Grease Pencil 3.0 NEW Features and Updates!

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Grease Pencil 3.0 has some really  cool new features and improvements.  I’ll go over the best ones in a quick pace! Let's go! There is a new shortcut to merge  layers and that is SHIFT + CTRL + M  It works in all these modes, except Object Mode. And if you are at the bottom layer.   It doesn’t work. So change your layer and then it works just fine. Automerge tool has been improved which you can find here at the Draw Mode.  When this icon is enabled.  It will try to join the strokes that  are different sizes a little bit better.  But you can go to sculpt mode. Enable a smooth brush and give it a little   bit more smoothness if that’s what you want. You can also play with a THICKNESS brush. You can now define the type of caps of  your strokes from the top bar up here.  Will it be round or just flat. But if you have already drawn   some stuff and you want to make changes. You can change them (caps) at the Edit Mode.  By selecting the strokes you want select Strokes, Toggle caps, and select BOTH There is a new operator to copy  materials to other Grease Pencil objects.  Let’s say you want some materials  from the Suzanne object.  You select the lonely cube  first and then the Suzanne.  You can copy a single  material or all the materials.  This also works with layers if  you want to copy a single layer   or all the layers to a selected object. Convert Mesh to Grease Pencil now copies the  vertex groups you have with the 3D object.  And the way you can convert the object is go to  (object mode) Object - Convert - Grease Pencil  And down here you can find your vertex groups.  And now you can change the order of the  Vertex groups that you couldn’t do before. Multiframe now supports moving to layers. Let’s say you have an animation.  But you want to move this  mouth shape to its own layer.  You select the keyframes you  want to affect. (A shortcut)  Go to Edit Mode. Enable this Multiframe.  Now you can just choose the parts you want. Press M and choose a new layer.  Now these mouth shapes are all in their own layer.  And this will help you  animate separate parts faster. Multiframe also supports reproject strokes.  Which you can find here at  the Clean up menu (Edit Mode)  This is a good way to fix your drawings. But it is also a good way to distort them.  Let’s say you have a torus object  behind the Grease Pencil one.  You go to camera view. Go to Grease Pencil, Reproject and to Surface.  Now it looks the same from the camera. Bit if you change the view  You have this little bit of distortion. And you can do this with all kinds of 3D objects.  And you can make some groovy  looking animations in the end. There is a new operator to normalize  the thickness or the opacity of strokes.  Go to Edit Mode. Select the strokes you want. Go to Stroke, there you can find Normalize.  With the thickness you can change the value. And with Opacity you can change the opacity here.  Also one cool trick if you want quick changes. Is go to the Modifiers tab.  Add an opacity modifier. Select  uniform opacity and apply the modifier.  Same works with the thickness modifier. Check the uniform Thickness and apply. Offset modifier now has a randomize option which is really good if you want to make   really wonky looking changes. All procedurally.  Just modify these values.  And you CAN animate these! There is a new select random points operator  that you can use when you are at Edit Mode.  Having the points selected, go to the select  menu and here you can find select random.  You can play with the values here  and you can do cool stuff very fast. Grease pencil has a cool new modifier  called the Dot Dash modifier.  This creates some segments from your  strokes that you can easily adjust.  Like Dash, Gap, Radius,  Opacity and Material index.  Where this goes really crazy. Is that  you can add more segments from here.  That has a different material index. And even more that has a even   different material index. And then you can animate all these.  Imagine doing this in After  Effects, it would take ages. Another new modifier in Grease  Pencil is the Length modifier.  What this does is this continues the stroke. And you can do some motion graphics with this one   by animating these values. You can also play with the   curvature settings or turn them off. This gives out some really interesting results. Fill bucket tool now has a dilate option  to increase the pixels of a fill area.  The old leak size has been  moved to the advanced panel.  And if you didn’t know already.  Stroke extension mode allows you to  extend the strokes with the mouse wheel.  And when these blue lines intersect you get a  good fill, even if you have gaps in your drawings. Easily the BEST update in this version is that  you can now make animations in object mode.  