Green Hell Multiplayer | Day One | First Look

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thank you so much joining us tonight we are live with green hills you see with loading page Green Hill multiplayer will be starting in just a few seconds how y'all doing out there I hope you're doing fine I am tonight gonna be joined by lost soul and then also mr. onoe coho hello hello mr. dread pirate do he remembered me all right I mean the game guys again suppose we could just all right that's a shot yeah it should be interesting to see how those two work this is again no Green Hell multiplayer co-op he is easy available soon it doesn't Monday so no I'm winging it started cuz I think you guys are got two again these are a lot of noobs in the room with me so if you guys are wondering it'll be interesting how y'all doin chat creamy I'm a Cu night sweeper nice see there that's y'all there how y'all doing Chad likes it y'all know right guys hey Russia may occur Ian I used to you guys Easton hey hope you guys are doing fine again before we start to sell up we were going through a pandemic if you watch as much later in 2021 hopefully none of the shit's happening we found whatever the hell's going on but yes it curly I want to thank all the frontline staff again I will say it every single day and I've been saying for a while Thank You police D of course the military the fire departments the nurses and doctors the scientists that people clean up your place everything to think of truck drivers you know the postman to garbage man everybody does it go through teaching those people but I can't thank y'all for frontline stuff please go ahead at safe though I want to say thank you very very much you guys are absolutely awesome hats off to all of you for being there and if I miss a because you're part of that and I'll get to you even the front stock cleaners the guys do it at the end everybody is important so thank you very much guys all right Robert Harris thank you swatches for super fan of this thank you so much big hashtag I appreciate that very very much thank you thank you thank you alright let's do it let's rock this baby all right so let's see Joe you're lost there's lost lost come over here it looks like game it's ran away from us he was already told you okay no no no I know you are I know you're okay oh hey look at this watch this diamond watch why don't you go stash oh it's good I can't block damn it [Music] and start punching I don't know where we are okay okay so let's just um let's lay down some of the fur fruit for the viewers game edge you have you played this game a little bit right one or two times a few hours right in other words he's played it massively now lost have you ever played not really right and then dread you played for about what an hour - no I've purplish purposely stayed away from this game until multiplayer because I broke her clavicle whoa so I haven't touched this I went in for three minutes today to get my settings ready I hear bees I hear buds oh that's why it's most likely flies demented thank you so much for everybody - tag how y'all doing chat thank you for being here that's sorry I'm just trying to find where the heck I am of course weed on the map right - Costa there's no mad well there is a map but there's no map all right dad number one thing oh no you see his stuff another tree here grab a the rope if you can - fine yeah okay what is it hold it down okay nice they're actually using a instead of F I don't forget the same I get or you get your own pack I think I don't know I'm gonna go through the tree the dreads they've been here I've grabbed some rope you're gonna need this guys you got a flash but I'm gonna run around and see what I can find there's some sticks right here on the ground is one stick hey there's a big stick and small sticks here alright that buzzing sound you guys are wondering about so much it's either poop weird here great I'm sitting on top of it this is poop and this is great for your gardens Allah gives you a hundred percent fertilizer you find it animal droppings very dare you guys to show people that's animal droppings oh no who want to see someone that's poop yes yes please can I see some poop please right there it's hidden by some plants yes it doesn't you'll highlight what you move alright can I crouch you can move over you'll highlight itself can I crouch Oh controllers hang on I gotta get let me get right into this we're gonna die okay okay you got the poop I'm not I'm not seeing it okay maybe it's different for people if you press tab button right here you'll see actual menu in case you've got nobody these are your eyes George and you can go through tabs on top they'll see your rope whatever vines what you want to call it again there's different folders in that and here also your fire starters and stuff we'll get going afterwards and also on the right hand side is the crafting menu they're available there's a stone and you can throw things on to that stones read a lot there if you guys throw things on that stone you can start crap in the in the left hand side like the wayside just like yeah or if you hold the C bunda you can also do it really quick we go menu oh I think I'll just do tab for now okay this one if I just hit C okay I see I see and then go see craft yeah and all things need to you alright so crap the thing on the right hand side is where you assemble yep uh-huh uh-huh I have seen some of your videos it's hard to remember we're gonna get crabs okay I need you guys to find a rocks over here in a beachfront okay come in we need to find some rocks we also have these little tools no tools we don't go in and do anything Robert Harris thank you so much for $19.99 don't stop don't step on snakes I pick up animal poop okay so the spider is the spies right here so there could be big rocks we find big rocks you could pick them up or you can right-click and harvest them the smaller rocks are always near the waterfront can always find them around it the the place easiest one it's probably around here I should have cat there's a cat what a Cappy look whatever I Cathy where what can't look at this way oh that's a capybara that was capybara yeah all right like these are mushrooms here you can eat every mushroom if you want to you can eat these for really nicely pick a couple up there you're gonna eat those for carbs after you press and if you press F pull it down and use a radial your roll I've rolled your mouse and you'll see it gives you different things there on it so if you roll through it you'll give you a right hand side yellow as your carbs left as protein which is the orange bottom left is the green which is the fats and the right side is your water okay got it which we checked big prom right now because we have no water yeah once I take it that I take it that if we tried to drink the river water then we would end up with poopy bubble we'd have some serious problems if you see a coconut see ya don't lose I'm sorry about the killer's turtle move your back if you see a coconut what got a harvest this turtle okay you get that dysentery oh that's a reference to it boy pen thank you so much mm be sparked II have a good stream thank you so much appreciate Mary Stuart thank you for the contribution to you I don't forget to the mushrooms to never be at them I found a plant with oh it's got red flowers I was thinking that I could eat red berries cuz you know everybody knows that the red berries are always saying what could go wrong nothing max nothing big guys take the back spit ball thank you you guys fire rocks get rid here oh well click on Harvard study how do I get out of I harvested one how do I get out of the water drop it and just right-click and harvest it's easier Rilakkuma in the harvester I watch out there's piranhas I think in this water yeah well I was stuck in there I didn't know how to get out more here right here rocks look free here Oh No everybody's got a rock down right click and harvest up going oh there's one okay okay right click and harvest okay now open up your crafting menu okay drag both rocks inside um then craft it wait a minute drag both rocks inside on the actual rock itself yeah yeah yeah and then crash craft that makes the stone blade that's right which will go into number one you'll see it if you open up now you'll have my number two okay so that's good do you have yourself that that is good it has that yes very important by the way there's a fritter rock responding so grab that one oh okay there's no one each year guys grab each Rock yep how do I drop a rock you got it okay and then I want to harvest it right yeah what'd you say did you not get something okay no I'm trying to figure out the the crafting right now okay both Sunday yeah if you go see for your radio menu you can just go craft really quick on the right hand side it looks like a pencil or a pen a pencil don't hold on to rock to a stick sorry and then okay yeah throw both rocks on that rock is off okay so this is like in our deep it's like the pointy pointy Rock yeah well it's very helpful it's like a knife so you can actually like I did a harvest of the four green water here like this let's see it's running right now I can take this and drop this on the ground and let it fill up this seems he for coconuts and stuff and I'll see once it fills of water now I could press Eve to drink try it out you see as I clean oh okay eat a drink I should get a little bit of water dreads he's doing something he's beating things up oh yeah they're not they're not gonna be helpful at all okay well they're gonna help them once we find somewhere is stay so right now they're unhelpful because they're blocking everything as we need to make sure you have enough trees to cut down things and then sticks and stuff and I don't river the hell we aren't white youth here is it oh hey I found another turtle how do I kill it you hit it once does harvest closed myself into shell then you can harvest them I noticed seeing someone else do it oh that's so gross dude and I have all the materials now right so if I open my thingamabob er up how do I open oh wait a minute I can only see how do you open up the inside of your bag that tab that's to see the side of my bag no if you look on top there's like a minute then there's like a little food you know what that separates hey I've got a little turtle shell in here and very very important do not forget to not eat while you're gonna 3 sign if you're dirty don't eat all right but I'm yes so I come over here and write quest on this on that where I'm short line and take my first time okay Hey it says mud mixture so yeah right click and take mud you got it and then cuter drop is who is I don't suffer ventilating big time okay so I've got mud now what do I do with it you can drop those QB out so we can make other mud recipes and that's we're gonna talk about right now within the recipes itself if you guys want to see them all there's a notebook you could open up so you could choose press agonda and works or you can do the C radio menu okay and then the little notebook yep got it and the right hand sides all the stuff you can craft it down and you're hoping up recipes every time we're doing things like that getting mud and stuff these were empty these all the mud roofs mud everything could you and include fires and stuff so once we find things we can craft more just stuff okay we're gonna need need to make a mud mixer is that like a cement mixer for things okay yep mud shower is that so you could shower and grab some leaves you can like this these ones just a couple and you kind of brush reasonableness to that any kind of brush you want the reason that we need that comparatively is that we're gonna have to make a fire and the first night's gonna be held we unless we find ourselves some kind of no bush or separate well these are flaking around and they're not really letting me pick them up no they just go automatically to you look into your inventory and it goes into the third one here like a little leaf thing Oh small deep pile yeah you can drop it on the ground and let it dry or you can leave it inventory all dry itself once they're dry you can start rolling I'm thinking we should start something here ASAP cuz it's getting late okay yeah I'm not feeling too comfortable going further you can do it you find any weird plants and if you hurts any colic tobacco plants or unknown class oh I think I just broke yeah it's possible rave bottom side that tells you your your quality level okay okay okay okay you guys serum at Rideau mm-hmm okay hang on I got a craft another night all right you might want to come see us don't we grab that oh don't don't break those things did you go up the river a pet where's your dog I'm Rhian top Oh up top okay bring your heading up don't don't don't don't forgive it on trees we're gonna I'm coming you set up the hill no no just ripped off the bank Oh forgot to take eight nights of shelter here this we're gonna do it right here you went up there oh I see you guys I see you okay I found a coconut that's gonna shoot stuff down here to make sure you can survive harvest all right so what's the what are you saying oh here's this yeah okay banana okay so yeah you can take Madonna's there's a one here and just one on that side just in case these plants here guys oh crap not that what I'm walking across - this one over here yes it's really important is how you make your badges right so if you hit this plant you'll drop leaves and then you can split off it takes two per to make a badge so hit that one and over here these are known plants you can mix stuff with like this one here so if I hit this baby up y'all give me this leaves like this right you see them right click and then harvest it'll give you an array deer back pack some fibers to start a fire these are special fire starting fires they're also good using badges and stuff but I don't really know - I will ever thank you so much I hope everything had a great day thank you big hash tag just purple Jamie - this room's gonna hurt good sweet death is coming - the guys recipe so no waiting laws to help me the guys that Greg Robinson - thank you very much that and is that sugar buns Thank You sugar yeah you are at the fishing village G right the fishing village I don't think so oh yeah are we down here oh I just so do you Evan you have an idea of where you want to build a camp yep yeah actually we have a cow mystery snails all right I'm gonna pick up the sticks here can you guys pick up the coconut on the ground there we read to make a buy to know that thing we're gonna bring with us okay I'm gonna grab this grabbing a small sticks you can find a ground if you can do you guys grab your bananas I got a banana okay I'll bring the I'll bring whatever I can and you know some play with your coconut noise cheer for God I keep on forgetting it's not like the other one I saw some more protein here oh no no really no stick read read this plant here with the red on top you see it this little tree Oh got it this tree here Oh larva I found Marvin it's so freaking important history ok so don't forget it what about the tree this tree here if you're fine one of these little suckers the yeah harder palm in this sucker look at it snowfall reading before right there boom oh you can eat that you said well yeah and it's here raw here grab a guys it's part of palm yeah delicious okay we need to get herself to a village so let's get going I'll grab the sticks picked up alright where did there he is so what happens when we die right over here you can get we've where we die I don't know read on this trailer here if you guys remember this little tree here it's beautiful