Greb's Ultimate Beginners Guide to Morrowind

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hey there welcome to my complete beginners guide tomorrow wind I'm going to be going through the entire early game experience and explaining everything along the way from every aspect of character creation to various mechanics and your first few quests to help you get started and actually be able to hit things and even if you're a total newcomer to morrowwind someone who bounced off it in the past or an experienced player watching on a second monitor for Morrowind based background noise here's hoping you learn something new today so first thing off the bat if you want to play Morrowind in current year the best way to do it is with open MW which is totally free and Linked In the description you do need a valid copy of the game from steam or Gog for example to use it but it cleans everything up and performs The Miracle of making a Bethesda game stable it's what I'm going to be playing the game with throughout the entire guide video they have taken you from the Imperial City's prison first by carriage and now by vote to the east tomorrow wind fear not for I am watchful you have been chosen wake up we're here why are you shaking are you okay wake up stand up there you go you were dreaming what's your name so here we start on the boat coming into San n not a lot we can do here other than follow instructions so to kill an arbitrary amount of time hi my name's grab and this is the biggest video I've ever edited up to this point regardless if you're new to morrowwind or not I hope you enjoy what I've put together here so I can validate my efforts by watching a little number slowly go up so just follow the guard through the whole boat we'll get out of here and then we can really get started if you're quick enough you can actually get past and just walk through yourself little bit faster a little bit of speedrun strats there anyway you get up on top of the deck and here's the first Big Choice character's race in Skyrim your character race is mostly aesthetic with maybe a little power or two but here stats vary wildly passive bonuses can save you or get you killed so I'm going to go over every race before you pick hang on I was going to edit like chapter cards in here to help me keep on Pace with the [Music] firstly argonians one of the two Beast races alongside kajit Beast races in marind are very different to Oblivion and Skyrim in the time between Maro wind and those games they evolved human legs and feet so do remember if you play an Argonian that means you can't wear any kinds of shoes or boots it's barefoot all the way baby same for full helmets you can only wear medium helmets with your funny Beast head specific racial abilities for argonians are 75% resistance to catching diseases it's only for common diseases not blight diseases there's an important difference there blight diseases can be a fair bit nastier total immunity to poison damage which is one of the four major elements of destruction magic and arguably the worst as it's expensive to cast and lots of things are resistant if not immune to it finally water breathing you may be familiar with this from other Elder Scrolls games but here it's it's a castable power and not a passive ability so don't forget to cast it if you're going for a dip ultimately argonians are an okay race the males start with High Speed and Agility whereas the ladies have higher intelligence oh and starting stats do differ between genders across all Races except for wood elves but we'll get to them later because up next are Breton the Breton who are our first magic focused race with a 50% bonus multiplier to how much Magicka their intelligence gives them so at 50 intelligence they'd have 7 five Magicka instead of matching it with another 50 their resist Magicka ability allows them to reduce negative effects of non-elemental Magic by 50% so things like damage attribute absorb health and so on only hit them half as hard their third ability is dragon skin which works as an armor buff for them giving them 50 more armor for a minute which is quite a lot in the early game so Breton make for great spellcasters who are built with defense in mind male Breton are a little stronger than females in exchange for lower speed up next next are dark elves also known as the dunmer dark elves are the native people of morrowwind but playing one will not stop everyone calling you Outlander so you better get used to it as a dark elf you take 75% less fire damage from all sources and get ancestor Guardian which gives you an increased Dodge chance for a minute bear in mind it doesn't work on Magic only physical attacks and yeah that's it you'd think the poster boys of the game would get more than that but they don't have any major weaknesses either so they're a good pick for a of all trades kind of character the males here get more endurance whereas the women have higher personality scores important note before we move on all these bonuses and passives apply to NPCs too so you should think twice before chucking a fireball at a dark elf probably won't do much moving on now to the high elf also known as the Ultima if Breton were defensive casters High Elves are closer to Glass Cannon casters taking more damage from every element except for poison and having non-elemental magical effects hit them 50% harder too you might be in for a rough time against enemy spellcasters and if for example you ran into a flame Atronach as a high elf well I hope you're Quicks safe recently on the plus side they also resist common diseases 75% same as argonians and get a huge 150% bonus to their Magicka pool so with 50 intelligence to start you'll have a massive 125 Magicka to spend on spells characters without Magicka bonuses will cap out at only 100 Magicka when their intelligence is maxed out so if you go in full magic not caring about the consequences this is the one to go for high elf women have slightly more speed to start than men so you might be able to S side step some magic a bit easier before you get one shot next up is