The Sheriff (1971) | Ossie Davis Brenda Sykes

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[Music] yes about 28 000. and the armored car those sharks would let us know they mean business nobody's been hurt yet where do you want to share well they could take 47 west or 20 south but i'm betting on the old quarry road you and bonnie take the mountain avenue crossing we'll set up them out on the other side make your time zones got like 10 seconds [Music] i used to drive those armored babies one steel plate all around impenetrable glass can't put a bullet in anywhere it's a tank that can do better than 90. well we stopped rumbling i think we're ahead of them if they took this road this is stones on the old quarry road they got through sheriff barney's hurt watch out here they come like i said hob they mean [Music] so next shot is your gas tank so you know you boys been speeding [Music] remember you're not 25. you hear me [Music] hey tom well they're all yours you sure you don't mind giving us a lift in especially nobody with those two awards come what time is that meeting it's eight o'clock monday night in the arts auditorium i'll see you then come on hey try not to get into a fight okay all right bye mom see you later kid [Music] tom you normal boy i'm taking over the airport are you just give us time lieutenant now what are we standing here for right now for the woods huh right for the next 36 hours loma city can go the devil as far as i'm concerned check with her if anything goes wrong but here this guy hey have a fall huh [Music] i hope they don't qualify they will good shot [Music] all right that's one for me ah quite a bird you got there son well you got the next shot with all its shortcomings i still think that college is a rewarding experience don't you to a degree but what good is a curriculum that's 100 years old they've got to make some changes if they don't you students will by any means necessary is that it i believe in law and order and all of that my old man's a cop is that the word you use so far it is don't tell your mom you're thinking about quitting school she wouldn't understand do you no it's been a good weekend i'll tell you more about this either about what about not sleeping in a motel all right good night good night [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hey cliff lip louder [Music] live hey take it easy oh hi uh your car that's right hmm sure god have made [Music] no i am don't you well your paw does i told him i'd be calling on him today about the insurance you know a fellow in the construction business needs all protection he can get he's not home he ain't where is he he's working oh dog gone how about that [Music] i come all this way and he ain't here see what time he'd be back he said about six dog you're more here oh i forgot your mom's dead ain't she i'm sorry excuse me it's okay yeah what's that thing you're reading there a book i know that what kind of book you wouldn't be interested i don't say that i like books are you one of them college kids that's right oh yeah loma state huh got your own car and everything bad not bad look i'd uh appreciate it if you just go oh look i come all this way and you're pieing here uh so warm day i've made my first sale the selling is drying where couldn't you give me a cold drink or something please you look like you could use one yourself i mean it must be 80 in the shade oh thank you [Music] [Music] you know there's uh nothing like a cold drink on a warm day i think you'd better go [Music] you've got no cause to worry [Music] yeah it's uh it's nice the way you got that shirt tied bye [Music] hi honey ah you're late i was beginning to worry ah oh oh now give us a kiss well i'm not gonna get to that signing i am beat it'll keep sheriff's gonna be back tonight and i won't be sorry i'll get in huh hey honey you've been here a year you're not still living in texas i know that so he's the sheriff and i'm his deputy and loma city is my hometown and i like it the way it is now did i say anything no you didn't but tex honey it was on the tip of your tongue [Laughter] oh i love that dress and what's inside and i'm gonna have another beer however i'm cleaning out a beer my brother eddie was over this afternoon what did he have to say five beers worth now he's been very good to us lending us the money for the room and everything yes you i don't quit we didn't talk about it i got ribs in the oven come on mmm so that's what i've been smelling yup i could eat a bear i'll bet you good so what did he say well he said that that is going to be a fine room and that you are a fine carpenter that's what he said you got squash and rhymes too oh that's just fine you've been making five and six dollars an hour now who is carpenters well you could be making double what you're making now wouldn't have to work for one of them neither eddie says i thought you didn't talk about it he's only trying to help honey i'm a cop not a carpenter i like it i'm trained for it and i'm good at it all right so do me a favor will you next time your brother eddie comes around hide an extra can of beer for me sure but you're having your dinner now just a minute hey jim vance um how'd everything go oh quiet card couple of drunks about a dozen speeding tickets one of the boys in the lockup had to be cooled down but otherwise smooth very smooth good you have a good time how are you partial to pheasant we love em that's good because we got a brace more than we can use come on vance bring them