BROKEN DPS SEOFON Best Build Guide - Sigils & Weapons Showcase | Granblue Fantasy Relink Guide

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sofon is one of the two newly added characters to GRL fantasy reink and he's become one of my favorites not only is he capable of supporting his team with one of the most insane skills in the game he's also capable of dishing out a lot more damage than I expected all the while essentially becoming an Unstoppable Powerhouse that can keep his combos going through any attacks and doing it with some flashy overthe toop moves that make him incredibly fun to play so welcome to another one of my build guide vide videos where I will showcase how you can get the most out of sofon including his best Combos sigils and skills and why despite not liking him at the start I ended up falling for him with that being said hello everyone my name is dark hero and let's get started to unlock both sofon and Twan all you need to do is beat the extreme Quest called gulp so these are the rumored monsters or the proud difficulty Quest called lock horns where you fight off against the Behemoth by doing these two quests you will obtain the Revenant Medallion as well as the Supreme weapon essence you can then come over here to the knickknack Shack in here you will be able to convert 30 Revenant medallions into Supreme weapon Essence and with three Supreme weapon essence you are able to trade in the special crew mate card for the character you want to unlock and while it doesn't state in here anywhere the developers did mention that you may get lucky and you might just receive the special recruit voucher outright as a rare drop so here we are in the practice area rocking the teostra sets and let's go over the core mechanics of sofon I think he has has a really cool kit that is kind of a mix between Catalina and I and I think the end result is actually a pretty fun character so starting off with this base attacks if you simply do your basic combo string you're going to do these multiple slashes and as you can see right there whenever you finish the combo you're going to gain just a little bit of meter on your gauge San's gauge is actually pretty interesting in the way that it works because you see it's actually split into two different gauges the left one being the one that we're currently building which is called the avatar gauge and the right side of the gauge which I'll go over in a moment being the sword shine level so just doing this basic attack combo is not really going to accomplish much as the amount of gauge that you are able to build up with this is very very little and so at any moment in your combo string you're actually able to press the triangle button or right click on PC to be able to perform these combo finishers which are going to deal a little bit more damage and are going to help you build up your gauge just a little bit quicker and you'll be using the Avatar gauge on the left left by pressing the triangle button or right click to summon your avatar and as you can see Sone gets a little bit of a different appearance and my avatar gauge is the pleading currently and of course now that you have your avatar with you whenever you attack an enemy your avatar is going to follow up and help you deal more damage however a very cool thing that you can do is you can actually dismiss the Avatar by pressing the triangle button or right click whenever you feel like and if you do it before the gauge runs out you can actually conserve some of your avatar gauge so if for example the the boss goes into bloodthirst and you can no longer damage him you can quite simply dismiss the Avatar and still have a little bit remaining of your avatar gauge but as I said before when you are in your avatar State you're going to constantly be draining your avatar gauge so it is kind of a balancing act where you try to build up your avatar gauge find a good opening to deal damage and whenever you lose that opening you dismiss the Avatar and conserve some of your gauge and this is where we get into the right side of the gauge the sword shine level which is indicated by all of those glowing sword s you can think of it as S one having four different levels of power that he can access whenever he is in his Avatar form and much like with the Avatar gauge whenever you perform a combo or use a skill you will be able to build up your sword shine level although simply doing a basic attack combo is not really going to accomplish much so Sone has a few different combo routes to be able to build a piss gauge a little bit quicker depending on where on your combo route you start to input your triangle or right click so if I perform one basic attack and then keep on press ing triangle or right click I'm going to get this combo it doesn't do a lot of damage and it doesn't build up a lot of my avatar gauge in fact it takes 11 of these combos to build up my gauge to full and then there's the combo where you perform two basic attacks into two heavy attacks this combo does more damage and it does build up the gauge a lot faster as it will take you seven of these combos to fill it up to the max then there is the com War you perform three basic attacks and then two heavy attacks this again does build up your gauge just a little bit quicker and it takes six of these combos to be able to build up your gauge to full