Grilling 21 lamb chops | pops on the Weber 22 inch charcoal grill

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hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is todd sassy kitchen queen and tonight this is Easter Eve but we're gonna cook you some lamb rack of lamb and some lamb lollipops stick around what's that what's that sound somebody walking in the background oh hold on a second what is that oh right sure okay rice shirt and we're gonna put you on mute hey sorry so anyway yeah hey guys welcome back to channel and we really hope that guys would subscribe to this channel before we get starting this video and be sure to hit that Bell so you don't miss a thing and now we're gonna go ahead and start well what are we gonna do tonight I'm going well we're going to be barbecuing a couple of small racks of lamb and some lamb lollipops I'm going to prepare a herbal paste for the lamb chops right so we're gonna cut up the lamb chops err I look at him as baby Tomahawks succulent delicious baby Tomahawks yellow and bite and this was an accident of even be able to get some because of this all this bug craziness going on here I was walking through our local discount chain and I bumped into him I swear to god they weren't on the main rack and my butcher I asked the butcher hey you got a lamb chops or whatever and he's like oh I got him on a display over there at a in another freezer I never even look in that other place so I went over there and I found them good price it was the last ones they had and this was Friday so we're gonna start with making this delicious kind of a paste oil and she's careful pace she's gonna show us so go ahead and take that off I mean you go ahead and take that away take that off take one off you take it off ok everyone welcome back we're gonna start making our paste and here are the ingredients that you're going to need for this paste here we have some fresh herbs from our garden this is my rosemary we're going to need about a tablespoon of that here's some fresh thyme we've got some fresh parsley that I've already chopped up we've got about a heaping tablespoon of minced garlic and we're gonna need about almost a tablespoon of the lemon zest we're gonna put some olive oil in our avocado oil actually it's my preference today we're gonna use about 3 tablespoons of this we're gonna put a pinch of salt I think I'm gonna put a squeeze of lemon in it and so I'm gonna do is start all of this in in my little handy dandy chopper here ok so if you don't have one of these you need to get one it will make your life a lot easier I started the paste in here because I wanted to see how finely it would chop it it does a fabulous job but I have out my muddler just in case it doesn't grind well enough so I started in here but I'm gonna put the rest of the ingredients I need in here and get started so really what you need is a cup of parsley depends on how big your rack of lamb is we're not doing a full bridled brat or a rack of lamb we're just doing like small racks so I've kind of cut the recipe in half but the recipe will be on the channel so we're gonna go ahead and what the only thing we're gonna do in here is we're gonna chop our ingredients so I'm just gonna put this right up here really strong herb the rosemary so you don't need too too much of that this lamb is gonna be yummy just a little more of the time I'm gonna go ahead and chop this up brighten this up you want it to be super fine because you're going to be making a paste out of it put this mixture inside this little glass bowl it looks like a lot when you first put it in there but we're gonna take this garlic and we're gonna mix it in we're going to go ahead and we're going to put a nice pinch of kosher salt we're gonna put in our 3 tablespoons of olive oil then we're going to add our lemon zest now you can eyeball this I need about a tablespoon just keep spinning your lemon around oh I can smell that smell so good that is almost there this is juicy this is a Meyer lemon off my Meyer lemon tree alright that's about a nice full tablespoons right there okay then I'm gonna go ahead and just mix this up we may need a little more avocado oil I'm not sure yet let me smell this oh gosh this smells so good that lemon zest is wonderful this is gonna be really nice on that lamb I'm gonna go ahead and just put another few drops of the avocado oil I actually really want to taste this to see how it tastes so let's see hmm that's good okay so here we have our paste for our lamb alright guys so as you could see here we got some lamb lollipops here which are just beautiful just pull them out of the fridge and as you can see these are like baby tomahawks well only better and then we have a couple of these racks of lamb here again just pull them out of the cryovac these things let me tell you they were packed so well double wrapped and they were in some kind of a fabric lining I swear these things were really well packed so we're gonna go ahead and leave the membrane on yeah I started to test one little edge here and it it was just so tender I'm just gonna leave them on there but what we are gonna do is