your bog standard Imperial human Imperials only get two major abilities the first being Star of the West which steals 200 stamina from your opponent making them more likely to miss get hit or straight up get knocked out with further stamina damage if brought below zero Bo of the emperor is a charm spell which can increase how much a person likes you anywhere between 25 and 50 points with 100 points being the maximum someone can like you this can help get information from Quest targets or get better deals in stores both genders start with high personality scores making them already likable of other characters however the women get more willpower in exchange for less speed that's about it for Imperials they're good Charmers and quite versatile overall next one's for the FES in the crowd it's time for the kajit kajit are the second beast race of morwin so remember that means no boots or full helmets ever there's no way around it without modding the game kajit get the eye of fear and eye of night Powers the fear ability allows them to cause NPC targets to run away from you in fear for 30 seconds and eye of KN gives you dark vision there aren't many areas in the game that are that dark but it can help when looking for something underwater as it'll make the view clearer kajit start with high agility and make for good fee for assassin type characters but but can fit most any role if built correctly gender-wise the men get more strength and the women get more endurance instead to start another human variant next the Nord we're getting some interesting abilities again now in about time Nords are completely immune to any kind of frost damage thrown at them and take half shock damage making them good Mage Killers their power thunderfist does frost damage yes funder fist does frost damage not Shock damage not sure if that's a oversight this is a touch spell so you got to get right in your opponent's face for it their other ability is a 30 point strength Shield effect with WOD basically a weaker version of a breton's dragon skin but still gives a decent armor bonus now Nords are Frontline Fighters able to tank a lot of damage from Magic users while they get up in their face with a big axe good for aggressive players just make sure you keep an eye on your stamina the women here exchange a bit of endurance for willpower but both genders start with very high strength next up is the Orcs Orcs similar to Nords are good at beating up Mages they resist 25% of all non-elemental magic damage and effects and thanks to berserk they're also good at beating up everyone else too when you go berserk you get a bonus 20 Health 200 stamina 100% extra attack accuracy since fortify attack is a boost to hit chance and not damage like some might think coming into this game downside to berserk is you lose 100 agility too so you're not dodging anything coming your way way all these effects last for a minute total and when it runs out if you have less than 200 stamina left you will fall unconscious until it regenerates as the bonus is removed again like Nords they're very aggressive Frontline Fighters with good defensive options downside to both Nords and Orcs is they have horrible personality stats so expect most people to dislike you to begin with male and female Orcs are as strong as each other though the women are smarter than the men in exchange for a small loss of willpower and the lowest base personality in the game at 25 instead of 30 only a couple left now and next up is the final human variant the Red Guard red guards are another melee combat focused race in Maro wind featuring a 75% resistance to both poison and common diseases as their passive abilities and their power is adrenaline rush similar in fashion to an Orcs berserk this is also a 60c stat buff but focused on your core stat SM with a bonus of 50 points to agility strength speed and endurance allowing you to hit harder more accurately and physically weave in and out of combat running circles around the enemy now and 25 Point Health boost too for good measure being one of the only races in the game with a plus 15 boost to a weapon skill they're a good choice for a Long Blade focused build so with the right choices they'll start at level 55 with long blades making your mischance very low though I'll explain how all that works later and now it's time for the final Choice among the races the wood elf also known as the bosma now there may be some who disagree but I feel the wood elf got pretty shafted in terms of powers here they share the 75% disease resistance some other races have but their power of Beast tongue is next to useless it's a command creature spell that does last 10 minutes allowing said creature to follow and fight on your side for that duration but it only works on up to level five creatures limiting you to small to mediumsized Wildlife While most Adra come under the designation of creature even scamps are level six though I guess you could have a pet Cliff racer if you wanted wood elves get a big bonus to Marksman but bows introduce a rather unique problem with morn's hit chancees not only does your projectile need to physically Hit the Target in the world you also roll your hit chance when it does similar to a weapon swing not much else to say about wood elves they're made with being a marksman in mind and if you build your class for it you can start with 55 skill giving you a great hit chance and they are the only race with no stat differences across gender both available flavors of wood elf have high agility and speed but lacking strength and endurance and that covers all the races hopefully that gives you an idea of what you'd like to play as I've picked dark heal though I'll be using footage from other characters throughout the video as we progress past this chapter I'll explain more about skills and the stats themselves as we get [Music] to ah yes we've been expecting you uh you'll have to be recorded before you're officially released there are a few ways we can do this and the choice is yours as we enter the office we'll be given a choice whether to