and lastly there's the combo you perform four basic attacks into one combo finisher and I believe that this is the very best one when it comes to building up your gauge as you only need five of these combos to be able to build up your gauge and in fact you actually get to build it twice so if we come over here into the command list you can actually see the arrows pointed above each of the different Combos and combo d and e which are essentially the same same one are the only ones that have two arrows which means you get to level up your gauge a little bit quicker thankfully as you will see later on there is a skill that allows you to fully max out the gauge in an instant and when you get down to it it's actually a lot easier to build up this gauge with sofun than you might initially expect but now that we have the gauge to Max what exactly do we do while you don't actually need to build up your avatar gauge to Max it quite simply means that you're going to have a longer duration while your avatar is summoned and now that we have our Avatar out we're able to perform these more powerful Combos and again we're going to be doing the combo where you perform four basic attacks into one combo finisher because that is going to increase our sword shine level a lot quicker in fact out of all of the combos that you can do while you are in the Avatar State doing the one with four basic attacks into one combo finisher is by far the best at building up your sword level so here you can see exactly how many times I would have to do each different combo to max out my sword Shrine level and there's actually a very good reason why you want to Max it out is because as you get more levels of your sword Trine level your avatar will start doing more hits and actually dealing more damage as you can see right here and on top of that your skills are also going to do follow-up attacks to deal more damage something that I'll show you in more detail in a little bit additionally once your sword shine level is at Max as you can see it starts glowing and pulsating and you even get this effect on your HUD by performing the same four basic attack combo into one combo finisher you'll get a follow-up finish finisher which is the Avatar finisher which is this very cool finisher that deals a ton of damage and thanks to one of s's unique sedes you will also get a ton of Buffs from doing this it should also be mentioned that you can summon your avatar even when you don't have any Avatar gauge which allows you to do a little bit more damage when you're doing these combos which is actually pretty important because when your avatar is not summoned if you get a link attack like right here you're going to build up your avatar gauge but you're not going to build up any of your sword Shrine levels however if your avatar is summoned and you get a link attack as we're about to get right here you're going to build up both your avatar gauge and your sword Shrine level so that is going to help you expedite the process of building up your sword Shrine level to deal as much damage as possible to improve your skills and get that powerful finisher and a very cool thing about Sone is that whenever you are in link time your avatar gauge is always going to remain at Max so you can keep on doing these powerful combo finishers as long as you have enough time to perform more than one so now that I am in link time here as you can see I'm about to perform one Avatar finisher and because I have my teammates also hitting the target dummy I will have enough time to be able to perform a second one I'm not sure if you have enough time to perform a third one maybe with some specific setup but of course that is something that you should keep in mind always again and just to hammer that point in whenever you feel like you are about to trigger a link attack make sure that you summon your avatar beforehand even if you don't have any gauge just to be able to get that extra bonus to the sword shine level now I haven't mentioned sofon aeral combos so far because I really don't feel like they are anything particularly amazing they don't help you build up your avatar gauge any quicker than your normal combos even when you just do the launcher into the aerial barrage you don't build up any gauge and even if you to summon your avatar these aerial combos also don't deal a lot of damage so I really don't think that they are particularly useful before we talk about s On's unique seds and we talk about his optimal Combos and rotations let's go over all of his skills starting off with the most iconic skill of all the Seven Star Brilliance when you press this kill you're going to get this very long Channel animation where sofon is summoning all of these avatars look at that awesome animation and once that is finally done you'll max out the skybound art gauge of yourself and the entire party however this skill has a very big downside not only can It only be used once per Quest much like that other skill that toan has oh look at that animation but it also has the downside that you will not be able to perform this skill from the very beginning of a quest you will start the quest with a massive coold down on that skill and that is going to take a very long time for the skill to become available and given how easily you are able to beat most content in this game I really don't think