Teotihuacan Pterodactylactery - SCP-4959

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The explorer slashes his way through the  jungle, using his large machete to hack   through the thick undergrowth. He suddenly stops  and turns around, “Which way was it again?” His local guide answers but he must wait for  him to finish and his research assistant to   translate. “He says to continue straight,  it’s just another hundred yards or so.” The gentleman explorer offers a quick nod before  turning to resume cutting his way through the   forest. The guide was right though, because after  a short way the dense jungle suddenly opens up,   giving way to a clearing that reveals one  of the most incredible things the explorer   has ever seen. Just ahead of him, rising out of  the forest is a massive, ancient stone temple. A   huge step pyramid of solid stone, intricately  carved and covered with elaborate statues. The colossal structure looks like it has been  abandoned for centuries if not longer, with   nature having done its best to reclaim the stone  and cover the pyramid in vines and other plants.   The team approaches the temple but stops in front  of a stone monument that stands in front of it.   The explorer traces its carved lines with his  finger, knocking the dirt away to reveal its   weathered pictograph. It appears to depict a sort  of creature, but with large, spread wings instead   of arms. “Perhaps a kind of… ritualistic  garb?” the explorer says to his assistant. The assistant hastily scribbles in her  notebook, trying to document everything   she can. “Yes, this is definitely  a priest-like figure of some kind,   maybe a leader of this temple thanks to  the connection he shares to their - “ the   explorer’s musings are interrupted by his  guide, who he angrily spins around to face. “Yes, what?! What is it?” His research assistant  translates for him as usual,   “he says that we should go no  further, that it’s too dangerous.” “Nonsense,” replies the explorer, “we came all  this way, and who knows what fantastic treasures   await us inside… Historical treasures I mean,  artifacts. Treasures of knowledge, of course.” “Of course,” replies his  assistant before following   her boss as he starts making  his way up the step pyramid,   as the guide holds true to his stated intentions  and waits near the edge of the jungle. The two of them walk through an entrance that  leads into a long, dark hallway. With only   torches to light their way, it’s impossible  to see just how deep it runs into the temple.   The explorer stops to examine the walls which are  covered in even more carvings. He can see that   there are complicated geometric patterns, but also  many more depictions of the same winged creature   that was on the monument outside. Here though,  the creatures are depicted in moments of action.   They appear to be running, chasing, reaching  out and grabbing for… people. They are shown   attacking them, picking them up, carrying  them away to… right where the pictograph story   should reveal its climax is a chunk of missing  wall. It must have fallen off at some point.  “Ah, oh well,” the explorer declares before  moving on to explore more of the temple. His assistant doesn’t follow though. She spots  several pieces of stone on the floor underneath   the missing panel and kneels down to get a  closer look. She begins to gather them together,   rearranging the various pieces  back into their original form.   Meanwhile the explorer’s attention  has been caught by something else.   On the other side of the hall is a statue  of a tall, proud warrior, and in his hand,   he clutches a large, bejeweled spear, the  gemstones adorning it sparkling in the torchlight.  The explorer reaches out and grips the spear’s  handle. He begins to pull, perhaps being a   little rougher than one should with an ancient  artifact, but he wants this fabulous jeweled   piece, and even more than the spear itself, he  wants the acclaim it will bring him back home. As the explorer pulls on the spear his research  assistant moves the final piece of the broken   wall carving into position. She holds her torch  over it to get a better look and she gasps.   The winged creatures are carrying people  away, but that isn’t the end of the story.   They are bringing them somewhere, and she can  see now that they are being presented to an   even bigger winged creature. It’s a monster,  a monster that is feeding on the people. The assistant turns to tell the explorer  what she has found, and just as she does,   she watches as he is finally able to rend  the spear loose from the statue’s grip.   The statue finally letting go causes  him to fall backwards to the ground   where he lies, marveling at the  beautiful jeweled spear in his hands. “Look out!” yells his assistant.  The explorer doesn’t notice that   the statue is precariously rocking  back and forth, and he rolls out of   the way just before it crashes down right  where he was lying and admiring the spear. “Are you ok?” she asks as she rushes over. “I think so,” he tells her.  “Just a little bump on the   head. Nothing that can’t be fixed up by a good - ” “By a good what?” she asks, but he seems  distracted by something behind her. “By a good… by a good… By god what is that?” He points and the research assistant turns to  see something emerging from a hole in the wall   where the statue once stood. It’s one of the  creatures from the wall carvings. A bizarre   half man, half lizard, with wings instead  of arms, though there’s no flesh at all,   the creature is completely made of bone. The  two of them both scream at the skeletonized,   half-human, and the creature screams right back  at them, emitting a shrill, high-pitched squeal. Suddenly more of the creatures begin  to emerge from the hole in the wall,   with others crawling out of previously unseen  and unnoticed holes in the walls and ceiling.   