over here you know your mom's waiting hey alma come have a look good evening ms gregory hello gregory i guess you think i'm buttering them up if you want to give them those birds that's your business let me tell you something how gregory is white and i'm black and so is the county part black and part white and i think we do a better job than if we were all white or all black you understand trouble cliff wilders start to intervene us i think we got our time can i talk to her she wouldn't hear a word give us half an hour she might die let him do that work now there's nothing you can do settle down pull yourself together maybe you're right i'm going to the hospital france tell your mama what happened say that i'll be late then you go to the hospital if you want to [Music] keep your drinking whiskey in the house come on cliff who do you think it was i don't know if i knew who he was i wouldn't be sitting here with you yeah being the man you are you'd be out trying to find him yourself right you're the sheriff you find him we'll find him i promise you good then what happens he'll stand charges that'll do a lot of good i was elected to do a job cliff and i intend to do it it'll be a fair trial [Applause] you don't believe that do you i believe what i see and what i know cliff i want your guns what for i know you we've been friends a long time get them that why you kept me here that's one reason well you get them yourself where's the springfield that's my hun gun that's right get it i know what's on your mind cliff but you'd better forget it and i'll lock you up you're not the law yeah i know you are that's right i am i love janet you know that she invented that's all the more reason i searched no i might have believed that once but not anymore why because the sheriff is black cause they pinned a badge on you i got to be a lawman because i believed in it because i believe that without the law ain't none of us gonna make it white or black white or black all i know is my child's in the hospital cliff you work hard for what you got it don't make sense to throw it away you talk good chef come on i'll run you over to the hospital i got my pickup [Applause] [Music] ah uh [Music] well you see ma'am i i forgot his name it'll be the fella who covers the grove district in loma [Music] thank you ma'am [Music] [Music] morning ma'am my my name is cliff wilder one of your salesmen was out to my house yesterday i think [Music] no no no no you see i i want the policy but i forgot his name it'll be the man who covers the grove district in loma [Music] thank you i had a funny call hank braden of coswell insurance company seems he smells trouble he said the switchboard got a call asking if a salesman was due in loma city yesterday why should he smell trouble well because he checked around and he found that this fellow made the same call to three other insurance companies his name was cliff wilder how did you know that he's a father not one of our more peaceful citizens johnny must have told him something about a salesman when he found her before she passed out does sound like trouble i don't think so i took his guns away that was a good idea girl all right i haven't seen it yet i did speak to the doctor though concussion luckily so mostly it's shock pain bleeding doctor says we can talk to her but she probably won't remember much you think there's something in the salesman angle you can bet i'm gonna look into it absolutely don't jump too fast here i don't usually do i you're the sure let me know it's me jim yeah sheriff there are about five insurance companies that cover loma city i want you and bonnet check them all out you got about 30 minutes can you do it why not and tell songs to stick close to cliff wilder if he tries to get a weapon to bring him in and then you meet me over the hospital right gotcha so how do you feel jan i don't know i don't hurt i'm now my gift i can come back it doesn't matter anything that you can tell us might help it's strange it's it's a blur i was with him all that time and i can't remember what he looked like the doctor said that might happen we block out what we don't want to remember he was white about 30 i think i'm not sure take it easy slow as you want what time was it about i'm not was he a salesman yeah i told dad i think i did an insurance salesman i think so did you see his car not really thank you jenna if you remember anything else you call me my wife sends her best vance wants to see does he he's just outside the door i don't think i want to see anyone right now sure then you don't have to you'll understand now you take it easy mr lucas yes [Music] is it in the papers nothing's been in the papers no but it will be i imagine if there's a trial you have no reason to cry no people talk what happened to you might have happened to anybody there's no shame in it what happened doesn't matter people talk [Music] why don't you try and get some sleep let us do some of that worry we'll try [Music] [Music] well when can i see her well give her some time son about a day is it that bad no but she is sedated and a little confused well what did she say not very much she doesn't remember very much which may be the best thing for her he's taking it pretty hard yeah well what'd you find the only insurance company that covers loma city as carswell salesman named walters walters but he says he wasn't here yesterday i'm going after him you don't have to come hog if you don't want to because this kind of case can get sticky whatever