#37. Resin 'The Bird Effect' + Get Deeper Spores With Your Sinker White. A Tutorial by Daniel Cooper

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Right, we're back! We're going to be  having a couple of experiments today   you might remember seeing this in a few Facebook  groups and I kind of got that bird effect,   we're going to try and recreate that on this video  and also Let's Resin have reached out asking if   I can play around with the C Deeper a little bit  more. You may remember a few videos ago.. maybe a   couple of months or so, where I showed how you can  blend your pinata white sinker to get a similar   result to the Let's Resin C Deeper, what we're  going to do with the C Deeper is reverse that   so what we're going to do is we're going to  take out some of the alcohol content from the..   from the bottles. So in your set you'll get  two of the larger bottles and you'll get two   10ml needle tip bottles now what we need to do..  it's very important when you get your C Deeper   that you really shake it well it's  gonna open it's a brand new set.. i'm just gonna put that one aside and you know,  it does say shake before use but if it's been   sitting there, the pigments gonna have kind  of stuck to the... so you can see it there   stuck to the side of the bottle,  now, you don't have to do this   but I like to just so I know that i've  got... let me get prepared hold on..   yeah so just so that I know that  you know for every time I use my ink it's thoroughly mixed from  every single use so what I like to do,   I might ask the company to do it but it's again.. it's not a must but I just  pop.. I think these are two or three millimeters   ball bearing in the bottle and  the same with the smaller bottles I just pop one in just because it  helps, it really does help shake up   our inks i'm just gonna leave that in there  because i'll show you what we need to do i'm just   gonna set these aside put one in each anyway but  we're going to do an experiment with one normal   and then one with some alcohol content  taken out so i've got my bottle i've   popped a ball bearing in there and i'm just  going to shake this for a good five minutes right so i've shaken my bottle for a good five  minutes and you can kind of see as you turn   the bottle you can see the liquid  and you can see if there's anything   kind of stuck to the inner side of the bottle and  if you can still see kind of streaks turn that   bottle downwards get that ball bearing down  there and just shake it to disturb whatever   stuck on the side of the bottle but i'm good  to go with mine and you do get two funnels   in the kit but i like to use the pipette it  doesn't come with a kit but it's always handy   to have most of you have probably already got one  so we're just gonna measure out two lots of 5ml come on I say these are 10ml needle tip  bottles but I might be wrong they look the same size as the normal  alcohol ink bottles but they're not so that's 10 so far so I was wrong right so again with 15ml in each bottle so  it's just below the shoulder or the bottle   or should I go 20 just to make it easier make it easier to kind of halve it will it fit yes so it's feel it's quite full up actually so that is 20ml (He's wrong).... we're just going to pop on our lid and set that aside because what  we need to do is let these sit   so that we're not so basically what will happen  is the pigments will settle here's one I did and   you can see it at the bottom and the top is  just the liquid that's what we want on this but just before I do the next one i'm  going to give it another quick shake   just in case shouldn't really  have settled that quickly but we want it to be an equal experiment  again massive shout out to my channel members   massive support that link is in my  description below if you do decide to do it   just help support the channel and thank you for those that have sent Super  Thanks, the new feature from YouTube which is in   the box below and those who have bought me  a coffee thank you very much you'll find your names on the community tab again that's really full up! it's going to make it difficult to get our pipette   inside the bottle when we take some out I  think i've gone slightly over on this one that'll do right so we're now going to let these sit may take a few hours we'll see right  i'll see you shortly, before I go,   another thing I like to do is reinsert  this safety cap just to prevent any leaking   if I was to lay the bottle down. Right, so my  bottles have been sitting for about 24 hours   and I can't tilt it and see  if I can get the light right,   you might be able to see just a faint  outline at the bottom of the bottles,   that's where it has settled, it's really tricky to  see but you can see at the top it's kind of clear   more clear than the bottom bottoms more opaque, I  could have... I could leave this longer um but it   has been a while so i'm going to extract.. i've  got another spare bottle here let me grab my pen so this one here we're just going to label as C   because that's the one we're going  to use neat and then this one is the   one that we're going to adjust so i'm  going.. to i'll call that D.. D Deeper right so yeah we're gonna carefully take off   our lid now when you do this, if you do decide  to do this, you don't want to put the pipette   all the way through to the bottom of the  bottle because then you're going to suck up   some of those pigments so we're just going  to carefully from the top count out how much I have to do the maths afterwards that's 2ml,  let me grab a pen so I can write this down.   