That you can bake to be a Grease Pencil animation. Here I moved the origin point and added   some basic object mode rotation keyframes. And I added a dynamic effect with the T shortcut.  Now we have this kind of animation that would  be hard to do with the interpolation tool.  Then we can go to object, animation, bake  object transformation to Grease Pencil.  We can select the range, what is the frame step and if we want to reproject the animation.  Now we have a new object that has the  animation as Grease Pencil keyframes.  Now we can do some really cool stuff, like  select the keyframes, go to sculpt mode.  Enable multiframe. Add some variation  to the animation with Sculpt brushes.  This is so cool! And if your old object had some effects etc.  You can copy them by click and  dragging or shortcut Ctrl+L Best thing about baking is that  this ALSO works with modifiers!  I’ll show you another example! Let’s draw a line,   add a multiple strokes modifier. Let's also add a dot dash modifier.  Also noise modifier with some wonky settings. Also let's add a build modifier.  With default settings so let's  change our total frame count to 100.  Now this already looks like  a fun little animation.  But when we now bake these transforms  one to grease pencil keyframes   we can take this even further. Let's choose the keyframes again   and go to sculpt mode. Let’s enable multiframe   and let's add some random brush to this. Also lets hide the original   object and play the animation. Like, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  You can do some really crazy things with this! I can’t wait to see what you guys create! There is now a warning message  when you render to enable   Combined and Z pass to render Grease Pencil.  Z pass affects how your Grease Pencil  objects interact with 3D objects.  If Z pass isn't on and your  object is behind a 3D object.  It shows on top of the cube when you render. And when Z pass is turned on   it shows correctly behind the cube.  That's what the error message is for.  You need to be especially aware of this  if you are using Line art modifier. Lineart modifier has also  received a lot of updates.  It is now a lot faster in many ways,  and has a lot of more options to tweak.  Great new addition is under the compositing tab   where you can find an overscan value that allows  Line art range to go beyond the camera view.  You can also trim these lines at the image  border if you want the lines to be clean.  You can also draw Line Art towards a  custom camera when you set the object   not to be in front at object properties. And you can tweak the depth offset that   draws bigger lines closer to the  camera and small ones far back. You can now add procedural weights  to your Grease Pencil objects   by using new Vertex Weight Angle and  Vertex Weight Proximity modifiers. One way you can set these up is to add a  vertex group to your Grease Pencil object. Then you can add a Vertex weight Angle modifier  and select your vertex group from the list.  Then you can add a thickness  modifier, check this weight icon   and under influence select your vertex group. Now when you play with these values you can get   an interesting effect on your drawing. And you can take this even further.  This vertex influence workflow  works also with other modifiers.  Like opacity, noise and offset,  which you can really go crazy with.  Add some mad smear effects  to your drawings very easily! And this is how it looks when you have  half of the object weight painted.  And you add different modifiers  with the influence selected.  And with simple animation added to the modifier. Shoutout to Blender is love channel for  helping me to understand this workflow   and to be able to share it with you guys. The guy has done a lot of experiments with   this workflow and also has tutorials on  the channel if you want to learn more!  Check him out! I have also made a list of useful Grease Pencil  shortcuts you can download at Gumroad for free.  And a Texture Brushes and Fills Pack to  give more power to your creative projects. Remember, everything I said in this video  can and most likely will change over time.  Read the changelog at Blender Wiki! THANKS FOR WATCHING!
Channel: Dantti
Views: 10,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender 3.0 tutorial, Grease Pencil tutorial, Grease Pencil tips and tricks, greasepencil, gpencil, Grease Pencil 3.0, free 2d animation tool, free drawing tool, animate in 3d space, animate free alternative, toon boom free alternative, clip studio paint free alternative, danti, dantti, line art modifier, dot dash modifier, length modifier, vertex groups, rigging, vertex weight modifiers, new features in blender 3.0, blender grease pencil
Id: ZsUeA9igqSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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