Ninja Foodi Baking Accessories & Tips

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hi there and welcome to the salt and pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple and today's video is part two of a two-part series on accessories and configuring the ninja foodie for pot and pot cooking so I will link to the first video right up there so you can check that out if you haven't seen it yet this video is going to be specifically about baking and what type of accessories you may want to consider for your baking needs so before I get into ones that you can purchase on Amazon or pampered chef let me just talk about something you might already have at home so if you have a casserole dish of any size that will fit in the ninja foodie you can use it if it's oven safe using the bake roast feature and if it's broils safe then you can use it even using the broiled function so this one fits right on the rack so what I suggest you do is look through your cabinets and take a peek to see what you have and see if they fit and if they fit you're good to go so this would be a perfect pan to make brownies in or a small square like square bars you know like a cinnamon apple bar for fall that would be great so just keep that in mind before you go and buy accessories you might have something at home that will fit now in my opinion and this is just my opinion one of the most important accessories if you are going to bake in your ninja foodie is a springform pan you can make so many different types of desserts and baked goods with the springform pan and I recommend getting a seven inch yes an eight inch will fit the reason why I recommend a seven inch is because that's what most recipes are written for and it is more common in pressure cooking with even with the instant pot to use a seven inch so I really recommend that size but if you get an 8 inch you just know you will have to adjust the recipes a little bit to get the height on that because it's a wider diameter this is a springform pan and I bought mine through pampered chef you do not have to get one from pampered chef you can get them on Amazon they're all over the place but this one is a very good quality it is thick walled it holds up so well it doesn't rust so I thought that paying the extra money for a good quality pan it was certainly worth it to me if you're new to baking and you're not sure you're gonna like it then certainly you can buy a less expensive one but just know the quality is probably not going to be as good so a springform pan has two sections to it usually there is a flat part and then the round part that fits over top which makes it really nice when you're making cheesecakes and other desserts because you can just unclip it and pull it off and you'll have nice edges and still have a base with your crust there so the way you put a springform pan together is just set the bottom in it goes into little grooves and then it snaps into place now a springform pan by design is not leak proof so you don't put really thin batters or or liquid in here it would just leak out this is for thicker batters whether it's a or a crusted dessert like a deep dish apple pie or a cheesecake or even corn bread would work fine in here but something that's really liquidy would just sort of leak out so you wouldn't want to use it for that you could certainly use one of the fat daddy-o pans for a batter that's a little bit more liquidy so a springform pan 7-inch is definitely want to recommend whether you get a good quality one from pampered chef or another type on Amazon it's fine now home pressure cooking has a pretty cool setup for a springform pan and I've used it several times and I really really like it so this is also a 7 inch same size so this is another great option and it gives you a little bit more flexibility honestly so this one goes has two parts to it it has the flat edge that I just showed you and then it also has this really cute insert that goes in that turns it into a bundt pan and you just click it in just into place there and I didn't actually get it totally and there's little grooves that it sits into there we go and then it turns your springform pan into a little bundt pan with a really cute design so this works great as well I still didn't get this in there right there we go yeah I just have to lift up a little bit because the bottom but it works perfectly and it gives you that Center that really helps when you're baking denser products in the ninja food II talked a little bit about that in the first part of the series and there are some ways that you can kind of modify a regular pan to do the same thing and I'm gonna show that to you in just a minute but this makes it really nice and it really puts out a nice product I've used it many times you can find this in my Amazon store and I will link to the product below of course the other pan that is a nice little cute I think it's just a three cup it's a little bundt pan it has a beautiful flower design I absolutely love it I have not cooked in it yet but I'm planning on cooking in it plenty of times because it is so cute this would be a smaller cake or cornbread or something like that but it is absolutely beautiful it is great quality it has nice thick walls you know I'm always saying it's thick walled that is quality guys when it's real thin it conducts heat too much and burns your edges so this one I just know is going to be perfect I can't wait to really start using it so those are the bundt pans there's also a tube pan so if you wanted to make something that didn't have any decorative top you could use a 7 inch fat daddio tube pan and again I do use this it works great you have the center so you don't have the issues with the center not getting done so another great option for baking if you wanted to stick with your fat daddy-o pants or whatever good quality pans you have you can if you're doing a 6-inch that probably won't require any adjustments as far as the center not getting done I think you're gonna be fine if you're using a six-inch but a lot of times we want to make a full size cake which would be an 8 inch cake and in fact I do that I do a double layered apple cake that is absolutely delicious and super easy to make and I'm gonna link to that recipe right up there for