New Story Mode Update | Green Hell Gameplay | First Look | EP1

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thank you so much for joining me as gamers we are testing out the brand new story mode again thank you to creepy jar for sending me a copy so we can play beforehand I can only play a little bit to show you guys then we gotta stop till September 5th now just be aware beforehand there's still some things to be fixed creepy jar the developers are quite aware of it and they have things that get done before September 5th but they guarantee these things will be fixed so it's okay there's a couple little things here they're not a big problem at all now let's jump right into this game again super stoked this is a story mode update that's right we're gonna be able to play it's finally and I'm so freakin excited now when we end one of the sequences I bus-stop all right I have an embargo net I can't go any further so please legions i we will plate directly as sue September 5th comes out you will have videos up non-stop of this alright let's jump right into this let's do a story mode I'm gay if you're liking this make sure you hit the like button click on fields' if you're excited tell me what you guys think about this I'm so freaking excited right now alright we have a whole bunch of different ways now you can actually do Green Hell mode which is a after death all progress is lost we have king of jungle recommend for a survival experts hostile sanity and of course increase alright let's jump right into this game and you also have custom here additional I guess we can customize some of what you want perma death and tiredness that's very very very cool although I don't we could do and also you have tourists which if you want to jump in here there's no sandy issues no hostile tribes no predators and nutrients off so very very cool your no issues you can just walk around and enjoy the game if your that's what you want play is fun alright we're gonna jump into the game let's do us okay you do know you have the walkie-talkie right yes I remember I remember this alright so you come up go ahead I need to find something I bet you want an app what exactly the gear should already be at the camp you will know when the time comes patience very well you can catch up yes the path leads through that Canyon I know all right of course we know how to do his stuff I know there's nothing but to carry with us right and I don't think we have to get the honest so if he's back at the camp let me take a little walk here new dialog unlocked oh we can actually look this up beautiful Oh have you tied down the bow Jake I know this might sound stupid under the circumstances but I am glad we came back here yeah I feel ya place is beautiful still still we can't forget what we came here for in the first place I know well she wants to go over there come on let's not get ahead of ourselves you're a phenomenal interpreter if anyone can communicate with them it's [Music] very very obvious pick up some stuff your diamonds sure if I needed currently on a we first start off we arrive in this camp remember this very clearly from last time and we get to kind of well enjoy that we were in the story boat I'm so freakin stoked now let's see what else here okay okay I found the tent spacious interior luxurious cots not all that fancy oh and there's a dirt floor soul trail always delivers at first glance it looks like we have everything we might need to well that's everything we're officially settled in I remember the agreement but maybe you should maybe we should reconsider this not sure it's the best idea for you to visit them alone gotta you you know I have to do this it's the only way to make them talk oh don't worry it'll be all right better pick up some wood let's have a romantic dinner romantic can beans use your imagination all right amen romantic can't beans is always good all right here we go these are the notes and stuff weird here rainforest mammals very nice as you guys know it's a PA of the kepi and the armadillo very cool if you read this there you go and we'll quit read out I don't think we need to bring this with us very nice though and this one here dart frog don't touch it diva's an Indian - aren't we needed have those before do we tribesman caching churro fogs would you we only had the regular ones I'm not positive want to figure that out that's pretty cool it looks like there's gonna be some dart things we're gonna bill to you las very nice no audio recorder but it's still worth running down in your book the dart frog one of the deadliest afib Ian's on the planet is completely harmless for the natives thanks to some kind of vaccination the Java haka like many others burn their skin and then puncture themselves administering small doses of frog poison they keep repeating the process every once in a while to stay fully immune to it it's barbaric for us but it's an everyday routine for that hmm very interesting very very cool and this is actually the tribe itself as we know them live interior to the Amazon the tribe is one of the any Lost Tribes about 80 Lost Tribes Wow is it fear to modern cruel world's mostly remain isolated will they welcome us yeah that's a good question we all thought well actually don't know what this story is we don't know we don't know layers can't be a story undergrowth I have the regular stuff here's lost tribe itself hunters servos many years since and saw it last often react to a fear of the unknown it's crazy but it really needed their help and what would you if you didn't know what the helicopter was freaking out look like we got our beans and stuff here canned stuff bags nothing else we can pretty much grab as she's just chillaxing huh get the campers started please door you know you know I'm saying alright