What is the Best Normal Type Pokemon?

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the world of Pokémon is filled with so many incredible Fantastical creatures from dragons to fairies to even bugs but some Pokémon they aren't actually so incredible they're just very normal and that got me thinking what is the best normal type Pokémon ever made now I've done a few videos in this series but for those of you who are watching this one as your first one keep in mind that I am only talking about competitive Pokémon here official competitive Pokémon at that and so that's the lens that I'm going to be kind of choosing the Pokémon for this video so if your favorite normal type is non here doesn't mean it's bad it just means that it's bad in the official competitive format or not the best I should say anyway this list was full of surprises for me I kind of felt like normal type like well it shouldn't have that many great Pokémon right but actually there's a fair few though the first Pokemon on our list was a bit of a surprise to me but after looking it over and checking the results and really thinking about it I feel like I have no choice but to include our number eight best normal type Eevee Eevee probably seems like a Pokémon that you know a YouTuber would put in a list like this as a joke but actually competitive it is undoubtedly one of the best normal types ever and that's because in Pokemon Sun and Moon it was given a signature Z move now I can't show you the actual Z move animation because it will get me flagged for copyright thank you for that uh Pikachu but basically for those of you who didn't play sun and moon zoves were special once per battle moves that would basically transform a regular move into something greater in Eevee's case uh the move was extreme Evo boost and what it did was give Eevee a plus two boost in five of its six stats every stat that can get a boost except for a HP okay and technically accuracy and evasion but those are kind of separate all the all the regular stats you know what I mean anyway eeve got a move that could literally double all of its stats and it was also the only Pokemon that could use this signature evm z z move just as a refresher there were some Z moves that all Pokemon could use which were you know normalium z grassium z fire Fury fire fur fire fum Z okay let's move on and then there were signature Z moves that could only be used by certain Pokemon holding the special Z Crystal and also using a certain move so in Eevee's case if you held eeve Z and use the move Last Resort it would transform into extreme Evo boost which again is incredibly powerful because Eevee was the only Pokemon that could use this move it was the only Pokemon that was viable with the strategy the strategy was actually pretty strong basically you would use support Pokemon to protect the eeve so it could use extreme Evo boost and double all its stats and then you would often use the move Baton Pass which would basically switch Eevee out into another Pokemon but keep all of the stat boost that eveve had earned so basically passing doubling stats to whatever you wanted and that was extremely dangerous if it doesn't if it doesn't appear obvious on top of that it wasn't even mandatory that you use Baton Pass to get the stat boost on another Pokemon you could also use the move psychop which just copies all the stat changes of the partner so you could do stuff like psych up Espeon with stor power which does more damage based on how many stat boost you have compared with Power Trip crocodile like that you baton passed into which also does more damage based on how many stat boost you have yeah like basically people would run the move Haze and Roar kind of just to deal with this Eevee strategy and it actually did really well like ultimately winning major tournament back in Sun and Moon it is worth noting that Eevee was really only ever good when it could use this signature Z move it didn't see any play obviously outside of it um but it was very strong it was a totally valid strategy like I said and I mean it was basically around for quite a while in the early years of sun and moon and Eevee was the only Pokemon who could pull it off it was also a totally unique strategy right like we never really saw set up Baton Pass in competitive Pokemon other than with Eevee like I'm sure there were a couple exceptions to that but like for the most part Eevee was probably the most dominant any like setup ton pass Pokémon ever was at least in my memory and I think that's cool and definitely like warrant a spot although it is further down on the best normal type Pokemon of all time coming at number seven the next best normal type on our list is just like Eevee a Pokemon that has only been good for one generation though that's because it's only been out for one generation it's URS saluna and for the sake of this video I'm going to group both URS saluna here together um because even though they play very differently like it would be weird to have one higher than the other so I'm just going to put them both together ursul Luna is the evolved form of ursing I actually don't know if that's true for blood moon or saluna it might actually be counted differently but regardless it's an incredibly powerful normal and ground type Pokémon the two or saluna they have some things in common like the typing but they otherwise play very differently so I'm going to talk about them as if they're two Pokemon even though I'm grouping them together as one let me just get this out of the way the only reason that these Pokemon aren't higher up is that they have not been out for very long URS saluna only became legal in the competitive format as of basically last August and URS saluna blood moon only became legal as of this past fall when it was released in the DLC if this video were made like a couple years later I think I definitely would justify putting these Pokémon higher up depending on how they continue to do but at the moment I feel like they haven't been out long enough so I can't justify putting them any higher but they're already so strong that I also need to include them on this list somewhere both URS saluna basically serve as sweepers and they prefer to be in trick room because they're both pretty slow but they also have had some success outside of trick room as well by being trained to be really fast and often used with the Tailwind move which doubles your team speed stats basically allowing them to outspeed Pokemon that they otherwise would have no business moving before baluna regular for me is a physical attacker and it's really strong because it has a combination of a bunch of different offensive tools the big one is that it has the ability guts guts gives it a 50% power boost whenever it's affected by a status condition and that status condition is almost always the burn status condition given by the flame orb item normally burn would cut your attack stat in half but in ERS sala's case uh because of the guts ability it doesn't cut it in half instead makes it 50% stronger this also combos with its move facade which is a 70 base power move which doubles in power becoming very close to like hyper Beamer gig impact if the user is affected by the status condition and and that's not even factoring in the additional status Boost from guts basically it's a 210 base power move factoring in guts and that's not factoring in like same type attack bonus or helping hand or Swords Dance or anything like that it's very very powerful it's so powerful it can even like come close to koing even resisted hits which is just completely nuts on top of that Ursula's ground typing is very valuable it hits the rock type and Steel type Pokémon that would otherwise resist normal and as well as Ghost type