Gridlock Should Be Fired For Being Fat

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it's 2019 and fat shaming is not acceptable but it is acceptable to ridicule someone for putting other people's lives in danger take gridlock for example she ate her way onto the Special Forces and is now the easiest target in the game because of it I'm gonna preface this by saying I don't hate fat people in fact I like my women a little bit thick I like a woman who knows her way around a funnel cake but under no circumstances should this be the nation's top tier cream of the crop elite soldier unless of course you're waging a war on those giant burgers from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs gridlock is part of an update to show off the best fighters from Australia and this is the best you could come up with her gadget is a bunch of caltrop she can throw down to keep people from beating her lumbering ass to the refrigerator come on man you're doing Australia dirty what about Crocodile Dundee what about Saxton Hale what about like any bogan with a couple dirty heroin needles anything's better than a doctor diabetes tonic their diabetes I'd also love this on my toilet eating a Reuben gridlocks supposed to be like a mentor to mozzie I mean like set a better example man look at kayid cater ever [ __ ] you say his name dudes looking trim he's eight years into his AARP discount get it together [Music] oh my god you see my fat body [ __ ] pilot even if he didn't shoot me my knees would have given out she's not fat if you go if you go and look at the BMI calculator put in her weight in her height she's morbidly obese there's no [ __ ] way I love how mozzie and and gridlock are working on the same motorcycle like that one motorcycle can carry her fat ass and mozzie Jesus Christ bust out that no wonder they're working on she probably broke the suspension leave me stand out to the left that wide angle does nothing I've always liked the girl that's built like a refrigerator because you know you are what you eat who else wants to see gridlock on her hands and knees with an apple in her mouth just me imagine gridlock worn fishnets dude that looks like a [ __ ] it looks like a roast ready to go in the oven you know what I'm saying disgusting what I said it would look like a succulent meal and you said it looks a sick disgusting I think I've evil once I have vegetables so of course you've never dig in one if your diet consists of nothing but Flintstones push up pops you're not gonna have any green [ __ ] that's the diet that I will yeah if you ever do like a as I called the young kids do is whippersnappers not Grindr what's the one for normal people and er yeah sorry I just know Brian er nothing okay one yeah what's the one way I don't get my ass kissed a girl why did you go grinder but not in yeah look at my look at my drone who shot me in the beginning of 7907 yeah I mean she do my sidearm hold on low caliber hey hold still still do better be impressed with that because that's the only play you're gonna see this game the rest of it is just me [ __ ] on Marley is this a real meeting early or not this is a real medium early all your videos and I said that man think you'd like what do you say to that I say watch more of them you [ __ ] you [ __ ] nobody you know this Marley guy is just a two-face he was actually so nice to Mongol but in discord he's talking mad [ __ ] it'd be like that's unless I'm not if you like that nah I see because you're a [ __ ] fool loading a piece of [ __ ] I'm honored to have met him early talk Adobe do they go find friends played with YouTube with your other friends oh yeah he's laughing at discord right now he said this [ __ ] doesn't have friends you just said that I swear to god Sam [ __ ] you making me look so bad it's so uncomfortable now he's he hasn't responded he just he just used the n-word Marley uses the n-word oh my god [Music] yawning yeah cuz I was so [ __ ] boring what you just said oh no [ __ ] way i watch like our videos I appreciate that thank you I've watched them all too and every single one makes me more and more disappointed I don't know that you keep one-upping yourself the each one is worse than the last I'm just curious do you like you make enough money off youtube to disagree with that or do you tell like an actual job you know it's you should potential fight as it feel to not even maximize income by having merchandise we stopped for you yo did you ever end up getting that Audi yeah I got it oh really I was screaming about that I think on stream one time yeah I got it it's gonna I'm gonna be without it for a month cause it's going so let's get like modifications films oh good good job [ __ ] idiot you know why I'm pissed about it what because the only reason a guy ever gets a nice car is because he knows women like guys with nice cars Kia already decided to suck your Carles dick without you having a car there's no point to you owning a car at least not a nice one like that like buy property at that point get something that will appreciate in value nothing depreciate in value more than a car except for a [ __ ] mobile home idiot you know what I Drive I Drive a 2005 Honda Element because I can drive a [ __ ] cardboard box and my wife would still put my wiener in her mouth do you drive a Mini Cooper neither dive analysis look at that he did what kinds today flex there yeah I know your little [ __ ] tiny [ __ ] it's a rock hard when you had the opportunity to flex that you had an Audi just listen now douchey he sounds either diving out [Music] yeah have you ever seen them Star Wars memes you know that r2d2 screaming meme I think I did yeah where are 2d to goes across the hallway and goes how about you go left to right across this opening and do that you get 10 seconds yeah that's the one scene I needed left for my fanfic remake of Star Wars Episode two yeah let's open this maybe if I I'm gonna play Alpha Pack gets opened in this video oh it's a purple okay well that's good does it black guys why would I lie I don't even like this yeah it's black ice for the mp7 for bandit i just opened two hundred of those never tend to get any buckets yeah you know why because I did I I did I open that with the passion for this game you opened yours for money and views alright if you believe in the game listen you see now I'm gonna get million I'm gonna get millions of views on this video because I just open one pack this see people watch 200 times of you opening packs getting nothing when all you need to do I just cut out all the fat you know yeah here this is one pack opening you want to see boom black guys why would somebody like this skin it just looks like a piece of garbage what is this so you guys into a [ __ ] and ball torture I'm unfamiliar you know just laying down and linen grow stilettos stomp all over your cotton balls Steve do you see that guy I get on my cam here Steve do you see him that's I'm getting them thinks he can stick his little elbow out there was this kid I met on skate too I think PJ lads front steps were playing skate and and I met him and and then threw him his name was Tony through him I met Steve because there were friends in real life and they used to go to the skate park together in real life and in like one day when I was talking to Tony Tony was like dude Steve's Steve's got a big ass dude that thinks pop and he's got like a [ __ ] he called it a pumpkin ass which crack me up so for for like six years we've just gone like mud flaps like his ass cheeks are like mud flaps hanging that we always like you know like the oblongs who's that one kid that wears a [ __ ] bra on his ass like hold up his ass you see I tried watching that show you know for old nostalgia and all I just become the no arms and no legs and be able to run away [Music] [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 613,648
Rating: 4.9500527 out of 5
Keywords: Rainbow six siege, funny, moments, gridlock, general sam, clips, satire, burnt horizon, gameplay
Id: xdr8B-xQJqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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