you that's a pressure cooking recipe and did not use a heating core for that and it worked fine but it was a it's a fruitcake of sorts it's an apple cake so I can get away with a nice dense Center if you wanted something more like if you wanted to make a box cake for example and you don't want like you don't want to pressure-cook it you want to bake it the best way to go is to use a heating core right in the center there pour your batter in and this will conduct heat through the center of your cake so the edges and the center get done at the same time because that is a common problem with baking in general but certainly in the ninja foodie is that the edges get done and the center is completely raw so you can use one of these heating cores they are in my Amazon store and I will link to that below the other thing is though because I am all about using what you might already have at home if you have a biscuit cutter you can use that as well you can just set it on the bottom pour your batter in and then when you flip your cake over to cool you just pull the center out I mean you just pull the biscuit cutter out and you might have a little hole in the center but usually I just take whatever batter was in there and just plug it back up or you could do what I did in my past skating candy cake and fill it with all kinds of candy and that is a great recipe - it's super fun to make and I will link to that right up there all right so let's say you want to make a double layer cake you can certainly do that in the Ninja frutti and this is how you would do it you could put your 8 inch pan or it could be a six inch or it could be seven inch whatever fits on the pan as long as you have two of them and they have to be flat walled and that means that one will not sit and nest in the other one so a lot of times with cake pans they are shaped so that one will nest right inside of the other so let's say these were the same size they would fit right inside because of the way the walls are constructed so in order to do this you would need flat wall pans which the fat daddio are and you can simply stack your cake layers on top here so what you would do is stack these I'm gonna move this rack because we're actually not going to use the rack for this configuration we're gonna use something else so stack your pans on top of each other I usually put either a layer of foil or maybe one of the silicone covers on there so that you don't get any moisture in because believe it or not that moisture it will seep in any which way it can for sure you don't want your cake soggy and then I usually just set it right on this kind of a rack and the 8 inch is a little bit big for this but I make it work I just pull the edges out and just make it kind of sit there and it will set all right that's good now it's not perfect but it works and put your other layer on and you can layer your cakes into the ninja foodie and that will work perfectly so you can make a double layer 8-inch cake in the ninja fitting so that's super exciting because that's like a full-sized cake guys and then you can you can cut it and layer it and do all kinds of fancy stuff all right so let's talk about baking breads and quick breads and what I mean by quick breads are those batter breads like corn bread or zucchini bread or banana bread that you just whipped together and they're leavened with baking powder or baking soda or both and you can cook them in the ninja foodie very easily so what I usually use is a phat daddy-o pan a loaf pan and again I am just really in love with phat daddy-o products because of the way they cook so there's also a different type of pan that you can use that is darker obviously it's got a darker finish it's nonstick and it's directly from ninja oh there you can order in the baking kit on Amazon as well so you can see the differences in sizes this one is a little bit bigger and this one obviously is a little smaller you can also see that one is light color don't want to start colored I prefer the light colored smaller one and you might say well why is that because I want to make a full size loaf of bread and you certainly can do that especially if you're gonna make our traditional yeast bread you can certainly do that but again we have issues because of the depth there's issues with it getting done so you could still use a heating core in there whether you're doing a quick brat or a traditional type of yeast bread but I prefer to use the smaller size I have had enough issues and had to troubleshoot with a full-width using this size and getting it to cook all the way through without drying out and burning the edges so I just feel like a little bit bigger of a pan would even cause more issues so if you're just starting out and you don't know which one to buy I would certainly get the smaller size and get the fat daddio version the lighter color also plays a part it's different material too so that plays a part but the lighter color plays a part is that it does not heat up or Brown as much or as quickly and you might say well that's not what I want I want my cakes and stuff to be brown and you do but you don't want the edges to Brown and the bottom to brown before the center cooks so this is another way to help balance that out and get everything to cook evenly and you can still use your heating course if you wanted to inside of that so I love this now if you're making meatloaf this is probably gonna be great too I need to make little meatloaf you know whatever you want but for baking purposes I do prefer the fat daddio light-colored pans all right so that's just a brief overview of baking I could really spend hours probably talking about baking and you don't want to listen to that or maybe you do maybe if you do leave me a comment let me know you want more information about baking and I will do another video on it that gets a little bit more in-depth all right so now this is another another option is a square pan and it does fit on the rack so when you're going to buy a pan especially when you're going to buy a square pan or a rectangle pan for the ninja foodie the sizes can be misleading a lot of times so I urge you to use caution when purchasing you want to make sure that when the square or rectangular pan has a lip on it like this one has a