FULL EPISODE Grandpa in My Pocket - A Carrot Called Christopher and Other Odd Vegetables | Series 2

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Grampa in my pocket this is me Jason Mason and this is my grandpa which is dog bear wolf breeze here in sunny sands here's my dad's bike shop and this is our house oh and here's my mum doing one of her hobbies mum's always kicking up new hobbies one widgets karate then it's salsa dancing opera singing and now her new hobby is growing vegetables and more to the point she's growing oddly shaped vegetables for the sunny sands odd vegetable festival there's no room to play captain number two it's nap in here Jason the vegetables are taking over look at this one don't you just love him I'm going to call him Christopher Christopher we couldn't believe that mangas now give those vegetables names is it be beautiful well I wouldn't exactly call him beautiful but he's certainly odd order the better there I'm off to my gardening club look after all my babies for me won't you I won't be long so off Wedman and grandpa and I were left in charge of a carrot called Christopher and other odd vegetables well Jason if we're going to play snap we better go outside there might be more room there but there wasn't more room in the garden the vegetables had taken over here as well oh yes mum had grown every sort of vegetable you could possibly imagine right I'll deal we just started on our game when we heard it's our Moon great-aunt Loretta grandpa's sister say the vegetables are taking over I've come to cook you some yummy supper what I'm going to invent a new recipe but mum didn't see him coming Wilma must've forgotten mustn't she I'm going to invent an odd vegetable stew we the wait for it pickled onions curry and custard but you can't use any of mums odd vegetables looking after them for her don't be so silly she can't leave them all at Greece will do for starters oh right she has to be stopped Jason I know and there's only one way to do it [Music] you know my grandpa shrinks you can get up to all kinds of things you can chuff about you know so nice and his trainer he can drive off in my car [Music] we can get into all sorts of very small places and often he runs so fast you've no idea where he's gone and I had no idea today but there was no time to look for him I needed to check what great honor Etta was up to and she was up to no good [Music] he's mum's favorite well I'm not surprised look at his little legs Oh mr. Manzullo him cemento yes mr. mentor the inventor now mister man to the inventor lives in the lighthouse in sunny sons he's always coming up with very crazy inventions like this the grassy bubble jumper only the bugs worked even more than he did then there's this the automatic Harris static that gives you a new hairstyle every day [Music] and this the ha ha ha hello flapper [Music] everyone loves going to visit him in the lighthouse and trying things out and he likes trying out other people's inventions too which was why I've invited mr. mentor for supper and I'm going to invent a new recipe oh no she's not crumpled we've got to make sure that the vegetables really do take over Jason no but grandpa jumped down and ran into the kitchen pumpkin no grandpa shot up the leg of the table and hid behind the pumpkin grandpa was determined to get the pumpkin edges away but she wasn't planning this great errata is always hurting her toe we have a pack of peed in the freezer especially for these moments oh maybe the pumpkin doesn't want you to cook it don't be so silly how does a pumpkin know whether it was to be cooked or not oh I'm gonna pick some things I am grandpa jumped off the table and farter outside the door bell went I ran to answer it it was mister meant to the inventor taste howdy doody do am I too early I've been trying out this particular snoo watch I've invented to see mr. mint does Tony invent things he invents words - oh it is Nicholas I know shame it doesn't work oh my goodness the vegetables are taking over my goodness I've never sees that hard wiggly looking beats before of you miss Dementor never they are spectacularly wiggly I had no idea where grandpa was of what he was planning they'll be perfect in an odd vegetable stew with pickled onions couriered custard wiping that moment I spotted grandpa he was making his way towards the beans and just as Freight on the writer leant forward to pick one this happens drop I was wiggling the blue dog Wiggly beans on a wiggly Beanstalk how is a wooden some maybe these don't want to be pick rates on the rest don't be so silly I think it's an excellent invention a beanstalk that won't let you pick the beans until they're ready not just super but super duper I needed to give crumple time to get out of the wiggly Beanstalk so I showed mr. mentor some of mumps are the vegetables out of the corner of my eye I saw crumble jump run and make his way back into the kitchen I need to get back in there too and fast this is such fun what's next I can hardly wait right I'm gonna start on me Khalid where is it for a second I thought Christopher had gone missing but suddenly I couldn't leave my eyes I'd have to make sure the cramper wasn't seen freely oh so it's a fantastical invention it's a hardy the invention it's a solid 14 karat maybe it just doesn't want to be cooked gautama rasa don't be so silly whoever invented it Jason a krumper kind of wonderful absolutely wonderful [Music] I knew what was going to happen I really thought it was time for grandpa to stop stop but he was having such a great time I could see another disaster coming he was heading for the pond whoops did I get a bit carried away I put him in my pockets then I grabbed Christopher at that moment mum arrived home I'm home Oh Jason you've been looking after Christopher how kind problem by whipped grandpa out of my pocket and put him down on the floor he took off his shrinking cap and came back to normal size oh that was a close one Jason still at least we stopped there a different cooking mum's on vegetables do you know what I call that teamwork teamwork [Music] in the end one could really yummy supper what a day for inventions a that Wiggly bean bush oh you should have seen it real spectacular and the clockwork character clockwork carrot a truly fair dick ulis you are a great inventor grandpa inventor grandpa he doesn't do anything except lie down oh don't I [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 2,120,092
Rating: 4.4251885 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket full episode, grandpa in my pocket full, grandpa in my pocket episode, grandpa in my pocket usa, kids show, childrens, toddlers, popular kids, popular childrens, learning, education, fun kids, funny kids, comedy kids, childrens story, parenting, bafta, grandpa in my pocket series 2, grandpa in my pocket season 2, grandpa in my pocket season 2 full, popular kids show, famous kids show, grandpa, shrinking cap
Id: 4n296Iyuo0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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