Bad Grizzly Week, I Should Be Dead ( remake)

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all right so here we go this is a repeat jury I think he's already had a million sub hits on it and unfortunately I made this video was it two or three years ago it was right after his healing that mosquito bite and more or less just kind of playing and as somebody's first discovering that everybody was actually really loved in the hunt down stories and you know on the editing program I mentioned it before there was any additional sounds put into edit into the the video it's the volume sounded great on the editing program but for some weird reason when you load it up to YouTube the the attitude sounds go way higher and it distorts and ruins everything yeah uh and back then the this sounds weren't recorded in stereo either so anyway this story needs to be retold so it's a little more clearer there's definitely gonna be thousands of people out there I've heard of the story app it's a doozy and as well the audio from this is gonna be used in a new podcast which is gonna be launching within a month so here we go and just so you guys know I mean I don't know why my memories have been on fire since I was a kid I could remember the craziest conversations and experiences very very accurately and that's probably why I can tell a story well a recollection story well I don't stop the scripted I don't write I don't write anything down it's just I'll even think us try to remember some stories to tell us and driving down the road I go yeah I remember that time or I'll be having a beer with buddies and honey camp forever and tell [ __ ] stories and all sudden I remember a cool one and oh man I got to tell that story and they'll forget it again like right now I know there's a handful of stories that completely forget but I'll I'll remember them eventually and I get him shared on here this story goes back about I don't usually you know people you called me I usually say I don't know six seven years four or five years I just Ravel those numbers up if I had to really sit I don't think accurately this story happened probably eight years ago possibly nine and once again not a gun guy not a guns I've never reloaded anything in my life and a gun is like a tool is to a mechanic is what a gun is to me had a 300 ultra-mega Remington 700 which is best basically a small missile launcher and it's a gun that I use it keeps me keep anybody fair is secure between the years for when if and when pause the 1 million goes down the ship flies with a large grizzly charge or any kind of charge you know wouldn't admissible Musa or whatever it's a very significant piece of equipment to use to keep you safe and stop a charging large game animal a friend of mine who's writing the guns have worked up a bunch of loads for this particular rifle my 300 ultramatic you know to be straight upon us over the years of my hunting career the only rounds I've ever seen fail are from hand loads I've never had a round fail that I've bought from Vox from the shelf in a store ever and to be honest I don't got a good near hand loads anymore ever and you know when I first told the story a lot of people I think I seen in this comment about 5,000 times how would you ever trust anybody hand loads don't ever trust date about his hand loads well I don't it was once it was once okay and like I said I'm not the gun guy I'm not the real of gun Millie with it and when you a lot of profess somewhat professional gun handler gun enthusiasts reload your bullets you know familiar with it you're not gonna think that it's a bad thing to do and obviously I do now so this is what happened I had these shells reloaded for me and off I go in the guy camp for the seasons just so you know once I leave the highway well my rifle goes and scabbard of my saddle my horse I have I load the thing up never put one in the tube and those rounds stay in my rifle basically for the whole guide season because you don't unload your your rifle completely when he gets into camp because you never know when you possibly may need to have that firearm obviously you're in the middle of frickin nowhere and where we were this particular season is we're about a 10 hour horseback ride north of the Alaska Highway about halfway between the Yukon border and Fort Nelson how's that for positioning remote I mean when we go back in those mountains there's nobody new buddy you know the moose the the grizzly the the mountain sheep a stone sheep elk they see us and they see us only for a few months of the year and once we leave that's it during that this time Rosie bear-hunting was still open in British Columbia and it will be open again mark my words where we hunt grizzly bears they typically avoid us like the frickin plague they are scared shitless of us which on average any popular hunts a game animal is terrified of us big-time and they they show us a big wide berth the space where they come across as their smells or see us you know you'll hear people on online or on hunting forums the the true paranoid people I call them their attire terrified of bears it's always the same people that say they get charged every single year I mean while their weekend warrior style hunters they're not full-time hunting guides and believe me that does not happen that common you know in all the year what I've been at at this gig for twenty years guiding plus they're running around British Club me hunting for I don't know thirty seven years and I have been charged by Grizzlies unprovoked charged like bluff charge I've had a few Bluff charges big deal they have fun they pop a name they bounce towards a few times