lip on it but that lip is not so big that it will not fit that the edges will like kind of hit there or just barely fit that has happened to me on more than one occasion and I had to return the item and that's just a hassle so you want to get the right size the first time so this is the biggest square pan that I found that will fit in the ninja foodie it is another phat daddy-o product and let's see what the size is because I cannot remember off the top of my head so let's give it a quick little measure here the inside looks like it's about six inches by six inches but the outside is seven by seven so so you would want to make sure the hole size does not go over the seven inches or it's not gonna fit in the ninja foodie and I mean don't quote me on that you might be able to get seven and a half but I don't think so I really think that this is the biggest that you can go so that's seven inches on the outside and a lot of times in descriptions they don't let you know that so look if you're on Amazon look in the questions section that is a great way to find out if somebody asked does this fit in the ninja food a because believe it or not the ninja 2d is super popular and a lot of people are asking those questions and other people will chime in and say yes it does or I haven't tried it and if you have any questions you could always send me an email at Louie's at the salted pepper comm and if I can figure out whether it'll fit for you I certainly will cuz I hate for people to buy the wrong the wrong products they don't fit it's frustrating especially when you buy it and you want to really make something right away so this is a great pan for baking in and you could do all kinds of things in it I mean you could bake corn bread you can bake square cakes you could do bars you know if you wanted to do some kind of a cookie bar or cake bar or something like that and you know an apple square whatever it is you could do it so another great option for baking and then the last thing I want to talk about is just a few little utensils that make baking super easy to do in the Ninja foodie because we have to keep in mind that certain things are nonstick like the bottom of the pot is nonstick so I recommend getting a knife this one's from pampered chef but you can get one anywhere I'm sure and it's a nylon knife so it will not scratch so even if you're making something right in the Ninja foodie you could cut into it and serve it that way with using a knife it also works great when you're going to cut your cheesecake and I'll show you what has happen to me because I haven't used the right utensil I have scratch marks now this does not affect anything it's been fine for me to use but it's scratched up you know and when you spend money on quality accessories you don't want to scratch them up so this works great for going in and cutting your cheesecake or whatever else you made in your nonstick surfaces even the fat daddy oh I usually try to use them even though the scratches are totally different they don't like take off any finish or anything like that but mine scratched up from using metal so I try to use these kind of nylon or or silicone silicone is another option obviously you can't really cut with this I mean I guess you could go in there and cut but these are great for stirring batters and stirring things in the ninja foodie so I really recommend getting some good quality high heat-resistant silicone spatulas these are like a godsend to me I absolutely love them these are from pampered chef but just make sure that they're good quality and that they are high heat resistant up to at least 4 or 500 degrees the other thing that I absolutely love is this little spatula and the reason being is because it can fit into smaller spaces this is a pampered chef item but you could get one anywhere you'd like and I'm gonna measure it for you so you know the size that it is so from tip to tip its nine and a half maybe just a little bit over but nine and a half inches and the width is about two and a quarter inches this makes it perfect for getting into small spaces like the inner pot so even though you don't think it's small it is when you go in to lift something up especially if you want to get out a nice slice of something like I do when I make my overnight breakfast casserole and I will link to that video right up there that's a great one and this is great tool to use so you can go in you can get along the edges and kind of go underneath your food and pull it out so this is a great tool it also works great with the springform pans you could just kind of go in and get your slice of cake or pie or whatever you made a pastry cutter now this is kind of getting out of the ninja foodie realm a little bit and just letting you guys know that this was like my favorite thing in the world if you want to make a lot of crumb toppings and things like that or biscuits because I make some incredible biscuits for sure and I will link to that recipe right up there so this is great for combining butter and flour or flour and cookie crust you know cookie crumbles things like that this is fantastic it's called a pastry cutter this one's from pampered chef but you can find them you can find them anyway all right so another another item that I use all the time it's called the scoop and spread and it's not specifically for baking it's really anything you want to use it for but I do really like it a lot especially using it in the Ninja foodie because you can use this little end which is a little more flexible to get underneath things you can do the same thing if you want to you know try to get around and lift something out of a pan it works really well without scratching and then there's also a little sturdier end here that is still safe for nonstick services but adds a little more friction so this is great when you need to scrape something off the bottom of the ninja foodie not specifically for baking but still something that I use all the time the other item that I use a lot especially when I'm baking is the pastry brush now I recommend getting a silicone top pastry brush and not those bristle kind those bristles can actually come out even if they're soft bristles but they're not silicone I really don't recommend them they can fall out they fall out