little palm style think bottom you'll find sometimes these little nuts these will give you some fats we need to survive right on a bomb to g21 inside and one the other side summer just possibly another one on the side but I know where it's somewhere where lights won't the United States I'm sorry I just saw oh that's way over here we got snails beautiful these are great some yeah these are great for a little little extra protein for the night I'll pick them all up with and share okay crab I can't get them cuz I didn't build a spirit oh I can't there's a there's a snail right here can you grab it not oh well your hands are full nevermind go was dropping uh do we need these leaves these palms yeah we're gonna need them about two seconds to make a bed and stuff but I don't know if it'll sleep actually what I'm not like that game at what kind of game did you get us into it's called Green Hell deliverance I'm so used to setting up and getting myself order okay Oh second coconut that's beautiful that's alright this is a pre-established yeah there's a frog here can you eat frogs and bales can grab this coconut yeah I killed one alright so yeah this is actually a boating village and fishing village are we building here will forget us stay here for the first nights now we're gonna go into deeper ok how do i drop Q right q okay I'm gonna drop those I'm gonna pick up this coconut so if you walk up the stuff that's brand new like we just did here and for some reason and watch I think I was close enough there's a water filter rate below me right there that teaches you right now nope okay yeah if you open up your notebook you'll teach her to make water if you go underwater now and we know how to make the filter okay such a charcoal mud filter thingamajigger if you pick this up here that's for bronc spear on where I'm looking at again the spear here over here guys okay hang on hang on okay there's a spear right here do you guys pick that up it'll teach you how to make it you gotta put your inventory there you guys see now it's books so now in a notebook drop it back for you guys no we should show the bird tema supposedly I guess it stays over oh so what one learns yeah which makes sense right now in sweet shared community was right okay so how does this builder work think we got coconuts all right yeah there's also a candy bar here and some empty cans so don't choose so we'll be careful to ration and get that right inside this fire right here it comes in there's charcoal yeah we're thirsty we're gonna start a fire behind the backseat of a car but I've got to put this down dammit what's that I'm thirsty I see fish in the water they don't look like happy fish alright so what are we doing I'm no yeah no no it's we its legs on the ground you were to get rolling I started to get far in here if any has sticks I can drop in this right here and there's a chart there's charcoal in this fireplace yeah this one is covered by this little tarp and it works okay okay I'm gonna go see if I can find it okay can I get sticks from trees or do I need heavier equipment in order to be able to do that you can knock down smaller trees or bigger trees you'll have sticks and there's tons of sticks on the ground right now okay I will never [ __ ] seriously somebody just said seriously yes I just broke my my stupid little thing you can make it ask you but I don't know I usually wait really quick once you find a flat stomach axis so how dangerous is this area are we about to get eaten by any actually probably one is safer okay I'm gonna tell you right now game edge there's a list of things that I want to accomplish in my life and being eaten alive by like say for example look cat or something like it's not on that's not on the list well they're the same just tons of kitty cats around here okay we'll try to keep your live low now as far as we as long as we can I know I'm just I'm being if we have to put you out there there is a village across and there is of course people can come by that's the thing we have to work on right away and which we didn't and it's a bit of a problem now we took longer nice should have I'm sorry well no you think you had to explain the game to a bunch of noobs no no no I should have continued walking through it okay so craft craft I'm making myself a as far as started really quick it's two sticks and like I felt bad till I got and two ropes it's me who is a fiber um he can give me the one I give up how do you drop well here just everyone start the fire here there's been a forester or fiber fiber switch in the side of your thing there I don't think I have it for her right here yeah yeah yeah it's in between the little jewels and you drop it really quick we have to hurry up I got fiber I've got one you know that's perfect this one eat okay at the end of the boat how'd you drop it I just dragged it out of my backpack okay it's not a bad inventory system using the old rope pulley Technic thing the holy [ __ ] let's hurry the hell up pulley up yeah yeah I don't wanna die okay hang on where's the coconuts right there up on the platform there I tried to break them but I couldn't figure it out don't you use this thing here isn't that what this is for you slam it on the top of it it's a point where you just hit it yeah there you go it takes a couple hits and then you can do is you can drink one coconut like that and you can do this craft it you got to put a rope on it so we can make a bite and don't eat it just yet okay you want to combine another this thing so you can grab some dirty water so it's one we open one on brown coconut but drink don't drink the liquids inside first how do i I'm trying to break it and I can't it's a couple of hits it says it's in use someone else's something someone's highlighting it then oh okay I'm gonna drink some river water okay where's the old shell quicks before we die okay they put the shell on fire did you make it just drink it no no don't do it just put it on fire we got to boil it first no no I was gonna it's raining oh I can take forever I'm faster for us the pilot sir okay so what do I do put the shell on the fire yes listen do I put water in it first I could put water for now no no we're gonna walk you all through that I just try to make sure we all don't die right now and then after well the worst thing here is that we go whoa I jumped out there sorry I didn't mean to jump in front of you sorry there we go I'm trying to yeah there we go but I don't know if I did that right but yeah it goes on the sides just little round circles on the sides and it goes on the sides here okay yeah I've had a chance to really walk you guys through that I'm sorry alright yeah the water is clean see a little meter there it's going round in circles yep yeah okay so once it's finished this completely will be clean you'll see clean just grab some water guys out of it just press eat drink it once I know I'll fill back up [Music] okay hey guys we go now all right how are you filling the water hi AG nice catch and catch the stream it was $69.99 thank you so much that I very very kind to a nation Maurice Stuart wait till they tell them about the leeches yeah yeah I know I've seen I've seen will you look at your own legs and take off your leeches it looks awesome how do you build the water all right now hold on second before you win the water I'm doing with a Biden finalist I asked you guys to make with the coconut I haven't had it I can't open the coconut so I can't okay where's the coconut I don't know it was over there I'd say that was in use so I wasn't able to turn okay right over here I'll just I'll just drink all you need you need to know this right away oh I just know you have a knife yeah he's a crook over here oh I tried to be more coconuts around you oh this time it's actually doing it yeah it takes a couple of hits you can drink from there - just don't make sure to over drink you'll have the leader in the bottom so check with your watch yeah just to make sure just to make sure all right no don't split it don't don't split it you gotta go to here and use it for water and just drag it into the water and then hold it and then pick it back into your inventory he's got a splash in the water so to make a button you need one rope in one coconut one rope in one coconut so you crapped it okay yeah my god okay whole bunch of donations here sorry Robert Harris leach party thank you so much with very hundred dollar donation each part Wow thank you deal the roads very very kind of you and Robert Harris thank you guys Robert living with the dollar donation thank you so much big hashtag to all you find people that mister edge and his friends first I'd survive let's jet Thank You Kareem thank you guys wow you're humble humble thank you very kindly do I do I drop the Biden into the water yes so you just go over here to the water close enough to grab the Biman and let go and they depository back and inventory it fills up okay now these are full here and we did you drink it although guys I did but I don't know how to tell whether hang on actually it's tab no what is it how do I see my watch f FN rotate so you see the colors my water is at about 80% 70% okay so what I'm doing in here guys I'm dropping the snails inside there you can cook them or you can throw them into their mixes oops right so I'm putting mushrooms you can put meats ain't he wants you bring up with proteins and this will help you out at I bet for comfort food Irie now we're hanging out a little bit of I don't think guys have any leeches on you anybody yeah how do you look at your own yeah it will should be a little microscope my some magnified glass microscope am I gonna find glass on your left hand side you just click on the hold it we flash and a bottom left you have one and then you tilt your arm by clicking the right button on the mouse just rotate your arm and start looking for them any legs and on a right circle on top that tells you where you move around from all [ __ ] hurts who grabbed the healing plants I did need to rest I have that please I'm actually injured and I'm infected oh are you okay hang on okay there we go all right so what what what part of the thing would it be in green leafy will be under the okay and Mullen area yep please is that how much do you need ones okay oh craft and what do you find something else I don't know if that's infected or not okay so and then if I want to crash [ __ ] oh that one of the help I do at least gents that's gonna be affected I know it's gonna be infected that's got to turn off those friggin leeches unless it lead you toward me anyone that's really not good I have small leaves I have more Mullen err I have one actually have a bandage and one more mullah narrowly I'm gonna be infected that's really bad slayer thank you very much for condonation appreciate that might remember when you can drink the water and eat the red cap mushrooms yes that's right the red caps can help you off of parasites shells is missing this game should be great multiplayer Thank You sassy yeah what's here because you said it's not fair for them stirring often not figuring out stuff I think we're gonna need to sleep on your shell is trying to refill it but do you use the Biden I had you so how do you use a Biden to refill it you drop it at once or empty out with someone drinks from the ones there I've actually stuff inside of it okay there's one that's empty I want to give this a shot do I just do I just drop their guns at what yeah let's let's drop a tree on top like this and this leg oh yeah I'll tell you how much is left inside nope there's nothing inside you're biting right now oh okay how do I pick it back up again just pick it back up click on it to hold it and drag it to your majority lesson tab okay it's weird it's like sometimes it says in views sometimes it doesn't let me do things and then other times it does yeah definitely you're burnt yourself in the fire does that really what I did I didn't know I never done it before us no I did that okay so you said it myself oh how do you feel I messed up I've got two coconut bowls you can drop those down and use them for collecting water on the side here or you can yeah are the are they completely whited out or they just drew them yeah there literally is a coconut Bowl India okay so you have drop them onto the ground not in the water just leave on the ground it rains well eat it so we'll build a drink from it I'd like this for people okay how do you how do you refill the Bible just drop it in the water and and then it'll pop back into inventory how long with a left flick you'll see lose actually sorry I'm my apologies we need see it there's our little round circle there's a round circle will appear on the water that's where you can dunk it into oh my Biden's gone no it's right here no it's missing rear that's not mine are the games that look good I know I have in my inventory I just grabbed it from you that's all detective oh ok ok I do it without thinking anymore right so it's we don't do a thinking there's a round circle right picked up why don't you pick it up and then what you do it you'll see there's a circle in the water that shows up in her it's up to you try and aim it R if I circle and just drop it in there yeah I'm not understanding this okay do you see my stream at all ok yeah ok that's me passing your puppy barks we can just rest over here look at my stream see that circle right there ok I really need to sleep guys a knockout yeah I think I just don't know what I'm doing all right like are being sleep for us to sleep oh I get it ok all right 2 to 4 players of sleeping sometimes weighing you faster Oh we also sleeping with me me look at where you were reading pretty fast dude oh it's different I like that when you're sleepy you go sleepy want to you the whole team isn't asleep you just kept when you're a hundred percent oh I like that a lot that's pretty friggin cool all right so I don't know what am i confuse you with no no I'm good um so I I just what do I do hold eat asleep yep yeah hold do you sleep yeah there's some food in the ground here I guess yeah that's pretty cool I like that mechanism like a lot yeah sugar buns thank you so much for that appreciate it guys against layer it good big hashtag for so mama green rubber Hudson and Jason thank you much Mary again a very kind Taylor thank you very much very kind robert ivory [ __ ] all guys very very much more you know thank you thank you so it i did figure out the by the thing it once once i saw it it was obvious it's like okay why you know why was I having trouble with that no hey hey buddy it's the first time and I'm kind I'm a little bit rushing so I cuz I got a little bit panicked when I realized what's going on with my health and that's oh yeah yeah that's a little bit of a natural there's bananas and mushrooms I dropped them on ground few guys eat and let them lay on the forest [Music] so Kimmage how do I get these these coat s down again you can pick if you have a rock in the inventory you can press G and aim for it to hit them or if you have a spear which you craft a spear I have some long sticks in the beach right click and craft of a shittiest beer for now okay bring a pool in boom ah I'm sorry I don't think there's some coconut oil's next to the water here that I don't I don't think they're actually doing anything are they they're coconut no the only one that means yeah but they're under covers so they're not gonna do anything next to the fire no they have to be on the a new open that's for sure yeah so tread wood that was are those yours yeah you know what to do with some sights really yeah they're gonna need to be in the open sorry guys ask questions there