Pokemon that are immune to normal so they've actually surprising good Synergy there and with its ground typing it can use a couple different ground type moves earthquake is kind of an obvious one because it hits both opponents and URS saluna is so powerful thanks to guts and its incredible stats which I haven't even talked about yet which I guess I'll talk about in a second but also you don't even need to use earthquake if you don't want to hit your partner you can also use the new move headlong Rush which does immense amounts of damage it's basically ground type close combat and it's significantly stronger than earthquake and so having both options is really nice I should talk about our saluna stats so the physical one is incredibly incredibly tanky and very strong and pretty slow so it's nice because it works very well as a trick room sweeper we actually saw it most recently wi the largest Pokemon Tournament of all time in Europe used by Nils Dunlop paired alongside Porygon 2 to help set up tricker him and then ursul would just KO everything it also is really threatening because like obviously guts Powers it up but it also means you can't slow it down with a burn which you can do for other physical attackers or Spore which you can do for all Pokemon that can be affected by Spore because the burn protects it from being affected by different status conditions firsta also benefits a lot I think is worth mentioning from talization um it is weak to fighting type moves and as as the case with a lot of trick room Pokémon it really doesn't want to get slowed down when it's in trick room room like you only have a couple turns so you need to make use of them and so if it wer for talization I think fake out would actually be a really reliable counter too well not a counter but it' be a good tool to slow down or saluna but it can actually run Terra ghost to become immune to fake out and immune to the fighting type attacks that would otherwise hit it for super effective damage and yeah like it's basically a real problem when you can't fake it out and and can't stop it from getting value out of its trick room turns let's talk about URS saluna blood moon because there's some similarities but it also plays very differently largely because it's a special attacker now URS saluna blood moon has a different ability than URS saluna which makes sense because guts only works on the physical attack stats and this ability is just really really really broken it's kind of a combination of two different abilities the Keen Eye ability kind of and then like the ability Scrappy it's got differences in both of them but basically mine's eye which is its ability I didn't actually explicitly say that though I'm sure the Ender putting on screen so you probably didn't need me to say that but anyway ursul of blood Moon's ability M's eye allows it to hit Ghost type Pokemon with normal and fighting type moves when they would otherwise be immune to it which is extremely threatening as well as the fact that it basically makes it so ursino blood Moon's accuracy cannot be lowered and it doesn't care about evasion boosts on the opponent this ability would already make ursin blood moon very threatening because unlike regular URS saluna like you can basically play around regular URS saluna if you're really smart because there are types that that are immune to both of its moves right like let's say I have flutter man and like Tornadus right and I'm like okay well my opponent wants to go for a facade into my Tornadus I can switch to flutter and then it's like okay well they want to use like headlong Rush against my flutter man let me switch back to Tornadus like you can kind of outplay it if you're really good you can't really do that for Luna blood moon because of the ability you can't use Ghost type Pokemon to resist its normal type attack or be immune to its normal type attacks and if you want to use a steel or a rock type Pokemon to resist its normal type attacks those are weak to ground type moves which it also gets with earth power which is a no drawback move that is very spammable as if all this weren't bad enough URS saluna blood moon also gets a signature attack called blood moon which is basically just a better hyperbeam it's 140 base power now keep in mind any move above like 90 or 95 base power typically has a very real drawback whether it's a lot of recoil damage lowering some of your stats uh really bad accuracy blood Moon's drawback is just that the user can't click the move two turns in a row which compared to all the regular drawbacks is way more reasonable like this really isn't that big of a drawback you just like have to keep it in mind a little bit I guess when you're using it but like you're not like weakening yourself you're not chancing a Miss like it's actually very very very man and when you pair this with like Teran normal for a damage boost life orb for a damage boost helping hand it's by far one of the single strongest attacks in the game just like ursul Luna regular for me uh ursul Luna blood moon for me has a spread move that is very clickable it's hyper voice which is a spread normal type move which is just very powerful it's very reliable and unlike earthquake it does not hit your partners so um yeah Ursala blood moon is currently I would say thought to be a bit better than URS saluna regular especially because as a special attacker URS saluna blood moon isn't affected by like intimidate or anything but both of them are incredibly strong despite the fact that neither has been out for even a year yet they each have major tournament wins and uh yeah they just look to be some of the strongest Pokemon that have been added in scarlet and violet and so I think they definitely deserve a place on this list and the only question is should they be higher up and I think eventually the answer will be yes but right now I feel like this is a fair placement for them because they don't have as many results as the Pokemon above them but they have been out for Far Far shorter a duration coming at number six this is one of my favorite Pokémon that was added in scarlet and violet it's fph FFF is cool because it isn't flashy in the same way a lot of the other Pokemon on this list are like it doesn't have the stats of URS saluna or URS saluna it doesn't have like a signature move like Eevee in fact the thing that makes it unique is although technically a signature ability like it does the same thing as several other abilities uh but that is its ability armor tail armor tail is really great because it stops all priority moves from working against the user's team that's a really big deal in competitive Pokemon because priority moves are everywhere between fake out grassy Glide Thunderclap Sucker Punch Aqua Jet like uh taunt from Tornadus like or any prankster Pokémon there are so many priority moves that kind of form the Bedrock of competitive Pokémon and when friger is on the field I mean your whole team is immune to them normal and psychic typing also like offer some unique benefits where normally normal type Pokemon are weak to fighting type attacks but with psychic you are neutral to them and you can actually hit opposing fighting type Pokemon for super effective damage psychic type Pokemon are typically like weak to Ghost type attacks but normal makes you immune to them so while it isn't like perfect Synergy or anything the each type kind of complement each other in a nice way frph is primarily used used as a trick room Pokemon but what I think is interesting is that whether it's an offensive trick room Pokemon or like a supporting defensive trick room Pokemon varies depending on the player and the team I would say the more popular way of using friger is to focus on more of those kind of like defensive