Blender 3.0 Features and More

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okay so i wasn't sure if i was gonna record a video today but you know what here i am and the reason why i'm inspired to make this video is because i caught wind of a video on youtube earlier that was talking about the blender 3.0 and it's a beta build so you'd have to go over to uh build click on the 3.0 beta but honestly some of the features that he was showing in his video was super exciting whoops there's a bunch of things that i'm still not even sure or i wasn't sure how i could accomplish it and i think the answers might be in this latest update and you know what i'm not usually the kind of guy that uh goes with the unfinished nightly builds because i don't know they give you that warning that's just kind of like you know no don't use it for production unstable but honestly i'm ready for these new features this is what it's going to look like looks pretty cool um i guess i'll have to set up everything and keep it at the dark theme uh stick to play space spacebar i'm gonna load my old settings i guess okay so i'm gonna load a new 2d animation layout because we're going to be testing the new grease pencil features and already it's imported my default 2d animation setup that i just actually just set up earlier today i was playing around with that and deciding what radius and kind of stuff that i like and i also was playing with the vertex colors and i want to do a separate video on the vertex painting because i just realized what the difference was between the two and i downloaded a brush pack but we can talk about that in a different video well first i guess let's test out the coloring so if we go ahead and oh this is already looking different oh my gosh um let me turn on this and i'm just going to draw some shapes here i guess i don't know oh man it already feels it's a lot sharper i'm gonna take a second to point this out it's a lot i don't know i guess it looks cleaner you could say uh there were a couple things here so let's go ahead and draw a shape now there's i guess for our fill we have yeah here it is dilate and we have gosh i don't even know what i'm looking for maybe i should learn this stuff first uh let's see here stroke extension i'm a little confused oh what oh okay so what about the color um yeah there it goes and there's a gap i don't have to close that manually now okay so i guess that's the first thing i wanted to test out that's blipping awesome oh i was actually just looking for a feature like that earlier today and then that video came out i was honestly just looking for a feature like that because open tunes has a feature like this and man that is just a flippin time saver before we would have to go in and switch to our pin here and actually draw that open space we don't have to do that anymore they're taking a lot of the the grunt work out of it so that's super exciting uh the next thing i wanted to go ahead and take a look at was oh what is it called so i guess if i go into edit mode we have i'm sorry if i go into object mode uh there should be now under animation we're able to bake object transformation to grease pencil so we can deform it in object mode and then transform it into a sequence if that makes sense so basically what i'll do is i'll just demonstrate if you haven't already experienced this cool feature i'm gonna go ahead and just scale it down grab it i don't know i'll come over here somewhere to frame 60 we'll say and i'm going to move it over here and scale it up and we have this really simple just animation right so what we can do now is go into object animation and go ahead and bake this to grease pencil and it's going to ask us uh frame start frame end step so we can choose if we wanted to animate it on twos um so i'm just gonna hit okay and okay so it extended it to 200 frames which is not correct so i guess manually we would have to let's try this again object animation transform degrees pencil i guess i'll manually type in 60. i don't know why it can't figure that out already um yeah so okay so now there's our animation and it ends at 60. that is pretty cool and so yeah what we did was we took our keyframes from object mode and then just laid them out in our grease pencil so we can go in here and edit frame by frame so i'm going to turn on well let's go into sculpt mode turn on multi-frame edit select a range somewhere in the middle here oh that's cool and shoot i guess i don't even know let's push it around see what it looks like i don't know that much look bad whoa that was cool yeah but you know you can play around with that do different things um probably want to do something more strategic than that i guess you know what let's make it look like a meteor can i just push this back maybe i want to do it to the whole thing even let's select this just swipe it whoops maybe a little steadier than that one solid swipe what does that look like that's kind of cool okay so if i go back into object mode what does that look like and i'm going to turn off my onion skinning because i can't really see it so yeah that's actually pretty cool i guess it does that to the lines too in the front maybe i should have thought about that but you know we can cover that up if we really wanted to yeah little little comment animation i guess you could say um so there's that something i want to try is and i have no reason to believe that this would work but can we can we bake an animation that's attached to an armature and like i said i have no reason to believe that we could do that i don't you know i don't expect it to work but i also kind of think well maybe it could work because the armature is still moving the object within space maybe it would work for attaching a bone and using inverse kinematics then baking that animation and then going from there with the frame by frame that's what i'm hoping for let's take a look like i said i'm not super hopeful i'm gonna go ahead and add a new grease pencil object and yeah we'll just we'll see you know what let's add suzanne i've never added suzanne before i'm gonna add a lattice and i guess i said armature but we'll start with the lattice if it works with the lattice then it'll probably work with an armature but let's just see [Music] then whoops lattice properties and we'll just subdivide it and we'll add vertex groups and i'm just you know i'm not trying to do anything specific here i guess um what i'll do even is i'll just make one vertex group and call this i don't know top and design it now let's attach suzanne which we can do with our lattice modifier