Scavenging Moscow Eye | Chernobylite Gameplay 2021 | Part 2

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how is it going this game edge we are back in chernobyl light that's right we had so much fun last time and yeah we're going to jump in a little more you guys really love seeing what we can see oh my god there's binoculars there's binocs oh this is how we try that's right i forgot about that this is where we can go there's days left on some of these missions and stuff you start each day with a planning choose a mission you will do uh personally which okay and trust in oliver we have to trust them that's true choose wisely uh can i complete one mission each day all right so we can only do that we have to be careful everything from here gotcha you cannot succeed alone but there are others who will help you i'm not sure what to do first should i tell olivier to run some errands or should i do it myself okay are we doing this or what yeah just just one second there creature comfort uh we're gonna we're gonna build you something down here because i think we need to build a couple of things before we go i didn't expect to have to actually uh do that so that's a forgot about that all right there's a sleeping place here we need to get some sleeping quarters done and i think we're gonna need oh whoa whoa whoa okay so herbs all right we're gonna have to go and get loot dudes and that's that is without a choice okay so there was some stuff we need to do now you can build a whole bunch of stuff your base here which is great building tools um so this one here tools unlocked other sets of buildings items and you need to craft more sophisticated so this would be very nice and of course you press f again you can see mechanical parts uh we did build that here by the way so that is good we are good to go for that one we're not going to need another one of those right now and we also have air quality we can increase uh power supply we're going to need air quality again and radiation safety all right and then also you have on next one we have another buildables which is igor's inventory it says here and we have like this thing here which is crafting tools uh fancy shooting this machine either here and we still need herbs and stuff so we're gonna have to look how it even goes in deeper oh wait wait wait okay one second oh wow this is sick buildable roller bending machine oh my god it just i thought there wasn't that much at least whenever first played this i don't remember being this much stuff so which one of these are sub-menus too in here oh my lord okay we will we'll go through all this we did get a revolver from igor and i think it's best for us to go out now we do have a bedroom already i don't know if we're sharing it i figured these guys would probably need sleeping quarters but we have ourselves a little area here and there's a plans for this thing which we i don't have a clue it looks like a vr thing and this is all our server room currently we're working on i think this is where we're working harry hadn't my life's work still a prototype but it will recreate any event from the past if you feed it the right data glad i didn't let those brits destroy it it will help me find tatiana just like in the myth of tessius harry edna's thread will lead me to the truth hopefully hmm all right cool so we're still working on that i guess uh we did a projector last time too where it sees a little bit of tatiana now now we can turn it off if we want to also not waste electricity we've seen a lot of that already and there's tons of books but i don't think there's anything else in these quarters i thought maybe some storage and stuff but worry about that afterwards currently our inventory uh pretty stacked in a bit uh that's why i was kind of wondering if i can build some kind of inventory space i thought maybe i remember this trunk going oh maybe we can shove stuff in there uh but it doesn't look like we could do that currently so let's just double check this i don't think we'll be able to carry that much stuff we'll press b for building and uh yeah i don't know if there is maybe they're here this is what lights electronics furniture i'm even there furniture no chairs oh my god there's so much stuff in here it's so much fun um all right walls we can actually separate the place up to you and decorations i wonder where the heck is the storage dude like base upgrades i think could be under there right some storage here power supply air quality and radiation building tools yeah this is just tools and stuff all right well we'll have to deal with that afterwards maybe we come back we'll be able to find this i'll probably have to go through it all myself because i don't know i have zero clue where the heck you put this uh stuff here crafting tools weapons containers right there go garnet damage right there container i kept putting my room how about that can i put that in this room or is it only out there yeah it's only out there here it doesn't count either okay i know if that's junk i might have to throw that away you know we'll put the container next to here for now i'm not sure if we can move it a2 but we'll check to see afterwards bring as close as we can to that oh it looks like i can clip it i don't want a clipping all right so press f i think one should be okay right now i hope i can remember the heck that is oh it's very small okay so we did make a couple soups and stuff what do we have on us we have some revolve around we're gonna keep that case emergency uh some parts and stuff so we'll take the parts in here can we double click these in there maybe yeah double click wizards adrenaline you might need that that's very possible put the mushrooms we're gonna go and grab ourselves a few more of those we have a couple of soups and stuff there it's good and revolver ammo i'm gonna keep those and we have some food rations and it's a mechanical part so let's shove that in there now this stuff we picked up last episode a lot of scrap we picked up when