BIG BANK! - Let's Play ANNO 1800 - Ep.19 [All DLC]

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hello everybody darren here and welcome back to episode 19 in my anno 1800 let's play now in the last episode we had our christmas special where we took a walk around our various cities and settlements and also took a delightful hike up crown falls but today we're back in business we essentially want to be raising our population pretty much everywhere we can and raising our industry to cope alongside it now a quick thing i just wanted to mention right here at the beginning is people had asked me how do you turn off the snow i don't think you can around the week of christmas and leading up to new year this is just the thing that ubisoft blue by do in nano 1800 they did it last year as well you can actually spot santa claus flying around every now and then as well uh i turned it off in my last video using a different method of snow which was uh to put yourself down on the ground find santa and then get the easter egg to trigger it whenever you want that's a separate thing but the snow that you're experiencing most likely is just the kind of holiday event snow that they've added for pretty much everybody all right so there's a lot to do i haven't played this in a while actually one of the first things i want to do is go down to the pirate cove and grab some gold because we're about to run out of pocket watches there's actually a monitor here for sale a pirate monitor and you know me i like buying my pirate ships so we're going to buy that right off on her and harlow half a million that's the kind of money we're dealing with now no problem at all and she's got a quest here as well let's have a look bart is a walking cliche of a pirate and a dead one if he doesn't learn to keep his trap shut bring me that annoying bird he keeps by his bedside and i'll have one of the lands babysit it while he learns so we get a cropper 11 000 some reputation now we'll just use this ship to grab as much gold as we can and bring it back to swords now people have been saying what's the point of doing quests if they're only going to give you 10 or 11 000 gold it's not for the money that i'm doing it it's fun i find it fun i know a lot of people struggle to understand that concept in anno especially um but i just find it fun it breaks up the monotony of the game doing different things challenging yourself to do things in a timed way i i don't know i just have fun i also like reading them and obviously occasionally they do give you good rewards with good items and things like that so if i see quests i typically like to do them um like this one here actually i always like to do the citizen quest because you actually get really good items an artisan offers me a photography quest the grand opening finally grandfather's canning plan comes true a picture will inspire my own grandchildren to preserve ha the business forever let's see what he did there preserve canned food photograph the cannery i could do that man it's a quite picturesque area in a way all right how we what do we get not so grand opening few attend opening ceremony of family run counting business since only they and their relatives seem to have any degree of enthusiasm for it ouch it's kind of sad what do we got hey look at that that's why we do quests we got a legendary on him it's a treasure hunt of all things as well let's check it out a treasure hunt in cape trelloni a cartographer and linguist studied the ancient manuscript to produce a map that leads to the legendary city of atlantis the herdsmen's journal let's activate it so we can activate that now let's go visit cape trelloni and we have our diving bell ship here we just want to drop some of this stuff off in ground falls itself let's see if we've got anything else we don't really need we need to drop all this off as well let's send this ship back to whoops wrong button back to swords we're going to have to pull a lot of steel out of swords and into the new world and into cape trollani for a while until we get it set up itself let's just go old world again swords all right cool so what we do is dump some basic scrap dump the shark keep the rest really don't need that scrap might sell it actually let's get rid of that bit as well and uh yeah let's go down to nate actually do we have have we found where it is yet no that's okay there i need to go down to nate really quickly what have we got here is this cape trelawny this is the old world i want to grab this item so or person my colon destroyer of brilliant jewels so salvage scrap amount is 30 increased but an increased chance of finding items of rarity rare epic and legendary while diving so i'm going to swap the this thing which is salva scrap amount 30 with her because they're both salvage crap 30 but she also has the rarity stuff so we don't actually need the advanced umbilical cable anymore we could sell it or just i mean yeah i might as well sell it right it does the exact same thing so and we just made it once before sells for 177 000 apparently um so we'll see how that goes and then we'll get doing that quest all right let's just hop back over to the old world for a moment so something i'd actually made a mistake on that some people caught me up on is that i had two coffee roots for some reason i don't know how my brain skipped a beat for like the last four or five episodes even reading comments i didn't catch up somehow i didn't catch up on it the fact that i kept saying on swords like where