no problem look at the campfire started we got a machete we're here beautiful yeah I guess we don't need to craft too much we'll go grab us a little bit of wood I reminds me when I first start playing this I was sort of I mean that the story oh so excited now we get to see a little bit more of it until it launch thanks to the devs man I'm so freaking excited what a great dev team great great gem team all right we won't need that we should probably get a regular plan we can utilize for that right maybe Tory I think I know I do haven't Jordan okay you grabbed along once general thing we're gonna need them right now the small ones as much as we possibly can we might end up just taking us apart stripping down to save us all some time there we go there's another one right here I guess he brought enough water to write did you guys see water anywhere pretty sure there's water by filtration think all right this one here gives us a try lease be helpful it's for us to start a fire also one hell of a mess but it's okay pick up the palm from the big ones toss us over on the side for down because we're not gonna use it for building a tent no need for that but these dry leaves will help us yeah we'll take you and it'll take you to you and there's another just get rid of that for now if this one's hovering a bit the top of all the other stuff good stuff and we need a little more wood mats this area is narrow well we don't get to see it because when we play the game itself this area is pretty much locked out I don't even know where it is from this point so okay pick up pick up give her that sorry and do a little harvest this up and we'll harvest ease up make a job a whole lot easier looking for a little sticks and stuff at least we can finalize these this will go into small sticks again sticks - small sticks also harvest some logs and many other things there you go he's need one more beauty all right so we're now into our notebook a small fire right where we don't want that frightened her canopy anywhere you know Cathy's there it'll look like it's a rainy season so we will make the fire right here make it well in your tents not the best idea but whatever honey I can't seem to find a bagger - are you sure you brought everything yeah everything the porters left why is anything missing I'm not sure yet okay so something is not right that's all good we'll go grab ourselves moving no more stick we have one more yeah and I'll pick these up to the same time what I'm miles problem there's a couple and remember yourself a firestarter you think need to craft a notebook you press and of course and open this up and we'll do a hand drill that's right we're into through your hand oh we won't build you the other one right now which is better but it's okay and press C to open the we love crafting also do that here no craft itself if you want to get that done andreal I need to find something dry no I've done that already dude I'm worried on that I've already done it alright we're gonna use this thing here right away open us up use and drag the nest or stuff inside well we have drive these from up those will be grabbed you'll also find birds nests fibers around Omiya the fire is burning how do you do it hmm why you seem so calm I am calm I don't know how to explain it but strangely it feels safer here and there oh I don't know jag wires and his spiders and snakes let's not forget the scorpions mere ants bite hurts like hell I am well aware of that but still we have a chance to achieve something make a difference at home all we could have done was be helpless and wait I prefer the wilderness well I prefer it too alright I love you I miss you you're right you know what say I love you if I didn't know where my ambition would lead us if I knew it would put you in danger I wouldn't have written that damn book yeah and if everyone had that attitude there would be no scientific progress whatsoever don't blame yourself there might still be time to reverse the whole thing and I love you too cutting you nonetheless I'm a bit worried about you meeting the Java Walker everything will be fine I need to go alone we already agreed that's the only way besides they don't seem to like you they don't seem to like outsiders they shot arrows at a military chopper hard to blame them since you published your book they've been under siege by the media scientists doctors the World Health Alliance established a medical camp and probably performed research violating the tribes taboos but I will convince them I have to this is a brave woman all right search the tent and we'll start off looking here take that bed roll with me first thing I'll grab no getting up a little chocolate bar right here some canned food got your fan going for a nice so generator what's this so something just looked something a little different snakes I guess and also the Plattsmouth sells tobacco clients and help him to be careful his snakes we redid this one and we did that one already and this one okay we completed a bunch of papers everywhere right away I'll focus on indexing new plant species can you explain what you're gonna do okay that's all for now it was and Jenkins vertical vine of souls alright you fix this usually last several hours in time particularly ceremony so I was like alright Thaksin I guess so we'd be careful these are the needed plants they're taking only in the presence of shaman who also serve as a guide all right well that's important I guess for ceremonies you want to again oh good skull painted warriors you know we even know about these guys ladies and gents remember this my friends never guys seem to be afraid to talk about them so these guys they're even afraid of these guys Oh interesting I'm at the village call me with a radio when you wake up PS there's a little gift for