team supporting attributes you can keep friger alive for longer if you invest more in its like defenses and and um it's actually really good as a supporting Pokemon because not only does it have trick room it can also use imprison to stop opposing trick room room teams even if you don't want to set up yourself and it often uses helping hand as well to boost its partner's damage output which allows it to function inside of trick room but also be a good Pokemon outside of trick room because you compare it with a really strong attacker that's fast and just use helping hand and not have to worry about any priority moves dealing with the faster attacker but the thing about frer is it actually has a very respectable special attack stat and so my personal favorite way of using figer is actually more as an offensive Pokemon just like URS saluna blood moon it can use hyper voice as a normal type which hits both Pokemon though it's notably weaker when friger uses it but the nice thing about hyper voice is you can use it to activate your held item the throat spray which gives FR graph a special attack Boost after it uses any sound Type move hyper voice unsurprisingly is a sound Type move after being boosted by throat spray frff actually can do a respectable amount of damage and although it often isn't picking up one hit K's it's actually a very valuable trick from attacker because you can't slow it down with fake out and it's consistently outputting like decent amounts of damage with like boosted hyper voice or boosted psychic and so if you pair it with other bulky Pokemon like reloom or incinerar or other Pokémon as well you can actually use it as kind of this trick roomm Setter that also works as a support Pokemon outside of that also can actually be a sweeper inside of trick room it's a very interesting Pokémon that doesn't play a lot like other Pokemon that we've had that set Trickum up in his debut season frph had a couple good performances and actually got second at the World Championships almost taking home the whole thing what I think is neat about it is that sometimes Pokemon that do well especially early on in a generation they tend to struggle a bit more as the power level increases right like stronger Pokemon get added and that makes like the Pokemon that we thought were good like slightly harder to use right like there's a lot of Pokemon that really struggle once incin or becomes legal in a metag game because it just like invalidates so much f is actually really cool in that it scales kind of with the power level because the stronger its partners are the more value you get out of armor tail protecting them from these priority moves and so at the first Regional of the most recent format uh fer have actually won the whole thing supporting a midon it was really cool because it actually used Tera ground which is not a common Terra type on frer or any Pokemon to become immune to the partner Choice spec M miron's discharge so what you could do is helping hand boosted uh choice specs boosted electric terrain boosted hydron engine boosted same type attack bonus boosted discharge paired with frag graph and your opponent couldn't use fake out or any priority moves to stop me rideon and then you would just output a ton of damage so yeah I think it'll be really interesting as we kind of go into these later formats where stronger legendary restricted Pokemon are allowed and seeing how well fig keeps up also a quick question how do you feel about subscribing just do it in all seriousness this is my full-time job and so if you're enjoying the content uh it's a really good way to kind of support me and and help me make more of these videos also it helps you all out because if you're liking this video which God I hope so we worked really hard on it it'll make it more likely for YouTube to show you future videos and you know I do hope to do one of every type so uh if you want to see more of these videos or you're just like want to support the current Channel or you want to see other types of videos that I do it's free it's easy it just takes one click and it helps me out a lot so yeah I I I know that like people might find these kind of sub plugs you know a little annoying but I really appreciate you all having Grace with me as I try and figure out how to actually be a YouTuber as as a career coming at number five is another Pokemon with the same typing as F graph Indi Indi is also a more recent addition to the list though because it was added in sword and shield it's been around for a bit longer and it's incredibly strong there are two indid technically because indid is one of the few Pokemon that has different stat distribution and a different move pool depending on the gender so we're talking exclusively about indid female here which is the more supportive one indid male is the more offensive one and it's not as good and DD female is incredible because of its move pool and its ability as well I should say and D female is incredible because while they both share the same ability psychic surge which is one of the best abilities in the game especially now that tapu Lele hasn't been in the game for a while but what really sets indid female apart is the fact that it's bulkier and its move pool is just incredible indid female is one of the best follow me users in the game follow me is by far one of the best supporting moves in the game it's a big part of why patar risu won worlds in 2014 it's a big part of why ogron is so strong right now why Togekiss dominated Pokemon in early 2020 it's just an incredible move because it turns out being able to use the defenses of a support Pokemon to support a more offensive Pokemon is very unbalanced in a game like Pokemon where there are two Pokemon on the field and they're interacting with each other in fluid ways so follow me is generally very good but indei is an especially good user because of its psychic surge ability which sets up the psychic terrain which just like frera turns off priority moves so one of the ways around follow me is to use fake out into one Pokemon and then attack with another U is a really good way to kind of combo this where you fake out the follow me user and use U to go after the Pokemon that you actually want to hit even if they use protect but there are other ways of punishing this as well theyo can also be used to stop the follow me user for a turn if the partner Pokemon can't protect for other reasons like it's holding a choice item or I don't know like there's just protected last turn it's a very valuable tool and with Indi psychic surge F out doesn't really work inded also gets the move helping hand which can be used to support its partner Pokemon to do even more damage which lets it kind of contribute to a battle offensively even in the situations where yeah like it isn't necessarily like needed to use follow me in scarlet and violet indeed he received a major buff that I think was unintentional I think it was due to a bug where like I said the inds have different move pools right and the male and could not learn follow me it was overall viewed as a lot worse but they gave it trick room to kind of compensate for the fact that it couldn't use follow me they were like okay in DD female you're too strong you get follow me in DD male you can get the really good support move trick room right well Dudu I think it was a bug in scarlet and violet and DD female could learn trick room but only if you caught it in certain Max raid dens like there were certain raid boss ineds that were able to use trick room and D females I should say that were able to use trick room and they wouldn't otherwise be able to use it and after like it was out for a little bit they like the game developers just like were like okay we kind of messed