Reported Speech - Reporting Verbs

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hi guys this is the last video in our series about reported speech yes this is the last thing really that you need to know about reported speech the reporting verbs what are reporting verbs Miss Lucy when we do recorded speech most of the time we use the verbs say tell or ask right so for example he said that bah bah bah she told me bah bah bah they asked us bah bah bah yes and that's fine that's all fine a perfect you can use those verbs but what's the problem sometimes you want to be a little bit more specific about the tone or the intention of the speaker so that's when we use reporting verbs it's to reflect the tone or the intention so maybe you want to emphasize that the person was angry or that the person was upset or that the person was complaining or something like this so you've got lots and lots of verbs that you can use in reported speech I've put together in a chart basically all of them that you need to know all the most important ones the chart is available in a link in the description of this video I put a link to a PDF file of the verbs into a chart I recommend that you pause the video right now copy that link into a URL open that link so that you can look at the verbs while we're looking at these examples you can also feel free to print that chart if you want it's a good idea so that you've got it with you at all times if you don't have a printer at your house you can just copy it into your notebook the chart is organized based on what type of sentence we use those verbs with so depending on if it's a statement or a question or an order etc etc so you've got the verbs organized that way the verbs centered in red green and blue those ones are irregular so you have to be careful with those ones but basically just we're going to look at some examples of different sentences think about what kind of sentence it is and that's how we just which verbs we can use so open that shirt and then we're going to look at these examples where did I put my phone and then we have Luke Luke said this sentence okay we've got to be cool here there's a question mark so what type of sentence is it it's a question obviously so like always we can always put Luke asked but today we're going to look at different verbs so if you look at the chart under questions you've got different options there inquire want to know wonder which one do you think makes sense in this sentence which one would be the most appropriate verb to use if Luke says where did I put my phone do you think he is asking his friend or is he asking his mom or is he asking himself he's asking himself where did I put my phone like he's thinking to himself so which verb do we use that in that case wonder yes so we're gonna write Luke of course we always have to put our reporting verbs in the past simple so wonder and the best symbol is wondered Luke wondered and now we're going to finish the sentence a reported speech for questions let's think about our structure do we have a wh bird yes we do wh-where is where so we put that next next in our structure after the WH word we have to find the subject and then we're going to put the verb with a tense change okay so we're plus our subject what's the subject where did I put my phone I is the subject can I put I will that make sense Luke wondered where I know we're talking about Luke Luke is wondering about Luke's phone so I said it I if it's a boy we put Yi and our verb conjugate it one step back and the correct tense here we got ding put which is the past simple so in reported speech we have to use past perfect simple past perfect simple is had plus the participle had the participle of the main verb the verb here is put so put put put okay that's the difficult part now we continue the rest of the sentence my phone can I say my phone we're not talking about Miss Lucy's phone were talking about Luke's phone so instead of mine we have to say his Luke wonder where he had put his phone next one let's go out to eat and see a movie Julie Julie said this sentence what type of sentence is this we haven't got a question mark so we got to think about it do you see how many maybe like key words that could help us to know which type of sentence it is less Lex is a key word for suggestions very much for suggestions okay with suggestions pull out your chart what verb options have we got for suggestions we have suggest and recommend which one do you think would fit better in this sentence suggested or recommended you could really put either one in this sentence I think suggested is a little bit better why because it says bless that means Julie is including herself recommendations are usually for someone else so you that's usually where we see like should you should do this he should do that they should do that but if I include myself that's usually more of a suggestion I think so we're going to put Julie suggested now muscle structure suggestions we have two structures two options so we can do whichever one you prefer I'm going to do what I think is the easier option which is the verb with the gerund that's it and then you just continue the sentence so what's the name inverter oh we have two verbs in this sentence if you have two verbs you have to conjugate both verbs depending on what type of sentence it is either with a tense change or following the structure so here we have go is one of our main jurors but we also have C right Julie suggested both of these things go out to eat and see a movie so we have to put both of those verbs in the correct tense in the conjugation okay so with ing go with ing is going so Julie suggested going out to eat do I have to change to eat no when you have two pairs of verbs together right next to each other let me conjugate the first verb that's the main verb only conjugate that one so going out to eat the dress is the same and now we have our second main verb C so the same thing we have to put it in the gerund is to follow our structure there C with ing seeing and then the rest presented a movie so Julie suggested going out to eat and seeing a movie this one I will never speak to Tom again Stephanie is very upset so do you see why here this could be a good place to put a reporting firm if I just say Stephanie said that's not really giving us the feeling of the sentence so what kind of sentence is this one I will never speak to Tom again say a question no definitely not a question is it an order no or request no an offer no it's not a suggestion so it's just a statement it's just a fact an opinion or an idea it's a statement okay which verb from the list of statements statement verbs do you think would be appropriate here she's saying she won't do something again she won't so it's a type of refusal I won't do that what because I will never that so that means she won't she won't do it again so that means she is refusing to do something so we can use the verb refuse now be careful refuse is one of the special verbs on your list why is it special because we don't follow the structure of a statement so even though this is a statement when we put the reporting verb refuse we don't follow the structure of a statement it has a different structure so if you look at the bottom of the chart I explained there the structure with refused so we're going to put refuse in the past and both refused and what's the structure it's the same structure as we use for orders requests and offers which is that we put two and then the main verb in the base form what's our main verb in this sentence I will never speak to Tom again speak is the main verb so we just put two and speak in base form how we speak in base part is the Sam is already in the base board speak and then just like with orders requests and offers we continue the sentence from this point so to top okay now is this the only correct answer is this the only reporting verb that I could use here no not necessarily because we have many verb options there could be many correct answers it just depends on the exercise what they're asking you if they give you options but there could be more than one correct answer what's another verb that could fit here maybe you were thinking of a different verb you could use an ounce she's like announcing something you could use declare she's declaring something so let's do one more sentence we're going to report this same sentence but we're going to use a different reporting verb and therefore a different structure so let's use for example declare so Stephanie declare this one's not an irregular reporting verb it's a statement it's under the chart understatement so we have to follow the structure of a statement so for a statement we have to follow the sentence exactly as it is with the word that yes ok so Stephanie declared that now we just continue the sentence from the beginning so I can I boy I know we're talking about Stephanie Stephanie was speaking so Stephanie isn't a girl she will wail and reported speech changes to would never speak so now this just stays the same we changed will to would the room after it stays in base form which it will already be so would never speak to Tom again is there anything else we have to change here no just like this so a second option for the sentence is Stephanie declared that she would never speak to Tom again both sentences are correct and that's it you finished reported speech you know everything that there is to know about reported speech study the list of reporting verbs and you are good to go by
Channel: Lucy Consler
Views: 19,647
Rating: 4.9240875 out of 5
Id: T-dU6R8fVVI
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Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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