360 view to see how long that barriers getting a few little rain showers and just how small his head looks at the end of that big body i mean he's just laying on the ground so i mean he's flattened out you stand him up got a fair bit of video of him in the last couple days but yeah he's a dandy he's everything we thought he we thought he was right from the get-go yes canines are chipped we're out of here take us home onward and upward 10 foot six without a tail that's his that's his tail he has no tail there's my size 12 and his feet my size 12s look dinky can't even see his whole feet there yeah hello karen uh we're great we're great we got a bear this morning yeah we got a bear this morning uh yeah and it was off the same looking knob we took off on a race again uh he measured a little over 10 and a half feet oh it's a monster bear it's a terrible lifetime it's unbelievable yeah it's huge you you you have no idea you i mean we took lots of pictures lots of pictures we had a great hunt i i couldn't ask for anything more great place to stay and great company great guy thank you barry ditto congratulations thank you very thank you very much travel light yeah what the hell was i [Music] [Applause] [Music] thinking my wife she's always trying to watch out for me and give me the things that i need she actually bought me some of the modern day man dvds and they were so fascinating i watched them over and over again and pretty soon you know it was i was getting to the point where that's really all i wanted to watch but uh karen come down one day my wife carried my wife and she said uh well you know why don't you call him up and go hunting and i said i you know i i think that's you know that's really over the top you know i mean you know he doesn't really want to take a guy like me huh and i said i had to hold him back i said i got she said well you don't know she said give him a call i ended up giving billy mold a call and it was the best thing i ever did we talked a couple times he got me on the brown bear hunt i originally uh talked about going on a sheep hunt and i'm glad i didn't because it was it was just been too much to start with uh for those people who are watching this the hunters that are watching this you have if you think you've worked out enough you haven't you know if you haven't worked out with a pack on you better get one put about 50 pounds in it and you better put some miles on hike uphill downhill i cross country don't hike on the trail don't hike on pavement because it takes that to get ready to enjoy this hunt for three days we ran across the tundra trying to catch up to the bear that we finally got you know don't want to spend too much time talking about that i mean guys you know just you know how to get yourself fit but uh i want to take time to thank my wife my wife karen is an absolute angel she watches that for me actually she spoils me to death but she actually really is the one that inspired me to call billy moles and go on this hunt to her i say i love you and thank you so much you know this is a hunt of a lifetime it was a dream come true and uh next year uh i'll be hunting with billy in the brooks range sheep hunting one more person i want to thank and that's uh stacey moles i uh i don't know how you have the the insight to understand what your husband's dreams are i've been around a lot of guides and a lot of people that hunt and they always seem to be they treat you nice but get you in camp get you hunted and get you home billy's taking care of me just like one of my sons and take care of me and i love him for him you know he made the dream of my life come true the bear i got was not just a bear it was it was the bear of a lifetime i i wouldn't even i wouldn't know how to talk that you know i i just don't so stacia thank you for uh understand what your husband what inspires him and brings him back this land and making it comfortable for him to do that but right now we're both glad that uh he's gonna get out of here maybe a little bit early maybe uh it's possible and he'll get come home to see the daughter he's never seen before when he told me that i almost i almost felt bad that i was here i just because i have children and i know what it would be like not to see them i mean for over two months he had he hadn't seen his daughter and uh he needed to go home just to see her so thank you and thank you for letting me borrow your husband for a few short days thank you 10 a.m october 4th morning after barry took that big bear we're waiting for the planes we can hear them coming yep there's a there are the planes coming over the ridge it's been a heck of a season if i don't get back out again i'm actually going home for uh a few days then i'm heading coming back for to hunt kodiak for three weeks but heck of a season one i'll never forget especially this hunt this one kind of just capped off the season that's for sure but uh i'm ready to go home see my family spend some family time and and i'll be back i'll be back soon enough but fantastic season it's the alaskan armada bret and curt it's like an air show pretty much no wind today which is an extremely rare deal in this country kurt's going to taxi out of the road for brett nicely done gentlemen coming home mama [Applause] gentlemen gentle man morning holy calm yeah it's almost scary it is scary calm before the storm doesn't feel right congratulations oh my goodness thanks good job man he did that exactly i had a good guy no you're [ __ ] yeah somebody walked over from the bearing side we uh i know there's just a little bit of wind crossed up it just is no wind it just ain't going to win okay it's one occupation where it pays to smoke home brett there's so many occupations with the face of smoke especially in alaska everyone you've ever had [Music] down there billy i'm on even she even starts on the first pull isn't that cool pretty darn nice [Music] where'd you guys get a lot better billy uh right off the left wing tip right down below this little knob on the other side of it or this side on the other side down in the creek yeah right off the river yeah there's a little knob down there that's right on the river right another little feeder that comes right in there yeah i've shot a few bears right there the salmon kind of hold right below that you know trying to figure out which way to go seems to be a pretty good spot how cool that's a nice bear there's a good bear there's one dirt shooter over here oh he's on him yeah that's a good bear [Music] [Music] i just seen a big whale tail go under the water over here let's see if i can see him [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy sh that is so cool there's a bunch of them oh yeah you're rolling over dude that is so cool look at this one big dude over here oh yeah big old tail wow dude that is so cool how'd that work that's good the local marine biologist kurt bettingfield said they are gray whales absolutely that's what we're going with now this is living flying on the alaska peninsula listening to ozzy osbourne checking out whales we're not even out of gas [Music] oh we gotta wait till we're over the water for that [Music] look at you all showered up look at this nice look like a million bucks i got no bear crease under my fingernails no more sweet pretty freaking nice day [Music] good later to minneapolis paul was right there to pick me up 80 degrees this sucks there's my little boo-boo they're waiting for me yeah just don't run over my dog i guess there's mate on her cowgirl boots boo boo's waving look at that little turd been a long two months oh boo boo she's not gonna recognize me oh little charlie god i've missed her i've missed her oh she's peeking look at her peeking hi boo-boo hi matteo hey daddy boy hey old me dad hi you remember me dash huh oh yeah yeah i'm matia oh did you get the first hug oh yeah she she was so cute running down the way can't remember when charlie was mistaken [Music] yeah she has no idea who i am i thought she would kind of know she holds her head good already yeah yes she's pretty strong gosh i gotta get used to doing this again yeah i hold her like yeah she's not in a good mood she's ignoring you she's like looking down and kind of uploads no up just like this guy she does grunt a lot doesn't it yeah oh yeah and she always seems uncomfortable if she's not yeah does she not like it with her head up i forgot how to take away yeah she lost her hair again yeah oh frankie oh [Music] why don't you we quack said the duck that's what ducks do quack quack said the duck bass said the sheep and the cow said the dog along came dog information on other dvds books and modern day mountain man apparel log on to billymolesadventures.com here you'll also find information on alaskan hunting opportunities with billy for doll sheep caribou moose brown bear grizzly bear as well as white-tailed deer hunting in wisconsin when he's not guiding billy travels across the country as a public speaker his experience knowledge and passion for nature along with his unmatched ability to relate his wilderness adventures to any audience are the cornerstones of his dynamic one-of-a-kind presentations a master storyteller billy presents at corporate events schools universities conservation organizations wild game dinners christian outreaches and much more just like the alaskan wilderness no one leaves a billy moles presentation the same person as they enter it log on or call for more information
Channel: Billy Molls Adventures
Views: 163,090
Rating: 4.7856774 out of 5
Keywords: Spring brown bear hunting, Kodiak brown bear hunting, Alaska grizzly bear hunting, Record book bear, boone and crockett, Alaska hunting video, Black bear hunt, polar bear hunting
Id: cpkKNNTh5AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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