#34. Stunning Resin Mini Flower Blooms...I Did It!.... A Tutorial by Daniel Cooper

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right we're back today i'm gonna give the mini  flower bloom another bash you probably saw from my   last video didn't really work did it it kind of uh  it was something different but it was more like a   kind of merge between the flower technique and the  cloud technique but i had to go yesterday we got   it right so we're going to be trying again today  we're going to be using the let's resin one one   we're going to be using some colors from the  26 alcohol set now i've got my resin poured um   equal amounts of part a and part b you can see  some micro bubbles in there i'm not that fussed   but we need to mix this and once it's  fully mixed and those streaks have gone   we're then going to wait around about 20 minutes  and i'll show you the consistency i'm not going   to bother with temperatures everybody's resin will  change just be careful you know if you're mixing   a deep amount it's gonna it's gonna warm up pretty  quick so it's the consistency we're looking for   um i watched a video by Cathii Lapierre a couple  of days ago and she she said you know it needs to   be like a honey the warm honey kind of consistency  it's going to differ with different resins but   this is a medium viscosity so i've found 15 to  20 minutes and it will be kind of warm to touch   not hot just warm and just a little bit thicker  and then that will give us our blooms now we're   going to be using the white pigment paste you  can do this with alcohol inks but you'll have to   play around to get it right but for today's video  i'm just going to show you with the white pigment   paste so i'm going to wait for this to warm up  and we'll see you in a gif right so my resin is warm now but what i'm gonna do is mix up my  white first and get that in the piping bag ready   to go so i've got my little shot glass i  might not have enough resin to do all nine   we shall see just pour some  in my glass i need enough i think that will do it need enough  to um potentially do all nine again the armor art white pigment paste mine's  going quite hard now i need to get some new   get a new bottle i'm just going to rub that around the inside  of the glass just to get it off the stick and we want it opaque but not too  much otherwise it will sink and blob   i think we need more still got some  stuck around the glass you can see it   so i'm gonna try and get that off  otherwise i'll risk adding too much and i'm gonna try i haven't tried it on these  smaller ones um a month or so ago you might   have seen the video the collaboration i did  with petra and sandra where we tried to get   a petri center so just a play around i've  not tried it on this we'll give it a go it's hard to judge i'm going to add a tiny  bit more oh i've still got some on my stick   it doesn't want to come off does it i think a tiny bit more the thing is is judging how much  you need without going you know overboard with it and having  too much that it's going to blob because then the results it's like a  seesaw i suppose the results can be really bad i think that will do it right we will see right again in my cup i've pulled  my piping bag down to make it tight   i'm probably going to get some static here i'm  just going to pour that that's being good today   normally it kind of flies all over the side of the  bag which is probably going to do now i've said it   let's see where it's kind of the  statics drawing it to the sides just get   all of that out that we can i'm not going to  scrape the sides because there could be some white   pigment paste which could blob so i'm just gonna let that sit just to try and  get any that's on the side if it wants to go down   it can i i'm not gonna force it  let's get that white lid back on that's as i said about 20 to 30 minutes  and we've got it's difficult to kind of   see a difference but i know i can feel the  temperature it's not hot it's just warm to touch   we're just gonna pour this again i  might not have enough for all nine i'm gonna have a play around with different  different ideas to see how they turn out   do one with a bit of glitter if i  remember to pull it in this time hopefully we'll have enough i'm working  on these six on the left to begin with and it will judge it again massive shout out to my  channel members thank you for   signing up all helps the channel grow i've popped some new macro photos for the  members up the link is in the description   below along with all the products i use as  always massive shout out to my subs as well massive support we're gonna have enough i might have  a little bit over for something else i just hope i've got enough white now right let's see if i've got anything lying  around that i can use that's small enough   i have actually at hand let's  move this over a little bit i have this this is um it's meant for phone grips but it's there so we'll try which should we go for let's go for the heart to match the others i might have enough for one of the round ones  as well let's see if i can get it all out might be a shallow one which is good we kind of  see