answer a little personality quiz to be given a class while in town the baker gives you a sweet role we can also choose our class from a list or make our own while the quiz can be fun for new players we're going to make our own so I can go over each aspect of it our first choice is specialization with a choice of either combat magic or stealth this gives plus five to all related skills and makes them level a little bit faster I'll personally be picking myself to make my main method of combat level faster all three are valid choices depending on your play style next is favored attributes your two favorite attributes get plus 10 points to start but what do they do let's go over them strength affects melee weapon damage and it boosts unarmed damage with an option in open MW which I recommend enabling so hand to hand becomes more viable in the mid to late game each point of strength adds plus five to your max carry weight and it affects your max fatigue also known as stamina and your starting Health ice strength also degrades your weapons slightly faster guess you just start swinging too hard if you end up using certain exploits to push your strength to Crazy levels you can break your sword in one swing intelligence affects your maximum magika which is your spellcasting resource it boosts success chance and potency for Alchemy and slightly increases success chance of enchanting willpower next it boosts your success chance with spells as well as resistance to paralyzation and silence it also contributes to maximum fatigue and if you start with high willpower and pick spell schools as major skills you'll start with some extra spells though these can always be purchased later if you don't start with them agility adds 1% to hit chance for every Five Points it also boosts your Dodge chance for melee attacks as well as boosting your abilities with sneak security and block it also boosts your max fatigue and resistance to staggering when struck if you can't stand missing this is one to focus on speaked is literally just how fast you move in general it affects your jump distance as well as both your running and walking speeds each race also has a hidden weight stat that acts as a speed multiplier as such male Orcs are the fastest whereas female Breton Dark Elves and wood elves are joint slowest there's an option in open MW to equalize this if you don't like it endurance affects your max health and how much health you gain every time you level up at a rate of a tenth of your current endurance it is not rounded up or down you just can't see a decimal place of health so 45 endurance will add 4.5 Health you just can't see it it's not retroactive so leveling this early can make a fair difference to your max Health later in the game it also affects your max fatigue as well and how quickly your fatigue regenerates personality affects how much people like you at a rate of two personality points per one point of NPC disposition it helps success Chances with persuasion attempts and helps you haggle better deals with mertile luck has no skills attached to it so you can only ever increase it by one point per character level and it affects nearly everything you do if anything has a dice roll involved and lots of things do in morrowwind then you can bet luck affect it too hit chance Dodge chance enchanting Alchemy spellcast chants and more with absurdly high luck you basically become Untouchable and can cast anything even if you know nothing about magic you'll just be too lucky to fail but you'd need hundreds or thousands of luck for that to be a thing and that's all the attributes as well as what they do next up are the skills there are 27 skills in maroin to level up so this probably deserves its own [Music] chat in class creation you'll choose five major skills and five minor skills both of these get boosts and leveling them up in game is how you increase your character level every other skill becomes a misk skill and starts lower but you can still Master everything with enough time there's a lot to be said if you want to minmax your character with your choices here by picking skills you can avoid leveling until you've got all the stat Buffs you want by leveling MK skills first but since this is a beginner's guide we're not going to worry too much about that right now so next I'll go over each skill and how they level up I'll go through these in order of appearance except for when I don't first is the block skill blocking in this game is a dice roll based on your skill level as long as you have a shield equipped there is no active blocking At All by holding a button that was introduced in Oblivion blocking only works on melee attacks you can't block arrows or spells with a shield successful blocks give XP to level the skill so the higher this skill is the faster it levels as you're much more likely to block also you can equip a shield with a two-handed weapon and benefit from any enchantments and armor bonus it has but you'll not be able to block with it so in that case block will not level up next is armor the armor skill is how effective you are at repairing your own equipment with armor hammers these hammers have various levels of quality and a limited number of uses each before they themselves break this skill levels up with every successful repair you make and you can potentially repair anything that's damaged as long as you have an armor as Hammer there's no skill requirement for enchanted items like there is in Oblivion now I'll just cover each armor skill here as they don't really differ from each other you level it up by getting hit when wearing that armor type and as the skill increases armor of that weight will protect you better I'm grouping up weapon skills for the same reason as Armor All weapon skills level by Landing hits on enemies the Damage Done doesn't factor into XP the only thing that matters is the hit lands H toand and Spears are exclusively two-handed combat Styles short blades are all one-handed while everything else has a mix of one-handed and two-handed options Spears have the longest melee range and you