you think no i want you to decide i know this town know the precious i know what a thing like this might mean between you and your missus oh alma's all right just not used to this tom i don't know this walter's man where he'll do what he'll say so i'd like you there i want a witness you're a witness sure might need two one white [Music] that's walters right there third desk on the right are you sure you want me in on this sheriff if you don't mind mr braden whatever it is i give up what did i do rob the safe hey you're off gregory loma right larry walters i sold you some uh life insurance wasn't it last year that's right never forget a face what can i do for you today gentlemen the sheriff would like to talk to you sure sir this is a preliminary inquiry into a case of rape mr walters you have a right not to answer to have your attorney present oh it's perfectly all right sheriff just fire away we understand you were not in loma city yesterday where were you oh it's a little embarrassing to answer in front of mr braden here i was supposed to be in loma but i wasn't where were you mr walters uh at my sister see i got this sister living shorter and she's after me all the time come on over see the kids you know sisters anyway i figured i'd drop by and say hello on my way out there and uh i fell asleep on the sofa after lunch i'm sorry mr braden i goofed off yesterday we'll want to talk to your sister oh of course here let me jot down a number for you give her a ring anytime you want to hey huh when i ask you a question mr walters answer me yes sir sure things sheriff listen i i apologize believe me nobody's got more respect for what you folks are doing don't make a speech just answer the question yes sir ever been out to cliff wireless yes sir about two months ago that's why i was figuring on dropping in on him yesterday he's such a good prospector although a little slow paying like most of those people are still in all these days mr brady do you have a picture of yourself no sir i do not have one made you married man mr walters no sir i like my freedom too much i want four fingers of your right hand on this chemically treated card right there yes right here hey this is serious isn't it yes sir rape is sheriff lucas hey listen all right i want to come over and uh see you pretty soon about that life insurance you know guy in your line needs all the protection he can get right oh and harv man it wasn't me [Music] it's a smooth camp yeah even if janet can't identify which i doubt what about the sister we'll check it out but i can guess just leaves us no way we got a smart light on our hands and no witnesses [Music] it's a good report jim i'm sorry but it doesn't add up to a case then forget the report let's talk about the man himself he's 38 unmarried a confirmed bachelor proud of his freedom close quote a big man with the boys in the back room let's stick to the facts all right he's at six jobs in ten years he's not doing so well on this one he's two thousand dollars in debt and afraid of being fired he goes out to cliff wilder's it's a hot day and he hasn't made a sale in two weeks cliff is not there instead he meets a college girl smart attractive independent black and alone he takes out his fears his frustration that's sociology not law but that's what happened let's be objective is there any previous history of rape no any violent activity of any kind what do we know or even previous arrest now let's look at this medical report here i know no now listen this is important abrasions considerable edema internal bleeding definite evidence of the act now listen carefully i cannot however from these examinations conclude that force was a factor i knew this kind of bigot the feelings don't count here rape needs eyewitnesses janet wilder cannot even make a positive identification walter's sister confirms his story i know i'm right nobody else insured or saw him and his sisters that day it's possible nobody else did no he says he was there three hours he parked his car he arrived he left somebody would have seen him you questioned everybody on the block i say the sisters of persia can we prove that we can't improve the crime we can't even place the man on the scene of the crime where are we we have one thing we know he bought gas in loma city that day who says charlie dolby charlie 69 70 half blind a lawyer would rip him to pieces you're grasping at straws i have a pickup order for walters all it needs is a signature now somebody else must have seen him in loma city and i'm sure they'll come forward you can't get a pickup order on conjecture there's got to be judicial process then make it on suspicion of committing a felony suspicion mine and mine no judge in the county would sign that you can sign it under 37a that's only 24 hours that's all i need 24 hours but let's ask ourselves this question is the man insane don't you think he thought of the consequences of his act no he didn't figure he had to he'd lie and find other liars it's as simple as that it's happened a thousand times i know this man i've been up against him all my life he's not a psychopath i wish it were that simple this man is a racist a quiet racist the worst kind sheriff wilder's got himself a gun and he's gone after walters [Music] [Applause] give me [Music] i think i'll just play these times [Applause] [Music] come on larry [Music] don't move don't move don't move sheriff what's going on here what were those shots who fired him sure fire the first shot or you'd be a