#51. Resin Feathering Effect With Neon Glow Pigment. A Tutorial by Daniel Cooper

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[Applause] right we're back i've been asked to do this one quite a few times and i've put it off time and time again but we're gonna try it today and that is glow-in-the-dark feathering now i'm not i don't think these are gonna glow in the dark very well so these dyes they're not very concentrated but what i do think we're going to get is a nice neon so the blue is not very so what the blue doesn't really light up much so i'm going to go with the colors that do so at least that way if they don't glow we've got some neon feathering so for this of course we're using the let's resin calabresin and these are just from amazon i'm not sure on the brand there you go but i'll pop the links in the description as always right let's get mixing right so my resin is mixed and whilst that's degassing i'll talk you through what we're going to do so these are the dye liquids and these really do need shaking up for quite some time to move that glow pigment from the bottom you can see it all gathered up so see if we if we want these to glow we need that pigment to be really mixed in with the liquid so we're going to do this in a similar way that i've done the feather room with the mica powder i did think about using the white pigment paste for this but i i just think the white pigment paste is going to overpower the colors so we're going to mix our colors with some resin and then using some isopropanol which helps keep those pigment liquid pigments afloat now powders will be too heavy for this so we need to go down this route so we'll mix small amounts similar to my other videos where i've done feathering with pigment paste or mica powders and we're just going to drop those into the resin and then we're going to use our lech resin c deeper to give us that textured effect with the feathering but obviously i've got mine in this bottle and not in this one right so i've just discovered these caps come off which is really helpful because i have lots of these ball bearings so i'm going to pop one in each one hopefully without making a mess so you just pull that top off and this will help just disturb all of those bits of pigment at the bottom of our bottles which is handy i've also got my resin poured out and degas now and i've also poured six cups and it's probably a couple of grams of resin in each one but i'm going to shake up all my inks and then we'll be back to show you how to do it so that is now much easier to shake up and disturb those pigments at the bottom sorry i'm shaking my camera let me just show you what the ink will do die whatever you want to call it just in this tester on its own you can see it straight away sinking and that's now hit the surface of the mold and that will just spread out so we need to we must mix this with our resin and isopropanol to keep it floating so i'm going to do this one at a time i'm not going to shake all my bottles first i'm going to do each one at a time so we'll start with our lime that can't be right that one's saying lemon and it's orange that's i'm just going to call that yellow i'd say that would be lime instead of pear [Laughter] right so i'm just going to shake this up and then i'm just going to drop a few drops into my resin maybe four to start with i'm just going to get my stick and then just mix that in and you can't see any pigments whereas with pigment powders you'd be able to see it and you'd feel that grittiness when you're staring that in and it is fairly well is translucent it's not opaque but we are should i mix some white alcohol ink in with this i'm not sure let's just see what that looks like with the uv so that's very bright but will it glow will it hold the charge i don't think it will i really don't think it will but if it doesn't at least we've got some really nice neon pieces so i don't know whether to drop a white in there just to make that let's go with some more of the glow just see what happens see if it becomes more opaque it is becoming more opaque you can tell i've never done this before but i'm starting to feel a bit of the grit which i don't like because that means there's potential for it to sink and blob so i'm going to stop there so in here is my isopropanol again i'm not counting the drops i'm just going to squirt some in the resin thoroughly mix that in you can probably hear that grittiness now and let's go down to our tester lock my focus we're just going to drop a drop in and you can see already how that is very different to the first drop that we put in that's how we want it but we're going to give it a minute just to make sure that it's still not too heavy i'm happy with that so we're going to start i'm going to start with the color that we've already done and i won't show you me mixing all of the other ones because that can get boring as always massive shout out to my channel members quite a few of you have now joined my membership level which is brilliant thank you very much and thank you to anyone who's subbed since my last video helping the channel grow and as always i'm just dropping just dropping it where all over the place doesn't have to be tidy i'm going to try and cram as much in as i can these will begin to spread out but that's fine right on to the next color so this one is apparently mango but i'm gonna call it pink it's not very mango and just check i did do a test out and it looks okay but i don't want it sinking can i add a bit more alcohol not too much just a few more drops and then just drop it in i've got six colors in total so i'm gonna try and cram in as much as i can because these aren't spreading the same as alcohol inks do i think that we'll do let's do the other i did two tester pieces but we can just fill that one in i'm happy to work with just the one tester piece give another drop of pink in the bottom of these two small hearts next color so this one is our pear apparently it's green try not to blob too much this one's pretty hard to see compared to the other ones but we do love an experiment i think that'll do for that color i want some more vibrancy next color so this is our orange this one's really bright standing out a lot more than the other colors and this won't give us the feathering on its own i'm hoping that when we add our white sinker to the backs of all the colors that should then same as what we do with normal petri it should then hopefully push our colors down to give us that feathering effect he hopes i do a lot of hoping in my videos don't i just want to cover as much of the pieces as we can this really is a nice color it's more opaque much more opaque than the others so this one is labeled kiwi but it's almost like a whitey blue this one is really nice and opaque and it lights up really nice but i don't think they're gonna glow they're just gonna they'll glow with a a uv light is it they call them like is it a black black i don't think it's going to hold any any kind of charge you never