are we getting this coffee from i don't know where it was always full and i was like oh it must have been a festival or something but no we have a coffee route i set it up a while ago and it was working great so ultimately what i did was i merged i then later set up a second coffee route thinking that was the first time we were doing it anyway they're merged they're both using coffee and coming back now so they should be fine but i have noticed that we do have two coal routes in the old world and we can definitely merge these up so the snapdragon is picking everything it can up from lusk and then dumping it in swords um i think then what i'll get it to do is it should hit this one as well right so load as much coal as you can from rush and we'll take the other ship off that chances are we're not gonna fill this whole thing up anyway but you never know one two three four five six okay cool snapdragon uh and we'll just move that up there we go so it'll hit lusk it'll hit rush and it'll dump everything in swords okay so consolidates that down a little bit as well and we can get rid of the kohler so turn that off delete the route and exit out so that means that we've now an idle ship with probably some coal on it now there's nothing on it actually so that's fine um maybe we'll come down and just buy the rest of that gold actually so what was the quest for ann harlow let's have a look destroy a schooner now we have this pirate monitor just dump that gold in there that's why our money has gone down because we stopped making pocket watches so let's go see if we can find that schooner now so the schooner is down the very south end of the map all right we'll have to flick back to that in a moment try to intercept it with multiple ships if we can okay back over to cape trelawny right so let's transfer the item onto the diving bell let's turn this one off put this one on they essentially do the same thing dump that over there for now dump that over there for now and we'll get searching so let's have a look at where we're looking for dive at the location okay so an island with this kind of thing cutting through it um and it's on the top right of it so let's just orientate our camera correctly well found it pretty much instantly top right i don't know if i'm probably looking in the wrong spot am i yeah over there there we go right there excellent so that should be really good right that was a legendary treasure map that we found that we've got all our legendary items if i don't get some legendary loot i'll be very disappointed but i'm sure we will awesome okay good now another thing i wanted to do and again another thing i wanted to address the comments on some people have been saying out in puerto vanus that multiple people actually said that you missed one of the oil spills that you could have got i actually i didn't it's a it's a claim excuse me a clay pit i don't think there's an extra oil spill here but what i should have done and nobody actually picked me up on this is there is a huge group of oil spills up here if we just build the railway line a bit further back um we can get even more right so that'd be a good idea to do that we'll have loads of oil coming back then it's going to take a lot of steel so that's why i was saying the ships that are returning now are perfect these ones are going to go pick up some steel in fact we can go hit what's his name archibald he's also selling monitor ships now as well i'm not gonna buy that i just wanted the pirate one for fun but anyway yeah with that so that will allow us to get 150 steel go to the new world uh with a load of steel and then go to cape trolling with steel as well we should be good to go all right back to cape trollani are we almost there we're almost there so i'll just wait to do this and then i'll focus more on building so what i'm planning on doing is essentially upgrading that oil and starting to really hit bright harvest everywhere we can especially here in the cape um turn cape trelawny island crown falls into a big production island that's out for like a better term uh lots of you know produce and then shipping that around the world to old to um swords and stuff like that so that's that's the goal generally i want to raise the population of swords and have swords be the import island take in everything and have places like uh cape trail trollani give stuff out so what did we get we got the temple of anissa don i don't know how to say that but um it is a legendary it's equipped in the museum a remarkably well preserved monument of the aegean golden age that's smacks of dolphins and fish alright we'll go on just do the other one and then we'll send the ship back we seem to be really close to wherever this is apparently and of course we're making our money by creating those pocket watches with that gold and then you know sending it off to embassa all the time i've noticed some other things you could do to make money if people are interested uh old nate actually buys gold for 4 400 and you can basically uh buy gold from the pirates if you've managed to get your relations good with them for half that amount so you could double your money with gold shipments to him if you wanted to do that set up some roots if you hadn't got invested for instance all right let's just grab this last little dive and then we'll be back on the build and i think what i'm going to do is just like um rather irresponsibly just upgrade a lot of people back in swords and see how we handle it and then build chains