I'm sorry I'm just trying to figure out what my ass from elbow here oh it's okay good it's it's more like I you know when you when you say well I or when you think oh it's like you think you should be able to understand something a little bit hey I made tortoiseshell meat suit no no I made some for I put some meat inside oh yeah I think I accidentally put a oh I put a piece of meat aside the other people meat source up and everything just dormant and just trigger things you guys will read then we're all gonna die no no I'm I'm the only thing I'm high in [Laughter] attacking you man all right so I'm right-clicking and making a spear if you guys want to join in on that too who's probably best idea to have a spear going right click on one of these should have enough everybody I think a dread to rehouse what if not there's one there right click craft week's beer we're gonna need that okay can you make it key make a better spear with rocks or something you know you can also wait for the tribe member and get his good spear so to make a beak but the rocks that you get a lot of rocks to you if you have done any wrong I already made it I made one I already got the three problem one familiar yeah it's just for fishing I think I do [ __ ] for your arrest yeah just in case is it really meant put on a fishing near the area we can if you wanted to jump into water and fish the piranhas gonna be pretty harsh alright alright here we go unstick or long bamboo stick here's something very important actually this that people were mentioning here and I know if you guys are hungry too I did get more bananas okay okay just make sure you check your carbs so don't over cuz you want to I'm just gonna have one on me just I have some larvae can you just eat those no do not eat those you'll get sick oh I have tortoise meat I'm gonna put it in some water yeah we have oh that's oh that's tortoise shell water clean okay that mean we're gonna do a little mushroom 101 okay mushroom 101 yes very very important all right oh the blue ones are bad okay blue ones are phenomenal they're like crack all right they're found on a big tree I'll show you guys that big tree if each one of you take one right now okay there's nothing one of you oh that one's in use I can't wait there should be three Drive oh now I can now I can okay every once in a while I can try and eat that freed away the blue one yeah you're you're looking Bob your power your energy whoa okay they're rare they're they're full of rare they're harder to find these little orange caps fewer parasites in your stomach these [ __ ] will save your life so cold drink some water in the water over here we each have enough for this yes more here drink some water here disgusting no all right you should have you should have a number that shows up a bottom left is dirty water I get two parasites eat two mushrooms eat two mushrooms I've got a whole bunch to make sure we didn't screw this up with one too okay guys have mushrooms right here these ones these orange wool caps you need to do I actually have I actually why do they call them unknown mushrooms it's always gonna be unknown did you eat two things dread because we're now you're poisoned with parasites I did have two oh yeah I got to parasites I got rid of two parasites is it still say I'm poisoned you know someone's sound like they're still sick miss something so where can you see if you are currently have two parasites you'd seen a bomb left anyways you'll get a bottom left near your head they don't nothing good good I'm gonna eat one of those pine cones but or the little nut that's a 5 X 4 Pat's all right we are gonna have to go hunting ASAP right dump your bag has weight on the top left so be careful how do I get Parks mm-hmm banana carbs are pradana mushrooms anything like that you can get these little mushrooms here with you but 5 carbs each okay dropping a whole bunch of mushrooms to stacking this [ __ ] of them and protein I would eat eat some of that snail soup right yep and there's a bananas on the ground here dudes everybody's just noting down this year the ground I took one that's all I need you know how much bananas on the ground here so and some yeah the other guys could take them okay we're gonna have to cross or get some food from up here very very short Jeffers thanks - see you buddy thank your being here tonight thank you thank you appreciate it all right let's do it I got you guys I need to make a spear right yay a shitty spear for now until we find enough rocks okay so where do we find is this a stick right here the long stick were here okay so and then what do I do with it right cliff in crafts oh okay and then cue to drop right click oh I see crabs oh so and then basically I crack tonight all right I just crapped all right cool gonna stay gonna use that right and then how do i how do I load it one one oh the hot key I understand now all right let's go up there find some of the boots there were some animals there's me some animals on top here okay you guys I'm gonna grab this thing here bring you that for fiber I just look at the fire and make sure good oh I'll be okay I'm gonna go take a look at the fire to make sure so I put some stuff in there oh you already did yeah okay I made sure I got what I figured out how hard it is to start this game you know I played every the visibility in the rain is not great no it's not good what good are the larvae are they good evolved this plant here guys come see why over here larvae no they were meant for fishing if you want you prefer actually they were orange caps do you see this plant right here you cut out their plat Dunnigan coming yeah I'm coming hang on I'm gonna [ __ ] no I got a leech nice guys you'll see a ball becomes out of it there you go there should be a bulb that pops in the middle that's amazing carbs and air you put that in soup don't eat a raw just with soup okay I'll hold on to it now that's like super duper Oh Oh No yo [ __ ] put like silly I can teach you I like you I'm deleting you right now cannot do that ieave oh certainly can't I just took the lately chop his legs what no in the voyage don't do anything you have ether are you I just took like eight of them off me okay well alright next time I got leeches I'm gonna rub myself every word out okay there should be on this side here some animals for us to take down is there any way to tell you've got any cheese on yourself get your own legs pops up on the right side you guys going hunting together yeah what's the the picture of my stomach with swirls with a net of one next to it on the left-hand side where'd he go crying where you go it's up here [Music] I lost him I might have to reduce the image read over here guys unknown fruit these are great if you receive little orange ones pick these up career underground in case you guys are looking for them all that animals still bring them I don't know we can just do it you should use a bow but you make his way back here no I don't know no can I have to reduce the oh there he is we're gonna start yeah I heard I've got a multiplayer co-op to write so it might be a little bit yeah they're mighty there's some there's some I mean it looks pretty stable I I'm impressed with the I mean so many games do multiplayer poorly and this one oh hey there's a crab yeah I think we're gonna have to go to crown me or something efficient because I'm I think is to be able [ __ ] to tragic gonna sting those crabs are quick yeah you guys stab really good I know to pick up a couple useless sons of you so here I got one known as area backpack Oh can somebody grab this crab I don't have any room hey hey everybody I'd like to share them he wants a serious crabs news that's a floating crap can you okay I'm looking away okay there we go I got it alright I'm guessing I would have to take care of my inventory and sort move things around in order to have another crab in my inventory I want more yes exactly can you throw your spear yes you can through here but clicking middle mouse button and then just let go of it so the mouse wheel honey how do you pick your spear back up oh you just hit it eat doing my spirit bear and if he goes away with it you're you lost your spear how many spirits does it take you live happy barrel let's see how much it takes to kill Mouse running oh whoa I'm in trouble what you know little Cougars out here there's some leopard or something oh yes bad yeah not good not good if we all stick together we should be okay oh [ __ ] I'm dead I didn't stick together I'm with bread yeah clumped ID to sanity - all these are sand because of him Oh our sanity goes down okay Brett and I are gonna go back to the base where are you ever known at the base no where's he oh hey all right come in where'd you die anyways dude did you go a lot further out cuz there is some across that wall over there I think you're an old waiting outside don't move dread I wanna see something on you I think I'll eat cheese when I pull it off nope I don't see any miss Chen they're stunned they know you have leeches on you - once my guys hyperventilate and see you know nothing I have leeches lobby damn it yeah so look I'm just I'm taking off here right now you look at me oh it's so good dude just keep on grabbing yeah good job oh that's actually really easy commute oh just a shot you died right yep there you are how did you respond responders and Doc Superfortress okay what's good nice what sucks you died dude but y'all you're in story with you or no science okay well we all we all have a mental went down there but so makes you feel better your sanity drop I found tobacco leaves oh please take him I need that for antibiotics in case oh yeah yeah yeah our buffet right here yeah little snail soup you find more uh - tons of fish in here where the fishing spear I did how do you make a fishing spear yeah you gotta make the spear there it's a bamboo I'm staking it that one I think it's bamboo with bamboo I think so I never make them you someone's always hyperventilating I don't hear myself hyperventilating how do you get bamboo we got to find bamboo on the other side there's piranhas in the water right now I'm not too sure you want to dive in there right now gotcha we can go there you go good to know I mean the chances are pretty good they won't do anything that's I see lost did you did you keep your ement or just show you a job doesn't show major like a steel freakin a rock here oh I can see all the piranhas though they're really happy that I know they don't know that you're there I don't think we should be another turtle here somewhere I suppose keep bagging really quick ice layer it hold down the Y button free of it story wu y bun nope no way we use a tab all right I'm gonna get some water happen thank you so much little unconscious it's green home console it's going to be on console that's curious because Y button is an Xbox button that's what I get - yeah but it's supposedly it was coming out graph this this is after the coop and then multiplayer then it goes to cost Emma's the native thank you so much I really appreciate the new membership appreciated think you're supporting streaming it really means big a whole lot thank you thank you I am few love watching you so I think you start a Nico appreciate it I'm not senior turtle usually over here we need to find some protein dude and make a second fires alone we got some serious problems you guys did the Berta left over there no oh I see something I see it a shape that was a bit of an interesting shape I think Dredd was trying to make a real year there's a burger here a mud thingy yeah there's a parrot right here oh oh now how did you catch the Paraclete he was dead you can with the arrows and stuff you just bring home roadkill yeah if you right-click you guys will be a horas to him and get the feathers so we can make us all bow to extremely important and there's camp ash in charcoal inside these fires by the way which are great for source stomachs is stuff but you can also use it with feeding fires okay I have a bunch of feathers do I just dump them on this bench here you can make yourself with small sticks you can make Kerry I don't remember now with one small stick makes narrow okay so let's come by with the hole it's a big step back we got the small one big one turn it over let's ride make something out of it and there you see look so the bow is pretty simple guys long stick and one rope alright oops okay and once we find more words of stuff we can you start really hunting property because we really I mean we're sucking on that dirt a long stick and rope is a Isabeau it is and then how do you make an arrow arawa it should be a couple feathers and a small stick two feathers yeah if you have and if you have the bigger sticks you don't have small sticks you can always right-click on a harvest of regular sticks like these the ones are on top for smaller sticks and the same thing for long sticks they could do the same thing no long sticks you can only find you can't chop down trees right now you can chop down trees long sticks come up from the big trees you see a log couple logs of stuff with them if I wanted to know what's my guide sorry would you say craft with these bamboo logs how do you make the fishing spear I would be their notebooks that I forget fishing spear never made one a long time to be honest I don't remember yeah it's another crafting okay no I'm just gonna look for it now no no no she being a left Tensei things he found so let the first one on the top left I didn't make a bow and his four prong spear is one long stick oh one long stick one long bamboo stick to small sticks in a rope okay so one long bamboo or sorry well one long bamboo stick or one long stick with two sticks and in one request how do you make one long best move out of bamboo table uh yet so don't pick them up they're different styles that's the wrong one ah okay gotcha there's a there's a long bubble trees and this one is I bring a couple logs back to camp did you hear not good okay so with from the logs do you harvest those into long sticks yeah you know well you can if you want to but there's a furball you uh find smaller sticks that you utilize them because we need those for crafting weekend you can hit them and then they'll give you a plank there's smaller trees too so to make a bow out of a log you can't turn the log into large sticks can i too long sticks yes if you hit it you can hit it with things you're turning that yes oh I see nice okay sorry buddy I I was trying to wrap my head around there and let me see yeah it's all my bad my bad all right let's see if we get a couple more driving food we really need more protein that I've gotten here we could put down droughts maybe or something unless I'm bringing another long stick back to the base by the way in case anybody needs one yeah there's not a long stick here if you needed well they're dumbing it down with the bamboo and a planner guy needs to sleep my guys exhausting well he's teaching a lot of let's just say well let's let's be honest morons how to survive oh hell no don't not only play the game yourself but also try to teach other people how to play the game at the same time that's that's not easy no it's it's true it's true a slayer think again for that appreciate very much Alex al-ahly exciting I appreciate it warn the guys not to pick up the colored frogs nobody wanted to [ __ ] no no I know what I'm okay even without this game I know what a poison dart okay do not pick him up the brighter the color the more poisonous that's generally what happened that's why I was joking about the the color the red berries cuz you know everybody knows red berries early Huckleberry's Marga