Grant Cardone's 10X Growth Conference 2 Keynote

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[Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen please pay attention to the following warning phone [Music] [Music] [Music] reverse the sassy absolutely not you know it's a spy in your SSS [Music] opposition [Music] success obsessed is charity you dude [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - 15 seconds [Music] motivation text levels down [Music] [Applause] welcome back welcome back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you ready are you ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to get the text I did I did that because people have accused me of showing off so I thought I would make it official thank you for being here thank you sit down please thank you thank you for being there thank you for getting here thank you for doing whatever it takes to get here if there is an empty seat next to you trust me somebody paid for that seat okay somebody bought that seat they're not they're just not here yet so again thank you so much for being at our second 10x growth conference we want to make this a big event for you we our goal is to change their lives come on man come on man I want to I want to change some lives this weekend okay I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget they go so deep inside of you that every time you leave here every phone call you don't want to make every sales call that you're like ah you're like I was in Vegas in February we had February I never know what day it is I was there and I'm committed to 10x how many of you are committed to 10x in your business come on let me hear it come on all right so let me for those of you don't know maybe everything about me that we haven't shown online somewhere it's been a long road to get where I'm at right now today some of you may have run into me just two or three months ago or a year ago and you're like oh dude the guy's got a car he's got a plane you know he's got money he's got a hot wife where's Elena and and you think oh he's got it all made but it's very very very long road getting here okay it's been 32 years of pushing shoving I've invested money that I didn't have that's right I went into debt when my friends were listening to Dave Ramsey pay everything off I'm trying to expand Uncle Dave I got great at a job I hated absolutely hated this job at 25 years old and I decided I didn't have any more choices I needed to get great at that job I've thrown myself into the face of rejection tens of thousands of times so so when you when you like man grant it hurts I don't feel sorry for you I know I don't even feel it anymore I've done it so many times I'm like oh yeah that's exactly what's supposed to happen right here click and you got you got you guys are like oh I'm not cut out for this this is what you have to go through anybody can be 1x or 2x dude to get to these multipliers I mean to blow the roof off of your life and career you have to go through stuff I've been hung up on and humiliated it's not enough for God just hangs up on you but he really asked me on the way out I've been disappointed by deals that never happened by customers that never paid how many of you delivered a product or service to the marketplace to a customer and they refuse to pay yeah hey welcome welcome to the real world I didn't start my family until I was 45 years old mob my buddies had kids going into college and I had not yet found my wife because I was paying the price I always say this pay the price today so you could pay any price in the future pay the price now okay pay the price I've traveled three million miles on commercial airlines on those coach seats they delivered messages about don't smoke on the plane ain't nobody smoked in his plane in 20 years peanuts that didn't want right and I was doing that on Thanksgiving holidays to go to Canada where they were they were still transacting business you got Canadians where the Canadians all right I missed super Super Bowls can't believe my voice is blown out already Super Bowls I've missed ball games I've missed my buddies were travelling see in the world and I didn't have any of those experiences I've had people tell me hey you mark it too much you mark it too aggressively take me off your list some of you in a room where's Howard Howard says take me off the damn list he's a friend my friends like eight is too much my office tells me we hit the list too much I'm like what's a list far hit the list that's what it's for here stay eight eight eight billion people on planet Earth Howard can take me off my job is to go with more people on my list look I've been ridiculed by my peers by customers and by competition I've been judged for working too much wanting too much being too colorful being inappropriate insensitive and too out there son oh yeah goddamn tell me something I don't know I know all that about me right you guys are trying to cover it up you're trying to cover it up I'm like I am insensitive I am inappropriate I am too colorful at times hey man I'm trying to figure it out is anybody in the room perfect I'm trying to figure it out I've been threatened I've been sued I've been betrayed by friends I've been ripped off and I've been copied 30 years 30 years 18-hour days not eight-hour days not 10-hour days not 12-hour days 18-hour days I've been married 15 years to Lena not one time has she ever said you work too much not one time she has never said to me what are you doing getting home so late she knows what I'm doing I'm closing deals I'm taking care of my family I'm trying to get to 10x levels it's been 30 years 30 years it's probably going to be 30 years for you to doubt uncertainty insecurities rejection disappointment judgment it's going to be 30 years of it are you willing to pay the price are you willing to pay the price yes because anybody if anybody any anybody here grab me some water maybe the teal work hottie if anybody thinks you're gonna be successful without paying that price you're wrong if you're if you're not experiencing that now it's because you're not operating at these are levels I need I want people around me that are super successful when somebody finally makes it this is what happens they look around