Carne Asada vs Central Texas Barbecue: Two of the Best BBQ Restaurants Along the Texas Border

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what does barbecue mean to you every country and every culture has their own idea of barbecue and in the United States alone there are at least five or six different styles heck even Texas has four or five different ways to barbecue but it's most known for the low and slow Central Texas style with briskets pork butts and sausage but when you make your way down south close to the Border barbecue means fajitas sausage chicken ham tablitas loaded red finger ribs and more it's a whole other world of barbecue in the Rio Grande Valley where we're lucky to be able to experience both of these Styles within a few miles of each other in this video we're going to stop by 492 barbecue in Palmview Texas where owner and Pit Master Lupe Garza Cooks up delicious fajitas sausage beef short ribs and even lamb breasts growing up in South Texas this is the traditional carne asada style of barbecue that I grew up with and what I cook at home most of the time after that feast and a nap we're gonna drive across the Rio Grande Valley to Teddy's barbecue in Weslaco Texas a more traditional Central Texas style joint that holds a coveted spot in the tech monthly top 50. here at Teddy's owner Pit Master Joel Garcia is blazing his own trail by cooking all the popular smoked barbecue Meats like brisket and pork ribs while also offering some unique must try twists on tradition like the Chile picking sausage and beef fat flour tortillas so it's time to loosen up those belts again and follow me down Expressway 83 to enjoy both the delicious charred carne asada goodness and that Smoky Barky melty in your mouth barbecue vamanos good to see you man y'all take care [Applause] foreign [Music] Network it's like any good barbecue joint man lots of wood piled up so how did you get started and tell us a little bit about your story no honestly just uh like you just said Backyard Barbecue that's what we do here it's nothing fancy it's just the old-fashioned way Mesquite coals Quality quality food Quality Meats and they just started uh crazy idea that I had with this whole building I had a restaurant for a little while and we used to cater a lot and and one of the messages that I get on a regular basis and emails is give me some advice on starting a restaurant tell us what are some of the challenges to opening and running a successful barbecue sauce it's a tough business a lot of hours you got to be here and make sure everything make sure everything's consistent that's that's the most important because this is with the with the meats that's tough it's a lot of hours I've been here from sometimes six six to eight in the evening every day basically Monday through Saturday you know for the consistency the same all the time yes and and that is one of the keys for success in the restaurant is consistency and I think when the customers come the second second time they expect it to be the same as it went the first time that's why they came back and so you've obviously mastered it and have done a great job being consistent because we've been here three times and it's always perfect and spot on you've done a great job man so whatever you're doing keep it up thank you it's working uh to the point that he was able to open a second location down the road in Edinburgh thanks again for having us sir thank you appreciate it very very much and uh very much forward to coming back again appreciate it whatever you want thank you everything looks so good we didn't even eat breakfast because we were anticipating eating a lot of barbecue rabbit any meat on the baked potato brisket yeah load it all the way right yes ma'am okay no onions no I just put cheese sour cream and butter perfect that's perfect and then you guys want me to get you mixed bread and tortillas tortillas yeah it's a little mix would be good yes all right I have center cut ribs I have the lamb breasts I have baby back ribs fajitas I have my sausage regular and jalapeno cheese brisket and chicken we are hungry I don't know if we can eat it all but we're definitely gonna enjoy this also don't forget the flour tortilla we're in South Texas so we're definitely gonna tear it up right now and enjoy a really big and delicious meal here at 492 barbecue I'm gonna start out with brisket too this thin sliced brisket with a little bit of barbecue sauce on it that is a South Texas style of brisket my dad used to make it that way super tender moist it's not dry at all that little hint of barbecue sauce at the South Texas style birthday right there let's try it if I heat the next because Cherry says it's really good A little bit of pickle a little bit of sauteed onions good stuff let's take a bite I love that little Char on the sausage this is jalapeno and cheese sausage we're gonna give that a bite very good these are center cut beef ribs looks like they're cooked perfect beautiful color very good now these are grilled this is the South Texas way silver Mesquite Coal Fire you can tape the the grill where that grease drips Down Under The Fire And