How To Grill Filet Mignon - Ace Hardware

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hey guys and thanks for joining us for today's edition of Ace this recipe as you can tell it is night time here in colorful Colorado that's right I'm hanging out at my local Ace Hardware Highlands Ranch is hardware getting ready to cook some fantastic stuff because I always come here during the day and I always cook for the associates during the day so tonight we decided it was time to show off these filets for the night time guys and give them something to drool about as well so thanks for joining us we're gonna have a blast today we've got a lot of cool stuff to talk about we are cooking on the weber genesis e-330 night - we are gonna be cooking on grill grates tonight so we thought we'd take a minute to show you the beauty of the grill grates and how you can get some amazing sear really beautiful cross marks or diamonds whatever you want to call them put a lot of cool stuff so I'm chef JC Morris your Ace Hardware grilling expert thank you for hanging out with us we appreciate it and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do so let's get into this let's do a little flyover talk about our ingredients and then I'll show you how do we get the grill fired up we'll get that preheating we're even making a little bit of steak butter tonight so thanks for joining it is drool-worthy cooking here tonight at my local Ace Hardware like we always do let's give you a little flyover we bought some beautiful choice filets today these guys are 9 ounce filet so a nice big fillet we're gonna add a little bit of parsley to this steak butter tonight we've got some lemon juice as well that squeeze tube garlic you know I love we're gonna hit it with some rub-a-dub and works your shire into that butter and we're gonna have an absolute blast we're gonna do some temp check on our weber snap check we've got a little bit of oil to help the rub stick to the steak that beauty right there is gonna be doing all the cooking tonight and then those awesome grill grates right there are gonna be in addition to the grill giving us just a fantastic way to get some wicked hot sear but pretty quick pretty simple but very very delicious cooking here tonight so we went ahead and fired up the grill this is our weber genesis e-330 grail it's got a sear station as well really driving those temperatures so so hot for us what we did tonight we added an accessory right the Great's that come with this are fantastic I have the cast iron ones on here they do a nice job right I love the grill grates because it takes my steak game to the next level those beautiful channels collect all the juices and those juices drip down they explode right they become this like flavor bath that goes right back up into the steak so I could take my game to the next level and get a hot sear the beauty of this is now I flip it over I've got a plancha so I really have the best of both worlds I could saute vegetables while I'm cooking a steak and more now the helpful folks said to me chef we just want to mediums and we want a medium well so the cool thing is I love the beauty of that back rack I can throw the steak that's gonna be medium well to finish on the rack so it's in a little bit of indirect heat right finishing up on that bread warmer rack on the back so we'll start that first and then when we flip it we'll add our other two steaks we'll get a sear on those and then we'll put that medium well back up to finish okay while the grill is heating up it is time to get these guys seasoned and ready to go so we took these beautiful fillets this is a nice choice filet we went with today just the fat looked beautiful on there the marbling looked great and I wanted to just have a really nice fillet I took these out about 15 minutes ago right so we let them rest for about 15 minutes just to breathe a little bit right to soften up a little bit now what I'm gonna do very carefully I'm actually gonna oil the pan all right and then we'll get these steaks kind of tossed around in that a little bit and all I'm trying to do is just enough oil to coat right I want the side to be a little bit coated in oil I want the top to be coated because now we're gonna take the rub-a-dub and as we always say as light or as heavy as we want we're gonna put that rub it up over there now the beauty is I have a little catch basin right so when I flip this over I've now got a way to pick up all that rub it up and I'll show you what we're gonna do with that so we'll get the top of the bottom seasoned let those guys do their thing and now I'm able to take you just give that a little pat make sure it sticks I'm able to take the sides and roll them around on here and now pick up all that extra rub with the sides right so now my steaks are going to be really 100% seasoned top bottom insights all right just like that now you'll see that rub start to darken a little bit leave these guys alone we're gonna let them sit for about 15 minutes so total time we pulled them and let them breathe and rest for 15 minutes season them we're gonna let them set for 15 minutes again while the grill heats up while those steaks enjoy that rub and while the grill preheats I also want to take a minute and get this steak butter done so two sticks of softened butter right and I just let those soften all day at room temperature what I'm doing here real quick is rolling this lemon around trying to break it up just a little bit because I'm looking to get some lemon juice out of there so what I'll do is I'm gonna juice one lemon couple tablespoons but as you'll notice I juice it in my hand and I roll it a little bit that way I can catch any of the seeds that fall out like that right and I now caught him in my hand so I am good to go I'll leave that lemon juice in there and again you can add as much or as little as you like I think that's the beauty of our cooking you know we're gonna add two tablespoons of chopped Italian parsley nice and fresh and beautiful a little bit of our squeeze tube garlic you know we love that we're gonna go with two tablespoons of that as well then we're gonna add some Worcestershire sauce right just because I think it gives it such a beautiful finish and we're gonna add about two tablespoons or worse a shire and then we're gonna add some rub it up in there as well just to give it that little bit of salt finish I did use salted butter we're gonna add 2 tablespoons of rub it up all right now we're gonna get hands on so it is time to get in here and get this all squished up and mixed up and get everything combined cool thing about this right I'm gonna leave this at room temperature that way when it comes time to finish