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welcome back everyone to the bd 1p random streak today is normal characters as yesterday was tainted we had a pretty rough run only two hearts like almost the entirety of of the whole run so i want a little bit more hp a little more defense this time would be super nice we'll get into the video here um i just spent all morning grinding out for the well that was close the flip side okay you know i'm fine with mega that's the most effects you can get in the game pretty much um your scene for today is going to be m6d1 sgzx so we have this running joke now in my community in a discord where we're trying to all go for the world record and dying the fastest in isaac and i went from a a 1.11 seconds to a 0.48 um okay so it was more like a point a point 102 two or sorry a 1.02 to uh 0.48 and now somebody said they just got a 0.23 which is blowing my mind i don't know how they got it shout out x y r t in the discord i'm gonna watch the video after this recording but that's crazy i mean like i thought the point four it was gonna be like nigh unbeatable um it requires a little bit of luck with the banner showing up because timing starts when the uh the floor banner appears and ends in the first frame you see your ghost so i was expecting you know a longer wait between all these world records here also we have two full house please sacrifice room on this floor um it was just crazy it was fun though i mean i'm having a good time doing it i might release the 0.48 as a video tomorrow or if i can do better than that release that video instead but yeah we'll see how it goes anyways it's been a while but question of the day today is going to be i actually don't know i i didn't look too much at the questions of last video um because it just came out like i'm recording this in the morning after that came out so it's only been you know four hours since that video was released so i don't have a lot of a lot of stuff to build off of there but i'm gonna ask what your favorite uh seasoning is i think i might have already asked that at some point but we have new people new viewers that's why i want to get the uh the seasoning gang back together that's what i don't know what your guys's favorite seasoning is for food and it can be any combination of foods it could be you know oh i put you know ground cumin in my uh taco seasoning great that's your favorite seasoning you know more more power to you for me i don't know i'm a big fan of like uh crushed red chili peppers for for seasoning because i like a little bit of spice in my meals that's right white boy can handle spice believe it or not um i like a little bit of spice in my meals it definitely helps bring out what is this guy up here oh my god this guy is going crazy up there that was a sick dodge though that was kind of crazy all right break away we're done for no we're alive i mean we have like infinite hp still but that was a little bit scary situation um this room is brutal i don't really know how to handle this properly still with with base stats i think it's almost like you know you gotta like wheel them around go through blow up that other thing to keep going back and forth more hp already oh my lord dude we already have uh five hearts and tarot reading is in here okay i guess it's called card link um i do want card link it's a great item i pretty much can either save you a devil deal or a key every single floor which are both valuable resources um if you get the moon portal as well saves you a bomb potentially opening up uh which wouldn't have been in any place what is that trying to say it would have opened up your uh seeker which you might not find anyways on your floor so it can be very good if we can get the money for i'm definitely going to buy it watch this bomb placement though oh he was just oh we got a golden key just out of the way there oh my god you're lucky you're lucky crystal lost first floor is pretty inconsequential telepills could have you know been scary for an error room there but we're fine we're fine we're fine yeah we've been we've been grinding out for world record the past few days for that category it's been it's been pretty fun um it's it's super effortless for some reason i'm getting like these crazy resets like i've gotten so many like razor and blood rights like literally every single are hold it's crazy it takes me 45 seconds and then i already have a run done boom like it's crazy i think is a pretty lucky research recently man um today is also the first day of the nuzlocke start uh we already had one person die rest in peace to my boy uh hayden or hey and i don't know how you pronounce your name but it was an honor fighting alongside you but you know things change for the for for a reason oh with full health pills this could be carteling for us i am willing to give up a my blue heart for this i'm willing to do it we got we got a lot of hp to burn away here we can farm for quite a bit of resources hey get out of there you are going to oh a lock upgrade as well full health that up this is great this is honestly the best case scenario we can actually probably alm almost buy a pandora's box as well interesting run we have going on here already we'll go back for our full hugs there also is a fool's gold rock around them that's going to give us even more