you press b you can see like there's there's areas where junk is and you'll see the same you can delete it this is actually nothing left but we did do a lot of cleanup on here so it's all good all right so yeah we're keeping very limited stock when you press the tab you can see all quick menu stuff i'm not sure how you can change those by the way if there's a way here uh sort we can grab quick menu so it says see oh there we go i got you i got you so if i click on this and i do see i can put that in a quick menu for eating okay and a revolver i want that in one or two how about two yeah let's put that in two so see can i do this same thing here see yeah two and i'll put this in what is that anyways not the freak that is i got no clue okay don't go back out i clicked on the wrong thing this tool here i need to put right there in three what the frick did i just delete so something i guess i don't know and we'll put that uh afterwards i guess at four so okay so we got that we understand that a little bit uh how was my food and stuff i don't know how i'm supposed to be looking at that skills right now training and stuff we need skill points available zero so we haven't had anything it was really the introduction last time okay we're good yell over i'm gonna i'm gonna find i think we're gonna go to moscow eye right here which used to be the smartest one there's ammo drop right here taking over the radio about uh mission supplies and talking over the radio sorry there you go red for us uh if i'm fast enough i can take it over nothing significant happening in part of the zone i don't know if i should go for the ammo drop i feel like i should be there as a main character and successful mission entirely up to you all right let's do this so start mission you gotta sign to location okay igor needs to take to have a mission assigned uh before it can go oh i sees i'm learning i'm learning so he's gonna go for the ammo drop and his chance of success are 86 which is pretty high and my chance success hopefully good enough so let's select me to go here and we're going out for that fight here so yeah there we go ready to start the mission you sure you want to start absolutely freaking lulu oh look at that day one moscow eye afternoon that's good i thought i put that okay it's all good this is already loaded i could see it i got a pretty good aim on that and v was for light right good okay all right so when the on the outside of the base uh zone and things can build and completely different press b to see it okay so buildables more buildables wow so we can do this here which is the fireworks i guess to distract them laser explosive trap landmines wow some lightning victoria trap mark right what else can we do here we can build crafting tables a little campfire which is something we need that left it behind so hopefully we'll find ourselves in other flammable parts that's what we need and uh we'll check we'll check out the area because we're going to need that for sure you also have base fields workshop i've got to hurry up too i think we might have a time on this i didn't see anywhere but just in case advanced field workshop and also running uh on batteries which we're gonna have to work on ah interesting okay so this is something we're gonna need to work on for sure and what else do we have here modifiers chernobyl neutralizer this machine is similar to neutralize chernobyl's dispersed in the air makes terrible storm less frequent hold on all right space time disruptor and all right well god there's too much it's so cool but it's too much all right we need to go that way anyway so i see the oh oh oh oh oh oh this is not good is he facing the other direction here yes i'm trying to do a stealth one here because this is pretty much what you're supposed to be doing i'll pick up these herbs too [Music] [Music] wow all right i was thinking she should say as if i can understand what the hell she's saying uh fortunately i wish i knew more languages i don't this one i don't know there's some more over there all right so that wasn't even a real dude just to scare the crapos [Music] [Music] i think she's gonna continue isn't she here on the other side you guys see it there's more in the front there too inside there [Music] it's completely throwing me off okay we need a lockpick for this nicely gave me one we'd want to walk on that that's for sure maybe we should go back to that building back there before we go here there was another building back there i'm walking the trees maybe we can shut her off on the other side there's another dude right there i don't think he's real either yeah he's fake [Music] yeah i was leading me here i should have gone to the other side maybe there's a switch there [Music] okay the money and the money has gone oh thank goodness because gamers years were like completely going crazy there for a second i don't see anything here why would they make me want to go here for the let's ping it if there's anything that building would tell us right there's nothing on the side here there so i don't know i was looking for something but it doesn't look like it's here we gotta be careful those signs are not good um all right electronic scrap so this must be all closed off i did see radiation on the bottom left here so i didn't want to go any further looks like that is completely contaminated are these uh things here what the hell they are anyways a truck or something truck cap there's a whole bunch of signs here do not enter kind of just dangerous a little bit i'm pinging again almost like i forgot something over there darn it i need all those herbs too for us to craft up everything we need so this is very important every little bit counts so those two boxes will hopefully find something to do a lock pick with or create the tool well no we have to keep an eye on that that's for sure so the waves will bloom what the hell there's a bunch of junker here mechanical parts what is that over there is that inside the building oh turn on light dude see i