dead man oh you turn it right oh then hold it come on come on let's go let's go come on come on oh about that he tried to kill me i think you better come in with us mr walters well before you got your man didn't plus i have a paper here that says so what's this supposed to be just what it says do i get to call my lawyer of course we'll pay for the call and the lockup well heard my pay tonight i'll tell you that hey what about a towel got both men locked up i don't want to hear about it i don't even smear it what's spooking well i want you to quit off what i've tried i have tried i truly am but i can't tell me why because i'm sick of this case i'm sick of jam locus and i'm sick of loma honey just just new to you that's all give yourself a chance loma city is a good time i hate it i hate it you like this house when i finish that room there's a couple of kids running around no where is your brother eddie yes it's my brother eddie but he's not the only one i hear things what are you here we live next door to them you work for them they're in our lives okay you hear things there's always going to be some who talk like that a few will never change you're not loma city jim lucas got elected by 60 of them i don't care i am not gonna have any of my children brought up like this now or ever i it's late let's go to bed no that's not gonna solve anything oh you're taking sides you're taking their side you're taking their side against your own kind walters is not my kind all yours are your brothers i don't know what to do this is a preliminary hearing in the absence of a jury although we'll follow the general rules of evidence let's keep it informal and get to the truth all right charlie how's your eyesight not too good those glasses don't do you too much good either do they no what are you doing how old are you charlie 69 69 and that's why i remember just answer the questions please uh let's hear him out remember what mr dovey he says to me it's hot and i said i seen it hotter i never did oh yes you did you were wearing a dog gray suit a dog gray hat with a hat band and tie that matched and you was driving a 1963 white corvair automobile how is it you remember well i'm coming to that you says to me how long you been pumping gas boy and i said i'm 69 years of age now how old i gotta be before you stop calling me boy look you give me a five dollar bill and i give you a dollar 19 cents change and you said clean off my windshield boy so i make out like i don't even hear you then you asked me how to get to james road where cliff wilder lived during this uh alleged meeting did my client actually use the words where cliff wilder lives did he say that or are you saying it now i'm saying it now move to strike merely asking a street address is totally inconclusive uh strike where cliff wildey lives mr please please well that's where he went due west because if he was trying to get the shoulders short of his east uh your honor will the court grant a short recess my clients will have a statement to make five minutes gentlemen jim i got to talk to you sure privately sounds serious hob can i buy a cup of coffee oh sure i was not well no what's the matter well her health is poor has been for some time he's not used to the climate we got the best there is according to the chamber of commerce okay because we're leaving leaving what do you mean i'm quitting sheriff it's not really her health or the climate is it it's this case i can't talk about it can i say something sure i need you hug the town needs you you're a good cop and i'm a good cop and together we are more than just two good cops i know that but i'm not gonna lie to you jim i gave her my word we're leaving i'm sorry huff i am too judges in sheriff thanks bill your honor i think it's time to present to this court information which will throw a totally new light on these proceedings my client admits to his presence in loma on the day in question he pleads guilty of lying to police officers to the county attorney and to this court he wishes to make a full free and voluntary statement well uh first i want to i want to explain why i lied your honor uh to begin with after the sheriff saved my life and i want to say an open court i owe my life to that man uh i realized that somebody was trying to make a federal case out of absolutely nothing object strongly your honor keep your statement objective mr walters the charge of rape is hardly nothing oh of of course i i understand i'm sorry the only point is that thinking that i i i just felt that the best way out would be an alibi now i was wrong i admit it i i was dead wrong i i even got my sister to life for me but i never thought that this thing would come to any kind of a trial uh you lied in fact to protect janet wilder's reputation that's right this so-called statement your honor it's self-serving and prejudicial i'll hear the rest of it exception go on mr waters i didn't want to drag this little girl's name through the mud unless i had to and it's obvious i have no other choice object within the most strenuous terms your honor mr kinsella i share some of your feelings but i want to hear the whole statement first there's no jury present and i'm sure we can distinguish objective testimony from self-serving comment but i do most strongly caution this witness against perjury oh oh of course you're in uh yes sir now what is the truth about what happened that day well uh i i called on cliff to sell him a policy and he wasn't home now i i should have left i