Jagger wrong I'm dropping a lot of stuff here a lot of sticks and whatnot so if you guys need them there's small steps and regular sticks right there me too although our sense of organization is very poor nothing you guys mess around a little bit I'm making stuff go save our lives if we get caught that's okay alright no it's cuz I throw everything at you right now it's not gonna make it's not gonna help you know you won't remember most of it oh I need carbs something fierce either Santana's the stuff on the ground here I got a banana I'm gonna eat it there's other stuff down here Chiefs want here at least rum yeah little mushrooms or carbs oh they are harvest mr. Forrest's okay okay long stick my dude just complained about being super hungry yeah we are where we should be super hungry too oh I've got Mikami eye I need to make soup okay I'm gonna I think there's there's water there's just throw them into the water yep I don't have some no soup in a second there we go and the unknown bulb what is the unknown bulb give you carbs does anybody need who needs carbs I'm at half I have shops here I was like so many carb here fill yourself up you've been carbo loading is that we need to mushrooms and stuff they're here I mean carbo-loading getting everything we can on the side this is a different stack if you hold although you can grab stacks and stuff out your inventory by the way you guys wonder night I'm gonna refill the tortoise shell with water and three my nuts that you guys if I supposed to ask if they're salty hey we're already you know what we're in the middle of it we're in the in the middle of the bush all right well you know it's you know it's a terrible lifestyle okay well let's see I'm gonna make more snail soup yeah we should probably make a signal oh crap no spoil Oh vomiting oh oh oh okay Mitch oh oh oh that's it spew but it's acid you throw that up you get the bad stuff out the Clone lifeguard I wasn't looking at all totally dis concentrated hey that's gay bed did you eat a leech I don't know it was it on the table here hey thick image I gotta leave kid feel like [ __ ] again I can't eat the charcoal one second oh I'm missing one charcoal rest okay there we go charcoal save me holy crap I just need water really badly I'm gonna die okay hang on let me refill this one tortoise shell with water oh sorry silver gun kill the bird it's like I'm getting a hump Don did you kill a bird that's gonna be doing stutters oh oh I know I can't believe I did that guys you're like laughing yeah cuz you're tired on a bottom left is your energy I can't believe it I know that don't forget to above a fish trap yeah near the dock that's right there is a fish trap here we should go and check it out oh yeah thank you Korean economy so what were your guys and girls let's go a little check here some fishery I got a sweet how does that work so if I sleep the water that you guys what's that so now I sleep okay no effect you odd the Thank You the bursar fall appreciate very much guys marry thank you so much for that G is working his guys to death as usual well no I actually the closest to me Oh what okay oh damn right you can revive each other a few pass out I need to uh oh great okay what do you want me to do there's a mattress right here to sleep guys you're getting closer I see you I see you help you might be somehow there we go I helped you it's a sick it well there's a little icon it's no skin off my nose on the right side of the dock there's a fishing trap if you put your your stuff inside there like your uh your we call the grubs and stuff you found yeah woman there okay oh nice I was wondering what to do with the grubs my health is going down like do you put in more than one grub or just one grub what suit it looks like only one grub yeah okay Wow shred a lot of waste I might actually die for a first time in this game oh you've probably died many times Hey oh no I've made red crap super if you want to come have it you're the one that they got the crab oh no no you took it it's so good you can eat it we're shares these same buddy good night there's coconut huh you'll have a knife you know it bro here here's two rocks we've got to make another fire dreads like sucking everything dry from us I don't think I'm gonna make it over the past day today guys we don't come hunting I've got heart of palm do you like eat that I don't think I make it I got a bad feeling this is the end okay oh I need to rest apparently I'm tired I'm gonna go have a nap yeah we needs protein what do you want what do you what do you need David we need to kill something okay I got some I got some Mikami let me make this do for you no but but we need to capybaras and stuff them what did now who picked up all the feathers and stuff did you make arrows I made I made a couple of arrows and then I left the other there's two feathers on the bench okay so we're gonna I made I used four feathers to make two sets of arrows is that is that one arrow that that makes we really well we need to go out and then really quickly hunt out an animal like a SAP okay I wore all any arrows would you use two feathers in a stick because that one arrow feathers in a stick should be yes I should have crafted rectangle it's a single arrow right yeah it should have flu yep all right I got a bow with an arrow you like the bow and arrow amen no no just if we got the other macaw to or the parrots if they can make themself one of those will be really good there's two feathers right here on the edge of the bent take two feathers and then a small stick and then make an arrow and then now I heard someone else that they had the a bird yeah I kill a bird okay did you see the feathers I made it into one arrow okay then I put the macaws steel is here for you thank you no should be okay just got it really nursing to my my stuff drop like that before can you uh we need to find pots we need to go with the cocaine place that's why we're gonna survive us I just killed a bird I killed a bird - we're gonna have to change look we're gonna head out right now guys yeah let's go to cocoa fields my water is about okay sorry I just gotta get asleep I'm almost passed out again okay so let's get ourselves filled up completely with water I'm like zero water I keep drinking but it's not no it's not gonna be enough this little sip sleep raft we're getting you there anywhere coconuts and split open on the ground with us we're gonna pick up everything we're doing here I dropped six feathers read this okay there were two coconuts over by the water spout thing did 100 snail soup snail soup okay mystery snail oh I have some more carbs I just ate somebody realize that more carbs unity okay I'm on everything you know start drinking eating you know to be a high percent once we go with the other place there's a trap reset that we can catch animals really quick and you know those are all snakes in there so there's six six feathers here okay cool yeah little catch up some food here thanks mate oh there we go okay are you drinking red I'm trying to what's going on here so great drink having an issue uh-huh oh I guess I can't make I can't make egg soup never mind hey don't eat it don't eat it at all reg we're sorry raging hamster thank you so much for that love this vid thank you so much for that big hashtag to raging has to awesome name by the way hi how was your day so it's going it's good we're all kind of coping finding a little hard enough in the game sorry inside the house I find my daughter is reaching that that level now she needs to get out about and doing other things with other kids but Rolla same boat so we'll live with it thank you so much John let's see nice nice nice nice science thank you yes everything's both sites yeah yeah I gotta start trying to make water you tough part as games that it's they're learning as they're going on a very tough games not an easy one at all that's one made himself an axe good job ready go Idaho this will put the grub in the middle yeah we cut another fish that's good just cause you fishes are swimming in a Gamecock hey I'm good on water I'm gonna make some more snails here wait don't put thing one of things I have a fish for you risen oh how did you get a fish inside the fish trap he's on the ground right there don't eat him raw that [ __ ] huh sick okay so where's the fish he's on the ground next to far is a very very small fish discus what do you do with the discus fish how do you put my soup put it in the soup okay okay all right well I'm gonna drink the mystery snail soup let me I've got some water oh no no there's no what I wanted to do all day God dang it you okay okay well will there cowboy my apologies guys I have a I have a stomach with the number one on it and I have a like explosion with the number one on it in my status I don't know what that means explosion yeah well you got diarrhea maybe I don't know it's gone now the stomach with a number one on it stomach with number one I think we defined a to be right to make it this right stomach number one okay sorry you that means you have parasites need to eat these little orange caps are here the one having a crown here you probably had something you never drank something bad you're gonna ground here dread yeah okay that's one of the things were weird when you're highlighting it I can't take it oh I'm so sorry dude did not realize that I'll talk it okay we're good yeah well we'll hunt out we could go on visit read across the water really quick there's a village there which open up a whole bunch of stuff so we want to come back here right away you guys want to come and visit okay alright you guys want a little bit of sleep before would be good that would probably a good idea yeah have it is it we're gonna have a nap nappy time it's all nap together three two free oh wait oh wait oh you can't sleep the same time no there's all these few sleeping places really that's interesting oh there's only like a hammock or something no no I tried there's nine I was read to the hammock yeah losses on the ground now he's sleeping dude oh my god sleeping yeah but now I'm gonna be really hungry yeah it's gonna from here I got some kind of meat on me we just dropped it behind you can well you need to eat too buddy your bar is very soft and I am the reason I can't interact with the fire to cook it or on it that's why I'm most likely I'll make you soup then we head out cross really quick going open up a whole bunch of different racks of stuff and then head back our way don't go silly sell candy bar yeah we'll be able to get the spears and stuff once we find them so they'll be just a little bit of time don't eat a larva I'll make you cook you talk to that ok fats that it's proteins I'm tanky on proteins ok did you check your stuff it's ready I have no protein and got drink of yep and there's one more there lost need to get himself back up he's worse one off here drink both lost ok alright we need to feed that fire alright I'm gonna eat the unknown bulb what in soup in soup oh no I just put inside the soup there's soups here yeah but they're they're probably not I think the other work I just put water inside Oh perfect okay let's go across and then we'll go to the cocoa pills and we'll start a dike explain a little more the only stuff here these are serious fats and it's dropping the ground because these things are gonna ground wash very well closer they're very small eat these things this is like crazy Brazilian nut fats grab one each there and I guess not helpful alright I am we're gonna want to go across here I'm hurting I'm hurting on protein really bad okay yeah we're gonna hop it right across here where are they still feather here where are they they're on the ground over there guys so where is that mmm we got to get leech off right here oh wait a minute oh hey there's a spoiled mushroom that I put down earlier oh here's Brazil nut yes yeah those ones yeah I harvest them funny okay alright let's just very easy well hop from this rock Tila Rose thank you so much you're doing a great job keep it up thank you very much sir that's $139 thank you very much that's very kind wow what the frig I just need to be really not being careful of myself that John my leg Oh dudes what the frig and soothe regular manager right no idea like yeah I scream a leg my guy is very sensitive for some reason be careful you see I go up there this way for everybody will walk up okay so if I'm mistaken top here to the left there could be possibly some local action i watch out lost ideally to you but your health is going well oh my magnifying glass is hang on it back wait you gotta leeches to you guys who I'm showing here it's amazing is it hang on wow this is a right here all right well the hop you guys saw it good hell of you wafer they're going to room there well you guys can see it together come on guys links is they're gonna kill you oh no I got something weird on my arm dude looks like an abscess oh you go you got Bobo let me see it tumor dregg come up here I'm working on it where's your Bobo well this super dark feet on your left arm oh no that looks like this it's called a few guys have watch this where is it there can I put it on you let's see if I could do this no left arm yeah okay is it infected it looks like here look good you take this the dressing I just put down tobacco dressing now open up your tab menu and then open up your your magnifying glass right afterwards find your Bobo and then slide it on to the round circle slide that dead bandage onto a home yeah there's no round circle when I pick it up that's weird no we need a bandage into the real top I know but there's no circle what the frig do you get let me sing again put your own backup it's got some rooms oh he's got worms Oh should we just put him down Oh actually wait we're directed real here there should be a bone in this do you have to bone the worms okay come here um harvest you have to harvest the worms no is that boy do you know we do I think it's the other one right I think it's a double needle come here somebody right into the chest back Ryan and Jeff said bone needle yeah that's what I'm here for let me see your own can can I do it for you or doing you have to do it alright let's take a look no I can't do it four years ago what about the first prize no can't but you can pick up that bone Eli just dropped in a gun rear feet I'm looking for it well I got see this you doing it right there yeah if I did we're here in the ground I'll pick it up again I'll drop it over here oh there it is okay okay now open up the same way and look at your I'm gonna watch and it's drag this in there oh and then take the needle and do it dude already you look at mobile now put the bandage on it no so people not I'll put a bandage on it yeah yeah yeah that's that's nice yeah Taylor thank you again that's very very very humbling thank you for every condition thank you really bad shape oh no are you hearing voices I did yeah we're all gonna be attacked because of the dread oh yeah they're gonna unlock things these guy look at them to unlock I dread to start eating everything you can just eat all these mushrooms everywhere well there's coconuts over here yeah we can pick some of these up and make yourself come our Biden's we're gonna need them for a trick I've got two so I don't know anymore there's a foe over here as well there we go well just harvest it drop it mrs. Abbot with those spear comes out really quick they're good no one's that's it guys that over here - there's a torch if you guys pick it up and drop it there's a torch there there is a bowl here which is supposed to teach you but we did it beforehand a torch the Underground's right over here is really gonna