Day One Apocalyptic Survival | 7 Days To Die Gameplay | Part 1

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thank you so much for joining me is damaged we're jumping back into seven days to die and you know why we're doing this because we hit 200 000k and i figured let's go back to our roots with this channel really built on quite a bit and thank you all for being here if you guys want to see a full series is show some love and hit the like button get at comfields and of course i'll be posting more of these if you guys want to see more guys and girls again appreciate all your amazing support thank you for making 200k possible and subs you guys are absolutely stunning i really can't thank you all enough for making this happen each and every day by being here thank you so much for being so amazing all right let's jump in and have some fun this is sunday's dive vanilla the only difference is it's not so vanilla because i added some combo pack which means there'll be some new pois and stuff which we haven't seen super excited i also use nitrogen to make the map itself because i want to have a certain way so yeah we'll see how it turns out i hope it turns out really good i don't check out the preview of the map because it ruins it for me so that's just the way i roll but again you can download nitrogen and make yourself your own map which is really a lot of fun it works really good all right let's do this we're back on day one and sunday's dying it's time for us to rock and roll this oh yeah active quest we know this part uh we gotta get some butts and gear and we start off the winter biome typical right send the canadian out there to winter appreciate it but the good thing about winter when you first start off is that the rocks and the birds nests and stuff are gonna be so easy to see uh we'll be able to do everything grab everything we want to before we head out towards our trader i'm also hoping that uh we'll get ourselves a little bit of a trader in a nicer biome i'm hoping it's not gonna be wintered by them so this one will have a lot of cities and stuff and a lot of talents for us to go into and explore and enjoy and a whole bunch of different poi so super excited yeah let's get ourselves our bed roll done and we do the first of the quest in the top right start completing some of this stuff up we're gonna grab as many rocks we possibly can because if they're free we'll take them just take them including birds nests and stuff because we're gonna need those for arrows and of course this is cheap wood right there and there's some uh some snowberries and stuff we really don't need those right now but maybe in the future okay so grab a bunch of that let's see here let's place a better roll down to make everything happy we don't can't do anything it's blocked we used to be able to scrap this uh right now it doesn't really do anything we can make ourselves another one afterwards it's not a big deal okay so there we go let's also start placing our stuff the way we want to we don't need this letter and that can go right here we'll put our materials we're grabbing from here to here like that and i don't think i need that right now that's okay and i don't really need those but it's all good okay so we have our purse weapon i guess you could say you can use this as a weapon when you first start off of course you start off an area where you shouldn't have any zombros but we are close to town so be careful uh not to venture too far into there there's like a little buffer area including right now we're not closed or anything so the cold is not affecting us it will affect you if you don't get dressed by tomorrow so yeah you've got dave's grace pretty much uh once you leave the area it just becomes uh yeah you know what i mean get that we'll get a little buffer for now all right crap crap crap baby take all this stuff we have to make ourselves a stone axe let's get that axe going we're great it does show up really early on like this i put to my favorites so when you want your favorites just gotta do this if you guys are brand new to this game of course it is very useful you can also chop up these bruises and get a couple more feathers out of them if you want to and we do get xp for doing it so you know why not more xp the better off we are better if we are the more xp we get the more skills we'll get all right we'll chop down a tree here uh we'll do some clothing because we are naked let's get that done okay so we still got a little bit of a buffer and if you guys want to see what this buffer is about here you go element protection right so right here uh temporary protection of heat and cold there is no xp penalty to death and there you go this protection won't decrease and disappear with uh at level six so think ahead so once we get to level six we will uh start losing that so we really gotta think about what we're doing hello and hello mr birdness we'll never go back for you guys anyways once we get really rolling and this will have weapons and stuff and there's a chicken just to show off all right we need to wear this of course if you're going to craft it wear it we're not going to plant trees you can of course put these seeds down and plant century it will grow into a nice big one wooden club is next not a problem i'm gonna move my stuff down here because the club goes here and then the bow is gonna go over here so primitive bow hence why we're grabbing all that good stuff and 13 arrows gonna move those over