#nodevember with Simon Thommes | Day 1-2 | '3 Sided'

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hello there hi it's me oh i can hear myself i think that's a good sign yes on twitch oh there's even people on twitch that's cool so can you guys hear me i see the chat hi hi hello there can you put a thumbs up if you can hear me just to be sure just to be really sure it's gonna be interesting what the delay is on here yes hi any thumbs ups thumbs up yes perfect thank you very much nice okay november is starting it's gonna be interesting i don't know how many people here have uh experience with this yes lots of people perfect ah pablo hey i don't know if many people have experience with november here maybe i can just quickly explain what it is so uh it's just this event that happens during november and is all about nodes just making stuff with notes just anything to a certain topic per day basically that's at least what it was in the last years this year uh the guys that are making the proms decided to cut it down to half the prompts because uh it's pretty good decision i think because it was like very overkill uh people were going all out and it's just much easier to do very elaborate things if you have a little bit more time so you don't burn yourself out so that's nice and maybe i can just show what's going on this year so if you go to nodevember yes dot io you can see the website with small description and the prompts and yeah this year the prompts are a lot more abstract than they were before very very loose so you can just let your imagination flow and do anything you want to these prompts here and the way that works it's that because you have two days per problem now it's day one and two so day and tomorrow it's the three-sided prompt under the form category and uh so yeah today and tomorrow i think i'll i'll try and just make it work today we'll see how that works out but yeah usually it's a lot of work to do these things um it's a stream it's still fine it says an error occurred on youtube here for me on twitch it looks fine people are not freaking out in the chat so i'm going to assume that it's all fine um so yeah what i was thinking seems fine okay perfect what i was thinking for today's prompt because it's three sided it's going to be all about triangles right three sides and what i was thinking was to just make the objectively best triangle there is which is a slice of pizza and because it's procedural i'm just gonna have like a very basic pizza shape slice shape and youtube issues are normal okay perfect as long as it works it's all fine and then have a bunch of like ingredients that are scattered on top and then you can turn them on off slide the amount you'll see how far we can get with how many ingredients we can put on there but i thought triangle slice of pizza that's easy that's perfect for procedural stuff and yeah because uh before the years last year we couldn't really do that much because we were like right in the middle of the production of sprite fight the year before i did a lot of things i did the whole thing uh the whole the 30 days and that was always shader nodes and now that we have this amazing system in blender called geometry notes and it's in a pretty good state by now i thought just try and do everything with geometry notes ah your idea pizza yeah i mean pizza is like i said the objectively best triangle or circle i guess in the whole shape but slices are great as well um recorded and kept online yeah i'm not exactly sure if it's just going to stay online on the youtube channel or how long at least we're going to put it in some form on the blender studio platform so if you're on there then it's going to be it's going to be there later on i'm going to just pack the files and put them there maybe like a little bit of a breakdown how they work but there's definitely going to be content for this on on the blender studio platform okay then let's just start i would say you can always just ask questions there's probably going to be more focused segments where i'm just trying to make things work so don't expect me to immediately answer all questions and if i forgot forget something that you really want to answer i want to answer it then just repeat it at some point um but yeah i think i'll just go ahead and start so uh something you have to keep in mind a little bit is that i haven't really been able to use geometry nodes as they are now all that much because i was working on sprite fright that we had there the branch they're split off before the whole fields got integrated in all fields work i i worked together with the guys here at the blender headquarters to design how they work but i never really got to use them now that much so yesterday was actually kind of the first time i properly used them to to make something was which was just the thumbnail with the with the noodles hanging around um so maybe we can just see how it goes as i am learning uh how how fields work for each single node alongside you okay all right i'm just following the chat here a little bit but i i'll just i'll just keep going yeah go ahead pizza let's see uh so the plan was to just start with absolutely nothing because in theory at this point geometry nodes should be able to [Music] just support starting everything from scratch you can just create the geometry from absolutely nothing just let you change some settings this is not the pc i normally work on node editor i like my noodles straight like this perfect primitive um so something to start off of course curve primitives that's wrong mesh primitives i was thinking about it already i'm not sure if i can actually use a cylinder that well maybe it'll work let's just see how it looks when i subdivide it because i do need the topology uh in the set hello oh caps lock was on let's subdivide because i do need the topology later on to add a little bit of detail for like creating bulbs and everything in the dough so let's see i'll just turn on the wireframe yeah topology doesn't look so great if i want to actually use the detail here in the center dorian new noodler add-on i've seen it i haven't tried it yet i'm relatively happy with the note wrangler as it is but maybe that also reflects in how my note trees look in the end because they're kind of messy so some utilities to actually clean up the note 3s might help actually but yeah i think instead of using a cylinder for the base shape i'm just going to use a uv sphere because then i have a bunch more geometry all around and i can still make it flat like i want to so just use the transform maybe just scale it down on the z axis perfect oh computer is freaking out that's better um the sub divide no not perform smoothing oh yeah there's a there's a difference there's a subdivide a simple subdivide node for sub dividing meshes and then there's the subdivision surface node this is also the smoothing i think the sub divides yeah it doesn't have a smooth subdivision anymore but subdivision surface is the regular thing that you have in the modifier and the subdivide is more what you would get in the in edit mode when you actually perform a subdivision like this okay on this end you can change the fill segments oh wait let me check that out it looks good oh yeah that's perfect actually thanks already learning so i can ignore all of this do it like this and we're done it's a pizza i just need to make it a segment question is can i fill stuff back up if i delete it i think i can technically use the uh convex hull node for this let's just try that out i'm gonna try just selecting yeah i think i'm going to triangulate it first let me see the setup here is not perfect i need to maybe make sure that it works next time so i'm going to triangulate it first to be able to have the center piece wait i don't need to and then select uh specific faces i'll just do it like this first to have a starting point and then work my way up to actually have slices and for that i can just use the position field and separate it in its components separate xyz and simply use the y component and compare it with a value and then delete the geometry like this maybe the threshold is a little bit should i use faces there we go already have a pizza now let's open uh yeah uh tangents is what i'm going to tangent is what i'm use using later on i want to do a very simple version in the beginning but in theory the convex hull i already had it never mind it should work there we go now i just lost all of my topology it's going to be fine what happens if i just triangulate it again it's a mess could of course also just push vertices around at all times boolean no boolean is too expensive you can't afford it yeah maybe maybe that would be easier okay i'll give up i'll use a boolean operation yeah so as you can see ah that's wrong not a boolean input a mesh boolean as you can see this is a very iterative process i try things and see that they don't work and then just throw them away and do something else that's probably not going to change all that much it's going to keep being like this but that's also how you how you just learn uh the processes and just see what works because i haven't really used geometry nodes all that much especially for just creating things from scratch i've mostly been using them for [Music] for the stuff that we've been doing on sprite fries okay i'm going to then just take a plane grid i mean and then make it work i guess let's see how it looks oops oh god all the buttons that i'm pressing don't work okay so yeah my idea is just to have a plane that has a subdivision in the middle that i can just fold over like a paper and then just plop in there as a cutting element and for that i need need it approximately like this and just transform it to rotate it in the right orientation around the y y axis 100 degrees and hang on shouldn't this already work to just give me the leftover element that's not it so this would be fine do i have to really use a cube instead i'll just i'll just do it like this okay let's see okay more position separate x y z and then i just use the absolute of the y because that's going to be one on the outside and zero in the center to offset the position of the plane but it's a vector so i need to combine it's already getting a little bit crowded here on the x component there we go it looks like a triangle shape and then that's currently just going to offset it by one i'm just going to multiply that there we go and then the convex hall is going to do this which is perfect and then we boolean it and that's the exact opposite of what we need well how do i invert this it's just gonna oh yeah difference no might wait that doesn't look like the union oh yeah it's always gonna just keep the outside right intersect oh yeah that makes more sense wait thank you stupid boolean operations okay and when i have the angle i obviously also want to keep the outside of it so after setting the position i just gonna i'm just gonna scale it up there we go by two should be enough so this is all not super mathematically accurate if i wanted to actually have this work properly i would have to do it a little bit differently but maybe