How To Make A Cartoon (Blender Grease Pencil Tutorial)

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So this may be long but tbh it was worth it for the slimer animation

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SakuOtaku 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone here's how to make a cartoon in blender okay first i'm going to open up audacity it's a free open source audio recording program and we'll record a little audio for our cartoon here we go hey there everybody that's too loud now here's here's a little audio recording pro tip i've got way too much room tone in here too much echo uh and it's because the gain is cranked up too high in the mic and i'm not close enough to it so i'm going to turn the gain down on the mic over here this is the sorry that's the playback volume this is the gain recording vibe we're going to turn that right down to like that and mess around a bit and see if that sounds better hey there everybody i just don't want it to be clipping see that sounds a lot better already okay and maybe i'm going to do a different voice hey everybody hey there everybody my name's slimer i like hot dogs here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer i got something for you what is it hey there everybody my name's slimer i like hot dogs here comes my friends bilberry okay i'm gonna export this is a wave now uh anywhere on the computer i'm just gonna put a uh you can't see this but i'm just gonna put it i'm gonna make a new folder i'm gonna call it uh hot dogs okay we're gonna call this hot dogs uh underscore one or something like that in case you want to take two okay now i'm gonna cut my audio together and i'm gonna do that in blender actually so i've opened up blender you gotta go to and download blender it's free it's open source it's beautiful okay we're in blender now i'm going to hit file new 2d animation this is just going to be a a preset that's going to get us hooked up and ready to start drawing 2d animation look i'm look i'm already drawing isn't that great okay but now i actually want to import the audio so to do that what i'm going to do is i'm going to come up here and we can see we have different tabs these are basically just different setups where you can kind of uh they just have different windows open so this is like compositing for when the animation's done this is 2d animation the main one you'll be using and we're just going to hit plus and these are all different workspaces kind of presets i'm going to click video editing video editing and now we can import our audio let me drag that in i'm just gonna find the file on my computer and then click and drag it in there it is wasn't that easy okay let's um apologies i'm clicking around already so all i'm doing is a middle mouse click dragging to pan through this window and then a middle mouse scrolling to zoom in okay and now what we're going to do is we're going to come down here and click on playback this is this is important i swear and we're going to click audio no sync av sync so this that stands for audio video sync this way blender will uh sync the audio in the video and then we're going to click scrubbing and this will allow us when we click and drag um to hear the audio hold on how do you click and drag in here oh up here and then we can hit space if we want to play it so i don't like that part at the start let's just cut it here whoops so let's select the clip and then we're going to cut it so we should be able to do strip split and the hotkey is k so trying to remember that k for cut and then we're going to select this clip we're going to do strip delete the hotkeys x okay now we're going to select the clip and we're going to left click and drag and we're going to move it back to the start like this and then we're gonna go actually you can click this to go back to the start or end of the animation right you can see the shortcut is shift left arrow so that's very helpful hey there everybody my name's slimer i like hot dogs here comes my friend bill murray hey slime so uh that seems fine i want a little less of a pause there so right after he says here comes my friend bill murray i'm gonna scrub very carefully with the left and right arrow keys so just as he finishes talking i'm gonna hit k to make a cut and then keep scrolling scrubbing and right before he starts talking uh i i could try and hit k to make a cut yeah that won't work so you have to select the clip make sure that the clip you want to cut is selected okay then we're going to delete this in the middle with x select this again and click and drag it when it turns red like that that just means it's overlapping when you release it's going to snap to where to where it's not overlapping hey slimer i got something that seems fine murray hey slimer i got something for you what is it okay and now we want to end right there so what's what's um wait you can't see that can you i'm all my head's blocking it hold on okay i'm gonna turn off my webcam so you can see what i'm doing here i'm coming down here at the bottom where it says uh this is the current frame this is the start frame which is one and this is the end frame i'm just going to left click drag this end frame back and you can even click over here to go one at a time and we're just gonna place it like there ish let's listen okay so way way earlier i wanted to cut it off slightly earlier okay let's take this from the top so click this arrow to go back to the start or use the shortcut shift left arrow and you can use shift right arrow to go to the end hey there everybody my name's slimer i like hot dogs here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer i got something for you what is it okay okay that's done hold on let me turn the webcam back on okay yay we got the audio cut now let's make the boards for the animation so we're going to click over to the 2d animation viewport you can see i've made this mess i'm going to get rid of all this we could try the eraser that might take some time here's a quick way to kind of clear all this very quickly we can just go down here okay let me explain what this is these are your key frames right so this is the timeline same as with the audio um and these little diamonds here represent keyframes you can see it looks like there's three of them really there's just two so there's one on the lines layer and then there's a second keyframe on the fills layer and this diamond at the top just is a summary so this if you select this one it selects all of the keyframes uh vertically well you can also select these individually like this so all we're going to do is we're going to select all the keyframes again that uh the hotkey to delete stuff is x and it's going to ask you do you want to delete the keyframes or clean the keyframes i'm just going to delete them okay so now we've got a blank slate and we can start drawing um so i've come up here i've selected the draw pencil i'm going to move over to my cintiq so i can actually draw one second okay i think you can still see that yes so let's let's start boarding let's um first i i've got my my hand on spacebar to kind of cycle through this and give it a listen hey there everybody bye okay so it starts with slimer saying hi so i'm just gonna start drawing slimer um yeah okay i'm gonna put him kind of off here in the middle of the screen what does slammer look like okay he's got he's got big eyes he's like hey there everybody he's got beautiful little eyelashes that's key and then his cheeks okay he's got a very bumpy body i'm just gonna have him lifting his arms up like this hey there everybody bye um i don't think those eyes are a good match for the voice so i'm going to switch the eyes out so we're going to erase those hey there everybody i need to get this expression right one second everyone be there we go he needed his teeth that's what was missing okay hey there everybody my name's and uh what i'm gonna do is cut immediately do a close-up here on my name slimer okay oh so i should say it just started making a new keyframe i just scrubbed to a different part of the timeline and started drawing and mean we made a new keyframe and it already has a onion skinning that's good onion headed goat that never it has onions getting turned on so you can see the previous keyframe and if that uh annoys you and you don't want to see the previous keyframe there's a couple ways to quickly turn off onion skinning the quickest way is you want to come up here to this itty bitty menu it's got an uh an almost onion skinning like image on it and a drop down arrow so we want to click the drop down arrow this is the viewport overlays now if you click this whole button it's going to turn off all your overlays and that actually is a really quick way that kind of works but that's going to turn off a lot of other stuff too that might uh that might be a nuisance later so if you really just want to focus in and just turn off the onion skin you want to click this drop down arrow and then click onion skin and that won't show that now i don't mind it on so i'm just going to leave it but if you want to turn off that sound and then we'll have a little text here that says slimer i can't i'm having trouble with his eyes let's let's redraw these that's better everybody my name's slimer i like actually let's let's do the fun thing here so i think he's a little low in the frame and i want to bring him up um and so the way to do that is we're currently in drawing mode inside of a grease pencil object this is our main storyboarding grease pencil object and we can't move the strokes around in drawing mode you want to go to edit mode if you want to kind of edit the strokes okay so to go to edit mode you'll see we have the modes up here so we're currently in draw