know [Applause] and i'm gonna have to skip the other color which is fine because it was a it was an orange anyway so i'm not worried we've kind of filled most of the space now anyway i haven't really got much room to go in anywhere else again just blobbing it anywhere just hope i added enough alcohol to that one so i've got some gaps here which i'm gonna now fill maybe i have got another color i can use yes i'm gonna give this red a try it is neon i like the blue the blue doesn't really show up let's just fill some of this negative space a little bit more alcohol in there so you want this to just like i've said in other videos to be able to drip off of your stick and if it spreads too much give it a couple of minutes because that alcohol will evaporate if it doesn't spread enough just use a few more drops of isopropanol to get it right but there's no point me counting drops because you could be using a different resin different temperatures there's a lot of different factors that come into any resin technique really look at that blob in that top piece let's go just a few more drops and then we'll start with our wet and hopefully we'll get some good results it doesn't matter whether these colors touch they won't merge together like alcoholics can okay any leftovers i'm gonna wait for the alcohol to evaporate and then just pull that into another mold right now for our c deeper really hoping this is gonna work because the pigment paste might be the only way for for it to work so i'm just going to try and just evenly drop it not over every color but as many as i can just hope that it pushes these down but the white can push beyond the colors that we've put in which could make the visibility of the neon a lot lower or it might not push down enough as we'll do to test the pieces as well actually i'm going to leave that one as it is and just see what it comes out like on its own right it's not covered the whole surface and these ones have drifted inwards because there's a little bit too much resin in there so the white is probably going to drift in okay i'm going to leave it some of these are um are going to drift in so this one this one this one this one so when you try it just make sure that you put a little bit less resin in than what i did because that white is now going to push in and we're probably not going to get the effect that we want right we'll be back in an hour for the stir see you in a bit right we're now ready for the stir let's start on the one that we didn't add our white i see a few surface bubbles there but i can i'm gonna attack them in a little while with some heat but i just worried that there could still be alcohol content on the surface of the resin so you want that stringy consistency as always and i'm not going too deep that i'm going to scratch my mold and always clean your stick before you dip again if you haven't hit that sub button do that for me help the channel grow keep the content coming i hope i haven't got blogs but i hope that we've got some effects it's that happy medium we want nice and stringy gives us more feathering effect if it's worked i'm just gonna i'm just gonna stick with the swirling in the center so if you feel you want to skip forward to the to the d mode but some people find this part quite therapeutic when they can see get off just the two hearts and then we have to wait i'm gonna cheat and speed up though there's no way i'm waiting till tomorrow for these results i'm gonna cheat and speed it up last one there we go should we see if any uv light is doing anything at the moment i don't think it will because it's still at the back of the piece and the white it's kind of covering you see some of it coming through which is good right see from the d-mode fingers crossed we're back real cured some of them are still a bit soft this one's stuck to the lid of my storage box my heating box so let's start with that one i've had a peek at it already obviously because it was stuck just needs trimming off when it's fully set and i'll see in the darkness where the leg glow at the end i'll just pick one or two just see how they but you can see the featherings there which is good really nice i won't show the light on all of them this is the we know we've got a blob on this yucky hasn't cured properly whether it has blobbed you just see those neon colors really really pretty there's the blob the one we didn't add white to still cool but not what we want unless you want that kind of thing that's up to you airplane going over got a couple of areas with the green and the yellow where i haven't really got any texture but it's still nice still got a cool we have something on my mold there i'm really happy with these well it's a bit hazy there i wonder whether yeah you can see just see that green or is it the yellow one of the two you can see where the powder has come through but it's not bad it's not terrible almost like a northern lights effect i think it's done it on this one as well maybe yeah it has look at that though to do some macro for my members with these oh it glowed i'll do a glow up under the covers at the end two hearts done it again on that one seems to be the green that's the culprit and possibly the yellow but i don't dislike it not at all if it blocked then that might be a different story it's definitely like a it's really cool look at that it's definitely like a northern lights vibe going on in there as well well i always get excited for the oval ones my favorite shape to use wow let's have a look look how bright that is just adds a whole new level to the feathering game right i had a look on amazon the [Music] the ones that i used today the globe pigments are currently out of stock but i'll put the link in the description anyway because hopefully they'll be in stock any day but i'll also put an alternative in there which i'm pretty sure will be the same that's stunning right let's go and check them out in the dark so moment of truth are they gonna glow wow they do more so the green they are fading the globe is fading which is normal we didn't put much in really did we again guys give the video a thumbs up drop me a comment let me know what you think if you haven't hit that sub button for me do that for me now and hit that notification bell so you know when i post next i will see you for the next one bye for now
Channel: Daniel Cooper
Views: 5,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel cooper, resin, alcohol inks, petri, petri effect, resin artist, resin art, Coopers Custom Casts, let's resin, epoxy, 1:1 resin, demould, demoulding, artist, tutorial, alcohol ink tutorial, resin jewelry, resin jewellery, jewelry design, hobby, art, colourful, epoxy resin, mould, moulds, YouTube tutorial, vibrant, whisp, technique, jewelry, jewellery, feathering, pendants, pouring, fun, fade, resin glow, glow feathering, resin neon, neon art, glow pigments, neon glow, neon resin
Id: gFh1IkIyuiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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