i can figure that out later if i need to for now this works so done got a slice of pizza it's called a day just need to add a little bit more detail maybe okay let's see yeah this this whole thing would be a little bit more easy if i actually had more notes like extrusion because now i need to use normal somehow to figure out which side is which and stuff like that but that's going to be fine where's the cylinder okay we're going to need a bunch more vertices maybe i can just have a have a factor to actually control the uh resolution on the fly um yes so a bunch of math notes i just want to have like a certain uh a certain factor between the different parameters to be able to actually control it with one single parameter so for the vertices those should probably be yeah to to get it like this it should be [Music] yeah times eight so the vertices are going to be the fill segments times 8 like this and maybe let's make this one so i'm going to multiply this by 16. then i just have one factor to rule them all to be able to set the resolution on the fly and if i just go to point one it's gonna be okay that's maybe a little bit too little uh 0.24 i have nice and fast calculation of the mesh so i can actually do the work and then later on you can just put it back to one or even two or whatever did you save i don't think i did maybe that's a good idea it should all be set up so that should be fine um okay i think i'm following questions in the chats doesn't boolean always destroy toppo it's it's retaining the stuff that it doesn't touch but yeah wherever the intersections actually are it kind of destroys the the topology so you're making a making a selection by the faces might actually have been nice for that hmm actually now that i think about it i'm not so sure i really want to do the bullion thing damn it do i have any benefit from the other one i have nicer oh yeah i have the issue that i can't fill these or is there is there a thing yet to just fill uh fill loops i don't think there was something let's just check in the mesh doesn't look like it this fill curve right where was that there and i can probably just create a curve from the edges but a remesh node uh not yet unfortunately i still have to use the modifier for that at that point but uh at some point i mean as far as i know at least remesh yep nothing there's a bunch of stuff that's still in modifiers it's going to be ported to nodes at some point but this just takes a while why don't you just use the solidify modifier that defeats the purpose of the nodes though i want to i want to keep in nodes i mean modifiers are kind of just big chunky nodes that you can only use in sequence but uh yeah extrude node would be nice to to have that was also in the in the um prototype for the fields at the first time uh that we tried them out but uh yeah it's not in there right now i think i'm just going to make a very rudimentary version and then clean it up later the nice thing about the procedure workflow is that i can still just replace everything later on as well okay i am going to want to have it a little bit more smoothed anyways though so let's do just the subdivision surface modifier and that's the issue that doesn't look great what if i can i inset the geometry somehow hmm okay let's just try something very nightmarish and see if it works kinda not really but kinda wait i don't know subdivides too sure about that i feel like just doing things manually with loads of loads of math kind of might work better because that's that's just what i'm used to from using shader notes because you can just do anything with vector okay do a displacement texture for each type of object you want and be able to select the faces words you would like to apply pepperoni for example i would i would just do them as separate pieces and then yeah you can just do this displacement separately but we'll get there eventually now i'm a little bit lost with topology which yeah it's just due to the fact that i'm not used to having any topology at all that's more complicated than the sphere for the procedural stuff that i'm doing um well let's see i'm thinking of really just going back to the sphere approach and flattening the sides a theory that should work and that will leave me with enough topology that i need what are you making uh can't you see it's a slice of pizza delicious okay let's just explore this idea math math way best way yes yeah the um that's just for me the workflow that i'm most used to so let's see i can just use the position to set the position and do everything by hand which is very nice and for that let's just see how it works okay let's look at the sphere so the idea that i have right now is just to top you take basically a an axis that the slice is going to be mirrored on and then the points on the right of that axis are going to be shrinked uh shrunken basically to the edge of the slice on this side and on the left side it's just going to be shrunken to that side and in the center they're all just going towards the center it's a bit laggy lagging a lot yeah yeah i'm going getting a message from youtube there are a couple twitch seems pretty quiet there's a couple of people on twitch how is it there with with lags is it better maybe i can just also boost the audio in general if it's about about the volume on obs it looks fine for me in terms of like dropped frames or anything that looks all green oh there were a bunch of drop frames earlier on hmm right now it seems fine though still choppy on twitch hmm it's a shame not really sure how much i can do about that volume is good okay yeah i increased it a tiny bit but if it's good now that it's fine it's nice you can make a pizza by getting a circle curve making an arc oh arx yeah by separating uh by curved parameter yeah then pass it to a curve to mesh but this is just going to give me the uh the oh yeah just make it circular again using a quadrilateral core lateral curve with twice the radius it sounds like an interesting idea i'm not super comfortable with curves yet but maybe that's a good reason to just try out okay let's let's experiment a little bit more i'm spending a lot of time just thumbing fumbling around sorry for that it's just i'm also new to this system but let's see about the circle oh god curve primitives circle and then the input curve parameter or is it here there it is um and then i delete points by looking at the parameter and comparing it with a with an epsilon so the epsilon is just giving me a range like this yeah but then i just need i need that additional point that i moved to the center but that i can just simply do by using the index just taking the first point comparing with zero and then i move that to the center let's see if that works worst case we'll just have a bunch of different methods of creating a triangle which is also kind of the point of three-sided prompt i guess so selection first point is going to be moved into [Music] center i'll just use a vector input there we go it doesn't look like much right now try and fill it like this you could create your own remeasure group by adding points oh yeah points to volume volume to mesh that's actually not not that bad of an idea that would probably work um i'll think about that um okay i'm just going back to comodo's message in the chat to just see what they what they said then pass it to curve to mesh using a quadrilateral curve with twice the radius as the profile i'm not exactly sure how that should work out isn't that just i mean that should just give me the outside of that triangle right i mean i can just i guess i can just do in the end curved mesh do the convex hull again why even a quadrilateral oh boy oh for that just keep it like this to make the spline not cyclic i see the point now yeah okay it's kind of cheeky to do that i'm not sure if that really gives me the i mean i can just just to to to see it i can just quickly do it so that's planned cyclic off and then have it like this that was the idea right let's just take a look how that looks when it's a little bit cleaned up by the convex hull because i do need the ends to be filled in uh yeah like this oops well i think i'm just really gonna try and do the the remesh workflow with points to volume volume to mesh just to see how that works because like this i do have a triangle segment of a an arc segment of a circle that's filled in so that should already work i'm not really sure why the curve parameter starts at that random position to be honest i would have expected it to be on either the x or the y axis at zero let's do it more like this wait oh it doesn't wrap um can i make this wrap no i'm just going to keep it like this for now remashing freeze if i'm worrying about topology yeah that's that's true we've been using the points to volume and volume to mesh workflow for a bunch of things in sprite fights the initial example that we were using for was the mass on the trees to create a base mesh with points that are distributed and uh yeah that's that's basically why it was designed in a first place to have this workflow in there so yeah i like it too let's see how it works distribute points just a whole bunch of points like this maybe more and then points to volume and volume to mesh now with the radius we can make it like this and give it a little bit more resolution also a bunch more points and is this ever going to be smooth let's just look at it without the overlay and make it shade smooth in the end it's going to be a little bit crumbly and crusty but that's fine maybe i'll even take down the radius more and do it a little bit differently let's see this is nice unfortunately there's no smooth note that's there is a patch for that but i think because of the fields the whole field refactoring thing it also got pushed back a little bit more but yeah okay now now i need the parameters to actually make the displacement work a little bit i'm just going to actually delete these things because i think this is going to work let's take a look at the topology we have a nice and high amount of vertices that you can push around to make the displacement work why don't you just go with shader nose and mass um i wanted to use geometry notes and i'm still going to do the same thing now because in the end you can at this point do a whole lot of things you can do with shader noodles with geometry nodes as well because of the field workflow yeah for smoothing or relaxing that's going to come at some point it's even going to be able because smoothing the geometry is basically just smoothing the position attribute so the same node should eventually just be able to smooth any any field any attributes on the geometry so that's going to be cool to be able to actually like blur attributes that way by uh smoothing them over the topology of the mesh which yeah position smoothing is basically just the smooth modifier as you know it okay finally going the math way of making a little bit of displacement happen on this slice of pizza for that i'm going to use some set position to do the actual offset of the geometry and the position input to get the values that i need and then some vector math so