Granblue Fantasy Relink Vane Guide & Build | VANE = TANK

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Shields up iron Breakers welcome back to gramble Fantasy relink and today I'm going to be bringing you my vain guide vain is one of my favorite characters in this game for three reasons he is one of the tankiest characters in The Game and if you know anything about me you know that I like being on the front lines I like being the tank I like being the one to receive the punishment so that my teammates can go out and dish out the DPS I always prefer playing the tank roll when it comes to MMOs that's definitely one of the reasons why I like vay now the other reason you can see it right here look at this gorgeous weapon this is this Terminus weapon okay it's got this big hammer with lightning effects and you guys are like wait big hammer lightning effects are you are we talking about Muer yes Muir thunderous Crusher for those of you that are not aware Muer is Thor's hammer which is freaking awesome it's one of my favorite Hammer designs just a big slab of iron on top of a stick even though the stick's a little bit long for my liking usually I like my hammers to be one-handed weapons I find them to be really cool looking that way but I understand that vain he likes wielding his hird that's why the hammer is this big which is fine I appreciate it I just still like swinging this hunk of metal around it's beautiful and finally the third reason why I really like B is he just has a big F off Shield that makes your whole team invincible so long as they stand inside the shield this is great it allows you to skip certain boss mechanics it's one of the biggest advantages that vain has not only skip the boss mechanics it also allows your characters to continue attacking said boss whilst the boss is doing like maybe an overdrive phase or something like that which is freaking awesome as far as I'm concerned and it is also very useful when you are progressing through the game's multiple challenges that I will throw at you once you start reaching endgame however as you reach endgame and you take a look at that video that I made that helps you make your characters a little bit tankier the utility of this Shield is going to become a little bit less important however with the introductions of fights such as lucilius maybe some people will wish they had a vein on their team to help them skip some of the mechanics that that boss is surely going to throw at us but anyways this is why I really like vain this is some of the stuff that vain excels at so let's go ahead and talk about the basics of vain So Vain is two attacks uh which are his primary attack and secondary attack or primary attack and combo finisher and uh I'm going to be referring to those as square and triangle if you're playing on PC I believe that they link to uh left Mouse button and right Mouse button but make sure to check your key bindings basically this would be your basic attack and this is your combo finisher okay so square and triangle I'm going to be referring to them as square and triangle moving forward so just keep that in mind if you're on PC my apologies but I'm only playing on PS5 so it is what it is now continuing onwards your basic combo can extend up the three hits that's one 2 three and on the third hit you can see that we now have a little bit of a gauge going going on there cuz you see this character just speaks to me on such a fundamental level that even this character's gauge has an amazing name that gauge is called the Beatdown gauge and you guys like no there's there's no way you're you're joking nope proof of Valor allows vain to perform PR powerful triangle combos by consuming the Beatdown gauge bro fundamental level okay I love this character he's freaking awesome so the way that you're supposed to fill that gauge is not just to repeat your three hit combo over and over naturally you want to incorporate your combo finisher which in this case is going to involve pressing triangle twice at the end of your three get combo so one two three not triangle for the secondary attack combo finisher boom and you get that and that is also going to fill up your gauge some more now this is not the only combo that you can do as you can finish Vain's combo at any point so you can go one hit into combo finisher or two hits into the combo finisher and you get different animations now the idea in most situations is for you to basically see how many basic attacks can I get away with before I need to finish my combo because the boss is moving away or because the boss is doing an attack and you're like wait a minute finish your combo when the boss is doing an attack yes that is one of the properties of vain if you actually look here the dragon within allows vain to block a fo attack with a perfectly timed triangle attack without being interrupted what this means is that when you're doing your triang Le attacks you're also blocking which as I've told you before in my basic guide well I don't know if I said in my basic guide or my Oregan guide but blocking is really really good and a lot of people underestimate the importance of blocking so basically if you doing your triangle attacks count as blocking that means that if a boss is about to come at you you can actually just go straight into your combo finisher and block him it also means that when you are doing the Beatdown combo which is when