So i'm thinking of halving so i've taken  two already so I need to take around 10ml   but very carefully not to disturb those pigments! now the reason i'm putting it into another bottle   is because if it's too heavy I can  then adjust it with what i've taken out so this will be 8ml.. I've completely fudged this up! I stupidly was  counting these as 5ml so I was correct! these   bottles are 10ml! I originally put in 12ml so  I, i really pushed it and added the extra two,   so if you remember I added four lots of 3ml at the  beginning thinking these were 5ml, so obviously   now i've taken out 8ml and I want 6ml, so I need  to put another two milliliters back into the the   other bottle to make it a 50/50 mix, my apologies,  you probably picked up on that before I did,   so i'll explain again in a moment just  to make sure it's definitely right... so we now have... equal amounts in each bottle this is the one with  more pigment and this is the one we've taken out,   so there's 6ml of alcohol taken out and there's  six left in there, I thought I was right, you   know, I thought these were 10ml but I was counting  this on the pipette as a 5ml instead of a 3ml,   we learned, so that explains why my previous test  didn't work as well because I was miscounting! So   this is now our one that's labeled D, it doesn't  matter if I move it now. So you can see it's quite   heavily pigmented at the bottom and like I said,  we're going to keep hold of this because if it's   too heavy we can then use this to adjust. So  what i'm going to do is label this with an A.. for adjust.. grab my pen.. right now we're back on track! so obviously when you're doing, it if you  do decide to do it, do 10ml and then take   out 5ml so we have both of these doesn't matter  if we move them. Let's move on with our actual   resin. So we're going to be using of course the  collab resin, thanks to those who have gone out   and purchased this already, if you wouldn't  mind leaving a review on Amazon, that would be   absolutely awesome and the same with the C Deeper  as well, you know, we've been using it for quite   a long time, if you haven't left that review  on Amazon, please go ahead and do it, I have,   and we're going to be using the 26 ink alcohol  set. So, i'm going to get my resin mixed up   and we'll get back on track. Right, so my resin is  mixed, we're going to do is spray our mold first,   i'll pour that out and then on the left side  we're going to go with the normal mixture and then   on the right side we're going to go  with the double strength, bear with me..   Right, so i've got my resin poured out like I  said, on this side we're going to do the double   concentration or the concentrated, this side the  normal, you can see i've only done one heart in   this side because on this one what we're going to  do is play around with stirring and not stirring   so anything on the right hand side we're going  to stir anything on the left we're not going to,   now for those that have got  these smaller bottles, you can   very carefully just manipulate that top off and  you can still then take out some of the alcohol,   obviously these are 10ml as well, so you need  to take out say 5ml if you want to halve it   but then if it's too heavy you  can always add that back in.   Right, so we're going to thoroughly  shake our white i'm expecting this to   potentially blob because it is so heavily  pigmented but again this is the experiment,   we'll just shake that ready and then  we're going to start dropping our inks,   i'm not going to go with any kind of particular selection that was purple go over sapphire blue and then we'll green so you'll find some of these spread differently and then we'll go with a yellow just  up by the blue so we get a green and then in the middle i'm  gonna go with a forest green i'm gonna do these first before we  drop any more inks into the other ones so i'm gonna add just one drop  of the white say per color roughly any negative space we can leave it or come back but we'll move on got some yellow that's kind of splashed  in there so we'll keep that there so we go with the red and then the yellow and maybe an orange either side it doesn't look much different   and what you can do as well with the standard mix  you can just go over it with more white but then   obviously the more alcohol you add the more  risk you have of the resin not curing properly let's go with yellow green and we'll go with an emerald green and we'll go with a sapphire blue right so we just have the two hearts now we'll go with some red at the tops and then we'll go with sapphire blue I think just like that now you can see we've got  negative space down there   so i'm going to go in with  a little bit more yellow just in the two spaces and just leave the rest as it is I think I love watching the ink's dance! it's got a very earthly  kind of color to some of it I don't know whether to go in  with another purple in there   it's not going to hurt just to break  it because it's not kind of left empty so you'll probably notice some are dancing and some aren't some of  these are still actually still bubbling away but then some of them have stopped already that can all depend on many factors right so now that is the the concentrated  and now we have our normal sinker now with these ones we're going to stir  all of them because I want to try and   get especially in these oval shapes i want  to try and get that bird for you if I can it's going to be tricky i've had it a  few times but it really is hit and miss so that was purple red then blue and then  we're going to go in with some emerald green I would like to get yellow in there as well the  trouble is it could muddy but we're gonna risk it and then