move oil right there we're here oh that thing okay oh and then now yeah and now I'm gonna drop it there we go you can keep it deacon light it up in that walk around that too if you want it oh okay yep it's your choice okay we're gonna eat a little more here of anything I can just keep everything else up so don't die come you didn't brush rooms on your guys tuskegee eat did you get mushrooms out you roll over they're all over here are you okay on a second charge I'm here thank you keep these in your in story too if you get infections is kinda nice don't eat them dough no maggots you put them on infections and they kind oh that's that's an old school same thing is that over here there's ants you can use it to close wounds but don't go near where now we'll deal with that afterwards all right let's go back down the hill before the locals come by no offense thank you so much was it dread when the worms pop up to bite it alright it's time to go take a little rest then go to cocoa fields you need to drink something I am going crazy the fire no I need you to go to the fire and the rest of it and try bring it up and try some stuff I'm happy my sign has a drop so that's that's the worst part I started seeing people come and attack you it gets really bad sorry dreads about the dye deeds of goods oh good not really but yeah dreaded I need you to like have you drink some stuff there okay this is an empty shell I'm gonna put water in it yeah and we would get the other place we'll build to make yourself a little better stuff it's tougher here plus you for it this grow well you need like a couple fires one oh I'm good on carbs my protein is absolutely tanked no we're really vegetarians here yeah my niece would be very proud of me okay scuse me that looks guilty you get a worm in a hammock I don't you know get the worm how do you how did you guess what wake me up please I just knocked in eat oh I'm coming I was trying to sleep but he wouldn't let me oh losses got you thank you mm-hmm I can't sleep for some reason I'm seriously what's up bad idea cuz it camp like this we'd have guys awake and some guys asleep at all time keep that fire attending to it keep it going you know it's kind of things how y'all doing Chet I'm out of protein to put in the the tortoise shells yeah we're we're done we have to we'll get up here quick there's now more trapper rebuilt nearside so we need to get going up I was gonna have a nap but I don't want to sleep in in trend dreads were me hammock yeah I don't know why that's one place he's not supposed to get it oh okay well I'm gonna try it and see what happens oh it just says Z for me it doesn't oh that one says it's in use don't win over there it's open I was looking at all right so you get worms from sleeping oh yeah on the floor on the ground you can get them pretty uh well I see me why I would I got knocked out okay you might have yeah they look like it wasn't fresh well yeah we're far as what to die do you guys have any sticks like injured throw in there cuz I'm running on my sands book when I wake up I can okay those sticks here wow I was really tired okay we're gonna have to get our butts in gear and get out of here okay every else have an energy unknown at least I have energy Oh maggot soup has this has this fight already been stoked up a little bit yeah we're leaving anyways okay one thing we're gonna do is we'll make sure we have uh we have enough for I need protein that's what we're gonna need the most all right I'm ready to roll okay we're gonna take a tour of shells back these guys could eat yeah there's water near you guys can grab them and then they will head out we have to grab those tortoise shells with us one person can grab one there any person to grab one just in case and also the coconut shells okay yeah and the coconut shells are gonna keep her water going this is dirty water why is there Jordan one in here it's strange I don't know okay let's continue all the mushrooms so that we have mushrooms yeah let's go here okay oh we going across the river no we're gonna take a little long way around there's gonna be a gator right behind you I'm caiman boss Fred where are you just in case I fell asleep on the ground it's a big boy now he's going he's walking a little bit uh he needs to be there that fire cause your sanity do too um it's not right anymore [Laughter] all right we're okay tan events at ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for joining today he'll tour around this corner there's a friendly came in crocodile yeah that's right how many arrows is it it maybe one straight to the head a good spirit to the head if you mess up it will run and kill you in one fell swoop and yes you will die read away what about the three of us I I've killed many so I prefer you guys kill it okay what about an arrow what about an air yeah arrow to the head will be fun okay can I give it a shot or does anybody else want to do it I don't want to come anon well you could all shoot another yeah where's Dryden who's gonna hit first I don't know well there's a pond look I don't speak a [ __ ] I'm behind you somebody I popped in for a minute no it's fine just making sure do you want to lose you Lee I'll get your dirty I am dirty how do you wash yourself Yeah right click and wash you can either go for a swim or right click near the water and then wash yourself well I'll show you oh yeah I'll tell you dear levels they'll say 1 2 3 4 or 5 5 is stupid all right I'm good oh yes oh yeah everybody want to come to see her Kim how close can you get to the camo not two of them noise one uh you can get pretty close to eat he's fast oh and how do I do right-click how do I aim whoa how do I shoot okay your left mouse button don't hold too long you guys down there's gonna drop a crap he's dead no he's not dead I hear him he's a live dude now that's me pick your Spears up his stuff that's it pick up your Spears and stuff off him I got my arrow we're gonna death thank you so much I'm joying this comes from green yellow thank you alright so somebody's gonna grab them Brett you go ahead good night no I'm looking for my my arrow it's underneath em there's I see it I can't your cars and we'll grab the arrow from you if your car blows I heard another one what the frig is chilly in the multiplayer holy [ __ ] I put myself ok my killer you guys cute guy you guys go there's a bunch of Bones here I can't pick them up guy don't go I gotta get my arrows I lost one don't worry we'll get more arrows but if we'll get more how do you how do you harvest be ok slice and dice is but wow yeah yeah yeah so that's an extra meat right there don't forget that creates weight in the top right you'll see all the weight bar of the when you open up your menu it says 29 point of 50 pounds so be careful yeah there's another caiman right here oh my god they multiply yeah multiplayer they put out way more this must be one there's one in the water right here where are you guys I'm coming I'm watching myself I'm absolutely filthy Ozzy's gonna go oh I'm filthy too yeah be careful you wash yourself there is actual a caiman in this water right here dude I can't move very fast because I am I'd want to drop some stuff that you're not gonna use you can't use it all okay okay you want to toss me something pass be something I can I can use the bones yes you can make bone axe and many things with it okay what's not I think also put them into water and a soup that gives you protein which is like bone marrow super okay how about just throw something I have I have nothing I have stick you can throw some bones tubes once him okay okay there we go here's Bo you can use all two if you want drop into one stack Oh Alton drag okay whoa what's that sound another came in your is e he's in the water right there Wow there you guys are Frigg a lot of cave-ins in here dudes I like this better than that one at a time yeah well we need to use more than one we shoot them in the water oh yeah you can what the hell out of that alright don't bother harvest again we won't don't care that you oh okay so it lost - who wants to who can who can harvest this demon God while we solve a long trek away from the cookie yeah but we got food Oh lost as it came incoming lost logs can't stop okay hang on there's key enough to gaben in his water oh I missed I don't have any arrows left oh I'm gonna fall asleep I'm like what do I do - if I need to sleep because I press to sleep on a ground this will hold C down and press Z oh okay I got too close to the payment oh my god all this stuff exploded he's dead oh where are you right now Oh No I spawned at the back at the whatchamacallit the dock and I'm running on my I'm running there okay cuz all your stuff is in the water right now what the frig why'd you drink that I was trying to harvest it okay so I got worms again how do I get rid of them how do I make that bone thing click in the harvest oh you guys are too funny alright ok right click at harvest Jeepster gaming think subscribing you guys are awesome Tyler Kirk's thank you sir just follow Brittney groups and I don't get people it's their first time playing with them so just in case so yeah this is you guys my first time I've ever seen this game I played this for a very long time but yeah I don't over here all these stuff is in the water here yeah oh [ __ ] okay wait wait I don't know where he's at though where is here here but she's a better tree I don't see you in the water right there right front of my tree on the tree in the water right done these dead okay oh oh okay I help me if I go crazy I'm sorry I got a I got a lot of my mind man just me though we could go back to the thing I'll make a trick okay fills up that dread what you doing I'm shooting then I'm shooting the bad guys there's no bad guys tickets oh there are for me okay come on come with these dredges let's go back let's go back hey take it back to his half abort abort abort I'm gonna pass out - we got meat man we can you know it's harder than Alex I did lose an arrow and I grabbed an arrow I grabbed some stuff a little bit stuff from you a little split it all up when we get back there all right it's cool which makes reading of weights wasn't sure if you're gonna make it back so is grabbing yeah it's all good so good yeah I grabbed your meat to you or no thank you you're stuck in a jungle city slickers welcome to the yeah first time playing it if they'd go back and watch me first time I was playing this game I it's it's very confusing the beginning is so much like many years of things to get used to I understand ah crap wake me up please I'm good that's why you're who lose things so badly did you take care of that worm problem here I have an extra pair of the worm okay here's advantage arm here there's a bandage like you're only gonna find behind you I guess something else to look at I'll grab it a minute the badge is behind you will just want this in case all right support aboard the trek to the cocoa fields all right so how did you cook this meat you drop it on the grill or a mix of soups right now bones are gonna be needed we should probably well I've left my gonna have a grill no no you just put right on down little circles same thing we did for the pots okay got it oh you guys have some kind of water and stuff you oh he's on the ground next to the fire okay for this for time I put a put we made another fire the only place that it stays dry is here that's why I move to cocoa fields we could build yourself a shelter really quick over here if we want to you okay let's do that we've got I don't have the orange you doing okay what do you want what do I need to do all right hang on a sec oh my god freak there's no one there dude get some sleep dude judged ready okay I think I just locked down kids I think I locked up did you lock up this is hard to use isn't it OOP this what the pose is a learning process because you have skill sets to learn once you get a little better right it gets looser at first yeah it gets a little bit difficult okay okay I think I got I got a log out and come back in okay hopefully your your guy that stays as weight is I don't want to waste too much stuff making fires well that's gonna hold it down and we have a little sticks of stuff I did I might pass out again [ __ ] I'm gone so uh hey gay men how you feeling about being lost in the jungle with us pretty awesome right okay we're just staying over it's like we're gonna fight for that food it's gonna pop up like someone's grabbed some Romney they'd be careful I'm going to go bacon oh you cook that up while we yeah let's put it in a cooking spot make sure you don't eat when you're dirty yeah you're gonna rescue her shut up - dude seriously my dudes like constant complaining one dies one passes work Oh where's my misery I got nothing so all my stuff oh I lost all my stuff oh did you didn't but I didn't fall out Oh No else it's gone all that stuff is gone that's meat that's all kinds of things I grabbed your meat mugger no no no I had to turn more in my bag I was I was maxed out all right well that's a bummer okay I'm gonna go click some stuff good job Oh No again it's it hasn't released it they're gonna look at problems like this they're gonna try and get them all fixed up to me Oh fair enough no no no I'm more impressed off well it is running through multiplayer usually it actually I I have to breathe all right I got myself a pointy Rock now I'm gonna go I don't know cut down a tree or something we can make a stick you just put one little rock and one stick and becomes a nice yeah I need a stick I lost everything so I'm gonna cut down a tree you have freely a big one tree we need two more logs oh I was gonna just cut down one of these ones that let me let me get the longest meet take to cook this little mover ever man smoocher be has enough for another really huh out of water yeah you grab some water from here just put some yeah how long as I need I tried to start the fire if you go sticks the stuff we can get it done but yeah I can try make another shelter here we can put it fire in there don't bother putting another one it's too close to me you ate two meet yeah and I put two back in the fire okay yeah we go left I still guess so I had told you I picked up quite a bit of oh noes okay we have enough for everybody have to err yeah yeah oh yeah don't worry about me because I I'm uh I am fresh I am like a newborn if you were to come over and you were to touch me it would feel we all saw [Music] [Laughter] the nice thing is you'll be happy to know that I actually am starting to understand what I'm doing hey what's with the unknown mushroom that looks like a weird little net with a bulky thing on the top oh don't eat that that's the only mushroom you can t you can put it into soup that's right particularly nasty you can draw it yeah draw attention to a soup that works on a drying rack - that works - you like that it's up shits Creek that follow you down okay okay now how do i okay hang on you know what okay I need to use my notebook and then I can I can make an accent to stick a rope I'm sure it just feels here and there but the coping skills next time it was my bad I think we're good right now they're a mess but you're good no no no no what I mean is we're good here I wouldn't invite the other places so much butter oh I don't have any Biden's left and I'm too heavy you gonna whip tough free you're obviously eating too much do we have a turtle shell anywhere well we had some one of you each one that was all I had I had them I picked them up and put the transport and now they're on unless somebody grab them from my inventory I just drops me one more well not anymore no I don't see it anywhere yeah