you fill up the entirety of your Beatdown gauge you're basically blocking all of the attacks which is pretty freaking sweet now the fastest way to fill the Beatdown gaug should you wish to fill it fast is actually just do the one tap combo so that would be square into two triangles this is the fastest way just cycling through this sorry I get a little bit excited the cycling through this is the fastest way cuz I've timed it however I don't think that this is the best way of playing usually what you want to do is you want to go for the three 1 2 three into two triangle attacks because it also dishes out more damage it feels just overall more efficient so the idea is see how many hits of your basic combo can get away with before you need to engage with the um with your combo finisher now once the gauge is full like that the other thing that you're supposed to do is you just Mash triangle and remember during this whole combo you're going to be blocking attacks so we're going to mash this and you're going to get all of these attacks going now the reason you only want to do this when the gauge is full is because if you do it earlier you don't get to do this finisher you can only do this finisher if your gauge is entirely full but now your whole thing is not just about doing combo finishers because you can follow up your link attacks with the combo finishers and you can follow up your skill attacks with the combo finishers as well so say for instance I use a skill like this one I can follow it up with my combo finisher if I do a link attack I can follow that up with the combo finisher so as you can see vain is going to be flipping all over the place doing combo finishers non-stop which is pretty cool because his combo finishers also give him a little bit of a heal and on top of it they also Block it's just good times All Around And depending on whether or not you complete the entirety of the Beatdown gauge you will also gain Stout heart effect which is also very good before you get access to the Stoute heart sigil which again just is one of the things that makes him one of the tankiest characters that can take a lot of punishment and he can just stand on the boss's face delivering all the deeps in the world which is fantastic now he also happens to be one of the characters that in my opinion the way that I build him at least he doesn't really deal that much damage that's because I built him as a tank I built this character specifically so that I can be up in the boss's face and dish out damage now can you build him for damage you can you would have to use some specific skills stuff like that and you would have to maybe reduce some of the tankiness that I put on them but you know I'm GNA leave that up to you guys to experiment with I'm just telling you all the stuff that Bane can do so now let's go ahead and let me show you guys what this actually looks like when you are engaging a Target so that you can see what the 60-second rotation would look like now in my case I'm actually using some skills mostly for the purpose of getting aggro like this this is my hostility skill but I still wanted to show you guys what that looks like so we're going to do his big skill that deals a ton of damage going to go into link attack going to go into the follow-ups next I'm going to go into the rift divider or whatever it is called and at the end of it we're going to do another triangle attack and now we're going to go for the three hit combo into the combo finisher our gaug is getting folded up we're going to get a link attack here follow with a combo finisher the gauge is full we're going to go into the beat down combo completely unload everything we have on this [Music] dummy and basically just continue the rotation from here blank attack into another finisher it's just so much fun you get into this flow when it comes to vein that it just feels nice to play so we got 14 m million usually I can get up to 15 if I'm trying really hard and you can you can get better results than this with different sigils but the thing is I don't play vain to be like uh a testing dummy character right so for starters let's go ahead and take a look at his skills as well as the skills that I am using right so when it comes to Vin skills the skill that I really like to use is rift divider this is a big damage uh skill attack how ever you're going to need an opening because vein doesn't really move that's also very good for AOE mobs because it has like this vacuum effect that pulls foes towards you but only like weaker monsters right this doesn't really work that well on bosses this is one of my favorite skills deals a ton of damage and it's a ton of fun like the animations on vain are really satisfying particularly once you get his Terminus weapon cuz just like big hammer swinging non-stop on people's faces love it right the other skill that I use is energy destruction powerful sweeping attack deals more damage based on on how full your SBA gauge is I've seen this attack do as high as 1.9 million damage I believe you can probably reach even higher but like I said I built him tanky I like him tanky and you guys will see just how tanky this bad boy gets right so this is the other skill that I use ramp part is The Shield if you want to build them more offensively this is probably one of the first skills that you want to remove because you know when you're casting this skill you're just sitting