Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds in English

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45 common verbs followed by gerunds in english you may have noticed that when you have two verbs in a row the second one may be an infinitive or a gerund why is this why do you prepare to take an exam but practice taking an exam really there's no reason or principle involved this means that you just have to learn these practice these verbs and then when someone uses them in conversation you'll recall hearing them here these words are all quite common are you ready admit he was embarrassed to admit making a mistake advise he advised applying at once anticipate i didn't anticipate having to do the cooking myself acknowledge she acknowledged receiving assistance appreciate i appreciate having enough time to finish avoid she decided to be a nun in order to avoid meeting him bear i wish she wouldn't eat so fast i can't bear watching her begin i began teaching in 1984 complete he completed drawing his pictures consider investors should consider putting some money into an annuity defer she deferred writing my thesis delay big companies often delay paying their bills deny she denied taking the money discuss we briefly discussed buying a second car dislike i dislike being the center of attention verbs followed by gerunds enjoy i really enjoy talking to you entail this review procedure entails repeating the test finish he finished cleaning the kitchen forget i'll never forget visiting them hate i hate getting to the theater late intend i hear they intend marrying involve this procedure involves testing each sample twice justify my results justify taking drastic action keep i keep thinking about joe all alone in that place like she likes playing tennis love i love going out to restaurants mention he mentioned going to that college mind would you mind repeating what you just said miss he had missed being elected by a single vote postpone he postponed returning to paris verbs followed by gerunds practice today we're going to practice parking prefer chantal prefers traveling by train quit she quits worrying about the problem recall i don't recall seeing any cars parked outside recollect i recollect seeing ryder some years ago in bonn recommend i would never recommend using a sun bed on a regular basis regret i regret leaving school so young resent many conscripts resent having to do their military service resist she can never resist buying new shoes risk he risked being caught start he started tipping the pea pods into a pan stop i hoped he would stop asking awkward questions suggest tracy suggested meeting for a drink after work tolerate we don't tolerate smoking in the library try they decided they would try living in america for a while there now you have a good selection of common verbs that are followed by gerunds you're ready to risk talking with a native speaker you've got this [Music] you
Channel: 7ESL Learning English
Views: 37,707
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: Verbs Followed by Gerunds, gerunds, grammar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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