Anno 1800: Sarge's Top 5 Early Production Chains and Specialists

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hey how's it going fellow city builders to a another episode here on the channel today we're going to be doing something a little bit different um a little bit not of a let's play i was thinking about as i was working through season two of when i first started to learn to play anno 1800 um i guess it wasn't even that long ago but i put a lot of hours in but like everybody else you know maybe not like everybody else but most people will go to youtube to try to find like tips and tricks via you know a million different ways and i found other youtubers who i learned a lot from but also really just talked about you know the best and it's always like all these legendary items that you just can't get to early game when it's probably the most important whether you don't have the population or you don't have the money but i did find it was taking quite a while to get to some of those items and while while doc lanes has changed a lot of my production priorities because you can get stuff in a little bit easier without having to create full supply chains i really try to leverage the trade unions to produce a little bit more and have more synergy or cooperation between those items and be able to get them earlier without having to rely on missions or special population quests so stay tuned today we're going to be going over my top five production chains in early game and not in any particular order with the exception of number one i'm also keeping it items i feel you can get them earlier and more often where you're just not relying on some lucky mission if you disagree with any of these feel free to leave it down in the comment section below with your opinions or your favorite chains and items so before i get into the first chain that we're going to be talking about today one thing i wanted to mention is that i'm not going to be able to grade any higher or lower for maintenance reduction or worker reduction i do feel once you leave early game that becomes a less of an issue and you don't necessarily have to worry about it near as much as you do in really early game but you're not messing too much with trade unions and harbor master type items whether you're using doc the doc lands building or a harbor master's office but the first chain we're going to be talking about today is fishing now when dock lanes first came out i saw youtubers all over the place using it to create a absorbent amount of fish and just trading it all off while that can be viable it's kind of not a way i want to play i do over produce a little bit to get some extra items that we're going to talk about to trade off or use later in different production chains so in fishing one of the first items i try to put in me with my you do need a docklands wolf for this unfortunately you could use a harbormaster's office too i just find it's a little more efficient with the docklands building but the first item i tend to use is going to be the veteran whaler so the with the veteran whaler you get a maintenance reduction which i guess is okay but you can get one towel for every five processes on your fishing docks so for a small example if you have five fishing docks for every time they all produce one you should get one towel based on averages so the more you can up your production percentage especially on these raw items because you're not waiting for anything else to create them so with fish they just the higher production you have the lower the production time the more you know quote unquote ticks you're going to get out of it you're going to proc which is just a word where something happens to get more tallow the second item i love using is going to be the mother of pearls she brings a forty percent production increase and also one tallow for every four seconds so that's that's helping out how much tile you can actually bring in even quicker the last item i tend to use is fine fishing net now i only use this if i haven't finished the nate's quest yet if i finish the nate's quest and i can do transmutation i will almost always get the sticky claw which is up on the screen it gives you just i think it's 35 percent extra production i know might even be 50 i think it's 50 but just based on the setup that i've got on the initial setup on the screen with the fine fishing net you can get an extra 65 allowing you to gain about three fish for every minute or so from a single dock along with one tower every minute and a half from a single dock in this particular example that i have set up i can with six docks i can push 26 tons of fish and 12 tons of tallow per minute or so um my docks can they process one every 18 seconds so you do need to have space so i guess you do have to spend a little bit on depots up front because you're going to need to be able to store all this stuff but i i love trading octal especially if i'm able to do some stuff with my soap production on to the next one so using up some of the benefits that you've gotten from the last production chain we're going to talk about the soap chain so using summer all the towel that you got for free on that last chain assuming you didn't decide to trade it off which to be honest would be viable too especially if you get one particular item you can get some great value without using your population to actually produce it the first item we're going to take a second to talk about is going to be the soap maker she's going to give you 20 increase in production and she's a super common item you find it absolutely constantly in early game and it's a pretty cheap item even without the reduction in trade prices the second is going to be the herbal hygienist he brings you 30 increased and that's really it but that 30 still does matter the last one is going to be probably my most used specialist and you kind of have to pay attention to it and buy it whenever it does pop up so you're not spending just a ton of money trying to buy it later but it's going to be ferrous elsa rami hopefully i'm saying that right i don't know but besides his other little minor bonuses he brings a hefty fifty percent increase in production and for this is going to total about an 80 increase getting almost two to one from this chain for every time the building produces one there is some wiggle room here so if you don't plan to use the tallow and you happen to have been lucky to get the uh perfumer prunella which allows you to use wood instead of tallow which reduces the cost to produce so an incredible amount personally i drop the soap maker to make room for this item as soon as i can find it as wood is easier to acquire through docklands it's cheaper you can set up chains for it really easy plus there's other items that would actually deal with that chain two to actually increase that i've also got lucky a few times and gotten the melting point apparatus which would give you another 35 but it's definitely not as easy to come by and i've