how shallow we can go with this with the blue got some bubbles in there all right at least i know i'm not wasting  any resin right let's just manipulate   i can see one stuck on the front  of the mould just bring that up and there's one there and any of the others because we're  going to be dropping alcohol inks in   ordinarily i'd say you know use a torch but we  don't need to we just need to use our alcohol inks   just be careful not to scratch your mold now this mold here i actually got on tick  tock shop um i paid £1.16p i think i ordered   i ordered two and with shipping it come to less  than six pounds so it's really good but i know   everybody's you know not everybody's on tick-tock  shops so i'll put the amazon link for these on if you are on tick-tock  head over to my account and   go into my shop you'll see i've  listed these in there for you to buy all right let's take you down we're going to go in with the first one we're going to try some  of the rainbow alcohol ink you've probably   seen in the previous video i've showed you  how you can make your own using mica powder   if you have made your own  give it a try this was just   a hand just a couple of drops i'm not  sure how this is going to affect the bloom because we've now added a  layer let me lock my focus   we've now added a layer a thin layer of alcohol i need to sort my piping bag out quick before  i start dropping my inks in and just mix that   around the surface let me sort my piping bag out  real quick let's pause the video i've just gotta   really hope that i can now um do all of these i'm  gonna do a really thin snip on the tip of this so   yeah i've tried to snip off as little as possible  for that right let's go in with some color let's go with a sapphire blue i might have to try something else maybe some just  plain ones if i haven't got enough of the white to go around we just do some normal my  usual effects sorry that was the red green and then we'll go with the  yellow kind of in the center area right so now try not to get my hand in the way is it going to come out whoa  it did took some squeezing just going to keep swirling around probably used a  bit too much there but we're going to let that do   its thing now we'll come back and add the effects  afterwards now this one i want to try the pea tree   in so i'm going to go with the yellow in the  center and then shake my white this might not work but i'm going to give it a good try and  hopefully that'll give us a natural center   but what we need that yellow  to do is start drawing inwards   so we're gonna leave that for a  minute and we're gonna move on let's go with orange then a yellow and then maybe a red in the free gaps so hopefully this will come out about squirting   this time we don't want it  to blob that's the thing that would do you have to try another petri one i'll just leave  it with that one because it could go wrong so this   one we're gonna go yellows and we go with blue  so hopefully we'll get the green where they touch and then again with our white pigment i should have enough you know just trying to cover any kind of wired gaps that may be there right let's try red see those surface bubbles there that is then popping them let's go with the blue on this one a bit different  it's not really a natural flower kind of effect then maybe going with a drop  of yellow here and there   why not he says you have to  stick with certain colors and these could shrink down into really  small flowers i had to go yesterday   they turned out really well actually  compared to my previous ones right let's try some different colors now if you remember whoops in a  previous video i said about ocean   blue um no longer being part of this  set and also the rose red now having   spoken to the let's resin they've  assured me they're still present   they're just under a different name now in  this box set so this is replacing the rose red the magenta and this the cerulean is the aqua blue   just different names let me  change my focus that's better so we're going to go in with the magenta  which is the original rose red color and you can see i didn't it didn't even i knew  the cerulean was very close to the ocean blue but i didn't know that that's uh how they'd   done it so what should we go in the middle  of this one i'm gonna go with a purple hopefully that won't clash i think we'll leave some negative space  in this one let's just see what happens   see if the white kind of shows through on its own see on my test run yesterday i  didn't put enough white pigment paste   and the white was very barely  visible barely visible at all right let's go with kind of  random let me lock my focus again this red is gonna squirt everywhere i can feel it okay they'll do right see that one's not really pushed inwards  so i'm wondering whether we can manipulate that   with some alcohol inks on the outside   i need that redwood square i said it didn't i  wondering whether the inks could push it inwards because that's what we want we want that  petri in the center is it gonna work let that do its thing for a  moment and then we'll move on   let's go with a cerulean which  would have been the aqua blue should