you love me out okay all right here my watch that's right I should call first I guess I should call first hello yeah hey yep where are you I should reach the village shortly remember if you see a totem do not go any farther those are clear warnings I know I know I read your book well I was hoping we'd have breakfast together you surprised me that's all admit you thought I forgot your birthday didn't you well I didn't the famous watch exactly what I wanted it even has solar batteries macro elements scanner check yourself to see if you're not missing any we've been here only a few days but stress can wear you out tell me about there you go you guys aren't aware of this top left is top left right there is your protein that the which is the reddish orange bar right hand side is your carbohydrates the water is on the bottom right the blue one and the green ones are fat so you need that and you can usually click through this but I don't think there let me now 3/10 from nutrition ok we are low on these we'll take it a little bit of protein bars you don't really get usually so nice little extra grab this and eat this of course it's a bar in case you guys not aware you're brand new there we go talk me up nice way to wake up for your birthday a little chuckle bar hey it's better nothing alright will do here talking radio well rested and well fed perfect and keep it that way we need that brain of yours working at peak performance I'll try to take good care of it have you found them yet they don't want to talk they behave as if I am NOT here but they haven't driven you away that's a good sign you need to convince them that you're one of them I will sleep on the edge of the village and only eat what I can find just be careful please I will but if I am to live like them we can't be talking so often you're right there are suspicious of the technology if anything goes wrong I'll leave the delayed you didn't get you on the radio otherwise you can assume everything is just fine and there is no need to worry all right let's focus on the goal I'll be focusing on indexing new plant species I think I saw a few new specimen around here all right there you go check the chalkboard which I guess is it we're gonna make us look from this one here all right read this note tobacco plants and great for healing Venom's but also he learnt area saw planted north side of the camp after climbing out of the rocks and plenty of them we're gonna check about this [ __ ] start well no thanks next to him of the venom I guess alright we also picked up some dressings I kept them in my inventory I'm not gonna use him right now I figure they might ask me to do that afterwards alright so we're just gonna leave out of here for now we'll make some dressings out of that so if you see those yellow plants I got just destroy right there that's what it is alright so you know your comfort of sciata and you right sorry rule while your mouse wheel you can actually go through here and check the see north hello tobacco plants and boy Norris there we go oh yeah I know I was supposed to not call but a line snapped and I fell down a good 30 feet are you okay I'm not sure [Applause] SPECT your body we have to do a little bit inspection time all right you can open up and see of course I never use this very much but I'm gonna test it out now wait should notebook here and of course inspector well check out where that Bobo is you can also use the right click of the mouse you can remove around the arm if you click and hold it and move your bus around Paris that's definitely not good it's not good dude it's all right nothing's broken just scratches and bruises nothing to worry about in the jungle every scratch can be dangerous you need to patch everything don't say no just because I'm walking these guys through it I can't say that I remember it has long leaves without any more genes and is surrounded by yellow flowers okay I'll go look for it you should have it in your notepad call me when you've treated your wound Roger that over and out I really got no pads here they should show you badges itself malaria leaf we do have someone's going to grab it for shits and giggles and to say we did it all right can't help yourself you grab these we're gonna craft this baby up make yourself a leaf bandage and enemy's gonna open yourself up inspect party stuff this is for armor if you guys wonder if you have arm on you you can click on that to remove it so we do imply this contra 6 slide over we're done do dialog unlocks beautiful Here I am all wrapped up nicely [Applause] yeah yeah be tough not much so how are you doing I'll be initiated in a few days I am optimistic I expect to be treated as one of their own after that and I should be able to ask some questions then some elders are opposed to this though luckily chief queenie is on my side why are they opposed I think I think they were divided even before I joined them the chief wanted to approach the world Health Alliance peacefully but a few of the elders insisted on fighting now the de Baca basically has two factions sounds dangerous me up be careful I'm not in any danger told you I'm optimistic all right so they all the bad ones and the good ones the bad ones on this side here I need you yeah what happened me up speak to me Mia what else going on over there I grabbed some supplies we didn't actually visible my wife scream like that I would probably run the hell out but making sure I have least a couple of things to survive with here I don't know how long it begun for so yeah I guess we're in the hell [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] social that was wicked all right okay [Applause] Jake what the hell is going on there come on Jimmy Jake on this oh god dude the heck are we okay yeah Nia no it's a sweet off dammit this