mode you can see there's object mode this is kind of the over world then you have edit mode where we're still inside the object but we can edit so we're going to go to edit mode not much apparently changes but what we can do now i believe i can left click drag and we can select all of the strokes like this and you can see they've turned orange to say that we've selected them and now i just want to move them up so i'm going to grab the move tool and we're going to slide these out there we go and a hot key for moving stuff it's very useful it works in almost every part of blender is g for grab so you can just click g and then as you move your mouse around you move it and when you left click you place it or when you right click you cancel it kind of cancels it out to say you didn't want to move it so i'm going to control z and move him back and then we're going to go back to draw mode and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to quote unquote cut back to this first shot and so what i'm going to do is i want to select this first keyframe this is obviously these are just the storyboards this is more reference for later but i'm going to select the first keyframe and i'm going to duplicate it so let's see if we can do that without using the hotkey because i'm trying not to use too many hotkeys okay look we have a hotkey here duplicate keyframes um and so i think it's made a duplicate and now we have to click and drag to move it there we go and the hotkey for that would be shift d shift d to make a duplicate but that's that's another much easier way is you can just select it and click duplicate um so let's move it back a little i like it almost right on the sound of the next line it might be too early but my name's slimer i like hot dog see i feel like it's like one frame too early okay and i don't necessarily want him to have the same pose so i'm just going to erase parts of it and redraw those parts so i think his arms can change and again this is just the board you know we can we can totally make the drawing different and he's going to have his arms down because he's kind of pensive here he's like i like hot dogs and he's got his eyes squinted he's looking off in the distance i like hot dogs all right um then he goes i'm gonna go back into the close-up probably i like hot dogs no no let's not go back to closing let's just have to switch a pose okay so right about here i'm just going to have him kind of wiggle around here and i will convey that he's he's wiggling with some speed lines okay and then he's gonna go oh and i definitely want to go to a close-up for that um and i'm just gonna draw this one again and uh i'll just remember later that it'll be roughly the same camera angle as that first close up oh okay oh a middle mouse clicking and dragging again to pan through here you could also grab this bar at the bottom that's a great way to pan okay now we're gonna cut back wait no actually okay let's cut to to quote unquote bill murray well i'm not gonna animate for this so about there uh okay i'm going to show you how to make a blank keyframe without drawing anything well okay so the easy way would just be to do this so i just place a little dot and now that made a blank keyframe and you can see um all i want is the visual cue of where the cut is for later so i know kind of where i want the cut to go so here comes my friend bill murray and then at this point bill murray will come on screen and i'm just gonna communicate that with this square and that the square is coming on screen and then it goes down close up here again convey that with the square blurry hey slimer i got something for you this is interesting let me think on that hey slimer i got something for you hey slimer i got something for you it sounds like to me like there's a change of camera angle there but i have to think on it i want a camera angle where we can see you know bill murray over here and then slimers floating over here maybe i mean the size doesn't necessarily matter i can figure that out later but so we've got slimer and he's like he's kind of relaxed he's like hey it's bill okay there we go i got something for you well actually i should hear the audio clip before i draw the face it's here for you for you he's he's sweating a little for you okay this is a crossroads right i want the camera angle to change this is kind of what i feel like the joke needs but either it zooms out or it somehow zooms in more or we're already quite zoomed in uh let me let's just try one uh that won't do one second let's click this one again i'm going to use shift d to duplicate and what you can do is after you click shift d it won't place the duplicate until you left click and if you right click it'll snap it back to where it started but i want to place it right here and i'll replace that keyframe i think this works better for the for the joe we'll just redraw his face again there's this bill murray is a big square maybe that should cut earlier maybe on that sound like for you what is it no i don't know that's not quite right maybe later i got it i got it kind of intrigued here he's like oh hold on what if it's a ghost trap you know you never know what what is it okay then we have a close-up again i'm probably not gonna necessarily draw this part i'm probably just going to use stock images but he's going to hold up a picture of a hot dog like so let's try and get this last expression maybe no teeth hold on less is more less even this line looks it's too many wrinkles and maybe he's got a single tier i don't i don't like the tier but we almost have it i think we got it okay okay now i'm going to save the file i should have been saving this whole time but let's save it now so to save and butter you can go up to file save or you can use the hotkey control s i might keep my fingers ready on the control s because blender saves very quickly you just ch it's very quick so i'm going to save this as hotdog dash one dot blend actually i should call it hold on hot dog uh hyphen boards hyphen one say blend from i like to put that that that that dash one at the end just in case you know i wanna make a big edit to the boards that i would want to make another one okay now that we've got the boards done we're gonna start animating yay okay so my approach that i wanna uh demo in this this video at least and there's so many different approaches you could take to uh animating this here's the one i'm going to go with this is the method i used on wire i'm really warming up to it i think it's it's pretty efficient which is that each shot will be its own blend file so we're going to start by saving the first shot so i'm going to go up to file save as you can't see this but there's a save dialog and i'm going to name this shot hyphen one okay so this is shot one and it's basically just the boards and the only thing i'm going to change is the length of the shot so i'm going to uh scroll ahead with the arrow keys to this point when it switches to the next shot let's go one frame back so this is frame 40 and i'm just going to set the end frame to here now a really quick and easy way to do that is to hover over the 40 or sorry hover over the current frame uh control c to copy and then hover over the end frame and control v to paste and now as you can see the end frame is that so this is the first shot hey there everybody very simple i like this because it makes it it encourages me to do more shots you know it's not daunting it's just like here we go just this one shot nothing fancy so the first thing i'm going to do is turn down the opacity of the board so that you know it's less uh obtrusive while we're drawing so i'm going to click over here this is a side panel of properties and i want to click over to this kind of green squiggly one this is going to be the layers and stuff so we here we can see the layers of this grease pencil object it has a lines layer and a fills layer and i'm just going to make sure the lines layer is selected or whichever layer that you drew the boards on and we're just going to turn the opacity down to like .4 oh and we're going to turn onion skinning off but not in the global settings just for the storyboard so to do that we come up here to the the layer and you'll see this little ghost image circle it's got a circle with ghost images just click that and that will turn off the onion skinning for that specific layer okay good now what we're going to do is i'm going to create another grease pencil object a separate grease pencil object that i'm just going to put on top of the boards and that's where i'm going to animate slimer so to make a new grease pencil object the first thing we need to do is leave draw mode because you can't add new objects while you're inside of an object and we're currently inside of this uh the boards so to leave draw mode we come up here to the mode and we're going to change this to object mode i think i said before this is like the over world you can kind of this is where you can interact with all the different objects so you can see we've got the board selected right now but we want to add another grease pencil object so to add a new grease pencil object you come up here to add uh we're gonna pardon me add grease pencil and you can either add a blank a stroke or a monkey i think i'm gonna go with blank okay so you've added a new grease pencil object and it's currently selected and you want to be careful and not select anything else because it can be hard to find this object again in fact it's convenient to name it so uh i think the quickest way to name an object is it's always on the screen it's this thing this is the um what is it called outliner so this is like all the objects in your scene you see you've got the the stroke the original stroke that's the boards