and your food to get all over the place and if they're like a wire bristle that's even worse because there's been instances where they've gotten lodged in people's throat so you definitely don't want to do that this is a high heat silicone brush and I love it and I use it a lot to butter or grease your pans as well as putting an egg wash on things so this is perfect for doing that when you want to brown up the top of your baked goods so this works perfectly I really recommend this one this one's from pampered chef but as long as it's a high siliconed durable brush you're good to go so we're baking cakes and desserts and different things like that a cake tester comes in handy because you can go around the edges because you can go around the edges of your food here with this end and kind of loosen them this is safe for nonstick surfaces so you can just go right around and not worry about scratching the pan like you would if you were using a regular like butter knife so this works great works great for lifting the edge here so a lot of times when I'm baking I'll put a little parchment paper liner here so that nothing sticks to the bottom and I can get the cake off easily and sometimes you can just sometimes you have to like kind of pull it off a little bit so I usually use this to go underneath and then I can just slide that parchment with the cake right onto whatever serving platter I'm gonna use so this works great there's also a pointy end that does work it's a cake tester so basically you know when you're when they say to test your cake for doneness to put something in the center if it comes out clean it's done however this one's tricked me a couple times and I thought that and not because of this one just because cake testers in general sometimes you'll put it in and it'll come out clean and you still have a raw Center so the best way to test for doneness will be to use a good thermometer and the one that I have recently purchased because I had a thermometer that I'm telling you took probably one minute to register at the temperature and you don't want that you don't have all that time plus when you're checking for doneness on baked goods or breads you don't want to leave let the heat out all that time so you want something that's gonna be pretty fast there is a really nice thermometer by I think it's thermo works however it's like hundred dollars so that was a little pricey for me so I bought one that's a thermo pro it folds up it is large but it works really well it fits in your drawer then when you're ready to open it up and use it you just open it up turn it on and this thing will register in a couple of seconds what your temperature is and most baked goods not all but most baked goods shooting for a temperature of around 200 degrees is going to be the perfect temperature and it will be done all the way through so when you're checking temperatures of breads and desserts and things like that you want to check them in the center and then a couple of other points around the outside edges just to make sure that you have around 200 degrees if it's 1 97 or so don't worry about it you can take it out and then it will finish cooking while it cools that's why a lot of times when I have a recipe that's a baked good and I say let it cool before you cut into it even though it's so hard to do sometimes if you don't you're interrupting the cooking process because the heat is still cooking once it's out of the ninja foodie and you want to let it finish up doing its job because that's what's finishing up the center of your baked goods so as we know the ninja frutti gets super hot whether it's under pressure or whether it's using the weather we're using the tender crisp lid it gets really hot and it's a deep pot and when you're reaching in to get things out you want to be protected the best gloves that I have ever found ever and this is not just for the ninja foodie this is for any kind of cooking are these heat-resistant gloves they're made from the same material as I think like what firefighters use to protect themselves so you can tell that they're really heat resistant now they are not steam resistant okay so they're not waterproof if they get wet you can feel it a little bit but it they don't burn you so to speak but you can't just like stick your hand in a pot of boiling water that's not gonna work that's not what these are for these are for lifting things out when you're gonna need to get in deeper and those little mitts don't really work that well for that I have burned myself many times using the little mitts so I have now gone to these full gloves it's also great for picking the whole pot up because you can really grip it you know and grip it well because this if this is full of food it could be pretty heavy so you know you want a good grip on it and you don't have to worry about grabbing racks and things like that they go up you know good amount on your wrist so they give that protection if you're like leaning over like I do and then all of a sudden maybe my arm or whatever and we don't accidentally burn yourself on the lip so that about wraps it up for the second part of this two-part series on baking the types of pans that I recommend and configuring the ninja foodie for various pot and pot cooking techniques so if you missed out on episode one be sure to click on that at the end so you can see that and if you have any ideas for other cooking series that you want me to do that don't involve recipes like just different things you want to learn about please leave me a comment and let me know and I will get working on those right away if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet you can do that right over there if you like this video give me a thumbs up make sure to turn on the notification bell so you get notified when I put out a new video and I appreciate you so much I love you I'll see you in the next video
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 73,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, ninja foodi accessories, baking in the Ninja Foodi, tips for baking in the ninja foodi, ninja foodi pot in pot, baking accessories for the ninja foodi
Id: WdCnCMuuIFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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