probably only gotten it real early a small handful of times so you can either use your towel from the other chain you can combine these together putting them on the same island in the same area and just kind of use enough of your tallow coming from your docks to supply what you need for your workers on to the next one so number three on my list is actually a mixed production chain between windows and carpentry workshops later on you'd probably separate these off or have their own particular areas but probably the most important piece of this trading union is going to be the master craftsman morris item his biggest benefit is the free pearls you can get so for every four processes you get one pearl uh the next item needs very little introduction but it's gonna be ferrous also robbie again for the same 50 increase you just can't be that man i love that item uh it's it's not even that expensive either it's probably why i i like it so much but the third item can actually be interchanged depending on which one you come across first so harker's electric lathe gives you an extra 50 production or the cabinet maker for the 30 and a reduction in workforce i found it easier to get the cabinetmaker i found that one more often but i've actually gotten harkers a few times early game so whichever one you can come by with this setup assuming you're unlucky you would have an 80 increase and would get a pearl on average every 24 seconds from one carpenter and one every minute and a half from a window maker which is free to do with what you want i prefer to trade them off especially early game until you really need to start making a lot of jewelry so i may try and start trading off jewelry down the road here give that a try i personally love to trade off those pearls so in the wood if you really wanted to if you had trouble using it all up fast enough but it can definitely get you well into late game so these last two chains number four and five it's really kind of i really love them both they're two of my favorite ones especially once i have the workforce to be able to produce them but they're so versatile and they bring so much to the table you know from a value standpoint and from a a personal productive standpoint but number four is gonna have to be the bread chain so for the first item that i tend to use in this chain it's gonna be the fine cake decorator she brings a 30 increase in production but more importantly she gives you a ton of chocolate so one for every five processes for which me only takes about 90 seconds in this particular setup with special specialists and items so i can produce a lot of chocolate really quickly and if you get this up early enough you could have enough chocolate to hold over your later populations before you actually need to actually either create more chains or start trading it to bring it in the second item is pata sierra patrice i have no clue if i'm saying that right you people who speak french probably be able to correct me on that pretty easily but he gives you a 40 increase on top of this and last as you guessed is going to be ferrous with that extra 50 it gives you such a big bump on top of the amount of raw resources um yeah he's so valuable on some of the raw resources because you can bring them in and you're not waiting on something else so with the bread maker you know waiting on flour need grain but if you put ferrous on oars you know he can just produce as much as you want you're actually getting more value out of that but in this particular setup i'm getting 100 120 doubling my basic production and with the electricity i could be producing uh bread at over three tons per minute and getting about a chocolate every 90 seconds just from just one bakery for both of those in this particular setup of seven bakeries i can produce 22 tons of bread and four tons of chocolate every minute um it's quite a bit it's quite a bit i i do need to be better about trading off my bread i'm probably gonna turn that into a trade item at some point um because i feel like i always have extra on it all right and from my number one personal favorite chain in relatively early game is going to be sand quarries so the star of the this particular trade union and really what makes it so special is going to be grigor the geologist he brings free electricity doubling the output of a raw resource so this isn't dependent on anything it's really just dependent on the amount of space you have so anything that you get more raw resources faster super valuable super productive and worth the trade he also brings the benefit of getting one pro for every four processes the second item in this little setup is going to be my favorite and shouldn't be any it shouldn't be any surprise it's going to be feralis alzarami again for the sweet 50 increase the last piece is going to be the quarry foreman for another thirty percent making the total increase of a hundred eighty percent nearly doubling it with electricity while doubling even the electric amount when you think about it allowing for about one ton of sand for every ten seconds or six tons every minute you're also getting about one pearl every two minutes from a single wharf so in this particular setup i can get per minute well no i wouldn't say per minute but maybe in between captain tobias picking up i can get about 210 pearls and he 854 sand in that amount of time using like that 30 minute you know or so estimate between pickups but i can get about 15 pearls per minute and about 180 sand now depending on how fast you want to go if you finish the nate's chain you could set up a harbor like i haven't used the dock lanes in this particular setup but i've been using the harbor so if you actually finished off nate's quest you could have a trade union and then you can use the harbor master to get the sticky claws and transmute that from nate for another 35 on top so you can just create an incredible amount of pearls out of here to be able to trade off but that's going to be my somewhat top five in mostly no particular order uh production chain setups that i use in my playthroughs to be able to create a little more production a little extra value out of my builds if they're ugly but they're productive so thanks for checking out the little bit of a tutorial i'm creating it's a little bit different than what i normally create for the channel but it's something i enjoy doing and um i am kind of a numbers geek feel free to leave any of your comments down in the comment section below you can also join the discard there is a link to it there any other little tutorials you'd like me to take a look at or things that you think my opinion would be value on leave it in the comments section but until next time take care of yourselves you
Channel: Sergeant Towel
Views: 11,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno, anno 1800, tutorial, specialists, trade union
Id: Gw_nnzJKo7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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