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what's up guys Justin here with the CG so in today's video we're going to check out an awesome new development that means lots of free grass and vegetation assets for everyone let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so you might have heard of G scatter or grasswald before basically grasswald is a collection of different plant assets that you can use um inside your blender models in order to create really realistic scenes um using grass or leaves or other things things like that um up until last week this has been a paid collection of add-ons and so in addition to the assets they also have a tool called G scatter which is a free scattering add-on for blender and so last week they rolled out some kind of massive news which is that um they're kind of pivoting a little bit and focusing on a new tool that they're putting together called graswald Ai and so graswald AI is basically a tool that's designed to allow you to take photos of an object and then it's going to generate 3D models of that object and it looks like they're focusing right now specifically on like product type stuff um and I've not seen what the underlying topology looks like on models like this or anything like that but best as I can tell what happens is you can take a video of your product and their AI platform is going to create a 3D model out of that video and so right now um it looks like that is basically weight list only so if you have like a company then they'll do like a demo for you but if you're just an individual user you can join the way list right here so um this tool by itself is really interesting and I'm excited to follow it but it doesn't really look like there's a whole lot that we as regular users can use at the moment and so as a part of that they're basically noting that they're not going to have the resources to work on this new tool and also keep this existing Library up to date the way that they would like to and so because of that they're going to make all of the assets in their Library freely available for everyone and you can just go to store. in order to download those assets and so let's hop over into the store and take a look at some of these so basically what you've got is you've got collections of different assets that you can scatter and so you can kind of see some of the plants individually by clicking on them right here um and notice how those are available for fbx ABC or G scatter um the G scatter ones the ones we're going to focus on because we're working in blender and so if you click on one of these like the field Meadow for example if you click on this this is going to pop this up and notice how there's different collections in here so for example if you wanted the wild field Meadow you could click on it and there's an option to download that entire asset pack and so I've downloaded a couple of these These are pretty big files so I think one of them was 1 and 1/2 GB another one was 780 um megab B byes so they are pretty large but I've downloaded a couple of them and let's go ahead and let's jump over into blender and scatter them inside of our scene one thing you are going to want to do is click on the button right here for download G scatter and when you do that you're going to want to pick the version that you want to download in this situation I'm using the one for 3.5 and up um I think it's probably I've not tried it on 4.1 I think it's unlikely that it's going to work on 4.1 considering they're planning on doing this specifically to um not continue updating the add-on so you may have to work on 4.0 and Below but you want to download this which is basically going to be a zip file and then you want to jump over into blender and you want to install it and so when you do an edit preferences you just want to click on install and you just want to go find that zip file and enable grasswald or gatter by grasswald right here and so notice how there's an option over here to set your library directory and so for me notice how I've downloaded a couple of those and unzip them into a folder on an external drive you can put those wherever you want but you're going to want to set that directory and when you do that um notice how you can set if this is going to link or append I'm going to set this to append right here all right and so once you have that installed what you're going to do is you're going to tap the in letter on your keyboard you're going to click on GS scatter and this is going to allow you to select a surface so notice how I can click the little eye dropper and then select a surface right here now there's an option here to download free assets you can also download the assets from the GS scatter store in a web browser and then place them in that folder that you set in your preferences but once you do that notice how if you click on this button right here and so notice how this is going to show me all of the assets that are contained in that folder as well as all of the environments that are contained in that folder and so let's say cuz I downloaded this wild field Meadow that I wanted to place it on this surface now notice how you have options in here to generate a new terrain use a default or click on custom in this case we want to select a Terrain so we're going to use the ey dropper to select this plane right here and we're going to go ahead and we're going to add an environment and so when we do that what that's going to do is that's going to scatter these different systems on your surface right here now one thing to note about this is these are big kind of heavy assets um so this is going to be slow you probably don't want to dump this level of detail on like a huge um huge plane or anything like that like in this case this actually works okay um it's not especially bad but if this was larger it would be placing a lot of stuff on this surface but notice what this did is this came in here and this basically placed a bunch of different objects in here and it scattered them and so I can click in here and I can adjust a lot of different things by scrolling down and using these adjustments right here and so notice how this is using a noise distribution in here in order to adjust where those things are placed so I can adjust things like the scale of that noise um I can adjust the detail level the roughness other things like that