appreciate this light is not too much lockpick again try crafting it in a crafting station yeah i kinda would be cool so buildables these are all just mines we have a crafting station uh fields workshop advance maybe we gotta go back home for that that's very possible maybe we could put this here i'll build it here here we can make ourselves some more soups and stuff uh that all right i don't know where the hell i got crafting station is i don't know if there's a workshop it's possibly that workshop part uh right over here stove over here a small workshop device and some tools allowing you to create ammunition right that's ammunition advanced workbench uh running on battery the set precise tools okay allows you to create few primitive things oh i should just build this for shits and giggles and see listening here i don't think i'm back here not too but how else am i supposed to know if i don't make it right right right can you lockpick how this no filter yeah there's a lockpick right here so it needs more mechanical parts we'll come back to that we'll look around for some mechanical parts here there's some more herbs here hope that stacks right those herbs yeah they do i think is how much weight can i carry uh the food rations i don't see anything here probably in front of me i'm just in a hurry try and get myself around enough to take here all right there's some real dudes that's not my imagination anymore i really want those parts there's some stuff here chemicals we can't go in there this one's completely blocked off too looks like they've closed off this whole area here it's all just rusted shite okay so we got the mechanical parts we're gonna craft this up now if we have to use two sets or not does it take away the set we used i think it does chemicals mechanical parts maybe we'll make another one oh there's a freaking station right here interesting revolver to fix it up i still need interesting there's some stuff there there's nothing here ain't those containers or nothing all right interesting so yeah where's my lockpick does it it's a one-shot use okay just really crappy i'm just gonna check in my inventory now yeah okay well there's still another door over here i like to get as much loot as we possibly can and it's obviously also a good little train for us to kind of get everything and learning so lock picks can be created we always go back to this place if we get mechanical parts and stuff to continuously do it i'll just make a few of these would be awesome container we have some chemicals another container here add some more mechanical parts very nice maybe we'll make another one it's going to do a little ping to make sure enough anything else in here nope there's some stuff right on this side in this pond oh those pigs are so important it's unbelievable you can miss a little bit of stuff oh these are important too that's good yeah yeah we're going to take care of you in a second dude i know you could see me a little bit but we're okay okay we're going to take him out anyways okay we're going to grab some mechanical parts and we're going to create this thing here yeah one more two was this primitive armor movements noise should i make some armor i'll make some armor tactical armor that'll be nice too make another one of these okay we're good and that's for the mask right okay we should have probably kept a couple i'm not sure how long before our mask has gone to shite's too just show that i don't know okay let's see if what this guy's about it's the last resort too because it does make a shitload of noise i just saw him see him through the crack a little bit oh my god the dude oh balls well i really should have looked up the area is he alone i think i got him all right i took a little damage i don't think he called for any reinforcements i got his gun oh nice so this am i supposed to use oh die put it on dude so this is good this is on me close enough bottom so we didn't get the weapon we got ourselves some more some rifle ammo instead the actual weapon kind of odd that container revolver ammo all right well we had one shot worst case no at least it came out okay ping ping ping look there's something over there nothing around here surprised i thought there'd be some stuff here didn't really want to kill the guy but you know can i go up here no yeah the armor definitely slows me down a little bit i can feel it it looks like the wrong way i go back to pick out those question marks on top there there's something here at 87 we're going to take care of that 46. let me stay off the road probably smarter oh god what you'll never find here shotgun slugs revolver oh i didn't expect that you've reached a new level you have one skill point available to talk to companion at the base to exchange points for training okay that was kind of weird right that guy like uh he got something stuck in his face he's crying good but jesus freaky as freak okay we have some question marks again up there to go and take care of also around here there's one up here at 89. let's go finish it up not too much lying around this area so far it's kind of quiet man it's a spooky ass freak it's almost filled up i keep on not looking down just clicking on it oh hello darkness my old friend i'm going to have to stab you once again oh another respectable customer want to make the dealer your life you're not afraid of trading here ah i know what i'm doing my good sir i've been trading since the fall of the soviet union and besides no risk no gain sounds like you've traveled a lot and a grand bazaar in tehran jar mac europa in warsaw tax him in istanbul up in places my friend oh the things i've seen i'll bet you have i have to ask how does desolate pripyat compare to these colorful places hey where there's demand i provide supply i'm the invisible hand of the free market i've got putin trump and gates on my speed dial is that right what about steve jobs what yeah him too of course anyway money makes the world go round but bartering is also good you want to trade uh