Granblue Fantasy Relink How To Clear & Farm Lucilius Raid Easy, Fight Breakdown, 1.1.1 Update Tips

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1.1.1 update is already up and came with a lot of changes and balances to the table however, among the latest additions what shines the most is the awaited Lucilius Raid. A level 200 raid that rewards players with a new Sigil Line that can substantially increase our offensive prowess. However, this raid can be difficult if it is going to be your first time. I am the Samurai and this in video, I will be breaking down all of Lucilius' Attacks and Mechanics concisely for you to be equipped in the upcoming fight and ultimately save time and farm the latest Sigils available. Paradise Lost Lucilius' deadliest and most difficult mechanic, a common cause of party wipes. First thing first, I will be breaking down his attacks according to the order of the fight. In this manner, you will know what to expect. Starting with the first attack and this is by far his most difficult mechanic of all, which is Paradise Lost. In this major mechanic, Lucilius will spam lasers that become damaged puddles on the ground. Along with long laser beams that come from different directions. This mechanic is mostly the cause of party wipes in most cases. To survive this, Simply avoid the puddles by staying on the move and running across the arena. However, the tricky part is the straight laser beams that randomly spawn out of nowhere. Dodge this by observing the arena around you and observing purple lights that shine on the arena. From where the purple light shines, this indicates where the laser beams will come from. These lasers can easily one-shot players and it is pretty hectic if you don't know what to do. Or your party can easily survive this Mechanic if Vane is around. Using the Rampart will save the party in the entire duration of Paradise Lost so Vane users will surely shine again in this raid. Normal Attack Phase Where Lucilius does a lot of normal attacks. After the first Paradise Lost, he will start using his normal attack combinations and do a quick breakdown for each and every one of them. Heavenly Orbs Multiple dropping orbs from the heavens Lucilius will pull the entire party towards him and summon a magic circle above our heads and rain down orbs. To dodge this attack, do a perfect dodge when the orb hits or dodge toward him since the inner set of orbs near Lucilius will drop first. Note that these orbs can inflict SBA sealed so keep that in mind. Spreading Orbs Lucilius unleashes Spreading Orbs towards his surroundings. The next attack on the list is Spreading Orbs. You can easily determine this attack if Lucilius pushes all of you away from him and after this move, he will unleash spreading orbs. Like the first attack, simply dodge towards him and you can easily survive this attack. Heavy Sword Rush Swings Single Target Sword Combination Attacks This attack starts with a shockwave and later on Lucilius will gap close to the target and deal heavy sword swings. This attack deals a lot of damage but one can easily dodge this since Lucilius tends to target a single entity while doing this. Get around him and deal damage on his blindsides to avoid the attacks. Donut AOE Sword Flurries Wide AOE Sword Flurries around Lucilius. On to the next attack which is Donut AOE Sword Flurries. You can determine that Lucilius will do this attack if his swords will slowly spin around him. This means that he is readying to deal with a wide AOE sword slash. The safe spots are either outside of the AOE range, meaning you will disengage from Lucilius as far as you can, or dash towards him since the actual location of Lucilius is a safe spot making a donut shape attack AOE range hence the name and FFXIV players can relate. I advise rushing towards him since you can deal extra damage while he does this mechanic. Strong Quick AOE Sword Flurries One of the hardest attacks to dodge. The next attack would be a Strong Quick AOE Sword Flurries. This is probably the hardest attack to avoid since it can be cast by Lucilius pretty quickly. Look carefully as Lucilius starts to release a red glow or aura and emit a bright red light. Signaling players to dodge. If you are not confident in perfectly dodging this attack, disengage immediately from him immediately. I am trying to learn this attack as well. I tried to block this attack as well but my guard breaks every time so I tend to rely on dodging the attack. Sword Projectiles Lucilius will let his swords pierce the ground and create fissures. Moving on to the next attack which is Sword Projectiles. He rarely does this at least from our experience so far but it's there. This attack will let his sword target an entity and pierce it with his sword. If the swords hit the ground, it will create a mini fissure. Players can easily avoid it by dodging on a safe spot. Strong attack but easy to avoid. Summoned Crystals Lucilius will summon stationary crystals that explode. The next attack on the list is Summoned Crystals. Lucilius will summon multiple stationary crystal towers in the arena which explode when an entity is nearby. To avoid this, simply don't go near any of these crystal towers. However, be mindful of these towers as there are times that Lucilius will locate himself near these crystals and it is likely that you will unintentionally activate these Crystals. Laser Cleave Fast laser cleave that can one-shot players. The last normal attack on the list is the Laser Cleave. We've already seen this attack from Bahamut Versa but this time it is faster. Time in your dodge carefully since this attack will sweep the whole arena. Seven Trumpets Mechanic Now that the normal attacks are out of the way, let's move on to his major mechanics. When Lucilius' health reaches 80 to 85%, he will do his second major mechanic which is the Seven Trumpets. It is divided into three different phases and the first one is Punishment Phase. Punishment Phase Color Hunting, chasing phase It is seriously confusing at first, especially if you notice the icons below the Punishment Attack Gauge. Simply put these are just the orders of Lucilius's Seven Trumpet's Phases so you can basically ignore this and focus on the mechanics. It is easy to deal with this mechanic, just pick a color of choice when the mechanics start. Afterwards, more of the same color that you've chosen will start to appear and you need to chase and step on them as soon as possible while dodging moving arena-wide ring attack Avoid the purple or dead-colored circles to avoid receiving damage and just focus on the chosen color. Do this four times and you and your party will be able to clear this mechanic easily. Another tip is to observe where the circles are