radial so we thought this Clifford here dialogue and locked let's see here hello hello can anyone hear me I had an accident I don't know what happened please help over all right hopefully I think enough I think that's waterproof [ __ ] okay I have a Mia where is Mia she called me from the tribe village okay afraid of running from facts its 33rd day expedition my notebook is drenched in water I don't have any supplies that Mia is not responding we also have all the other things open up here okay torches and stuff here find help yeah that's definitely the plan here definitely want to find some help and get myself going out here as fast as possibly can all right let's just let's find me i dad I lost everything and clear they picked up of course right this it's not slower Palace Hotel I've never seen that look we can pick up things here go really quick remember those rocks are spawning here a lot we built her base just over there not too long ago so yeah I'm quite aware of everything that can go on for this you have a couple of resources we need make our way through and there's some more stones here that's good don't make her ax maybe very very shortly now we gonna get cheap axe again we also have a whole bunch of crafting abilities and we also skill sets we need to increase from so you're gonna compare yourself with that we get yourself a cheap so an axe for now it won't be very good quality I guarantee you hover over at least 17% and the reason for that you guys are wondering and if any of this and you down to wear of it we have all these here with the kit through so we have ax fist blade spear each one these will increase and of course get better and also crafting ability increases the durability it's extremely important so all these things will add to us will increase of damage each one of these and also fire starting here which we've already done when we got one point for that cooking which I guess we weren't cooking that night and archery and throwing and fishing of course harvesting animals and we have spear fishing and the harvesting animals will get more bang for your buck out of the animals themselves so very very nice we can also make ourselves a regular blade from this stuff here where's my rocks there we go craft and crafted beautiful so this plane here is very handy we do need to chop down a tree really quick here social kind of flowing and going I don't know where I'm supposed to be running to you right now I'm gonna try and grab this smaller one actually and I see my axe plus one plus one we're getting better already making more damage all right when grab you you Oh we'll put you here so from now RIT need some of this for fires not you right now stop it I don't have to make herself a spear and such so that's an extreme or aggressive deal we also need some of you right away all right next thing we're doing we actually because of a weak spear as fast we possibly can let's go here let's make that weak spear and I'm gonna make a stuck one in case of emergency for now craft is baby up boom click one of the rocks and stuff but for now we're just gonna wait it out so it's going to do a weaker sphere and Garris else and go on this fast way possible yeah because we make armor and other things but we'll just wait a time bit I'm gonna harvest tons of rocks here which it makes our job a whole lot easier you telling me now very much easier get a little later in a day I don't know the time it is for real here is two o'clock we're gonna have to get ourselves going and flow in here I don't know wherever the heck we are first of all to where she is so I know we're at in a game itself I just don't know where at if you guys missed down with talk about with her being gone from us where the rescue should be okay I guess we could carry some stuff here we go to be careful it's gonna be snakes and other things throughout this script there is mistakes right now I'm damn near here I mean we should actually do this here flop this back onto this one dropped us a second there there there there I pick you up excellent all right let's be careful for our surroundings make sure we don't get bitten or anything there's sometimes some snakes and also we'd be careful for our wonderful area with spiders Dillard there make your way down here I'll look the frogs the new froggies poisoned dart all right we're gonna keep those doesn't want something up we can get from them how's that what's the frogs taking yes a lot of things making noises damage doesn't like that there's some fruit right there down see them here in the Attic he'll want to be careful that was good for closing up wounds if you got big gashes and stuff I'm not liking that noise whatsoever not liking that oh good stuff nice way to find some more fruits right here off the tree nice and early we're going to find somewhere to kind of rest here how are these I know some new stuff here I don't know if the sheet does right now quite not a good idea I don't know what they are piggies everywhere big-ass rodents was up here shut those snake requires a grappling hook just some crabs here and stuff we're gonna need to make a fire and settle down somewhere I think we're gonna have to be right here yourselves kind of down and out and relax type it we should be getting a shelter going just a tiny bit just a tiny bit all right let's start chopping down some trees chop that down and then we'll make ourselves a do we have any ability to make anything already do we know anything that can make you know can make a small shelter for now which is better nothing we can go straight out to make ourselves a frame here it's a interfere with a lot of stuff we can do there there we go we build a great a middle this no we want to get rid of some of stuff okay this is garrison of stuff here it's a sound dude do