up so and DD female now you can also learn trick room just normally like you you you got you got it like our bad like we messed up and the way we're going to kind of like fix it cuz what are you going to do people caught in DD female with trick room and then you're going to say okay those inds are like not allowed anymore it was like not really something that they wanted to do I guess and so they just said okay and D you can actually use trick roomm now so a huge buff to one of the best Pokemon out of sword and shield and is another Pokemon that kind of scales with the power level because same as fer dra like being able to use follow me becomes more valuable when the Pokemon you're supporting are even more powerful psychic terrain also enables a lot of offensive strategies like the most obvious one is the move expanding Force which uh is a psychic type move that becomes much stronger if psychic train is active it's which just from being a single Target move to hitting both your opponent's Pokemon and so it enables kind of a whole style of play normally called s spam which typically are built around these really strong psychic type attackers and either using trick room to set them up and try and sweep with Pokemon like hatteri and Rouge or alternatively using an out of trick strategy with iron Crown as the most recent addition to overwhelm the opponent you can also use caloric Shadow with the strategy so yeah if you thought dealing with just Astro barrage was a pain now you might also have to deal with a second spread move while supported by follow me and helping hand and DD isn't higher on this list in part because it hasn't been out for longer and also because it has like some counterplay built in because a lot of its like uh value is built around the fact that it does set up the psychic terrain opposing terrain Pokemon like reloom mostly right now though if we ever get tapa coko back and actually midon we have midon now as well I should I should say that um and actually technically trapa goes when it terzes to Stellar remove psychic terrain so basically if the if the terrain goes down and GD doesn't become better than a Pokemon like Clefairy or ogre Pawn or most other follow me users even amongus has a case to be better than it though it's not like that strong a case as a just a pury director um and so because it has like more built-in counter play and DD feels fair in a way that the next Pokemon on our list doesn't coming in at the number four slot it is I think my least favorite Pokemon of all time smeargle smeargle is just a menace and it actually single-handedly ruined most of an entire year of competitive Pokemon just on its own for those of you who don't know um smeargle has a unique gimmick that it can learn every single move in the game permanently there are other ways for a Pokemon to temporarily use a move that it couldn't normally learn like me first or copycat or mimic but in smeargle's case um it doesn't need to use any of those moves because it can just permanently sketch any move that it wants and you might think okay well like maybe it can just learn one move that it that it doesn't normally learn but the thing is because sketch permanently transforms into whatever move it sees you can then relearn it because smeargle learns if you level up so yeah smeargle can learn every single move in the game and it can choose four of those to use at a time although its stats are just abysmal it's able to kind of compensate for that because it can use the Focus dash item to allow it to survive a single hit anyway and it's mostly here as a disruptive support Pokemon so like not having good offensive stats doesn't really matter to make matters worse smeargle has the Moody ability which will raise one of its stats by two stages and lower a different one by one stage at the end of every single turn so if you ignore smeargle for too long it can build up a lot of sta boost and become a huge Menace smeargle basically took over in 2016 because it was able to sketch dark rise signature move Dark Void this move is only 80% accurate or was only 80% accurate smeargle got it nerfed actually but it puts both opponent's Pokemon to sleep and as you can imagine that's not very fair or balanced sleep could potentially knock a Pokemon out for three turns so you could potentially hit a Pokemon with Dark Void and then have them fall asleep for three turns each and yeah like win the game on that one move alone with the focus Ash it was really hard to knock out smeargle and by putting a Pokemon to sleep they weren't attacking and so you gave yourself chances for Moody to raise your stats even like even more and often a single evasion boost or a single speed boost would make smeargle basically impossible to deal with it was also really difficult to kind of like handle smeargle because again it could learn every move in the game were you're dealing with like fake out follow me smeargle were you're dealing with a wide guard smeargle there was a move called crafty Shield which I imagine that most of you don't know what it does but it stops all non-damaging moves from hitting the side it's kfy signature move I don't even know if it's still in the game but smeargle would use it too sometimes and the problem was back in 2016 when smeargle took over that was a year where we were allowed to have two different restricted Pokemon on a team and so the power level was so high and the value of putting one of your opponent's restricted Pokemon or Mega Evolution to sleep was just so insane that yeah like it was really difficult to deal with smeargle often times smeargle would be led with a way to protect it like you know with fake out Mega Kangaskhan and so often times you would try to protect against smeargle turn one to deal with the fake out pressure and then they would just get a moody boost double their speed and then you would lose the game if they Dark Void now it is worth noting that back in the day smeargle's Moody ability was stronger than it currently is uh it used to be able to raise both your accuracy and evasion stats which um getting either one was a big deal because then Dark Void would never miss if you raised accuracy and you could miss your moves against it if it got an evasion boost so it was really dangerous um since 2016 I mean the developers saw that smeargle was so clearly out of line that they nerfed Dark Void to be only 50% accurate uh They removed smeargle's ability to learn Dark Void it's one of the only moves in the games that it cannot learn um and they changed Moody to no longer interact with accuracy or evasion and so it became a lot easier to handle smeargle in theory but that didn't stop smeargle from taking over the next time they restricted Pokemon in 2019 it turns out having the ultimate support Pokemon that can still put your opponents to sleep with initially it was Spore but then people started running lovely kiss to get around grass types immunity and safety goggles immunity which was very stupid but yeah supporting really powerful Pokemon with smeargle like xerus or mega Rayquaza or unala or really Primal Groudon like it still was a very good supporting Pokemon it's funny because if you just look at at Stats and its abilities like you might think it's not that big a deal but yeah smeargle was a complete Menace it is worth noting that smeargle hasn't been so good I don't even know if it was in sword and shield but I don't really remember it ever doing anything and it just recently got added to scarlet and violet it did finish in the semi-finals of one of the more recent tournaments so we have to watch out for it and they did just add restricted Pokemon back into the game so it's possible for smeargle to make another Resurgence but yeah I mean it's undoubtedly