and that's about it you know a lot of people got charged by grizzly bear all right well I could say that about those incidents but actually what happened was it was Bob jr. grizzly scared them they help the puffed out me jumped out me twice and turned around check off no big deal if you tell me you were charged by grizzly bear what I believe it grizzly charges when their ears go back they focus on you and they're coming out you do it 40 miles an hour that's a bear charge okay not a bluff charge anyway it's not that often and probably 99% of the grief I've ever had with predators I started at first okay as from hunches wounding memory me Stockman to kill them in getting busted or on the shot and that's what's when I've had my grief except for one time now this particular fall like I said we got the same rounds are in the gun for the whole fall okay and it's the September to start off with it's September 1st to 10th hunt it's the first time and it's usually a moose and elk combo hunt and possibly grizzly if the guy's going to tech and this particular high know how to move some milk check got from the states and we're on this Ridge a sharp Ridge like this and went down and then connected to a mountain face in front of us and on this side of the ridge was a big basin and that Southern Ridge big basin went down you lost across and call for a moose or elk and either side on the top of this Ridge was maybe about 10 yards wide and there's a major kickass game trail on the top of it if you had a long top of this Ridge and they would dip down about 10 or 15 yards and in depth and then it went dip back up and straight up that mountain face and before I got on to that Ridge we're way back the other end of it about 400 yards and I could see this huge salad grizzly bear on that face with their three three-year-old Cubs and you can see him here I took a video of them this is the actual bears right here better grazing away grazing away and the Sun's up it's getting kind of warmer out September and nothing should we call him and I didn't want to go out on that Ridge and start calling yet I want to see where those bears were gonna go and they were going their way up the mountain you know they were probably as the crow flies when they finally lay down and went to sleep way up there I don't know I bet they're a thousand yards away probably and that's a long ways away and I watch them and there's a burn up there and it's a get up a tree line and they disappear in the final lay down over there somewhere but they were predominately going uphill and away feeding away threat gun so we went on the ridge and I called for Alec over here b-before out I'm calling from this over there really an hour it's getting hot it's too hot oh but you know when you're guiding you don't go back to camp and I always urge people when you go in for yourself talk about to camp you leave in the dark come back in the dark you stay out there all day long you don't know when it's gonna happen and it's definitely not gonna happen if you're sitting account so what we typically do is we go we had hard for the morning until it gets real hot out in early season and then we do what the game does you lay down you have arrest me relax and your weight during that hot afternoon so I did a bit of calling throughout an hour that was happening my hunter he's having a snooze I'm sitting there Glasson and then I'm kind of laying back for a minute and then I hear him wrestling I kind of listed min hear him he goes hey yeah here's something what and now that dip in the trails right below us right there right up on this little hub and it's it's willow you know Willowby up to here deep and he goes here's something right down here and I'm thinking what the hell is it you know maybe it's could be something come on game trail so I came over and I'm listening and I look ahead and on an angle right there about 15 yards off sent a grizzly bear one of those one of those three cubs stood up through your cups - I was looking at me don't let go [ __ ] don't run don't run and all sudden the other put one pops at me one first time I go don't run to the hunter but meanwhile too late he you're already booked he turned her around and took off this the first because you've got this stood up you turn around check out and you know what I don't mind that at all because if you you know you can look you can google up a couple of the latest grizzly tax past few years a couple guys got shot by accident while the attack was going down from one was a panic guide shot the hunter I think another got shot his dad backs in or something that's what happens so if that's gonna go down I definitely don't need a guy who's terrified winging it loaded rifle around if there's a bear charged especially four of them I don't need to get shot in the back of the head bags and so anyways moving along he took off so I'm standing there and I've got my Ultra Mac and I got one in there too and I'm aiming at these things and the three cubs stood up and the mum stood out and looked at me these things are 15 yards away and if you know anything about bear encounters and charges she should have charged me why she didn't talk to me that afternoon is beyond me I haven't why should even Bluff charge I haven't a freaking clue it's still to this day it's amazing I'm so fortunate she didn't attack me it's mind-boggling but anyway I'm totally calm I mean I got a freaking cannon in my hands at Otakon I'm aiming at her and I'm not yelling at her you know a lot of people yell and scream that predators when they see when they have a close encounter you know with a black bear for sure because they're black