Teen Titans Go! | To The Future! | @dckids

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[Music] this is not how i wanted to spend my last years don't worry old me i have a new plan does it involve time machines you bet it does oh yeah i want to hear what this mad scientist came up with this time yo it's simple we sit here until the old us die and then our ghost will grab a time machine and come back to rescue us yeah it worked we're a genius [Music] what's wrong we're ghosts we can't touch stuff man i'm bored ah i know oh let's prank call our future selves yeah hello is this cyborg i was wondering if your refrigerator is running then you better catch it booyah really well i'm sorry to hear that dude are you okay that was a bad idea i have a good feeling about this year titans give it up robin we'll never break this cycle of misery oh my shoes hurt then maybe it's time to take things into our liver spotted hands and pay a visit to those responsible for this endless cycle of misery [Applause] there they are the masters of time why have you entered our domain titans we want a good year for once we are bummed out never watching you repeat the same mistakes year after year is too much fun good stuff very funny then you leave us no choice titans go what are you waiting for come on fight the baby i'm not gonna fight a baby then fight the old man just pick one baby go play [Music] respect your elders no you won't find me so easy to defeat titans [Music] oh hey i need that to stand you can have it back if you promise to give us a good year oh very well enjoy your year titans yes we did it [Music] nothing like a little pizza to make us forget our friend's thoughtful advice it helps but i think i'm gonna need a movie too that floor pizza is mine i saw first me too and i'm still looking at it so am i staring contest last one to look away from the slice gets it you're on hmm you blinked i win this pizza tastes like it's 30 years old [Music] because we've been here for 30 years high five for the longest staring contest ever we got to tell the others if they're not dead this is not how i wanted to spend my afterlife don't worry i have a plan to get us out of here another plan how do you keep coming up with them it's a gift we wait until our ghosts are reincarnated then i bet this is where the time machine comes in i hope you bet the farm because you are exactly right once our ghosts are reincarnated they'll grab a time machine and come back to rescue everyone [Music] what's up with the animals that's how reincarnation works you dummy i was reincarnated as a meerkat awesome hey rat me thanks for noticing but that's not important right now listen yes cuda is delicious now focus rat go over there hit that release button and get us out of here forget the coda ah it's useless new plan seriously man let it go never to the time machine [Music] huh where do you get a time machine there i am let's get me you guys coming nah we're just gonna hang here honey i'm home i'm just kidding i live alone yeah where is it whoa young me how's it going don't play dumb just remember anything i do to my body now affects yours in the future now talk huh okay then we'll do it the hard way feel that future selfie uh i guess i remember it hurting oh yeah how about this no no how about that oh yeah that totally stung robin stop you are injuring yourself over the sandwich oh the perfect sandwich that's what this is all about yeah i was super bummed when that vanished but you'll learn to let things go now i know you're lying i would never let anything go besides i don't need your confession you're me and i know me there's only one place i'd put it the sandwich is in your refrigerator hold on let's not go crazy here see no sandwich just sadness oh that's impossible so long weirdo it is nice to have visitors [Music] we have to track down mud before we're stuck as old people forever huh what huh what say again what huh what say again huh huh huh huh what huh you're gonna have to speak up i am having trouble hearing huh oh this is so precious titans we have to get our youth back yes my face is doing exciting no no no you don't want to be young again that's easy for you to say hot stuff you're still young and beautiful okay dial it back grandpa being old is great just look at robin's grace streaks hmm i do look distinguished cyborg check your wallet out all these pictures of my grandbabies one of the perks of getting older where did the grand babies come from oh buddy knows and the best part is with age comes wisdom wisdom maybe we should give being old a try that's the spirit now everyone gather round oh i love you my little prunes this is a dream come true did i ever tell you how i got this watch i was stationed in france so he says to me that ain't your watch so i says i says to him i found it so it makes it my watch [Music] don't need real get away right he ended up in prison for life and i'm still wearing the watch [Music] charming stories slow dances grand babies ah you salty codgers i've got it we wait until animal us evolve into humans then they will curvature machine and come back here to rescue us [Music] glad you made it we need your help getting out of here that's it now hit that release button no no the other button yes that's the one gaga yeah yeah yeah [Music] dude the future stinks all of her friends are stuck in dead-end jobs husband ah queen whatevs goddess of the universe i cannot live in a world like this and they shouldn't have to either you've got to save them from themselves but how simple all we have to do is invent a time machine go back 30 years and change one little thing then we come back to the future and everything will be different so obvious let's do it you guys want leftovers no it's pasta no do you mind keeping it down the kids are trying to sleep when we're done you won't have to worry about your kids anymore huh once we get our time machine finished we're gonna go back and fix the future so you guys don't end up like this you're welcome by the way wait a minute i like my life i love my family dude your family's horrible yes robin they're trying to change history don't do this i command you hey you're not the boss of me technically i am immortal goddess remember oh yeah well not for long you're not all done let's go bro you guys are going nowhere oh yeah you forgot you're talking to an indoor rodeo champion [Music] [Applause] the kids sorry hon [Applause] [Music] so far so good what do we do now we change one little thing we share the last slice yes you think this is a big enough change to alter the future guess we'll have to wait 30 years to find out you know the best part of living in a society that's broken down and there's nothing left of chaos [Applause] no responsibilities you know it the robot overlords have taken over the entire city how did things get to this i think it had something to do with sharing a slice of pizza you think this is bad it could have been a lot worse man you almost had a baby and a mullet one yep this is a future i can live you
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 57,777,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, Time travel, responsibility, teen titans, teen titans go, teen titans go episode, cyborg teen titans go, teen titans go characters, teen titans online, teen titans go episodes, teen titans movie, watch teen titans go, teen titans season 1 episode 1, teen titans go full episode, robin teen titans go, teen titans go crazy day, TTG EN
Id: p-VLMidxN8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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