go over that let's try green i might play around with black backgrounds  i'm not sure yet i haven't made my mind up   kind of wanting to get this  technique to work first   before assessing any negative  space that i've got left for a star and just if it works should hopefully have enough  to have enough in my bag for the other two as well right sapphire blue blue and we're gonna go with a red really need to re-pierce this  red it's not coming out properly i have also made a recommendation to let's  resin with the bottles because if you remember   the vibrant alcohol ink set the bottles were  much easier to work with i've had a lot of   people telling me that these bottles  are a lot trickier sometimes they drip   sometimes they spray see that one's gone in quite  far hasn't it so we might go around that one again let's see if it gives it like a white outer bloom effect see if it works no no no no  no no no no right so what's happened is i was squeezing so hard my bag has come the resin  has started to come out the back of my piping bag and what it's done is it's  dripped just into this one here   so i'm going to try and get that  out carefully because that will blob and it's also dripped into this  one here so i'm going to draw that   around and hopefully that  won't that won't show through so lesson learned look at that mess i now need to just try and push that back down help if i did it over the  side of the mould just in case   we've got enough in there guys it's going to  work i obviously didn't wrap that tight enough and now i'm all mucky there's  a free blooper for you see that top one still hasn't  come in we'll see what happens right now with this one the magenta let's go with a purple hopefully i won't get my hand in the way i was going to lock my focus  but i need to concentrate on   doing this i'm sorry if the focus is  flickering from in and out of focus kind of i've got my rhythm going let's lock it now and see  all those bubbles on that one   it's going with a bit more  of the glitter on this one to see how it goes it's kind of clumped isn't  it the resin is thickening with a yellow think we're just doing orange orange is kind of taking over the yellow trying another yellow not much has happened it's not i'm not very good at circles am i right that will do that now  we have enough just for this   now it hasn't pushed in as much as i'd hoped i'm gonna try that in the patriot  afterwards so we're just going to go over go over the inks anyway i can feel this  wanting to push out the back of the bag again so i don't think the petri is  going to have worked in the center i could risk adding another another layer it's not really pushing in but we'll see what  happens now i've added that with that now   starts to draw inwards you'll see so now we're  just going to start with our flower designs right you can see there's some gaps  but i'm hoping underneath all is okay i'm just going to clean our stick after every dip i'm going to try coming in again i can already see much  better results than last time and then maybe come out my focus isn't quite there hopefully that's better for you i don't know whether to swirl  the middle or leave it be my natural instinct is to swirl it you can just see how those petals we try and  see if you can i can get you look at that if i don't say myself i think  i've got it right this time this one i'm not so sure but we're going to carry on maybe on this one no we're gonna push try and  push that yellow in more as well same design   hopefully that white will push down if not i'm sure somebody will  copy my video and crack it let's not go there i love it when your recording  space runs out just as you're swirling a piece so that is that one do we come out  just come out on this one as well   um we're going to leave the yellow area and i'm  going to draw out from the red because i'm hoping   that that that yellow and the white sinker  will will give it a even if it's just some   sort of a textured effect i'd be happy  it's a really tricky method to get right we've had some success with it in the collab but it's really tricky to get to  get that sinker to show through right so i think we're going to need to  add a black background to some of these   because you've got that negative space i'm not going to come in on all of them  again we're going to do a quarter in each side and then on this one we're going  to come out from the center into a flick try and keep it as kind of  natural flowing as possible you know eventually i'm  going to go as far as adding   you know physical green stems and leaves and  things but for now we're just trying to crack the crack the mini blooms that's better now this one again i could  have gone in around it again i think with some more white it has shrunk down quite far because that  might help with a black background i'm not sure kind of looks like a butterfly see that's  another technique that i'm trying to get   is a butterfly design so it's but on a  larger version so i'd need to get the body in it could work i just don't think it's going  to work on this we'll try so we need to stir to try and make that body i don't think it's going to work on this