we're going to separate these because we're gonna cook them all like like little little tomahawk steaks okay with some of the Sassy's seasoning there so we're gonna do here baby let me ask you because that path seems to have a little fat cap on that side is that good fat oh I think we're good with this just like a good ribeye I think you know I'm leaving it now this is these things are just too many too tender to start screwing around with so okay so again I'm gonna leave this fat here these are very delicate we're not even gonna pull this membrane I think some other people I've done that before but I started to pull off my membrane and it was just so delicate you know I'm pretty sure this is pretty delicate membrane so the way we're gonna cut this I think it's gonna be easier by seeing the bone on this side I'm gonna go right down the middle here just so I can preserve as much meat on each one of these bones as possible and I'm just gonna go up here and eyeball all right this one looks like it's an end piece babe what do you think should just go through it right here I'm not sure what that is so I'll just put that right there and continue cutting again going right down the middle just a little bit of a turn right there yeah well they're meaty all right nice nice and meaty okay I definitely don't want to make some better than others so I'm gonna do my best to get right down the middle so I keep as much meat on these things as possible kind of take a turn boy don't they look like mini Tom Hawkes I don't just so tender I can just feel it just wants to fall off the bone I'm glad I didn't take that membrane off I really recommend you guys be very careful with these knives they take off a finger that's interesting these are for us we're not serving in a restaurant definitely be tasty alright guys I'm gonna head out back fire up that Webber the SAS is gonna get to seasoning these beautiful lamb up okay here we go we're gonna put the paste on these little lamb tenderer oneis here and I just want to mention something real quick about the pace that I made here you could also use sage be a sage rosemary and thyme together they're really strong ingredients so you can use one of the three or you can use three and just don't use as much because rosemary is really strong so what we're gonna do now is we're going to go ahead and we're gonna put a little pinch of salt on every one of these are you happy Nikolas okay so these are all soft stuff with my pace this is an herbal paste and so we're gonna get grilling all right guys while sassy is in there getting those lamb chops ready to go on the Weber I'm gonna go ahead and fire up some coals so what I'm using tonight are these lighter cubes by Weber they're basically paraffin wax there's no taste to them at all and that's what I want I don't want to use any kind of lighter fluid or anything that's going to introduce the bad taste I'm gonna take two of these paraffin cubes and just light the chimney and tonight I'm just using this plain-jane charcoal nothing special about it there we go now for whatever it's worth I'm gonna be using some of these cherry chunks in here they're not going to be on there long enough to take on any smoke but just you know I got them sit around why not hey also these lamb chops don't take long at all to cook much less than the sake I figure probably two minutes per side so I'm going to be watching really closely I don't want to go beyond medium-rare and I definitely don't want to burn them so so I'll be back in about 20 minutes okay I think we're ready to get them on here all right baby you can go ahead and bring them on over okay so right now I'm gonna watch my clock my watch and I only want to go two minutes aside so I got 21 of these put on here so I'm gonna start over here and I'll do my best to time it there we go okay set your clock two minutes I do like that the cherry is charring up really nicely I'm gonna take a peek under one of these okay starting to char a little bit that's good all right it's okay to peek okay I'm go ahead and start flipping these no it's not getting as brown as I thought so I'm just gonna leave that on there peek in its one little trick guys that that I learned actually here on YouTube is uh when meat is still sticking it's not ready to be released yet so if you're going for that crusty sear yet we'll let you know when to pull it off okay I might be taking a chance with these delicious pieces of meat but I think that's gonna you know if you notice how I uh I put the meat obviously toward the two baskets over here I think that'll work this one's a this guy's really fatty guy right here so I'm sure he'll cook faster I'm gonna get a separate second set of tongs here all right so I'm gonna take that lid all the way off so I can get these turned around I got a second set of tongs here to help me out okay so it's still not quite the kind of sear I want on that one here let me try one that's a little bit closer to the fire here that over okay that's getting a little closer and you flip this one over alright get a little bit better yeah go ahead and go another minute okay it has a blob