Grasswald Now Free For Everyone!

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this video is sponsored by render hop render hop is one of the community's best place to download 3D content and this offers an impressive assortment of 3D assets from various categories which have been meticulously crafted to meet your demands as a 3D artist with an amazing marketplace where you can download tons of asset with 3D 2D audio brushes hdri stock footages and references more so render hob also supports compatibility for all of the industry standard software and formats that are currently available and of course if you're looking for free content you can definitely go over to render Hub where you can download a ton of free content so whether you're looking for cars textures weapons animals sci-fi building or simple appliances or vegetations Renda hop offers some impressive collections for 3D artists that transcends all boundaries and of course a huge shout out to the folks at render hope for making this [Music] possible so if you blend artist and you like working with free assets and probably you like working with vegetations then you definitely love this one as the folks at grass World creators of gutter has just recently announced that they're giving out their plug-in and all of their assets for free so at this point if You' like to get any of this high quality Trad assets you can definitely go over to link in the description that'll bring you right here where you can pick it up and start working and the cool thing all of these asset are extremely high quality 3D asset that you can use to build your 3D worlds and create amazing visuals for yourself self and the reason why they're giving all these things free is because they've just recently rounded up their seed for 3.3 million and the idea behind this seed is to create a more beautiful platform which is targeted to creating 3D content by simply using Gan splatter and of course this is something that is currently in the test and would come in three phases that would allow artist to create assets edit this asset and also share it with the rest of the world as the main idea for the final two that they're making is to democratize 3D creation video current community of over 170,000 but then that is for a tool that is currently coming which is dealing more with AI but for today's video we're looking at G catter and all of the assets that you can get with it so first things first you need to create an account to have access to all of these assets previously J catter was a tool that you can get for free but this asset did cost a couple of buck and to see that you can get all of them now for free is pretty interesting so just in case you're trying to get any of these ones you can come here scan through and get them so if you're looking for kitchen HS they do have about five asset right there there's a ging Glory that has 10 assets the path side has 14 assets the field middle has about 34 assets and you can dive into any of these ones and start downloading them so to all of the assets that we' just mentioned they do come in pack you can choose to get this as individual preset packs or you can download them individually so if you like to download this one you can simply select that and you can see the file size and depending on the format that you like to get this then you can go ahead and download so in this case if we like to get this as fbx we can select that if we like to get this as a Lambic we can select that and finally if we like to get this as the gatter blender file we can also download it and all of these file formats are only present for individual object if you like to get the full preset this doesn't ship with those fire format options as you're just simply going to download this as one zip file that you'll be using inside of blender and how this works with blender is extremely easy so the first thing which you need to do is to download GS scatter and then going to simply fire up blender so blender simply open up right here how you get to work with this is super easy so all you need to do is go over to edit go over to preference and install the add-on now on installing the add-on you need to turn on the check button and you have to install pillow so once you have Pillow installed click on the bugger menu save your preference and close the preference window and with that done if you tap n on the keyboard you would notice that down here we have G Scutter and how G Scutter actually works is very easy if you go over to the download section you would notice that we've got a couple of things that we can download from here again if there are assets that you like to download that do not exist on the download section right here you can definitely go over to gatter and download them from here and like I mentioned earlier these can either be downloaded as a preset pack or you can download them as individual files so in this case we're simply going to click and download as many of these as we can and once these are downloaded this will display a notification box notifying you that asset have been installed so with this done how you get to work with G scatter is extremely simple and we're going to drop a simple grid let's scale this grid all the way up we're going to go in and subdivide this about that much so once we have that what we need to do is to click on the ey dropper select the plane and if we click on this tiny button which demonstrates that this is an asset browser this will launch an asset browser where we can start adding the individual assets that we have to our scene however if you do have the presets if you go over to environment you would notice that we've got one right here so all we need to do is to select that and if we click right here on ADD environment this is automatically going to load the environment onto the grid which you've just simply specified over here is where you get to see the individual elements or individual particles that mix this up and you can turn this off or turn them on if you choose if you like to add additional elements you can go ahead and click right here and add additional elements if you choose and for those who are wondering why is is this small this currently has a Terrain boundary which you can click and scale from here so say for example you like to scale this up yes you can so you can scale this to match your scene and get the desired results that you're going for and you can tell that these are high quality assets that you can work with for those who are thinking about adding some effect there are some geometry node effect that currently exist here and you can click on the add effect button to assign materials or simply generate terrains so in this case if we click on the terrain generator the this will generate a Terrain forwards end of course you can see all the parameters that we will be needing in case we would like to use this to drive how the texture or how the positioning of this would be so in this case if we would like to get rid of that we can come over here and click on the delete button and get rid of this particular one so other things that you can do with this includes optimization so in this case if you like to add some camera calling maybe some proxy settings you can do all that there's also the environment Creator over here we've also got a couple of extras which deals with packing a blender file and packing linked file and for those who are thinking about how they can work with files that they download off the internet of course there are ways that you can do it so for you to be able to do that you need to download any of these so like we mentioned earlier let's say for example like to download some garden stuff we can go ahead select this and for this one I'm just going to go in and select the blender G Scutter so would like to get the two leaves and I'm also going to download that so with that downloaded all we need to do is go over to blender and right here where we have our asset we're going to click on this button and from here we're going to click on the install button go over to the location where you have this downloaded and in this case I'm just going to click on that and click on install so once we have that going this would install that asset now with that done we can click on okay and we can go ahead and click on the asset browser one more time scroll all the way to where we going to find our tulips and you notice that we've got a range of tulips right here so the Tulips we installed it did not just install one tulip but rather it did install a couple of those so if we like to get the oranged one we can click on that and we can add this to scene or we can scatter selected and that is how easy it is for us to add the Tulips if we like to have them in our scene so just in case you don't see it you can simply hide all the other ones and you'll be able to see those so this is it for those who are thinking about maybe rendering this and doing all that stuff this is best rendered in Cycles but of course if you like to render this with Eevee then you can go ahead and check this out for yourself so this is it the folks at grasswood has recently released G catter and all of their grasswood assets and for those who are super excited about this or maybe you're into vegetation and you like to explore all of this then you can go over to link in the description and grab this this is a powerful tool for vegetations and landscape and I'll suggest you pick these and add this to your set of tools that you currently work with tell me what you guys think about this one in the comment section and of course if you like this video or you learn something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and like see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: askNK
Views: 53,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asknk, maya, 3d Tutorials, Houdini, BLENDER, asnk, blender2.9, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, blender 2.92 released, character creator, 3d character creator, reallusion character creator, blender 2.93, blender, blender 2.93 new features, blender 3.0 new features, b3d, unreal engine, rendering, free assets, free 3d model, blender tutorial, add on, blender grass, vegetation now free, gscatter now free, grasswald now free
Id: TwGPt24PvIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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