like my arrows right there that's where i like them okay good stuff let's go and see here we do have a club i don't know if that chicken makes his way here we're gonna have to club his butt he's right over there i don't have a shiv or anything uh yeah it makes no difference right now i can use my axe anyways though and get a couple of bones but i don't think it's worth the stamina decrease we're gonna get from that don't think it's worth it i hope the trader's in a warm area we really do okay so we have to do our craft uh wood frames and blocks let's do those i do like to craft up 20 some one of them to start off with by the way just like i'd like to roll there we go and you go back in our hot bar now there's crafting you can see on the bottom right they're doing its job we'll grab a little bit more wood from here and then we'll start heading towards uh what we'll have to place one down to make it all happy that and then we have to upgrade it with a right click of the axe boom and then they're gonna want us to make a campfire which is the reason why we picked up so many stones too we're gonna need to also hit a block or two for this there we go let me put on top of that like tradition we always like to do that cool all right you have uh marked in a map we need to go there at the white river and uh that is extremely helpful we're gonna need those to finish up this quest super duper important because uh we do have points available we'll get more as we go through this right now maybe we should just kind of concentrate on some stuff we will need i'm going to get sexual transformers uh the bench warmer right here and it gives you right now reduces melee and tool statement usage by fifteen percent uh eight by eight and power tax by fifteen percent very very useful pack mule give us three more spots in our inventory like that uh i do like my little health factor which right now will help us gain one health every nine seconds so natural healing critical injuries heal 20 faster we need that all right that's super important uh there's also we have pacquiao master chef is always nice to have i need that so i can cook up some bacon eggs and stuff we need to in the future there's always so many things and we all have different ways of grabbing stuff i'm just going that route this time i don't know i'm feeling like it's needed now there's a bag right there to the left i don't know if you see it there i'm just going to grab the whole tree and nothing but the tree okay grab that all right we got a little armor now the thing of this is that armor critical resist okay that's not so bad you can check out to see how you repair it and stuff noise increase you see because it's metal scrap leggings you know what but it's better than nothing but now let's get uh let's get a little bit of uh armor i'm gonna accept it especially if you have uh kitty cats in this area and winter biomes are well known for kitty cats and there is where we need to head out to so we're about to cross through the city and the city is quite big and some of these pys i've never seen before which i'm super excited the one the left that no idea what that is but i don't think we're ready to go there yet that's all okay let's drop these i'm not here to replant the forest i'm just here to grab all the fun we can and make our way out now how much wood do i have i've 129 usually like more on that uh reason why i'm picking up so many rocks is that i'm gonna want to pick up again more bird feathers which i see over there and of course we're gonna want to make ourselves some more arrows they are very useful early on is gonna suck big time oh reminder press r to reload so you have it ready to go you kind of suck early on and you can increase your skills into that i i'm a melee dude so that's like the way i like to roll like to smash some zombros and zombino's heads with the uh final melee tool of the club and i do like that quite a bit but we are gonna get some nice weapons and stuff so yeah we're gonna do well that chicken is rigged over there i don't know seems like a heck of a hit if i get lucky oh dude i hit it did i kill it i killed it oh okay back my arrow too all right so we should get a couple bones i think it's like five bones to make a a bone knife yeah we're gonna be missing right yeah so we can actually just do recipes right here you see bone knife it is five so i'm gonna need one more chicken or if i find a glop of crap on the ground and that's uh usually like leftover body parts and stuff if we get lucky we'll get that okay let's pick up what we can how much platform would i get out of this is 60. i did pretty good with that actually this that's pretty decent uh i did say i wanted to go get those bird feathers i saw those nests over there they're gonna head right for the trainer as fast as we possibly can okay we got some eggs out of that i'll take those okay a few more why not and we also get some plant fiber out of it it doesn't hurt sometimes you get clogged to you i don't know if that's uh everyone it doesn't look like everyone looks like a lot more grass and stuff that we saw that i was like okay i'll grab it yeah and we also need this stuff to repair our tools and stuff so don't forget grab it if you can okay let's make ourselves a couple more arrows just to feel like we can do a safety dance safety dents i see all right arrows arrow put those in our favorites and 36 of those that is really nice little stack from the beginning dudes and that's oh