Greenworks 14-Inch Dethatcher Review . Greenworks Dethatcher vs Bluebird Power rake

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all right the time is confident pick a door look you're gonna be Jinja one two or three don't want number two and what's behind door number two a great work Steve Thatcher yes it's um that so I want to go over the difference between the green work Steve Thatcher and a normal comedy Thatcher let's take a look at the machines all right first up is our Bluebird power rake as you can see at the bottom it's got all these flails that score the ground at a fifty to one ratio which is pretty good and you can see it's it's not necessarily sharp these flails all they're designed to do is to score the ground and to pull that bat straight up pretty basic machine I would estimate this machine weighs about a hundred pounds and then the Green Works coming in at a whopping twenty pounds it's got these tines very different they are spring-loaded and you can see they've got they're angled to pull it up off the ground so I'm really interested to see how this works both machines are very basic it's got a shoot coming out the back and we've got the exact same thing here on the Bluebird power rig this one is a gas-powered motor with the Honda GX 120 and this one is electric now both machines work similar in the sense that you want to start with a high setting now the difference between the two is changing the settings on the green works dethatcher is on the wheelbase you pull this out and you twist the knob it's got three different settings a low base a middle a high and is pretty simple clearly marked which is nice and I like the simplicity of this machine it makes it very simple same thing here with the Bluebird power rake however the adjustment module is here you always want to start again with the highest setting first which is going this area so I've had my reservation on the Green Works dethatcher I'll tell you a couple of reasons number one it's super cheap I've been using a $1,500 to $3,000 power rake over the last ten years and this is a whopping 120 bucks I think is probably spent I'll put a link of it in the description but yeah I spent this money this isn't they didn't give it to me but I mean so many people are buying it and sometimes I wonder if we've got that placebo effect where we think it's better because it was cheap and we got a good deal so I really want to put it through the ringer so let's uh let's let's get started and see where it takes it so we got the short mode done let's do the walkthrough as you can see we've exposed a lot of issues it's mainly just dead grass which is interesting to see all right we've got the Green Works dethatcher all plugged in and let's put it to the test okay so I've got it all connected I've got the power cord here and they've got this little attachment here to get the power cord out of the way which is nice because then you just follow this with your hands and hold it up here and it stays out of the way now to start it this is interesting you have to hold the button down and then if you just push the button and pull the lever it does not come on step number one in the process we want to stay at the high setting and we're just gonna take a three foot pass and see what happens the reason why I want to do a three foot passes if I go any further than that my scalp I only have a three-foot section I have to worry about scalping instead of it six to twelve foot section I'm kind of impressed fold a lot out and let's get on top of it and see what we got not a lot of stress but I think we've still got more in there I think we can go one setting lower and really check it out but I mean look at this and it seems to be pretty even across the I think the fourteen or sixteen inch deck but a lot of stuff coming out now I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of impressed here [Music] okay take a look I'm not getting a lot of negative feedback like on the on the dethatcher we've still got some debris let's uh let's go one notch lower so far so good I'm not seeing any scalping usually when I see the scalping you're gonna see just straight to the ground you're gonna see bare dirt so I think we'll keep it on this setting and let's let er rip tater chip [Music] I'm not gonna lie this little workhorse it's going well I mean we pulled out a ton I mean look at this I mean it's everywhere so what I want to do is just pull all this grass we're gonna need to do a second pass no matter what I mean it's just so much so we're gonna we're gonna push all this grass to the sidewalk see what we got not bad for a first pass kind of especially a little bit more but again this statue it's it's kind of gummy so it's really sticking on the surface of the soil we're definitely going to need to go over it again you can see a difference I mean we just really roughed it up between the side that we've done and the side that we haven't all right moving on let's see how it compares to the Bluebird power rake the Bluebird is obviously more expensive it's heavier this is what I wanted to a side-by-side comparison just see where we're at [Music] all right so the the power I definitely pulled out more I'd say it pulled out probably 3540 percent more than the other pile but the thing that you can really see is in the lawn this side is more green than this side but we're not done we need to do the second pass let's go through our due diligence [Music] so second pass with the Bluebird power rake still pulled out a significant amount more than the Green Works dethatcher and now you can see that color difference again on both sides so I think what we're gonna do I want to see if we can catch it up I'm gonna do another third pass with the Green Works dethatcher on this side on this side I'm going to leave it alone we're to the point where we're starting to see a lot of soil and we can actually see the ground now what I was worried about is we weren't gonna have a lot of grass left but underneath you can see you know we've still got stems and shoots that want to come up so I'm hoping that the bluegrass is gonna manifest itself and thicken itself up [Music] alright guys let's take a closer look alright so two passes on this side three on this side everything's looking pretty similar I mean there's a little bit of a difference but I can't tell if it's because of the striping but when we get on top of the lawn you can actually see soil now which is awesome and we're seeing a lot of movement I didn't have a ton of ripping and tearing which I'm really happy about we had a little scalping here and this is what we want to avoid as best as possible when we can but all in all a pretty good job I'm pretty happy with it now let's look at the piles so we have this pile which is the Green Works dethatcher in just this section that is a lot of grass now we did three passes but as you could see it looks almost identical to the two pass of the bluebird power rake that I have still a significant amount of grass we did one pass less but that's pretty impressive visca hi man I'm shocked I am shocked for my purchase on how little money that I spent even if I had to throw it away after to use some piece of crap still worth it I mean we you could spend easily just on a used bluebird power rake anywhere between 500 bucks and 1500 depending on the shape and then you're gonna have put money into it get it going I mean this is brand-new straight out of the box kind of shocks it worked really really well as you can see by the two piles I pulled 33% less grass but I had doing an additional pass but who cares it's a hundred and fifty bucks now I got something I can use as a lawn broom kind of pick up debris just to boost that color whenever I want another thing that you can do because it's scouring the soil is it's a good seed prep I gotta be honest with you I didn't think we were gonna have this good of results but I'll put a link in the description if you guys have any questions or comments hit me up love to hear from you next time guys pestle on ginger I'm tired [Music]
Channel: Pest and Lawn Ginja
Views: 357,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pest and lawn ginja, bluebird power rake, power rake, dethatcher, dethatch, de thatch, how to power rake, power raking, greenworks dethatcher review, greenworks power rake, greenworks dethatcher replacement tines, diy power rake, how to dethatch a lawn, how to dethatch your lawn, lawn care, ugly lawn fix, ugly lawn repair, yellow spots in lawn, brown spots in lawn, melting out, leaf spot fungus, red thread fungus
Id: erC9sDJHy1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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