money so i think we are pretty much guaranteed to uh get pandora's box as well on this floor which oh my god and dice bag grab your your swallowed penny first for the fight dice bag could be crazy for us i'm never gonna i don't like using d4s and isaac anymore because they're gonna be run ending primarily but i mean it's still a cool thing to see here let's sack some more of our health away i'm fine going down to three hearts for next floor um because i can grab this half heart in here and we have a golden key to access our no no no no no no grab this um a golden key to access our downpour as well yeah stream streamer starts in about 40 minutes for the nuzlocke i'm excited i really am it's been a long time planning this um it's finally here in fruition so i'm actually super super excited to see this you know come through here um it should go very very well we have a lot of competitors a lot of very formidable people i will definitely sack some health away um for a pandora's box here yup heart while good is never an essential item um my goal would be what i want to do is i want to keep roon bag 3 is 14 there we go um what i want to do is i want to keep runebag the second i see a d6 on that runebag i'm going to pop pandora's box in the future floors that's my plan for that i'm also going to pop my full health now run back grab our soul of a zazel and then i'm also going to grab my rune bag and we'll head on down to the downpour great run so far we did lose a spirit heart because of of wanting to get um oh what's it called uh card reading but i think that was definitely worth it if you want to get a guaranteed deal and explore what we can do is uh hopefully get a red portal out of carter link then azazel sol the boss and just wreck him that should honestly work out in our favor 98 of the time there could be a very small chance we end up taking a lot of damage because uh it's just a bad boss but that was a great d1 there we go eternal heart oh my god we have probably the most hp i've ever seen for our first floor jesus christ this is crazy this is a crazy run no red but we did get a gold portal which will net us little monstro you know it could have been better it definitely could have been better um he's really good for early game but he's gonna definitely drop off in power as we get into our later floors but say you know what he's fine i would have rather had a red portal for a guaranteed um we can do some bombing here right oh we almost could we almost could have bombed those um this is pretty big for us as well give some h what a dime oh my god dude this is the luckiest i've ever had in my entire life i've never had like a more situationally good start here i think three hearts is what you want to be at so you don't accidentally kill yourself on the run there um it's been going great this has been going great i would have loved to have a red portal to go to our boss immediately um and not risk taking any damage because these flies have oh they're on the they're on the uh the eternal fly what the heck weird oh now he's charmed let's go that's not good actually that was really bad for us we almost got hit there come on just one of these two got hit man the tear height status eating me here okay we're cool we're cool we're cool oh yeah yeah that room was awful oh it's gonna be much better actually nice leech dodge there okay nice nice nice okay okay okay okay you are dodging like a this is my great warm-up for the nuzlocke today you are dodging insanely well right now d8 hilarious um we could technically yeah converter and then get a soul heart i guess i mean is it the other way around no it's the other way around um converter is good but i i want to do our pandora's box uh dice shard play here i might honestly play this guy no joke i might play that guy um so we can get an extra heart container as well and have just like infinite hp okay you were in a bad place right now buddy you are in a really bad place can you just perish like immediately there we go all right gonna walk in here no that was the wrong thing oh there we go we're fine the other way uh i popped the detail doesn't be like a d100 we're gonna be done for but we're actually okay like well okay um it's gonna ever run out there we go go to your devil do you have dude what this is this is the greatest deal of all time this is actually insane we know seven damage what is going on how did our luck switch up that fast i mean it's been a great run so far but getting syn robes and avadon in your first deal what are the freaking odds dude oh my god and two nickels two nickels you know they just know things sometimes okay definitely bomb the rock open so you can play this guy for an extra heart container here um oh i could grab converter and get some hp back as well but i kind of like the black card build it's it's very protective of our hp plus i'm fine running with one red heart because we're gonna get more hp as the run goes on for sure we don't need the converter hp this early on now if i eat my words so be it you know i'm used to that at this point but i think we're gonna be okay not having converter and look this hp right there calm down you're fine pick it up uh yeah bomb for a super secret should be right here exactly free black card as well our hp is is is staggeringly good we have rune bag in our trinket