Grilled Mexican Street Corn | Elote

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what are we talking about mexican street corn on the grill but hey there's so many ways you can jazz up your corn recipes by just using grilled corn that has all that flavor that good smoky taste and we blended it with a great chili lime sauce come on i'm going to the corn patch and you can help me shuck them [Music] hey thank you all for following me up to camp yep we raided the neighbor's corn patch that's frank's if y'all know frank don't tell him i was in there because he'll be coming up here thinking i'm gonna cook him a steak for that corn i don't stole out there but really we done paid him and folks hey what are we talking about grilled corn with some of them great mexican flavors i think you might even call it what mexican street corn because you know why there was two corn cobs walking down the street and they said hey no that's not the way it went shed but when you can grill that stuff and get that great caramelization on that corn to bring out all that sweetness and then just roll it in there with some great spices and a little sauce that goes on top delicious but also we got you two more little bonuses we're gonna throw in there with what a little hot corn salsa there but also some grilled corn in the shuck thrown right in there and some corn caviar that makes three more doughnuts so there's a lot of ways to grill this corn and you've seen me pick it and you see me sort of pull this back to where we could see them kernels in there remember down there at the corn patch so we're just going to go ahead i just want you to pull them off here get your hash knife and just cut this part off right here and if you find a worm that is added treasure look either is there a worm in there look at him oh oh he has been eating up the corn and you see me pour out some of that what whole oregano and whole cumin toast that stuff folks in a cast iron skillet brings out so much more of that aromatic flavor that you're gonna get in there and guess what cause we're making this chili lime sauce that goes on that corn and it is so good pardon me for the bug there the little link for all the recipe and everything that we be doing and using will be listed right down there below so you ain't gonna get lost but hey you might think hey i think i have seen this recipe somewhere you have folks guess what it is time for an infomercial page 183 184 it is grilled street corn let's just see if it's still in there sin by accident right paige i think so i was just guessing 180 what's our 184 185 mexican street corn so to get this started off with folks we need some sour cream and we're going to put about that much in there yep what are we talking about y'all turned me on to it about three years ago duke's mayonnaise best creation that mayonnaise ever had to offer it is and we're gonna put some of that in there now i'm gonna go ahead and put this lime juice on squeeze him in there time to put in some of this toasted aromatic flavor it is get them over to one side we got some cumin and some oregano if you can get it sort of half and half you're pretty good but i guarantee you can't go wrong with this deal because you need to make it this ahead of time to where it can sit and all them flavors can blend a little of that chili powder goodness is coming out guess what we got us some of that they're grated parmesan cheesy and it's got a child proof label on it shane about that much because i like mine to be cheesy cheesy goodness i do we gotta have a little garlic powder come on i know you're in there somewhere and folks we're pretty lucky today the wind ain't blowing it plumb over here so we in for a good deal and we're gonna put a little bit of this mesquite seasoning in there because it's got some of that ancho chili in it it does now that i need you to get your apparatus that will mix all this up make sure everybody stays in the bowl and we're going to give it a taste right here at the end to see if we need some more of that lime juice because that one was a very juicy feller he was and i smell that toasted cumin and oregano coming out of there so take your little finger that's that stuff right there make you going to town right there we ain't doing nothing to that that's what we call getting it on the money the first time so let's put this in a place it can chill we're going to prep that corn and get it on the grill you see me get that corn out of that bathtub and dry it off and why you be drying it off when you could throw it on the fire cowboy can't well i want to dry it off really good so that olive oil will bond to it a little instead of beating up like water on a duck's back we have got bertha fired up she is ready to go and guess what y'all might have been hearing me talk about this brand new bertha that's coming out ooh there'll be a little link down there below to where you can find out all the goodness you need to know because this is a work of art what are we going to do lay them on the grill we have got what we call a really hot fire and we're going to use a hot fire throughout this process this corn will pop if you leave it on there too long folks so i want you to be checking it rolling it around it'll be good to go now a lot of folks going to be seasoning that corn after they put it on there but remember that chili lime sauce that we had there it's got all that stuff mixed in it it's saving you the process of getting arthritis in your elbow from having to do this to shake the seasoning on there it won't take long i guarantee you can roll them corns around they're gonna be some good color some good caramelization on a good hot fire like this three to five minutes folks and we're gonna be nearly ready to eat some corn [Music] guess what i got here shan i have got me a ear of corn that we'd be soaking this is another option i'm giving you folks you can just throw it right there on the cold y'all might have seen me do that when was doing the caveman steak video make sure you soak it about 15-20 minutes and then guess what we're just gonna throw it right in there and let her do something i'm gonna give you another tip too when you get this corn and it's just beginning to get a little color on it and we've got two little specimens here just sitting out here thinking you know i need some suntan oil that's what we're gonna