exchange food for gear gear for food do you buy goods as well sure actually i'm looking for a few things right now get two food rations for one primitive armor which is what i made there you go okay well i just wanted to say i've done enough trading for now all right show me what you've got mr invisible hand gas filters for one food ration you know it probably would be handy right now ceramic plates we found one of those i still need i think i've done enough trading for now i'm looking for someone perhaps you've heard her name tatiana tatiana amelieva she used to work at the power plant she went missing 30 years ago i'm sorry my friend it's been a while since i've seen a woman i've been too busy busy with what we've created a new world of opportunities my friend unlike gordon gekko only smarter and like jack ma only more hard working i'm gonna build my commercial empire on the ashes of chernobyl in no time good luck good luck building your fortune mr invisible hand thanks but i'll make my own luck okay so this is sure it does show up in the map right okay that's pretty cool looks like an airplane down here we go check that out let's put a marker on for shots and giggles all right we did sell off our armor i am a little bit faster though which is great i do appreciate that wizard some more stuff now i saw an airplane down here on the map i think it's an airplane can't open up it's a helicopter okay nothing around here at all what the freak all right let's go back to the question mark so we can finish this up there's a lot going on here and i guess we come back here it's so often that's why i figured when i built that maybe i'll be able to come back here but the most important thing i need right now is getting those markers off the top before we head back oh some more mushrooms here oh there's some stuff in that building still maybe a propane tank too some bread some more bread this bread stack please tell me it does i think it does stuff up there how come they didn't show this stuff here well i should not miss anything i love this little pinging this helps me out quite a bit chemicals i don't think we got anything else to worry about here some stuff upstairs i might have to go back and do some more lock picks i'm going to go back and store some stuff too at this point we're really gathering oh can i not pick this up there we go some more fuel there's something there on the other side okay sorry that barry just died it's just parts i think that's a school at one point constantly pinging balls i didn't really want to uh to see that okay you can select anything you want to really kind of go through here in the bottom two and that's going with t by the way if you're wondering a brand new even done it other select specifically what you want okay i got some pretty okay stuff out there any more stuff that building though 72 i will get some rads go up here 33 holy crap get out of here serious rads there's one here 19. there's dude right there there's somebody else around here i saw some movement checking it out now forgot about those guys he sees me oh fred right through the tree dude okay this is really not good didn't expect this he's hold up over there we can't see him there's only one dude here freaking out by himself i got a visual too no i wonder if that stopped the party see the party has uh stopped what the freak it's got nothing else on him some stuff right here too it's so easy to miss there's more stuff in that building on the right i don't the difference between the uh both colors are there's green stuff oh and of the building and there's a whole bunch of yellow stuff so we're going to figure that as we go not much time left to have either i think i just looped around can i close on me oh lots of sounds the toy's just closing on me let's go back upstairs let's move from here no okay oh boy it's dark in here i don't know how hell we get to the other side must be from uh i thought maybe from a place like this but no interesting i don't get it i don't get it where the hell is this place let's go from this side there's nothing from this it's gonna take us time to get used to some of this stuff here that's a whole bunch of goodies in there we still have lots of room uh-huh yeah maybe from here i don't think we've been in this area okay stop right there you're on preppy and bradford term now i'm what where bradford privy at brockport you must be new here huh a tourist what's your name uh yeah let's go with this hardly i moved here in 1985. the name's eagle it was quite a different place back then 1985 that's um three uh five oh more than ten years ago you know what that means igor you're one of us friend bradford and brilliant brought for rules really how many of you are in this bradford um there were many of us not so long ago but it's just me now i'm the boss and you you can be my right-hand man thanks well i guess so what happened to the rest of your pals let me think sasha was arrested gracia was shot dead oleg fell down some stairs boba drowned in the river and a lois show was eaten by a crocodile but but there are no crocodiles in pripyat no not a real crocodile a crocodile the drug uh you mean decent morphine well i've heard about that stuff it's basically poison you should keep your guys away from it what guys i told you it's just me now evgeny is all that's left and uh have you of course my second in command we should celebrate with a drink but the nihr confiscated my moonshine but now you're here pripyat bravo will rebuild and we'll hit those nar bastards hard they'll never see it coming okay you mentioned something about trade what kind of things do you have i don't know what do you mean you don't know ah i sold boxes a loot i never over them so i don't know what's in them that doesn't make any sense each box is totally random yeah my loot boxers are like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get that's deep i know cassenia told me i was the biggest cheer in our neighborhood it's very simple one food ration