then it kind of flavors the meat as well it's really really good flavor I'm gonna try the chicken neck I love that Char on the chicken so good the bread nice and juicy once again that South Texas flavor cooked over a Mesquite fire man it's unbeatable all right we're going in for a baby back rib next I like the sauce on there it's not overdone it's just to write them on it's a nice little glaze finger looking good those are some of the best baby bags I've had in a long time lamb ribs now again you can tell just by the color these were grilled over a Mesquite fire yeah really good I love this crunchy little exterior here and it's so good it's fantastic everything's really really good today just on point everything now this is what I call the cherry on top pun intended super good super delicious boom yeah I ate two of everything I want the 492 barbecue ladies all right this is my third trip here will y'all be back too yeah yeah all right super how's your barbecue guys super good right I've been here three times now and every time it's like so good fantastic once a week you're here once a week I can understand why because it's super good it was excellent super pretty good hopefully yes we will be back okay yeah for sure thank you so much I appreciate it see you guys next time all right you know that old saying I can't believe I ate the whole thing I can't emphasize enough how all these meats cooked over a Mesquite Coal Fire are super delicious everything was just spot on these guys have done a fantastic really great job this is my third trip here and the meat everything has always been perfect on point and Trooper consistent and that's what it takes to be successful in the restaurant business that is awesome man good job man congratulations pretty badass that's awesome what'd you think of that brisket rub yeah man we like it got a little kick in there don't it a little bite all right friends we're here at Teddy's barbecue in Weslaco Texas we're gonna go inside and see how different it is compared to what we had earlier today at 492 barbecue let's go see what they have out back see how they cook yeah we're doing a crawfish boil tonight wow look at that keep these guys a little rinse and then throw them in the pot this is for Friday night land that's all right catfish and crawfish catfish and crawfish that sounds good man we may have to come back later it's going to be a party I bet I bet it is this is the chud box I've never seen one up close only on the videos that's bad man yeah it reminded me of the brick pitch you know but it's it's metal right that's true that's true pretty cool man all right now this is the barbecue area they have two of these big giant barbecue pits it's running at 300 degrees a little bit of Oak a little bit of Mesquite Good Old South Texas man a little blend of both good stuff when do you pull these off or these are for tomorrow I'm assuming everything that we do minus pork and chicken we're cooking for the following day because we want to rest it as long as we can right on right on these get about a full 24-hour rest period heck yeah that's why it's so delicious that long rest makes it different doesn't it it's it's night and day yes yes I agree totally agree I have good barbecue or you could have great barbecue I like that good barbecue or great barbecue all right man look at all that sausage man that's some good looking stuff right there so these are our original and then our jalapenos are on the other side so these these went on earlier this morning they're just about ready to pull off Matt thanks for showing us around yeah thank you so much so come on with me let's go inside and order some barbecue all right we want half a pound of moist half a pound of lean three pork ribs I'd like to try the Chipotle sausage and the jalapeno cheese half a pound of turkey cream corn let's try the pinto beans and the Mexican rice and you also have pork belly half a pound of pork belly also so I have the mom's uh big fat tortillas all right I'd like to get half a dozen of that yeah half a dozen of those is good so this is a crispy skin pork belly and what we do is we smoke it and then we finish it over directly on the chat box okay nice it gets like a crispy chicken on the skin yeah it gets that flavor from the cold yeah I'm trying to figure out the secret to get that crispy I did some at home a couple weeks and I was like it didn't turn out right yeah I need to figure that out for a few days um well tell us a little thank you for having us first of all man we really appreciate it man tell us a little bit about how you got here and your story you know your barbecue story your journey I started barbecuing like most people do in their backyard yeah my life when we moved into our first home in Austin and she bought me a smoker you know just watching videos and and going around eating barbecue in Austin um I kind of decided like okay I want to do this I want to try this give this give this a shot I just was cooking a lot of my backyard throwing like little parties here and there so that way food wouldn't go to waste so at least people can give me some feedback got a little