can prevent some enemies from hitting you if you backpedal while trying to stab them Marksman obviously allows for much greater range and encompasses all throwing weapons as well as bows and crossbows and can utilize Enchanted ammunition all Marksman projectiles exist in the game world and will be affected by gravity hand to hand is a special weapon and I mean that literally it doesn't count as a normal weapon un thus can be used to attack Undead or other enemies resistant or immune to normal weapons it also has a unique damage formula anti-hand attacks will only damage an opponent's fatigue making them less accurate and agile but when they hit zero fatigue your next strike will bring them into the negatives knocking them out until they regenerate back to positive numbers while knocked out you can loot them but also your punches will then deal physical damage Athletics is a skill that's always gaining XP as you level it by just moving for this reason I'd recommend against making it a minor or major skill as it can make your character level increase too fast You Can level it a little faster by swimming instead of running and higher Athletics makes you run and swim slightly faster it will not make you walk any faster though only the speed stat does that enchanting is a skill that could use its own guide video all by itself there's a lot of possibility with the skill but it's used for making magic items as well as recharging them with soul gems it's leveled fastest by spending the Soul Gems successfully as there is a failure chance involved it also levels painfully Slowly by activating magic items themselves leveling this is honestly best done with skill trainers and Powerful enchantments are best acquired by paying an enchanter NPC to to do it for you as big enchantments have a huge failure chance even at 100 skill and NPCs never fail just be sure to bring enough money and maybe level mertile as well the destruction School of magic includes Elemental Magic drain spells damage spells weakness spells and disintegration it levels with successful casts and rewards the same XP regardless of the spell cast so you can power level this with a custom cheap spell and just cast it it over and over doesn't even need to hit anything as you increase the skill your cast chance increases this as well as the power leveling method applies to every school of magic alteration spells are about manipulating the laws of physics and include levitation jump boosts water walking and water breathing opening or creating Locks and More again you can power level this with a cheap onec spell you cast on yourself and leveling it increases successful cast chance illusion s are things like invisibility which ends when you touch something chameleon which is partial invisibility that lets you still touch things Charming people enraging them silencing Mages creating light and paralyzation conjuration is the summoning School of magic letting you summon creatures to Aid you in combat or summoning powerful enchanted weapons and armor that boost your stats with the item you summon so a bound spear will give plus 10 spear a bound Shield will give plus 10 block and so so forth mysticism magic is about manipulating spiritual energy and includes spells to trap souls and Soul Gems teleportation which is Handy for any character in morrowwind telekinesis to interact with objects at long range including actions such as lockpicking or triggering traps at a safe distance absorbing or reflecting magic and sensing objects like creatures or even lost Keys restoration our final magic school is all about healing magic but also includes recovering from stat loss curing diseases as well as fortifying your skills and attributes temporarily Alchemy is about using tools to create potions it gains XP with every successful potion made or at a slower rate by eating raw ingredients as you increase in level you're able to determine more of an ingredients effect and your potions will become more potent and last longer on armored is your skill at defense while wearing no armor even mastered it gives but a portion of the armor of someone actually wearing gear but for Beast races your feet will always be on Armored due to your funny legs so it can be worth leveling for argonians and kit and is why I didn't include it in the armor skills breakdown security is your skill at using lock picks to open locks probes to disarm traps and also includes the ability to reeal sealed documents after reading them though there are only four of these in the whole game success successfully opening locks and disarming traps will level this up and lock difficulty does not affect XP gain sneak is your ability at both sneaking unseen and picking Pockets it allows for critical hits on unaware enemies though every weapon has the same crit multiplier so rather than a backstab bonus with a dagger you're better off with a giant Warhammer for a stealth weapon unlike Oblivion and Skyrim where you get XP for moving unseen here you can get XP for simply being unseen in a situation where you otherwise would be seen low-l sneak is near impossible to level as everyone will always see you so you're best using a skill trainer if you're starting very low acrobatics is your ability to jump and reduce fall damage it gains XP every time you jump gets a lot of XP if you survive any amount of fall damage making the fastest way to level this outside a skill trainer is to find a ledge you can jump off repeatedly for a minimal amount of fall damage the more you break your legs they're stronger they'll grow back low acrobatics has a rather pitiful jump but once you start getting past 50 becomes more noticeable if you can manage to fortify it to level 125 or higher you'll no longer take fall damage from any height mertile is your ability to make deals it affects prices for any transaction in the game involving money so as well as regular shops it'll also affect spell prices men chanting prices and fast travel prices this skill levels faster the better deals you're able to make so at low levels it's much harder to increase