Granblue Fantasy Relink Be A Pro & Easily Master Zeta Fast! Latest Builds, 6 Tips & Damage Test

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Zeta Character Guide Zeta is one of the most   popular characters aside from Narmaya because  of her looks and also super fun playstyle.   I am the Samurai and I will be covering her  playstyle in great detail, how to play her,   what skills to use, the latest builds  for her, damage test, and more.   So ultimately you will be mastering her playstyle  while having fun with her even more and performing   better in combat. Gameplay   Airborne Loop Basics Her major rotations,   and greatest damage-dealing capabilities. I will be breaking down the key features of   her playstyle so that you can understand her  gameplay flow pretty easily. For starters,   the majority of Zeta's damage comes  from her Airborne Loop Rotations. I   see her rotation as fun and easy to adapt to. So when using Zeta, you will always be in the air,   doing her airborne loops,  and after three loops, you   will eventually end it with a combo finisher. There are a lot of ways for you to start the loop,   first is by exhausting his normal attacks  combination, and eventually, at the end of it,   it will launch you into the air. By pressing  normal attack or X in my case, she will rush down   to the target with a speedy downward thrust. Just before she hits the enemy, you will notice   that the tip of her spear will emit a reddish  glow, signaling the players to press the X   button once again to do a loop. If you do it  successfully, Zeta will flip back into the air   and do another downward thrust and then,  this is where you continue the loop.   Arvess Hammer Zeta's special   combo finisher, her hardest-hitting attack. It is a must to count the loop and after the   third loop, you must finish the rotation with  a combo finisher by pressing the Y Button. If   you did it correctly, notice that Zeta will  briefly pause in the air and do a powerful   helm breaker that will deal tons of damage  to targets. This move is called Arvess Hammer   and her greatest damage-dealing attack. Note that while you are airborne and doing   the loops, you can effectively dodge most of the  ground attacks like tail swipes and the like so   use this to your advantage. Rotation Recap   Your usual rotation for Zeta. Just a shot recap, your optimal   rotations for Zeta will, doing normal  attacks, getting launched into the air,   doing three loops, and finally dropping  an Arvess Hammer combo finisher.   Gameplay Tips Now that the basics of Zeta's gameplay and   rotation are out of the way, it is time for more  tips that will further enhance your gameplay.   Prioritize Arvess Hammer Focus on doing Arvess Hammers   to do more damage. As mentioned previously,   Arvess Hammer is your hardest dealing attack,  so it is mandatory to prioritize landing Arvess   Hammer as frequently as you can. Link Attacks Can Lead To Arvess Hammers   Take advantage of Link Attacks. Always make sure that you will perform   Arves Hammer every successful Link Attack as Zeta  can launch into the air by pressing the normal   attack button and drop a combo finisher.  Take this as a free Arvess Hammer window.   Loop Timing Mastering her loop.   It may take a while to master her airborne  loop especially when dealing with mobile   bosses. What I usually do is treat the  loop as a rhythm game where I keenly   listen to the attack animation's sound when  timing my button presses when looping.   It is worth noting that each successive  loop will increase Zeta's attack,   making you reach her damage cap easily. Take Advantage of Arvess Fermare Debuffs   Arvess Fermare is a special debuff that  is exclusive to Zeta. What it does is,   that enemies inflicted with this debuff  will suffer more damage from Zeta,   which can even help you deal damage and  reach the damage cap. Players can inflict   this status effect by successfully  doing the mentioned three mandatory   airborne loops or when hitting enemies with  skills which we will discuss later on.   Don't Stay on Loop Longer than Needed Don't prolong your loops.   Believe me, I get it. Doing her loops is pretty  fun and engaging however, you wouldn't want to   stay in her loop for a long period although you  can do this. You will be dealing with lower DPS   over time if you do this. Always remember to stick  with three loops and drop the Arvess Hammer.   Parry Capability Take advantage of your Zeta's parry capability   Aside from using one of her skills, Zeta  can normally parry attacks by pressing the   Y button when on the ground. If you can time this  correctly when an enemy attack is about to hit,   you can parry it and it will launch you  into the air to do airborne loops.   Subscribe But before anything else,   if you are into straight-to-the-point guides,  or just love Japanese Role Playing Games like   this one or RPGs in general, Subscribe to the  channel. Hit the Like button and it will surely   help me a lot. Join our Discord server as  we are building an Empire where you can   find like-minded people who love the genre. Also, tell me in the comments whose character   would you like me to cover next or what guides you  want me to make that you think will help you in   the long run. Now back to the video. Recommended Skills   Now that gameplay tips are out of the way, let's  move on to Zeta's recommended Skills. For the sake   of the video, I will be providing the best and  essential ones for you to be able to deal the   best damage possible. Infinite Wonders   Effective range attack that  can inflict Arvess Fermare.   