The creatures rush towards them,  blocking their way out of the temple,   and the pair have no choice but to  run further down the darkened hallway. As they run, more of the creatures  emerge from holes in the darkness,   screaming at them and grasping at them with  the sharp claws on the end of their wings.   As they round a corner, one reaches  out and grasps the explorer’s ankle   causing him to trip and fall hard onto the  stone floor. His assistant rushes to his aid,   but as she is helping him up, two more of  the creatures appear behind her and envelop   her in their bony, winged arms. The explorer  stands up and stabs at one of them with the   jeweled spear as they drag her into a dark  hole, but a third tears it from his hands. With more still coming down the hallway  behind him, the explorer has to run. The   hallway in front of him looks to have  collapsed at some point in the past and   he has no choice but to enter one of the dark  tunnels that has been carved into the rock.   The narrow tunnel winds back and forth and the  explorer is unsure of where he is going or what   his plan is. He rounds a bend and the tunnel opens  up into a gigantic room. The ceiling must be over   a hundred feet high, and he can’t see the furthest  walls with the only light emitted by his torch,   and a dim beam of sunlight coming down  through a hole high up on the ceiling. He notices too that it has suddenly  gone quiet. He turns and looks back at   the tunnel he has just emerged from and  notices that the sound of the horrible   creatures that were chasing him has ceased. The explorer hears something coming from   deeper in the giant room and turns  back, peering into the darkness.   There in the single beam of light he sees one of  the winged creatures, but it is moving strangely,   as if it isn’t walking, but floating up into  the air. And that’s because it isn’t walking. As it gets closer, the explorer can see that  the winged creature is stuck on the tooth of a   gigantic, monstrous mouth. The huge, winged  creature emerges from the darkness into the   beam of light, tossing back its giant head to  consume the creature that was stuck in its teeth,   its bones loudly cracking in its mouth. Now in  the light, the explorer can see that the monster,   which itself must be hundreds of feet long, is  a huge flying lizard of some kind. Or at least   it was at one time, since now the majority of  its body is made only of bone. What scraps of   flesh are left hang off in rotten ribbons. The monster opens its mouth and roars at the   explorer, its foul breath smells like a mausoleum  opening up hitting the explorer in the face.   The explorer tries to run but the monster  swipes out with a bony wing that still has   a few blackened strips of leathery skin  on it and knocks him to the ground. He   is pinned to the floor with a huge spiny  claw, as the creature opens its mouth,   roaring again before moving its head  down to start feasting on its meal. The explorer closes his eyes,  bracing himself to be eaten alive   when the creature suddenly lets out an ear  piercing scream. The explorer opens his   eyes to see the jeweled spear sticking  out of one of the few spots of flesh   remaining on the creature’s clawed foot,  and gripping the shaft, is his assistant. She looks a little worse for wear, but she’s  alive. She offers him a hand to help him up. They   need to get out of there, but first the explorer  pulls the spear from the monster's claw. The   two start running, doing everything they can to  avoid the monster as it claws and swipes at them. They spot an illuminated opening at the other end  of the vast room and with no other option, start   heading towards it. As they get closer they can  see it’s just what they needed - daylight. Escape. They both slide to a stop at the cusp of the  opening, nearly tumbling over the edge. On   the other side, the tunnel opening up out of the  side of the temple gives way to nothing but air,   and a drop of hundreds of feet down to the  jungle below. They turn to see the monster   still rushing towards them and without  time to think any longer they both jump,   just seconds before the creature snaps its bony  jaws in the place where they were standing.   It’s too big to fit anything more than  its mouth out the door and it howls and   screams as they fall through the air  before crashing into the ground below. The assistant slowly opens her eyes to see  someone… It's their guide. He is cradling her   head, and asking if she’s okay. She sits up, dazed  and more than a little bruised from her fall.  She asks the guide where the explorer is, if  he’s alright, and the guide lowers his eyes,   looking as though he’d rather not answer. He  points next to them without looking and the   assistant turns to see the explorer lying  on the ground a few feet away from them,   his body impaled on the jeweled spear. History is full of tales and legends about gods,   monsters, and everything in between.  But not all of these are just stories,   and in fact sometimes the reality is even more  terrifying than what we could envision. And that   is exactly the case when it comes to SCP-4959,  also known as the Teotihuacan Pterodactylactery.  