occasion   but you'll see the concept once we demold  hopefully of something that i'm working on kind of ruined that side now yeah so watch this space for the  butterfly effect once i've got it right   i've still got to crack the bird effect as well maybe we can try again on this one maybe just leave the body out if you see that white blobbing don't like it just draw that out hopefully  that won't sink anymore we're not going to swell that  one and just see how it comes out everything's sticky where the bags leaked can  you hear it my hands sticking to everything uh what should we do just  come out on this one as well maybe we'll draw that up these ones down here haven't spread as much what's happened because the moulds are shallow   uh the resin is cooled down  quicker i know resin warms up but it's cooled down quicker let's  come in try and close those gaps and then come out this one's a little bit messy it hasn't bloomed the way the others have oh do you know what i've got that  toothpaste look that toothpaste   in my head now i've seen  that the red blue and white let's see i've made a mess here where  i tried to get out that spilt resin right i'll be chuffed anyway if  a few of them come out okay again this one hasn't spread very well  i wonder if i could um add some heat and trouble is applying heat to alcohol inks  can be dangerous they've been sat there for   a while i wouldn't recommend adding heat  but it can help i'm just gonna leave it bay all right that is those ones  now for the two remainders they're found out okay did i go deep enough i didn't think  i don't think i did go down again i think i've got the balance with the  white okay today compared to yesterday last one and then the horrible part but again  i might come back in about an hour or so   and add some black maybe right i may see you in an hour i may not  we've got some cool kind of butterfly   um effects going on anyway right  i'll see you in a bit right with back   the exciting part really excited  for these um had some amazing   blooms i'm especially excited i can't even  get my words out i'm so excited look at that really hoping these uh haven't blocked  so i think i'll start with the ones that   i'm not too keen on and we'll leave  the the other ones let's lock my focus well it's bloomed let's see how far i can get  that's better it's bloomed it's a start isn't it guys it's a  start it is the start of something that i'm still playing around with oh it's a bit all over the place that  one but fingers crossed some of them   this is the one we kind of blobbed where  the bag kind of ruptured from the back   i love the colors you see that kind of  butterfly um wing kind of effect i am filming   um a different version of this at the moment i'm  not sure which order i'm going to be uploading toothpaste toothpaste vibes but wow it's so pretty get the you know turn these into large pendants the green one wow it's a bit cramped but it's still  you know still just playing around   right the ones we added the black background  to this is a couple of little patches wow it's a little bit cramped up but i really like  it you can see some bubbles that we've had it's muddied again there's  that risk i've had in the black that might not have been the black  actually that could have been the clash   the pink and the purple but it's still really nice   right did we get any kind of petri effect i'm  not holding my hopes up but i will get there oh wow we haven't got a petri but look at that   that depth we've got some spores where  it pushed out look at those petals right that is um i can't believe i made  that that is my favorite so far i think right this one we added the glitter to just  to see how it kind of how it turns out really   just a little play around you can see  the sparkle it's a bit of a mess but the bloom is there right the last two start with this one this one we added glitter to as well it's good it's different it's good right this one i've been really excited about i really wanted to have a sneak peek  at this but i didn't i was really good wow i can't make up my mind now between this one and  this one i think they're both in their own league equally as nice as each other right guys if you  like the video again give it a thumbs up if you   haven't subs hit that sub button for me and  i will be bringing you the butterfly effect   um maybe after this video or maybe before  so if it's before go check that video out   and i will see you for the next one bye for now
Channel: Daniel Cooper
Views: 31,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel cooper, resin, alcohol inks, petri, petri effect, resin artist, resin art, Coopers Custom Casts, let's resin, epoxy, 1:1 resin, demould, demoulding, artist, tutorial, alcohol ink tutorial, resin jewelry, resin jewellery, jewelry design, jewelry designer, hobby, art, colourful, epoxy resin, mould, moulds, YouTube tutorial, trending, vibrant, vibrant alcohol inks, technique, jewelry, jewellery, fun, sinker white, flowers, resin flowers, pouring, resin bloom, bloom, flower bloom
Id: HWIjxT2f15E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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