The first skill on the list is Infinite  Wonders. This is Zeta's greatest range   skill overall as you can hit the enemy at any  point of time maintaining your DPS and also   inflict Arvess Fermare in the process. Usually, I use this skill as an opener when   the fight starts before closing into the enemy.  This skill has a short skill cooldown so use it   to your advantage. Spear of Arvess   Zeta's gap-closing skill. Just like any other melee DPS,   a gap-closing skill is a must and Spear of Arvess  can do the job. Not only this skill can maintain   your ideal range when hitting enemies, but it  can also launch you into the air afterward so   you can transition into your airborne loops right  away. So expect to use skill a lot as well.   Wing Clipper Great utility for   the whole team, and can immobilize targets. Wing Clipper is a pretty interesting skill as   it can paralyze targets. This is beneficial  to you as it can help you land more airborne   loops on your targets as they are unable to  move during the status effect's duration and   overall a great utility for the whole team. Although I find this skill a little slow at times,   if you are like me, you can take  advantage of the next skill that I   will be mentioning. Rain of Fury   Easy to use skill for extra damage. If you find Wing Clipper a little slow   for your rotations, I suggest slotting  in Rain of Fury instead. Not because of   its attack-down debuff but because it is  easy to weave in between your attacks for   extra damage. Vengeful Flames   Adds Supplementary damage buff. Moving on to the next skill which   is Vengeful Flames. A mandatory skill that  buffs Zeta with Supplementary Damage buff.   Note that Supp Damage adds 20% additional  damage aside from your original attacks   and it does stack with Supplementary Damage  Trait that we will be equipping later on.   Suggested Build Now that skills are   out of the way, let's move on to Zeta's build.  Starting with her suggested weapon first.   Weapon Progression For the sake of the video, of course, you will not   have access to your final weapon so I will suggest  using Gisla first, and then when you unlock your   Ascencion Weapon which is Brionac, you will need  to max this weapon and fully awaken it if Zeta   is your first character. Then eventually  switched to Terminus Weapon later on.   Final Weapon - Gae Bulg, Impaler of Ruin After maxing Brionac, you will then eventually use   Ameno Habakiri and all of the characters in this  game need to have their Terminus Weapons or their   final weapons. You will be upgrading this to its  maximum level and fully awakening it to provide   the best possible attack stats for Zeta. This weapon provides a level 25 Catastrophe   Trait which increases the Attack Stats by  50% and Damage Cap by 100% when HP is below   45k. Also with level 15 Regen, not a big deal  and good as a bonus. A level 5 Damage Cap and   Sigil Booster Trait which increases all of your  Traits by one. Totally the best in-slot weapon   for Narmaya as of the moment. Suggested Wrightstones   For Gae Bulg's Wrightstone on the other  hand, it is advisable to use a Vitality   Wrightstone with a level 10 Critical Hit  Chance. This is mandatory so you can reach   the 100% Critical Hit Chance later on. For the second and third traits, it's hard   to recommend exact Traits due to RNG reasons but  if you can slot in DPS-oriented traits like Combo   Booster or Life of the Line like what I have here,  the better. So far this is the best one I have.   Recommended Masteries Moving on to Masteries next, of course   pretty much by now a 100% maxed mastery progress  is a must. What I want to focus on is what Over   Masteries should be prioritizing. The general  rule of thumb is to focus on the following bonuses   and this applies to almost every character. It is recommended to aim for a Critical Hit Rate   up 20% to reach 100% critical chance if you follow  all of the recommended setup in this guide, Normal   Attack Damage Cap Up 20%, and Skill Damage Cap Up  by 20% as well. So far these are the best ones I   have so I may need to work on this later on. Suggested Traits & Sigils   Suggested weapons are out of the way, let's  discuss my recommended Sigil and Trait Setups. I   will be providing two sets of setups depending  on how good you are in the game. Note that   these setups are not the best out there, I  am just simply working with what I have.   Offensive Setup Starting with my Offensive setup   first. This setup is recommended for experienced  players since it lacks a lot of defensive utility.   If you are looking for a general setup, I  have one prepared for you after this one.   Awakening Traits So the first one on the list   is Zeta's Awakening Sigil. Crimson Clout's  effect adds 25% additional Damage when the   enemy is inflicted with Arvess Fermare. It's a  no-brainer to equip this. While Crimson's Clout   will help you retain those loops more easily. Now if you can retain her combo flawlessly even   without this Trait, you can change it for  another offensive trait of your choice.   