Grammar Lesson: Reporting Verbs

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okay now let's talk about reporting verbs reporting verbs are to be used as an alternative and more exact way of reporting what someone says you're already familiar with some of the reported speech he said she said they said we will review that a little bit when we come to the end but first let's talk about the way we use the reporting birds basically this first list that you will see on your grammar sheet is the verbs that you use with two plus the infinitive so I agree to go meet you for lunch I offer or she offered to pay for his meal refused she refused to go with him promise I promise to pay the bill he threatened to leave okay so I'm sorry but you have to just memorize these agree offer refused promise and threaten to do something okay in this case the second list you have I or he or she or they whatever the verb and then you or him to do something I advise you I advise you to listen to your boss she asked him she asked him not always you she asked him to too car convinced he convinced her to call the mechanic encouraged they encouraged all the passengers to stay in their seats we invited them to come with us the congressman persuaded them to vote for the bill she reminded me to get up early I told him to leave me alone and we warned you about the dog uh-huh about the dog that didn't come out right we warned you to stay away from the dog okay so there's the thought pattern and then the last one is the ing form she apologized and there's another there's a list in your grammar sheet she apologized for breaking in his shovel she apologized for breaking his shovel he admitted not needing it okay so you've got your list of birds that go with this ing form which you'll see on your piece of paper so just to go over the idea of direct speech reported speech and reporting verbs direct speech would be I'm sorry I'm sorry that's it reported speech he said he was sorry and that's perfectly fine it's correct you can always say he said they said she said we said said is always fine if you want to be more exact or more interesting if you want to bury your verbs then you would use a reporting verb such as he apologized he apologized okay so that is the reporting verbs
Channel: Susan Soesbe
Views: 3,041
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Id: G2O14SVRpbs
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Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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