there not dealing damage so if you want to be more offensive this is not the one to take but this is also probably his most iconic skill I would imagine and then the buff skill that I use is this one now this gives us 30% attack that's not the reason I do it because as with most characters it's fairly easy for you to reach damage cap so the reason I use it is hostility I can just grab aggro of everything which is particularly useful when I'm playing with friends even when I'm playing with NPCs because I can just keep everything's aggro and I can actually tank just like if I was in an MMO which pretty cool now you also have arm destruction this is one of the skills that you want to use if you want to play a more offensive vein this is also very good because it deals a bunch of stun damage which is good for breaking parts and whatnot and also getting to link attacks faster even though that's not super important in the end game you know how fast you get to a link attack Breaking part still is for bonus rewards and stuff like that so you know it's a pretty good skill then you have heroic beat which is your Gap closer and it also heals you a little bit whenever you do it so mostly a gap closing skill but the thing is if you're building an offensive vein you want to have all of these offensive skills soic beat arm destruction divider and energy destruction when you get the end game that is because before you get the end game you might find some usefulness in the attack skills like this one that increases your attack by 30% because you probably haven't reached uh the damage cap when you're still going through the game then we have soul eruption which increases it even more but you need to be below 30% HP so this means you actually have to take damage and then you can use this skill and it increases your attack by a ton and your defense by a ton then we have the STS which basically gives you guts as well as 30% attack 30% defense guts you know that's the says the same thing does the same thing as a skill which is whenever you get hit you're going to survive with one HP left so it's a nice skill again while you're doing progression but I feel like at the end game it's not as important because there's just better things that you can use to stay alive but hey feel free to use it if uh you're up for it but like I said these are the skills that I like using Rift divider energy destruction Rampart and breakthrough and if you really want to go ham and play a more offensive vein arm destruction and heroic beat would would replace ramp art and breakthrough right these are his skills now let's take a look at weapons so we're going to go into the masteries here and we can see the collection the very first weapon they're going to give you is the alabarda this is your HP weapon and with him being a tank I would recommend you know max out this weapon to get that uh 5,000 hit points that you can get at the end there it's pretty nice and again it's the first weapon that you get so it's whatever I believe that the first weapon that unlocks for him the first additional weapon is going to be the swan which gives you additional bonus stun so I don't really think that this weapon is super important so if you're you know if you're not looking to spend too many resources when it unlocks you don't have to necessarily play with this weapon I think that one of the first weapons if you're playing vain as like your main character or something like that right when the weapons uh begin unlocking after you finish the story the first one that I would work on would be this one Ukon vasara so this is your RIT weapon you guys might be wondering but ruran you always recommend the weak point damage weapon yes that is because most characters can afford to just like circle behind the boss hit weak spots do all this stuff but vain is going to be in the boss's face so you might not always be able to hit weak points or hit from behind or whatever so you want something more consistent so therefore you get critical damage critical rate all of that good stuff and you will still pump out a significant amount of damage so Ukon vasar is probably the first weapon that you want to take the Max then you might want to work on your TR creger to get not TR creger your alabarda to get some more HP TR creger is obviously going to be his um Ascension weapon if you want to level that up before you get your Terminus feel free to but me personally I always just go grind for the Terminus as fast as I possibly can and the other weapons just get those in time whenever you see fit but naturally at the end you want to have your Terminus weapon and that's going to be the same thing for every single character because damage Gap is King currently in the game so like I said at the start feel free to upgrade your alabarda as much as you want then once stuff gets unlocking go get the Ukon vasara uh that would be my recommendation I mean feel free to take whatever weapon you want at the end of the day but if you want to know what I would do I'd go Yukon vasara and then eventually start leveling up the other things uh after I get the Yukon vasara all the way up those would be my choices when it comes to his weapons now let's talk masteries when it comes to masteries as offensive stuff I'm obviously going to be getting I mean you always should prioritize sigil slots so try to get those sigil slots up as much as possible when