they're like who can go on a trip with me nobody oh your friends are broke they can't get away they're stuck in a job they don't like anymore right they make up excuses I'm too busy I got this I'm talking about guys that make a lot of money a lot lots of lots but they say okay because they're handcuffed right this is the secret of the successful people this is what I've committed my life to do it I told my mom when I was 16 years old one day one day I'm gonna be successful one day one day I'm gonna be successful and one day I'm gonna help a lot of people and I said that to her because I wanted somebody to help me and nobody did it was no uncle my dad died when I was 10 years old and I was hurt like I'm like I need somebody to mentor me man I need somebody to guide me I need somebody to push me how many of you need to be pushed come on man see I've always loved helping people always I am most happy when I'm helping someone else nothing to do with money if I can help somebody not give them something but if I can actually help somebody to feel better about themselves to know what to do in a phone call to know what to do on a sales call to know how to follow up their girlfriend or a boyfriend or to solve some problem in their life or how to get some money if I can help somebody know how to do that I know I contributed to their life okay my legacy thank you my legacy will not be the money I made it won't be the plane I ride in it won't be the car I Drive it'll be the people I helped thank you you you you you give me an opportunity to do what I'm supposed to be doing helping okay so I really appreciate it I appreciate you taking the time to traveling across the country some of you traveled across the world to get here today to spend three or four days with us we want to help you the problem I've had in my life when I wrote the 10x rule I was trying to solve a problem how many of you read that book beautiful if you haven't read the book if you haven't read the book you should read the book or listen to it because you're gonna understand that that book was not written for other people it was written to solve a problem I had I was 50 52 years old and I had a problem I was depressed I wasn't satisfied I was hungry but didn't know what to do I had businesses I had money I had a whole bunch of stuff but I'm like do what am i doing now I'm bickering with Elena we had our kids we had the first two kids and we're like okay we got a kids being a parent now okay I'm being a married guy right I'm being a businessman and I'm unhappy how many have been there before and then I start asking people what's wrong man what's wrong what's wrong with me man something wrong with me something wrong with me oh yeah and as soon as you say something wrong with me [ __ ] everybody's got an opinion oh yeah man and you got a disease man you got a problem you got issues man you work too much you're a work attic you you you you you you're insecure your daddy died your daddy died and left a hole in you left a hole let me [ __ ] I can't go on a vacation I want to do something man doing less has never solved my problems doing less moderation has never solved a problem for me okay fitting in never worked for me how many of you can't fit in yeah you hate yourself late like when you when you try to fit in with people that you don't fit in with you hate them and you the problem that I've had in my life okay was not my marriage there's not okay I'm not a bad parent I wasn't helping enough people I'm writing this book called the 10x rule what do I need to do to get really excited oh who inspires you Elon Musk inspires me got Gaga gonna he's like we're going to Mars we don't even know what's there and in some of you're like oh he can do that because he's got a lot of money what it will cost to go to Mars would bankrupt Elon Musk he will have to go to the marketplace to raise that money to go to Mars he's the guy he's the guy that commits first and figures the rest out as he goes [Music] those are the people that inspire me okay that's the guy I want to be when I watch a great play or the Olympics and I get Curie and I'm like oh my god did you see that that's that's me man that's something me this akin I've had people try to medicate it out of me I've had this my whole life ever since I was a little kid okay ever since I'm six seven eight years old hungry wanted money my whole life how many of you want to be rich your whole life oh yeah I'm eight years old I'm like I want the damn money I want money eight years old I don't even know what to do with money I want that money okay because my dad he had the money and whoever had the money in the household had control so what I really wanted was control and then when I grew up and I'm like hey my purpose is to help people I started a company and the company was helping companies make money and the problem when you help a company make money like Chrysler or Toyota or Affleck or Northwestern Mutual okay these big companies and make billions of dollars all we're talking about is making money I'm making money they're making money I'm great at making them make more money but something inside of me is like man dude we're talking about helping people we were focused on companies big contracts okay $80,000 contracts a month multi-million dollar contracts but it wasn't filling me up how many of you want to be filled up dude the 10x thing okay the 10x thing if you're not connecting I promise you will experience depression you will feel empty okay I wanted my life back the real purpose a grant cardone what's grant supposed to be doing should he be talking to 200 salespeople or should he be talking to 9,000 people in a packed arena in February in Vegas you should be up here you should be dropping out of the ceiling you should be helping more people 10x gave me my life back gave me my life back he gave me the right size the right size games I need big games who needs big giant games I need some monster games man it gave me the right size think everybody's like oh you got to be positive I'm not a positive my boy Ryan captain runs somewhere in the house big shout out for captain Ryan real estate Ryan Metro man stick man we call him all those things it's a good dude right here I get that guy I didn't get