#6. Green Nebula Glow Whisp. A Resin Tutorial by Coopers Custom Casts.

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hi everyone we're back well i had a little  experiment yesterday it didn't quite turn   out to plan but i think i know what i've done  wrong so i'm gonna record this and hopefully it   turns out okay and i can actually upload this  one onto youtube but i'm gonna do it in a few   stages so i've skipped out the way into the resin  and stuff and the mixing if you haven't seen that   pop into one of the other tutorials i've done and  you'll see we're using let's resin one one today   i'll go through the other parts as we  go through the stages but yeah i haven't   warmed it this this time mainly because i'm using  a different product which was recommended to me   um by Michelle one of my friends on facebook  and this is marabu it's a rainbow alcohol ink   it's a sparkly alcohol ink like a glitter but  it's not as heavy so what we're going to do   what i'm aiming to do is part fill the bigger  moulds with resin let that sit for a while i'm   going to mix in this with the resin as well but  not too much and then i'll let that set come back   and we'll do the ink stuff along with the the glow  powder this isn't normal glow powder this is a   watch loom it's called it just comes in like  a kit i think i got that on ebay last year   for some watches that i was working on but i'll  get to that when we go so i've got the resin   already mixed just gonna pinch the cup pour that  in we don't want to go too much just take you down try and give you a kind of depth angle so you can see how far i'm going i think that will do because we need to  allow room for the next lot of resin and inks so you can see i'm probably leaving about  three millimeters four millimeters from the top   so bring it back up again pour into these ground ones so  i'm hoping for like a a spacy   nebula or northern lights kind of  effect i hope if not i will get there go for this heart come over here go with one of these squares and we'll go for these ones it's stuck in the bottom of that  one let's clean that out got a bit of a grip   i don't know whether that's new or  old that's new that's fine go in there i've got a bit of resin left over i  use that on something else right so let's just check i'm not gonna see the trouble  is with the depth the the inks will sink so i   don't want them sinking and touching the top  so i'm gonna take a little bit out of this one again you'll find down here in this  corner there's a little sub button   so if you haven't subBed just click that and  you can subscribe thanks to all those who subbed   already liked followed commented so now we've  got this in we're just going to give it a blast have some bubbles because i haven't warmed it they're not  coming to the surface as they normally do just going to try and manipulate  them up with a cocktail stick give it another quick blast now we're going to add some of this give it a good shake you don't  want to go too crazy with this because it can sink so we're just  going to add one drop in each you can see it sparkling away and it will spread out inside the mold  as you can see that ring over here now what we need to do is with the cocktail stick just  very carefully don't go too crazy   but you kind of need to just break up that ring that it forms and try to work it  just into the surface of the resin you may need to come back a few times just keep an  eye on it because it can just reform in the center i want to take some out if it's too much it will be handy if you could  do like a half drip of this   or maybe just dip the cocktail  stick into some in a separate bowl kind of just need to work it you see this  one's come straight into the center already   just work it around try and break it up a little bit this is a complete experiment for me i  say yesterday's failed they had a glow   this one's got too much resin is the inks not going to work and drop properly on the next layer again just give it another quick like i said come back to it and just double  check it if you need to agitate it again   and say half an hour do that but  i'm gonna whack this on my heat mat   speed things up and come back for the ink  stage so i'll see you soon right so we're back   this is now set let's see it's got quite a  nice even sparkle to it so the next phase   is to add some of the glow powder  now we just want to kind of just   some of it's quite lumpy just pick some  up and kind of rub it and squeeze it   over the resin that's already there doesn't matter if you get a few lumpy  bits it should add to the effect hopefully you can see how it's just dusting over take you a bit further down in a moment and there we go a few lumpy lumpy bits here  we're gonna take out so a little bit too big so i did crush a lot of this actually we'll keep   a few bits in there just to  see what they turn out like right so we're now going to seal that in   i have some mixed up resin  just going to pour over the top and fill the molds back up to the brim leave a tiny amount just to allow for the inks there we go hopefully i've mixed up enough and hopefully it works that's why what i don't want excuse  me is the inks to sink too far   and touch the first amount of resin i'm  hoping i've kind of got my depths right time will tell okay so began with the let's resin  inks we've got peach red   sapphire blue green but we're going to add  lemon yellow to this green to brighten it up   and we've got purple i might not use them  all and this is the Lets' Resin "Deeper" i'll put all the links in the description so  if you're trying to work out what i'm using   all the links will be out there give them