traveling so it is ideal to go in the opposite direction to easily catch these circles. Holy Wings Phase Tethered Colored Orbs. Next is the Holy Wings Phase. Hit any of the colored center orbs, and then the chosen orb will now scatter through the small ones and you just need to find all of it and destroy these orbs. While dodging the laser beams around you. The laser can easily be dodged by looking at the laser pre-laid paths. Do this tactic in the succeeding orbs and you will clear this mechanic. Trinity of Terror Phase Summoned Weapons Phase In the Trinity Terror Phase, Lucilius will summon three swords and each of them has different attack animations. What we usually do is to focus fire or concentrate a single weapon for faster clear times. Each sword has its own AOE visual signals so you can easily dodge them. There's is also donut AOE closing in to Lucilius so be sure to dodge that one while dealing with the swords. Party Wide HP Debuff The party will receive HP Debuffs when failed to do the mechanics properly. Note that if your party fails to do any of the mechanics mentioned, Lucilius will debuff the whole party with Maximum HP cuts, meaning all of the party members will have lower max HP so the fight will surely be harder. Paradise Lost Final Phase As for the final phase of this mechanic, Lucilius will try to unleash the second Paradise Lost. But this time, players need to do an Overburst meaning a full chain burst with Sandalphon to stop Paradise Lost completely and deal extra damage. If the party manages to pull off an Overburst, Sandalphon will trigger a cool cutscene and also deal extra damage to Lucilius. However, if the party was not able to do an overburst, use something like Vane's Rampart to survive or manually dodge to survive Paradise Lost. However, it would be difficult and possibly can lead to huge losses. Back To Normal Attack Phase ( 75% to 60% HP ) Time to deal damage as Lucilius will use normal attacks again. After the cool cutscenes, Lucilius will now back into dealing with normal attacks. This is the time when players will be able to deal heavy damage to Lucilius and in our case, this is where our Link Time usually activates and we can easily lower his health to 60%. Lucilius Second Phase ( 60% HP below ) Lucilius will unleash his second phase cast Final Rebellion. Lowering down Lucilius' HP to 60% will force him to change to his second form. Giving him access to new sets of mechanics. Subscribe But before the next tip, if you are into straight-to-the-point guides, tips, and tricks like this one or just love Japanese role-playing or RPG games in general, Subscribe to the channel. Hit the Like button and it will surely help me a lot. Join our Discord server as we are building an Empire where we can help each other. Now back to the guide. First Final Rebellion Lucilius will cast his first Final Rebellion Mechanic After changing to his second form, he will then cast Final Rebellion. Where he will summon homing puddles and lasers to damage you and your party members. To survive this, dodged the homing puddles and lasers by moving around. Time in your dodges carefully and avoid stepping on purple goos on the ground since it will inflict slow. This is pretty hectic at first but once you get around it, it will be much easier. Lucilius will then finish the mechanic by throwing a large energy ball on the arena, dodge this by standing on the outside most of the arena to avoid the energy ball's AOE damage and simply jumping to avoid the incoming ground shockwave. Note that the purple goos on the ground will explode as well after the shockwave passes so make sure you stay far away from these purple goos. Post First Final Rebellion ( 60% to 30% HP ) He will then start dealing with his normal attacks again. After the final rebellion Mechanic, Lucilius will then start doing his normal attacks again and this is where players can lower his health even further. We noticed that there is a chance that Lucilius will cast the third Paradise Lost when having 50% HP or below. What we usually do is ready at least two chain bursts to be able to cancel it. Or else you will be dealing with it again. Second Final Rebellion ( Below 30 to 20% HP ) Another Final Rebellion After the first Final Rebellion, when trying to lower Lucilius' health down to 30% there will be a second Final Rebellion. Just repeat the mechanics and you will do fine. Gopherwood Ark ( 20% HP ) After successfully lowering Lucilius' health to 20%, this is where he will do his final major mechanic which is the Gopherwood Ark. Where he will blitz across the arena but as endgame players, these attacks are pretty much already familiar as we have seen with Ido's fight. It's just more hectic. Make sure to avoid the line AOEs to survive straightforwardly. Post Gopherwood Ark ( 20% to 10% HP ) Lucilius will do normal attacks while trying to cast Paradise Lost After Gopherwood Ark Lucilius will now deal normal attacks again while also trying to cast another Paradise Lost around 15% Health. In our case, we usually have at least one SBA charge in here to stop him from casting. So make sure your party can at least do one SBA burst here. The End - Damage Check, Enrage DPS Check or Enrage burst the guy down! As with any other major fights, Lucilius will do a Damage Check Mechanic which is called The End. There is no issue bursting this guy down however, be mindful of his swords which will try to damage you and your party members during this mechanic. Burst Lucilius down and get that sweet clear. I had fun learning this guy and I am aware that there are a lot of amazing strats that I have missed and this is rather a rough guide to help new players and get them ready for this big fight. If I missed something comment down below and let me know how your progress so far with Lucilius. If you are a newbie and want to start your Relink journey today, click these videos to have the best start possible and I will catch you on the next one.
Channel: JRPG Samurai
Views: 5,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRPG Samurai, Granblue Fantasy Relink Lucilius Raid Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink The Vision Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink Lucilius Fight, Granblue Fantasy Relink Lucilius, Granblue Fantasy Relink Endgame Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink Latest Raid Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink 1.1.1 Update, Granblue Fantasy Relink Latest Tips & Tricks, Granblue Fantasy Relink How to Beat Lucilius Easy, Granblue Fantasy Relink Beginner Guide, Lucilius Raid, Granblue Fantasy Relink Latest Update
Id: UH0qr4VX0co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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