that guy I didn't have good people around me until I started ten exit connexin got any good people cuz I was and they're like dude this thing's gonna get big people want to go to things that are get big people want to move to things that are gonna change people people want to move to things that are gonna help the world till next got me the right people 10x save my marriage gave me and Elena something to really dig into I mean you can only have sex so much 10x that can I even say that today I can't even say that yeah I got something for ya did I text you right now I don't even feel good not till next year oh no no hey 10x got me a whole new set of customers I used to fight to get 200 bucks from a car dealer 10x got me you guys in this room beast beasts you guys are beasts got me the best customers you know what the best customer is a customer is somebody somebody that's never satisfied I want some more a lot of companies don't want more they want what is they want the status quo they want to keep everything exactly the way it is you guys in this room want something else I've had therapists advise me to give up ideas of fame and fortune when I was 25 years old walking out of a treatment center for drug addiction I had finally taken 29 days and not used drugs for the first time in nine years 3,600 days I tried to quit drugs every day I went off to this treatment center I'm off the drugs for 28 days the insurance runs out they boot me to the curb on the way out the therapist says hey dude give up all your ideas or writing books being on stages and dropping out of ceilings okay that's right I had my sister tell me man you gotta pull it in a little bit man my twin brother Gary it's scary man when you start freaking out I was 28 years old three year sober no drugs in my body for three years I'm selling cars I'm moving Toyotas and I'm getting good at it too like you come in and say look I got bad credit and I'm not buying today I'm like oh [ __ ] that's two cars [ __ ] i'ma penalize i'ma penalize you for saying that [ __ ] okay okay yeah bad you got bad credit that's perfect at least you got some credit see I ain't positive I'm there to get something so so captain Ryan says to me he's like you're the most positive person I know I say dude I'm not positive at all I'm 10x I get results okay I want to get the deal done I want to make my kids proud of me my kids aren't gonna remember whether I was positive or not they're gonna remember whether daddy delivered the goodies or not you understand when you go to Whole Foods and they said that would be four hundred and twenty seven dollars for three bags and you're like I got a good attitude they'd be like you need to get some 10x you need to get some 10x s and money to go with your freaking attitude I was thirty years old and I was starting to speak around the country and a business partner that I've been working with for three or four years he said look I said dude I'm a crossover I'm working on this one vertical how many how many are dependent upon a vertical maybe your chiropractor or dentist or insurance or you're in real estate or your you work your sprint right and you got this vertical and you're not dude I love my vertical my vertical makes me feel good my vertical pays the bills oh yes I feel good I love the vertical but dude I I'm too dependent upon the vertical I'm a little worried that you know what I'm saying I got to keep doing this thing and I kept telling this guy said one day I'm gonna cross over to a mass audience he says you'll never do it nobody ever does it I've had criminal criminals along the way try to steal money from me in frivolous lawsuits it'll happen to you I guarantee it'll happen to you bring it on mcgraw-hill Megrahi oh you know the book publisher mcgraw-hill they'd wouldn't publish a book called seller be sold because they said it was a sales book I said yeah and I'm a sell some books to National Geographic cancelled the turn around King how many of you saw that show canceled it CNBC copied it picked it up threw it up on a thing look this is what's gonna happen to you folks how many of you have a dream hey you gotta go get it okay dreams don't happen on couches and they don't happen in bed if you're gonna realize that dream you got to go out into the marketplace you gotta meet a new you you got to go through obstacles and barriers to wares like dad I mean it doesn't even bother me anymore right Elena 26 phone calls cuz I wanted to close the deal she doesn't want to go out with me I'm too short yeah okay I'm too short how short on my 51,000 feet how shirt at my now how sure am I now goddamn shirt in my now we're scoring 666 miles an hour right now in 51,000 feet huh-huh-huh show them now look look look here's the bottom line right most people simply never overcome their obstacles in their barriers most people simply starve starve if you're taking notes starve between the idea in the execution you starve you take so long to get to execution the big companies die because they start adding time the entrepreneur says I'm gonna have an idea and I'm gonna monetize it that's what I do the simple the simplicity of my businesses we find a business we have an idea we monetize it as fast as we possibly can how can you do that okay first you got to make a decision some simple decisions will you expand or will you contract every decision you make is one of we're gonna expand or we're gonna contract that's the basic premise of the 10x rule the plane that I bought it was an expansion decision the accountant said it doesn't make any sense man you don't fly enough it's gonna cost you too much you don't go on those trips I'm like dude am I gonna expand or contract me and my wife like the account it doesn't tell me what to do he's working for me he gets a check from me right or you can expand or contract sales sales as thing called sales there's so many people hate sales is an expansion activity okay if you're taking notes today and you should be taking notes you got your journal right they had everybody's got a job Siri everybody's got a journal sales is an expansion activity okay the follow the follow up call the sales call the cold call oh it's dead dude it is expansion dead expansion will you expand or will you contract I don't