Alpha Trait The next trait on the list is a level   30 Alpha Trait which adds 40% Damage Cap on normal  attacks and adds 3% SBA to your allies whenever   you activate yours. The majority of Zeta's skills  come from normal attacks so equipping Alpha Sigils   is the best choice. Gamma Trait   Next is a level 30 Gamma Trait which provides a  general 30% Damage Cap boost to this build along   with a shield that activates and nullifies up  to 50000 Damage after activating your SBA.   Having that 30% additional Damage Cap is  beneficial for this build especially since   I am seeing a lot of damage improvements  after being buffed by Cagliostro in online   sessions. The shield for the most part is  rather a bonus and nice to have since this   build lacks defensive utilities and it saves me  occasionally when making mistakes in combat.   Damage Cap Trait The next Sigil on the list is Damage   Cap and by now, we all know how Damage Cap works  and how it is essential in terms of dealing damage   overall. A level 65 Damage Cap Trait is essential  to reach the highest damage potential possible.   Supplementary Damage Trait Next up is Supplementary Damage   Sigil having a level 32 Supp Damage Trait is a  must to take advantage of its immense additional   damage. For this setup, I only managed to equip  Supp Damage Sigils but still, you will have a   74% chance of proccing it. Life on the Line Trait   The next trait on the list is Life on the  Line Sigil. Combined with the Vitality Stone,   A level 22 Life of the Line Trait provides  a 42% Attack Damage Boost to this build,   so it can help us reach the damage cap. Not  being able to receive heals from allies has never   been an issue at late and you have your potion  hoarder traits to cover up the healing anyway.   Quick Cooldown Trait The next trait on the list is   a level 15 Quick Cooldown Trait. Having at least  a level 15 Quick Cooldown Trait is beneficial for   any build but of course, having three is the goal.  But since I do not have Supp V+ at the moment,   this is the best that I can do for this build. Of  course the faster you have access to your skills,   the better the damage. Tyranny Trait   The next trait on the list is a level 15 Tyranny  Trait which adds 36% attack to this build. This   trait helps us to reach the Damage Cap and  that 20% HP loss will help you achieve the   Catastrophe Trait and make your HP stay  below 45k if you are using an Aegis.   Cascade Trait Usually, if you have Quick   Cooldown you do have at least a level 15 Cascade  as well. This will lessen your skill cooldown by   1.6% when you hit an enemy. Critical Hit Rate Trait   Another essential Trait to have is at least  level 15 Critical Hit Rate which provides 30%   additional Critical Hit Chance. This will help  us achieve the 100% Critical Chance later on.   Stamina Trait The good old level 15   Stamina Trait is still suggested for more damage.  The 51% additional attack that this trait provides   is recommended for this build. Other Trait Suggestions   Now that we've tackled core traits for this build,  it is time for other Trait suggestions. We have   little to no slot to work on here because of  the Alpha-Gamma combination. The only trait that   you can change here is the Cascade Trait. If you are not comfortable with having 30k HP,   you can change it with something like Aegis  Improved Dodge or Potion Hoarder to increase   your overall survivability. General Setup   Now the offensive setup is done, let's move  on to the General Setup. This setup mostly   follows the meta DPS setup available currently  and by now you've seen this setup a lot.   The selling point of this build is you can  slot in a handful of defensive utilities,   perfect for the general player base. I will  just go over the changes that I made here   compared to the previous setup and you can  see all of the changes made on the screen   right now. Pause the video if you need to and  feel free to adjust all of the defensive traits   here according to your preference Changes Made For General Build   Level 45 Supplementary Damage - 100%  chance of proccing additional damage   Level 45 Quick Cooldown Trait - Maximum  20% Skill Cooldown Reduction, more DPS   Level 15 Improved Dodge Trait - Increases  I-frames window and dodge count by 4   Level 15 Potion Hoarder Trait - +3 Green  potions, +5 Green Potions, +5 Mega potions,   and lastly, +2 Revival potions. Optional Traits You Can Play With   Level 15 Guts - Can survive  lethal attacks with 1 HP.   Level 15 Aegis - To have 40K HP+  at your disposal ( optional )   Damage Test Results The overall build is out of the way,   let's now move on to the Damage Test. In  this section, I will be providing Damage   Results Samples for Proto Bahamut and  Pyet-A fights for the offensive build.   For both Proto Bahamut and Pyet-A we are seeing  a 150 to 160k damage range. Of course, this could   be higher as you master Zeta in the long run  but for now, this is what I usually get.
Channel: JRPG Samurai
Views: 4,787
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Keywords: JRPG Samurai, Japanese Role Playing Games, Grablue Fantasy Relink Latest Builds, Granblue Fantasy Relink How to Get Strong Early, Granblue Fantasy Relink Zeta Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink How To Play Zeta, Granblue Fantasy Relink Lucilius Zeta Build, Granblue Fantasy Relink Best Way To Play Narmaya, Granblue Fantasy Relink Best Zeta Skills, Granblue Fantasy Relink Best Build For Zeta, Granblue Fantasy Relink Zeta Beginner Guide, Zeta Character Guide, Zeta Strongest Build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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