now i think i'm just going to multiply this by 1 1 0 to be able to eliminate the z component and then get the length and that way i just get information over the distance from the center regardless of the height or the thickness of this thing um and then a map range node and i'm going to start because the the radius at the maximum at the outer most points of the crust is going to be approximately 1 plus 0.04 because that's the radius of the of the points that are distributed here and yeah one is probably going to be fine and then i'm going to start at like 0.8 and then make this an offset to displace the geometry along the z components like this this is obviously not what i want but we get some nice crust uh just a map of where the crust is supposed to be and then let's use the curves oh boy there's a lot of curves now i don't think we have float curves at this point right oh we do wow that's a new thing that's nice and then i can just shape the crust beautifully like this okay i'll put one maybe but obviously i don't want the crust to be lifted up like this i want this only to really take effect um at the top side of the slicer pizza so i'm also going to use the z component of the position separate this and [Music] yet just multiply the result with a math node like kind of like this but i'm going to start from zero to what's the height of this like .04 [Music] so 0.04 perfect oh god that is a slice of pizza with a very nice crust but this is a bit too much so we have a little bit more precision i'm just going to multiply this thing by like point two point one there you go okay i've been not really looking at the chat i think if you change the distribute distribute points to poisson disk you can get better results with less points yes i'm not exactly sure how much that will help with the performance it should probably help because the most expensive stuff is this here but the volume is just going to be the volume is just voxel based anyways and once that's generated i think this is the most important step actually generating the mesh out of the volume and that shouldn't really change but you're right with the poisson disk i can control nicely how oh how densely they are distributed so if i have the radius of 0.04 i can just also put that in here oh maybe half of it and then it's going to use less points wait let's just do both and compare them it's also the nice thing with procedural stuff you can just switch things around and see how it changes the behavior oh yeah of course now because it's throwing away points i just need more let's try a hundred thousand it's not that different i don't know i think i'm just gonna i'm just gonna keep it as this we can still increase the points but yeah like i said the most expensive step as far as i know is creating the mesh and right now still everything is very nice and smooth as you can see if i change things around they still are very responsive so i don't really want to bother with the performance of this at this stage because i think it's still fine later on i'm probably going to increase increase the resolution of this and then i'm going to need more points but that's fine just for rendering in the end okay so we already get uh got some kind of a slice of pizza just no toppings or sauce or anything at all of course started i was gonna do a pizza i guess it's very uh it's like the most natural step because i've mentioned before but it is the most uh objectively best triangle there is okay now variation i'm thinking of either now doing a little bit of variation in the dough keeping that for later and i do want it a little bit more smooth to be honest also it is maybe a little bit too too high still oh god what have i done unfortunately the the keys here are not all all working i think it's due to the setup that i hear that i have here where uh we have a specific streaming room the blender studio and i'm not used to this setup god where is it and the home button doesn't really do anything which i would usually use to jump to where i am and then not tree can i this doesn't work this is so sad i think it should technically work if i open a new shader a new node editor nope goddammit is this how it ends view frame all shift c oh god i always used home did that change thank you yeah the numpad unfortunately doesn't seem to do anything on this keyboard um but yeah thanks we go we got back all is fine okay let's use some noises because that's one of the nice things since fields you can really go crazy with all sorts of textures that you just do displacement with that wasn't really all that easy before with the attribute based system um but yeah let's let's just take a look at how how we can make this work so i'm going to just do another displacement step based on a nice texture and i'm going to use the normal as the displacement direction and then use oops wrong node use a vector math node to scale this with the texture like this and then a float curve to control the profile as an offset oh god and then it is a little bit too strong and it's plugged into the the factor that's not great yeah so if you if you do this it doesn't automatically connect the value on both sides which is not great ah i should note that down and point that out to somebody float curve because the factor is just going to be controlling how much this actually has an effect and that's not the point okay for now i'm actually going to take this back down to the previous settings so i actually have a little bit more oh no a little bit more responsive behavior 0.02 i'm probably also i'm going to give this a little bit of a negative displacement i'm going to subtract like 0.5 and i think this type of displacement i only really want to have on the inside that's going to be the sauce well actually there's going to be a whole different bunch of displacements on the crust i want to have some more like spherical uh bulbs on the side side could be relatively clean cut on the bottom it should be also like a little bit of noise displacement kind of like this and then here there's going to be sauce and ingredients and for that i'm going to need a whole bunch of different masks to be able to selectively affect the different areas and for that maybe at this point i want to take a look at just getting those masks so with the position which is actually captured here capture i'm going to create the masks and the point why i'm capturing the position here is because because i want the i want to use these masks in a bunch of different places later on and they shouldn't be affected by the changes that i make the to the position so i need to actually capture the position at the point that it has right here so the attributes that are created the the masks that are created as fields are not reliant on the dynamic position but on the captured position that i have here i don't know how much people here in the chat have looked into the specific unique attributes of how fields work but that's an important part to keep in mind that the uh the fields that you get like this are always live and changing with the geometry if you get an attribute like this alongside a geometry then it's always reliant on this geometry output and yeah that's that's important to keep in mind so um i already evaluated a mask here which actually could just use that same captured position from here and then i'm going to be able to reuse that that mask later on so let's just make a little more space and call this the crust hang on crust and oh yeah let's make a very quick setup to actually see the the fields because since relatively recently eevee also supports displaying attributes generic attributes which is really really cool um i'm just gonna do it like this so this setup just reads out the viewer which i'm just going to create within the geometry nodes node tree as an output so um i'm just going to take yeah why not just take a vector and call it viewer and then everything that i just connect to this your is going to be displayed in the ev rendered viewport or is it it should be [Music] it better be ah the material is not applied of course set material viewer and it's black which is good yes so now we see the crust vector as you can see as i increase this here gets more and more blue and it's all real time and we can just see what's happening to the masks which is amazing at some point it's just going to be part of the viewer but as far as i know that's not the case yet but yeah it's just amazing that this eevee preview even made it into 3.0 that's super useful can we copy this file when you're done yes on the blender studio i'm going to upload the files once i'm done um yeah aarondale made a bunch of tutorials on fields in general i haven't checked out the videos but i know that aarondell makes amazing content so maybe check that out um okay now that we finally have the setup of the masks i can actually take a look at whether or not i'm even creating the right masks let's see so this had the map range here and that map range let's just connect it to the output looks like this oh yeah that was just the top that's actually pretty useful though let's just make a thing like this and call it top what what happened oh you could just can't you just rename reroutes there you go top amazing and then this thing let's just connect that to the viewer as well is the crust kind of so right now that's not a not an actual mask but it's also a gradient that just goes from zero to one along the crust but that's fine um let's name this crust oh god why did it still have this is ah it's just selected it's not actually active there you go crust just put this here for later use and then if we need anything else we can just do a bunch of maths yes maybe the bottom just as a separate thing because i also want a gradient for that so i'll use the same z component and just go to negative 0.04 and that's then going to be the bottom i'll put like this bottom oops top crust and if i need something more specific i can just create it with a math note like the top crust there you go okay now bottom let's just make some displacement i'm going to take whatever i created before add another multiply node and multiply it with the bottom mask and look at the result did it work not quite it looks like i'm not exactly sure why okay we're taking the normal oh passing the wrong geometry that can't work there you go now we have a displacement max mask that is specifically driving the displacement at the bottom nice uh will this stream be a daily thing during november uh not quite daily probably more like every two days because the prompts are now this this year for two days but yeah the plan is to do every single prompt in uh streamed fashion i hope i can keep that working out and also keep the quality that i had from previous years because it is a little bit everything is a little bit slower first because i'm using geometry notes which i'm not so familiar with as with shading nodes and then second um because it's streamed and i'm trying to make coherent thoughts that i'm also verbalizing on stream which is not the easiest thing to do but we'll see how it works um okay i'll keep this as the viewer