Granblue Fantasy Relink My Honest Thoughts About 1.1.1 & 1.1.2 Update, Huge Nerfs, Rewards, Changes

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the 1.1.1 update is already out for 2 days now followed up with the recent 1.1.2 update both came with few enhancement a lot of balances bug fixes new stuff to do and more I'm the Samurai and in this video I will be sharing my thoughts about each of the major changes fixes and additions while also hoping to hear your thoughts regarding the state of the game the first things that I would like to talk about are the overall character changes and balances huge nerves and Bug fixes 60 to 70% of the things added in the latest updates affected character balances and Bug fixes and undoubtedly s Gaines prioritize and focus on these aspects rather than heavy quality of life changes which I will discuss later on now I am not going to dive into each character and state all the changes made since by this time it is likely that you already know the said changes especially if you're Mains were the ones who receive the major changes but I want to share my thoughts regarding rackam fairy and peral season players knows that the latest changes for the sa characters will eventually come since these characters are really broken in my opinion in the past seeing those jumping rackams that deal tons of damage by just jumping in midair and firing out will feels kind of awkward at times or like fairy which can quickly fill her SBA Gauge by just jumping as well and by just doing a combo finisher or even personal who can deal tons and tons of damage due to exploits and bugs I don't know about you but in my case I tend to love a game in which every character works like they were intended and I'm pretty much happy that saam already address these changes now a lot of people might disagree with me especially if they love these kinds of exploits or tailoring their builds around the set exploits but since I started gaming I always wanted everything to be done fairly meaning if there are huge exploits in the game I'm one of the first players who will say no to these exploits if I need to grind for days just as get certain stuff or or if I need to go into a needle hole just to beat a certain modes or bosses I would gladly do it rather than relying on exploits although many people will ask me what's the issue in these exploits since I'm not affected by these exploits in any way and in my honest opinion even though this is true and there are no kinds of real competition in reeling like PVP or something these exploits still affects me to some degree of course there were a lot of changes in balances that I didn't mentioned particularly Dodge cancels and stuff so going back why I am affected I love playing reink or any other games and seeing that some things that are not working properly troubles me a lot believe it or not I tend to check what would be the developers will do since in this way I'm kind of using this to gauge them if they really care about the game or their player base and I'm happy to see that s games are really listening to their Community by addressing these changes now moving on to the thoughts on the new r raid lucilius raid aka the final Vision drop along with a 1.1 update and this is one of the things that we've all been looking forward to after a couple of runs with lucilius especially our first runs I run with my friend and we both enjoyed the fight especially the times where we were learning the mechanics by the way if you haven't completed the latest raid yet I made a detailed and concise guide and you can check it after this video and I'll link it in the description as well the raid itself is not too too crazy in terms of difficulty and I'm already seeing players who are clearing it below 4 minutes I also tend to compare it to the extreme difficulty trials in Final Fantasy 14 and overall my group really enjoyed it and pretty much we are excited about what the future fights will look like now that the actual raid is out of the way let's move on to raid rewards and my thoughts about it of course the latest raid is the new thing and we've expected a great rewards from it but in reality we already received three new s note that all of these seels will appear in Scaro shop after you defeated lucilius once and can be traded with tear of apocalypse and dark residue and both can be acquired by chance from the de serious fight the first seil on the list is Alpha and its level 30 special tradeit which provides 30% to all allies upon activating your SBA and boost the normal attack damage cap by 40% second is beta which shortens skill cool down by 10% upon activating your SBA and also adds 50% damage cap at L 30 trade the last sigil on the list is gamma which is increases the overall cap by 30% and grants a shield to the user that nullifies up to 50K damage upon activating your SBA also all of the said seils comes with a regular damage cap trade in combination with their special effects now on the offensive side of things these new seils are phenomenal in every way and in order for them to be effective you need to replace your regular damage C five plus sigils however the main question is are you willing to sacrifice all of your utility traits for more damage because it is unlikely that our supplementary damage five will have its second tra anytime soon because of its abysmal rates these are the only sigils that we will have room for utility trades and God forbid if they intended this to happen and later on they will sell some supplementary damage 5 plus if this happens this is going to be a huge negative in my opinion overall I find the lilus raid rewards underwhelming especially since most players are waiting for a new weapon line as a grand reward to work on while waiting for the next update so moving on to the next thing which is online multiplayer matchmaking fix s game stated that they already provided a fix where steam players kept failing to find people online especially in the lilus fight I'm still experiencing this issue myself and they even released a 1.1.2 update just to fix this issue but still still there are a lot of players commenting on my channel that they can still find more people online even when playing another Quest when it comes to lilus it's either the majority of people who play offline in farming this guy down with AI since we personally found AI to be much reliable at times or it's either the issue is still around let me know if you are still suffering from this issue as well in the comments the next thing on the list is combat changes more camera adjustments where they adjusted the camera to stay centered on the lock unfold that's far away whenever possible an adjusted camera lock on behavior during the tales of Bahamut rage quest which I experienced a lot in the past so hopefully this will be fixed when I farm for more Terminus weapons I want to say that on my end I have noticed little to no changes aside from getting better angles compared in the past I haven't tested these changes in all other bosses but if you noticed some improvements let me know in the comments below moving on to link time adjustments where side games adjusted the amount of Link time extension granted by attacks which was known to have caused link time to be extended for longer than intended in my experience so far I haven't encountered anyone who abused this so let me know if you encountered a group or have seen people a retail link time like there is no tomorrow I'd like the next adjustments where side games added Visual and audio indicators to notify a player if their bmbs have been removed this is pretty useful for players who are optimizing their runs and I mentioned in the past as well that a skill timer can also help tremendously instead of relying on icons and audio cues alone the last thing on the list is they fix a rare bug where a player wasn't able to aim throwable objects while playing online I spam a lot of evil quest in the past but didn't encounter this one in one bit but good thing they already fixed it let's talk about quality of life changes although the majority of the most important quality of life changes that most players have been wanting for so long they did improve a few things such as adjusting the speed of the Mastery cursor and even adjusting the playback conditions of God old bo lines when transmitting sigils godle is siero's parrot but to be honest I'm more concerned about siero and her repetitive lines I was so furious at first when I first thought they did not address the mass transmutation feature but thank goodness they already confirmed that this feature will be added in an update soon they haven't able to add it in the latest update because I think they ran out of time and instead focus on the major bug fixes and balances as long they confirm that I'm pretty happy with it but also hoping that they will also increase the item cap as well since this is a huge time saer there are a lot of changes that I didn't mention in this video and in my opinion these are the most important things in the recent updates overall I find the last two updates just okay and I'm pretty much happy to see that side games is seriously maintaining the game however I find the Cs really underwhelming as a reward and I don't think that working on it will last till the next update and players will surely run out of things to work on really fast let me know how are you holding up and what do you think about the latest updates do you find the latest updates great or just Okay as well let's talk in the comments and thank you for listening to me and I appreciate you all
Channel: JRPG Samurai
Views: 4,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRPG Samurai, Granblue Fantasy Relink Latest Updates, Granblue Fantasy Relink Latest News and Features, Granblue Fantasy Relink Latest Update Impressions, Granblue Fantasy Relink is Lucilius Raid Hard?, Granblue Fantasy Relink Review, Granblue Fantasy Relink The State of the Game, Granblue Fantasy Relink Worth It?, Granblue Fantasy Relink 1.1.1 Update, Granblue Fantasy Relink 1.1.2 Update, Granblue Fantasy Relink Honest Thoughts and Impressions, Is Lucilius Update Worth It?, News
Id: Z4hEoB3Ybs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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