after the fact maybe that's not such a great idea but i kind of just feel like getting the engineers that we need to get a bank all right not the best find really we just got scrapped so we'll just head back back to the center of the map really i'll leave there actually there's something off that way so we'll just head roughly out that way archibald has offered me a destruction quest delicacy is by far the more my preferred modus operandi but certain occasions require one to pound the cream from the eclair so to speak the movement will suffer if enemy sorry pound the cream from the eclairs or something i don't think i can forget now the movement will suffer if enemy reinforcements reach the colonies mom wants you to make sure that never happens quests are cool people are eager for war it's the best you're gonna get who's attacking i didn't i don't see who's attacking but someone is also i'm supposed to be getting this ship and it looks like they're almost stuck in here at the moment oh my harbor is firing back is it oh my god it's actually quite a lot of them right where's our ships this is right across okay they're coming down now the pirate ships are on the way my ships are gonna get destroyed in here all right cool we're taking out the um quest ship as well now i don't think i've lost any ships i could be wrong but i don't think so see this is why i don't want to do war because it'll just be me sitting here deaf almost deaf in the ear right now that's why i'm not talking very much because i have to scream to get to hear myself but anyway that's what that's essentially war that's how war happens if they're going to attack a settlement as well you just have to grind down the building it's got a hole in the back of it actually i don't think i've ever noticed that before that's pretty cool all right let's get what they dropped let's get what they dropped out here got that parrot and this one was for her okay sail back the cool thing about a monitor ship and other steam ships obviously is that they don't rely on sales so they have a consistent speed it's much more reliable for trade rates uh we're gonna buy all of these steel okay and that's our proof of destruction cool all right man so creaming la corona sir archibald would prefer the certain enemy reinforcements never managed to reach the movement's territory if you could deal with that problem they just appeared right outside my port apparently but all right and that'll be it for quests i think in this episode i mean we are pretty quest heavy there at the beginning admittedly we did get some good items out of it with the temple have to decide where to build a museum still kind of deciding how that's going to work in the cape all right 45 000 is an all-right amount as well something i've never actually built just thinking about it is a repair crane because i just know that i'm going to be avoiding war as best as i can so i haven't really focused on it too much all right let's get to work so basically what we need to get our bank set up here is 3 000 investors currently we have 2 200 i think so we can actually just check it that's cool a lot of people coming out of the uh it's like graduation day or something out of the university there so there we go 2200 so we have 40 engineers per building right so that means what is that 20 right 20 houses are needed 20 engineer houses are needed to get to that bank whether or not we can keep up with what their demands are going to be it's another matter but let's just start building that we'll get the first 10 and then see how our consumption is holding up so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so that's ten houses there and we'll just slot them down one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so we'll do it that way so just dump all these guys over there we actually don't need replacement artisans we could put down replacement artisans just in case for what we want later and this should help money obviously a lot as well boom okay uh now let's just catch up on some of those artisans just it's a bit dodgy when you don't have that many workers get the workers back on form good all right that's nice and then we'll go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten nice and uh just do the same to them basically bring them all over here ready thanks anne all right let's get that last bit of gold as well i'll keep bringing that back really got a set of our own gold really you know obviously that'd be nice hey we're in the red we're in the black sorry um cool all right so there we go artisans are back in place workforce is a little low but as the villagers kind of start to grow again that should be okay uh we'll just get replacement ones down now there we go so that's given us halfway to what we need to get our bank right so these guys have canned food sewing machines fur coats a university glasses coffee electricity and light bulbs so really we don't worry about the university electricity that's going to be static but the others are going to be consumed more now as well as that the rum penny farthings and pocket watches are going to be consumed a little bit faster also so let's check all these things out we can go to consumer goods scroll to the bottom because that's going to be the highest tier stuff first we're totally fine for light bulbs coffee is coming in from the new world i'm pretty sure that that's also fine but if you want to check against it you just go hold control portabenu's and actually this is just portability