it comes to the other skills I would improve the rift divider as much as possible as well as uh the taunting skill cuz I still feel like veins one of the best usefulness of vein is to be able to taunt enemies I forget which one it is is it this one yeah hust breakthrough you want to get breakthrough and upgrade breakthrough as much as you can and also get your energy destruction up as much as you can uh so everything else I would leave uh towards the end if you're still struggling with your the amount of MSP that you have available whatever just get some passive attack attack nodes and stuff like that and as a matter of fact for vain you probably want to prioritize your defense masteries to begin with because you want him tanking so get that taunt uh attack is not taunt attack the taunt skill as fast as you possibly can the Breakthrough skill and then after that start leveling up some defense def that's going to be important don't really care too much about the defensive skills that he gets except for Rampart obviously get Rampart up as much as you can still unlock your sigil slots all that stuff but other than that just stick to your um passive defensives that would be the way that I would do it but Naturally by the end you want to have everything right once you get to over Mastery there's really no big uh no big recommendations here as per usual you want to get your normal attack damage cap up by 20% which is Max definitely want to get that now I was lucky enough to get that with critical rate up by 20% Which is gorgeous the only other better scenario here would be to get some more uh skill damage alongside that maybe even some more skill damage caps that would also be very good but I'm very happy with just 20% uh normal attack up as well as critical rate attack up but that's uh when it comes to masteries that is what I would shoot for and then finally when it comes to his gear we have uh the Terminus weapon like I said that's always the one that should take it is at plus 75 if you guys watched my previous video on how to make your characters more survivable you'll know exactly why that is if you didn't the reason behind that is because whenever it comes to my characters I like using crab vestment returns coupled together with Stout heart as well as steel nerves to grant us a bunch of uh damage reduction so all of these things coupled together give you tons of damage reduction I I haven't even done the math on it but I think it's like close to 40% damage Dage reduction or something like that I don't know it's something ridiculous right so you're going to have a ton of damage reduction and then on top of it we're also going to be having uh drain cuz one of my critical hit sigils comes with drain I would definitely recommend drain on him as well uh when it comes to the um signature sigil that I'm using I'm using Heroes Creed even though I would love to get Heroes will but the thing about heroes will and by the way if you're playing a more offensive vein you definitely don't need this because this is again more damage reduction after you land a combo finisher for 15 seconds that's damage taken minus 20% Which stacks on top of all the other stuff that you already have I believe multiplicatively not additively for anybody that wants to bother do the math on that but uh yeah tons of damage reduction I like to build them super tanky you might want to get Heroes will again if you want to build them offensive what that does is it reduces the cooldowns whenever you land combo finishers reduce all your cool Downs by 3% which allows you to stay on the offensive with skills and combo finishers after skills because of the way that his Mechanics Work right but anyways I'm playing him defensive like I said so that's what we're going for actually we still have War Elemental here I have like five of these now because I've been lucky with the curios so yeah good stuff obviously you want to have that on whatever is your main uh character with our steel nerves we also have guts to increase a little bit of uh tankiness with our critical hit rate we have drain again tankiness good stuff and then when it comes to his uh you know the two offensives that I actually get because obviously you're going to need four damage caps fully maxed out well three of them maxed out because if you have a maxed out uh Terminus weapon the fourth one doesn't need to be maxed out but uh on one of them I have regen on the other one I have Auto Revive on the other one I have uplift and on the other one I have drain so this this is what we're working for and then the final two sigils that you can use for damage I actually went and use them for stun power cuz I just like the idea of Vin breaking stuff vain is going to be in the monster's face busting them up Non-Stop I like him breaking things so we went with stun power and stamina which is also increases our damage significantly then we have stun power and Link together because I noticed that my link attacks were not dealing as much damage as I would like so I was like you know what let's increase that a little bit you know so that is why I build them this way these are my sigil choices feel free to experiment with it but you know kind of feel like you kind of understand what I'm going for and on topic of the uh plus 75 on the Muir if you look at my health pool if you go anything above 75 it is going to in you know make our HP go past the 