we could even uh double click the disk to rename it boards and then this is the new one we just added and we're going to call this slimer and then that's the camera we'll leave that is so now we've got slimer selected and we're going to add some new layers so we've added this first layer let's rename this to lines or whatever you want to call it's the line art and then we're going to add another layer we're going to move it down we're going to call this something like fills this is where we'll put the fills underneath the lines and um this should be good and then we're gonna go and check out the materials for slimer okay let's let's take a look at those so on the the box right beneath the layers one we have the materials properties and you can see there's nothing in here right now so you could add a new material but what i'm going to do is see if there's one we can already use just by clicking this so browse material to be linked so we see we have some default blender ones dots stroke solid fill or solid stroke i'm going to quick solid stroke so this is just going to be a black line and then let's add another material and let's select solid fill and we'll change we'll make a couple of these and we'll change the color for the different fills for slimer but we'll do that after we do the line art okay so make sure you have solid stroke selected and then we're going to draw with that and uh so we're currently in object mode so we can't start drawing just yet we're going to want to enter draw mode so click up here draw mode okay i think we're ready to start drawing oh one more thing the brush we currently have the pencil selected this is the default blender pencil i think that works well for drawing boards but i don't love it for doing line art so we're going to click here you can click this that would rename pencil but let's click next to it here and we can see some of the default brushes so the one i want is inkpen rough okay um and you can see some of the settings here it's got a radius of 60. i might shrink that in a second it's got a strength of 100 and you can see it's using pen pressure sensitivity on the radius but not on the strength that's good because i don't want the lines to like fade out as i uh take off the pressure there's a couple additional things up here like advanced settings uh post-processing the kind of randomness this gives the stroke some unevenness and uh some cursor settings so i'm probably gonna tweak some of these settings just because um i like them a different way uh i'm probably gonna turn down active smooth and put the input samples to zero i don't really like the smoothing and then i think i'm gonna turn down the randomness to like 0.3 uh and then the scale to like maybe 20. i'll tweak these in a second i think we're ready i'm going to move over to the tablet now and we're going to do a little bit of drawing okay before i start drawing i want to talk about uh zooming and panning around because that's obviously a big part of drawing so i've got it currently hooked up on my the buttons on my sink t control the uh the pan and the zoom but um to control that with your mouse what you would do is you do shift uh middle mouse click and drag and that's to pan um and if you accidentally just hit middle mouse click without shift this is going to happen it's going to take us out of the camera and put us into the the 3d perspective view if this happens to you and you're like stuck out here and you want to get back in the camera you can always click over here toggle the camera view shortcut numpad zero and that'll take us back to the camera oh what am i saying if you do the shift middle mouse click um is is great and that's the hotkey for it but they also just have this you can just grab this hand and now we can pan around and you can grab the zoom button those are so those are very efficient i should use these more um to zoom though that's middle mouse wheel right and so all i've done is i've hooked up uh these buttons on the sync teak to to the middle mouse click and drag into the middle mouse zoom or actually to do the zoom in that smooth way you do control middle mouse click and drag and that gives you this smooth zoom okay so let's zoom in here and i'm going to start drawing slimer there he is okay now i'm going to take this back over here and i'm going to fill slimer in because i want to show that kind of process so to fill in the character we need to first come up with the materials that we'll be filling with so um let's rename this from solid fill to slimer underscore or dash green and the only thing you need to change down here is under fill you can change the base color and let's change that to some short sort of shade of green and the good thing about blender is this is um this this color isn't set in stone after you fill it you can change it over here and it will change it everywhere that you filled it like a color palette so let's fill this in we come down here to the fill tool and um let's just try and fill okay so what's happening is i'm on the wrong layer so right put it on top of the lines let's undo that let's come down here and let's make sure fills are selected we can make this a little um bigger there we go okay fills are selected now let's try and fill there we go now i'm going to tweak some things about the fill because that's a pretty good fill but you'll notice if we zoom in here it didn't fill his fingers quite right which is understandable it also didn't quite get that and here's why let's undo the leak size is a bit big if you believe it three is a bit big so i like the weak size at zero i i prefer a quite unforgiving leak and the thickness is let's see if i can demo this um you can't really see it maybe if i turn it way up maybe uh oh the thickness affects the stroke so if you have stroke turned on you would see this very thick line but by default stroke is turned off which is great so that thickness doesn't really mean anything so i'm just going to leave it at the default whatever okay so now let's try and fail and you'll see a very queen phil it went right up to the fingers we can do another fill here he's filled up let's let's put some more colors on here so i'm going to come over here and hit add material and what i like to do to make new materials is select one that already exists because it's got you know and there's not a ton of settings here but it's got the basic settings and then we click the three let me explain what the three is so three means this material is not a duplicate of this one it's actually the same one it's pointing to the same material it's just a different instance of it and in the current scene there are three different instances of slimer green so if we click the three it'll make it unique and make a duplicate of it you can see it renamed it to slimergreen.001 so we're going to change this now to slimer eyes and pick out a color for slimer's eyes i don't know how orange i want to go pretty orange look at that that's wonderful let's keep going new material click the 2 here so there are two users of slimer eyes let's click that call this slimer um mouth that's a bit red for me i wonder if we could do like a oh i like that yeah yeah that's nice and then uh it doesn't match when you pick but just make a unique one call it slimer teeth these could be the same as the eyes but i think i want them a little more desaturated okay and again we can tweak all of these after the fact if we don't like them maybe this could be more purple or less purple more blue yeah i kind of like that you know you can tweak them as much as you want so let's call that done there's the first drawing of slimer now i would like because slimer talks in this shot right hey there everybody i would like slimer's mouth to be on a separate layer so i can animate a couple frames of slimer doing something and then the mouth moves separately and kind of does a mouth flap this is a very traditional kind of minimal animation technique so let's move the mouth to another layer so first let's get that layer set up let's go over to the layer panel i'm going to hit the plus to add a new layer let's move it to the top call this mouth then add another layer and put it below it mouth fills okay and now we need to move the the other layers so to move the strokes to other layers we need to go to edit mode and select the different strokes so let's go from draw mode to edit mode if you've got something selected which you want to deselect like you know maybe that's selected uh you can always just click outside and that will deselect stuff but you could also do the hotkey alt a that is to deselect all and then you can also do the of the hotkey a and that's select cell so alt a d selects um i i'm going to try and select the mouth using circle select i i i'm being hesitant because i don't want to like jump ahead to advanced stuff but i think circle select is pretty basic and very helpful so circle select i use a hotkey i think there's also up here circle select yeah yeah so under select circle select but the hotkey is c and that makes this little circle and then you can use the middle mouse wheel to make it bigger and smaller and when you left click you can select stuff in the circle so i'm just going to click through here and select all these mouth lines like this i'll leave the cheek as it is so now we've got all those mouth lines selected but we're still in circle select mode and to leave circle select mode you want to right click okay we're out of circle select mode now we've got those lines selected let's move them to the mouth layer so to move the strokes between layers there should be move to layer okay the hotkey for this is m so let's move them to the mouth layer okay to make sure i did that right i'm going to start hiding