for one box of loot one box a day igor we just met but i feel like i've known you for years you're like a brother to me now have a free box of loot on me but don't tell anyone it's a secret a broader secret okay you can help me friend i'm looking for a woman her name's tatiana amelieva tatiana ah a beautiful name she sounds like a beautiful woman tell me you have some photos uh uh no no i i had one but uh ah too bad i've never heard of her she's a woman right ah love i was in love once yesenia oh what a woman she was she promised to cut my balls off if i ever betrayed her and did she what a funny guy you are i already like you nah she didn't she dumped me but she said i was too smart for her so anything interesting going on around here lately well there's something fishy happening in the power plant those nar have been running around like crazy lately and there's this creepy with a black mask hunting for something whatever it is it's bad for business he leaves me alone but he scares my customers so you do have other customers what did i just say that fucker's been scaring him away if it wasn't for him this place would be busier than the izmalovsky market okay i better be going now bradford forever igor turn already off dude okay uh there's some more pings over there that's more down here so we're just going to continue down this way and see if we can find all that green stuff has been kind of oh we're back to this i got no idea i've gone to every freaking door in this place no i don't have a freaking clue how we're gonna break into that unless it's no no it's right back to the same place maybe at the crossover with this path to get to here because right now all these bars are up on a window right there's no way around into this yeah it's completely barred up i don't think i grab from the window it should be kind of nice but it looks like yeah some bigger stuff now he gave me a box do you say yes he did box of goods yeah absolutely okay what do we get i even see i think we got flammable parts there we go thanks igor or not whatever his name is i'm igor thank you right in front of me too yeah that's why this pinging thing is like godsend i think we'll grab just a tiny bit more stuff a loot that we can and get ourselves out of here and start working on seeing what the other guy got back there's some stuff on the higher ledges and stuff like this see what i'm talking about i don't feel like i can maybe jump that maybe jump that grab that will put most of this in the chest or just go around there we go that'd be pretty sweet if you're good there nope you believe i can jump okay not that well all right you can actually pick him up from underneath this works a whole lot better don't like to jump around jump jump oh boy he scared the out of me do you have open graves to find girls to fall in love with eagle do you have to open graves to find girls to fall in love with igor heed the coal from the void heed the call from the void she become a witch or something oh ball okay well we'll just save you up on there thank you holy mine this this game is just insane we're characters everywhere oh anti-chernobyl burner passage requires certain items yeah we could blow that up i think still quite interesting though there's a lot to learn to find in this place there we go i'm still picking that okay there's a chest up there there's no way up there is there oh oh oh oh those were two gas masks talking about a bonus that's so freaking good okay here's a good question though do i need to ever use these gas masks physique and stuff split remove small uh okay container filled with silicone loosening okay whatever requires the proper function gas mass once you binds not okay toxic to filter automatically used when using a gas mask okay cool ugly i know i said it's beautiful but i find the game is beautiful because it does such a good job with it it's definitely not a beautiful that's per se you know what i'm saying this is going to the other side i think they took a lock pick that's the last one some food something dorothy prepared cafe douga what in god's name does it all mean you guys want to read this here there you go okay i think you can go across there there's still something there but it's fine okay goodness we can for nothing though but we can oh and then we're back on this side again and this is the earth part okay so it didn't lead where i want to leave so i still have no idea how to get that on the other side but we'll get we guess we'll we'll figure it out as we go through this it's not the end of the world there is some stuff down there too looks like i can push this no it's like a shaft over there like a little bit of a puzzle for us to get around it really does it's so strange i feel like you know it should be like a door right there we can walk right through but unfortunately i have no idea why this is where the guard post was it was posted out here and actually left this is here i'll pick this up very nice ping and i was looking for any more question marks there's somewhere down there right there i'll finish these up before we head back there's a whole bunch of stuff here oh should get one more lock pick maybe we're close to the front gate are we yeah all right let's get another lock pick at least made we're going to grab this can make some good armor this is actually much better tactical armor okay okay that should be okay we'll use this take this off a little bit i am hurt too so i think i this is a healing salve that helped quite a bit actually in this stove we can make some more this one's with calming salts relaxing effects on those inhaled okay aroma slightly improves physique okay that's a couple more healing because we take those herbs i don't throw a stack either i don't think they do they do stack oh i need a couple of those herbs for back home all right let's just and also that circle right there is where i think i need to go that's tricky tricky tricky lots of little parts and pieces that's easy to miss as you walk past them start