45,000 which then is going to negate the catastrophe passive bonus of the Terminus weapon so basically I reduce Dem Mirage Munitions which makes the you know the damage reduction that you lose from that is almost negligible unless you're like a super no I got to be dealing all the damage all the time then fine you know Max that out and get tyranny or something like that to reduce your hit points below the threshold but I like keeping my hit points as close to the threshold as possible because once again if you didn't understand uh I like my boy vain to be tanky as all hell so let's show you guys an example of what this particular build and what vain can do when it comes to being a big tanky meaty boy and in the last video that I did we fought P so I figured we might as well go and fight the evil black worm that is actually one of the the fights that I don't tend to do very often so there's a high chance that we're going to get our faces smashed in but at the same time you know that's one of the beauties of it who the hell knows what's going to happen I don't we don't actually do any editing in here we just jump in and we hope for the best so this is the black dragon he deals a ton of damage he's got a bunch of slow stuff which is actually quite annoying but he also has a wicked ass um soundtrack so it's cool all right so I already know that at the beginning this dude usually does his little AOE nonsense yep there it is so we're going to go ahead Dodge that and I like smacking him with one of his own orb things a nice little breath attack you got there buddy no hit this thank you grab this eat it at him he's going to hit us which is fine going to go for the link attack follow it up with the combo finisher big attack 1.6 million right there we're going to go for the rift divider oh man he really moved away for that that's okay we're just going to tank everything you throw at us I need to move away though it's getting a little bit dangerous I would still rather not heal because there's a reason why we play a tank right let's go ahead and actually even taunt him make sure that we maintain aggro we have like passive provoke as well but okay you happy now can I go and hit you why don't you just leave these puddles of slow dude that is so annoying I was trying to throw the thing at him all right I'm going to go ahead ooh Auto revive proc right there oh God [Laughter] bro evil blackw worm trying to make me look bad over here bro please stop listen I'm showing the people that vain is one beastly tank and he's going to take all the punishment you throw at him cuz he doesn't give a damn we're going to go for that link attack there it is link attack and we're going to go straight into beat down combo and remember we're going to be blocking everything while we're doing this so should be fine a man he's going to do his big ability so I'm just going to be like no no I don't care I don't care I do not care evil blackor worm I'm going to sit here in the middle of all your mechanics and I'm going to soak up all of this I could have even stood on that too but it's fine that's quite enough tanking for now that's quite enough padding of our numbers with with our defensive skill ban gets so many points for doing nonsense like that by the way ah that was beautiful now I'm going to taunt you whoa he's big mad hey yo listen listen buddy how about I just smack you in the mouth for that one huh boom into the link attack into the followup bro I hate the little slow puddles though they're so annoying okay we'll block this one oh he actually broke our gauge that's pretty beastly this was not smart but we got a break yay we're still hitting in the wings lovely hit please please hit I don't think I hit that last hit which kind of sucks cuz that's where the big damage comes from in this skill bro can you stop with the slow nonsense it's not funny anymore I don't want it oh you bastard oh there's a big one we got to get get rid of this one screw it get his ass and get hit with your own thing while we're at it boom [Music] and now we get to do the beat down gauge thing and Link attack and that's over for you buddy it's all over it's all over actually I'm going to go for Rift divider here it's all OG now baby B into the big finisher oh and back to the combo see this is what it's like to play vain we did die once cuz I haven't fought the evil blackw worm in a very long time but this is the vain experience sometimes I even like calling him vain the train because he's such a fraking beast but yeah I like vain vay's a whole lot of fun hopefully this guide helps you understand vain better hopefully you guys enjoy him let me know how you play V if you like playing him more offensive if you like playing it more defensive if you like this tanky play style let me know the comment section down below thank you all very much for watching you enjoy this video like button subscribe Bell notification icon and I'll see you guys in the next one stay strong stay safe peace out
Channel: Rurikhan
Views: 19,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, Granblue Fantasy, Gameplay, Trailer, Rurikhan, Granblue Fantasy Review, Review, Granblue Fantasy Gameplay, Action RPG, Granblue Fantasy Relink Guide, Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink Endgame, Vane Guide
Id: 3duOTdUKryo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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