one of the best normal type Pokemon of all time and I hope that it's never good again because um when smeargle is good it's very bad okay before we get to the top three I wanted to talk about some honorable mentions there are actually a lot of really cool normal types and so I wanted to talk about some of these here even if they're not like the best of all time just because I think they're really neat starting off let's talk about chansy chansy kind of always pops up as this super degenerate strategy which is built around making chansy completely unkillable normally the way it works is you have chansy as the centerpiece you want to use moves like minimize to raise your evasion sometimes defense Cur to raise your defense you basically compensate for the fact that chansy is very like not very bulky on the physical side but very bulky on the special side and the HP side Side by using a move called guard split which averages out your defense stat and the defense stat of whatever you hit so these strategies would often use Shuckle or carbank Pokemon with really high based defense stat the fact that ch's eite item allows it to become 50% bulkier they would use like guard split on their own chansy make themselves super tanky and then use like toxic inis M toss to gradually like deal with the opponent after they set up minimize making them almost impossible to hit with ches like huge defense stat now after you've guard split into it and also impressive special defense stat it takes like several hits to get rid of it chance he can heal itself yeah like it basic was just impossible to deal with like never won a major tournament but it was always a strategy people had to be aware of and it definitely made a lot of people very angry online next up is ditto ditto is another Pokemon that kind of like smeargle tends to shine really in restricted formats where we have these powerful legendaries because normally in a restricted format you're restricted to using one or two special powerful Legendary Pokemon on your team and ditto has a good way around that and that it can kind of steal the opponent's Legendary Pokémon I think that ditto is one of the hardest Pokémon ever to play in fact it only really brought it to one tournament and I don't think I was actually that good with it because it's just very very very hard to use dit's ability imposter allows it to transform into a Pokemon on the opponent's side but the thing is which Pokemon it transforms into depends on like what is directly across from it so if your opponent has Kyogre and incinerar you can't switch ditto into the like the slot across from incinerar because it will go down and so that makes building game plans with it really difficult and it also means you have to be thinking about something else where you normally wouldn't have to think about which is like which side are my Pokémon on right it's not just What Pokemon do I want to bring in next cuz if you have Ditto in the back you also have to think about which Pokemon am I transforming into because of how hard it is to use it's a Pokemon that doesn't always see a ton of success but for the players who are really good with it and who really believe in it they're able to bring out a lot of its potential because having an additional restricted Pokemon on your team is a really big deal dit also has something special about it which is that when you transform into a Pokemon you copy their stat boost as well so it can be really good against Pokemon that boost their stats the most obvious one is xerus xerus obviously doubles its speed special attack and special defense stats and ditto can copy that almost always hold the choice carve item and then you have a faster setup Pokemon but it was also used a little bit to try and counter Z where Z basically its ability in treid Sword gives it an attack boost and you would send out ditto turn into Z and you'd already have the plus one Boost from Z andreid sword but Intrepid sword activated back in sword and shield every time zation was sent out and so did would then activate Intrepid sword again because that counted as like sending zation out basically so you could have plus two attack isation compared to your opponent's plus one attack zation it's really difficult to use ditto like just unbelievably hard so it's not a Pokemon that sees a ton of play and I didn't think it was worth including on this list though I thought about it over Eevee but it's such a cool Pokemon with such a like and it's so unique and special and nothing else really does like what ditto does that I wanted to include it next up I want to talk about Porygon Z Porygon Z is interesting it was really at its best during the uh sword and shield and mostly sun and moon eras especially the first year of sun and moon Porygon Z was quite good Porygon Z was a menace with Z moves it was one of the strongest attackers because it has like obviously hyperbeam which is really strong but it also has the adaptability uh ability adaptability ability which makes all its normal type moves even stronger which is really scary and so basically what you could do is use normalium Z Porygon Z and it would pick up a one hit k. on pretty much everything it hit you could also use trick roomm Porygon Z or choice scarf Porygon Z and you wouldn't know what kind of Porygon Z you were playing against until it had already attacked which is often too late because it was often taking a ko. you could also use Choice specs Porygon Z I'm not sure I already said this choice scarf Choice specs trick roomm and oraliam Z were all viable and you wouldn't know what you were dealing with so if you tried to play defensive and Ed protect uh against the Porygon Z then yeah like it would often like set up Trickum and you would just lose or you could try and attack it like with a faster Pokemon it would be choice scarf and you would lose or you would try and tank it like and it would use you know choice specs and you would lose or Z moov and you would lose what was really cool about Porygon Z though in my favorite set was actually Z conversion so you would use normalium Z conversion which would give Porygon z a plus one boost in all the stats and would change its type and so basically it would often turn into I think it was electric or ice depending on the team with Thunderbolt and Ice Beam and so Porygon Z with plus one and every single stat would actually be very tanky um it was very difficult to deal with you would build the whole team kind of around supporting it and and you would change your type I think it was normally electric that you would turn into and you would use Thunderbolt which was not only getting boosted by the special attack boost it was also now getting boosted by adaptability because now you're an electric type Pokemon this set was used by my good friend Marcus I think it was originally popularized in Japan and he almost won the North American International championships back in 2017 and it was just such a cool team that I wanted to mention it here por gun is not that tanky but with Dynamax it was able to really stick around and not only did Dynamax hyperbeam with adaptability boost do immense amounts of damage but it also lowered the speed stats of both your opponent's Pokemon and so it allowed Porygon Z to be this attacker it could combo with life orb and it could also just like output so much damage and control the speeds of the battle that it was pretty threatening it didn't like hold up so well once the power level increased but initially at the start of sword and shield it was a really scary Pokemon last but not least in our honorable mentions I want to talk about regie gigas regie gigas is one of my favorite Pokemon I actually brought it to a regional back in 2012 and finished second place