some of these layers with the little eyeballs okay so get rid of that one right that one good now i think what's happening right now is they're all on the mouth layer and the mouth fills aren't separate so i would like them to be separate i guess they don't need to be though do they it's kind of working have i over complicated this this is how i normally do it but honestly the fills work great even not on separate layers blenders really improve the fills so um let's delete mouth let's be experimental let's just have the whole mouth on one layer it seems to work great um now let's uh leave edit mode go over to draw mode before we move on there's one little detail i want to add to slimer we're going to add one more material whoopsie daisy one more material let's actually move this one up uh slimer green make a duplicate and call it uh slimer bags he needs to have dark circles under his eyes so to add dark circles under his eyes um we want to make sure we have the fill bucket selected and then you want to hold alt yeah i believe all yeah all uh we're on the wrong layer one second but you want to hold alt and that will let you draw a kind of um it's like a fill catching line it's sort of um here we go it kind of holds the fill in and you can see it's gray right now and that's because it's using um it's using uh this color here you can see the stroke color so you could um have the stroke color match or you'll actually uh this won't render that stroke line won't end up in the render we can only see it now as kind of a preview of what it will look like when it's done so um but just to keep the preview clean let's let's have it render there we go and uh there we go he's got dark circles under his eyes maybe a little too dark but you know uh we can tweak that afterward uh something like that oh sorry i'm doing a thing here i should explain to make this color match the the stroke in the film match i'm hovering over the color and doing control c and then hovering over this color and doing control v so i can copy paste the colors as well which is very convenient okay i think we're ready to start animating so i already kind of know how i want to do this shot i'm going to select the lines come over here select the draw brush make sure uh we can actually select the materials up here as well there's a couple different places to access them i'm going to come up here to solid stroke for the outlines we're going to come a couple frames forward and uh we can just start drawing i'm actually going to hide the fills for a second so i can just focus on the lines and we're going to hide the mouth too okay so we can just focus on the lines and we're going to draw the kind of next pose so he's going to go between two little poses so to draw the next pose as long as i'm not on the same frame i can just start drawing and it will create a new keyframe so um let's just hold on draw this a little lower um does it have onion skinning i don't think it does oh it doesn't so come over here and next to the eyeball is the circle and if you click that you get onion skinning and then if you come up here you can click the eyeball on the boards and hide them i like to keep the outlier um always with the boards and view because you if you have a bunch of objects you can kind of scroll up and down in here and i like to keep the boards of view so you can quickly disable them and uh so for drawing this second pose i'm basically just gonna draw the first one but slightly lower and slightly wider to kind of give him this bounce okay so now we can bring the other layers back the fills and the mouth and how we get this unsightly effect because the fills are still using the fills from the first drawing so uh like with drawing you can just start filling stuff in and it will make a new keyframe on the fill layer so we have it selected fills and then we fill fill fill fill and then we'll do the eye bags now again make sure you have the fill tool selected and you hold alt and you can draw then fill it in draw fill it in there we go and now let's do the mouth drawings i this i kind of approach some shots like this where i'll just prep the drawings that i know i'll need and then i'll time them out later so i've got the two body drawings and now i'm gonna draw the different mouth shapes that i think i'll need i mean let me listen i think i'm going to need all my math shapes i have like a preset list in my brain so let's start drawing them so right now we've got open mouth i'm going to come in with slightly more closed mouth uh but with teeth showing let me turn on onion skinning for the mouth layer so we can see that oh my goodness that's pretty hard to see maybe turn off the lines uh the fills there we go that's way clearer okay um these would stay the same pretty much and then his his mouth would close like this get his teeth okay and then we'll go like i don't know a frame frame ahead or frame behind doesn't really matter because they're gonna move them around but uh now we need to like close mouth okay and then we need um an ooh i'm gonna do an um i can't see the teeth i'll just make a guess at them i think that's good now let's fill those in so make sure we have the mouth layer selected and then we need the mouth color or no the teeth color fill that in okay i didn't think this through everybody see it's putting it on top this is why you have them as separate layers it puts it on top don't worry we're not in trouble i'm going to add in that other layer and maybe there's a way to make it like snap to the bottom um i don't know i don't know if the top my head i'm just going to do this because this this is what i know works giving it a separate layer and if you have the layers separate like this you can do some like different effects you know to the different layers and stuff and it can be it's it's convenient to have them be separate like this now we know that works um and so for this one we just don't want any fills at all right because it's closed mouth so to turn this into a blank keyframe you have to use a hotkey or oh no you don't have to use a key you can come up here to draw animation insert blank keyframe on the active layer the hotkey is shift i for insert i guess so there we go now there's a blank keyframe there and then let's do this one there we go let's turn the fills back on let's turn off this onion skinning because it's distracting now we can time this out i'm going to move over from the cintiq because i usually do this with my mouse okay so i'm going to start by timing out the uh his whole body and then we'll do the mouth shape so while i do this i'm actually going to press these little locks on the mouth and mouth fills layers just because i don't want to accidentally uh move them around right now i just want to move part of me these around so i'm clicking i you can click and drag on these but you can also click g and then move them around and then place them i actually want them to come down okay we're going to select the first keyframe shift d duplicate shifty duplicate duplicate hey there everybody hey okay i like that except we don't need that first frame anymore so let's just move this there hey there everybody there we go now let's do the mouth so we're just going to switch this we're going to lock these and unlock these so we don't accidentally move the body ones and uh i know this will be an issue later so let me circumvent it now i'm going to select the mouthfeels layer because remember this one was done in a slightly different way and all i'm going to do is do shift i we're going to insert a blank keyframe and the thing to know about shift i is you want to make sure uh the blender hot keys are kind of window sensitive so be it's uh if you were hovering over this window and you did shift i nothing would happen i don't think so you have to be hovering over the 3d viewport uh where your drawing is and then when you do shift i don't insert a blank keyframe but it won't work in here okay let's do the lip sync so i'm going to have him start with his mouth closed let's move these around i think we want the big one i think that works related okay shift d to duplicate that shifty duplicate that and we need the mouth closed for body let's have that frame before see this is tricky let's have this one a frame before you typically want the mouths leaning towards advancing the sound so that they're before the sound usually hey there everybody yay everybody we could probably have this come everybody hey there everybody yeah i think that works that works fine i think we did it we finished the first shot everybody can we can un lock these and then save always save before we move on to shot two i wanna make sure this file is set up to render this out so we can render these you know this first shot so the rendering settings we come up here to render properties and you can see that we're using the ev engine this should all be on by default and we're using the the sampling and the denoising and stuff that's all fine that's all the default stuff what you want to look at though is um output properties and you can see we're at 1920 by 1080 at a hundred percent if you do like 50 that would be half of those but there's a hundred percent 24 frames per second i mean you can change any of these to your specifications but just be aware that this is where that is and then the main thing to look at is output so the uh first let's say where we're outputting it so you click this little thing and you pick an output folder i'm just gonna put it on my hard drive uh make a folder for it call it hot dogs um or hot dog i'm flip-flopping on the title let's go with hot dogs and then um you can't see this or i'll take a screenshot of it so you can see but um and we're just gonna name the file something uh we're