bears coming at you he's coming at you to kill you to eat you there's no other reason or a big cat they're coming to kill you to eat you and they're testing to see how much of a struggle it's actually gonna be to kill you so you do want to scream and make noises and lunge out of it throw sticks out of and throw rocks at her and be aggressive that's when you do that but with the grizzly bear especially a sow with three three-year-old cubs that are at the age that where they attack you - you do not scream and yell at them and get aggressive you do not want to raise the energy of that situation with her at all costs you don't do that so I stood there and I'm talking calm in this tone I'm talking right now and I just got the gun here I'm like don't do it mom I'm a human being and I'm gonna blow your head off you know like do not do it don't do it and I'm totally calm because if she is gonna come and get me she's downhill I just dropped my knee and I'll shoot her in the face and that'll be the end of it and if I have to shoot another one of those Cubs I'll shoot it - so he's cool and I got high percent conference my weapon and myself and every time and then so she drops down and she starts ripping back-and-forth growling and hissing and making these disgusting sounds and she's repping back and forth growling and I couldn't quite see her because just a buck brush and will is moving like you know it's pretty tense situation obviously and the Cubs are looking at her and they're looking at me and looking at her and almost like he could almost read them you know it's almost like they're like a weekend together now mom are we gonna get him we're gonna get him and then um and she ripped back and forth probably two or three times and then poof she ripped off inside and she kept on going and then all the cards dropped down and they all my weather I don't like all right game on chalk that went up it's another experience right no take note I pulled that round out with the bolt pushed it back down and move the bolt over top of it and that's how my gun rides that's how it stays all right now moving along that hunt got done he actually went home with a real nice big elk I don't think he did get a moose he missed a moose he was two moose it about eight yards in timber that was joy and now I got another guy Henry from California great guy piss out Kent King Henry King Henry the trail-mix and peanuts and stuff mixes and you've seen a shelf two states that's him big STI Safari Club International member great guy behind with experienced hunter and we had some misfortune and Harry knocked down a monster won the biggest bull moose I ever [ __ ] seen we knocked it down and go took off we lost it and and I remember I went looking for that moose for a couple days and with that same gun with the same round and potentially you know a couple days later still trying to find that moose it didn't die but if it did you know you're potentially gonna come up on that move so the huge grill sitting on top of it in thick bush and in you know more often than not that bear is gonna rush you and attack you so now thankfully that didn't happen but it's that was the thought that came in the back of my mind you know I went looking for that wounded potentially dead moose with this gun with those same rounds from the gun and then then what happened so then another day during that hunt after that episode we woke up and it was absolute shady and Stormo is pissing rain and fog and everything a nobody's going out so we slept in skating camp then they started clearing up around noon and I have a spot not too far from camp where you got to go behind the cabins down to the creek pasture shower still up the mean horse trail up to the timber and over the first rise and over that first rise I tie up horses and we hiked down about two hundred to where I took a chainsaw years ago and I cut out this big opening so I could glass to all the mountain slopes even farther again for big moose and sheep and have a little fire whatever so it's a nice close hunt it's good for days like this we got a half day so we went there in left camp take note now we left camp around noon maybe one o'clock so we've got a few our hunt through the afternoon so we ride up there and the trails been there for since 1968 or something I mean this is a major horse trail right close to camp is pounded down it's got dirt on it and tracks really show up on a real good so we wrote take note this is creepy [ __ ] we rode up the trail tied the horses up and hiked down a thick bush to this opening and sat there glass for a few hours and then it's you know it's probably an hour to get to get you know lastly we got it like me before it 40 minutes to get back to camp we start heck back up with horses we get the horses and we're riding back down the trail when we get about halfway down and I see you know glass tell me go [ __ ] look at the girls a bear tracks right on top for horse prints coming up the trail behind us from when we first came up check this you know look it's bear he's okay that's a pretty good one they go yeah that's pretty big there you know he came up the tricking trailer in the middle of the day behind us which is odd because you know 90% of grizzly bears are nocturnal in that country so I should where we hunt him especially big all boars they're never out in daylight you know next and ever so we're riding down the trail and now we're getting close to camping camps right down there downhill about 300 from us and no other horses running on the bells on him like and his track is still in the trail Mike what the hell so this grizzly had actually came on top