where'd you drop it was I dropped it right here it was to that there was two turtle shells right there's one here see it I can't see everything okay how do you get the box I don't see it I I just spoke got eaten by a caiman someone come and grab it it's in this blue box I'm I definitely my inventory is too full just grab it and drag and drop it you know they keep inventory if you want to and just drag and drop hmm yeah just drag down to the guy that's you know that worked out perfect give us kid someone put on the fire and I can make water like this look I'm just gonna drag it with would you do to drag it would you use the mouse and click them hold yeah juanzi all right click right click while you're holding onto it to right click and use your camera yeah I'm gonna we're got to drink something quick here does anybody know where there's any rocks I have some money if you want I've like a ton of them Oh what time I got like six just in case I don't try to be productive protector fine turtle yeah I know I will how do you how do you feel of your clothes no shell when you draw a boat near the water click in a hole you'll see a round circle that appears in the water and you have to kind of aim for it and just put it right there let go of it and then it goes rate will pop back inventory okay shelter Sun does anybody need a lot of protein yeah I have nothing okay I'm making a meat soup in here grab it well as a matter of fact I have nothing of nothing Wow I actually have a piece of metal oh oh shudders - I don't know what - no do i I went to collect a whole bunch of [ __ ] I need these to keep these guys alive to do that to eat some that I have to eat some of that I got eat some that get some that to drop some bananas right here up in there but somebody got pissed off just some more stuff here yeah some of that there's a whole bunch of protein and sorry carbs are here guys I didn't either say go ahead give it to that suit did you grab the carbs where's the other meat that was he was talking about which one you're cooking we don't get that other mean - you said right yeah put in there and did arena dollar at time we're doing this no okay not that I remember the bursty you'll you'll drink when I tell you drink buddy [ __ ] hole do you hear that hey he's laying down the law I have to at this dude it just gets a little bit going first okay don't f ng thank you okay sorry [ __ ] strand get myself out of this issues okay okay oh nice okay I heard shoulder I have a special gift I have a special if I can find the damn thing oh um you want to pick up those silly coconut phone oh there we go no that won't call external thirsty sorry I have I have a tortoiseshell oh crap okay I'll take you out no no wait till it's done and then you can drink from it and then yeah alright and good sigh have a Biden now I'm found a coconut oh good piece of cooked meat here if you guys want you know you do someone need to I have ate one I'm okay never have anything to eat hide a snail I'm Ono I can make I've got Rob Shuter I didn't do I you need to bounce back heavily how are you doing I'm doing okay right now it's quote near the fire so here yeah that's it stay near the fire help them quite a bit and cook things up like mystery snails and stuff they'll give you back some there's some that bench right over here there's some tortoise shell hook these up to and if you click them onto the actual thing and eat them from there and you'll be just fine you'll start getting some messed up back cause you're eating someone food there's uh there's tortoise shell oh goodness alright thank you thank good let's go no no that was pretty eating that was for you guys don't leave some of your things okay we're bouncing back here okay yes I'm gonna put some mushrooms in there why is it taking so long for to turn good because I accidentally picked it up with the Biden and then because I was refilling it oh good I also have a snail oh I've dreaded put them on a fire feeds of snails of cooked fuel because mentals state will come back up a lot faster getting things ready Oh eat them all uncooked no nope nope oh yeah just like anything like you can cooked on there I'll help you out for your mental including your in the fire there you go there's this one here is gonna be snail soup okay I have the snail okay we're really good now now we can make the walk well I'm doing I'm doing awesome but you know I I kind of a thirsty again anybody else till thirsty stuff start drinking that stuff for you we should be okay we needed to fires for sure and if you see there perks to be a fire your mental state is on the left hand side increase your brand you their best you see a little you know the plus and the fingers a little go ahead it's all grayed out once it starts becoming black that's when your sanity is going down what holy crap yeah I know right I'm gonna go find more parts that are lost how you doing why you've lost looks like he's so much more than all of us what are you doing I gotta sleep well go go to bed will tend to the far is you go to bed harami drops off to you there you go cook it up thank you sir mm-hmm put the baby up you just gonna put larvae into okay so you guys ready for a little trucky gonna hurt you he wants to hear for the time being it would be nice cuz well we'll get to find one of those traps just gonna save us some time for food yeah get some sleep good I'm feeling perky I feel awesome I've got a I've got a bow again and a whip sphere and I just need to kill some I'm gonna kill the bird you know killing the burbs the spears a lot easier than the bow and arrow cuz it just goes crazy after a while now he's very rich yeah you have to not hold that oh the bird got away before I'll make you some smart tobacco badges cuz you rate I'm going through them whoa no and it in no I'd read it it's a hundred times yeah that's the way it goes dude that's you you know it's every way that's how it goes I'm actually surprised you guys are doing this good why do you I was expecting a whole lot worse but it's normal to cuz eights its I remember I went back to look my first video I was like oh my god I was like and now it's so much has changed too how do you throw the spear again middle of mouse holding their mouse get it once you're holding it takes up your energy right so make sure you watch out for that do it yes so aim first shoot after yeah I'm doing some other Brazilian that's there like gravity was not so good huh huh it's a boy Robert I've heard this eat this story before yep yeah again TRO for that sometimes well most people do a slayer I go for the walk out boys we should go for that walk to the cook in the fields all right we'll go for the walk you'll be a mammoth place to build us a wasting resources but having this place yeah let you be more sleep with lost you're really undoing well go back fill yourself up to a hundred percent loss and get some sleep you're just gonna be a long walk oh I found oh hey maggots Oh n phones ready you'll find the yetis okay well that's great okay whoa wait wait wait it's turn a threw up oh crap okay let don't don't stop this fire anymore we're gonna do Oh Oh God that's not good yeah you get behind in the fire loss shoots on a fish oh crap I think a bridge fish no it didn't okay so this is your here so let up I'm gonna get some more water for this I understand how to use the water purifier now that is dyed wool nice I'm just sorry I woke up and died oh sorry dude we resuscitate him no I think it stuff is gonna explode in the air it's okay it's a learning process get me fine you'll come back to life will be a better for the run no he's back life you okay yeah I do respawn okay good show for us you spawned our sanity took a hit again dammit you're thinking guys die we get sanity hits this layer it wasn't good for the walk boys absolutely Oh with this deadly sister five one three thank you so much keep it up thank you my gosh legs okay guys thank you for being here or 800-plus thank you thank you thank you I apologize I just I really giant make sure he gets an order can see it's me too much they're all gonna die no one died or two seconds no now if you're feeling good don't you'll you'll see it with yours either you'll need on a bomb left there's some bananas on a ground here guys make yourself at home there and grab some bananas I'll take a banana for bunching weird on the side here would uh there's fish soup in this bowl here if anybody needs some fish soup or somewhere here who's definitely under how much water I drink I'm always dehydrated in this game yeah well drag come here how's your protein my protein is about 75% here take this these are full hydration takes all the water out of those suckers these are all full good eat everything I'll give you just you can get yourself back up and then goes down your fire Oh over here dredges orange juice in this pot and that backpack here over here I'm probably good with this stuff let me let me see what I wanna take everything you've enjoyed to hear orange juice we need to get you back up to par for Long Walk oh my my said he's actually pretty good no no the sanity it's the the amount of well it's me along the hall trust me gonna want to be hired percent strong area was it Ariel are Arman Arman thank you so much very much for follow-up reciate that and I just kept on sleeping thank you guys for being here normal the pro thank you so much alright are y'all doing y'all feeling good pretty good I'm feeling good I'm at half you know I'm gonna take I'm gonna just do a short little dread you want some serious carbs hey there's a raid over here to soup what's it what's in a soup this one is a melange Mulenga stupid it's delicious we'll see you know a boost up your carbs everybody needs it Bobby has a small amount of coriander and some fish love it you know I'll tell you right now alright guys I know you guys never play this game before and I play for a long time I have to say you guys are doing an excellent job though it's not easy you know I'm gonna give you props it is pretty good one coconut ready to go why why why not make Biden's or going near water I was I gonna grab some of these oh I really I've got two Biden's at least points like alright so we have that we know what's gonna treat this thing let's get going guys someone's gotta drink this heavy soup here oh I'll drink it so many carbs I could use it yeah take one sip I'm trying oh it's in use I'm not using somebody left the tortoiseshell behind I'm picking it up that's what they said ash is it your home or something go for it okay I got Yeley 200k someone grab these coconuts or the turtle shell please I've got a pack [ __ ] let's go for a walk all right no I was gonna bring you guys for a little surprise but I don't know if it's a good idea if I came in here there's a Wilson ball here and it but unfortunately the amount of caimans there I'm not feeling too comfortable there for a stupid bald I just put down the ground afterwards all right f F F never rotate two with the mouse wheel what you wants yeah we we can scoot Pat we could just scoot past the came out though yeah we can we actually just go through the other way too if you want to okay Mitch yes can you check me a rock oh yeah there's two rocks they're free thank you lady did you make yourself an accent that's what I was trying to make okay drop another rock there okay 1x it was once to two stones in a row right so what stick two stones in a rope McCune you can make a simple one which was a row how do you make a good one well we can make tit afterwards once we get there with bones and stuff do you need a do you need anything oh no a stick two stones are up okay once we get to the cocoa fields will be a machete there oh well that's fancy yeah hold it vanished it's a I have a fancy I have an axe made from a stick two stones in a row I feel pretty special so when let go then please like no someone's staring at it you stop staring I please oh yeah thank you sorry no some recent no no I'll make you digest recipes I make it bad just for us to make sure in case something gets infected we will be okay just making some tobacco badges so bandages with lleva stuff you're making you get the tobacco itself and that's how you make those tobacco badges oh no no lost seriously you guys for the gold fruits why did someone say oh no you got to be kidding me did you guys find it green fruit I don't know I found I just you know coconut okay here we go I lost one for you picked it up oh no one for you okay those are plenty every has one now okay so that's for tobacco dressings good for anything infections all right very cool want to avoid it we're not gonna go for a fight with this one all right I got my boy Peter I'm a bloody dark we shouldn't be but we should use the torch [Laughter] oh no I lost the torch I had the torch no we can make more there's different ways to make a torch to make a weak torch so just Ropin of course is stick or you can find resin on trees oh there's bees and stuff or wasps when we call them there but they're under one on actual trees himself you can knock down your nest and get the resident sorry get the honey from there but also there's resins sometimes on a tree so pick up some of these mushrooms guys these are always important and if you screw up near dirty oh no your help really but my health is at half yeah yeah sorry I got a I got leeches on me somewhere your health is it halfway my health is it half so you have leeches no no I have leeches on me somewhere oh yeah I don't know why my I don't know why my health is happy hey oh is that a captain at Appy oh you guys are so follow me right yeah if you get the magnifying glass in the lower left hand corner yeah you have that there's mushrooms here guys okay you see this thing here this is only an event don't ever use this this is meant for a special potion that's used in the story all mode only this is worthless right now okay but if you eat that it'll kill you oh it makes you highest high last time would and there's an armadillo oh you took my hair all those [ __ ] get away yeah he's gone these are great fruit here you guys wanna pick them up gives you water also some carbs I could see cleaning down out of that pig just mistake I got more feathers if you need them go they'll choose that oh cool I don't I have a boat without hyperventilate like that freak it's not me wait a minute I saw leash I just saw lunch you guys why are me oh there's more than one this what you do you got it another leech let's pick up supplies for us hang on let me see if I I don't know if I have anything on the UM double check okay job drop the feather speed oh okay where are they oh there's one oh yeah that's a whole one which I like I thought I had no millions our beaches beaches for me millions of beaches beaches for Oh perfect thank you just keep on the road just keep on following the road I think we got turned around because I'll go in the opposite direction yeah yeah here there in front of me okay got you not you sorry I'm just checking out the area turn remember my coca fields what the hell was they want don't die now I try not to you thanks for the grief it Wow thank God for the light it makes it so much harder yeah I turned up the brightness a little bit wait a minute snake snake snake snake snake snake snake snake don't get up on the lap don't get hit by it I killed a kill bit okay did you hear it no I mean it sounds like a rattle they're called bites wave are smart required where there's tons of bananas here guys grab grab grab where's a spider in its the bushes out there you'll hear it sounds like like sound okay we got a move move move yeah right behind you especially if the light is gonna be