that you're going to have enough time at least for 99% of content to be able to take advantage of such an awesome skill it truly is a shame but that's the way it is now the next skill on the list is going to be tempesta a fantastic buff that you can give to sofon that not only is going to boost his critical hit rate as well as his attack by 30 to 50% as long as your sword Shrine level is high enough but it will also instantly max out San's Avatar gauge this skill is very important for Sone as his entire kit revolves around using his Avatar to deal more damage and so having a way to easily Max it out is going to be fantastic this means that you can start off combat by popping this which is going to instantly max out your gauge and you can immediately go into your avatar State and start dealing more damage and utilizing your skills to do even more damage on the other hand you can naturally build up your avatar gauge and start dealing some big down damage and once you see that your avatar gauge is about to run out you can use tempesta as a way to refresh its duration kind of like you use Ragnarok form on it to refresh the duration of God might and this of course is going to allow you to stay a lot longer in your avatar State and deal a lot more damage because keep in mind that while the Avatar finish that you can perform is by far the strongest tool that Sone has available at his disposal not only your base attacks but also all of his other skills are going to deal more damage when you are in your avatar form so I wouldn't outright go for the Avatar finisher just as it is available I would try to deal as much damage as possible before you actually run out of your avatar gauge now let's go over San's offensive skills Bido is this Gap closer that sofon can utilize that has a followup and if your sword Trine level is high enough this skill is going to deal subsequent hits to deal even more damage it's a very straightforward Gap closer that can also deal a pretty good amount of damage and so it is a skill that I like using a lot now the next skill on the list is going to be ruro which is this attack where Sone Dodges backwards and then performs a gap closer and as you can see if you perform this skill as you are about to get hit you will actually Dodge the attack and if your sword shine level is high enough your avatar will also join with you to deal even more damage on top of that this skill has a lot of stun power so it's very good at breaking monster parts and also be able to trigger link attacks very easily and so you can do it just like that to be able to build up your gauge a lot quicker and again when you are about to trigger a link attack make sure that you summon your avatar to gain just a little bit of Sword shine level now a very very important thing about these two skills Baro and grur that I think you should all be very much aware of is that unlike a lot of Gap closers that already exist in the game like for example veins Gap closer you don't actually have a combo finisher after you do this so if I use rura here and perform the heavy attack all I'm going to do is dismiss my avatar and unlike the Avatar gauge whenever you dismiss your avatar you're not going to preserve any of your sword shine level you're going to lose all of it so it is imperative that you keep this in mind not to lose out on a lot of your damage now the next skill on the list is going to be PR on armas and as you can see it quite simply is an area of effect slow that also deals a pretty decent amount of damage and just like all the other skills if you have enough sword shine level whenever you use PR armas you're going to deal more damage thanks to your avatar now the next skill on the list is going to be Des pedar forgive my Spanish and when you use this skill sofun is going to do multiple swipes into one big finisher that deals a lot of damage and again if you are at a high sword train level your avatar is going to follow up and you'll be able to deal more damage look at that the next skill is going to be infinito crar where Sone summons a bunch of swords that are all going to hit the enemy mean it's a very easy skill that you can simply activate and allows you to move right after and you can even activate it and cancel right away and are free to move afterwards so you can do this dodge and start dealing some extra damage along the way and again with more sword Trine level the more damage you'll be able to deal thanks to your avatar and the final skill is Inspirion and if you activate this you're going to get a 30% defense buff as well as hostility which is going to make the enemies more likely to Target you additionally if you're s shine level is high enough whenever you use this you'll also get debuff immunity but because one of sofon unique schedules already provides you with debuff immunity I personally don't like using this and while the 30% defense boost is quite nice I personally feel like this skill ends up feeling like a waste of a slot so now let's go over sofon signature sigils because they actually change the way that you play and are going to affect some of your combo routes and how effective you can be as sofon and let's start with the Seven Star boundary this is ESS ually DET terminous weapon passive as it's going to increase your attack by 50% and increase your damage cap by 100% all the while setting