#10. Encapsulating Ashes into a Stunning Pendant Necklace. A Tutorial by Coopers Custom Casts.

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hi everyone we're back as promised  today i'm going to be working with   some ashes so special guest today my mum i've  retrieved some ashes just in a small shot glass   and what i used i had this mica spoon which is  ideal just be very careful obviously if you're   working with ashes be very respectful you don't  want to spill any you don't want to waste any   any that's left in the cup i'll just obviously  put back into mum's earn so we're going to move   mum aside she can watch from the distance so what  we're going to do do this in a couple of stages   so we're going to encapsulate the ashes into  a small heart and then we're going to use that   heart inside one of the bigger ones and then we're  going to add some.. what i'll probably use is some   gold and silver metallics so i've  mixed a small amount of resin already   that's just the bubbles are just coming  to the surface let's get rid of my scales so what we want to do is just pour  some of the resin take you down   into the small heart if i've got enough i  might make two and then do two different   styles which i think i have there's just  a small amount in there don't fill it up   because obviously we're going to add some  ashes so we're going to get our little spoon   i'm just going to give it a quick blast  with my torch to get away any bubbles then we're just going to scoop carefully into the mould and what i'll do with these i'll  probably give them to my sister i did make her one before but i used dried flowers and it was this kind of size i didn't encapsulate  with that so obviously i'll put these back in but   we're just going to see how i'm going  gonna need a cocktail stick for this take you down further then we're just gonna gently manipulate  the ashes down into the resin trying not to make a mess and the important thing is just to keep stirring so that any air comes out any bubbles and  all of the ashes are coated with resin i've just done some pendants for a friend you may have seen the pictures  in the let's resin group obviously my friend had seen the pictures  before i shared them so just bear in mind you don't want other people to see  the work before the client really doesn't matter you're going to get some  shrinkage but it won't matter as long as   it's full up enough to to see the heart it  doesn't matter if there's a dip in the back   because we're going to be  encapsulating that anyway so you won't you won't see that   so we have enough in both of these my um my  storage just i had to had to restart the video   from where it stopped because my storage  is full so i've just had to delete some   other tutorials so i'm just going to  agitate these again just to make sure well so i'm happy with that we're going to  come back when it's all set and we're going   to move on to stage two see you soon right so  the ashes have now cured we'll take you down   i'm gonna move on to the next part let me get my focus that's one and that's the other one so i'm going to  take you back out i've pre-mixed some resin   we're going to be using these two heart  shape modes here and before i carry on   i've now got merchandise in the store so head on  over there i don't know if some of you have seen   or i know a lot of you have seen some of my  macro photography shots of my work so most of it   i'm just shaking these inks holding babbling on  yeah so some of the macro shots are now available   on um things like mugs t-shirts i've got some  small posters so head on over and have a look   after the video right so like i said i've got my  resin premixed so i'm gonna not too much because   we need to add the hearts and then we can top  up if we need to once we've added the hearts and the tricky thing is with this is to get the  hearts exactly lined up we don't want them off   center i will use that resin for something  else so we're just going to pop the heart in to each one and then we're going to use cocktail stick and  what we're going to do is just move the heart   from side to side just to make sure there's  no bubbles stuck to the front of the heart it's a case of getting the heart  lined up with the outer larger heart what i'd suggest to you if you're  thinking about doing something like this   i was going to do the tutorial with sand   if you're going to start trying and attempting  working with ashes definitely practice with sand   to begin with because you really don't  want to go wrong with something like this i don't want hundreds of you coming at  me saying i followed your tutorial and   i ruined it with ashes you know just just  practice first guys i'm just going to give   it a tap blast just to get rid of any surface  bubbles and i'm going to top it up a little bit now we wanna... i'm gonna top this up as much  as i can because the metallics really can shrink the resin down i mean you can always top it  up afterwards but if you're going to top it   up don't demold it keep it in there then top  it up because if you demold it and then try   and put it back in and then top it up and it  over spills you're going to have a problem it will leak down the sides and when you  come to the molding it again you'll have   a weird pattern on the front we're just going  to make sure these are definitely lined up as best we can that will do it so now we're going  to start adding some metallics   so i've got a gold these are Fluids i'll put the  links in the description you click the little   arrow below the video and that will take you to  the description so we've got the gold and we've   got the silver mine you really do need to shake  these they've got ball bearings inside the bottles and then again we've got we're going  to use the Let's Resin C white deeper   again the bigger bottles just put into this and give that shake through i think what i'll do is i'll do this  one silver and this one gold i have   mixed the two together before and they both  they've come out really well mixed together   so these can sink as well to the surface  but they tend to spread on the back really so a couple of drops of the silver a couple of drops of the gold you'll see it