my steak this will melt on there beautifully and it won't make the steak cold which i think is very important if you want you can also roll this up in plastic wrap and we'll show you a little shot of that here at the end but just a beautiful easy fun little mix like that put your gloves on and mix it up with your hands you can do it in a mixer if you want but that is quick and easy that is our stake butter a we hit 500 it is time to get our medium well steak on look at those grill grates so what I'm going to do is go ahead and set that on and I'm gonna push it down a little bit right I want to get a beautiful sear we're gonna go ahead and let this guy go now we're about five to seven minutes before we rotate it or even come back to flip it time to take a peek and as you can see we've already flipped our medium well so now it is time to get these mediums on here right again I'm gonna put that steak on there give it a press just a little bit so I can start to get that beautiful sear you can see on the one in the back we've got a gorgeous gorgeous sear now look at this it also comes with a great tool that allows us to get in those channels and flip those steak look at that so we're about five minutes in right what I'm gonna do is take that great tool and lift it up gently slide that steak back down I'll do the same thing for this side slide that steak back down then push those steaks down just another little bit to make sure we get beautiful beautiful crisscross time to give these guys a flip now watch this taking that tool again flipping these guys over and look at that right this is what takes your state game to the next level now the cool thing you can see those channels down into that juice just drips down in there vaporizes and comes right back up alright let's take a look at temperature here we go into this guy you'll see the one in the front is look at that 60 degrees that's perfect right we started the one in the back earlier because we wanted it to get further along we are now in that one twenty two so what we'll do now is be able to take the steak in the back and put it up on that top shelf to let it finish while the steaks and the front finish on the direct heat the beauty is guess what my medium well and my mediums are now done at the same time these guys in the front are about 112 I'm gonna pull them about 115 to 120 but look at that beautiful steaks we're getting a gorgeous sear on those right and then up top we've got that well medium well too well finishing so little bird's eye view beautiful cooking surfaces right some awesome flavors Hey look at ain't cookin so we're gonna shut this finish these guys off and we'll show you back at the table how we rest them add the butter and devour how's that for a little doneness flyover right this guy in the front is our medium that's our other medium and that is our medium well and we got them all done at the same time because we learned a little trick how to start that medium well off first get it seared flip it and then add those mediums so that we could kind of keep pace and get everything done at the same time but look at that butter just melting doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing that is fantastic next up it is time to cut into these bad boys and enjoy that butter is just melting perfectly and like I told you earlier you can take the butter do it like that so actually left just enough for these three steaks separated and then I roll the rest in some plastic wrap it made a little butter long now I can slice off chunks lay it on there but this butter is doing exactly what we want to do it's just melting and coating the steaks again like we told you we coerced all right so we started that medium well first we added the mediums to it so that everything could finish together hey don't forget today's recipe yeah again with that meat drooling today's recipe you can head down below in that comment section and in the description you can click print and follow along we've got some good tips on there for cooking the steaks getting that beautiful hot sear on those grill grates and also the recipe for the steak butter and then don't forget that little eye that pops up that is our information station that'll let you into the world of gear gadgets grills it will show you the cutting boards we use the grill we use the grill grates the thermometer and more tell you about the rubs and everything that's really how we show you all the products we use to make today's video as well and then don't forget to head down there and leave us a comment this came from one of you someone said hey we need to see how you make some beautiful fillets we're getting ready for a party or a celebration so leave your comments tell us what you'd like to see what would you like to learn and definitely how can we be more helpful as well and then while you're down there don't forget subscribe make sure you tell everyone you know to ring that Bell click the notifications and subscribe to the Ace Hardware YouTube channel that way you won't miss out on anything you'll be known five but all of our recipes go live now listen I know we kind of turned it everything upside down today and we did some grill grates and we had some set normal and some upside down but at the end of this video we're doing something else upside down that's right hang out click on the video coming up and you'll see Kevin Coleman Weber's head grill master and I do a little upside down turkey something brand new I did Kevin walk me through the world upside down turkey and we've got that video for you as well now it's time to get in this right and to do a little taste test but right there look at that hello beauty right there that is a little slice of heaven and I'll tell you we did it nice and fast got a really good sear on here locked in as much moisture as we could and it is time to devour yeah that's dick butter it was like makes your mouth water like lemon and parsley and all that I'm chef Jason Maurice Harvard watch work thanks for joining us
Channel: Ace Hardware
Views: 41,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filet mignon recipe, filet mignon on the grill, filet mignon steak, grillgrates steak, grillgrates weber genesis, grill filet mignon gas grill, grill filet mignon time, filet mignon gas grill instructions, how to grill filet mignon, grill filet mignon on gas grill, gas grill filet mignon, grill perfect filet mignon, grill the perfect filet mignon, filet mignon grill, filet mignon bbq, filet mignon butter, using grillgrates, grillgrates on, grill grates on gas grill
Id: PfZ_nfbeheA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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