we didn't add anything extra by the way no buffs or nothing here that's going to add to the game where it makes it easier i'm i'm grinding this as the game is supposed to be in vanilla the only thing is like i said the poi is a little different that's just to add a little more entertainment value for all of us we can check out some new places and stuff is i think it's a common pack 47 i'm using i'm mistaken and that was in the nitrogen you can actually select it down from there there's tons of tutorials online to learn how to do that by the way i think there's even one uh on the actual sunday's dive forums they have somebody put up a tutorial there if you want to i didn't see it but it might be good it seems like people have appreciated it so yeah go and check it out if you want to try it out it's really fun it makes the game so much better i don't know what this is like some kind i'll say it's farm but that thing over there i don't know what that is it looks interesting though it does okay we have to watch it we gotta have some lump oh there's a freaking bear right there right in our way we'll go up high i can't really afford i only got one thing to heal myself with right now we have the healing factor and stuff just make sure check around the bends here make sure we're not that's a castle isn't it it's a freaking castle holy moly see that's what i love is it this builds something i wish to be more of inside some days i mean there is some it's only wrong but it's more realistic-ish and these are just like fun as freak to go investigate and check out how people build stuff i like that a lot okay there's a lumberjack right there we want to avoid them as much as possible we're gonna grab loot some glue it's more gluten cloth and cloth is not bad because we can once we get cotton stuff we can utilize this cloth or here recipes and make ourselves a little bandage to you if you want to or we can make yourself a bandana which is not a bad thing to have why not let's do that and wear this and this gives you coal resistant heat resist early on it's okay look like a bandito all right not spending too much time i'm going to hit up all these birds nests like i mean like hitting them up with the axe because i really don't feel like being near any of this stuff here i just want to get to where we have to go okay there is another one of those these guys are going to change in alpha 20 if you saw it on their sunday's diet twitter page they did show the pictures of it is pretty incredible change to it oh where's that bear i still have no idea where that bear went oh freak there's a dire wolf over there i think to the back of me it's freaking too early for this stuff man it's gonna be packed in everywhere here get it packed it huh okay come on okay arrows another 29 of those take it oh that's a cake out there i was about to go and hit it okay we don't want to mess with that at all which way is it going seems to be following i need me get away from it maybe it's hunting down that rabbit i don't know i'm hoping it is damn there's like a lot of animals in this town not talking about you buddy all right because those iron veins and stuff we can hit up and we built a mine this game is like crazy for mining if you love mining you're gonna love it if you don't know anything about this game then you really need to jump into it probably one of the best survival games i've ever played always enjoy it it's come a long way i think we all have our favorite alphas and stuff love to hear you what your favorite alpha was if you guys got a confidence i would love to hear back from you guys and girls tell me what your favorite alpha was 16 15 13. it's been a long time okay so i hit up another rock and a half and i've also now picked this up here this last tree we got this we're gonna head out right now to the trailer it's 268 right that way and uh yeah we should be in pretty good shape to go and do that i just wanted to grab a little bit of loot so we end up with now 291 wood and 200 somewhat there this poi here looks pretty crazy i want to come back to it i want to go and check it out just some stuff i want to see you gotta be careful like i said it's gonna be some stuff that wants to kill us in here really quick and i'll watch out for my stem too i don't want to overdo it i still want to have the ability to run away or at least club if i need to and by doing this early on now here we go this is good we'll get some cloth i don't like that sound freaking me out a little bit grinding chrysanthemums later on we'll be able to use that to make ourselves some better liquids and such so it doesn't hurt to have something on me i don't know what that sound is okay it's scaring me a bit oh little lag big city big city a bunch of cars because we get lucky here i find the cards of the thing that slows down the game oh balls right beside me oh oh oh okay good to know things go boom i'll keep this just a little bit from these dudes okay so we're going to watch out for mines too are they all over place come on come on okay that's pretty good i'll take that scrap that let's fix it up all the way that's nice nothing oh yeah what are you doing there's one mine right there okay let's pick that up okay i don't want to blow that up dude okay let's club this dude a couple of little mines there on the ground not appreciate i'm hoping to find [ __ ] mining helmets in this i've been very lucky to find my cars let's try not to blow up stuff dude okay let's work