see okay let's see how this one looks okay it's getting there flip that back over now this one's kind of thin so yeah there we go that's what we're looking for right there put that one over okay that is what we're looking for okay so if you guys have never done these things before it's okay to be looking in this case okay as you see here I'm going to be rotating some of these because I had to put some toward the middle kind of share share the experience here as they some say as I say this is definitely a hands-on experience guys I suspect that some of these are gonna come off sooner than others but overall it's not gonna take that much extra time go for another minute you know I like to rotate that exhauster give a little that smoke love to each side here I don't want to discriminate and I'm you didn't know this folks I'm wide open right here and I got this lid closed I want to go from maximum temperature and on a Weber that's how you get it okay that's gone by let's flip a couple of these see what we got all right that one's getting there that one's almost done actually that one's nice all right again we're going for more of a medium-rare okay there we go that's what I'm talking about just one around all right okay some of these are starting to release on their own one doesn't want to come off but hey you should have there we go yeah okay one guys doesn't lie there's a thermo there we go yeah that one's done okay you see I have the char but they're done these probes are telling me these guys are done and we're not eating the bone here this guy's definitely done that guy's definitely done rotate around oh that boy here I'm going to turn him up on the side a little bit somehow this guy looks go I'll help you down in a second there we go okay get some nice sear on that side they're looking real good okay see what the thermal don't pan the sand okay it's saying these guys are done look at that isn't that gorgeous for sure look at that I made some parsley some red parsley buttered baked potatoes okay here we go with our baked summer squash and then we're going to garnish on the side with the little mint flavored apple jelly just a little bit I've never had this before so be my first try so we'll put a nice little dollop there and here you go look at this look at that lamp then that look divine can't wait okay bill we got here why you grilled it these are our ram a ram ram tough lamb guys go Rams beautiful those look gorgeous don't let him slide off the plate yeah I definitely do want to slide off the foot but potatoes look great the squash looks awesome all right so I'm gonna have one of the tails first mmm good job every mmm I also put a little hint of cayenne pepper on the top and I'm just too lazy little squash mm-hmm all right so so baby you're just going in I'm assuming if it's got a bone like this I'm taking my hands to it man this is awesome so I'm just gonna bite in right here oh I think they want to see what the inside looks like first let's go for the money shot there we go that's really nice all right so this was the Fat Boy they had on the grill for a while and we're gonna go ahead and cut a little bit each gonna have a piece ready ready cheers Cheers she likes to crispian's hmm I'm gonna grab another piece here and I'm gonna go for some of that what's it called mint Apple Jolly mint apple jelly so you guys seen right here I'm gonna spread a little bit on there flip it over no no I read somewhere that you know that you use this as more of a glaze but it's jelly sorry Dawg forget that but it's more of a jelly sonnet right I've never tried it you're good different hmm it actually tastes really good quick shout-out we're gonna be on ricers live stream called Tavern talk or behind the tavern on July 12 5:00 p.m. Pacific time vegetables time so come check us out on meantime watch her watch the space for any of our live streams does we'd like to livestream once a while for you guys but the only way that's gonna happen is you subscribe to our Channel hit that Bell so you get notified yep and don't forget to make your list to ask the sassy kitchen clean questions ask me all those questions you've been you know and mm-hmm I think it was a good idea to leave that membrane on there I think these would have fell apart I'm not tasting a membrane there's no mind brain in there I think it just got Syria where something down so anyway folks thank you for watching we'll see you again sometime soon bye
Channel: GreenhornBBQbeer
Views: 22,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lamb pops recipe, grilled lamb pops recipe, weber kettle grill, lamb chop paste recipe, lamb herb paste recipe, apple mint jelly, weber 22 inch charcoal grill, bbq lamb chops recipe, lamb pop sickles recipe, herb lamb paste recipe, best wood for smoking lamb chops, lamb chops on the grill, lamb chops on the grill cooking time, lamb chops on the grill recipe, lamb chops on the grill weber, lamb chops on the grill how long, How to make grilled lamb chops, bbq, barbecue, bbq lamb
Id: IfdxiE9Zhkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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