and basically what it's doing is it's generating noise on the surface and then it's using that noise in order to set where these plants are placed but notice how I can adjust the seed for each one of these so for example if I was to pick the small grass right here notice how that noise distribution is going to be different for that system than for the other system right here but you can also adjust things like the density of the objects right so notice how if I bring this down I'm getting less objects if I bring this up I'm getting more objects right here so we can use this in order to really quickly Place objects on surfaces like this and so we've got these all in here you can also toggle them on and off like this so you can adjust each one of these individually you can also set how much of this is actually displayed right because what's being placed and what's being displayed are two different things so notice how if I for example bring the display percentage up to 100 notice that there's actually a lot more grass on this surface than than is being displayed and so what we can do is we can bring this down so it only displays a few of these right so if I bring all of these down to 10 10% for example notice how it's displaying a lot less of these than it's actually scattering that's to keep your computer from crashing um when it's trying to display all of this different stuff but let's say that I was to add just a simple light so we'll just add a sun just for the sake of what we're doing here I'll just jump us over into rendered mode right here I'm going to bump that power up a little bit and then let's add a camera so I'm just going to do a shift a add a camera I'm going to hit the zero key on my numpad and hit home and then I'm going to jump over into my view and I'm going to lock my camera to my view and I'm just going to place the camera right here so just a simple render nothing super complicated or anything like that now one thing that you might do before you render this out is you might go ahead and save your model so just do a file save but what you're going to notice is when I actually do a full render right I'm going to click in here and do a render image you're going to see a lot more geometry in your full render than you do inside of blender itself because we've used those environment settings to reduce the amount of stuff that's showing up in my scene and so just looking at this really quickly notice how you can see all of this grass but if you look at the actual scene there's less of it so that's basically a tool that's designed to help you keep this manageable inside of your viewport while you make different changes like this and and so notice how you can also set like an overall optimization and there's also an option here for camera calling and so camera calling is basically going to set this so that it coals out all of the object or hides all of the objects that you can't see in your camera view and so let's say for example I'm going to jump out of this real quick we'll just turn this on so I'm going to select this camera right here notice what happens if I move this camera over and you can only kind of see it right here so we'll move this a little bit closer but notice what this is doing is this is culling out everything that the camera wouldn't see so basically it's using the camera location in here um in order to set what's actually displayed in your model and it's not showing geometry where your camera can't see so what that does is that hides a ton of the geometry in here that's not inside of the camera's field of view um so that you can only render out what you can see inside of your scene right here and so say you wanted to create your own environment or scatter just individual objects what you could do is say that we've got a new plane you could select it you could jump into your library and you can pick one of these objects so in this case maybe this a broadleaf plantain right here I'm going to click on this notice how you have options for levels of detail right so more or less detailed I'll put this on one I'm going click on the option for scatter selected and what is it's going to do is it's going to scatter this on my object right here so notice how it's created a scatter system in here well then you can scroll down and you can adjust things like the distribution right so I can adjust my density up like this but I can also adjust things like the scale um and I can randomize scale right here to bigger or smaller I could also randomize things like rotation in here but you can basically randomize multiple different sets of objects in here just by doing this so say I wanted to bring in this Orchard Grass and do the same thing I'll click on scatter selected that's going to bring grass in and then I just need to bump up the number of objects that are being placed on this surface so we want to go into distribution right here bump our density up in order to create our own system in here so it got a little bit heavy but you can see how dropping individuals in here is pretty easy now there is an option in here for creating your own environment and so so you're basically going to have to fill in all of these different things including a thumbnail and obviously this is just a random picture that I pulled up but you could put your own in here but you can basically create an environment from the current scatter surface in here which is also really cool so you can generate and save your own environments for use later and then there's some extra stuff in here like packing a blend file with the external files packing the link assets meaning you're able to uh kind of place this all in here without having to have the whole asset library but overall very cool tool set especially since it's available now for free for blender all right so that's for I'm to in this video I will link to grasswald and G scatter in the notes down below leave a comment below let me know what you think about this development I just love having that conversation with you guys as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 6,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender 2.9, blender 2.91, blender gscatter, blender graswald, blender free plants, blender free, blender graswald free
Id: WtChw3mGnBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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