without paying a skill trainer to help get you started speechcraft the final skill on the list is the art of persuasion to make people like you or alternatively Tor them into attacking you so you can kill them without getting in trouble you get four methods of persuasion to affect what an NPC thinks of you firstly you can admire them good way to raise disposition with enough skill but on a failure it will have the opposite effect second is intimidate which can make NPCs run from you in fear but will lower their disposition after you leave the conversation third is taunt the best way to get someone to hate you is to taunt them few successful torrs in a row will force you out of the conversation as they will then attempt to kill you fighting back in this case counts as self-defense and will never get you a bounty finally is bribe the more you offer the higher chance of success and is the quick method for those not so skilled in speechcraft every successful persuasion attempt regardless of the method you pick will award XP in this skill making it another one that's easier to level the higher it already is that's now all the skills covered here's what I'm going with for my own character but feel free to experiment to briefly touch on how leveling Works once you've increased any combination of major and minor skills 10 times and then rest you'll get to allocate free attribute increases based on the skills you increase during that level pay attention to each skills governing stat as increasing those skills are what determines the bonus for that stat when you level up the amount needed to do so is on screen there's really no need to minmax in this game and aim for plus fives every time as level scaling only happens in a couple of encounters so you can get by on twos and threes no problem very good the letter that preceded you mentioned you were born under a certain sign and what would that [Music] be birth signs are extra abilities you can take as we wrap up our class some give passive abilities some give extra powers and some do both first up is the appren class The Apprentice will give you 1.5 times your intelligence in extra magic points on top of your base points while making you 50% weaker to magiker so if you're a high elf with The Apprentice sign this will stack with your racial Magic Bar multiplier with have the downside that it also Stacks with your racial magic weakness so if you're in the vicinity of anyone casting absorb Health such as a vampire you'll immediately explode the Atron gives you a 50% passive chance to absorb any spell that hits you adding its T cost to your own Magicka it also adds 2.0 to your Magicka bar multiplier So High Elves born under the Atron would have a total multiplier of 4.5 with this allowing them to start with over 200 Magicka the downside to Atron is stunted Magicka meaning you cannot regenerate your Magicka when you rest meaning you have to absorb spells or chug potions to get it back restore Magicka potions are pretty easy to come by though so this is still a very powerful sign if used right the sign of the lady is a a simple one it just boosts your personality and endurance by 25 points each making people like you more and getting you more Health fatigue and fatigue regen 50 points worth of stats is a big boost for a starting character so this can help a fair bit without complicating things with extra abilities the sign of the Lord gives you a fairly decent healing spell in exchange for making you take double fire damage my opinion never pick this this is easily the worst sign you you can learn spells that do this and more fairly early on with restoration so it's not worth burning to death over at all the sign of the lover gives you a 25 agility bonus passive that'll boost your hit chance about 5% alongside the other benefits of higher agility and a power called lovers kiss powers are special spells and we've seen some already with some of the races like the Orcs berserk they can never fail casting cost no Magicka but can only be used once a day Lover's Kiss Will paralyze your target for a whole minute in exchange for 200 of your own fatigue great when it works not so much when the target is resistant or immune to paralyze you can fairly easily get paralyzed on enchantments and spells too so I'd call this sign mid at best the Mage will give you an additional .5 multiplier to your Magicka points with no downsides it's an okay pick I wouldn't say it's bad but if you do take it I'm liable to tell you to live a little the ritual sign gives you two spells to turn Undead at max power for 30 seconds at range or in melee and the power to once a day restore 100 Health to yourself ultimately kind of situational and these are all abilities you can acquire yourself down the road if you really need to turn Undead it's a low tier sign for sure the serpent is another weird one I'd recommend against picking it gives you the star curse spell that deals free poison damage to an enemy every second for 30 seconds so 90 poison damage which sounds like a lot and it is in the early game but it also hurts you for 30 Health worth of damage too coupled with the fact that many enemies in morrowwind are resistant or straight up immune to poison in the case of the undead this ultimately is fairly useless with the shadow you can turn invisible once a day for a minute bearing in mind this is invisibility and not chameleon so it'll end early if you interact with anything invisibility is a spell you can pick up from people selling illusion spells then you can make your own at a spell maker sure this version has no Magi a cost or fail chance but with this power it's all you can do and sadly it's another sign I'd be quick to ignore the Steed is the speedr runner's choice or if you're on the impatient side and feel morrowwind is too slow this can help alleviate it it's an okay sign but you can get speed from leveling anyway so again it's kind of mid at any point past the early game or unless you're a speedrunner looking to beat the game in less than 3 minutes and yes the speedrun time for morrowwind as of