want to spend the money expansion or contraction contraction I don't want to make the call expansion or contraction okay they're not in tonight they're not in they're not there okay why would I call them they're not there expansion or contraction it is simply this am I gonna expand or I'm not gonna contract I spend all my time in expansion you see me on YouTube and Facebook and and and snapchat I was freakin instagramming from up there I got my let in the room I'm sending my let text messages I'm like my let who loves that my let [Music] every decision my wife and I make or about expansion I want to speak in career how many of you like to be a public speaker and be paid for it well good idea let me get somebody penny that's it I'll make a decision I'm gonna be a public speaker now I got to get somebody to pay me to public speak otherwise I'm gonna be like Jesus on Hollywood street corner in Burbank hey I want to start a training business I want to I want to change the way people sell things I have an idea what do I do monetize it expanded call them people so you see what you guys do is you guys add time to everything 10x is not about adding time 10x is about being unreasonable okay how does it how does a kid with no money end up with 700 million dollars for the real estate and I don't know anything about real estate does that make a decision I'm gonna learn about real estate right I'm gonna buy real estate I'm gonna go out and find real estate I'm gonna buy it I'm gonna get a loan on it I'll figure all that out I'll find out what the legal is the LLC is but first commit take time out between the decision and the monetization you're being told today not to monetize your services and your products it is incorrect you will starve in the marketplace you should monetize your social mediums you should monetize everything that you do okay otherwise what am i doing I'm a charity Elena and the kids and expansion activity 200 million dollars I've raised for charity in the last 34 months 200 million puts me probably in the top 10 or 15 fundraisers on the planet [Music] okay how do I do that I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea what's the idea I'm erasing money what's the next thing I do hey dude can you help me there's nothing in between I'm not building a bit I'm not building Amazon dude look let's face it this this sales thing is an important thing how many agree with that because it is an expansion activity okay if it weren't for sales you wouldn't be here I sold every one of you a ticket okay you didn't call me and say I need one hey have a damn convention I got to go and I want to buy nine thousand tickets y'all didn't call me and give me money I had to call you I had to email you how many of you get hit by me three and four times a day how many been hit twice he goddamn right I might hit you again two it is an expansion activity sales is how you monetize sales is what ensures that you don't starve sales is what makes dreams a reality so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna spend time today on this sales thing I'm gonna bring up a guy who did four billion dollars four billion dollars last year in ad sales right I'm gonna bring up I'm gonna bring up my friend Naveen Shane he started a company raised 38 billion dollar valuation selling a product in a service in the marketplace the number one reason the number one reason you will fail in this 10x thing the number one reason businesses fail is the inability the inability to sell products in quantities great enough and at margins high enough that is the only reason you will fail you take too long to go from the idea to sell on enough products volume at margins high enough do that learn to do that and you can make any dream a reality okay I want to help the world this is not taught in schools your parents didn't teach you this that'd be a disaster dude that'd be that'd be such a bad idea I'm sure you've had some good ideas that's not one of them I mean I had to talk to you yeah you've actually lost a lot of credibility with me right look look I want to help you guys become super successful I want you to become partners in mine I want you to invest in in my real estate venture I want everybody here to like be sitting on the front rows I want to fly on your jet I want you to call me up hey gran gran can I pick you up yeah please do okay why I gotta pay all the time okay I want I want you speaking on this stage I want to showcase your success and growth conference three I want to be able to say hey you do was making 300 grand and he made three million in ten months how many ambassadors here today how many ambassadors we just spent the last 60 days with these people okay you take very short periods of time support people in between give them the right information and push them we can get big increases from people but the world you live in today the CNBC in the CNN and the Netflix be happy just be happy be satisfied with what you have there's no push man there's nobody pushing you how about this you can do more how many of you can do more oh my god if that's all you got how many of you can do more god damned if you know you can do more if you know you can do more then you have to do more if you know you can help if you know you can make a difference if you don't you're gonna have this freaking big big hole inside you know much no amount of money can fill this thing up so fill it up I want to help you I want you to pick on a partner I want you to become somebody that we can work with there's eight billion people on this planet and there's no shortage of information how many have heard this before knowledge is power then why are so many people suffering why are so many people suffering nowadays stupid man we have more information available us today than at any time in the history of the world we got too much information at this point you got too much information and not enough action are you committed no no are you committed will you let me help you welcome to your 10x growth conference Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 145,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on
Id: QXyvZxzyetg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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