Granblue Fantasy Relink - Patch 1.1 Analysis - Percival and Ferry Nerfs

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patch 1.1.1 dropped on Thursday in Grand blue fantasy breeling and while it did add the very fun lucilius raid it also came with a lot of changes to the game and a lot of balancing changes to the characters and I'll be honest I'm not really the biggest fan of this patch from a balancing perspective almost every change was a Nerf and while some of it was definitely deserved or unintended there was also the removal of a lot of cool Tech and unnecessary changes while there are basically no Buffs to any characters and any Buffs that were added were fairly minor characters that were in desperate need of cap Buffs basically got nothing and characters who got hardener got basically nothing in return which isn't exactly the approach to balancing I wanted to see in a co-op game that had no direct head-to-head competitive aspect having Cool Tech and buffing characters to make them feel stronger should be the standard for a game like this in my opinion and there are five characters in particular who I think are the Biggest Losers of this and we're going to be talking about that in this video we'll also be discussing all of the combat balance changes and talking a bit about other patch editions and I'll try to keep it fairly brief but we'll see how that works if you enjoy guide content and want to see more please be sure to subscribe to the channel because it does help me out so much let's get into talking about it so starting things off with a couple positive General changes that the game did have apparently the lock on camera has been fixed a little bit in this patch the camera was notoriously pretty bad before often swapping targets when you did not want to switch targets so it is nice to see that being adjusted and being able to be fixed there's also been an adjustment to the amount of Link time extension that can be granted by attacks which can cause link time to be extended for longer than intended according to the patch notes which means that likely link time does not last as long now which is probably fine for a change cuz I do think link time was one of the mechanics that was very very broken if you're able to abuse it properly and I haven't noticed it to be noticeably shorter by any means it's still a really strong mechanic that you can use in fights any other General bug fixes for combat are basically very specific and do not really matter too much for General casual play let's move on to some characters now because a lot of these characters definitely got a lot of significant changes first up is Captain Captain is one of the five biggest losers of this patch I would say captain got absolutely gutted in multiple ways first of all you no longer have increased cool down from having the game at 30 FPS and if that was the only change it would have been fine because that was really cursed anyway but General cool down has also just been heavily reduced for Captain for both the normal Arts raising effect and from the unique sigil this means Captain cannot spam skills nearly as often which means a pretty significant loss in DPS on top of all that they also decided to gut Captain's SBA gain on most of their moves making them gain SBA at a slower rate now I'm not sure why these changes were even necessary as Captain wasn't even that overly strong before and the one thing that didn't get patched despite being patched on every other character was the damage cap transfer bug with overdrive surch which still works on Captain and only Captain but given this was patched on every other character don't expect this to stick around either all in all Captain feels so much worse to use and is potentially one of the worst characters in the game now which is very unfortunate Catalina is up next and the major change here is that Catalina can no longer perform a skill and Dodge cancel early to immediately go into a strong combo finisher to build the Aries gauge faster this was a tech on multiple characters and I really liked it so it sucks to see that removed Catalina did get a small buff of increased SBA gain on link attacks when Aries is summoned by that hardly makes up for it honestly rakam is the next of our five biggest losers previously rakam had the highest damage in the game by spamming aerial shot gun because of the damage cap being obscenely high but this has been absolutely gutted to only do the damage of an auto attack now truth be told I'm 100% fine with this change it was absolutely stupid and definitely not intended but slag shot also got hit very hard with a damage cap Nerf which is one of his strongest abilities before but I don't think this was necessary at all racken basically got no compensation Buffs for these changes going from a character they can hit 80 million 60c score attacks to only about 22 to 23 million score attacks effectively making him one of the worst characters in the game since he also likes utility while I agree the aerial shotgun strategy was very dumb and lame since gave him far more damage than any other character the fact that there was no buff to his intended play style really hurts at the same time while not listed in the patch notes IO got stealth nerfed by her SBA no longer having a comically high damage cap which is apparently another damage cap transfer glitch but that was hard to take advantage of anyway and other changes are basically some bug fixes and allowing Miss Vortex to stay even when hit by a move that removes positive status effects e remains very strong thankfully oan a character who was already one of the best in the game got zero Nerfs and essentially only bug fixes that can potentially make him stronger none of the bug fixes are super significant but it does imply grenade should seemingly stick to everything now Rosetta who I would consider probably my main and a character who I thought really needed some damage cap Buffs got basically nothing only two very minor bug fixes that don't really affect combat at all even on stationary targets where roses can constantly hit the enemy like the dumy her DPS could still be lower in which ideally would be where she would shine so I was kind of hoping there would be something here charlot was not listed in the patch notes and got zero changes I guess she was already perfect Gand goza is another character who I would like to have seen get some substantial Buffs instead of that he also got his damage C glitches for his link attack and SBA nerfed taking come from over a 40 million DPS in 60 Seconds character to a character who does about 23 million damage also but hey if there's any compensation he can now transition into raging fist quicker after a combo finish so that's something I guess now damage cap transer Buffs are definitely a little stupid and definitely not intended but like I said I really would have liked to see a more substantial buff to the character cuz he feels pretty slow sometimes and not the best to use so i' would have like to have seen some more substantial Buffs Ferry is the third of our Biggest Losers of this patch having her SBA gain on aerial attacks absolutely gutted which basically killed her main Niche and as you might guess there was basically no buff to her intended play style which is pretty bad there are some bug fixes related to her pets but nothing that really fixes the fundamental issues with her and Onslaught still sucks to use funnily enough despite these changes aerial attacks are still her best DPS it's just that the SBA gain is pretty bad now and if you want DPS you'd probably want someone else who just does more DPS maybe you can use her for support but not having the SBA gain really hurts her since that was a very unique Niche that was pretty effective so unfortunately she's probably also one of the lower end characters in the game now Naya received basically