bit more serious and then got a job and barbecue working at a little cafe inside of an HEB actually oh wow and then went to go work for Friedman's I worked there with some really good people most notably was my friend Evan from Roy Lewis he was the chef there when I came on and worked at another couple places like uh Terry Black's Barbecue um and during my time working there is when I kind of decided to venture on my own and start the teddies brand little by little you know save up some money we sold our house in Austin and moved down here and you know we opened up Teddy's barbecue in 2019. it's uh it's been going pretty good I'd say what would you say is the hardest part of once you're open staying in business what are some of the things you have to do to be successful yeah I mean I would say just kind of figuring out like what works for you there's been things that we've changed throughout the years that we've been here on how we do things obviously consistency is right is key because people want you know to get the same kind of barbecue on Thursday that they do on Sunday totally agree um that they got a month two months ago for somebody that's looking to start or like somebody that's already in the process of starting you know just start small like we we didn't have all this when we first started sure it was just me and my brother we had our cousin working as a cashier a mom in the back you know cooking sides and tortillas that kind of stuff and it was a few of us and there was times where we were sleeping here we were you know working 18 hours a day or whatever it was but that's what it takes sometimes and uh working working your way up it's been a struggle at times but you know there's certain sacrifices that you have to make yes you want to get into this business it's basically come down to doing what you love right I mean you got to love it to be spending the night and working 18 hours a day yeah right you got to love it man yeah and I can tell you love it I mean it shows in the food you mentioned consistency and it's been a couple of years since I was here first and I mean I would say super consistent man you did an awesome job thank you food was excellent and he didn't even know we were coming here we just showed up thanks for allowing us to be here man and thank you for you know cooking some really great barbecue thank you great job brother thank you we have a huge tray of barbecue all right honey let's get into it dude it's just falling apart delicious I don't need a fork for that oh my God all right we have some beef fat flour tortillas ah look how soft they are man and they're made to order so they're like fresh off the Comal oh that gotta be good the bark fantastic all right let's try that chipotle sausage I've never had Chipotle sausage before different yeah very good wow gotta try this pork belly oh man the crunch that's fantastic oh yeah I did a really good pork rib perfectly cooked I mean literally almost fall off the bone the way it's supposed to be jalapeno and cheese sausage a lot of your jalapeno cheese sausages out there don't have a bite they have good flavor but this has a lingering bite that's really really fantastic I like that y'all seen my video on Turkey this is this is good that peppery kick again traditional Texas barbecue nice little peppery Pig just like we do at home fry some beans baby all right man I'm full I'm definitely full everything is super delicious it's a great meal cheers super good we had a great time here today the food was delicious we're gonna go home and take a nap or else go find a hole we can crawl in and drink a couple of cold beers and just chillax all right man y'all thanks for watching everybody really enjoyed this day we're eating barbecue and cutting this out of barbecue keep the smoke light make it work boom I really hate to say this they're better than mine and yours they're fantastic wow super good and I took a bite of the brisket I think that was a mistake because it makes me not want to eat anything else it's so damn good oh my God and tortillas no bread for us no breakfast we're in the valley we're gonna eat tortillas yeah we're doing it the right way I'd say it pretty much tastes identical to ours hey did y'all see my Rice video uh is that why y'all's rice taste like mine just kidding it's really good I love it we have tongs but I like to use my fingers you know I want to eat the whole thing but um man I can't fit anymore
Channel: ArnieTex
Views: 94,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, barbecue, barbeque, grill, grilled, grilling, asada, carne asada, fajitas, ribs, costillas, brisket, arracherras, sirloin, steak, ribeye, pork ribs, beef ribs, smoked brisket, texas, texas style brisket, texas barbecue, texas bbq, lamb ribs, riblets, tablitas, spare ribs, salsa, tortillas, sausage, jalapeno sausage, bbq sausage, barbecue recipe, recipe, how to barbecue, how to grill, best texas barbecue, franklins barbecue, goldees barbecue, charro beans, mexican rice, smoked barbecue, turkey
Id: Q2YvYtKkF5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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