Turn 2d Images Into 3D Images In Seconds

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so the world of AI is awesome guys and scrolling through the internet I ran across this website called Styler so that's St y l a r. AI Styler it is awesome guys it is awesome so check this out first of all you're met with the screen it's a straightforward layout everything is just right there you have your uh profile over here you have your credits I believe you start off with 200 credits and those credits um refurbish or replenish every week I believe it's once a week let me double check to make sure so that is good now here's your projects listed right here and click on new project and there you are so you have your canvas here you have your Styler assistant and uh if you need assistance of course just click on on the yellow s and you're good your layers panel is right here and you have your other options over here now you can grab the hand grip or you can this is your move tool or of course your text tool so you can actually get in here and create your own designs which I think is pretty awesome but today we're going to go ahead and try to get an image as close as possible now I've messed with this before and it does a fantastic job let's see if it can duplicate it so we'll pull in this little character I created we call him Skitch now the interesting thing about sketch is is he's really just a parody of a Bart Simpson character okay so skitches be fitting okay so let's just go ahead and to image to image and no prompts are uh available right now but you can type one in or you can click up here for Auto prompt now let's see what it does click stylar eyesee now this is underneath the realistic option and it has a plethora of options by the way all right I can see that I can see that okay that's good okay now let's try to let's try it one more time and then we'll create a prompt ourselves hit dollarize again let's see what it looks like okay I can see it that's pretty nice that's pretty nice so let's just go ahead and put in a prompt here hit stylar eyesee again again oh uhoh oh no outside of the arms nailed it nailed it this one nailed it oh wow can always do some touch-ups in Photoshop though so let's see let's try dreamy 3D and see what that comes up with hit Styler eyes all right guys let's try realistic one more time or a couple more times there we go let's see there we go guys that's that'll do it now of course I'll just take those spikes off his backpack and it's good to go now I would say that's a that's a very very close representation of what sketch would look like that's awesome now of course what we'll do we'll definitely save in this one there's a maybe another one that I I think this one would work that one would work I think that one would work as well I maybe need to fix the eyes on that one okay this one's fine and that's it now let's place these on the canvas all of the pictures here hit export export all files that's eight picks exported it's a done deal now let's save this here we can call this sketch 3D he I guess hit apply that's done go back to home you want to start another project and there you go so that my friend is awesome the world of AI is changing things you know to see your projects come to life that's an awesome thing that's an awesome thing so I believe that's a good stoping place for this video here if you found this video useful make sure to comment like subscribe share do all that good stuff and until next time I'll see you in the next video
Channel: LAYRS
Views: 22,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d Images Into 3D Images, stylar.ai, 3d website, 2d to 3d, vector to 3d, stylar.ai tutorial, 3d website design tutorial, how to use style ai, how to use stylar.ai, 3d model, how to, artificial intelligence
Id: 26HUgJ9TNW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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