a good shake and we're going to start  let's just blast these quick you don't want to do this after you've added  ink because you can actually start a fire   right so we're going to start  dropping let's take you down sorry if my hands are getting in the way   so once we've added the peach red  we're going to go in with the green on the opposite side and now before we add in the white we're  going to add the yellow to the green   and you'll see really brightens that green  up i'm just going to get a pipette and suck   some out of this one and this one  because they're going to spill over i'm just going to drop that in  and suck up some of the resin   i might get some of the ink  as well it doesn't matter i don't want it to over spill and  potentially leak into the other pieces how we go now we're  going to go in with some white now we'll go in with some purple hope it doesn't mix in with the others and muddy the colors up now we're going to hit the purple with the  white let's just see how that kind of forms and rests a bit of dancing in this one so i think we can go with some  more yellow i might not use the   sapphire blue add some more yellow  to this the darker areas of the green and then go back over that with another white with these ones with the gaps down here i'm gonna  go in and risk it with a bit tiny bit of blue   and hope it doesn't muddy i'm gonna tap that with the white as well we've got another gap on this one it's looking okay this one's a bit   clear around the edges so i'm going to  go in with a little bit more of the green a little bit more of the yellow on top and then another white and then  i'm going to push this pink back up   and this one with a bit more white going with a white there to try and  spread out the edges on that one it's kind of just trial and error i think i'm gonna leave that now so again all  the links will be in the descriptions of what i'm   using there's also the donation links thanks for  everyone who's donated so far and there's also the   link tree link which has got all my other social  media links you can click on that and it will   show you my instagram page tick tock but we're  gonna leave this here and we're gonna come back   for the swirl in around about an hour see you  then right so we're now back and ready for the   whisps it's been about an hour so we're going to  start down here just going to draw not too deep   just draw that green through the blue through  the peach red and just swirl it into the middle with this one we're going to go over the blue  into the green into the purple into the center and this one will go with the  pink sorry my hand's in the way pink into the green into the purple into  the center this one will go with a blue   through the purple and the pink pinch i  keep calling it pink it's pink peach red   well this one here we go with the green just draw that through you could do it anywhere you want  really you could even change your colors   green again through just swirling it around and this one here i'm going to go with the purple  draw the purple through the green onto the pink whirl it all round and the last one   we've got a couple of clear patches here so  what we're gonna do is just draw that through all over the place really right so i'll  pop that back on the heat mat and come   back for the de-mould see you soon  right so we're back for the de-mould   let's see how they turned out they're still  a little bit soft but they're okay to pop out and there we have it see the test will come when  i use like an led torch   to charge them up obviously don't want  to charge these up in sunlight because wow the sunlight can bleach the alcohol  inks that's pretty cool well it's worked let's just hope the glow effect works look at that yeah i'm happy with those so far so good we have a blob on that one see  how the glitters kind of evenly   hasn't all sunk to the surface which  is good uh yeah to the to the bottom yay i haven't gotta do it again you can see that kind of cloudy   the zoom's gone kind of cloudiness which  hopefully is going to glow up really nice and the last one really cool right we're gonna  come back with a torch and some darkness for the   glow i feel like a big kid um i couldn't wait it's  daylight outside so i'm under the duvet i'm just   charging these up with my led torch and i'm going  to flip the camera around and show you the results   right let's move the light away slowly  just so you can get some there you go you have to get the focus just  right it keeps coming and going   there you go see some of those bigger chunks  they turned out really cool it's definitely definitely what i wanted. I keep having  to get the light back to get the focus   what i'll do is i'll take some some better  photos and upload them onto my instagram you can see just how cool that turned out i'm really chuffed with that look yay thanks for joining thanks for watching rather   um and joining me under the bed covers a bit  weird so i'll see you for the next one bye
Channel: Daniel Cooper
Views: 24,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin, art, resin artist, resin tutorial, alcohol inks, alcohol ink tutorial, artist, whisp, tutorial, epoxy, let's resin, Daniel cooper, Coopers Custom Casts, demould, demoulding, jewelry, jewellery, resin jewelry, resin jewellery, jewelry design, jewellery design, handmade, hand made, whisp effect, Concentrated alcohol inks in resin, petri effect, feathering technique, resin feathering, glow, glow in the dark, glow powder, space, galaxy, resin galaxy, resin space, resin nebula
Id: YlBXdLx31XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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