use we're gonna put a little that dukes mayonnaise on here because it's to help that caramelization get there a little quicker and i just love the flavor that it brings out too [Music] we done deal it is the corn has popped it is ready to go and we didn't have to sit through the theater to get it and oh don't that look pretty folks that good color i'm going to the corn patch and i'm going to start from the ground get really really gross pop that corn right out the top i'm talking this stuff folks is delicious so easy to make there's a lot of corn out there now grocery store farmer's markets everything like that but remember hey i told you we're doing it some more ways too so let me get this out of the way and we're going to water oh hang on shan well we forgot that guy this fella that sacrificed it all for the fire i want you to see when you pull them off fur look at all that color that's under there [Music] and them silks will just come right off when they cook like that we'll just break him right there just remember that you gotta soak that corn and i'm gonna tell you this right now if there was a worm in there he added protein now now remember them two little fellers that set off over by themselves and got lathered with that good dukes mayonnaise i like to take them folks give them a little sprinkle of that mesquite seasoning it just brings out a so different unique flavor to me we got extra corn remember and i told you we're doing some more you said you can easily turn this into a little cast iron skillet corn dip burr we're gonna mix this sauce right back in it i just need you to take it and i just need you just to cut them kernels off there put them right down in there well off the cob it went and into the cast iron skillet with one pad of kerrygold butter uh-huh that's about the only precise measurement i got to you there was thirteen hundred sixty four and seven eighths kernels of corn fell in the skillet there i counted them so about three years of corn we're going to use this to your desired consistency stir all that up get it mixed in there to where we get them flavors incorporated well and then we're just going to take it over here with bertha let it heat through top it with some cheese folks this is what you call a corn dip that you can use your finger a spoon or a chip now that leftover corn there was about four of them left i just sliced right off the cob because what are we making what i call cowboy caviar and they so many different versions of it it is but a lot of them they want you to just be using that corn right out of the can you know that canned corn no we talking about that grilled corn that's got all that flavor but then guess what we're gonna got a poblano pepper two little bitty jalapenos about a third of a cup of bell pepper and some white onions and i just want you to put that in there i want you to go ahead and give that a stir and give it some mixing because the next thing we got is what black eyed peas there's so many things you can do with black eyed peas poor man sausage black eyed peas and cornbread black-eyed peas and ham black-eyed pea bread black-eyed pk black eyed peas sing a song what that song the black eyed peas sing so i need you just to dump that in there give it a good little mixing and look at that colorful bountiful little dish we have created here but we ain't through folks because i like to mix this up about an hour and a half ahead of time and give it a little chance to what get all them flavors to incorporating flavors shin flavors now we're going to give it a little lime juice because we need some to counteract that sweet corn and that is the juice of a half of a lime a little bit of garlic powder unless you've got some garlic cloves you want to mince in there that's fine with me too a little bit of mesquite seasoning instead of a little bit we're going to go about that much mix it up we're going to taste it one time just to see how the flavors have blended got a little bite got a little heat got a little sweet we're gonna put that over there and let it chill well got her all mixed up there and folks there's so many different ways that you can fix this dish with some avocado i've seen people even put some little fruit in it at times so however you want to make it just make it a good time but we've given you all these good reasons why you can do what use grilled corn off the grill go to farmer's market load the back of the pickup up take it home build you a big fire and let's roast some corn right there on the fire well folks before we go to we have a special guest that has been with us today in spirit and that is martha bryant her youngins contacted us and said was martha's dream to always want to cook on a chuck wagon so we're dedicating this episode to martha because i know in spirit she's standing here with me helping me cook this was one of her wishes one of the things that she'd have got to do but i guarantee saint pete and them got a big wagon up there and they're having a big round up and i guess y'all bet you oh martha is a cookie so thank you for sending this to us we appreciate it and martha bless you my love we know you're doing a good job but as always i tip my hat and i thank all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag flying over camp and keeping me and shannon and the pups safe every day for the rest of you hey we just so glad to have you we never take it for granted that you watch and guess what god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down the mexican street corn who trail yo hey [Music] so pretty good it's called sweat in 92 degrees with humidity that's what it's called standing by the fire people think that guy ain't real smart he's smart enough not to stand by it when it's cold uh huh yep
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 128,352
Rating: 4.9667859 out of 5
Keywords: mexican street corn, mexican street corn salad, grilled corn on the cob, grilled corn, grilled mexican corn, grilled mexican street corn, mexican street food, street food, elote, elote recipe, how to make mexican street corn, mexican street corn on the cob, mexican street corn recipe, elote in a cup, corn salsa, cowboy caviar, grilled corn salad, grilled corn street food, grilled corn salsa
Id: pOCIVwPbg58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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