it oh you got new sound for him right stupid [ __ ] craft this make it dark let's make her some shelter we're gonna regret it probably dunno where we were prior I just didn't think about it we were near everything I thought we had to go a little further out to sea about the game and how it's gonna go but it's all good good put you in a put you in and then we need a few more of you stabs starting to drop with time I'm gonna we're doing on calories and stuff here you're gonna need water and stuff Levi coconut or anything do we there's someone the other side right there okay we'll look for those in a second let's get this here and they're done you come on let me grab it I saw somewhere drop it over here I think but it's hard to tell with all stuff here alright let's pick up a little bit of stuff here get rid of this big mess that we've made and of course we're gonna need two sticks anyways so it's good and we'll just chop this one down I'm sure some more longer ones we just miss them dammit I don't know the other one this is so freaking dark for me I'll be lighting it up for you guys so but for me it's super dark right now get some more rope - no big trees here I can't see the long sticks at all flooded across thanks were getting a lot of work with his axe it's all getting better for us okay let's get that roof on we need a fire down the roof sure we have tons of diner right here you can actually swap over we should be using our blade for this move our blade skills up to the same time excellent these are the two extras from the last shop we have this at least we can make a fire if it starts ringing we have no problems we'll need to get the coconuts ASAP available to collect water also get water out of those so why not right all right we're good doesn't keep for armour afterwards and we're going to end here and make yourself a little fire in the bed right freely to bed - at least bed interesting all right I'm gonna putting it underneath here but fine I'll put it there for now and we're gonna be doing right over here nice little fire okay we're good and because my knowledge I'm gonna be able to make craft craft craft I need one more of those um yeah if you don't know the both at the game you can do a hand drill if you want today as your choice I also have no dry lease it's just gonna suck it big time all right let's just go out here and grab those coconuts there's any ground it's awesome it also does try for it Kelsie's rocks there we go perfect it bounced a freaking snake right there dude I think I lost my uh I think it's broke about wheat spear there we go good drop you okay we've got a couple of coconuts any of those trees around here we can use to chop down we just use it before there we go I think this one here will do it there's some dry leaves hard to tell it's dark we're gonna do these anyways but give me the dry leaf hold let's pick these up here let's drop them there so we could get actually that dry ones for frig sake I know they're out here somewhere there's one dry one I knew it would be at least two just tough sometimes to grab and see especially at nighttime anytime it's not so bad - yes that's a bad just probably not the one to here somewhere right there I think yeah it's a dry one it's okay we got a couple of right now we can come back for that we'll just grab a bit of this but make her bed it's not exactly the best location for the bed I usually like our knees but won't deal with it as we go and see if can actually make it again it's good see if we could do that really asleep anyways no it's not let me do it I don't know why I'm not gonna ask questions I got a really access to things I got this is actually coming over all the access but there's still some bugs and stuff that could occur or maybe he's just me it's possible something there on the ground annoying as [ __ ] of it okay we're good we have a couple more of those we need there's a few here don't have to go all the way out there but got some more dry leaves there in front of me I like those do frogs do I don't know what to do with them I mean it's gonna be poisonous darts or something I guess nobody knows all right that's the best leave baby we can do right now we have leeches on us to you and in fact there we go beautiful we're all so filthy we'll need to clear ourselves off I see my gosh my my long the long sticks were here you'd followed the water all right let's make the handrail let's get this over with and we're just gonna make this for now for some reason I can't make the other one use and we're gonna grab our dry leaves I got small the other small little frogs fire-starting going on we'll take a little bit coconuts at the for us a drink right here and a drink and they're in our harvest this harvest and harvest that way we get the coconut shells themselves we utilize it for water and here we can drink and then craft yourself up a wide enough there we go none could be water to the actual fire if you want to a fraph twist Marie now we have tons of water and stuff one thing I'm probably more worried about is protein so worry about that afterwards I still don't know what this does but I'm worried about taking it so gonna figure it out soon gonna figure out soon ok we have enough carbs and stuff and liquids this is not gonna last too long so we'll move herself up to type in work I'm sure we'll find more stuff in the morning let's get some sleep all right nice and early we still have that knowing a little sucker on the other side to him that means everything to be tanking on my end right not so bad actually much better than I thought all right let's just get yourself a little bit of water going here I'm gonna grab her you just stir it over here there we go okay I look down a little more there we go grab a little bit of water it looks like there