Gravity Falls - 'Legend of the Gobblewonker'

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you're watching Disney XD on YouTube hey how's it going it's going awesome bail bail bail bail Mabel leave that thing alone oh I don't mind none Hey look I'm drinking water point go-go-go level hahaha aren't you supposed to be doing look out look out but seriously I'm on it see we're here and look out genius hamster ball here we come don't check it out but island so see you rapscallion hey why are you laughing are you scared Yeah right I'm not yeah you are hey quit stop label don't could you guys hear that what was that was it your stomach nah my stomach normally sounds like whale noises Wow so majestic oh I can't see anything dude I don't know man maybe this uh never this isn't worth it not worth it guys imagine what would happen if we got that picture tonight we're here with adventure seeker differ pines who bravely photograph the elusive gobble Walker tell me Dipper what's the secret to your success well I run away from nothing nothing except for when I ran away from my annoying grunkle Stan who I ditched in order to pursue that lake monster I'll write you were to do so they look like a real piece of work I don't often do this but I feel the need to give you an award I'm in me too alright dudes are coming my name is Mabel it rhymes with table it also rhymes with label it off the rhymes with label dude we shall be writing this down guys guys guys you hear something this is it this is it everyone get your camera's ready ready go but but what was that noise then I heard a monster noise sorry beaver with a chainsaw maybe that old guy was crazy after all he did use the word scrap doodle look when you thread the line a lot of people don't know this but you want to use a barrel nut that's a secret from one fishing buddy to another uh who are you exactly just call me your grunkle Stan sir sir why are you talking to our son if you don't leave right now I'm calling the police ha ha you see the thing about that is your home kids oh yeah work it work it nice nice give another one of those yeah I like that one what are we gonna say to grunkle Stan we ditched him over nothing hmm hey guys do you feel that hey hey whoa Wow this is it come on this is our chance what's wrong with you guys it's not that hard all right all you got to do is point and shoot like this you get back to the boat hurry let the pitcher do it if it makes you feel any better I got tons of pictures of those beavers dude why would that make me feel better thanks for watching click now for more fantastic shows or subscribe to keep up to date with the latest Disney XD YouTube clips
Channel: DisneyXDUK
Views: 1,638,312
Rating: 4.6964464 out of 5
Keywords: Disney, XD, Gravity, Falls, Mabel, dipper, soos, monsters, island, creepy, cartoon, phineas, ferb, isabella, funny, comedy, barf, gnomes, Humour (Literary Genre), Comedy (drama)
Id: gaFw7nmha0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2012
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