together here there's another one right there i know this place i know what you're talking about yeah yeah thank you for at least someone stepping on it to know to remind me there's some everywhere this stuff will just tear you a new one i don't feel like starting over here back all the way back to snow bomb come all the way back i'll be a little bit hellish okay bicycle let's get back come on come on come on battery really early for that but it's okay chicken oh the chicken landed on it that's good because then we can make ourselves a shiv or a bone knife and that's a meat there too now you're doing you're an [ __ ] hey h oh damn dude l e 2. damn right here okay let's just read this make some room here use we got a shovel too in case we need it and throw down this for now don't need to start planting anything uh berries are not desperate for i do have enough arrows i think oh did i search that car out i think i did right thanks for the explosion though dude yeah i did okay this one i didn't search this one has no minds or anything to worry about yeah this place is going to generate in really quick all right we already have one shovel at two so we'll do a repair this one up we'll scrap this one up because we don't need two of the same and paper i'm really too early for that and fuel and stuff i'll come back and do this after the fact we're gonna hit up right over here there's a lot to generate in these towns don't forget they're a lot bigger than they were before that's a good little place to hide oh he dead nope i thought you're dead farmer joe for you dude you're dead there's a pawn shop right there what that is there there's something next to us okay we need to go in here anyway so let's go and do this oh there's some stuff in here that's right oh that's nice golden rod uh actually workable workbench just not bad at all okay we can actually either leave that the way it is or make yourself some rocks early on i'm going to tell you right now i need as much rocks early so i'm going to grab that some people we're going to say keep it i know but tons of that afterwards no big deal all right you can't destroy anything here but you can grab all right let's go up let's do this welcome survivor how are you doing for you to look around all right so we got that quest complete as you can see journal settlement that is completed uh we will start moving up on points and stuff as we progress throughout this by the way if you guys are wondering uh there is some xp to hit up as we go through this uh xp to next level 350 left so we got a lot of work to do over here we can do inventory here check out all those fine stuff probably does a mining helmet early on 5 000 buck crews i need that there's always shamway up the road you can try looting okay thanks buddy buried supplies or buried supplies i think we'll go for the buried supplies yes the task brilliant yeah we'll do it uh we'll do it together tomorrow dude all right today is uh could be another day i need to find a base and a place to put my feet down and relax oh bag over here too sure i need to clear out a location i feel oh crap he's got a long reaches dude keep quiet he's sleeping would you just be quiet he's sleeping stuff sleepy ones have a sneaky attacks and we crouch and that's always nice to have oh i want to do for power attack didn't want a pirate attack and flop down you are done for today have a good day sir definitely some people inside this i [Music] know oh got some pills right on the outside here okay sometimes you can kill him right okay and i woke everybody up that's fantastic the nurse is up hello ness i have a bobo right here and sometimes it hurts right there and most of time right about there and boy you got friends yeah they run after a certain amount of time here they got pissed at you they could take a little run at you how you doing buddy don't give him a chance to get back up i get knocked down pick it up again oh damn okay maybe a little too too much okay we can get a leather from this that's pretty sweet some pills or something here maybe some blood there's a safe right here not gonna spend time doing this yet we don't have a log pick yet do we we don't no nothing these cabinets null and void we're crouching right now okay now we're not crouching and we woke up oh whoa whoa no barbed wire for me there's something outside too something that's hissing outside too owen wilson's in the house yeah it looks like your friend's outside dude i'm going to take care of him too let's move up that xp buddy come on let's grind that xp up with you just stuck in a barber i have done that so many times dude i know how you feel to be on your own like a rolling stone okay sometimes behind paintings and stuff you get lucky it's on these builds but this one doesn't seem to have a that's too bad okay that's not bad was it we have some gun powder in here it is early on i might start scrapping some stuff i don't need this right now don't eat that right now some stuff might not make it its way through we also need to make a knife here and knife bone knife there you go these are the bones we have we'll move that into our inventories onto our hot bar slot here there you go now we'll slice up chickens and animals and stuff so we can eat or hit more pills oh i'll take the bandage dude love how it automatically stacks that's what you want oh she's sleeping let's not wake her up she doesn't need to wake up for this okay well she looks like she's getting up come here come