is some piranhas in there and there's some fresh food right there you saw just running by he's gonna roll up there we go we bend it over till old take you sorry dude my apologies grab me a little piece I can't now this sucka and he'll this move this out our way here there we go I'm gonna cook you up a tight bit and we're gonna put it down our pasta we just got over here well chop this off and there things I don't know we can expand and harvest let's see we get these suckers actually alright something that's dropped in there poisonous dart frog raw didn't get anything else on that one if you can craft them that's why I was curious maybe if you craft them no just giving any kind of crafting abilities maybe later on yeah doesn't seem to do anything else but just food right now I'm not too positive I want to start sucking on that stuff you don't know it could be bad I'll chop some liquid in there oh my god just bake this I mean with this would create a dart wouldn't it oh and I'm so curious I got put it in and see what happens this is almost cooked up oh I gotta find out fats hydration the carbohydrates and stuff alright so it turned out ok turn out good oh my god no oh I can still use that throw it here you know what spoil it shouldn't be able to make itself a nice little soup it's not that bad right you know it's not gonna let me right well let's destroy this whole so harvest it in a rush you tried to harvest okay get a little bit of larva with it excellent alright we're gonna drink a little more we can also grab this mushroom here and add a little more bagging to our bucks to us we need to utilize that let's drop this baby in here okay okay it also does at the fire - if you want to that is our choice take a drink we've got to explore time but today and how we doing pretty much full on that basket so you can put this down over here with us grab that you know what I've learned I want to see what this does these little berries here and we found out if you can take a bite of them a thing as I'm thinking I make a soup first before do I hit the else we silver protein cook it up we're gonna see what this gives us we're also gonna see whether or not these unknown herbs become known after a while drink sadly - 10 that's beautiful just what we needed all right do not eat those things all right we don't know this is not good this is not at all I wanted to do it none whatsoever oh good I'll have to test it out for science right just for sites you grab you know see if thing leaves it round anyways no dialogue nothing okay we won't seem to be super sick right now and just take sorry I want to wash myself more at the office wash yourself up before supper okay a little bit of work this morning we lose a lot of hydration for that throw-up yeah we did it it's not so bad though is not so bad okay we'll grab this we want to and eat this baby up they're gonna add a little bit protein which we need to also increase your sandy beautiful and yeah I guess something recycle just mover a lot of or water up we do two of these anyways now W have the other one who cooked up should be a lot quicker and a hardcore mode definitely gives you a whole lot more it makes it a lot harder rock on your pond drink and drink much is left forty might be enough for a little Slurpee on the side here we'll bring this with us at least a couple of these I will stir gang sandy back up because of proximity fire which helps us oh I'm more surprised that the food poisoning wasn't that bad as nice and we'll grab both of these and also grab this there we go and the water starts coming off this guy you gotta love it got to love it alright let's get going let's see what else we can do here I don't know where the hell we are but you need to get some kind of rope on climbing requires item rappeling hook so what to find that baby up okay utilize this to for some of you fob us so let's grab this okay that's good that's good be careful we're snake ease and other things we could of course hunt we want to grab some more food it wouldn't be a bad thing for us to do actually right now don't think about yeah we can jab them if you want you we're gonna shove this R in his head it won't work so well usually oh wow pretty shot nice alright we're gonna slice it dice you need that knife of course do it look at you daddy you look at you look at you wicked all right hold on herbs it's gonna take up a lot of space we don't have for now alright these are good little mushrooms a nice little carbs it also help you food poisoning same thing it's a green fruits gonna help you and we're rating the town right here we're right next to it actually it's pretty crazy I figured it we were close by there's a Jaguar using this area so yeah examine the tribe village alright we're gonna examine this there's some logs some stuff here on top the stone ring of course looking at this little burnt backpack it's a map what nice what's left of it burnt pages read we're just in the rituals you guys guys can read this if you want to you without this nation is okay pause it up if you guys want to read this gonna take a little bit longer I want to go through I'm probably rewrote afterwards I don't want too far their preparations and then brew normal takes ceremonies in which it's okay you think this is it's actually helping up quite a bit of vomit diarrhea and a couple other things here it's actually helping you out yeah we're gonna grab this let's grab this baby up here and could we we can't keep it all right we're gonna see that map to you also something else inside let's see this map mmm - oh my god doesn't ring a bell I'm gonna map this is friggin awesome do - do it new notebook entry I'm very very cool so here you go tells you era the--here including where it's located on the side here as village and where my