going very shortly and I'm a little bit turned around so every time we're stopping I don't remember there's something at the bottom guys right here here that's on here this is a good sign does drums garbage excellent thank you forces sure this area so I should know it by heart this is it yeah it's right here at rear we're here whoo I remember I remember his what's the purple flower again this one here it's just a variant plant we can make it this one here right click and make yourself to some stuff to make a fire right click pretty much it worthless except for that it makes you just die of it oh okay I couldn't get my spear out of my hand before it was it disappeared all right let's go over here all right since is you guys never play this before just go straight down here there's nothing I kill you just follow the road down here this is tree just keep on going and good to see d2 back to the cocoa fields where he sells for first time without me interfering it's always more fun to explore without me showing you I hate to ruin it for people as lizard alright there's Nick wanna I think if you sleep here this is where you'll respawn I'm gonna see in this game so I'm gonna take a quick nap and back up okay there's tons of mattresses here it's got a little sleep so hard that's the only way you can see that's happening I got an iguana and you got love to see where we can compel yourself water filter now so oh I don't have a blade you guys wanna come here I'll show you the pot hang on there's only ones if you lose this do not carry on you okay this stays here for water the Iguana is just gonna stay there is there any Ross come on yeah one second okay this pot here is okay pick it up guys and then bring it to this thing here okay so this is now open you can oh no that's dread here okay you see this put that in here so now we've learned how to make a catchment water collector well apparently I am extremely thirsty so I can make a water collector this thing's will pick up a whole bunch of good water and it constantly fills up here so it takes a little bit you'll see the water dripping from it makes a big difference we're gonna just river fire right away at this place you won't work these cages will work any rocks I have some yeah no no I'm oh I found one hang on I think I found one I have some here here no no I know but I can harvest now you still have rocks and now I have rocks I have way too much let's pick it up just in case for you guys yeah alright there's a trap down here do you guys want to come and see just food I'm also gonna need sticks you guys have any small stick some big sticks I got small sticks and big stick you shove it in here please because this is covered here so we don't have to worry about the rain you guys anymore I'm out I'm gonna go get this lizard those have ground to grab the water okay you found a mouse good yeah I'm the one chair yeah you guys all pick it up there as well it all fades old yeah every has it now press down here B has it hope yeah I thought it would have to eat you pick it up but no pretty cool one person finds it every gets it cool there's need a couple more pieces Hey yeah jeez Oh anybody want to try and set it on fire yeah okay here take this it take some fiber okay my dude keeps right click on go to fire and sudden yeah that's why we're trying to work on here and we're right click yeah right click under your new fire open up your inventory pressing tab and go to the fire section right click on the bow edits gave you to start the fire no no a new tab your your booker now and then down here is old in that that water down there are a bunch of rusty barrels is that safe to drink no we can drink the water from there yeah there you go what the put the dry leaves or that stuff I just gave you in there into the middle yeah that's it sorry dude I was just showing Shaun make fire um would say drop it into the middle don't send it top yeah make sure you put the umber in there Beauty fire started okay will you sing I can you if you can you use that as a water source at the bottom of the hill yes we can use it yeah they all work perfectly fine okay even though there's rusty barrels unbelievably uh and that's made cocaine exceed cocaine's in here all over place I'm pretty sure that's what it is I'm not a professional that's what we call Google I'm pretty sure they look you right over here if you guys want to see look at the third product right here do you want what do you want to me okay snowman oh do you want to make a snowman good cool game that's on the package is right here look at you making blue stuff in blue ice yeah it's a special stuff if you guys are desperate there's food and stuff in here in case of emergency usually inside bags - there's chips and stuff cans but now isn't at least water's coming down so that's good where do you want the tortoise palette we got the fire going in here you guys want to pick up the trap and I'll go get the meat there's a trap down here we can set you guys want to learn it but there's a snake in the field now this is the coca fields here in front of you there's usually a snake in the first two rows over here so I'd like to stay on the right you guys want to see us the trap I don't know oh there is okay over your dues we careful stay away from the cocoa do we clear it because it's gonna be some snakes in there and there there we go if you guys get close to that trap here I'll tell you that we learned to strap right here and then set it you don't need to put anything inside of it to tell you little tapis are gonna follow right in there all the time we're gonna pick him one up a day so just go up to and press in and set it up okay oh no go ahead no no okay you guys will learn oh there we go it's all set all right and then we go burn more nuts on set here we go oh it is now was it the widescreen at all guys alright there's a coconut here if anybody wants it I don't have space it's got what is it guys guys it's not good what guys just take a look alright you look at me it's no off that bulb no that's one of my ball mine that's a stick no that's my did it rot and fall off would you do stick you know we told you not to just to stop touching it they'd call this slip was the wild did you well if you hold like this looks completely different doesn't it pretty girthy if you're looking my street look I'm holding at the view who take this off your Vettori just place like this it looks completely different it should it's kind of odd actually okay okay um dropped it in here I need another what does he like tortoises shell needs to put in there please I put one in there already okay who has another one I think I do I don't forget that there's water now coming out that filter of there it ooze I I just drank some because I was my guy kept on saying Thursday okay where water craft there's clean water in these coconut bowls to a woman yeah I dropped the coconut holes in the ground he gots to drink from there to you it sure sorry good job there's all kinds of mattresses in here that we can get like tetanus and hepatitis no this is awesome this place is really great Gammage thanks for bringing us here it's safe for kids to complete now I got a rash what is this stuff room is methane someone told me would be cooking with is methane game it lets me farts yeah we're you oh dude what the hell's you touch I don't know over here come with me oh did you go to the end Hills is that what that is yeah you guys awful every 30 left that thing over there if you have no arm run it messes you up it's got bother you for bits you shouldn't do anything else really okay so it's just yeah irritate you for a while okay I don't mind being here you could have a lost soul drop this stuff on you if you want to mix love there also a little trick on Oleg us if you want to see the water open up your tab and for all of you to open up your tab you can hover over the pot of water to see how much as there is inside five and thirty right now if you hover over oh five out of thirty hides so few tab it and then to hover with your mouse over things you can do that with your armor and stuff it's same thing but once your wets is opened you can hover making even more information trying to catch up to everything here little slope so have you read have you run into an issue where you equip your boat which here uh even Oh arrows that means right I have five Chris are yep five arrows oh yeah are brings up my drop your drop your blog I don't see your bone your hands at all drops yeah I know so it's equipped now drop it on the ground just pick it back up there's a yeah I would try that again yeah there's the bow just purple game was this you guys sure like grabbing each other's meat sorry too toxic mama remember G tell them to watch it for snakes there yes Thank You toxin miss Jimmy take her psyche you so much for the host appreciate that at Sunnybrook's thank you for cube it's let me borrow dole oh thank you very much take them through cocaine fields and teach them about snakes your Absalom thank you guys think of the kind of donations it means a lot to me and again that deadly is that sister thank you I did it work it I yeah a little Schubert good we we've bigger game that we're all Sunita make sure you get wood or it goes you pick it up pick off the ground should be your number one party there's a there's a big over here dead trying to find and kill them thanks on the chopper day that's pretty good I was like damn that stuff pretty good um I can see clearly now Porsche God died so I saw the random that's how the bird died no isn't it filled you gotta knock these pills down make it easier old ball watch out for snakes yeah we don't have the stuff to cure your ass are you probably dying you take a little rest here already did you everybody yes oh no no I didn't yeah the rest here in case you die I'm deleting hang on a minute I couldn't after you're gone sword elites away from you guys were all not Dornier no one wants me to touch them wonder why I killed the snake that's my good sir thank you sir so there's an arrow sitting here if anyone wants to grab it I can't grab any more any more arrows grab arrows yeah should be a lot of them I Susan I tried to kill a bird my goodness now usually for them the perch I got like a couple what's up buddy I said I got two I see the pig did you know you ran in front of me you know I hear a bunch of bugs mmm something behind you I think lost be careful yeah that pig you she runs out of here buddy alright so I'm in trouble okay so you guys go I'm gonna try and get some areas Gammage right here right here you see things buddy because what what do you do you don't know I hit him I see running yeah he's gone [ __ ] much beer god damn it you run to the trap they were trying to hunt any particular because I've got some stuff on me no no that's all right grab some sticks oops all right I'm gonna head out to the other side there's a possibility of a cat in the side let's go ahead down really quick and I have my promise here was it's got beaches yeah yeah this gameis forget him Don stop maybe see the locals yeah wait until they show up that's like do you like right now oh no I got Red Hills think me I can cook do we have another fire no we have one farther okay why I I need to cook up some food younger sister some stew wait waiting for q1 heaven thank you okay Kent somebody doesn't hear a key cat I'm not interested in as a cat here should I get a good kill here no tap you just went off like as if she was going home from the shift no guys come on what else is piggies here we got really quiet man I hope you guys because I'm trying to cook oh my god there's a snake somewhere rummy huh I'm in good shape excellent miss oh yes show mr. was alone okay guys happy very nice Gavin got a scruff so we're gathering what if we can okay my piece of meat it up with that one two three I got to go back out oh there's something in the trap oh good good tapis now walk yep I'm harvesting it now no get enough meat for everybody guys wicked Oh there's too much I don't have enough in my back let's face my backpack just carry me turn around here okay I got it asleep yeah well that's it all be careful guys I just yeah I did it at the same time so be careful time to dump dirty I'll wash I got high on someone a blue mushroom before they're hunting isn't that just leave just yet but if you wanna sleep long enough against saw me up by the way I'm just if you don't sleep a full like lot and regular solo not sure if they did it for multiplayer I don't think it would have they were too hard way too hard FB GM thank you so much for the follow welcome to channel thank you alright okay so a bunch of meat on me let me just drop it off somewhere everyone can cook up what they need or drying rack up guys there's like six arrows over here I don't know what happened but like where I am right here we're see there's a couple here on the on the thing personal tribal arrows tribe damn damn dude they're called yeah those are freaking awesome there's a lot of them all over the area so feel free to pick them up why is there so much I guess these guys got tax well I would see Wendy tribal arrows we're all over place around hell over the place up here just look down as you walk it you'll start seeing them like this one right here means there's a tax here there's one here there's one there ooh you got leech on one yeah hey Mitch hold tight they get your leeches yeah I got your leeches you're good enjoy so one day someone where can we clean off here just down by the I'd done a rave hurry up you can hit clean off over there okay we're gonna need cheese really need to help with drying rack or something here it's concentrate myself this must've colors that there is that underneath again it was forget dad was smoker yeah there's tribal arrows all over the place if you find some sherizaan please that's why I have heroes they kept pick it off their killer good oh wow I can't control the boat put this it seems like you have to aim with the bow prior to holding down the middle mouse button and then you have to know hold the shifter control if you can hold down to keep it steady oh I didn't lose it okay sorry my head is not trying to make you guys bad or stuff we need bamboo this and we're also gonna need fire and eat this thing okay not real far too not a fake woman it means we need big rocks too I think I've got a scratch or an abrasion okay it's not working here is it badi that give you feel like regular banjo so yeah yeah I've got a bandage I think well we are waiters wants tobacco in a regular resident doctor I have it back oh no I don't have a regular one don't have one near me if you want come and grab it oh hang on I'm gonna skip it oh no oh where are you I mean you're the fire got you you know regular one which plants were they again there's a well yellow flowers of them the yellow flowers thank you oh now what do I do here's bamboo sticks oh yeah oh there it is now how do you how do you have to find something to your boo-boo open up the tab and then open up to your inspect ah got you yeah and just make sure you're clean you're clean right now well I know it was too late I'd already placed it okay because you're dirty we put it on the infection they need you to tobacco cuz go he's infected oh well yeah okay you want me to go get more bamboo think we brought some meat here oq bird meat yeah we need big rocks you guys find big rocks and bring them back to the campfire please anyways where's another campfire they have usually all right I'm gonna see if I can find big rocks Stone ring there it is dammit I want to do now for it I don't ever do this before I was like with Majin this forever we