your max HP to a maximum of 45,000 very simple and straightforward and up next we have the spirit edges war path this is going to Grant Sone an amazing buff whenever he performs The Avatar finisher so that is specifically the ultimate finisher that you can perform once your sword shine level is at maximum this is going to Grant you Stout heart which is going to make you uninterruptible to enemy attack although keep in mind that you will still take damage Additionally you will gain debuff immunity so you don't need to worry about any slows paralysis whatever on top of drain which will allow you to heal as you deal damage and most of all enhance damage which will increase your damage output by 20% and this enhanced damage is going to ignore damage cap so it is essential that you take this with you and the buff only lasting 30 seconds isn't a huge deal because you can very easily keep it active and up next we have the spirit edges Fury that is going to give you a 30% attack increase as well as boost your stun Power by 30% and increase your damage cap by 15% thankfully this sigil does not have any restrictions and because it is increasing your damage cap it is a Sigil that you will always want to have on sofon and the final sigil is Spirit edges rally now a very quick note here is that you can actually get these two sigils from the transmutation at the knickknack Shack and of course that means that you are able to get the Awakening version that is going to come with both of these sigils or you could also get one of these sigils to come with a secondary additional sigil so do keep that in mind now the spirit edges rally is going to increase your sword shine level by 12.5% each time that you activate the skill that is as long as your avatar is summoned and this is why I was telling you that this is actually going to change some of your combo routes as Sone and the way that you play them because despite 12.5% seemingly being a very small increase to your sword shine gauge this is going to allow you to max out your sword shine level very easily without even needing have of your avatar gauge to be filled up and so you will be able to get into your avatar finisher a lot quicker which is going to provide you that powerful damage buff that is then going to allow you to keep this rotation of Simply doing more damage as Sone on top of having Stout heart and being immune to any debuffs and so this leads us into the optimal rotations for Sone and what I found to be the best way to get the most damage out of them so for this I am using the following skill setup these are what I believe to be the best suon skills tempesta is pretty much Essen there is no argument there I then have infinito criar as well as this pedar to be able to Simply deal a lot of damage and finally I always like to have a gap closer of sworts on my build and between hura which allows you to dodge an attack and also has a very high stun power and Baho which actually does have a higher reach I personally prefer to go with rotura and so now let me show you the optimal rotation for sofon so as you can see I start off by immediately summoning my avatar and using tempesta to max out my gauge and immediately use rura to Gap close onto the enemy and that is going to break them so I can follow up with the link attack which is going to further extend my avatar gauge and also give me some additional sword shine level I then do a very quick attack going to The Spar and then use infinit crar to Simply deal a lot of damage and build up my sword shine level the reason why I don't wait to use these skills until I'm at max level is because I want to do the Avatar finish as soon as possible to be able to get the damage buff after the Avatar finished because all of my skills are on cool down I do a basic combo where I do four normal attacks into a combo finisher and I summon my avatar here because I know that I will be getting a break which means I will be able to trigger a link attack which will further improve my gauge from then on I try to use my skills as they get off coold down and I actually throw out a combo where I do one basic attack into all Heavy attacks and the reason for that is if I were to go for the optimal combo I would actually not max out my sword shine level and doing this is simply faster I then do my normal combo into the combo finisher and Avatar finisher and we keep on repeating the same trying to make sure that whenever I'm about to get a link attack I can finish off a combo before I trigger it and again try to use my skills as they get off cool down to deal as much damage as possible I'm not quite sure if there is a way to get even more damage out of this but after much extensive testing this is what I found to be optimal so now let's take a look at my recommended build for Sone and everything that I think you should use on him starting with the over masteries ideally you would try to get as much critical hit rate as you can and if you are lucky you should try to have as much normal attack damage cap up and skill damage cap up with skybound art damage cap up also being very nice but at that point if you get all four of those you might as well just win the lottery now as for the weapons sadly there are only two different weapons for sofun you have the default weapon and then there is the Ascension weapon that once you max out is