slot we have pandora's box and our active slot this is a this run is just gonna go you know one by one domino's falling down this is crazy oh sulfuric acid tears as well a slight damage up as well as opening cursed rooms and secret or sorry secret rooms for free now if we get the right situation here you can't make okay don't break that mirror that could be really bad for you also you can also do one of these right yeah free bombs as well this one is just full of surprises man truly is oh you are you are off of your body you are literally get out of there this room sucks the dumps i've learned i don't hate the dumps in this game but like there are situations where they hit me and i think it's okay okay come on you could have been a little bit easier on me there this is all my fault the situation right here that i got myself out of there that was all entirely my fault please be right here please no it's not it's gonna be right next to our boss trap still good you know what screw it let's see what the d10 does for us here oh actually pretty good it erased like three of the dumps so that was pretty nice secret room okay we could d6 and here it would not give us any item though sadly actually a d6 for pandora's box in a uh secret room might be better for us than anything else in the world why did i it was a good idea why did i roll that whatever we'll probably end up taking that in the future i just wanted to see because we had a d6 there the game gave it to us why not just use it see what edmund has in store for little old me right d10 why not just pop and get it out of the way you are gonna do your thing right now you're doing a spinning attack there we go beautiful this boss is extremely easy to get hit like i just did there but this boss is usually pretty easy you like i can't hit him though all right squeezy is a lot of hp and a big tears upgrade for us we're almost at straight four tiers which is also insane i think we will end up playing for that um magic scab in there um because it is like a well we don't really need it though as a thing the luck upgrade will be nice for sulfuric acid as well as abaddon oh yeah d100 you're so funny buy a sack boy for sure get a card here teleport card nope not gonna happen sorry about that um we'll go to our cursed room as well it's inconsequential as most things in this game are oh d6 in here could be big nope it could be literally nothing as well watch this pill help great yeah there's no need to play for magic skin anymore or not magic skin um magic scab but we don't need that anymore we have two red hearts and almost full hp in general um let's do mines we haven't done mines in quite a while like it's a little faster too to do mines and then uh skip um room one or depths one so yeah i'm excited i'm a little nervous with another i don't want to underperform and die instantly but i don't think i will personally i think i'm just like straight up built different i know that you know hey ed is a very comparable player we did it we found it i told you guys it would happen one of these days you never believed me you never believed me clip it put that on the channel that's a clip right there that is my second time ever seeing magic mush in repentance second time ever sulfuric acid you might be the new best item in isaac that is a oh my god i'm actually like taken aback at this point watch mini mush though eventually that is crazy that's honestly insane how do you even like i don't even know what to say about that dude i i'm just so confused like out of it only happens and i don't try to get it that's the new thing if i'm trying to get that that item my magic mush it's not going to happen um the fact that it happened there out of a pure rand i wasn't even going to try to break mushrooms and i was i was over it i was well over it okay any floor we pop uh pandora's box on now at least in these next two are going to be um items for us which we're gonna use our d6 for d1 could be big wow actually that was a quick shot man congratulations you did some good work there i'm proud of you i'm real proud of you that guy was not so proud of um let's explore a little bit more i want to i want to find our secret room so we can potentially open up our pandora's box with a d6 in there um i also just in general no no no no no no no lost cork is good but there are better things on your horizon it's not there it's gotta be up here somewhere then yeah oh finally it wore off dude uh the cold boys are a bit of an issue here but they should not be too bad these are these are um what are these guys called i know every enemy's name because of the video but i i don't remember any of them by heart anymore the ash pit wanted us hate the most they're out of my memory kind of mine's the mines and downpour i gotta unlock same with mausoleum man there's not a weirdly enough there's a lot of enemies you find in the downpour and dross there's not that many found um i can't be oh i i i'm taking the back i don't know what to say anymore okay we we have to take sharp straw it's just that good so pop your magic magic pandora's guy up here for the box okay if that was moving box a little bit crazy that's a great trinket to have for the future floors here um hierophant card's insane shot speed up is really good go back i guess to your crawl space grab sharp straw i