no changes outside of two very minor bug pixes and with the Nerf to some other characters she is basically top three in DPS now especially with good butterfly luck making her a character who actually made out pretty well in this patch I don't think she really needed to be buffed or nerfed so I'm glad she was mainly unchanged lanot also received basically no changes in this patch but honestly maybe he actually should have received some changes because flight over fight is basically broken with this character and basically taking over even speed kills are now using it with the fast lucilia time using four Lance lots to spamming single s Spas essentially honestly that Sig probably should not exist we'll see if anything changes next patch this becomes a dominant strategy vain can also no longer cancel skills in the combo finishers to build up the beat down gauge faster but ban didn't really use the Beatdown gauge anyway since XX y y is a better combo to use and unfortunately that has not been changed in this pack I would have liked to have seen a buff to the beat down gauge damage caps to make it more worth using and it kind of sucks that it was basically ignored another character I hope that can provide some changes to in the next patch next up we have peral the fourth of our big losers first of all he lost the woro bug which was the most prevalent easily diffusable damage cap bug in the game and honestly that's fair it was really stupid standing still and doing more DPS than every non Rock character in the game but what really does suck is also losing the ability to cancel skills into fast charge sloted which was a very cool and important tech for personal these two changes have brought his damage down from over 50 million to roughly 35 million range which isn't as bad as some other characters that got it but it's still pretty unfortunate having to use Auto attacks to charge when skills are on cool down definitely feels slower and basically removes any aspect of skill from the character as well which really is not exactly what I'd want to see from a patch we'll see if there's any other changes in the future S free the character who hits his caps very easily and has some of the lowest DPS in the game and could have desperately used some Buffs to his damage caps got basically nothing one bug fix that was completely irrelevant to his normal game play once again this just kind of sucks in general cuz he was a character who I really think would have been nice with some Buffs but I think he's one of the most fed characters to use at the very least and he does still have some nice tools for the lucilius raid and has great stun power kagoo is one of the only characters I'd say actually got buff this patch with her being able to land her aerial attacks easier which are actually pretty good damage with her but then bug fix is also helping her so good for her I guess yodora didn't really get any significant changes either he could have maybe used a few damage C buff since he's lower end but his other tools are very nice for lucil anyway so he's probably doing just fine here Zeta is the last of our five big losers here sadly though I'd say she got hit less hard than the other four she lost her ability to do more damage when dodging After Infinite wonders which wasn't huge by any means but she also lost her ability to use Arvis Hammer with only two Loops went under the effect of her supplementary damage buff which I thought was a really cool Tech that required good timing to take advantage of so it kind of sucks to see it removed in three Loops being enforced no matter what this doesn't make her do drastically less damage by any means but just removing really cool Tech and making her have to Loop more is something I just really don't like much Baga can also no longer cancel skills in the combo finish but considering the last combo finisher rasara isn't as good as just XX y y and most ragas don't run these skills anyway he basically had no significant changes this also makes him by far the highest DPS character in the game now since his competition got hard nerfed indirectly buffing him and making him one of the best if not the best character in the game especially cuz he can fit the new sigil into his build much easier since he doesn't really need quick cool down Cascade or even defensive options as much thanks to undying while yes the charge speed is slow you can still do more damage than basically any other character in basically every fight if you know what you're doing and finally it also cannot cancel skills by dodging into sword flurry anymore which isn't super relevant but once again still sucks to see the removal of tech in general and then there were a couple minor but not super relevant bug fixes if is also a character with much lower damage who I would really have liked to see some Buffs for as well maybe next balance patch will bring some actual Buffs with it for some of the weaker characters until a lot of these changes were either Nerfs or bug fixes now the content isn't so hard that you can't use weaker characters and have plenty of success I mean look at me as a robetta and Sig freed main but ideally in a game like this you still want characters to feel strong and not feel outclassed by other options once again this is a co-op game so I don't really think perfect balance is necessary to the same degree as a competitive head-to-head game and ideally you buff characters to make them feel better in games like this if you have to ner something for being blatantly broken like Rockham give some Buffs to the intended play style in return do these changes drastically change the meta of the game no a lot of the general strategies will still apply and you can still definitely use anyone you want and have success I just personally like to see some more positive changes in the future as a final note about the patch once again they did add these new sigils to the shop that are decent but they are not as good as you might think they are are definitely not required on kits by any means you do get extra damage if you run them but you also have to sacrif I some defensive or utility sub trits and depending on the character that may or may not be worth it to you and especially when you're doing lucilius you may really want those defensive subtraits just kind of have the extra survivability now these definitely do have some useful effects uh you can get a lot of benefit out of running them but they are definitely not necessarily required sigils by any means so do not feel pressured to run them and do not worry about builds becoming even more homogenized by these sigils so it's really just up to you to figure out if you really want to run them or not and once again as I mentioned in my other video make sure you're only upgrading them to level 14 to save materials as long as you have the sigil booster bonus effect 28 plus 2 will get you through the cap of 30 for these sigils and you will get a lot of benefit out of not using the extra materials to upgrade these to level 15 because you'll be able to grind far less to uh get the full benefit out of these sigils so that is something to keep in mind you only need 48 tiers total to get all six sigils to level 15 or level 14 if you buy two of each so that's just something to keep in mind I think that mainly covers it for this video though please look forward to my tier list and last two character guides soon as per usual if you enjoyed the video please be sure to like comment and subscribe and once again thank you for all of these support have a wonderful and blessed day and hopefully I'll see you back here soon
Channel: Enel
Views: 13,625
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Id: 77ijxEvkR90
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Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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