around and call this the bottom displacement and now we can change the properties around of this a little bit i want to have it more more like this and then change the scale to be a little bit less frequent i think but maybe maybe the details i can later on still look at in uh more precisely when i have higher resolution or i can just try it out right now let's see it is it is really amazing to be able to just see this stuff in real time uh while you're changing the note 3 by comparing it with the shading notes it's it's it's really quite incredible that looks kind of alright nobody's gonna see the bottom anyway so why do i even care um i think the resolution is is fine maybe i'll bump this up a little bit to get a little bit of a smoother result the side is warring me a little bit maybe i can make that work now yeah i think i'll also create a side uh mask so the side mask is just let's see also going to take the same component let's use the absolute and then basically doing the same thing running out of space here as these masks here but going the opposite direction 0.04 until 0 and that is the crust that is the side let's take a look with the viewer inside there you go finally things work wait this is not a side but this is so let's see i will take the top this thing and subtract it maybe you have to map arrange it more but let's just take a look at how this looks initially wait oh no not the top crust of course okay here it doesn't work it's it's not going all the way to one ah yes 0.00 1.04 one 1.03 oops sorry oh the stream was uh is it good now it's recovered okay good yeah it's it's a bit unfortunate i'm not sure what's happening stream seems to drop a few frames here and there hmm i'll definitely look into maybe if i can change the settings for the next stream but right now i don't think i can do much as long as for the most part it's fine then i'm just going to accept it how it is now it says excellent connection so just take that by word okay to get a different shape here i'm just going to plug in another math operation set to power and do it like this and then everything's fine that's a crust mask side mask good looks a little bit like a mess but we do have this nice set of masks that you can just use at any point hang on actually i should make a note group out of this let's try and actually keep this a little bit a little bit organized because i should in theory not really need to go back in here and do anything you can just use it as it is as a note group so let's just go one level lower okay what is this result is the bottom what is value ah the viewer right i don't need that get rid of it bottom top side crust top side crust yeah i always use math notes for everything sometimes it's or usually it's not like proper math it's just very simple operations to get what i want approximately wait wasn't this the side they're not actually connected to the right thing because i didn't okay okay this is a bit of a mess but nobody's ever gonna look at this again so it's fine now we have a nice pizza slice dough good enough even though this is still part of it kind of but yeah now we have a little bit nicer of a setup because it's very uh and more clear what's going on what was this position that's always good whatever okay now displacement so at the bottom you have this and then let's go for the crust for the crust i think i'm going to look into using a voronoi texture because i do want these nice bulby bubbly shapes frame drops still yeah the breadcrumbs could be more useful if maybe i renamed this stuff a little bit so this is going to be the pete's slice and then what oh the name of the modifier pizza and this let's just stick with pizza slice dot base shape that makes sense there you go very nice and the object is empty as all things should be animation is playing thank you it's a lot of unnecessary overhead maybe i should change it from spacebar oh it's not spacebar what was it then shift spacebar i should maybe copy the settings from my own setup over here so i actually know what i'm doing okay enough fooling around back to the displacement like i said foreign texture i want to create some bubbles on the crust so let's take the crust and already use a math node to actually multiply this i'm just going to make a new set position nodes to have a nice nice order of operations and use let's make it full screen use the crust for multiplication and then of course the normal again and for that i think i'm actually gonna make this a little bit more fancy i'll do it later one step after another so this needs to be a different range because by default the voronoi texture creates this kind of a thing oh god let's mute it and i want the bubbles to be basically the opposite way around so from one to zero and then power to change the profile around p and then we get something like this a little much it doesn't really work so use a curve load curve to replace the power so the power was just going to give it a nicer shape but instead i'm just going to do the same thing manually with the curve so the center of the dots from the warning texture is at zero i want to have that at one and then make it more like this and actually let's just make it a smooth smooth f1 and just crank it up so we can actually see what's happening here okay looks kind of interesting but not exactly what i need oh god this is not the greatest apology here to be honest oh yeah also i only wanted to be at the top side mostly at least so i'm just going to multiply this mask with this one it's getting somewhere and i think i'm actually because no matter what i do there's going to be these artifacts i'm going to add a smooth modifier because i don't think i can really work around that and i guess one thing that you could always do would be to just do the same step of distributing points and turning them into a remesh thing in the very end but i would like to oh god i would like to work around that okay this crust is maybe a little bit too much a little bit too high [Music] oh sorry wrong thing i have to actually go in here that's a bit nicer also i will change how this mask is used for the crust to already started earlier on so 0.5 okay and then i think i'm going to try something interesting maybe it's not maybe it's not the best idea but i was going to make this uh displacement not in a single step but instead in a bunch of steps it's a nice method of creating some like organic seeming growth to something i can just quickly show how that looks uh it looks a bit messy right now the note 3 but i can clean it up later and then offset i just use the same field input for all the different things because this is a dynamic normal it's going to re-evaluate the normal of the mesh on each of these geometry nodes so it's always going to displace the mesh along the current normal so all of these vectors are actually different depending on the current normal of the geometry and that way after a bunch of these steps it doesn't look great right now because we have these artifacts but you get this kind of a growth growth effect maybe i can make that a little bit more clear even by duplicating the whole thing as you can see it's already everything is already slowing down a little bit the evaluation of uh of the note 3 because we're getting into the more heavy territory right now i have to optimize this stuff a little bit later let's see yeah looks a little bit like there's some really really gnarly fungus growing on top of the uh on top of the slice of pizza so that's not necessarily the best thing to have but it is interesting maybe you can actually make it work somehow thing is because of the way i'm generating the geometry and it looks a little bit jagged right here i don't have smooth normals at all and for this method i kind of need smooth normals because everything every every little crease in the geometry is going to be uh really increased with this method and if i have any creases beforehand that i don't need that i don't want then it's just going to be amplified by a lot are you using 3d noise slowdown might be due to that ah oh the vorano 3d yeah you're right that's that's always a little bit more heavy i'm thinking about whether or not i need 3d noise here but actually i think for this thing i don't even need voronoi because of the the effect that i'm describing that kind of makes it grow a little bit i also get more bulbous geometry with just regular noise like this i'll admit it's not ideal but maybe we can make it work so scale maybe down what am i gonna do about this maybe i can change something about how the geometry is created okay sorry this in theory maybe the adaptivity could help a little bit let me just turn off oh oh god turn off all of these steps and take a look inside yeah this might actually help but i i do also just lose a lot of the geometry that i desperately need i can subdivide it later on but then it's probably just gonna be worse i gotta admit this is a little bit annoying um let's just see what happens if i subdivide nothing great so yeah multiple things that would be nice to have here would be either a smooth note that you can just do within the note 3 because right now i can only do it afterwards oh i think that yeah the smoothing might also slow everything down a little bit or a weld modifier to just eliminate unnecessary detail because these things like these spikes in the detail here could just be removed by uh merging a bunch of points oh yeah we're gonna make make it work without that for now what about a low additivity it doesn't really help oh well threshold i guess just increasing the points should help here not really i'm thinking about just actually using the smooth modifier by splitting this into two and having this smooth in between because it does really seem to help quite a lot with getting this into a very nice and smooth topology and then afterwards i could use normals but does it defeat the purpose of making making this nodes only kinda does what if you do mesh the volume and back to mesh again that's that's how this is already created oh you mean just at this point i think it's probably gonna make it worse to be honest i can try it out rush to volume oh wait it's volume to mesh do we oh yeah there's no mesh to volume yet that's points to volume i don't i don't think that's really going to help tweaking the points to volume node i mean i can only really tweak the the voxel amount or the density might help having a lower density it does seem better okay i think i'm just going to leave it at that for now and keep going i can still try and improve this later on i will though keep the smoothing in the end and i think i will just end up creating an additional geometry note modifier to actually add toppings because this is already look ooh this is already looking relatively nice i think that's the way to go do you get any use of the spreadsheet this it really depends on the use case i don't use it all that much but what is really really useful i think is just having the information of what types of components and how much basically memory usage your geometry is using at a certain point in your note 3 because you