mean i don't know what to say anymore we just found it too random like rock breaking effects areas in like four seconds i'm i'm confused to say the least honestly i'm not i'm not upset about it at all obviously this is a very good situation to find yourself in these frails dude these frails do you not kill that guy i think you could kill him there we go i thought it was like i know that most death's heads are invincible but i thought like i could kill him and i was right in that assumption uh d8 in here is not what i want to see walk in here i'll play the man i'll play the man d4 i'm not gonna pop either um there's no reason to please please please please please yeah i'm putting out a video um either it's gonna be today or tomorrow i i don't know yet because i wanna post the other fastest world record like death but um revolving around my forgotten speedrun but i just don't know when to post it i would also take room by room bag's more fun yeah well it's situational this is just better in general i feel like um but i don't know what i want to post first i don't want to post the uh fastest death video if i want to post the forgotten unlock because i got to do a lot of voice over for the uh forgotten one because it it's it's a crazy run that has a lot are you so you can't sold for ass to these guys what that's the lamest thing in isaac ever i think honestly get him there we go that's three down he's at wait we just destroyed the head with little horn i don't know you could do that that's that's some new tech for this boss i guess oh my god we're figuring things out every single day here on the channel and watch that oh it didn't kill him though that's weird like a lot of hell a lot of damage there but that's okay we could have sharp straw too but what the hell are these drops okay queen of hearts two of clubs ace of hearts joker you pop immediately here oh my god it's incubus dude this run has just gone off the freaking rails i don't know what to say anymore like i'm just we got literally all like special cards here hermit turns items into money which could end up being useful um queen of hearts doesn't keep us alive if we need to so we'll take queen of hearts down and we'll move on here we're going to the hopefully the mines next not the ash pit it's the mines we're getting some good luck here okay uh i might as well save us a key right now i'll just hit the key and go in here we'll go for the blind item here we're lucky we're lucky today dude we're not that lucky anymore i guess fortune cookie is a weird one it can technically be better than um uh uh crystal ball for you look at the little monster go you see that look at him go look at him spin can technically be better um than what's it called i was just saying this like four seconds ago uh crystal ball because it has a chance to drop a spirit heart every two rooms but it's a really really low chance and also the mapping from crystal ball is a lot better so whenever i see cookie i'm just kind of like oh like i don't really i don't really need that like it's not not on my to-do list to have portrait cookie with me i mean it's a good dunking it's a good item it truly is that's i mean that's also good these trinket drops man i don't know what i don't know what to do about it anymore the game is handing me every avenue to have like cool runs on doorstop is also really big oh yeah yeah i'm gonna stick with golden horseshoe though i plan to go polaroid this run because i don't know it's it's more interesting than going to the shoal you know it has better items hp is safer down there oh it's little chest dropping all the trinkets no no dude i thought it was gonna be like just getting lucky you know it's a little chest doing all the work for us i'm actually stuck for a minute there okay we're cool um hp has gotten quite a bit worse i've been throwing some hp away because i'm just bad at the game um i gotta be a little more careful i'm realizing but by little i mean like quite a bit more careful we have a lot of on-hit effects too when it comes to our tier effects so i really really really want to find oh my god and a trinket doubler huh i mean you might as well buy it you're seeing some crazy stuff on this run i mean i i just i'm i'm lost like i we're every avenue is just paying out now like there's no like poly famous brimstone mom's knife on this run but i think subtly it is the luckiest one i've ever had in my entire life like straight up this is just the luckiest run everything where we turn is there's an avenue for success like it's just this is the most like well-rounded success run i've ever had my entire life and i don't know what to do about it man i truly don't i mean like look at this this is doubling a little monstro for us it could double incubus for us um however i'm realizing now that because mom's box doubles the trinket effect having gold in the horseshoe might be better because it's going to give us a higher chance to see double item rooms on our on the depths too but there's only one floor hmm what's this thing about this it is only one floor is the chance to get two items worth a chance to have triple your shot damage for a room and i'm thinking now that this is going to end up just straight up being better you know i'll do this too that no no it doesn't change anything honestly um sharp straw is good we