gonna be saving this as a png sequence so whatever you name it is gonna be followed by a bunch of zeros like zero zero zero zero zero one that kind of thing i typically call this frame doesn't really matter and then you hit accept okay so now that's going to save that as just frame and then a bunch of zeros and it's already set up to save it as a png sequence you can see png red green blue with alpha color depth eight compression all those default settings are fine and if you want to render it out let's say the shot's done let's say there's no background or i mean you can render out multiple times right it'll just save over the files so let's render this out now that we finished it so to do that we come up to render uh and click render animation and you can't see this because it's happening in a separate window but it's going real quick it shouldn't take very long because we're in ev and we're just rendering grease pencil i mean it can take longer if you have a bunch of elements but typically blender goes pretty quick at rendering these frames okay it's done already um and now what i'm gonna do is now that we've got that rendered i think we're ready to start on shot two yes yes indeed okay so i'm just going to come up here to file save save as and then call this shot two good and then we're going to change the start and end frames okay so to do that we're going to advance the start frame to the next shot right and we can copy control c current frame let's move that in frame a bit ahead paste that there get the right end frame copy paste that there there we go and now we've got this next shot ready my name slimer okay so i'm just going to use the same slimer object from before it had i had the board selected which is why they were glowing orange like that's kind of distracting okay make sure we have slimer selected and i'm just going to go through all the layers and just clear everything so shift i next layer shift i next layer shift i next layer shift i and a more convenient way to do that would be draw animation insert blank keyframe all layers and that would put one on all the layers that's probably better um i think i'm just gonna start drawing you have right material the solid stroke yeah okay let's just start drawing slimer on the lines layer here we go here's one thing if you want to draw uh just a straight line across the screen you can hold down alt while you draw and it should go straight there we go it took a second and we're gonna leave the mouth out because of course we'll add the mouth in uh on the other layer in fact we can do that now okay so just to keep things a little fun i could just have them shimmer again between two different frames stuff is a bit boring i'll have him shimmer for the beginning and then on slimer he's gonna like raise his head a little so we'll just make a shimmer here let me disable this board so we don't have to see them and turn on onion skinning for the lines and this is going to be a very close shimmer just like slightly down maybe okay and then on slimer he's gonna lift his head up and now just to demonstrate it we're gonna do an in between our first in-between so i would like one in between between his head down and his head up and i'm just going to have it straight down the middle so to draw an in-between you just position your cursor anywhere between the two keyframes and we start drawing and now the onion's kitchen by default by default be set up so that the previous frame will appear in green and the next keyframe will appear in blue and if you want to change those settings they're over here in the layers panel under onion skinning you've got the opacity of the onion skin you've got how many keyframes to show before how many keyframes to show after you can change the colors if you want i like all the default stuff but that's where that is and then i'm just gonna start drawing you know right down the middle that's not right down the middle done and if you're an animator who really likes doing in between you could go totally wild and like you know uh draw another one in between those two and then you would you would space them out a little differently you know so it's not too close together but um now i'm going to do the mouth shapes i think i'm just going to have the kind of set mouth shapes at the beginning and then we'll cycle through them through this shot and i think that works so mouth open let's do mouth closed or a mouth partially closed with teeth beard oh i need onion skin let's turn it off on the lines turn it on for the mouth now what's i'm actually going to do the ooh next my name is i think on slimer i kind of want like an ooh shape so we will use it we don't i don't always need to do all of these mouse shapes sometimes depending on the shot you don't need as many but i think for this it'll work better and then we'll have a closed mouth and you might think as he lifts his head up that you would need different mouth shapes and we'll see we might we you can always just move the ones you already have in fact i might show how to do that okay let's turn off the onion's getting and let's start filling stuff in so i'm going to start by filling in his whole head and then we'll do the mouth shape so here we go he's actually got his eyes closed so the only thing i need to add are his eye bags i think yeah so fills with the fill tool and then hold down alt and we'll just go like this unless i want more eye bag hold on let me think you know i ran into this issue with palpatine it's i wasn't sure how to do like the closed eyes with the eye bags always looks a bit odd and then these next eye bags and if you wanted like onion skinning to kind of reference what the eyebags looked like in the last frame you'd probably have to have the eye bags on their own layer just because the only skinny has kind of a hard time uh displaying like fill onion skins it's much better with lines but i'm just eyeballing i think it looks how is that i think that'll work okay let's fill the mouth make sure we're on the mouth fails layer oh here's one thing so it can be a bit tedious to just click on the keyframes like this and a great hotkey to have is uh up arrow key and down arrow keys so up if you use like right and left arrow key that takes you one frame at a time but up arrow key hops you between keyframes oh wait wait this is an important tool okay so it's saying no more keyframes to jump to in this direction and it's true there aren't any more keyframes on this layer mouth fills but i want it to reference all of the layers and to turn that setting on you want to go down here to select hold on wrong one to view only keyframes from selected channels turn that off i almost have this off all the time because i like to be able to just jump and reference the other layers keyframes so like we can see just using up and down arrow it's easy to switch between these and then this one we want a blank one i actually have a a hotkey on my cintiq hooked up to do shift eye because i use that a lot ship's eye comes up you know insert blank keyframe okay let's start timing these out i switch between the screens a lot because i want to give my wrist a break from the from drawing so again the same thing as before i'm going to kind of mute the mouth layers so i can just focus on these other ones so my whoops and then select this shift d maybe my name's slimer i don't like how big those fills get i wonder if we can tweak those let's go over to edit mode maybe we can circle select and like there we go that kind of worked wait oh i should tell you what buttons i use hold on let's do that again i uh i scaled it and so you could use this or you could use the hotkey s s and then i hit s and i hit z and that scaled it on the z axis only and then g move it up um c for circle select right click to leave the circle select s z these are just kind of basic kind of manipulators in blender that you'll get the hang of pretty quickly because they come up everywhere and drawing 3d modeling tweaking um even in nodes they come up right scaling grabbing rotating that's r okay so let's go back to draw mode that looks a little better my name's slimer but yeah i like that okay now let's do the lip sync okay i need an m i'm just going to move both these at once sorry i used box select so uh or no you can just click and drag there we go just click and drag it's ridiculous there we go m my name is yeah okay now just to show you i think it looks fine as it is but if he had a more extreme head movement you want to move those mouth drawings and you didn't want to draw them again you could just draw them again but if you want to just move them let's move this one up and then that one up so to move them we're going to go to edit mode um i can actually just hit a to select all and that's only going to select the mouth stuff because we've actually muted the other lines right the other layers and so then you can do g move this up i like to hold shift while i'm moving stuff because it makes it more granular right if you just kind of move it normally it moves one to one with your cursor but if you hold shift you can be a bit more delicate and then we're going to do up arrow key a to select all g hold down shift there we go then um we want to move this one too let's move this one to just a bit up and i guess the last one too there we go oh let me show you something cool let's say you have a bunch of mouth shapes here not just a couple right so let's undo those right so let's say i want to move this one and this one the same amount up because the the rest of the head isn't really moving you can actually use multi-frame select so that's this button up here multi-frame you turn it on and it's going to let you select all of the keyframe that you have selected down here are going to