admit it but i'm only human by which i mean janet off miss wilder offered me a drink you asked me for it you're quite right and you were kind enough to give it to me what kind of a drink was that mr wallace what i'm not sure it was a beer or a soda if you say so i'm sure it must have been the only point was that it was a very warm day and and there was music playing somewhere and uh and she wasn't worrying very much i i don't like to use language like this in a courtroom your honor but the only point is a guy knows when i want her words what did she say she didn't say anything with a mouse you didn't have to you know that's what i didn't want to have to say in court the witness must be admonished there will be no further statements mr waters you will answer the questions from council only proceed now mr walt did you admit this relationship took place yes i know force was used that gal asked for it liars oh you're on it i will his remarks be stricken and verse two strike them both and i caution everyone to restrain himself now mr wallace you say no force was used absolutely no how do you account for this medical report and i quote abrasions considerable edema internal bleeding you're here you're on i don't know anything about that kind of medical jargon all i know is that the way that girl carries on you can ask anybody i myself was black and blue for three whole days this witness's entire testimony be stricken there isn't the slightest evidence that the moral character of janet wilder oh yes there is what evidence well for what i'm addressing mr paulson not you mr walters your honor we have prepared our case very carefully including an investigation into the moral habits of janet wilder now wait a minute i would like to call the medical examiner you examined the complaint immediately after the incident in question did you not that is correct doctor could forcible entry be established no sir could not now prior to the incident and question was the complainant a virgin or was she not she was not the truth is that janet wilder is hardly as pure as driven snow the sheriff's own son can attest to that any further cross [Music] this matter can be put into one sentence it's the word of this witness against the word of that witness [Music] will you go to trial mr kinsella i don't know this hearing is adjourned [Music] you know my professional judgment tells me that if we go to trial we'll probably be slaughtered but if we drop charges and he walks off scot-free we turn the clock back 20 years what is that supposed to mean there was a time when a black girl was fair game to the walters of the community i'd like to think that day is over i think you would too you know what a trial would do to janet wiley you want to see her go through that again what do you think she's going through now you're overboard jim you're over-involved we're saying to this town to everybody forget due process courts are a waste of time the only thing left is a gun the world doesn't stand to fall on this case mine does we go to trial [Music] [Applause] i think we're ready huh well is everything ready yeah but this off isn't right eh what'd you put in there salt pepper ketchup mustard sean you left out the mew what you can make a barbecue sauce without hot peppers we're waiting on you vance i'm not hungry we're having our sunday dinner then you'll sit with us please look ma he locked up cliff wilder he saved that rapist life all this trial is gonna do is poison the town's mind against janet he's doing their work for them you don't know what you're talking about just keep your mouth shut maybe a pig is always a pig don't you dare talk like that about your father he's not my father that's right and you better remember it even though he never mentions it but he's raised you since your own father died and he's cared for you like his very own son i know all of that don't listen to me he has fed you put clothes on your back and he's sending you through college so you won't wind up like your real father a grown man beating his head against a stone wall what's the sense in talking now that's the truth with you that's all it's been talk jim lucas has never laid a hand on you lord knows maybe he should have now you come outside now you're not going to spoil our sunday dinner why don't you ask for it i can reach it and what about your elbow on the table no children need to stay while it's hot i think it's about time that we had to talk let's enjoy the day jim no it's right in front of us and it won't go away son i know how you feel no you don't boy let him speak his speech suanne i just got one question who's right you a cliff wilder who do you think i'm asking you it takes more than a gun to make a man it takes brains and guts tomorrow when you get up there on that witness stand you're going to find out that a courtroom can be a pretty good place to fight in words can be weapons too and sometimes they can hurt a man worse than bullets we'll find out tomorrow how good you are the boy is only 19 james 18 is a man suan and sometimes 12. up on that stand it's you or them and they're playing for keeps i hope you're ready uh mr lucas what are your relations with janet wilder we're friends what was that word friends objection let the question be specific mr paulson quite right your honor mr lucas on the night of june 19th which was a saturday night to refresh your memory did you register at the lake view motel yeah there was a dance a group of us went out the question is did you write