this guide is 2 minutes and 50 seconds the thief gives a passive 10p Point strong Sanctuary effect with aav Danger sense this is basically a 10% Dodge chance for melee attacks it's pretty helpful as far as passives go and will help at any point of the game this is a good birth sign the tower is another mess sign giving spells you can learn in the game pretty much at any point and any alteration use a warer dam can open level 50 locks in their sleep so being limited to doing it once a day pass on this and finally the warrior finishing with a good one here fortify attack means accuracy in morrowwind so this AB gives you a permanent plus 10% to hit with anything you swing I'd highly recommend this sign for beginners my conclusion is the best signs are Atron Thief Warrior lady and apprentice and you should never pick Lord ritual serpent Tower or Shadow but hey if you're a Marinet who disagrees feel free to explain why in a comment I'd love to know if I miss something interesting now before I stamp these papers make sure this information is correct okay so that's absolutely everything to do with character creation explained so now here's my section of the video where we deal with the most common complaint I hear about morrowwind and what makes it hard for people to get into and that's hit [Music] chance yes hit chance if you've heard complaints about morrowwind chances are this comes up a lot and with fairly good reason as without a proper tutorial explaining the ins and outs of this system you as a new player can end up with a character that has a hit chance in single digits even against a rat I'll explain the worst case scenario for you now so with our example character starting as a Breton Imperial or Nord which is already most of the human variants which are statistically the most popular races in most fantasy RPGs they'll have 30 agility and 40 luck and they didn't favor either of those at character creation they're also attacking with a weapon they have five skill in as it's not something their class has as a major or minor skill they have also run everywhere so their fatigue is empty and putting all that together using the formula on screen this equates to having a hit chance of 11.25% a normal R in morrowwind is level two it has 23 hit points but more importantly it has 20 agility and 30 luck with full fatigue that gives it an evasion score of 8.75 which is taken off of your hit chance so in a worst case scenario our poor player here has a hit chance of 2.5% against a rat and if you didn't know better like you bought this game in 2002 and this was your first experience you'd probably bounce off it too now conversely let's discuss the best case scenario where we go out of our way to maximize our hit chance this character will be a redu guard of Eva gender with spec for combat favored attributes of agility and luck with a major skill in Long Blade the sign of the warrior and they are handling their fatigue very well this gives them all in all a hit chance of 91.2% minus the rats evasion assuming it also has full fatigue is still 82.5 to hit and even then you can still adrenaline rush for a further 10 to hit from the agility boost so let's see how they do in compar oh it's already over well that shows how important your hit stats are doesn't it weapon skill is the biggest contributor to your hit chance but if you take every opportunity to also boost your agility alongside it you could be looking at a hit chance over 150% by the mid game so hopefully with this guide helping you along you'll almost never have to worry about hit chance except for when this guy comes for [Music] you so we have our character now and you know how to make hit chance a a nonf factor in your gameplay so now it's time to actually get out into the world and find some Adventure more than 30 minutes into the video and we're just getting started I know but hey I'm trying to be thorough here now that we're out in about you should know that morrowwind doesn't signpost quests like a lot of modern RPGs you'll get no compass quest markers or big glowing exclamation marks over people's heads here so how do you find quests then well easy you talk to people ask about rumors sometimes they'll point you to another person who needs help you can also ask what's about in town and you'll often get directions to local guilds you can join too then when you find a quest or get some Guild duties use your Journal it tracks your quests and what topics you've Tau to people about so make sure to ask questions for details and directions about your Target and it'll all get saved to the journal you'll have to pay attention to your surroundings as Quest directions can often be things like go North to the coast then East until you see a rock can from there head south to find the cave door set against a small hill by the dead trees once you do get to a major town however you'll find there are many factions you can join you get the classic Fighters Guild Mages Guild Thieves Guild but you can also Join one of the three great political houses of the country join the temple or the Imperial Legion too there's no joinable Dark Brotherhood but what you have instead are the Morag Tong an ancient secret Guild of Assassins that is sanctioned by the morind government to perform their executions without hustle from the guards all these factions also have relationships with each other for example the Thieves Guild don't get on with the Fighters Guild and join one of the great houses will buy you from entering either of the other two making this feel like a reactive Living World and not some power fantasy playground where you can become boss of every faction regardless of your skill level and yes skill level matters too to get promoted in the guilds you need to prove you know what you're doing requirements for attributes and skills each faction likes will present themselves as you progress up the ranks you're not going to become Arch Mage unless you really know your magic so go explore make your own adventure there are multiple Quest just in the starter Village but once you're