could have reversed hermit that if we had the hermit card but you know life goes on what a weird arena for this room to be in oh my god that ricochet felt a little a little unfair i will say that was that was not my uh oh jesus christ my finest uh dodge okay hello from stone bomb stand right here you'll be safe beautiful oh more bombs you're hilarious get a new trick buddy oh you're dead no don't escape we got 10 bombs out of it too hell yeah dude okay synthol is a great item to see 10 bombs as well as nice to see the quarter ah 25 cents for a heart no you can't make me do that ever um i was going to go to the mods of liam however my hp is a little scary i'm gonna go down to the regular path here i'd rather again i would have rather skipped um room one than depths but you have to make those choices sometimes and i think this one's for the better is that spawn that is spun for us as well happy plus two damage pretty much uh plus 2.37 every set was pretty positive there luck down but back to luck upgrade immediately we lost like literally the most inconsequential stuff there this run is just again it's just handing me things i'm drowsy pill actually take it that's gonna be really good for you if you can get twisted pair or whatever this item is called um the the the twins i forget to pop on like little box like it is right now um you can get double trinket drops yeah like that in a room what the heck dude i don't know what to say i'm just like we can also sulfur acid through every single door hold on the game is no longer playable you just walk through rooms we're back in our start though that kind of sucks we don't have to fight any rooms anymore you know what how much time do i have i'm gonna go for beast i'm gonna go for beast we have the time to go to beast is it is it worth it though it could be scary we'll do it though i think we can manage okay if our hp stays as good as it is on this floor we'll definitely take a boss rush item we're not going to make it though sadly oops um i i think for for sure i can do beast but do i want to as a question because i do have to stream in like like less than half an hour now um hmm it's a hard choice um i don't think i will do beast i think if i had more time and i was i had a little bit more like free time to do it i definitely would but an interest of making the nuzlocke stream go as smooth as possible i'm going to ditch beast this run um but i'll ditch the drowsy pill as well to even it out oh well no we're gonna full card here actually because there's nowhere to go you can just sulfur tear through everything so there's going to be like no time crunch at all on the rest of this run i can go as well i can go as fast as i need to i don't need to slow down for anybody uh nothing was up that was just the other area it should be this way then yeah yeah i mean look at this i can walk through rocks i can walk through doors what can i not walk through nothing literally invincible back to back double maggie runs are just you know they've been paying out man they have a pay now and gilded key another great trinket but you know a little like below my pay grade i feel i could i could be doing a little bit better we are also doing an insane amount of damage to mom right now but this for having 15 tier damage and like the incubators we have 30 tier damage pretty much that was a dumb hit um we're not going to be at risk of losing this run at all this is already a free win i'm not going to fight delirium for the same reason i'm not going to fight beast it's a time crunch issue um oh xl though that's a free womb it's a free womb floor problems are key it doesn't matter shot speed up is pretty much also inconsequential um yeah well let's go up here uh dodge the tears though first first step is uh not getting hit though uh get out of here you can just choose it choose your own adventure right you go up you want to go up you shoot the door anywhere you want to go the world is your oyster the world is literally like your metaphorical oyster here help me thank you i just i can't be stopped i'm a mess i'm cracked at fortnight you just you can't stop me i don't know what to say anyway oh that was creep right there huh hilarious um this run is just like where is there a card in this room what where there's a i see a sack i don't see a card in there though it's gonna be a hard room to deal with here um i don't like this room at all i actually hate it quite a bit we actually beat it though no issue um ensues gonna be good for the cathedral next floor cause we actually see we're gonna end up going and have a very very very fast floor but again like i just don't know what to do this is just like uh i haven't been handed that's a door right there i freer win i think in in in ages like this is every run we've had like we had some pretty powerful runs and we had a lot of like scary runs like last run scary run the run before that scary run where is this boss is it to the left up don't tell me the left and up that that'd be crazy okay come on let me through here i mean we're going the right way that this is this path is too long to not be the right way um the nice maneuvering there going back into them we haven't already beat oh that was a great choice honestly uh wonderful smart guy over here real smart guy honestly there's no card in this room you