okay that's good - no signs of native Mia who else is belong - I don't know Wilson belongs to you oh my god all right well let's search out this place I think I saw a hammock here of course we could sleep here because utilize this town for us and yeah let's see here we got ourselves a small stick and here is the actually the dryer which is phenomenal you must come here to pick up this dryer very much needed and was not just week's beer yeah all right well nothing was just a long stick we their backpack now what if this is a talent she went into you there's something here like an altar ritual pole requires a small fire alright let's do this let's see what this fire does for us can we need a couple more sticks which I'm pretty sure it can utilize that thing over here I'm happier there's no kitty cats around good make a mod day harvest I see some more carbs over there you realize that anything else around here Oh some more firewood reading from us I'm very nice with money death and some more small sticks if they also missing here I thought it we usually find a bone axe and stuff I guess it's changed now with a new update yeah or this story mode itself but okay that's good all right we'll start the fire right away and see what we can do let's make that brew I guess I might have to read it after all got some food too I know if we could cook on this a little bit can you got leeches on us to the phenomenal nothing makes me happy net all right this is actually the old Ellucian engine that they were talking about requires iron was it's been a stumping scraps and secretary I don't know where the Freak that is dudes and dudettes oh let's just go check out see if they can give us any kind of inkling and what that looks like mushroom oh that was a shite there okay so this is secretary oh that's when we got and then the other ones what Venice hops scraps all right I should have drank that stuff beforehand we're gonna find more of that stuff no sort of bird here in the grounds good news okay well I started the fire let's let's find this Oh a summary next to us fine fine fine all right okay we got that kind just so hard was this because I'm needing it this usually gives us a fruit in the bottom here no no bald all right I think I felt it right here it's not a fine read on the street these debts that's where it is all right took me a little while look without us looking everywhere down here and I came back around so I think that's what we need right now all right so insert this okay oh damn Hey what are you doing here hey wait you look at dance [Applause] hey kid where are you am I [Music] oh my god this is friggin beautiful what wasn't that brew dude run hello do you remember when we got here hmm yeah is that you what the heck first contact is always difficult they're extremely wary I don't remember anything you you were calling to me I ran out of the tent and they have civilization maybe it would have been better I just died back then Mia I [Music] all right guess we're continuing our way from the Americanization began the conquistadores brought their diseases here with them they strive to adapt and the rest moved even deeper into the jungle chief queenie went on and on about four generations of his ancestors being decimated until they received a gift from the jungle and me naively intentions trusted us embraced us as their own we shared a secret with us game OC - oh that's so cool nice dream sequence this is crazy cool I just wanna gift yeah wait I'm here holy moly hello Jake please without you what happened are you saying I'm safe trust me tell me what happened to you I was losing it trying to contact you I was hoping you could tell me that you called me in the middle of the night and I I've ran out to look for you and all I remember is running and calling wait that doesn't sound good okay take it easy breathe do you know where you are I have no idea can you give me some clue as to your whereabouts landmark or something found a map it's half burnt but there's a location marked on it lambda2 not sure what it is do you know Mia come again you're breaking up oh yeah yeah ah [ __ ] battery's dead oh boy alright ladies gents unfortunately I have to leave it here until next September 5th words we're coming back with a brand new episode and of course the series continues with Green Al and we'll be playing this game if you guys want to see more of this please take a hit time it'll like but if you're brand new please go ahead and subscribe again thank you very guys go into this far to show you guys before the actual launch of the game it looks spectacular I'm so excited as you can see you can craft you can build you get yourself going if you've never seen a series before you're gonna want to pick up this game I love this game I loved the development team - again if you guys I'm done - discord they have chat sterols time discussions and they're always been very very much open to speaking to you guys and I'm amazed by it I'm really amazed by these developers a phenomenal job and thank you so much again for creepy Jerry I appreciate all your support including being on the promo real I love that very very nice so if you guys want to see more of this take the time hit the like button and we're gonna have to do some work can't wait I really can't wait so thank you again for be here you guys are best this gimmick no catch you guys on the flip side [Music]
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 117,163
Rating: 4.9468846 out of 5
Keywords: green hell, gameplay, let's play, new update, story mode, first look, part 1, day one, playthough, gameedged
Id: nk_BCNQhZ1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 14sec (3794 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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