with it and it wasn't as an attacker it was like the most annoying support Pokemon of all time Regigigas is surprisingly tanky and so I would use like thunderwave confus Ray rock slide to try and stop the opponent from moving and then I also had wide guard cuz it didn't learn protect back in the day I don't know if it gets protect now actually I think it doesn't but maybe anyway I would use it as this horrible support Pokemon which just torment my opponents and like prevent them from moving there's a really funny replay somewhere of I I asked Aaron Zen to battle me and I think reig gigas stops his entire team from moving for like four or five or six turns it's very funny to me not to him but the real rig set is the one that took off during sword and shield when they introduced weezing's neutralizing gas ability which turns off all abilities while reig gigas is on the field this set actually saw a ton of success towards the middle of sword and shield because Dynamax reig gigas using Giga Impact like in Dynamax form same as Porygon Z it would lower the opponent's stats and you couldn't use any abilities to slow it down so no like intimidate you couldn't use prankster to get a speed Advantage you couldn't use unseen fist or really anything because wheezing was slowing like your entire team down when it came to their abilities and wheezing was also disrupting with moves like willowisp and taunt rigas has incredible coverage a lot of normal type Pokemon have really good coverage and so it would be able to Output so much damage on so many different types like you could often run four attack r gigas with like gig impact Thunder Punch High horsepower ice punch and it was just really difficult to deal with I actually ended up playing against one in the grand finals of the Players Cup 2 and it was really difficult to handle like I had to make a lot of really really precise calls in order to somehow handle it anyway because it was only really good in that one like brief time in sword and shield I left it off of the best of all time list but I think it definitely deserves an honorable mention and like Dynamax are really good to reig gigas it's not so good with tralization but I think it'd be cool if there were a time in the future where like reig gigas weezing could come back maybe not quite as strong as it was during Dynamax like era but um maybe it would still be usable and that could be cool anyway with the honorable mentions out of the way let's talk about the three best normal type Pokemon of all time starting with Porygon 2 unlike Porygon Z which plays this fast offensive like really threatening Pokemon that's aiming to just take one hit Kos Porygon 2 actually plays completely differently because Porygon 2 is not fully evolved it's able to hold the Evite item which actually increases its already good natural defenses to Great levels it actually functions primarily as a support Pokemon that it's not so similar to frff where frff has a lot of utility out of trick room Porygon 2's main value is that not only is it super difficult to remove and not only does it take advantage of normal's defensive attributes which is that although it doesn't have a single resistance it also only has a single weakness and so it's really like hard to get normal type Pokemon off the field and Porygon 2 actually has the move recover which can heal half of its maximum HP so if you're just kind of trying to gradually Whittle it down which would work against Pokemon like frph or indd doesn't work against Porygon 2 because it can heal all the way back up to full HP Porygon 2 also has two very good abilities there's Trace which turns into a random ability on the opponent's side which can have really high impact like if you trace intimidate it can have big value if you trace like I don't know water absorb against like water ogre Pond that can have a lot of value there's a lot of really good abilities for Porygon 2 to trace and if you get a good one it can potentially swing a game in your favor the other ability that I would say is a little more popular is download which gives Porygon 2 either an attack or special attack boost depending on whether the Total Defense or total special defense of the opponent is higher when Porygon 2 switches in where it gives you the Boost that the opponent is weaker to so if your opponent if both your Pokemon added together have lower special defense then you get a special attack boost and if they have lower physical defense then you have a physical attack boost porun 2 mostly serves as a bulky trick roomm Setter like I said which is here to support the team but with download potentially giving it a boost it's very dangerous to ignore especially because in its move pool it has a couple threatening things it often runs Ice Beam to hit grass and ground type Pokemon for super effective damage and I feel like there's always some Pokemon that are just quadruple weak to ice which is nice to to pressure with ice beam and then in the other slot Porygon 2 sometimes ran like Tri attack which is very dangerous because it had a chance to freeze or burn or paralyze sometimes would run toxic though where if you would try to ignore Porygon 2 and just say okay like I'm going to have a bulky team and I'm not going to care about Ice Beam or tratt attack or whatever poron to would start running toxic and say all right well like you got to deal with me soon your Pokemon are going to run at HP fast bucko in more recent formats Porygon 2 it still runs tricker recover and normally Ice Beam but now it started running Tera blast which is really strong normal type Pokemon are great users of Terra Blast because you get the same type of attack bonus both before and after you terize and you can kind of like get a a third third move coverage out of only two attacking moves which is just really really valuable ter blast is also nice because if Porygon 2 uses download and gets an attack boost and then terzes teror blast turns into either a physical or special move depending on which is stronger and so with an attack boost you can actually end up having Porygon 2 work as a mixed attacker and if you lose that attack boost then you go back to being a pure special attacker so it's kind of like a neat little trick you can do when sun and moon first released Porygon 2 was up there as one of the top two or three best Pokémon it was on nearly every team and it won a ridiculous amount of events in that format and since sun and moon like yeah it was one of the best Pokemon in that first year of 2017 when sun and moon first released but it's been a consistent great Pokemon ever since then it's been used by players in almost every single competitive format even after 2017 even when there's other good Pokemon like Cresselia and fph and actually most recently it won the biggest official Pokemon Tournament of all time alongside URS saluna as the trick room Setter for URS saluna using double normal type Pokemon to win the largest Pokemon ever which Pokemon tournament ever excuse me um which I think is pretty neat to me Porygon 2 is kind of like the ultimate defensive support normal type we've seen a lot of supporting normal Types on this team but the fact that it's so bulky it has multiple good abilities and it's just so difficult to remove and support to team with Trickum and can gradually whle down the opponent it's a really really good consistent reliable Pokemon and it's a Pokemon I'm sure we'll be seeing more of in the future okay we're into the top two and I actually went back and forth on these for quite a while I really wasn't sure which one I was going to put at number two and which one I was going to put at number one so if you disagree on the exact ordering of these two just know that it's close like this