can really clearly see okay how many control points does my curve have how many vertices do i have right now and uh you can just look at that in every step of the note tree just with the viewer node which why does it not work ah the shortcuts but yeah that's that's the main point i use it for and looking at values you're right isn't always super useful at some point it's going to be a little bit more clear i think when there's more viewport interactivity with uh being able to select specific points in the spreadsheet and then have synced selection in the viewport as far as i know that is planned for at some point and that's going to be really useful but yeah i'm relatively happy with the shape of this pizza slice just in terms of the dough i think i'm going to maybe make this a little bit less perfectly circular because right now it's very very clearly a circle and for that i'm just going to go in here and change basically the in range the from range for the crust with a noise and the noise texture is just going to it's just going to use the position i think yeah this is the capture position that we used earlier on so this is totally fine whenever we use the mask it's still going to be the same because it's using the captured position okay and then i will create a value input from the current 0.8 crust factor uh i'll just turn this off for now because it's causing a little bit of a lag with with my note recreation and then add a bunch of math notes to control the offset from this i subtract 0.5 to get the values of the noise around zero and i multiply them by a factor to control how much i want the noise to affect the rest and then i add it on top that's going to be my new input okay let's just turn off all of this crazy displacement because it doesn't really help right now and you can see the noise is taking effect it looks very very strange right now but that can be easily changed this just needs to be 2d noise let's see smaller factor maybe like this it's gonna add another vector math node to offset this yeah kinda like this nothing too crazy just a little bit of variation okay the crust is really going insane to be honest yeah now i can still change this value around to have the pizza just be like half crust or with a relatively thin crust it's still very very thick but uh it doesn't take as much from the pizza okay maybe maybe you should tone it down a tiny bit i think this was the amount the height of the crust it doesn't really make a difference the blobs really carry the thickness of the crust and let's control it outside so let's just maybe tone this down ah that's the bottom bottom displacement crust displacement there you go [Music] it's not enough though it needs to be a little bit a little bit thick oh god ah maybe a bit much that's what i meant to do i'll just keep it like this it's all procedural we can make it better later um can we merge the vertices of the cube to form a triangle you mean like uh oh god like this procedurally uh merging is not really a thing yet as far as i know in nodes i mean at some point it will be possible you can you can scale down the face specifically on one axis to get a similar result but then you'll not not be able yet to actually merge these because there's not a weld node yet there's the weld modifier but uh yeah good okay i'm saving you got a pizza slice with a very very nice shape um there's not any sauce on there yet but i think i'm just gonna put that into a separate step i like having a smooth topology first because yeah just to remind you this is how it looks without smoothing which is not amazing but yeah smoothing helps okay i'm pretty sure the lag is due to the 3d noise still i don't think so honestly from what i've seen it doesn't really make that much of a difference to have 3d 2d noise the thing is i i mean it could be fine here it help i mean it is a lot of geometry at this point and there's a bunch of steps of uh displacing this so yeah but yeah just so you've seen it now this is a relatively nice uh way of making like more organic growth of displacement and not just having a single step but making more like this because the equivalent of doing this amount of displacement in a single step would be i'll just show it to you very quickly doing multiplying it with 0.2 instead of 0.02 and just doing it once and then the whole thing looks like this oh god like this and as you can see it just looks like a very regular noise displacement but the blobs don't really have this nice round shape to them and it doesn't really create any creases and opposed to that if you take a look at the the iterative displacement that i created before it creates these creases and it just looks more blobby which which is what i'm looking for okay that seems to be this moving yeah this moving is a bunch of steps but it is it is relatively important to do this moving okay i'll just keep this on 3d because i kind of liked this this blob here on the side that i created before and move on we have the base of the pizza slice there pizza slice dot do and now we can move on to toppings or actually for working on this it might be nice to oh this this is on 250 iterations i thought i had it on 25. 25 doesn't seem to be enough oh jesus we'll leave it like that but yeah for uh for working on the toppings i'll just probably turn this off and then it should be more responsive maybe i'll even make a slider in here to be able to decrease the resolution sorry so i'll add a math node i'll add a mix rgb node just to expose the factor default is going to be one and then i'll get rid of it and the benefit i get from that is that the the input of the group now has this nice slider ui which you don't get when you just connect the input to a regular math node in the first place and that is going to control both the density of the points which is going to be 100 000 at the maximum and also the voxel amount which is going to be 256 at the maximum and then we're able to nicely just scale down the resolution of this and as you can see everything is much more responsive it doesn't look great but it really helps yeah so i'll just keep it on point five and then we can focus on the toppings without having to worry all that much about the performance can the smooth modifier use a geo-node attribute for the vertex group um you're thinking of just having it on the crust i think it can the issue i mean that it's not really an issue but the you have to kind of work kind of hack your way into that i think the way you do it is by actually creating a vertex group and then let me see outputting to that vertex group but it has to it has to uh exist beforehand so if i just put this to the cross wait shouldn't it exist crust oh it doesn't look like it worked i thought it might work but thinking maybe the issue is that i don't have base geometry so nothing is actually assigned to this let's see no oh sorry i thought it was work this would work but apparently it doesn't but yeah it is definitely planned to add this functionality or i mean ideally the uh the smooth modifier is just going to become a node and then you don't really have to worry about that issue because you can just have all of these things within the node editor itself but yeah let's let's move on new modifier so we have the pizza dough then it's getting smoothed and then we have a new geometry notes modifier that's going to be the toppings now what are you gonna put on there probably some some nice tsunami which as we know is just a bunch of cylinders that are scattered on top oh yeah of course for for all of this now we need to actually use an input for where the toppings are going to be which you get from the first modifier so i had the mask for the crust and for the top and from that i'm just going to create the mask for where the toppings are going to be it might work because the output in the group output node is set not set to the right domain and data type that is a good point let me give it one more try i mean this is showing me a bunch of different domains and data types though let's see point float that should be fine unsure what if i add here vertex float name collision yeah that's fine nothing i'm sure i'll keep it out uh what blender version this is 3.0 beta yes i might at some point during this month just switch to the alpha version because new stuff is going to be added at some point but right now there's not much of a difference between the version so i'm sticking to the beta currently okay that didn't work but that's fine new output is going to be the toppings mask and for that we'll need a couple of masks first the top and then i can just yeah let's do that the crust with a map range and that map range i want to see what i'm looking at it's going to go from 0.01 to 0 and mapping it to 0 like this and then i'm multiplying it with this and then get this looks about right maybe i will also change change this around to really be on the top rather than on the side like this with a power node and then the whole thing i output into a new output that was the crust this is going to be the toppings mask this was the viewer um yeah that should be fine and then we go into the next modifier apply this to a new top pings attribute which is going to be the input for where to scatter the toppings of course and for that i'm just going to use the just created attribute here and if we look at the points oh density is going to be maximum 1 so i'm going to change that with a multiplication oh i should use the input mesh of course there you go let's merge it together with the input there you go it's going to be a nice a nice amount of salami maybe use porn salon disc to actually create some distance between the salami pieces yeah later on later on i'm probably going to need some uh boolean to not have the salami pieces go go over the edge okay this is using different properties that's nice enough should also exposes seed parameters so later on we'll be able to just change this around and look at the different results minimum distance should be something around like uh oh yeah this is not up to scale the thickness was like four centimeters this is a huge a huge pizza so maybe this should be like 0.05 even more 1.5 too much that looks about right it's probably easier if it's smaller pieces we'll see how it works out okay and then i'm gonna instance the stuff on top instance on points and oh boy this is just a huge cylinder right now more like this let's create some more geometry on the inside wasn't correct yeah i have to use the points only and not the whole geometry there you go fantastic oh yeah i write the resolution uh let's also yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna also add stretchy cheese if possible that would be nice yeah i'm not really sure usually i when when i was doing november i was also animating my entries and having some animation with stretchy cheese would be amazing i don't know how much i can make that work but uh i'll i'll see pizza may not have salami yes every single atom of the pizza is a piece of salami what was i going to do right i was going to expose this resolution factor in the modifier itself and also i want