Whats with all the different bags?

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now we talked about paste plans last week and we talked about bugging in versus bug now so this week what I want to talk about is bags okay and you know I'm probably going to punch another sacred cow in the industry right in the mouth here which I'm not condoning violence on animals I'm just saying it's their sacred cows out here that everybody has to have I'm probably going to punch one in the mouth here real quick um this is actually coffee today by the way we ran out of the good stuff so with that said let's let's take a minute and look at what these bags are what the purpose of these bags is and that that purpose is your packing things to provide for your needs your needs are core temperature control and with in core temperature control you have basically fire basically shelter your clothing choices maybe some additional clothing about your core temperature control next number two hydration a way to drink water to procure water to disinfect water you know you have to stay hydrated no matter what the situation is that's a biological need just like core temperature control is a biological need your third biological need is to consume calories you need those calories for energy especially if you're you're you know under a lot of stress and then putting forth a lot of physical exertion you need calories to burn so that's another thing that you're providing for with that back and the contents of the bag not just the bag don't don't try to do it with just an empty bag so those are kind of your your biological needs on top of that you also have rest which you know a lot of your shelter and in clothing items sleeping by a warm fire potentially depending on the situation may be may be part of that but rest is in there as well then you know possibly before any of those depending on the type of injury or maybe after those again depending on the injury is first aid you've got first aid for life threats that would be first if that's what you have that's more important than everything else because you'll you'll bleed out way quicker than you'll die of hypothermia I'm sorry I'm turning off the twitch stream here because it's delayed and it's distracting me it's all is working good if it doesn't work good let me know the chat but anyway so you know your biological needs again core temperature control your hydration your calorie consumption your rest then we're talking about first aid right if you've got a life-threatening injury that's the first thing it's not life-threatening it could probably wait till like fourth or fifth but it is something that you're packing for in that bag is my point and then navigation if you're living out of a bag it stands to reason that you're not at your house you could be at work you could be at the mall you could be here you could be there it doesn't matter where you're at you need a way to navigate so that you can get from where you want to go or to get from where you are to where you want to go as efficiently as in affect and as effectively as possible without getting lost but with that said you know depending on your mode of transportation you may have different means of navigation you know I may be used you may be using a GPS in your car and you should use that if you want you know it's it's a way it's the way you get from work you know from work to school to to home today so why not continue to use that as long as it's available it's not available though you need to have those those kind of low-tech no-tech backups like map and compass you know if you're on foot using a GPS that requires batteries you know that you know why just use the map and compass me not telling you how to do your business you know you're the one that's gonna execute your plan not me I'm gonna execute my plan but anyway so navigation is something you may have some things packed in there for signal because it could be an emergency that you're trying to get away from and you don't care you know that you just want to get anyone's attention you know so you may pack some sort of signaling thing it may be a way to single people within your community because you're doing some sort of link up down the road you know going from and people have different lives but they made jam joint they're banned together in an emergency you may need a way to communicate in signal so maybe you're packing that you're gonna pack tools to facilitate all of this you know it could be as simple as a belt knife a multi-tool a folding saw you know whatever what-have-you whatever you have that facilitates all those other leaf needs that we listed before and then of course personal protection you know it doesn't matter what you have if you can't protect it and you need to be able to protect yourself especially in an emergency and there are a number of scenarios I can think of where personal protection will be an ongoing thing I list it last but doesn't mean it's the least important it's actually an ongoing thing throughout all the other things you know while you're getting a fire you need to have some sort of security if you're in that type of environment all the way down to rest you can't just all go to sleep you need to have some sort of plan for that but anyway those are things that you're packing all right because those are what your needs are so what I want you to do is just just take a moment to convince yourself that everything you've ever packed in a bag be it a camping trip be at your bug out bag your get out of Dodge kit your your get home bag your EDC your even if you're just going on a backpacking trip or you're a day hiker running up and down the Appalachian Trail following blazes everything that you've ever packed has been to meet those needs these are things I'm going to need in order to be out away from my home successfully all right so take a minute to convince yourself that is what we're packing in the bags okay so with that let's apply some critical thinking to this and actually before we do that let's take a look at all the different bags within this industry okay because you know I'm not a product in this industry this is this my