i'm gonna go ahead and grab that oh and there's new modifiers too that i mean i'm not sure exactly what i can accomplish with these yet i'm not sure what i would want to do with them i'm gonna play around with those and then maybe make a video on that so i'm going to go ahead and i'm gonna go ahead and add a lattice modifier here add my lattice we'll add a hook modifier we'll add a hook modifier and then we'll select suzanne oh no oh oh you know what we need to add an empty so let's go ahead and add an empty and we can use that as our object i guess empty top so the empty should now move okay yeah it does so if i hit i i can apply location rotation scale and this does deform suzanne but suzanne doesn't have the data so i don't know this probably won't work and i just move her up like that so now we have an animation can we bake this let's take a look um object animation bake mesh degrease pencil that's interesting not to play with that yeah 60. okay let's see no way did that work hold on a second hold on a second hold on because now it's not in the timeline no sir did that really work what if i delete my lattice and the empty we'll delete them both it's still there what whoa what's happening [Music] is there two suzannes now oh yeah i have two objects it made a whole new object but look it did it look oh my gosh what okay my mind is blowing so now we have to see if this also works with a rigged character so let's take a look i am so excited okay cause i was wondering it's like how am i gonna mix this rig and do some frame by frame animation it i would have to have a whole separate object i mean i guess that's what they did too it generates a whole new object but man so let's um let's open up our rigged character and i made some changes to this guy so we could talk about that in a different video because i'm kind of working on simplifying the process if i can um i might not even do as much rigging now because i can do a lot more of this baking and just drawing in new frames this is awesome i mean overlapping lines there's so much potential behind this so here he is um let's bacon animation i'm going to save them real quick in case i mess something up and just name them draft two for now okay so going to pose mode and i don't know how this is gonna work with the time offset modifier and those drivers so that might have to just stay a separate thing but i don't know we'll see i'm just gonna i'm probably overthinking this i don't know let's bring them closer or something so we'll start them here grab everything apply everything oh man if this works i'm gonna be so excited this up i'm not sure exactly how this is gonna necessarily work though i might just have to you know call the lattice modifier you know if that worked and this doesn't then just oh well i want to test a hand too i'll just switch to all lattice rigs and drive the blast with the bone that probably still work i don't know i guess we'd have to see but let's turn his head let's just see how this stuff is gonna translate i'm curious now oh it's the wrong eye i can do a more in-depth video on how to animate the character i made in that last video because even i kind of forget what things do okay so this you know it is a ridiculous pose it really doesn't matter grab everything and make sure i've got my key frame in here there he goes uh okay he's twitching i don't know why his body there we go there we go okay so we've got this like silly animation right it doesn't really make much sense doesn't need to i just want to see if i can bake it let's go into object mode can i do this for multiple objects i guess i didn't really think about that do i just do it and just it bakes it all i do i have to have anything selected let's take a look uh animation [Music] did it do it [Music] poop sheet [Music] freeze pencil oh my gosh there it is what hold on a second now what if i what happens if i delete the rig now did it make a copy grease pencil is this it is this our animation right here is it all condensed down in this one grease pencil object that i can then go back and frame by frame animate like this is blowing my mind right now so i'm just gonna delete hierarchy there goes my my rig okay no it only it did work but only for only for the head so i do have to do it per object so that's all right let's see if i can do multiple objects at once um [Music] okay so it did do all of the everything this time that's crazy um we've got some overlapping issues which that's all right like this is just crazy so everything's translating i'd like to learn more about why the overlapping i guess it doesn't is there an option for separate layers let's see here double both of these let's try it one more time so i'm gonna grab everything right click i don't know object animation make action degrees pencil what are my options target frame no reprojection um yeah start framing from steps that's it only selected key frame that's good to know that's all we have though uh there's no way to break it up on separate layers which is too bad so yeah we just i guess have to go into already in grease pencils this is what it looks like damn oh my gosh that would have taken forever to do oh my gosh what but it's only one object so huh i mean i could then go back in and break it out into different objects i don't necessarily want to have to do that uh i don't know but it's there which is convenient to what i wanted but i guess realistically i would have to hide the puppet lines on every frame i don't know how can i still see this off the whole thing yes so huh i guess i'm still thinking about how i can work put this in my workflow um [Music] i don't know how it decides what to put you know where yeah i'm about to play with this more i can't believe that we're able to do that i might instead of selecting everything at once it might just be easier to bake each thing individually is what i'm thinking so i can keep them on different as different objects because then i can just place the objects that's what i want is for this to still be broken up uh i'm gonna perfect a workflow on this and i'll probably make a video specifically on how this can be useful in tandem to a full puppeted rig right now i'm not sure exactly how it's going to work maybe it's got to incorporate more lattices i don't know i'm going to play around with that
Channel: Devin Cobb
Views: 611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2d, grease pencil, baking, multiframe edit, stroke extension, blender 3.0
Id: zakBVJ0ls-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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