can discuss real self guys there's meat soup here if anybody needs it would be a habit right here okay good thank you put some of this here as the fire is dying so what's so how do you you know it's funny I never I seem to never be able to see the big rock are they just randomly all over the place yeah you should give the water it'll be the best place for you find great around this trails you can find some my usual spots here around here near the waterfront good it's like I got all the stone taking care of except for the big ones we need for you find something wrong yeah I've been carrying them okay no no big rocks no no I need a we need four big rocks I got all the little small stones tanker okay yeah I got no one here okay careful oh there's some cats the right side sometimes right buddy oh great yeah birdy died the one too much Jaguars or banana leaves useful for anything yeah rooftops are beautiful those things he can because little smoothing there with them and we also make armor with it which we're gonna work on very shortly I don't see more Rose before those Aysen I put one in there so three more left found a coconut it's not the same thing but it's better than nothing pacifically hi was just sipping I get here for like a mile away that's a weirdest thing thinking must be the most except sever the biggest sips ever done I can hear you from the waterfront I'm no dudes I can't find oh they're here locals local run attack I'm running I get I put too big I put big stone down where are they they're there oh I see them I see them why kill them are you guys okay are you stopping my peepee friendly fire check to see if there's anything on the ground from this advances good BOS city and pointy blade those are great arrow tribal bow yeah that's better than the regular bow oh okay I got a tribal spear yes that's a better spear for delay that's the better spear okay so I'm hurting it looks like an hour fire without dammit there's another tribal bow here on me oh there you go that's it lost so late everybody get your own carving it up there's a tribal foe right there underneath that regular bow okay doesn't have a tribal oh I have a Chavo I don't have a tribal spear Brad come to meet you guys find the spear um hold on I got a I got a heal up we got be good I don't know I didn't get a spear either I thought maybe it was like Furby who gets hold on oh I've only had I gotta find everybody so I can look in my inventory all right it's okay as long if he has a boner on me okay so I guess I'll probably don't want it underneath regular if I was a travel book now if you guys want to Joyce off you can also carve them up who want you know I'm I'm good so far it went now it's thank you how did I forego a break like that I I don't know what the hell it didn't break properly Oh what I notice that was broke with this they're gonna get it near does on the game that's the weirdest thing they possibly got he got attacked I guess is they're doing if a multiplayer like that I don't know okay it just it's usually where I don't know wins out and stuff and I guess he could have tackle anything until I think I didn't break her water supply it's important part okay I'm actually hurt whoa get hurt me before I move that yeah I got a brazen I get a boo-boo how do you make those tobacco things tobacco and then once you have those wheeler badges with yellow flowers you make that first then after you put the tobacco in there they're back goes at little they're like long yellow or sorry I'm sorry long pink flowers that grow in the middle of it and those are usually tobacco if you could find them I figured kind of go through that afterwards where was that crap yeah gonna be molar benched badges than that Banja sir oh the traps got a peccary in em good bring them home I am bringing them this needs a big rocks yeah I'm not very good at finding big rocks I can't I don't do that job I don't know who I am overburden I don't do rock game edge and I screw off dude I was cute all right I am heading back you know dread you are not doing what I am NOT I'm making a fire started this I get this thing's working loss as my fire starter oh I'm coming back yeah I got here this should be Brad talks only one thinks which would follow Johnny PT I guess part a team thanks so much for the follow Reaper if they could follow FPGA GM thank you just follow us for the fall - I got my mouth is gonna start working soon buddy okay hang on hang on I'm coming I'm I'm overburdened but so what do I need to start a fire oh I don't have anything to do it I don't think I have I don't think I have oh there's the okay use tool to create Ember yeah so you get two logs well two sticks and two ropes crafted menu Oh to stick some tulips gotcha gotcha and you need to be rested to serve fire duty do you get better as you do it there's skill sets right the skill levels go up I can't find my rocks I can't believe us the search for rocks I look long - I can't find it I got one did you find quite a bit in this area - so maybe judges fighting him on us ray Jed no I was I just finding I thought him on the way up here and I was harvesting him no no no no just joking on T this is a big big big boys big boys we need them I don't see any more jeez I know they're here to things like I mean I've built a fire here before I know that machetes up here isn't this good there was a rusty machete over where we got the pot okay so you got that all right no I didn't get it I left it for you guys where's going I've never uses thank you cool so you got that done one last yeah and then I'll put this oh I don't have enough space in the backpack to put the tortoise shell down you know what to put a backpack in this drop it's where you want to go how do you okay Oh drag it oh oh it's done Oh put it there for you you know so the trick is you have to have your inventory open the drag yeah yeah sorry today I have your inventory opening with a Jag sorry all righty okay all right I'm just getting trying to get used to the mechanics they're actually not that complicated no it's just amarga used to yeah all right officially I have my rock bed here your rocked out I can't buy any rocks dudes all right in front of me a hug I just want to give up that's late the deed yet to give up and it gives these rocks how many left Valley to to me one more we can make this up to refine it you can find Little Rock and so usually get water yeah I have one last on here what was one on sorry was trying to trying to find my own to make it but I'm hurt Thank You G put down the bow in the treble boom got it stole what do you put down your bow and the tribal boy put bullets down really oh that's why they found it oh they took my book oh sorry man no I thank you I thank God somebody said something thank you Mary very much appreciate that sorry for that guy's big eyes like the Mary thank you so much edgy chick chick your bow thank you for being a drop both I did I think I just like my head's like well myself cool thank you got ya a real I'm walking slow though very gay here in five seconds dude it's not gonna happen 5 4 3 2 1 let's go move your holy holy crap you're in the wrong way yeah drop it down I'm strong enough drop it oh you you have too much stuff on you do god you got caught in the fire might have maybe a small sticks of them I got to lose everything Michelle is not cooking these priority cooked know it's dirty water in the fire oh it isn't okay oh I see there's meat on the there's peccary meat on the you so you got your pecker meat on there I know it was just moved off it got moved off to the side you're playing with your own pecker meats yes I was basically trying to don't freakin issues you put your six in there I lost the one without meat yummy a left yeah here I'll drop on the view put won't let you I don't understand get the heartbeat in my ears I might die we missing chedi what are you missing do I get the heartbeat of my ears I got a I got a burner or cut or something okay did you put the bandage on yeah I got a different one I think from the fire I might have badges I gave her be my badges yeah I'm not sure how to find them either right we'll find there with Lou yellow flower they build some bandage to give a drug before he dies yeah I'll give them one I'd have two more small sticks okay perfect all right what's the little explosion with the one under 30 dirty okay I'm also overburdened and I don't think you welcome okay we need to get yourself some long sticks here sorry guys I have 22 feathers on me where you want me to drop them I don't think you making arrows with other small sticks I just dropped on my small stick issues is there anything any waiting you guys are like sleeper no no I have never built you guys see the green fruits I left behind you next to the fire you know green fruit yeah oh [ __ ] you're on I hear locals it's not really bad sign it's a little different than this multiplayer it's just mere good it's a little scarier she sounded more like traditional the salad should sound like just look they had scaring us shut up me I could tell you that right now look at this bamboo smoke this would put a meat on that make one arrow with too few feathers one everyone did you swear I was gonna say loss there's a ton of what do you call it over there there's a ton of arrows laying around with tribal arrows well I don't need arrows I just got the feathers I want you guys to try to use I know seriously who said oh no no my guy just talking to you where you're talking I think he yeah I don't know what you said but there's any of ropes please put ropes on here please yes my hopes falling down I went to sleep and it helped my health dramatic event at least oh boy same good yeah make sure you top yourself off I get stuff all right I forgot I have to go clean myself [Laughter] it's busy isn't it it does yeah no it's mochas off does Abby have the first order no there's a there's I have a go ahead dread all I see I have one on me someone's starting right here I put the stuff on top of it I put some meat on the smoker I'd want to go bad please okay and I'm feeling dirty good stuff where's your tortoise there yeah there's a tortoise shell missing Oh another pecker I don't have it in my inventory define a pecker yep another one there's in the trap yeah we gonna probably run a smoker meat throw with a small piece of you I have on here where is it picker where else think amigo just shoved up there look at this fire in here Bob look there can we cook the sponsor our yeah yeah it's easier it's covered on top of it so we should be just nice was it finally hello from TN thank you are you doing Bobby Tennessee I guess I'm oh are you all doing sorry guys this was very in-depth today and I'm hoping next time we'll sit down and have a little more time to look over what I was doing he's overburdened because he's carrying too much stuff and he's trying to get a smoker so he can put meat on it okay but it's probably full so all those bird owners sarcastic what so there's a couple there's a couple cooking spots over there there's no cooking spot over here as well so yeah and everything's not my nuts here there's something less stuff you're gonna use here all right this one gets much sleep I'm going guy insomnia I started level 1 insomnia disease with the one oh sorry I tried to hide tried to push it as far as I possibly can without any sleep and that's what happens on it does push you off it gives you a saamiya it's not like the game the game is sick for four hours minimum thank you ready this one's just like a little bit time which it works well I was gonna tell you now I actually enjoy this week doing it compare it to the other ways where we have to beat up and sleep at the same time I guess will annoy anybody feel tired right now uh I probably need to see here yeah we did here oh no no what's that see this oh who else needs a boost I'm gonna stop the out leeches you have food on you do you have anything out of food loss you need to reduce thank you just some protein - and some fats he told us full sandwich I've got a lot of does anybody need any Biden's I put a couple inside there all right I'm gonna put that one right there pretty I've got three as well well I think we did very well lesions we did very well today I think so we've gone three hours now oh wow yeah I know it so I can hear loss I know I know the lost voice when he reaches that point don't forget muscles works the daytime too you have front lines during the things of you know again Thank You Lhasa thank you very much it's not my area but you still annoyed it he goes up there and there's that money good work this is giving cashed I got your fault front line again thank you very much for being out there if you guys are part of the front line if you know someone I'd tell me no hats off to you we really do appreciate from pharmacists to truck drivers again like I mentioned to doctors and nurses we can't thank you that pharmacists again not be involved what you thanked let's thank God the work in the extra hours and everybody out there truck Jerez are all these blue-collar workers I really appreciate you guys being out there yeah big big hashtags that they're falling frontline workers you know taking time you know guys the restaurants the guy delivers your food you know yeah I know where food here we closed Sundays now we have know where the closest supermarkets on Sundays really yeah to give the staff a break they just they just shut down one of the main ferry routes well there you go all four people won't be able to cross anymore Horseshoe Bay depart do they let you guys get out of us get out of the igloo sir well there's there's there's the there's three routes main routes off of Vancouver Island on to the mainland one is in Victoria and there's two other naima but they shut down the main one that does non-commercial traffic and it's we're talking big berries they apparently they were saying it was 80% drop it's not worth it I mean it's just it's better off people have got the message I think oh yeah and that's actually a good sign and that's what I was gonna say is that so that is actually a really good sign that they've paid bad that they've shut it down I know it's a bummer though there's lots of people that that you know they're not working now and stuff so no it's not funny that part is terrible and thank you for all your mind money find support and chat lot again I know I might we lunch up and do is to speak again some other time hopefully we can reach some time to doing it together and jump into exile I'm addicted down I want to play more I want to finish up like at least one and want get stuff going so thank you guys for a big hats off to all of you of course for spending time with me thank you very much for all your support daily and I think the same thing for these guys go check out their sites channels of course in the description of video their links there thank your wonderful mods and thank you guys again every one of you I like thank you very much of course and all of you find people you guys are best I thank you loss all thank you oh no coho thank you very much dread pirate duo thank you all guys you guys are the best is Gammage I catch guys awesome side good I met up have a good one goodnight
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 260,046
Rating: 4.8822851 out of 5
Keywords: green hell, gameplay, let's play, coop, multiplayer, new update, first look, day one, part 1, episode 1, jungle survival game, gameedged, playthrough
Id: w7CcOUVyVa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 36sec (10476 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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