Grammar Series - How to use 'Future Perfect'

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Oh everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here today for today's grammar lesson I want to take a look at is sometimes difficult verb tense to master and that is future perfect okay this is not quite an everyday verb tense but it is one that is important and we're going to take a look at why it's important okay so i put here first what is future perfect okay well it looks like we'll plus half plus a past participle that is our basic form so it looks something like we'll have gone we'll have taken or we'll have finished right notice that the verb form those are called the past participle okay and why do I need the future perfect okay well there is a basic situation that we use the future perfect i put here to express an activity that will be completed by another time or vent in the future okay similar to pass perfect with future perfect we're comparing two events in the future and we're saying what the relationship is between them in the future especially the relationship as to when one is finished and when the other one is finished right so the relationship between the two okay and also wrong here often use together with by the time by next week by next year and so on okay it could be very specific it could be by September fourth or by the time i have my 21st birthday or by the time I go on vacation okay so often we're going to use the word by or by the time and some specific time period in the future okay let's see if we can take a look at some examples of future perfect okay then let's take a look at some of these examples here so the first one I wrote i put here i will have finished all of my exams by this time next week okay in this case i'm sort of forecasting what will be completed by a certain time in the future okay if we look at this little chart I drew here okay we think about okay here's today and let's let's say that today's Tuesday okay if I look at next Tuesday imagine if I were to go to next Tuesday ok imagine here I am it's next tuesday and i want to look back at my week ok will i have finished the exams well the answer is yes because i will have completed the exams before or by next Tuesday so again going to next tuesday and then looking backwards on the week I can see what I will have completed so again I'm sort of forecasting my future and imagining what will be finished when I look back from next Tuesday ok and I put another example here too with a little graph I'll have known my best friend Kevin for 10 years next month ok so again think about the graph here 10 years ago I met Kevin now if I look to next month which is at the end of the graph 10 years knowing Kevin that will be the sort of anniversary 10 years knowing him by the look I can see here is now so I'm not quite at the 10 years yet but notice here to that this event actually started nine years and 11 months ago right almost 10 years ago and then continues to a point pass now so again if I look at the relationship of two things my anniversary or my 10-year anniversary of being friends with Kevin will take place next month so i will have known him for 10 years next month ok and a couple more examples here next Wednesday my wife and I will have been married for five years so same thing is the Kevin example i'm showing what will have happened or what benchmark or what point i will have reached five years from now ok one more example by nine-thirty I'll have finished my homework again if i go to 930 and look back i can say that this will be completed so i will have finished it ok i also wrote here i'll finish mine work by nine thirty notice this is not in the future perfect tense this is just in the simple future tent so what is the difference between the simple future tense and the future perfect tense that's what I want to look at next okay so i wrote over the top here i put what's the difference between future perfect and simple future okay let's look at a couple of examples I wrote here the difference is the reference point where the speaker imagined that he or she will be okay so if we look at this small conversation want to come see a late movie tonight it starts at 10pm it'll take us 20 minutes to get to the theater okay and the other person replies sure all have finished my homework by nine-thirty so i can come no problem okay if we think about this the second speaker is imagining his future he's going to 10pm in the future and he's looking back and he's saying to himself the homework will have been finished at nine-thirty so he knows that this event will be completed before the start time of the movie which is 10pm okay that's a little complicated to understand if we look at the second example when will you finish your homework I'll finish my homework by nine-thirty okay in this case the second speaker is just making an assertion that this event will be completed okay they're just trying to make a statement that they will finish the homework by nine-thirty they're not actually going to the future and looking back okay so in that case there isn't a second event or there isn't a specific time period that they're comparing this to they're only giving the final completed time of the homework okay I think overall the biggest thing to remember between future perfect and simple future is that there isn't a major important difference however it is really important again if we want forecast something and then sort of turn around in the future and say will this be completed by the time another event happens okay I think that's the most important thing overall to remember okay that is the end of today's lesson I hope I was able to shed some light on how to use future perfect thank you so much for joining me here at Maple Leaf ESL and I look forward to seeing you again next time
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 22,572
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Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, grammar, verb tenses, future perfect, future perfect tense, how to use grammar, i will have done, will have finished, will have completed, will have taken, will have eaten, will have arrived
Id: nX2G-aa5qhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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