appear in the viewport up here so let's select that one and then we're going to shift select those and now all of them are appearing and you can hit a to select them all g shift and move them up and that'll work if you've got a ton done here just make sure you could even like select them like that right and then you'd have all of them selected and then we'll turn multi-frame off there we go and then enter draw mode and let's play this back i think we're about there my name's slimer my name's slimer okay that's that's that that's shot too let's save okay good let's let's hop along to shot three so to do that i'm actually gonna load up shot one because shot three uses the same camera angle and i'm just gonna go file save as call this shot three and then let's change the start and end times we can't see the the boards i did something funky with the boards here just ignore that let's pretend i didn't do that that's how it was before there we go okay and so we're going to reference the board so we're going to jump ahead here right and we're going to copy this current frame and paste it as the start frame and then uh where's the copy paste there we go i like hot dogs okay so this is this shot um make sure we're in object mode sorry i used a little hotkey there so you can shift the modes up here but the hot key to shift modes is actually control tab you have to hold it down but you get this cool wheel of different mode so there's object mode draw mode and it depends on what object you have selected you'll go into that objects mode so we have the board selected right now but let's make sure we have slimer selected because we want to draw in slimer and then we'll go to draw mode and now we're going to go up here draw animation insert blank key frame all layers there we go i'm going to turn on yeah onion skinning for the lines because i want to reference this old drawing so it looks vaguely similar you can also change the materials up here right there's a couple different places to access the material so i'm going to switch to the solid stroke and i'm just going to start drawing this uh slimer guy okay that's the first drawing of slimer i'm gonna do a quick uh a quick shimmer of this that we kind of flip between and let's have them actually move up a bit on the shimmer on hot dogs like that okay now i'm going to draw this next poser goes in bloop boop i'm going to draw another pose where he's pushed a bit further in this direction okay now we're going to draw another pose where he's basically flipping the other direction okay i like that now let's do one more drawing leaning that way okay i think that's enough drawings and then we'll flip through those in a fun way so let's um let's cover these in there we go and i'm not gonna do the eyebags for these poses because he's in he's in motion his eyes are very itty bitty i don't think it will matter okay now let's do the re-timing of the frames yeah that's good good and now the lip sync i'm actually going to use the same lip sync because his pose is basically the same i'm going to use the same lip sync from before the same drawings okay and then when we go to the next pose we're just going to clear these keyframes like this shift i shift on there we go i like hot dogs okay that's done we're gonna move on to the to the next shot which is another close-up i believe so again similar idea i'm loading up shot two we're gonna go file save as call this shot four then we'll change the start and end times to match this part very short shot and then we'll select slimer go into draw mode that's control tab to get that menu up and then make sure that layers aren't hidden draw animation insert blend keyframe all layers lines and we will draw this this slimer okay good and then i think all the emotion i want in this shot is just a a basic shimmer so i'm just gonna redraw this again okay good now let's fill this in okay so i'm just gonna time these out now okay so that's shot four done let's move on to shot five this is the one with again bill murray so the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just uh save this as shot five and we'll do the the start and end times for it okay now slimer isn't in this shot so we're gonna delete the slimer object and we're gonna we're gonna go to google images one second i'm gonna search bill murray and now that we've got the image downloaded we're going to import it into blender as a plane so the way to do this is you're going to need to enable an add-on that actually comes with blender so you don't need to download anything fancy but to enable the add-on you go to edit preferences i don't know if this is showing up i wish you could see the preferences but i'm screen recording blender directly or i'm window recording it so you won't be able to see them but you'll see them on your screen you just want to look on the sidebar on the preferences and then you come down here to add-ons and then there's a little search button will magnify glass and you're just going to search for images and then you should see import export import images as planes okay and all you need to do is click the check box to make sure that that is enabled good now you can x out of the preferences and we can uh in the 3d viewport go add image images as planes okay now find the image of bill murray or whatever image you want to import this also works for backgrounds if you want to do that um i'm going to take a screenshot of this so you can see before we hit import go off to the side here where it says material settings and then it says principled shadeless or remit we're going to click emit that's the kind of sense we want because we don't want this to have shading we want it to just be completely flat okay now import images as planes and we will now see this little bill murray has appeared i'm going to scale it up okay and we're going to move it off to this off screen right so he kind of starts over here and then we're going to animate him onto the screen okay so to do this i'm going to come down here at the very bottom where you see this little record button it just looks like a circle and we're going to click that what this does is now every time you move an object or really any setting it's going to make a keyframe on the frame that you're on so we're just going to grab the object with g and then place it and that's going to make a keyframe now you can't see the keyframe down here because this is set to grease pencil so this is only going to show keyframes inside of a grease pencil object we want to click this and change it to dope sheet and now we can see the keyframes for this object that we've selected which has a very unruly name we shall rename it to bill murray it's got that one keyframe on the transforms that's the position rotation scale and now we're going to go a couple frames forward i'm going to grab it and move it and rotate it then one two three one two three and look you can see down here it's just making keyframes wherever i go right okay now let's play that back here comes my friend bill murray here comes my friend bill murray now that looks all right but what i'm gonna do i just personally prefer a less in-between style more uh more holds on the frames is i'm going to switch the interpolation mode on these keyframes that's kind of a fancy word but that basically means right now it's interpolating between my keyframes it's smoothing them out and i'm just going to change that by hovering over the dope sheet and then you hit t to change the interpolation and i'm going to change it from what it currently is set to which i think is linear and we're going to change it to constant and now you'll see when we play it back here comes my friend bill murray it's chunkier right it's chunky here comes my friend bill murray okay so that's that shot let's make the deck so which is gonna be very similar so file save as shot six change the start and end times there we go and now for this next shot it's much more zoomed in on bill so i'm just going to grab this and scale it and have it be kind of a close out hey slimer and now i'm not going to actually animate him in the shot at all it's just going to be that slimer good okay next shot is going to have bill and slimer in the same shot which means we're going to have to move one of these objects from one of the other shots so i'm going to just go file save as shot seven and then get that start end time set up okay now we're going to rescale bill murray to kind of fit in the shot okay now we need to bring in slimer from slimer shot so to do that um you can just come up here to file open find one of the shots with slimer in it i'm going to go with shot one okay now we want to select the slimer object so as we loaded up the shot if you were to start clicking you would see you're actually in draw mode so it automatically put us in draw mode we want to move out though to object mode make sure you're in object mode then select the slammer object right and then uh hold ctrl and press c ctrl c so we're actually copying the entire slimer object even says copied one selected object so we've copied slimer and now we can come up here and load that that the latest shot shot number seven and now we just do ctrl v to paste and it actually there's slimer it pasted slimer in i'm probably going to scale slimer down a little bit to kind of match the boards there okay and it actually made some keyframes for slimer's position because i have auto keying turned on i'm not sure i want keyframes for that so i'm going to turn off auto keying and i'm going to hit x and delete those keyframes for slimer this way i can adjust slimer without it jumping back to that keyframe position okay so now actually this is kind of what i was talking about so the bill murray one has jumped back to