here real good we're not good stay down thank you oh okay some pools lots of vitamins right here the disease resists uh gives you a little bit of cure fatigue and stuff so if you want to read it here you can check the book it also tells you a little bit of stats and stuff in here prevents you from catching elements like infections and dysentery stuff you know what i'm going to rock that early on now rock those let's get yourself some vitamins get some leather too it's getting dark in here if there's someone in that bathroom do you think oh please get some good water damn you i hate you i don't think i'm able to reach him his head at least no i went to his back hmm jeez dude come on we'll have to help you and everything here what can i smack you the axe it hurts doesn't it my arrow back all right we'll be able to hopefully get some water in here some special lemonade mmm delicious i don't think those things are open no they're not and that is a fake trash can so okay i think i got everything else we had we could have gone straight forward i guess and got out yeah it's 225 that's not good build to build up on our stuff we'll probably get ransacked very fast these lights look like uh mines and stuff it kind of freaks me out a little bit compact of vehicles here these ones are all null and void oh this one has something oh crap owen wilson just woke up oh okay how you doing buddy kind of like owen wilson and ron mcdonald had a baby [Laughter] oh my god there's a stone axe nothing inside of it that's okay we'll leave it away we just grabbed those fine things pumpkin seeds pumpkin seeds lost soul's favorite all right that's just scrapping the ground like that it's not really scrap this is good scrap dope help us out type it me later on grab you and some more pills are we lucky we are freaking lucky find pills this early holy moly i'll hit this up afterwards right now we don't have time to hit that one up i want to head out and see if there's anything we can climb up on and stay alive stay and laugh this place is completely demolished oh look what we found this one's mine stay away and you are down for the count you're dead right you're dead you did all right some stuff to make beer i'm starting to uh run oh i got some more uh hop there we go some blueberry that's always nice we don't need hop right now we're not into that oh there's a crate right there just just kind of stick around i didn't make oh [ __ ] i just remembered i didn't make any of the uh the actual wood frames here let's make uh 25 more of those always handy to have i'll i'll go for the working stiff there's a bench there too what kind of place is this okay let's scrap you up grab this we'll learn this this is for much later on but better off we learn it did not do it oh looks like oh nice super wood it's like 30 a pop i think yeah i like that wood is there more around this corner sure is oh whoa he actually came out i thought he's going off the other side oh no military dude really what's up with that you're a little early oh ball that was a really bad shot dude like i'd see i was wearing shots big hits big hits [Music] small heads small heads big hit it's my head it's my head okay he's down oh it's good everything's okay thanks thanks for coming help i don't think you're coming to help me though dude right i think he stopped that with your hand dude that's pretty freaking amazing i think he did it again holy oh yep i saw that coming i saw that coming dude wasn't interested not into that stuff okay i just want this wood like chairs can't help this stuff let me see this smells we'll grab it grab some corn too going to make ourselves some chests we're getting heavy there's another dude over there i can't get out of here like he did looking for mines too i don't know this poi at all some nails this car oh balls no no not interested today oh this is nice please tell me it's made really strong it doesn't look like it is 225 it's crap oh not that place again throwing some shotgun shells oh some more phones oh my god so many things you know i've built i've built there so many times it is a good place to have your first night stay actually in that building there's also some nice loot on the rooftop we'll do our first night here then we're going to find herself a place to go and actually build maybe we'll just build next to it i don't know there is that place here i just feel like i've done this before and it's okay it's fine it's not called berserker bills that's the same place we did the mcdonald's one for so many times it's a really good location damn it just to get their feet on ground you know what let's do it it's not building it's more of a get my feet in the ground so i can build built all right let's get out our nerd pulling we'll have to clear the inside of this building very shortly first things first i want to get myself up and rolling on this i'll make herself a stairway to heaven hopefully not heaven okay uh i need to make a bed roll a campfire drive room i have two yeah this can be okay and also i need to get myself storage chest storage chest get yourself four to start off with that sounds like a plan to me here we go there we go there's a little lip there too if you want to but i just want something quick so i can go in there when i want to oh oh am i crouching or not yes i am stealthy shows up oh we're in the back of the head there's a crawler thing oh two for two this should be maybe one more it'll be very very quiet definitely sleeping is