to make this dependent on the viewport so in the render i always want to have full resolution quality but in the viewport i want to be have it be controlled by this slider so what i'm going to use is a switch node that uses the state of the viewport and the type that it's switching on is the b not the boolean the float and in case it is the viewport then i will want to use this and otherwise it's going to be one and that way i can just add a camera to prove what i'm doing and a point light all right the material as you can see low resolution in the viewport and rendering high resolution it's all nice and smooth but also the crap the salami looks completely different of course we'll figure it out it's gonna be fine okay good yeah not exactly sure what i'm going to do with a layer of cheese i guess this could i like the top half on the topping so i could all just be cheese and then i can add a little bit of an edge on the outside where it's actually similar to the crust like growing [Music] with the displacement so maybe i'll put that before the salami so i'm going to do the same thing as before i have the normal input i use the noise i loosen back to math and i set the position scale it hello scale this with the noise add a float curve for manual control yes and then i use the toppings mask to mask the thing okay i'll actually use it oh god a little bit extreme another factor 0.1 let's see ah man that happens way too much yeah we gotta do something about that at some point that's automatically connecting the factor on the uh on the input of the float curve okay and then same trick as before bunch of iterations so maybe we get away with less now just organize it like this now it's probably way too much yeah that's quite cheesy hmm i feel like maybe if i yeah i think i can maybe manipulate the way this is uh this is displacing with some vector curves to be able to cheat the cheese around the edge if that makes sense probably doesn't but that's fine uh let's see vector curve oh what there you go and for the yes so when the when the cheese gets to the edge it peaks around it's also going to displace towards the bottom side because the at some point when it's when it displaces to the side there's a certain component of the normal which it's using for the direction of the displacement that goes downwards and if i just boost the influence that the normal has when it's going down like this it should in theory help wait going to increase also the extremity of the y and x components and then scale down the z when it's positive it's a bit too much what if i look at this oh god i'm not sure that works but also i need more resolution to see what's happening oh wrong factor did i not expose this ah here let's give this a name because that right now doesn't really help this is the viewport resolution let's put it to 0.75 or all the way to one actually yeah that doesn't work i'm afraid we we might need more more smoothing which is a shame okay let me look at the chat again i do feel like i let him down at dead end with a rematch suggestion though no i think the remashing actually helps i mean smoothing will be needed anyways i think as long as you're trying to do some normal displacement because the normals are just going to be jagged no matter what you do well now that i think ah it's fine um which is what's the shortcut for just dragging and connecting nodes dragging and connecting like this because that's that's automatic there's no shortcut for this this just happens automatically if you want to get a node out of a connection like i did just now you just hold down the alt key and then drag it out okay there's still these salami pieces hanging out [Music] now they're using the wrong geometry it doesn't really help i'll get rid of the salamis for now and try and make the cheese work first i feel like this does have the potential to work i kind of just want to give it a couple more smoothing operations kind of feels a little bit like a dirty hack of just throwing smoothing on top of everything but i mean it works this doesn't look very delicious though i gotta admit what if i just drag the smoothing all the way to the end ah this does look nice but i'm losing that crease that i really want maybe that has to be an additional step kind of like it like this maybe you'll just end up having a pizza margarita and and that's it that would be a shame but i am at least happy that this kind of looks like it's working out and it doesn't look too bad let's see what we can change about uh about this more specifically what about changing the size of this i don't really want to have have it go more downwards on the edge but i might actually have to go in and do that more manually with another mask i think i'm just going to to have more creative freedom just expose all of the different masks that i created before so i have the craw the crust the toppings let's just get more of them there was the side that's just not used anywhere right now and then the bottom top ah that should be fine side okay am i missing things in the chat um okay people are already helping them each other out with the note wrangler what feature are you waiting for the most hmm it's relatively difficult question because i'm relatively newly diving into actually using fields finally right now right now i would love a smooth note to be able to actually just do it in the tree yeah smooth note extrude node those would be nice then also now that we actually have the ev preview i imagine it would be relatively relatively simple to expose a functionality where the viewer can actually also display fields as an overlay and solid viewport that would be amazing uh just like like if you are in uh weight paint mode you have this overlay and that would just be for the field that you're currently looking at just with a shortcut that would be great but right now i'm just amazed how many things it actually made it into 3.0 like just the eevee display that's really cool uh i mean you could still use shader notes on top of the actual geometry uh yes um but that's not even that useful because you can't really do much more shader notes like you're still bound to the tessellation of the geometry um and for you just for your displacement you you can't create more points also i kind of wanted to keep it uh to only geometry nodes for this uh because otherwise it's even even more overkill and just have it in like clay renders maybe i'll have to see how i want to present my work in the end but i think i'm just going to keep it down to mostly geometry notes seems like set position could have an iteration slider that's that's not a bad idea for the for the offset i mean for the for the position input it doesn't make sense but for the offset yeah but rather than that i think it we should rather just have loops in general so it's not only for this one specific note but you can have other operations as well that you just put into a loop we just also plan to have at some point okay let's keep going a little bit more um what was i doing this side right i wanted to get that cheese around the edge for that i create a new input to get the side mask oh god it's not responsive at all anymore let's turn this down to 0.5 turn off the smoothing it does look kind of horrendous this way and it's not really good representation of what it's going to look like in the end but oh better than nothing side right and then i'm going to use a combination of the side mask and the top mask to get that nice edge on the cheese to go a little bit more down it should hopefully work yes i'm just going to use a map range node and multiply this thing with that and it's going to take the side and the toppings multiply those and then i map it from 0 to 1 to 1 to 2 or something that doesn't quite seem to work wait what is going wrong let's take a look at the viewer yeah that's a that's a thing right now this is really a workaround creating this kind of viewer output and that could easily be a feature now that ev is able to display fields uh display arbitrary attributes on the geometry but in theory this should already work if i turn this back on go into ev and then expose this just keep the reroute around that doesn't look right so let's see the toppings that's correct side what is that looks like i exposed the wrong thing let's see side kind of straight out of here and that it comes from here hmm i remember this being correct i'm not sure what's going on is it not using it is using the captured position because otherwise it makes sense that it fails this is all using the captured position so i'm not quite sure olives on pizza not a big fan not as bad as pineapple but not a fan of olives okay let's let's try and debug this so here i'll just plug the side into the viewer and indeed it looks like this this doesn't change it so that is fine oh pablo has a live stream thanks for sticking around and making sure that things go right looks like it's uh nothing's going too bad even though some frames are being dropped have a good stream pablo i'm gonna stick around a little bit longer and try and make this work okay this is using the side and this was the absolute z mapped from 0.4 to 0 to 1 and 2 0 1. using the crust is it actually the crust yes powering it and subtracting that ah that's the issue okay i think the issue is just because of the viewport resolution no okay there we go that's better i guess the issue was already happening before but i didn't really use the size for anything so it was fine okay uh vlog's gonna stick around that's nice a pineapple slider with a multiplier of zero yeah it's not a bad idea giving those those filthy pineapple people hopes of having pineapple on their pizza but it was all a lie um okay losing a little bit the thread of what's going on here but we'll get it back this was the salami we'll revisit that later this was the cheese but that's only the first iteration because this was supposed to push it to the side more let's see if that works not quite yet it seems ah there you go it kind of works let's see if that holds up with a higher resolution oh god at least it's really only affecting the size because i have the right mask now let's look at it with higher resolution and some smoothing and it's all gone well i guess that's the issue when we have relatively low resolution because it does just thin out to the side like the resolution here is very high because we have so much displacement going on here uh this faces just get larger and larger i don't really want to increase the overall resolution all that much one thing i could try just to see if it does anything is to throwing a subdivision surface of one iteration in the in the middle of course it's gonna make everything super slow maybe it helps that's a bit much oh was it freaking out it doesn't look so great i mean i feel like it does kinda help overall if i maybe turn this back down yeah and then rely more on the subdivision unsure but it is kind of getting somewhere at least um another rematch is surely surely the solution i don't i don't think so not this time not for the cheese do you use any primitive to base that on is it everything generates