with our white again just one drop per color there you go try and stick with similar colors  to what i've done in the other mold red yellow and orange either side my orange is struggling to come out I think I have the same issue on another video  i've just not made the hole bigger in the nib you see we've got some more negative space  down there we'll fill that in shortly right we'll go with our emerald green and sapphire blue no we'll go with the azure blue changed my mind, i'm allowed and now for the hearts well the heart then we go with the red again at the top and for this one again the sapphire blue let's see what we've got what can we go in with I think in an orange if it wants to come out! again just another drop of our C Deeper like so right so now we have to wait our one hour,  i'm going to come back and stir some of these up,   i've got some negative space in that one  as well I could fill that quickly I suppose   with a bit more yellow, the true test  is the sinker at the end of the day it doesn't really matter on the colors right see in an hour! Right, we're back, it's been  about an hour so we're just going to stir these up   only the right side though we're not going to  touch the ones on the left in this mold just to   see the comparison I really want to stir them  because that's my thing but we're just gonna   leave them be we've got a bit of negative  space in that one but it doesn't really matter   and this one will just go round right so  that's those ones we're going to leave the   the left ones now for the  bird let's do the others first so they're out the way then I can kind  of concentrate on that kind of bird   effect these two we're just going  to go round just in a spiral   just the same on each one and the  same on these two i'll probably go a   bit deeper just to get a ribbon but just be  careful we don't scratch and mold if you do just try and draw that down let me just go  and turn the TV down, i've got the Johnny..   Johnny and Amber Depp (Heard)  trial in the background,   that's better, the live coverage is on  YouTube in the background, right so with this I can't guarantee i'm gonna get it,  but i've kind of drawn the swirl down on a piece of paper   so i'll lock my focus and just try and get that  exactly the same as before, so I want to come up and then bring that yellow through like that and then i'm going to draw I think I needed to bring  that around more, I think bring that through just like that hopefully that will then create  the beak, I can't guarantee it, it might turn out   like a bird upside down when I rotate the piece  but we won't know until it comes to the demould,   so this one i'm going to try and bring  it around more to create that head and then we're going to draw that through and then hopefully as you can see we've got  the head of the bird we've got the beak and   this yellow here will become a wing in theory  but we all know when we take these out it can   be very different to the back but as you can see  that's very similar to the design on this piece   so now we just have to wait for  the results i'll see you in a bit.   Right we're all cured let's see what  we've got hopefully we've got some spores and this one we didn't stir I could take out some more of the alcohol  but just play around with the concentration   luckily we haven't had any kind of really  bad blobbing and this one we stirred this was without the stir   as always if you haven't subbed hit that button  for me please give the video a thumbs up and   drop a comment comments are really important to my  YouTube videos, it's all to do with the algorithms even if you just type a Hi you can see those really nice deep spores there this one was without the stir almost like um mushrooms hasn't really done much in this one apart from  the outer outer edges it's kind of sport up but again you can get this with the if you're  using the the new formula from Let's Resin without adjusting your sinker but this is for those with a medium viscosity (or high) this is obviously the normal unconcentrated side to kind of see the difference this is what I said a few videos ago  i'd rather play around with my white with the resin not changing its formula  because we can always tweak our sinkers really interested to see how  these birds have come out,   I might do a completely separate video  on these, let me know if you want one! Not sure how this one is you can see some negative  space there you've kind of got that bad effect this is the one that i'm hoping because  you've got that kind of golden wing coming up   and you've really got that definition but  like I said you don't know until you flip it and there it is! The Bird Effect! Again, you know these can turn out  very different with different colors,   just play around as long as you've got that design like I showed how to draw it in you should always get some kind of bird effect,   right guys, really happy with that, I  will see you for the next one bye for now!
Channel: Daniel Cooper
Views: 13,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel cooper, resin, alcohol inks, petri, petri effect, resin artist, resin art, Coopers Custom Casts, let's resin, epoxy, 1:1 resin, demould, demoulding, artist, tutorial, alcohol ink tutorial, resin jewelry, resin jewellery, jewelry design, hobby, art, colourful, epoxy resin, mould, moulds, YouTube tutorial, vibrant, vibrant alcohol inks, whisp, technique, jewelry, jewellery, feathering, pendants, pouring, fun, resin bird, the bird effect, bird, bird art, bird effect, bird technique
Id: ObnsjYVlHNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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