UAP Witness: UFO I Encountered 'Far Beyond Actually Our Material Science That We Currently Possess'

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thank you we'll go to Mr burchard himself thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Garcia I would like to have you on the my legislation to do just that on the on the reporting um and we'll get together on that maybe it could be my co-sponsor on that that'd be really cool thank you for those great questions um Mr Graves again I'd like to know how do you know that these were not our aircraft some of the behaviors that we saw in a working area we would see these objects being at 0.0 Mach that's zero airspeed over certain pieces of the ground so what that means just like a river if you throw a bobber in it's going to float Downstream these objects were staying completely stationary and category four hurricane winds these same objects would then accelerate to supersonic speeds 1.1 1.2 Mach and they would do so in very erratic and quick behaviors that we don't I don't have an explanation for okay have you spoken to um Commercial and Military Pilots um they've seen these off of our East Coast I have okay um Mr favor I noticed that um in the Tic Tac video uh it's Tic Tac like the candy not Tick Tock like the Chinese Communist uh app that's correct yes sir I just want to make that because my daughter uh corrected me on that and called me a boomer and say Boomer and I said no baby it's Tic Tac like the candy you're gonna have to just look it up and um but now I would love so like to say today is a is a day of many first it's a miracle that we're having this this meeting and it's also a miracle that my wife has put up with me for nine years today today is my anniversary so I want to tell my wife happy anniversary and that I love her very much um as she likes to say this nine years have been the best two years of her life thank you um Mr favor what what astonished you the most about the the flight capabilities of these Tic Tac very briefly uh the performance absolute performance it was and you're you're not aware of any other objects that anybody in the world has in this world that has those capabilities no I think it's far beyond actually our Material Science that we currently possess are you aware of any other reconnaissance platforms that attract or recorded the Tic Tacs Maneuvers maybe the NORAD system or any of the others I am not okay Mr grosh thank you for being here brother thank you all very much um have you faced any retaliation or arrivals for any of your testimony or anything on these lines yeah uh I have to be careful what I say in detail because there is an open uh whistleblower reprisal investigation on my behalf and I don't want to compromise that investigation by providing anything that may uh help provide somebody information but it was very brutal and very unfortunate some of the tactics they used to hurt me both professionally and and personally to be quite Frank yeah it's very unfortunate as they say when you're over the target that's when they do the most firing at you do you have any personal knowledge of people who've been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal these extraterrestrial technology yes personally have you heard have anyone been murdered that you would think that you know of or have heard of I guess I have to be careful asking that question I directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities maybe in a um if we could get it get in a confidential area skiff we could talk about that but unfortunately um we were denied access to the skiff and that's very unfortunate in this in this scenario um Mr favor do you believe that you witnessed an additional object under the water in relation to your encounter I will say we did not see an object there was something there to cause the white water and when we turned around it was gone so there was something there that obviously moved okay it was it was not the same object though that you were you were looking at correct no we actually joked that the Tic Tac was communicating with something when we came back and because a white water disappeared uh we were in another instance we're told about the capabilities of a jamming during viewing of some when there were some people chasing some of these objects did you experience any of that jamming or interrupting your radar or weapon system my crew that launched after we landed experienced significant jamming today apg-73 radar which was what we had on board which is a mechanically scanned very high-end uh system prior to the apg-79 and yes it did pretty much everything you could do range velocity aspect and then it hit the lock and the targeting pot is passive that's what we were able to get the video on I'm about to run out of time but um are you aware of any of our enemies that have that capability no okay I would also like to note for the record that um like George Knapp breaking Area 51 he's the reason I knew about that and the reason I know about the Tic Tacs is uh is Leslie Kane from New York Times article and I would encourage everybody to read that thank you Mr chairman yield back to you for no time
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 173,874
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Id: TjzHL1hVo2o
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Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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