of our trail almost from camp in the middle of a afternoon you know we got two little boys in camp - it's just kind of odd so what I was thinking was okay obviously this bear was kind of valley coming up the creek looked up saw camp uh-oh and jumped on the Hurst trail and went to go around camp and went up trail that's my brains telling me obviously so I'm watching for track still and I'm all the way down to the creek where we get our drinking water we're shower stalls right there and his tracks came from right there going up the trail be honest I'm like holy [ __ ] man so now it's getting gloomy light it's getting real it's very very getting dark out and we go up to the hitching post top the horses on solid put on the bells and hobbles off they go and we went into our know by then Henry and the other hunter were in the cabin and I am getting undressed out of my [ __ ] in the guide cabin because I had it you know on saddle horses no [ __ ] and then I'm coming around the front porch of the cook Shack the air strips are there cook shock and here comes this fricking grizzly bear ripping around the front to the [ __ ] cabin I'm in the cabin I dive in the cabin slam the door marks like 8000 frickin gun in here they're gonna hear me mark had a thirty out six in there my ultra magaz in my other cabin and we open up the cabin door again and this thing's I grab our make oh he's disgusting freaking slobbering sounds it wasn't a monster bear is a boars it was thank you his seven foot I think it's seven foot four or seven foot six but anyway here's this freaking bear trying to get us in the porch of the unbelievable never happened before and so we slammed the door again like holy [ __ ] shoot that frickin thing man shoot it like without you shoot that let me shoot that bear that thing's obviously got some emotional problems and he can't have a bear like that doing things like that in camps with a couple kids or any camp and a Wrangler who's got to go out get horse in the morning for one I'm wearing the dark so we open out the door again boom mark drilled it and so it goes it goes running around camp again launches off off the bank in the willow and you can hear this thing gurgling in Indian growling sound the willow and I said to mark I go you know I said to mark I go we let's go in there finish that's let's go finish him quick because you do not want to shoot a grizzly bear in camp and have it go disappear in the willow and not know where it went and not know if it's dead you do not you don't want that to happen that's very very bad so I go running to my cabin put on my headlamp grab a rifle Jack wooden the tube the same round that I've been jacking the tube since the beginning of the fall and I go running into the willow towards the sound of this grizzly bear gurgling and growling and spitting in there in the bush right there Willis this deep you can't see him I got the headlamp on and and I come up on him and he's right there and he's now any you know he's dead he's dying his lungs were actually hanging out the other side of him there's a perfect shop in 30.6 mark drilled him one and I don't have to shoot the gun you can see a picture of the bear right here this is him right here and so it's pretty exciting i jacked that round out and push it back down a rifle again and then we went back to camp and the next day we had to spend the day skinning that thing out and getting rid of the carcass because you don't need that carcass in camp and you ask grizzly see Dad Grizzlies and we got the carcass either dra get off of the horse and the skin though filled out we all filled out witness reports for the Conservation Service and that's what went down so now a grizzly tag came available and we were gonna go Henry is contemplating buying the tag and his kind of finding C's ask me is like what do you think should I get the tag and I'm like dude get the tag trust me get the girls like tag will get a monster hunkers the gulch and then you he waffled on getting the tag and I'll show you the bear we videotaped here that day cuz he goes let's just go and see if we can find a bear first and I'm like dude we're gonna have time your hunts over in two days or three days and you need to buy that tag 24-hour hours before you go hunting them and you did buy the tag and sure enough we found this monster [ __ ] bear check this thing out easily over eight feet and we found him but anyway back backpedaling before that day now they realize we're potentially gonna go looking for grizzly bears intentionally I said Henry I go capable of shooter guns you know we've been through a lot here in this hunt and now let's just make sure a guns are still on so Henry pumped went out of his rifle and still on I jerked that same round into my rifle the same round that I was pointing at that sound three Cubs that should have attacked me the same round I had in my gun when I was going through thick bush potentially looking for a two-day-old moose carcass the same round that I went running into the willow with the headlamp on to finish that grizzly bear with I already got a hole in it and imagine if it came lunging at me that same round and took a shot I pulled the trigger and nothing happened it went click I'm like what and then I looked at it I opened up the bolt and pulled that empty shell out and a wisp of smoke come out of their shell and the barrel was clogged and uh my buddy back home who had hand loaded all those shells had forgot I don't know I don't think I don't know anything about hand loading you guys don't ask me how I haven't a frickin clue all I know is is there is no gunpowder in that shell and the primer was