ready to get yourself walking or getting the silt oh of course fast travel let's talk about that too before we move [Music] on fast travel in marwi wind is all done in World there are no way points to click on the map to go instantly to places so here are your options first you have silt Striders these are the giant flee like bugs outside of many major towns and set for a small fee you can ride it to a neighboring Town though distant towns across the map might take multiple trips for example to get to Al run from sanine you need to stop at balmora first the mertile skill and how much the MPC likes you can get you discounts on travel prices by the way just something to keep in mind secondly boats with coastal towns and a lot of the telani islands to the east of the game World boats become the primary method of travel they function identically to silt Striders so just chat up the NPC and ride a boat to your destination do next mag's Guild guides each mag's Guild has an NPC offering teleportation services to all the other guild buildings so this gives you access to balur Caldera sadri MOA aldun and Vic fourth is teleportation teleportation magic comes under the mysticism school but if you're not an experienced Caster you can find these effects in Scrolls and magic items too your options are divine intervention this takes you to the closest Imperial cult Shrine there are eight of these located in bookmar Fort near alun eart by Vic Fort Darius by nissus Moon moth next to balora pagad Fort Wolverine Hall in SED MOA mold Palace and Fort frost moof on sste island and now Alm civi intervention this takes you to the closest tribunal Temple of which there are six in aldun balmora nissis m Mar mournhold and Vic Mark and recall this is a pair of spells that work together Mark sets the destination for recall so you can create your own fast travel Point good for setting at Quest targets for your return or outside a dangerous location if you need to make a hasty Retreat just remember you need both spells for this to work finally you have propylon indices this is a more advanced method of fast travel and requires special items called propylon indices there are 10 them hidden around the world and they look like little sticks of charcoal when acquired you can use them to teleport across the world's 10 dunmer strongholds as at the top of each of them is a propylon Teleport chamber that will allow you to use the index to teleport to the appropriate stronghold so you actually have many options when it comes to travel across marind don't let the lack of map-based fast travel deter you is when you put all these methods together you're never truly far from a point of travel with all this knowledge now hopefully firmly lodged in your head you're pretty much ready to go in our final chapter we'll discuss using what you've learned to uh bend the rules a little [Music] bit so here we get to the point where we use what we've learned and the tools available to essentially bend the game to our will some of these methods are intentional others definitely less so there may be minor spoilers in this section so if you've learned all you feel you need to then go ahead leave the video here for those that are staying though here's a few little tricks to help you really get ahead bear in mind this won't be a totally comprehensive list so feel free to share your own tricks in the comments first up a trick that's commonly used in speedruns of the game to get some stter money while you're in the class creation room and told to take your papers you're still considered in the tutorial so if you steal something the guard will let you off with a warning but this can be exploited if you take the lime wear platter worth hundreds of gold in the back of the room immediately open your menu as you take it and drop it before the guard warns you about stealing he'll still run to you to tell you not to steal things but this dialogue would normally remove it from your inventory but since it's still on the floor you can pick it up again once he's done his little bit and keep it just make sure to return Fargo's ring for better prices in the store and you'll get much more for selling it and while on the topic of easy money there are two special merchants in the game creeper a Scamp living in an orcish Mana in Caldera and the mudcrab Merchant who's just chilling on a small island east of VC creeper has 5,000 gold to trade while the mudcrab has 10,000 they mostly buy weapons and armor but considering they can be among the most expensive items in the game you can get a little more from them here creeper and the mud crab will buy items at a onetoone value without even taking mertile into effect as an aside there's actually a crate upstairs in gorak Manor where creeper resides and inside that crate is a near full suit of orcish armor and you can just steal it in plain sight the Orcs will yell at you but you won't get reported for a crime nor will they try to attack you so you might as well pinch it and sell it off to creeper Alchemy in marind can be used to basically become a God and all you need is about 500 gold you can steal a set of Master Alchemy gear from the Caldera mag's Guild in a side room nobody ever goes in you can then take that to sadri Mo's Imperial Shrine and find a fellow selling Ash yams and bloats these two ingredients combined to make a potion of to fortify intelligence and his inventory restocks when you close his shop so you can buy them in unlimited quantities the trick here is that Alchemy potency and success chance is boosted by intelligence so making a few potions of intelligence and chugging them while time is paused then making more your second set of potions will be stronger followed by the third set and the fourth and so on this doesn't cap at any point so with a bit of patience you can end up with potions of fortify intelligence worth 10,000 points that last for Real World hours or even days you can sell back some of the potions to recoup your ingredient costs and then with your super brain you can make yourself the strongest potions fit