SCP-4959 is a huge creature that resembles a  pterosaur, which were flying reptiles that existed   during the Mesozoic Era. While pterosaurs  have been extinct for millions of years,   SCP-4959 is very much alive, or at the very  least, animate. This massive anomaly, whose   wingspan stretches approximately 50 meters, is  in a living state of decomposition, with roughly   70% of its flesh having rotted or otherwise  fallen away, leaving only small patches of skin   and decaying tissue clinging to its bones. The  flesh that does remain shows no signs of further   decomposition though, as if it is permanently  locked into this specific stage of advanced decay. Tests of 4959’s flesh have shown no apparent  abnormalities, save for a slightly higher than   expected concentration of iridium. Its eyes are no  longer present, but the eye sockets somehow shine   with a bright green light, though the source  of this luminescence is unknown. When angered,   the creature also emits a multicolored corona  of fire from its wings, skull, and neck. SCP-4959 was discovered in a gigantic chamber   beneath the Temple of the Feathered  Serpent in Teotihuacan, Mexico.   A number of tunnels connect to the chamber,  and these too are anything but empty. Lurking within the temple’s many twisting  passages, are entities that have been designated   SCP-4959-A. These are humanoid size creatures  appear to be constructed of various human and   pterosaur bones, creating an all-new creature  that is an amalgamation of both. The bones are   connected to a central, stone-like heart, but it  is unknown if this heart was carved from stone   or if it was at one time a real heart that turned  to stone through a process of ossification,   nor is it fully understood just how the  bones are connected to it or stay together.   The 4959-A entities also have a number of varying  adornments on their bodies which can include   strips of decayed fabric,  feathers, and precious stones,   that resemble those worn by the indigenous people  who resided in the area many centuries ago. SCP-4959 is carnivorous, though it is unknown  if it requires or simply desires to feed.   Regardless, it seems to be the task of  the SCP-4959-A entities to bring it meals,   since the 4959 creature itself is too large  to leave its chamber beneath the temple. The hallways and passages that originally  connected the temple to the chamber housing   SCP-4959 have all collapsed, and the only  tunnels now leading to it were most likely   dug into the rock and earth by the 4959-A  entities. They search through these tunnels,   most often working at night, looking for  small animals like birds and lizards,   but also occasionally finding a larger  animal or even a human who has somehow   found themselves inside. They will then bring  their live prey directly to the giant pterosaur,   offering them up as both a meal and a sacrifice.  SCP-4959 will then proceed to eat the prey whole,   sometimes consuming the 4959-A  entity at the same time as well. The temple itself is covered in carvings and  murals that give numerous hints as to the   origin of SCP-4959. While it is unknown just  how it got there, It appears as though the   local people discovered the creature within its  chamber, and regarded it as an avatar of their   Feathered Serpent god or perhaps another unknown  deity. A temple was constructed at the site,   and they soon began making sacrifices  to the god-creature that lived beneath,   starting with small animals, but then progressing  to human sacrifices on important holy days. There is also something else shown in the  murals that looks to be of great importance.   It seems as though SCP-4959 possessed a sort of  “heart” which is depicted as a large gemstone,   described as being “red as blood and bright as  the rising sun.” This gemstone was previously   housed at the pinnacle of the temple,  though its current location is unknown. Following intense study of the  site by SCP Foundation historians,   a narrative was pieced together that may  explain at least some of what happened there.   It seems as though there was an uprising  within the local population in roughly the   sixth century AD. A conflict had arisen amongst  the people as to whether this really was a god,   or something else, something evil. Those who  doubted the deific origins of SCP-4959 wrested   control of the temple and journeyed into  its depths to attempt to kill the creature.   The many scorch marks on the wall are a testament  to the battle that likely took place, and while   they suffered many losses, it appears as though  they were at least able to seal the chamber shut. It is currently unknown what became of the  great jewel on top of the temple after this,   but its location is of great interest to the   Foundation given that it may well be  the source of SCP-4959’s longevity. SCP-4959 has been classified as Euclid, and it  continues to be contained within the chamber   beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent,  though all of the tunnel entrances leading   into it have been blocked by reinforced gates.  If new ones are discovered as the result of   SCP-4959-A’s continued tunneling, they too  are to be gated and sealed. Once per week,   a large, live animal, most often a cow, is  deposited down a shaft that leads directly   to the chamber, and so far, this seems to be  keeping SCP-4959 content to stay within its tomb. Just what is SCP-4959? And what are the  half-man, half-pterosaur creatures who serve it?   Are they former human sacrifices, now destined  to live an eternity in servitude to their master?   If SCP-4959 was a god at one point, the fact  that we are now the ones responsible for   feeding it and keeping it happy means that  in a sense, we’re the ones serving it now. Now go and watch another entry from the files  of Dr. Bob, like SCP-3700 The Tides of War,   for another anomaly with god-like  implications. And make sure you   subscribe and turn on notifications,  so you don’t miss a single anomaly,   as we delve further and further into the  SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 1,604,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-4959, scp 4959, scp4959, scp dinosaur, scp dino, scp zombie, scp, scp foundation, scp animation
Id: YE0-RIJ3Q_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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