two nuts um currently you can't really generate geometry from scratch in theory that is possible with uh with the concept of fields but that's not really a thing yet uh one thing you can do is distribute a bunch of points and then use the convex hull node to create the geometry from that but uh yeah i'm i'm here using for the bases a what even was it was it the curve yeah the curve and then creating the individual triangle distributing points on that turning the points into volume and then the volume into a mesh to do some sort of remesh some sort of fake solidify kind of a thing okay i think i'm going to decrease the geometry here and actually use the subdivision but instead of doing it in the second modifier i'll just do it as part as the first one subdivision surface click around here and then lower this by like half so 50k points with a resolution of 128 instead of 256. hmm the cheese it's not really doing what i want though i think i gotta go go for another approach for that what could i do um okay i do have an idea the thing is that should probably be done after smoothing yeah i think i'm just going to to add more geometry notes modifiers it's a little bit of a shame that i can't just do everything in one modifier because i have to keep the smoothing step in between but that's just how it is i do it with curves yeah like stringy cheese would be nice with curves what i can do is manipulate the uh actually that would be nice to have like the the slice of pizza be oh i can't move it because it's too too heavy uh to have it like lifted up and then some cheese dropping down at least i kind of want to do that rather than having like thousands of toppings on top just having a nice slice of pizza with cheese dropping down and for that curves are not a bad idea yes right now i'm just thinking of what i could do maybe the cheese would be an additional piece of geometry but yeah doing doing these kind of geomet procedural things is always just trial and error and then thinking of a better way to do something okay curves would be an option another idea would be to actually do another remash step or just increa included in the initial remesh step to to have more geometry on the side that's kind of drooping down i'm just going to take a look at how this whole thing is going to look like when before the whole displacement stuff i actually transform wait no i'm just going to do it after that's fine for that to be more responsive i'm just going to turn off the subdivision and put this down to just have something very responsive and then i'm gonna just rotate this thing around to get a nice angle let's see like this oh not scaly that's wrong so the slice of pizza is just going to be lifted up and then i want to have some some cheese like drooping down like this and going to the to the ground kind of like this maybe that's a little extreme but that's kind of the idea and then the camera is going to look approximately like this and you can see the the g is going down here okay that much for the transformation let's go back to full resolution yeah that shouldn't really do anything with the geometry it's just in a different place oh wait no the the cheese is afterwards i'm having second thoughts of making the cheese in a second modifier [Music] okay but i do have to think a little bit about how i want to do the droopy cheese first because before i make any other decisions the issue with just taking some some spots here and making them droop down with some vector math is that i'm going to run out of geometry at some point because the more i stretch it it's just not going to be enough vertices but maybe i can actually just cheat cheat my way through by using geometry from actually down here oh yeah maybe you know what i mean to actually just borrow some geometry from the bottom side and just uh just get it all down and then it might work but yeah this is relatively difficult maybe actually using an additional piece of geometry would be better here i want to do that i would uh i would kind of try and yeah we'll try and isolate some geometry from the edge here and just pass it down kind of then maybe additionally distribute more points and then i could at more points that i then do the whole remeshing thing for points to volume volume to mesh oh boy i'm sorry i realized that this is not the most interesting thing to look at right now just me just me and my brain trying to make this somehow work but that's that's just how it goes sometimes okay i think i do really want to before i do the transformation actually add the cheese so i'm just going to copy this whole thing and put it into the first modifier because the the whole smoothing happens afterwards anyways which is something i changed and i just need to remember that okay this is going to get the toppings mask and this is going to get the sides mask copy let's turn it off as well then paste okay and then toppings goes in here side goes in here okay and that's the cheese at least the chi uh the cheese on top oh yeah passing in and out and there you go okay i gotta stretch a little bit stringy cheese i'm thinking about just creating the geometry separately and then adding it in with a boolean i'm not 100 sure this is the greatest idea actually i feel like i should really consider using my tools that i uniquely have with geometry nodes more that i can't get with something like shader node as they are like for example proximity so one thing i can do for example is yes let's try that delete geometry and then i use the side mask compare it oh this stays the side compare it and everything that is less than a threshold like 0.5 is going to be thrown away and that should happen after the transform before the transform wait i can still change it later let's say before oh it happens separately and then the proximity and this is going to be the target and then i'm going to probably just capture an attribute yeah that should be fine which is going to be the distance to this geometry uh yes on the point domain and let's just take a look at that because i think that's going to be useful there so what this gives us is a very nice fall off from the edge of the of the pizza slice to the center and that's something that in shader notes you would rather have to actually calculate that more by hand but here we can instead just separate a specific part of the geometry that is just the edge here and then look at the distance to that there you go and then i can use that here's a map range let's just first do something like this i have to see later if that actually is what i want and then another math node raycast to the edge oh yeah right cast might might be nice wait raycast to the edge cheesy crust just gonna go for the for the regular cheese toppings that are drooping down i think that's gonna be nice if it works okay this was supposed to be multiplication and yes bottom my brain is already starting to give up a little bit but i'll try and plow through let's see this should let's go to the viewer yes oh yeah 0.5 is way too much like this yes i think we're getting somewhere and then i will do some more displacement question is when i feel like if i try and do this before the smoothing it's just going to unsmooth everything i do so maybe i will have to do it after and then smooth again eventually or actually uh yeah that might be it i might have to [Music] separate the droopy part is this difficult who would have ever thought that making this completely procedurally would be difficult not me i'll just wrong noise i'll just try and make the setup here and see what comes out of it wrong noise again third time's a charm noise texture um okay same old story float curve multiplication value input this time making that mistake again and then instead of using the normal i'm just going to use the a vector as the direction because i do just want to a vector wait no not a vector i do just want to have it droop downwards straight down after the uh the pizza slice is like lifted up so i'm going to have this point straight down but actually instead of just using this kind of vector i'm going to use the actual position separate the xyz and have it drooped by the distance that it has to the floor that way i can make sure that the cheese like touches the ground maybe maybe that's gonna look a little bit too much but we'll see um okay so set position wait back to math and basically two e yeah let's try that i'll have to invert by negative one a vector that only contains the z component of the position so i'm going to multiply multiply by 0 0 1. scale that by negative 1 and then i end up at the ground let's see if that works first looks like it does right now we have a very flat piece of slice of pizza but then obviously i want to also scale that with the mask that i just created and then with some noise later on yeah so now it is getting smoothed but even wait even if i don't smooth it it's not getting all the way down there why is that i guess it i guess the mask doesn't quite get to one interesting yeah but i'm not sure what the reason for that is god i feel like this should in theory just go all the way down because the proximity let's just try points no proximity should be zero on the exact edge oh yeah i am multiplying with the sides though so maybe i need to make map this a little bit differently that was the sides so let's give this yes yes that is a lot of droopy cheese okay and now finally let's add the noise so it doesn't look like crazy waterfalls of cheese and also add a little bit of a different profile to this maybe putting it already helps a bit i was hoping for more stringy droops it's going to be relatively difficult with the smoothing let's see um this needs to be more like this here for the proximity maybe it'll actually take more oh god i'm not so certain why this doesn't take part in drooping down did i take the ball oh yeah i only took the bottom right i think i multiplied it yeah that's the bottom i thought it was the sides maybe i maybe we should add the sides to this yeah i think that will help wrong node or use the maximum of the bottom and the sides let's see look at this nightmare uh i mean the smoothing it is necessary but it also just destroys all detail uh i was missing out on a bunch of messages the difference is in geonotes it could be a beautiful render rather than material displacement loading not sure what you mean what do you mean by that sorry volumetric steam oh not a bad idea very interesting i'm not sure how easy that would be to i mean you can just make it custom all think about it it's pretty good idea uh okay okay one thing that's obviously still missing or wait maybe not obviously but it would definitely add a lot would be to make the cheese more bulby just like the blobs on the crust and for that i'm just going to use the same old technique that i've been using before okay let's see droopy cheese okay let's turn off the geometry while i'm working to have no lagging okay a bunch of iterations and now i'm using normal that's something normal normal and i'm going to multiply it with that same mask wrong note vector scale like the math [Music] scale it up by the mask and