for a beast let alone a man without needing to track down a competent potion seller given that all dialogue shops and menus pause time you can benefit from many spell effects that only need to last for 1 second you want better prices at the store or enchanter fortify mertile for 1 second on self for 100 points really need this Quest Target to give you information fortify personality 100 points for 1 second got to fix your armor while deep in a dungeon fortify armor for 1 second on self you get the idea with the Spells only lasting one second you can make them very strong and still keep them at a relatively low Magicka cost the scaling with mertile is a bit busted if you push it well over 100 and with spell making you can stack the effect multiple times becoming so good at trading you could sell a piece of scrap metal for everything in a Merchant's inventory including all of their gold B and Maran in Tel branora sell some unique spells you can't get anywhere else but the one we're interested in for this Strat is summon golden Saint you can also find this spell on Scrolls in the world but with high enough magiker and conjuration you can do this as much as you like with the spell itself you can soul trap creatures you summon assuming you can kill them before they disappear and if you have have a grand soul gem or a certain dric artifact you will have an infinite supply of grand souls of which you can make the game's most powerful enchantments with that are constant effect these enchantments can make you overpowered very easily with effects like constantly regenerating HP or reflecting magic the only limit is really the Spells you know so experiment outside Caldera to the north is a woman looking for an escort completing that Quest or stabbing her in the wilderness will let you take the boots of blinding speed these are supposed to be a joke item blinding you while allowing you to run super fast but blind is a magika effect and magika effects can be resisted this is easier if you're playing an orc or Breton due to their innate resistances as this effect Stacks but if you can buy the Magicka resistance spell from sanine or balora mag's Guild you can spell make a custom resist spell that takes you to 100% for one second cast it then flick to your menu immediately to equip the boots and you'll resist the blindness while keeping the speed boost using the golden Saint trick from the last part to add a constant levitate to one of your items will have you floating across the map with ease detection in morrowwind is easy to abuse if there's something you want to steal and someone's guarding it just break line of sight some buildings have pillars or other geometry you can hide behind and transparent barriers such as cell doors or bookshelves also act as walls so once you're out of sight even if you're like 20 ft away just cast telekinesis and and pinch whatever you want as long as you're out of sight you won't get in trouble it's basically a victimless crime at that point like punching someone in the dark outside sanine on the road to balur you can find a mage fall out of the sky with Scrolls of aarian flight on him and his book explaining how he's going to revolutionize travel now his method was a bit flawed but I think he was under something so let's try and make this work ourselves his scroll is simply a thousand acrobatics for 8 seconds letting you leap across the map but then promptly die on impact unless you use a second scroll before you land there are multiple ways to negate fall damage in morrowwind one being slowfall and another being having 125 acrobatics or higher when you land the issue with slowfall is it Alters your jump AR unless you cast it right before landing so you'd want it to be used right before you hit the ground so here's how we can make this work make sure you know the spells for jump slow fall and maybe fory skill you can make a custom spell of each type if you like i' just jump 100 for 1 second on self slow fall one point for 2 to 3 seconds on self as a separate spell or fortify acrobatics high enough to get you to 125 but this will all be expensive to cast instead if you progress a couple balur Mage guild quests Galer the enchanter will come downstairs to allow you to put a fake soul gem in her desk you can use this opportunity to pinch her most expensive Soul Gems and use them with a different enchanter or you'll get kicked out of the guild she'll recognize her own stolen stuff to make enchant ened items with the same effect as those spells casting from an enchanted item is instant so it's easier to time with your fall you can make a ring of jump a ring of slowfall for your Landing pricey jewelry cloves and high tier heavy Shields are able to have stronger enchantments placed on them than other items so with those two created you can hotkey them with F1 use your jump Spell item to LEAP into the sky then swap to your slowfall item to land safely Enchanted items recharge over time or by rubbing more filled soul gems on them and now you're basically your own fast travel service side note lower encumbrance makes you jump better and the jump spell is a multiplier on your acrobatic skill so this will have maximum effect at higher levels of acrobatics when you're not carrying too much and that wraps up the biggest cheese strats I know there's also the soul trap glitch to give yourself permanent effects but that was fixed in open morrowwind so I didn't cover it shame really would have made for a nice top 10 cheese strats instead of nine oh well thank you for making it to the end of the video as I said at the start this is the biggest video I've ever made and it was a big effort to edit so any likes Subs comments sharing with your friends or your nan it all helps if you prefer live content you can find me on Twitch usually playing some RPGs or games I've made mods for thanks again and I'll see you next time
Channel: IggyMaid
Views: 1,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WMxzyxcLrA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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