is what I ultimately decided on but if you disagree I actually think there's a case to be made for for the other order as well the number two best normal type Pokémon of all time is Snorlax and this is actually pretty controversial because you could argue that Snorlax is the number one best normal type of all time it's won three different world championships which you can't say about the number one slot on our list but we'll get to that in a second let's talk about what makes Snorlax special first its stats it is remarkably tanky like it has a huge HP stat and both its defenses are good with its special defense being especially good like I said as a normal type it doesn't have that many resistances but it also only has a single weakness so for moves that are kind of like above average strong to average strong it'll take them pretty well just because it's so naturally tanky it's low speed that it actually kind of works in its favor because it's so slow it works very well as a trick room attacker where if you get trick room up Snorlax is almost always the slowest thing on the field and that allows it to move first when the dimensions are twisted it has multiple good abilities immunity prevents from getting poisoned and thick fat gives it a resistance to fire and ice type moves both are val very valuable gluttony will'll talk about a little later because we'll get to it just just we'll get to it in a second give me give me a minute wouldn't be that strong in a vacuum if you just look at its attack stat like yeah it's good but it's not great so maybe like it's a little surprising if you don't know about Snorlax to see it this high up because it doesn't look like it should be able to do that much damage but what makes Snorlax really special is belly drum belly drum Cuts snorlax's Max HP in half and then gives it a plus six attack boost which is the highest amount of of attack boost you can get technically that's wrong phrasing it sets it attack to plus six so if your Snorlax is minus 6 and uses belly drum it doesn't go to plus zero it goes to plus 6 it's very very powerful and given that Snorlax is so tanky it can afford to give up half its Health especially when using an item that recovers HP and supported by partners that can help keep it safe Snorlax won the World Championships in both 2008 and 2009 which are the first two years of the official current competitive format the thing is and the reason why Snorlax is in the number one slot is that after doing so well in generation 4 Snorlax kind of disappeared for a while when I started playing in generation 5 Snorlax was not considered very good the power level had just increased and Pokemon could do too much damage and Snorlax wasn't really able to keep up the same was true in Generation 6 Snorlax just wasn't really a contender things changed for Snorlax in Generation 7 when it accidentally received a major buff this is because they changed a bunch of items called the fwam berries the figgy AAP Papa Wiki aam mego berries where these berries used to activate at a quarter of your health and would give you back I think like an eighth of your health and might confuse you if they were in a bad mood they changed them to now still activated a quarter of your health uh remaining but they would instead heal 50% basically we started calling them super Citrus berries because they were just super Citrus berries we discovered very quickly that these items were completely unbalanced and they became like a main stay of competitive Pokémon in Sun and Moon and Snorlax was able to benefit uniquely because of its gluttony ability see I I told you to get back to it I promise where gluttony basically says Hey for those berries that activate at a quarter of your health this Pokemon can actually eat them at 50% of their health instead so basically if you think about it Snorlax could use belly drum give up half of its Health gluttony would activate the figgy barrier or whatever it was holding and then it would heal 50% of its Health going back to 100% it could also use recycle to get back that Berry and store it for future recovery or if it was below 50% just eat it immediately Snorlax very quickly became one of the top Pokémon of sun and moon and although it didn't win the World Championship that year it did get pretty close plus it did win a bunch of the other major events throughout the year so even though it didn't win Worlds that year it was close and it also like dominated for the entire competitive season the following year we thought Snorlax would be worse because power creep you know was back and then cinar was added to the game thank you for that game freak and yeah like we thought okay maybe Snorlax isn't as good and then Snorlax won the world championships for its third time ever just like the previous years it was still using the Bell drum set and yeah it turns out a Pokemon like Snorlax with Incredible stat the ability to boost its attack to plus six and yeah like this broken recovery system is actually pretty good having heard all that having heard that Snorlax has won the World Championships three times it's probably surprising to hear that it's not in the number one spot but here's my reasoning Snorlax was really good at the beginning of competitive Pokémon and it was really good for a single generation after that but in the other Generations it's just been not very good in sword and shield it was just really mediocre it got a signature gigantex form but it was really bad oh also on top of having a bad gigantamax form Snorlax they nerfed it well they didn't Nerf it but they nerfed the berries the berries like the fian berries were undoubtedly too powerful and so they changed it going into sword and shield so that the berries would no longer heal 50% HP but instead a third of your HP which is only 8% more than you get with Citrus Berry basically making them not obsolete but really not worth using a lot of the time in fact I can't remember the last time I've seen one and it looked good I actually can't remember the last time I've even seen one and in scarlet and violet like it's been added to the game somewhat recently but it hasn't really had any success and it's pretty clear that it's not going to be able to keep up with the power level I tried it myself I think it's a cool Pokémon I do think it's strong but I don't think it's strong enough to keep up with just how many incredible Pokémon there are are now Snorlax is actually kind of comparable to URS Luna regular for me in a sense because although like URS Luna regular for me like it doesn't have the ability to go to plus six attack burned facade is doing a lot of damage it's not getting a one hit Koo but like it's still like a kind of this like setup normal type Pokemon but the thing is even though it's slightly weaker than Snorlax the bulk is similar I would say I think Snorlax is probably a little bit tankier but URS saluna has higher physical defense there's a case for it and URS saluna doesn't need to give up half its Health in order to unlock its offensive potential right it doesn't risk you know having its Berry knocked off or being like dealt with by a nerve and then you know being able to contribute yeah Versa loses the flame orb then it really sucks but you can always protect and so it's actually pretty if you're careful with it it's pretty easy to consistently get the flame orb activated obviously URS saluna and Snorlax are very different Pokemon I just think that in the current format there's a Pokemon that you'd much rather use compared to Snorlax and even that Pokemon is having some trouble right now so basically because Snorlax has only been good when the conditions have been right or at the very beginning of competitive Pokémon I'm not saying it's bad but I don't