by a vector oh we'll still have to see how that works out but that's the theory of making it more blobby oh hang on it should look different what am i what am i multiplying here did i forget something i'm scaling it with the mask and with a factor that's fine i think the little mask i'll have to power up what is happening in theory this should kind of nicely grow these spikes here to the outside so they get more blobby maybe i need to capture something all of all attributes that i'm using for these masks are already captured oh the position is not captured that's the point so this uh yeah this noise texture that i'm using to generate the mask of where it droops down is using the position of the geometry and the position after changed here is obviously going to be a different one so to actually make this work the way i wanted to is i i have to capture the position attribute before it's being used like this i capture it and then i plug it into the noise oh god wait probably means that it works ah look at this beautiful yeah i mean it looks a little bit strange but it does prove the point i was trying to make at least maybe uh yeah maybe this could work if i just do it after the smoothing i think i'm just going to try it out okay to make this work i'll just make this a note group i think i can much more easily just plug it into the other modifier and i can actually remember what this gets so this needs a specific ah yeah this needs a specific attribute that i need to pass out and that's the distance to the rim yes so i give it out and i call it rim distance and that's going to go into the attribute rim underscore distance and then i use it in here for this first input then these two are what are they oh god they are the bottom and the side i think i'm already giving those out am i not no not the bottom okay so bottom needs to pass out to be passed out and it goes to the bottom attribute and yeah then it can use it at the bottom is going to be this is the blender file saving frequently i think not frequently enough it's a good idea oh i wrote gotham instead of bottom that's not what it is bottom and what was this the size i think so yes where does this go back here okay this is already a huge mess but at least i still know what's going on then i'm just going to oh this was just the viewer yeah then i can just cut this and remove the output because it's not needed and then i'll just copy this note group and put it here where is it oh over there okay and then i expose the rim distance the bottom and the side and add them from here so rim distance bottom side and it works as it did before wait didn't yeah okay let's mute it here to see yes and now it's after this moving which is very noticeable well we can figure it out so power let's try something less extreme and then do a bunch more smoothing maybe scale this down by more um more smoothing it can always be more smoothing oh yeah now you can see the effect that i was mentioning earlier that there is just not so much geometry left because all of this has been stretched all the way down and the faces are getting huge and it's getting very jagged now it's very unfortunate but not much i can do about right now but that was a constant issue during the previous november is where i was only using shader displacement so i would always because i couldn't do any tessellation stuff i would always have to try and make it work with the geometry that i have and kind of shift it around into places where i actually need it uh yeah and one one way i would do that here then would be to just take the geometry from the bottom of the slice because that's not going to be visible in the render anyways and uh just shift it to the side i could do that here as well but it is relatively difficult to do i mean it's not super difficult but it is it is annoying to do at least oh i do have an idea though how i could make that relatively easily i think i'll try and make it work without first though maybe i can figure something out so let's look at 20 iterations that doesn't look too bad oh that doesn't look too bad you just can't look down here also i i don't want the cheese to be up here actually i just wanted to be as a topping like drooping from the side so let's just remove that from there how do i do that best probably if i just yes here from the sides remove the crust because the crust is part of the side oh god okay gotta trace back the steps what's what's happening here this is the side and i need to use a math node to subtract the crust let's take a look did it help kinda and if i just power this up it's kind of what i want it's not perfect but it's an honest slice of pizza let's see i can delete this now because it's been replaced with the external note group after the smoothing this one i actually don't need this anymore because i only needed it to to move this around hello ctrl alt g doesn't work oh it's just alt g now i think that changed i feel like i remember it being ctrl alt g but it works and then let's tweak the noise a little bit i feel like we don't need that much detail oh god it looks a bit strange oh i turned off the the smoothing here okay this is this is quite extreme i am not so sure about this okay i can just decrease the amount where can i do that normal here and then it shouldn't really go all that far in where it's at the bottom i can just decrease this that's kind of it just getting there i'll just change uh the noise a little bit i was getting the wrong one by shifting it around with a vector math node just try and get lucky with a nice seat looks not too bad um i kind of want to make these a little bit more blobby as well like these here so i'm thinking maybe i can change this to be lower there you go that is a lot of cheese i'm actually relatively happy with this one i'm glad that i actually got somewhere in the end because at some point it didn't really look like it okay in theory because this is all nice and procedural i can just lift wait what is this yeah can just lift this pizza more and the cheese adapts to droop further down and i can rotate it around actually to have a nicer to have a nicer effect for this i think i want to for the cheese noise yes i want to capture the position before i do the transformation so and then give that out as as a modifier output attribute let's take a vector plug that out and give that as uvws because it's 3d coordinates of the pizza slice before it's transformed so it's kind of like a uv map but it's 3d vectors and it's very useful because i can still change this transformation around the cheese is going to adapt afterwards but the uvws are going to stay the same and that's quite useful and then i'm going to call that like coordinates why not oh coordinates there you go now we're at the six hour six hour uh three hour mark that's actually decent i was thinking about streaming for like three hours uh but um yeah that you never know with these things i kind of i mean i wanted to add more toppings and also there could be a little bit more detail on the crust like having having it actually look more like baked dough and this is looking more like cheese and in theory adding some shading to this would also be nice i was thinking of just having it uh like a clay render but yeah i'll have to just look at this with some rendering and see but first i'll use the coordinates as an input here instead of capturing them like this i'm going to expose them as the coordinates and then give them in as the cool coordinates attribute and now i can just easily change the transformation like this which is actually kind of fun to do because you can see the cheese actually adapting it is relatively slow but yeah you can see how it changes along and now maybe like one more thing at least i'm going to get an object info node and add a little bit of a controller to the cheese so i'm going to add an empty well controller for the whole pizza basically pizza controller and then i'm going to use the location and rotation of that thing to control the translation and the rotation of the geometry in here so i can actually just uh like this i can actually just use it as a bone kind of like this you can see which is kind of nice makes it very uh very easy to transform this thing in 3d space and it looks pretty cool to be like this responsive i mean it's not super responsive but it actually changes the whole geometry because it's all procedural in your hand as you're moving the slice of pizza around which is kind of cool and let's just actually take a look at this and change some parameters that we created in the very very beginning in here so here i should be able to change the the size of the slicer pizza it's a very tiny slice hang on oh it's like half a pizza not quite the three-sided triangle anymore but yeah there you go the drooping does look quite extreme i'm not sure if it's maybe a little bit too much i feel like maybe maybe i uh i think i'm just going to uh instead move the controller more down so it's not lifted up as much and then the g is not going to go up that much as well well i guess and it looks nice okay i think for the day i'm gonna call this a success it's one of the first things i've been doing in uh geometry is with fields so it does take a little bit of getting used to actually using it i mean i know how this stuff works in theory but actually using it is always a little bit of a different thing and yeah the geometry nodes that i've been used to had a lot of a lot less features all the whole curves stuff is also new uh because we've been working on the spratford branch with what's which was split up a while ago but yeah uh i will make this rendered somehow i'm not sure how i'm gonna do this i'm not super certain how interesting that's gonna be on stream if i'm gonna do it tomorrow or just do it on my own time and see how it looks because everything is a little bit is a lot quicker when you're actually doing it on your own can just think in peace and silence so maybe i'll just make it on my own time but i'm definitely going to keep going with these streams and go through the other prompts so the other amounts of sides that we'll have for this first block but it is very nice to just have uh two days per prompt to be a little bit more uh you can just focus a little bit more on the individual things and to make a little bit more out of it but yeah i'm i'm happy that i got somewhere with this looks relatively organic and not super artificial we'll see how it looks rendered yeah thanks a lot when you're for to those who are sticking around also giving a lot of tips in the chat that was also very nice like the whole remeshing stuff and uh yeah glad we made it somewhere and i hope you uh learned a little bit maybe you were doing your own november stuff on the side or maybe you'll start now that you've seen it yeah thanks so much for sticking around and bye see you next time
Channel: Blender Studio
Views: 17,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pG6MKw8YlSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 47sec (11507 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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