now wait a minute i have here a certified copy of the motel registration is that your handwriting yes will you read it please mr and mrs v james is that your name no but you used it nonetheless a false name you married no well who was the mrs v james on this particular occasion what do you mean by that strike the phrase on this particular occasion who was mrs v james look there was a dance now a group of us went out there exams were over it was about a dozen of us just please tell the court where did you and mrs james spend the night i'm not letting you put words in my mouth janet wilder isn't like that i am pointing to the complainant and i am asking you if this girl is mrs v jane you're trying to make something dirty out of nothing man did you register at the lake view motel under a false name and occupy the premises with the complaining witness sure i registered we all didn't answer yes or no please yes [Music] god janet i'm sorry you did the best you could listen stop blaming yourself i'm not sorry about that [Music] i'm sorry about us why us we're still no we're not because of space and i'm famous no yes i am ask anybody i'm just look don't make it any harder [Music] because that only makes it worse [Music] where is he out and back i think i asked him to trim the hedge get off your feet suen maybe i can do something on the stand tomorrow lord i hope so ah he took the car paw and drove up and he took his shotgun [Music] hello gregory i can't find any songs and i need a car can i have yours what happened somebody stole my car and it's running after walters who lend me the car i don't i'm on my way i'm going with you [Music] hold it let's take the long road maybe we can head him off [Music] [Music] there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] bye we're gonna have to force him off the [Applause] [Music] road why didn't you let wyler kill him i never trust you in your life but you are wrong sometimes it takes more than talk [Music] you got to learn [Music] hmm [Music] so i upheld the law come on honey close your eyes get to sleep i i can't go to sleep i beat him come on turn over let me rub you back [Applause] he actually beat him must have been an awful hard thing for him to do it's what he believes what's her honey you want some coffee i uphold the law all right whose law did i uphold james that's enough because the boy's right the boy is wrong tomorrow morning that man walks out of that court a free man you can't change the world overnight that's why the young people are the way they are they've got nothing to believe in you are gonna drive yourself crazy don't stop i will unless you do sheriff here sheriff this is alma gregory yes ms gregory uh sheriff could uh could you come over here please by the way i uh i know i should have come forward sooner sheriff but i didn't i thought when charlie dovey i identified him that well that'd be enough and all along i knew what happened what did happen mrs gregory i saw him drive past our house to the wilderness and i heard the whole thing he forced herself i heard her fight that man and i heard him too you'll have to testify must have yes an open court and his lawyer is not going to make it easy for you you ask you alma why you came forward after all this time he'll ask you that what well because of what because of what you did beating your own son like that for taking the law in his own hands all along i i knew what had happened and i could have helped but well all i did was try and stay out of it and then after what you did i just couldn't anymore sheriff could you do me a favor please that depends mrs gregory well do you have to say that i volunteered could you say that that you came and asked me why is that well because a person has a duty to perform if they're called upon but you don't have to volunteer could you live with that mrs gregory now that i've said it out loud i i don't know i don't know you know this is the first time i've been in your home it's very nice thank you good night good night nighthawk goodnight jim jury's still out said good or bad i'll let you know when they come back in that's comforting son i i want to thank you i wish i would have killed him yeah i know how you feel how's it between you and your father he's got his ideas and i got mine look at janet roll over to her she doesn't want me to all give a time time wait be patient trust the courts the world is getting better we want it now stick with her boy jim you don't talk that boy what for girls you're good at it he might listen to you you didn't i'm an old dog cliff i think the time for talk is over now if the jury convicts maybe these kids will hear what we've been trying to tell them otherwise yuri's coming in ladies and gentlemen have you reached the verdict we have your honor and how do you find we find the defendant guilty as charged bailiff take the prisoner this court stands adjourned ah well i guess your paw was right one verdict doesn't change the world no it doesn't it could have gone the other way but it didn't it can happen that's what counts we'll see about that paul well sheriff got a story for back at the office that's right let's go where do we start whatever blows up the first child [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 263,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iizPsNYed8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 1sec (4441 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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