going to actually come with supplementary damage and sigil booster so you get to increase the level of all of your traits for free and you get a 40% chance to trigger supplementary damage which is essentially an additional hit that is going to deal 20% of The Originals damage so getting all of this on your weapon is already pretty fantastic if you have enough time and patience to go for the Ascension weapon and fully Max it out now as for my imbuements I would always recommend you to go for critical hit rates and as you can see mine comes with stun power and combo booster I always appreciate having combo booster on my weapons because it is a very nice way to increase my damage output and you don't even need a whole lot of it to be able to hit the damage cap with the build that I'm going to be showing you so this is just a nice bonus that is going to help me reach the damage cap on the few instances where I would not normally reach and stun power is there to trigger more link attacks which are going to be very beneficial for S far and finally for my sedes I am of course running War Elemental to increase the damage output of my build by 20% and I have four lucilia sigils the alpha the beta and two gamas as the alpha is going to increase the damage cap of my normal uncharged attacks the beta is going to increase the damage cap of my skills and the two gamma skills are going to further increase my damage cap by another 30% on top of giving me a shield that nullifies up to 50,000 damage after using my skybound art if you do not have any of the lucilia sigils that is totally fine as the damage increase that you get from having these isn't all that amazing I believe that effectively it ends up being less than 12% more damage so if you have damage cap sigils that come with good utility that you value having on your character then you can always replace some of these with those I'm also running the four unique sigils for S one so those are the spirit edges rally war path Fury and the Seven Star boundary although if you are lucky enough at the knickknack Shack you can actually get the Awakening version that is going to come with the spirit edges rally and fury all in the same sigle at which point you would be able to add another sigil onto the slot and given that I am going mostly for offensive sigils on this build I would recommend going for a more offensive one like maybe improve Dodge guts or potion hoarder for example and for my offensive skills I am running t Ty 5 and stamina 5 this tyranny comes with ages to further increase my Max HP to combat the downside of reducing my Max HP from tyranny to further raise my attack tyranny is by far one of the best ways to increase your attack and so I really like having this on my build and stamina is yet again a very easy way for you to boost your attack at level 16 it provides a 51% boost to my attack provided that I am at full HP and this stamina sigil in particular comes with Cascade that I found to work very well with with Sone as it is going to reduce my skill cooldowns a lot and finally I have supplementary damage five because I already get some supplementary damage from the weapon Itself by adding this I will be at a 72% chance to trigger supplementary damage which is essentially a 72% chance to deal 20% more damage which is just fantastic so if I were to get the Awakening version of these sigils I don't think that I would add another supplementary damage because I am quite comfortable sitting at 72% chance and I would much rather go for a defensive trait something like improved Dodge would serve this build very nicely ultimately I find sofon play style to be a mix of Catalina and I you are essentially playing a Bruiser type character that is trying to build his own gauge but once you get the ball rolling it actually becomes pretty easy for you to maintain it for a long period of time and keep on doing damage and attacking the boss nonstop I have tried doing the same build with a few more defensive sigils But ultimately because you gain Stout heart as well as drain from doing the star finisher I didn't feel the need to go for those sigils but they are always a valid option if you are looking for more Comfort on your build I didn't really Vibe with San's play style at first but I ended up becoming a huge fan of it as it actually becomes very easy to maintain he's just a very cool character with flashy Combos and I appreciate that a lot but with that being said let me know how you guys feel about Sone and was there something that I missed let me know if there is any sigil in particular that you would like to add to your build I will be going back to my tier list and updated so that it includes all of the new changes to all of the characters but before that I plan on covering all of the new sigils because I think that there are some really cool things that they have added to the game and some of the characters that you may not like might actually be a lot more powerful thanks to the new update but that is for another video so with that being said thank you all so much for watching my name is dark hero and as always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2 (DarkHero2)
Views: 39,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hA97VcFlbVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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