just completely take over sparkling away see the silver's almost settled down now and it's quite tricky working with  the metallics but can be quite tricky so now what we're going to do is use  the white and we're just going to drop over the back of the metallics and then we're just going to very  carefully agitate the white and the gold   and the white and the silver together and i mean just the surface  because if you don't if you go   too far down you're going to move that that heart right so that's that part done  and then we're going to come back   again as i normally do in about an hour and very  carefully just kind of work the surface under the   surface of the resin to just try and work that  metallic down a little bit further into the resin   well i'll see you shortly alright  so it's been about an hour   and we're just gonna just try and work some  of the metallic into the surface of the resin but not going too deep so that  we're going to disturb that heart that's the silver one down that's the gold one and what i did was with  the leftover resin just to show you what it   looks like with the silver and the gold mixed  together obviously there's no ashes in this one   but it's just as an example right so that's  that we're gonna now wait um for the demould   and then i'm gonna show you how i turn these  into necklaces.. lovely keepsakes see you soon   so we're back for the final stage we're going  to demould these these have had a day to cure   so we're going to demold them and then i'll  show you what i do to turn them into necklaces   so i mean the good thing about these metallics  and the white is that they won't bleach in the   sun i mean you could use other alcohol  inks but i wouldn't recommend it because   they they don't hold up very well with the uv  light so they can bleach and fade over time   you can i've done some with let me just pause  the video and i'll go and grab them and show you   if you follow my pigment paste tutorials you can  get some really nice colors using pigment pastes so let's crack on this is  the one with just the silver that's really pretty see none of it sunk some really nice shiny silver pigments there  and the heart is lined up which is really good   now for the gold it's predominantly white but you can see some gold  speckles probably difficult to see on the video   try and see if i can get a  closer up if it will focus if you really do need to work that gold  in you could even add some gold flake so again that's lined up pretty well let's see what the the mixed  one this was just leftover resin the silver's mainly in the background see how some   of the gold has come to the  surface but it's still cold still make a nice pendant get a little bit  on the back there you can just peel that off so we're just going to move this  aside we've got my little hand drill   and you've probably seen on one of my  other tutorials where i've shown how   to make these pendants what i'll do is  i'll take you a little bit further down the trick is again with these don't drill  in from the front because you're at risk   of slipping and we want to kind of get the the  drill through the top but not through the ashes so we need to go fairly around about there i'd say and then just gently turn the hand drill until it's kind of on and  then we can watch the drill go through the resin   and see how it's just clearing the ashes  then it will just pop out the front then we go through the front whoops at the back and we're just going  to keep turning just to get any of that resin out of the hole and the same with the other one   you can't really see through the back  of this one so i know where to go again you'll see it just coming  through the front of the heart give it a good turn we'll turn it around and go  through the front out the back what i'll do is i'll just make one  into a pendant just so you can see so i've got my pinch bail i'm just going to  open that up quite wide and we're going to do   the silver one i think so we're just gonna pop one  of the prongs in the back you can use some resin   on the prongs but these are really once they're in  i've got my pliers here i'm just going to gently   squeeze that together and that's not  going anywhere i like to use these Amberta   necklaces this one's a 20 inch i've got these  on amazon i'll put the link in the description and they're really good quality i've been  using these for a while they don't tarnish   easily and the links are i don't know if you can  see it but they're heart shaped links as well and they've got there's a sterling  silver so you've got your 925 stamp   and it's a nice little Amberta tag on  there we're just going to open that up slide it through take you out of it and there you have it stunning you could you could get some sterling silver  bails if you wanted so it's just what i had   so there you go ashes in pendants you can  do these with hair i've done them before   you just put the hair into the original but  be careful with the the color of the hair   and what background you use  because you want them to stand out   and certain color hair can be tricky to work  with so right again if you like the video   hit the subscribe button down there um and  i'll be working on my vibrant inks for the   next tutorial if you've seen those pictures in  the resin groups on facebook let me grab one   yeah so i'll be showing you how to get this  effect really colorful i'm using alcohol inks that   tutorial hopefully should be up next week right  thanks for watching guys see you for this one
Channel: Daniel Cooper
Views: 42,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel cooper, resin, alcohol inks, petri, petri effect, resin artist, resin art, Coopers Custom Casts, let's resin, epoxy, 1:1 resin, demould, demoulding, artist, tutorial, alcohol ink tutorial, hobby, small business, art, colourful, epoxy resin, mould, moulds, YouTube tutorial, trending, resin queen, mirror, beginner, whisp, daniel cooper, colorful, coopers.custom.casts, coopers custom casts, metallic ink, ashes in resin, ashes, commemorative, cremation, encapsulating, resin art for beginners
Id: 7VEbzyYVlkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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