she ah you're hiding on there you're an [ __ ] [Music] oh and there goes my arrow too no there it is okay all good everything's okay okay so let's do this really quick because i got to do a quick drop off we need to get our butts in gear so i'm going to put this here for now and i need actually another well not 45 stars off 45. i need a drop-off chest and this will be like one more could decide don't worry we'll work this out we'll put a fire in there i don't need water it can boil i think so so let's put some wood in here just for a couple minutes and we're going to do this recipes boiled water make this happen okay get a quick drop off i also need to put my sleep bag down which i have tendency of always forgetting and check out this bag before it disappears on me oh nice shades okay why do we like shades well uh they look cool right tough guy glasses but four two plus one so we wear these get a little extra fortitude that's really good okay we need to clear out those dudes so we're gonna do is a quick drop oh my god i scared the [ __ ] of me the shovel i thought something breached in it's downstairs that thing for sure i still have enough that okay we'll just drop like a cell i'll do a nice little sort of night some cloth and stuff we can make uh we can make bacon and eggs we find the stuff i'll just put these in here like thanks first oh and i'll keep this here we're probably hungry right now we're gonna do is we're gonna eat and we're gonna drink we're probably gonna need two of them let's check right here see where we're at i don't know why they took away that bar uh for us to see that once upon a time but there we go someone did come up here wow you made your way up you found your way through where i play all stuff that's nice of you okay you okay dude all right good this is actually pretty decent rock too you can rock that out afterwards get it uh i'm here all week all right so we got two more of those got another minute and 25 seconds so we can save on wood turn this off and actually put the exact amount there everything matters right now every little bit will matter okay so i'm thinking let's clear out the base of this and let's make sure can i upgrade uh yeah i don't think so when clubs are still going bammy i still got one it's okay i haven't done the upgrades for that all right let's scrap that up oh we can search up the sedan let's get this before something explodes it all right some more brass that's pretty good i want the walls or that's gonna be the cool okay let's give me a frame first this might be worst idea uh whatever i'll make a new door i'll be right back looks like we got company georgie how you doing georgie oh my bad how you doing thank you very much for being here appreciate it i appreciate you too you know i appreciate you more oh look i show you how much i appreciate oh that's good you hit him too there's that other guy there i'm worried about i can let him loose jesus girls really take a hit oh is this the only guy hit me no the other guy two hit me that's right that's twice in a row to your foods and stuff i mean we can sort this out after we can make a block here if you want to blind clean block and just put it down inside here so they don't spawn back maybe we're gonna stay here long enough but whatever i know i got rid of it when you initially got it i get it but uh it's all about space you know that there's actually a lot going up there it's pretty tough to get to and it's getting darker and darker which means at night time i got to go and do my work there's looks like a store across the street but i don't think we're ready to do that just yet there's lots of leather for me to get more lock picks fantastic we'll go through some safe work nothing behind here some more water uh we have oil here recipe how to craft this good stuff let's learn it and here tons of freaking leather that's what they get xp anyway so definitely hurt to do right but like i said i'll probably end up coming back here at night to do this let's go at the first area here we'll search out what else we have here on the ground there's another trash can okay nothing inside this no nothing okay well i guess we can close that up if you want to empty nothing else in here that's a real shame uh there's a way up here of course you could go wrap it like this and jump onto there from here to here to there nice and simple so very cool day one surviving through this i'm i'm very very very happy so thank you all for being here really appreciate if you guys are enjoying this please take the time hit the like button if you're brand new please go ahead and subscribe thank you for being part of this channel of course i'm making it so freaking amazing every single year with you all here so thank you thank you for being here you guys are absolutely the best and again uh yeah if you guys are liking this wanna see a whole bunch of the series of this make sure you like button get caught fields i would love to hear back your feedback if you want to see come back to some days to die it'd be really cool so you guys are the best this game is and i'll catch you guys on flipside [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 66,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 days to die, gameplay, let's play, episode 1, day one, part 1, survival game, playthrough, walkthrough, 7dtd, 7d2d, gameedged
Id: SwHSxlIrVoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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