enough to push the lead into the into the tube so once I realized what potentially everything I had just gone through the last two weeks my knees I remember vividly still never I'll see my meat my knees started to turn into rubber and wobble and because I should be dead I should not have survived that you know magic facts al did came flying at me what she should have I would have pulled the trigger nothing would have happened I would automatically just jack the other in there pull the trigger again would have blew the gun up in my face and she would have finished the job and tore me to living rat [ __ ] I would have died 100% I would have died I should have died the bear oh yeah and take note when I to the girls II tried to get us in camp try get me you camp get us I want to find out where that thing came from the next day and I backtracked it and you're not gonna believe this so that bear was in camp at noon it followed my hunch or not Henry and I all the way up that followed us up the trail we tied up the horses and went down set it sat on us up there somewhere it's sat on us and then that bear followed us all the way back to camp and then decided to charge on the porch is that not a mentally handicapped emotionally disturbed fricking one-in-a-billion grizzly bear like that moment that episode right there is absolutely mind-boggling fricking amazing I still cannot believe it like it girls the drug guy ok ok he wants to kick my ass somebody's ass he's already sitting on me in the thick bush up there that bear could have killed both of us at any time he decided to that's how how much the out class s versus sitting there talking about hoons over [ __ ] and using her spots go binocular at a mountain you would never suspect from 10 seconds there's a mature and girls Lea bear stalking your ass behind you from downwind to the thick bush he would kill us both like that why he didn't kill us both then I have a freaking clue why he followed us from the thick Willard whited and pounced on us in the willow at camp at noon instead he followed us all that the trail sat on us why didn't outs on us up there having a clue and then he followed us all the way down and then he said let's get it on the capital account yet they got they at the cabin absolutely fricking crazy stupid bizarre but get back that round imagine if when I went running in there to finish them off from a headlamp he was very much alive and I went click he would have been on me shredding the living [ __ ] out of me mark would have blown him off he would 30.6 for a certain who knows what kind of shape I would have been in by the time he managed that but that made me feel absolutely sick and then it's funny abroad I see Henry another hunter has satellite phone and I got the satellite phone I feel my buddy hey man we were joking about you drinking and and not putting gunpowder in my round so we'll just guess what guess what just went down I'm gonna got off the phone you said it just about puked when I told him that and I like to get wobbly and you know what I I had developed a shake I would I would I must have took every round out of my rifle for the rest that fall and shook it and felt it to make sure his powder in it I'll bet you I did that I did it all day I did that with my rifle probably every half hour 15 minutes I couldn't stop myself I developed a shake you know for a lot of you people said you can't shake and feel the gunpowder in a bullet oh yes you can and when I did first did this video and other people said oh yeah like you would notice the difference in the weight in the shell when you when you put her in your rifle like you would even think of that me me I got bullets I got around sitting all over the place or in the ashtray on my truck they're in my pocket and my vest I got you know and I'll get a I get a few of them at a time I'm not picking up a freaking round going oh does this have gunpowder in it nobody does that you can have a hand pull out of the box Bing Bing Bing you put them in your rifle you're done get your head out of your ass for all you dumbasses that this said I should have felt the weight of the ground being different no unless you're intentionally looking for it paranoid worried wondering if there's no gunpowder in the round but no you don't ever i've never wondered that before in my life I don't know anybody that has so there you go that is what happened and that is one of it's not that exciting the story but I will tell you what that is one of the most creepy and seen episodes of my entire outdoor career I've ever lived through I just can't believe it you know I mean I should have pulled the trigger on that round two or three different times plug the tube with the chunk of lead jack neither when they're pulled the trigger blew my face off and got an alley batgirls Iver unbelievable I think about that one the amount of one in a millions it happened that is this entire past story is is a little bit much but that's what happened and I definitely don't wish that upon anybody else and I know there's gonna be 10,000 comments on this video after its launch of you saying never trust somebody's downloads never trust anybody's hand loads ever what are you thinking there you go I said it now you don't even have to comment it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Facts By Howtohunt . com
Views: 77,346
Rating: 4.9068956 out of 5
Keywords: grizzly attack, joe rogan, jre, howtohunt, hunting, danger, bowhunting, bear hunting, grizzly hunting, jim shockey, elk, deer, moose, sheep, backpack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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