those old keyframes because you can see i made this new keyframe position here at the end of the shot all i'm gonna do to fix this is just move that keyframe back to the beginning of the shot there we go now he's there for the whole shot okay now let's go into the slimer object and let's do the same thing we normally do when we clear the layers draw animation insert blend keyframe all layers and i can't see the keyframes right now because we have the dope sheet view so switch this to the grease pencil view and now we can see slammers keyframes and now we're going to draw in slimer's new pose okay now we're gonna fill them in there okay i think we're done let's play this back i got something for you because not much happens in this shot so we're just that's that and now the next shot um is a close-up of slimer so let's load up the last shot that was similar to that which is this shot four and now we're gonna go file save as shot eight and then change the start end times okay there we go now let's select slimer draw mode animation uh blank keyframe all key frames and then let's start drawing slimer as we usually do i'm gonna have slimer kind of overshoot into this pose so to do that i'm actually going to drag this keyframe i just drew a couple frames forward go a couple frames back and insert my keyframes for that okay and then we'll turn on onion skinning and we'll draw this in oh and to make things a little visually clear because i don't want to reference that previous drawing at all i'm going to go over here oh you can't see this let me turn my head off real quick here we go look i remember this so i'm gonna go over here and uh keyframes before we're gonna change that to zero so we won't see the previous keyframe okay good so he kind of goes and falls into it and then we have another drawing here okay good now let's fill these in okay there we go uh the next shot is back to a return to that kind of previous angle with villain slimer so let's go back to that one and then save another one okay let's do the same process let's go into slimer and let's do insert blank and draw his this new pose there we go and i'm changing his expression a bit from the boards to kind of match what he looked like in the previous shot okay now i'm gonna draw a couple mouth shapes for this shot there we go i'm not going to have a closed mouth shape because he he's not doing any b's or p's or m's in this this line i forgot his chin one second there we go should have at least like one frame to shimmer with let's quickly draw that okay let's re-time these there we go that seemed to work all right what is it okay and then the next shot is the close for the hot dog so uh let's just open one of the bill murray close-ups that should be fine there we go now i'm just gonna scale the bill murray up and kind of position them like this now again i'm just going to go on google images and look up a picture of a hot dog you could probably just draw the hot dog yourself but this is just kind of an example video and i think it'll be funny so i'm trying to figure out where to put the hotdog i actually think here is funnier it looks like he's like holding it in his crosstalk sure an object mode select the slimer object oh yeah we got selected and then this thing let's draw this face now i'm gonna do a quick shimmer of this and that should be fine fill these in good okay now let's start um going through each shot and we're going to render them out as that big long png sequence although a little issue might occur which is that when you go to render it even though you've got the boards hidden the boards show up in the render now there's a couple ways to avoid this issue one of the simplest ways is just select the boards we can unhide them if we want uh make sure they're selected right we can move them around and then just delete them and you just delete them from each shot now they won't show up in the render but if you prefer to preserve the boards and just have them not show up in the render the way to do that is you come over to this little orange square this is object properties and then you come down here this will be minimized but you come down to visibility you open up visibility and you turn off show in renders so this way it won't show up in the renders uh and then and then you're good to go so let's go back through every shot and just render them out make sure the boards are hidden or you know not showing up in the render and then uh i'll meet you on the other side okay we've finished rendering all of the frames they're all in a folder big folder filled with frames now i'm going to show you how if you wanted to you could add some post processing some you know effects at the very end so we're going to make a new blender file we're going to use the 2d animation preset but we're not going to mess with the animation part we're just going to come over here to compositing and then we're going to click use nodes okay now the first thing we're going to do is delete this render layer node so select it and press x and then we're going to come up here we're going to add a new input node an image if this is too complicated you cannot you can skip this part uh i'll show you in the next section just how to uh render out your animation for youtube without adding any effects to it but for people who are curious how to get started on adding these effects this is how you do it so you add an image and then you click open you navigate to that folder that's filled with the image sequence and then once you've got that folder open and remember this folder is only filled with the images that make up your your render and then you just click a and you're going to select all of the images at once and then you come down and you click let me take a screenshot you come down you click open image and that's going to open all of the images as an image sequence over here and now what you can do is you can plug in the image input into the image output of the compositor and we can't see what we're doing just yet we're going to add another node so we can see what we're doing i'm going to add an output viewer node and then we're going to connect image to image and now we can see what we're doing um it's a bit zoomed in and the node zooming tools are a little different because you use the middle mouse scroll to kind of zoom in on the nodes themselves but if you want to alter this background preview image you actually click the v key v and alt v to zoom back in there you go this is just to move this this thing uh the the preview around okay now we're just going to add a very basic bloom effect to the whole thing to make it look extra glossy and shiny so let's come up here to add or you could use the hotkey shift a and we're going to add a vector filter blur node okay i'm going to plug in the image and let's just plug this into the previous you can see what we're doing and let's just turn up the blur let's make it like 10 by 10 could be more blur maybe 20 by 20. there we go and now we're going to add another node shift a color mix okay and we'll we'll plug this in let's plug in the main image to the top of the mix and then plug the blurred image into the bottom of the mix and then we're going to click mix and change it to something like overlay look at that look at that beautiful balloon and make sure all this is also connected to the compositor because if it's not then it won't be rendered out at the end okay we've got all this gorgeous bloom on the animation let's go in and add some extra color correction so shift a uh color uh rgb curves and if you place that on top of a node strand then it kind of connects it in like this but make sure it's connected to the viewer too so we can see it and uh yeah let's let's just bump the contrast because i don't think this is nearly enough contrast so that looks a lot better to me and you can also come down here and if you click in the timeline we can see uh future frames in the animation so i think the whole thing needs to be that looks fantastic it needs to be a lot more blue frankly so let's crank up the blue look at that it's like a nighttime scene that's gorgeous um let's make sure the end frame is the same length as your scene so this is 391 frames we're just going to copy that and paste it as the end frame and now i've got the whole thing captured in here and this looks absolutely gorgeous and if you wanted to render out this new version what you would do is you come over here to the output properties make sure these settings are the same as on your main animation so 24 frames per second the same resolution and then it's set up as a png sequence hold on you can't see this let me turn my head off there we go so it's set up as a png sequence by default which is perfect you just make another folder next to the um the one where you've got the raw frames i usually make a folder inside of that folder and call it like um i don't know comp or something like that and then you just fill this up with the now composited kind of affected frames and then you're good to go so we're making a new folder called like composite and then save this as frame right composite frame and then we'll just come up here render animation and it'll just render through the whole thing and add all those cool uh effects to it okay we finished adding our special effects to to the video now let's get ready for the final composite putting the audio and the video together so i've got the boards open here which is where we've got the audio cut up and i'm just going to save this as another file going to call this hotdog composite1 okay and we don't actually need the boards in here so i'll probably just delete this object um because all we need is this audio um and now we're going to do add or shift a image sequence okay