liar this game is freaking out on me i guess it is left and up huh the more you know nice clear nice clear oh it spikes right there i don't walk into those well there goes that card for us huh no no no no no let me out of there it's not here either i'm pop it's all the way down oh my god let me out of here well oh but there is a secret room to our left up here might as well go into it you're joking that actually got me okay pay this guy out why not um our hp is now a little scary it's i think it's still a free win but i'm a little scared to be honest [Music] [Laughter] oh it's dim bulb no i thought it was vibrant ball i was so happy for a minute um that's also real nice to see that charges up are active with pennies i think or something like that i don't remember it's a very low chance i'm pretty sure though and a full charge i think right yup into a free store item take the twins um yeah dimbleblood's like like golden dim bulb is is insane to see but it's not gonna do much when our active is only at no charge one room uh out of four it is like a it's basically having like a a four-room charge stat upgrade it's not bad at all um but it's just i don't know like the twins okay we gotta stop taking dumb hits here the twins is is just doing more for us i feel like like on a different level the twins is higher dps um overall because if it pops incubus on us like a certain boss fight we could be oh my god help me we could be in like just the world's best position you know watch mini mush by the way right here did not happen did not happen speed down really sucks the free win is now slipping away slowly uh but only because of my own fault here don't get me wrong this run is a free win in anyone's hands if you're not me oh great the creep boss huh he's already dead no need for left hand we're nowhere near it becoming guppy and also my chests are too valuable help me there we go and we're at the boss fight now i guess two boss fights let's do it it was gonna be first conquest a little scary not gonna lie a little scary the pony could be good oh my god you're a jerk you're actually the worst oh so much there's so much there's so much all right all right um is the pony gonna be worth it i think to charge like crack the sky as well as flight is definitely your uh your your item of choice here i know mom's box has done great work for us so far but it's done all the work it can i think at this point in the run uh you require a bit more of a of a substitute i i would say i said no void i'm sticking by that no void or hush here um this seems like a dumb choice and it definitely is in hindsight i'm going to grab it uh vengeful spirit plus we're only at one heart now we also have nine lives so don't get me wrong um most rooms were gonna be able to no hit it might have been a risky choice but i i make these choices uh because you know i like having the high octane game play um we're already we almost killed isaac though and we spawn right here let's go oh oh oh that was scary that was real scary okay we almost killed isaac in one hit there so why don't you just stand back yeah you're gonna you're gonna win this fight there's no way you'll lose this fight you did half his health in like literally one dash oh he almost shot me there he almost got one off on me i will say good good on you sir good on you little horns getting in there doing some damning for you get back down please we died oh no that makes this a little harder um we can get potentially spirit hearts here if we find some money anywhere um you know might as well might as well you also want to get your pony charge back up because that's that's what's doing most of your damage for you on the isaac fight so beating one room getting some money hopefully here um is going to save you a bit of hurt we have two charges on the pony right here if we can just get one like thing we will be a okay one penny will be super fine but i'm looking for a secret room potentially over here um most of these rooms are not gonna be that bad i just did die on that yeah but ignore that one we're gonna go fight isaac again i feel like we can do it we can do it oh he's okay this is our best run so far our best run 100 uh he is already literally almost dead if we had an over charge for it man oh we'd be in such a much better place i'll say that much but this should be our victory right here you have isaac is dead going onto the chest with five lives left and only one heart we have blessed penny though it's going to have a chance to drop a spirit hearts for every coin we pick up and we have a blue baby teleport right here oh hp we won gg gg it's been a good run uh if you enjoyed this run make sure you you uh like and comment for the algorithm as well as give me a sub if you enjoyed the content hearing you're not subbed already most of you watch my videos are actually not subscribed weirdly enough get on that dude it's a fun time here but the run is done 27 minutes it was a good one it was a risky one but it worked out in our favor anyways guys see you tomorrow peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 7,418
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, magic mush, magic mushroom, sulfuric acid, crawlspace, incubus
Id: Q-EbKT5qSdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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