Greenworks 40V Dethatcher. Kikuyu and Buffalo Results.

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g'day lornies you've got the other mat here again today for another vid uh we're gonna have a quick look over some of the green work stuff that i'm testing today and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna chuck it in my car yes a car uh not a trailer and i'm gonna head over to my mate's place and we're gonna showcase all the gear so i'm going to quickly flip the camera around and then we're going to have a look at the gear and then we're going to pack it up and head out so let's get into it [Music] we've got first of all we've got the 40 volt mower so this mower is uh basically it's like a 18 or 19 inch deck um i probably go around have a look at the centimeters there you go 46 centimeters deck um 40 volt battery um you got twin battery compartment in there um it's only a single battery from there the other one's just for storage it's not actually linked in so not like bit different to the 60 volt height adjuster on the side like you normally like to normally get you've got the catcher in there as well side discharge also comes with a mulching plug it is push it's not self-propelled um it looks all for the life of another product that usually comes in gray and orange and there's a very good reason for that greenworks actually make those products this is just basically their um their own brand um that they distribute out through australia now through greenworks australia a quick blower um again 40 volt battery sitting on the back just here there we go a little one this is the 4 amp hour so thanks very much for greenworks they sent me um three of those to power all this year and then we head over into now we'll touch on that after head over into the uh line trimmer so a fairly conventional 40 volt line trimmer that you see throughout most of the places um normal bump feed head in there which is perfectly fine they do have the metal bit sitting up i'm not quite sure i think it's for like making sure that you don't hit stuff i always have it sitting up and it flips up it's got its own little holder a get handle adjustable for where you want to have it so i've got it set up that it actually perfectly balances when i lift it up so look at that nice and level um again battery sitting on the back two stage controls like all the electric stuff so this is the 40 volt cordless greenworks dethatcher scarifier whatever you want to call it so this is what i'm really going to be testing out today i'm going to be using all this stuff so all this stuff that you're looking at all through here is all going in the car but this is the mother this is what everyone wants to see this is what has already been selling like hot cakes despite the fact that it hasn't really come in um fully yet so let's have a quick look over so we've got a normal battery compartment here no battery in there yet i've got to chuck one in height adjuster on the side um i'll go around so you can actually see the increments properly so we've got your five plus five zero five minus five minus eight and minus twelve um so fully height adjustable through there nice and easy to use easy as if you ask me um again full foldable handle so if you like me and you don't have a massive shed you can actually fold this thing up and chuck it down and i'll fold into pretty much the same space you're looking here um and then chuck it at the bottom of the shed or you know inside a wheelbarrow that kind of thing while you're not using it but i've actually been using this a lot more in a second i'll get to that again two stage handles like all the electric stuff so you've got your little push to go in and then you've got your starter as well just in that catcher here um it's a bigger catch than what you get on some of the smaller electric dethatches i'm actually quite happy with this catcher it's actually working quite well um and i'll try and take this off and show you the inside yeah okay so you've got the detaching blades in there sitting in there now it does also come with some spring-loaded tines as well i'm not going to be using them today um but i do it does come with them and they are very easy to change over it's just took me about 20 to 30 seconds to change it over so that's it and like i said a little catchy here mesh fills up nicely and so we're back at my mates house now um to have a bit of a look at his lawn so i'll quickly flip the camera around and we'll go through have a quick look at his buff which is in desperate need of some care um and we'll quickly walk out the back and we'll have a look at the kaiku which really badly needs to detach all right everyone so this is my mates buffalo um it does need a bit of tlc he mowed it down really low a while ago excuse the wind sorry um so it needs a lot of tlc to come through so what we're going to do is i'm going to give it a light going over with um the green works just probably at its highest point and we'll see how it works with that um and just to try and get rid of some of this dead stuff we've got a kind a fair bit of dead sitting in here so we want to try and get rid of all that up and i don't want to cut out the runners too much so um that's what we'll focus on today and then we've got his so you can see it's scalping fair bit with the mower um high spot there mowed it down the other day and it's kind of looking but it's a bit thatchy um so it needs a bit of love in there as well so this is what we're really going to be using the green works on look at this and we'll be able to get all that up probably do a few different parts on different heights on this to show you guys how it goes um but let's get into it get the equipment out and we'll set it up and we'll give it a go [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right everyone so we've just finished doing the front buffalo lawn um you're using the green works 40 volt we ended up putting it down to minor uh to zero i believe i'll just double check yeah we put it down to zero um which is what we had there so um tried on the plus five was it was still picking up a lot of stuff but it wasn't picking up everything um it still hasn't picked up everything everything because um we didn't want to go any lower so you can still see there's a couple little patches here but for the most part it's actually taking a lot of that crap out of there so we've still got some runners which is what the buffalo needs um you would then see me running over it with the rotary just picking up all the crap so as you can see we put a lot of stuff actually just quickly gonna say quick hello hello so this is all the stuff that we took out of it so you can see it's just absolute dead crap what you want you want to get rid of all that out of your lawn so what brandon's going to do um after i've gone and after finishing this video he's going to get some top dress probably the lawn porn top dress from garden grove and then he's going to go over this give it a light top dress probably actually before that um four seasons moist and i'll probably chuck some hero his way as well just that way you can get that really going so we're going to have a look at the um kaiku now i'll maybe do some shots of using the 40 volt at the different heights so you can see that going through the kaiku so let's get into that [Music] don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] but [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] all right guys so we've done with the renovation now which is pretty cool on the kaiku so this is about 25 square meters that you've seen throughout all this we well and truly filled up that little green bin it's quite compacted but let's have a quick look um there you go look at all that dead crap that bin is full of this just absolute crap so what we've done like i said we went through went on minus five minus eight minus twelve and we've gone from having a really fluffy patch of kaikuyu down to this fairly solid scarified um or dethatched kaiku now um again this will get a top dress um we actually found a couple of beetles in it so um probably what as a thank you to brendan i might flick some history and some hero over his way he's already got the moist and the four seasons so he's going to whack that down once i leave as well so we'll spray that out probably later tonight later tonight it's a bit too windy today to do any spraying and give it a massive water give it get get all that good stuff into it with that so yeah all up i think we're pretty happy with the result um you happy with the result brandon yeah cool so that'll be we'll probably have a few shots of the products and we'll go from there if you need any information hit up the green works australia website um they have all the details on there they've also got their local stockists as well so have a bit of a look check them out they're on facebook they're on instagram just like us and as with all of our videos if you like the video click the like button give us a subscribe as well you'll see videos from myself um occasionally and also matt giving his spring updates as well so enjoy it guys and girls and get your lawn on thanks very much see ya [Music] bye
Channel: #Lawnporn lawn care tips
Views: 20,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawnporn, Lawn pawn, Greenworks 40v, Greenworks dethatcher 40v, Greenworks electric dethatcher, Greenworks dethatcher before and after, is the Greenworks dethatcher any good?, dethatching buffalo, scarifying buffalo, scarifying kikuyu, scarifying couch, can I scarify buffalo, how to renovate lawn, 40v dethatcher, Greenworks cordless dethatcher, how to dethatch a lawn, easy way to dethatch lawn, gamechanger, gamechnger lawn care product, dethatch a lawn in spring
Id: 9OaLN_8cpQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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