now we're going to go into our folder our composite folder we have all the composited frames you hit a to select all add image sequence there we go hey there everybody my name's slimer now this may come as a surprise to some of you but um i actually don't like the effects i think i i went too far maybe maybe so i'm gonna go back over to the non-composited frames and import those as well again you just go into that folder hit a to select all and then import and uh hey everybody my name is see i actually like that look better i'm gonna delete i'm gonna delete the the composite ones just leave it at these okay so hey there everybody my name's slimer i like here comes my friend bilberry now what i want to do is start to add some some foley now that we've got it animated we can kind of do some fully along to it right so i want bill murray to have some footstep sounds as he walks in so i'm going to open up audacity yeah there's audacity and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to start recording in audacity okay that's good and then we're going to come over to the file we're going to come over just a bit before we want to add the foley i'm just going to grab my phone and come up to my mic and kind of tap it with my fingers and that's going to be walking okay let's see how this sounds here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer i got something for you pause that give this a listen how does that sound does this sound like anything okay that's bill murray walking in so i'm just gonna uh kind of cut this extra stuff that's ctrl x to do that uh now we're gonna export that as a wave or an mp3 i i do everything as a wave but they're kind of big and we're just gonna call this footsteps okay now we're going to come back over to blender right and i'm going to just click and drag in that audio file we just made okay now we've got the footsteps and we'll just position them up here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer so you can't hear them because uh they're not very loud and climbers kind of talking let's just boost the volume though make it real loud then we'll hear it here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer i got something for you you can kind of hear me move it around a little here comes my friend bill murray maybe earlier here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer that kind of maybe even a little earlier here comes my friend bill murray a little earlier here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer i got something for you oh what what is it okay now we're gonna have a sound for him kind of taking out the hot dog i'm gonna assume he's like taking out a bag i've got an old bag here uh and we're gonna do the same thing we did before just crack open audacity let me show you that uh make sure we're recording then open up blender and just hit play and i'll just kind of change it up the way i think it should be there we go go back to audacity uh one of these sounds should work this one it's really loud um we'll just cut around that export as a wave call this hot dog bag okay uh and then we'll drag that in here there we go okay hot dog bag has now been dragged in we'll sync that up a little later maybe we can cut it uh so it's not quite as long nice and short sound so it's awful maybe quieter maybe quieter that kind of works uh let's take him hey there everybody my name's slimer i like hot dogs here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer i got something for you what is it yeah that's good we did it okay wait one last thing i want to add some mastering some very light mastering to the audio just in case you want it to pop a little more be a little bit louder for like twitter or youtube nothing wild just a little bit louder um and so some basic mastering we could actually do in audacity so we're going to come up here to render and click render audio that's just to render out the audio we have here uh we're gonna call this uh hot dog audio two um or hot dog audio one yeah one and we're going to make sure we come over to container and i'm going to change this to wave because i prefer a wave okay then you click mix down and that saves that out and now we can come back over to audacity click and drag that in give this a listen right hey there everybody here's the right file shut out the sound i got something for you what is it it's got the sounds okay now um the two like basic mastering things that you kind of uh do to like audio for a thing is a bit of compression and a bit of equalization and all that means is compression is you just even it out so that the quiet part's a little louder and the loud parts are aren't clipping and it's you know it's very it's just more even and then equalization is you kind of bring up the high end or the low end you make it a bit crispier right so you can do some of that in audacity so we're gonna select the whole audio clip come up here to effect and let's click compressor uh let's uncheck make up gain for zero db after compressing but uh so it's just gonna compress it and not make it any louder and then we'll come up here to effect click equalization and uh let's just design you can't really see this i don't think no you can't that's unfortunate i'm just going to show you i'm just going to click and drag some points on this map and then i'll show you what the points look like so all i'm doing is i'm clicking and dragging and i'm i'm adding a point up at the top and that's higher and then a point at the bottom end that's higher leaving the middle the same and that should make it a little brighter hey there everybody my name's slimer i like hot that sounds a little bit crispier okay and you can skip that equalization step if that one's tricky for you um because the the most important one is we're going to select all the audio again go up here to effect and then click limiter and you might need to scroll down a bit to see this but it is down here and i'm not going to change any of the limiter settings i think they're fine and we'll just click ok a limiter is a lot like a compressor basically just makes it louder by making the really loud part slightly quieter so that the whole thing could be louder uh and let's give this a listen hey there everybody my name's that sounds fine to me it is it's louder okay we're gonna export as a wave hot dog audio 2 i guess the thing you really want to avoid is clipping audacity will tell you if there's clipping uh here comes my friend up here these will start to glow red here comes my friend bilberry and that that just means it's too loud and so you can always just come over here and turn this down um to avoid clipping but anyway a little clipping doesn't hurt okay we're coming back to blender and now i'm going to make sure we're at frame zero so shift left arrow to make sure we're at the first frame sorry frame one not frame zero and then we're gonna drag in our new audio and we're just gonna let's not delete our old audio let's not be so destructive but let's hide it so we're going to click the audio clips from before and we're going to hit h to hide them right so click it and then h click in an h and now we've just got the new audio and the new frames and let's play it back hey there everybody my name's slimer i like hot dogs here comes my friend bill murray hey slimer i got something for you what is it yeah the animation's done now we can finally uh export it as a as a avi or sorry.mp4 and we can put it on youtube or twitter so to do that we're already in this file right and we're just going to come down here to the same places before let's pick a folder to save it in and uh well let's save it in our main folder and i'm going to call this final one or hot dog final one okay and then the file format we're going to change this to ffmpeg video and then we're going to open up encoding to make some quick changes so instead of matraska we're going to change this to mp4 and instead of medium quality let's do high quality and then instead of no audio codec we're going to change this to aac and uh that should be good i think we can now come up here and click render animation and this should save it out as as something you can put on youtube or twitter or instagram okay that's done i think that's all the steps we finished our animation so we're just gonna do a little sign off here before we we're about playback the animation um this is just a basic overview about how to do um you know 2d animation and blender and touching on some audio recording and processing and audacity just really basic stuff um i just want to get people started on like you know making the cartoon obviously if you have a different audio program that you prefer to use that's great um if you want to like draw backgrounds in a different drawing program you can import those import images as planes and put them behind the animation that's what i do it works great or you could draw the backgrounds directly in blender just make a new grease pencil object and draw the background you know you get the idea there's so many more things that the blender grease pencil can do that blender's 2d animation features are capable of as well as blender blenders capable so many things but again it's just a basic overview i hope you enjoyed i hope you learned something and i hope you go out there and you make some cartoons okay and now as a final outro here is hot dog hey there everybody my name's slimer i like hot here dogs my friend bill murray hey slimer i got something for you what is it
Channel: Worthikids
Views: 337,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dz7V0_qn1Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 19sec (5779 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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