think that it deserves the number one slot in our list that slot instead goes to Mega Kangaskhan Mega Kangaskhan was by by far the best mega evolution period it's funny because regular Kangaskhan is a nothing Burger of a Pokemon like it doesn't really contribute that much it's not thought to be very good but Mega Kangaskhan was just insane when it was first introduced in Pokemon X and Y it very quickly took over the game and the only reason it didn't win the World Championship that year was because it had such a huge Target on its back basically Mega Kangaskhan was like the you have to be this tall to play the game kind of bar right if you couldn't be Mega Kangaskhan you you couldn't really expect to do well at any tournament so people spent the entire year developing Mega Kangaskhan counters figuring out how to beat it but I'm getting ahead of myself what made Mega Kangaskhan so strong first the ability Mega Kangaskhan in Generation 6 had an ability called prental bond which was just completely broken this was just a flat 50% damage increase on all of its moves because the little baby in the pouch would attack after Kangas G attacked and it would do half as much damage as the original did but this is actually even better than a raw 50% boost because it it could KO Pokemon around focus asash and it could like break a substitute with the first hit and then the second hit would do damage after like you'd hit two times and yeah like you you just do so much damage on top of that Kangaskhan has an amazing move pull it gets fake out which normally is just used as a support move but on Mega Kangaskhan could actually be doing a lot of damage it got power up punch which was not designed with Mega Kangaskhan in mind where power of punch is a weak fighting type move which gives the user an attack boost but a Mega Kangaskhan it would give it two attack boosts while also doing damage keep in mind the move that normally gives you to attack boost is swords dancece which doesn't do any damage and power a punch the first attack boost would immediately be applied to the second attack and so it was just doing absurd amounts of damage and giving Kangaskhan a huge huge increase it also got the powerful priority attack Sucker Punch which was not only like a strong priority move on a Pokemon that was already pretty fast it also hit the Ghost type Pokemon which are the only Pokemon that are immune to Mega Kangaskhan and power up punch hit the steel and rock type Pokemon that resist normal so it had a really nice kind of concise move move pool package here that covered a lot of its own weaknesses the stats were also great it was like a medium speed to faster speed Pokemon with really good bulk and a really high attack stat the stats were like kind of kiden out in a way that allowed you to be really specific with what you wanted Mega Kang as cont to do it could be slow and tanky it could be fast and offensive it could be like a mix of things it could hit certain speed stats it could be really strong it could be really fast like it's just depending on what you wanted and even when you didn't invest into stat it was still naturally high enough that Mega Kangaskhan didn't have to worry that much like it's not like a Pokemon where oh like if I don't invest in its bulk then all go down super easy like no even even without a lot of bulk Mega Kangaskhan can take some pretty good attacks it is hard to overstate how good Mega Kangaskhan was when it first released it won the World Championships in 2015 and dominated that whole year as well and it was one of the top Mega Evolutions in 201 16 being used on the main composition called Big Six which was Groudon xerus smeargle Kangaskhan Talonflame and salamt which was the main team to beat for the entire year Mega Kangaskhan was nerfed significantly going into sun and moon um they took away Power Punch from it they weakened the second hit from the baby to do only a quarter of the first hit rather than 50% of the first hit and they weaken sucker punches damage across the board which of course affected Mega Kangaskhan despite all these Nerfs Mega Kangaskhan was still one of if not the best mega evolution in Sun and Moon which is crazy because these are pretty sizable Nerfs like these aren't no like these aren't nothing Nerfs like they they actually matter quite a bit like Kangaskhan was affected in a big Way by these Nerfs and it was still probably the best mega evolution like it's just crazy how strong it was I think the nuttiest thing about Mega Kangaskhan is that it filled multiple roles on a team that like normally shouldn't go together typically Pokemon that are offensive are like the centerpiece of a team right and you have all these supporting Pokemon around it but with Mega Kangaskhan because it got fake out it was actually able to serve as both this supporting Pokemon that can support Pokemon like xerus or lunala or all these other strong power powerful Pokemon even non-restricted Pokemon right you could go for fake out and Cresselia and go for like you know fake out Trick room or fake out icy wind right but it also like functioned as its own offensive Pokemon where here's a good example I won a regional back in 2015 with Mega Kangaskhan aeral and what I would do is I would lead them together i' would say okay here's Mega Kangas gon here's a zemal and the opponent would say oh well the zemal gets belly drum and then get Aqua Jet I need to go after it so they would often attack with both their Pokemon into a zemal because otherwise I could go for fake out in belly drum and then if they didn't attack a Zumer with whatever Pokemon I didn't fake out then like yeah Zumer would win the game right so they were kind of forced to attack with both Pokemon to aumer and then what I would do is protect aeral Mega Evolve power up punch with Kangaskhan and then they'd have to deal with the Kangaskhan as well actually that's three different roles Kangaskhan could just go on the offensive with like double edge or return to a ton of damage it could support its partner with fake out and with power up punch in generation six it could be a setup sweeper on its own like it could do three different distinct roles normally which you only get one of out of a Pokémon anyway it was so dominant it was so good I think that it's by far the best well maybe not by far cuz norlex is really good but I think it's clearly maybe not that clearly because Snorlax was really good I think that's it that it's the best normal type Pokémon of all time and that's because unlike Snorlax it never had a period where it was bad like even when it wasn't winning the World Championships it was because it was like one of the main threats it had like the biggest Target on its back out of any Mega Evolution and you know with Pokemon you know Legends Z Legend Zygarde what is it called Legends a I don't know what it's called with the new Legends game coming out and them confirming that Mega Evolution comes back I don't know if it'll return to a main Series game but if they do I'm sure that Mega Kangaskhan will dominate once again thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video uh if you did there there's actually one that I think you might like as well it's what is the best bug type Pokémon which bug is kind of generally agreed upon as the worst type in the game so figuring out what the best one is was a bit of a challenge you should check it out
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 942,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, best pokemon, best normal types, best normal type Pokemon, snorlax, arceus, kangaskhan, mega evolution, mega kangaskhan
Id: 4_R36PvhiHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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