to wait for the charge oh screw why are you motoring here easy i'm just looking for some parts what speak louder i'm looking for some parts stop yelling it's not safe here why isn't it safe what kind of question is that nkvd of course nkvd the secret soviet police these bastards came around here snooping they arrested my sister-in-law for being a kulak and she only has two cows two cows god damn it the nkvd doesn't exist anymore you don't need to worry about them yes yes yes y'all this a piece of his goons are persecuting everyone even decorated war heroes like myself oh my what you've got to speak louderland my hearing is not so good anymore after some fritz threw a grenade into my bunker do do you have anything to trade perhaps some parts why didn't you ask sooner of course i do i'll trade you junk for some bullets i need to arm myself in case the nkvd comes back so i'm over scrap or ammo for gear i'm just curious to see what he has i'd like to exchange a bullet for some scrap five chemical flammable okay we're okay right now i think i'm not gonna get rid of my slugs and stuff see you later it's good to know good to know he's here all right i saw this sack right here it gets a little bit bright i hope it's not yours dude sorry if it is i'm taking it but yeah no choice okay turn a flashlight dude nice and there's still another way in here positive okay let's go to that little circle part cuz i think it's time for us to end this here we need to go back home what is that circle part of guinea oh it's just afghani all right we have one more question mark then we need to hit up let's do it okay so oh balls that was scary let me jump like two feet off my s oh i think the storm's coming we need to start moving okay where is this place 33 yeah i think the storm's coming we need to get our butts out of here i think that's a sign of time to leave okay this is not good i thought her dog for a second but i think is a static from this thing why is the question mark now showing 141 it was right here i don't see it anywhere where is the other one we need diamond for that one okay you know what we're gonna end it i don't know how we go back how do we get back home do we have to use that rift thing i think we have to use that rift thing all right okay portable generator okay opens wormholes and opens transport refugees all right let's get so let's hold open a portal here we go well down this approach is working igor looks like we can sneak in and out of the zone without attracting attention so how did it go are you any closer to finding your old lady you still want to go back to the power plant i have to go back i have the strongest feeling she's there feelings you surprised me professor kim juk trusting your instincts is important but last time we tried that we lost anton we need some hard evidence before we go down that road again don't worry olivier i'm not crazy i'll keep gathering evidence and when i've got enough we can formulate a new plan good evidence plans information resources it will all get us closer to your goal igor how did you do today i'll brief you in a minute first let me point out a couple of things to you go on you need to understand the role you're in you hired me and rented this warehouse that makes you the commander of this base it means you will be in charge of all our equipment and most importantly our food rations you have to start thinking like a strategist like this is a military operation organize the base and take care of your troops that's number one starving is no fun i know from experience forget to feed your troops and their morale will drop they might even desert you also in situations where resources are scarce there's a group psychology to consider playing favorites rewarding those who slack off and not appreciating the men who pull their weight are sure-fire ways of creating discord amongst the men what men there are only two of us for now but that has to change if you want your power plant operation to succeed we need more power more intel more skill and more bodies and each of those bodies will need space food and resources in this base i know you're eager to bolt out there and continue your search but you need to be patient plan strategize take it slow you have to find time to cater to the needs of your companions and manage this warehouse if you don't all your plans will be for nothing you're right i need to be smart about all of this absolutely and remember i'm here for you i will advise and support you every step of the way that's what you're paying me for hmm that's quite interesting mr success explorer all right reward and we got ourselves a couple of things they got a couple of bullets did you show me we have seven okay uh every day assigned a mission okay there we go choir press f when you're ready proceed go to food distribution okay he seems to have enough food doesn't he i think so normal food rations normal food rations for right now that sounds good and same for you gordon except all right same for igor there we go are you sure you want to finish yes and we got food rations so that's very important isn't it holy crap good evening you can build new structures uh you're basically trained with companions i do not hesitate to use a collected resources and skill points very very nice always we're gonna leave it here ladies and gents that was very nice i like what i saw it was a fun day today so again if you guys are enjoying this make sure you hit like button get a confidence always appreciate your amazing support and now yeah i definitely would like to see more and go a little further in here there's a lot to do all right thank you so much this gimmick look at you guys on flip side [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 16,423
Rating: 4.9610391 out of 5
Keywords: chernobylite, gameplay, let's play, craft, build, survival game, playthrough, walkthrough, gameedged
Id: PY38IllpxQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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