experience comes from actually living out of a backpack you know for years in the military all over the world so let's look at all the different bags you have an EDC which is your everyday carry back alright that is stuff that you carry every day in the event of an emergency you want to have that with you that's your EDC okay then you have a GHB which is a get home bag alright so what that's designed for is you're at the office you know you're at work or you're in your car and this bag has stuff in it that just gets you from that point back home okay so that's your GHB so that's your second bag or or second kit if you will then you have kind of it's called different things but you have a bug-out bag which is also known as a go bag which is also sometimes referred to as a good kid and get out of Dodge kit alright and what this is designed for is rapid evacuation 72 hours to get from one point to the other okay and then you have my least-favorite which is the inch bag concept the I'm never coming home back they I'm putting what I need to live the rest of my life on my back and walking away from society forever okay so let's think about that so we've got the the ABC we've got the GHB we've got the the Bob good go the Bob good go bag is kind of the same thing so we'll call it three different bags and then the inch bag that's our fourth bag okay now let's apply some critical thinking to that if we can all agree that every bag we ever pack is providing for the same needs I have several questions here I've got I've got questions so I'll offer them to you and you can put in the chat what you think how do you know which bag to take that day because if you don't know if you're never coming home or if you're just trying to get home you don't know where you're gonna be when the incident happens you don't know you know what you're gonna need how long it's gonna be you know I guess I guess the the second question is is how do you know which one is appropriate for something that hasn't even happened yet we have multiple plans for different scenarios but we have you don't have to have multiple bags for multiple scenarios you need one bag to provide for all of your needs they don't have to be packed differently that's just my thinking I guess the most important question into that is is if you do have a multiple bag system what needs are provided for in one bag that aren't provided for in another bag so in your EDC or in your ghb what needs are you providing for in there that you're not also providing for in your bug out bag your needs are the same so why would the packing list be different I guess that's what I don't understand so that's why I don't really buy off on that if it doesn't fall under a core temperature control which is your fire shelter clothing if it doesn't have anything to do with hydration if it doesn't have anything to do with calorie consumption if it's not navigation it's not first-stage it's not signal it's not tools to facilitate any of that and it's not personal protection and what the heck is it what did you put in that bag that's not already in this bag and rather than make it a crapshoot that morning of what bag you grab for what bag you still wear because you don't know where you're gonna be and what bag you're gonna need until something happens why not just simplify it and just carry the one bag if it's providing if it's packed to provide for your needs it's pack to provide for your needs whether you're trying to get home whether you're trying to leave home to go to your alternate buggin look alternate bug in location it doesn't matter it's the same needs and that really takes away a lot of the guesswork in my opinion so why not carry that one bag every day and that becomes as you can call your agency if you want my go-bag is a EDC I carry it every day when you get in the car or you walk in the often when you get in the car throw it in the car with you when you go to the office take it into the office with you so that way no matter where something happens that bag is right next to you it's like your wallet it's like your purse if you will it's your man purse or your remembers I'm gonna judge you do whatever you want so I guess with the office thing though when we get down into the personal protection then of course you got to obey local laws you got to make sure you're not transporting you know your personal protection firearms into a place where you're not allowed so I understand that maybe that's in your car but the rest of your your you know immediate needs that you can have in the office in the bag you had that in the bag so if something happens active-shooter you need to get out and get to your car or your way to get to the car is blocked you know then you grab that bag at least you have some of your stuff with you and chances are you know that's that's that's a pretty isolated scenario but you know if you can't take it into the office have it locked in your car so that as soon as you get back to the car you can grab that and you have your personal protection options so if you need to bug out or you need to get outta Dodge or whatever you want to call it your bag is already with you regardless of what the situation was that forced you to do that so why not just have the one bag I guess but anyway and then as far as inch bags inch bags are complete nonsense all right and there's a number of reasons that they're complete nonsense all right not the least of which being that if you think you're actually going to pack everything you need to go hack out a life and a new cabin somewhere along your route with the stuff that's on your back you're kidding yourself it's just not realistic there's other ways to do that but that's a subject for another day so anyway that's kind of my take on bags and that's really what I wanted to talk to you guys about
Channel: The Gray Bearded Green Beret
Views: 44,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranger, Green Beret, The Pathfinder School LLC, Survival, Bushcraft, Preparedness, Fire, Shelter, Camping, Hunting, Trapping, Knives, Axes
Id: ARADq7RIkcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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