that does it we are just over that limit four to four so we're also checking the demand of what portabendous itself is consuming right so that's good so we know that we're we're properly suited to doing this but that shows you right there that when we get 10 more houses we'll probably go over that limit and again just to remind people if they're wondering what these numbers mean it's ton per minute obviously every building makes one ton of whatever it's making on whatever timer it has it's always one ton that comes out so you can basically say like oh well you know this is four tons per minute so you could just like you know work out the production chain that you need there or you could just not look at the numbers and and just put down enough until that blue bar is bigger than the green or uh smaller than the green bar if you wanted to do it that way all right let's just flick back onto swords so we have pocket watches are fine penny farthings are fine glass is okay fur coats are even good love to see it uh what else rum that might be a bit of a dodgy one so let's check on rum that's apparently okay as well better than the coffee even surprisingly uh sewing machines though not looking so hot nor is canned food and we are sending we want to be sending sewing machines to port venice eventually so we might have to get another one of these up and running and some canned food so that's where our residents for workers and our residents for artisans is going to become quite important for us now now something i just thought of doing as well let's just dump or get more construction material here rather annoyingly we're actually picking it up all the time and shipping it around that's all right damn lost my train of thought knew that would happen uh what was it going to do what was it going to do well actually something else i can do as well we want to take some of these to cape trollani steam motors i was going to pick up something else though one more thing oh i've lost it i'm so sorry it's gonna frustrate the crap out of me now of about what that was so basically i'll just have to retread my steps i was working on growing these guys back up to 3000 was checking the consumer goods we were checking against canned food and sewing machines okay sewing machines sewing machines are there and here that's going to require more steel over time hmm wood should be okay as well yeah i don't remember i was going to send a ship somewhere but i just don't remember what i was planning on doing with it oh i remember i got it i nailed it uh i won't forget this time ah sucks non-aggression packed room shortage city becomes uglier okay increased needs by 10 percent decrease happiness but reduce riot chance at least that's okay i don't like getting the increased needs one that's the worst so what i wanted to do was create the robot that nate can make that gives you a reduced workforce in a trade union by like 50 percent really good um obviously we want to be able to put that somewhere like the heavy industry area that we have so this would be perfect because each of these are taking a hundred workers so we can have all that we're gonna make so you know we're gonna do way better for that um but it's gonna require certain things so we can have a look over at cape trollani let's check out nate's uh little area the item we want is this one so it requires 15 special scrap 15 filaments 10 work clothes and 5 light bulbs so all we need to bring with us is the light bulbs and the filaments and we could make as many of these as we can really so let's just grab filaments and light bulbs actually it's an intermediate i think oh no we don't have any filaments uh okay well light bulbs surely you only need 10 so let's just take 10 for now might use these here for something else later so filaments are used in the light bulb factory let's just pause the light bulb factory for now we'll let this do its thing we're going to have to wait until we get how many was it 10 or 15 or something 15. it's kind of a lot but yeah we'll just have to wait for that to do its thing now then i guess once it makes 15 filaments load up that ship and we'll uh sail out create the robot thing so let's have a look at the actual stats on the item sorry am i bad so purchase right well we could just buy it actually thinking about it workforce needed negative 50 on all production buildings the nearest thing nate has to a companion unlike a human servant it won't complain when he kicks it for setting things on fire so that's gonna be great and we'll if i could just really quickly try to assess how many workers are gonna get rid of there so that's 250 engineers that's like 125. a hundred fifty fifty so it's 250 275 300 so we should save on 300 workers and 125 engineers i don't really care about the engineer one the workers that's gonna be great all right so we'll wait while we're waiting for that to build up we can start uh making sure these guys don't fall away from their canned food as a demand this place is such a mess it's the only place i never really got i haven't really fully paid attention to it just yet now i've left this area here for a while so let's just get that down now i guess slightly make it look like there's a reason for this it looks like i left room for more i need to check the chain because i just can't remember so canned good red peppers and stuff goes into an artisanal kitchen so let's see how much of that we're producing so that's going to be coming from brush right so rush we want to check agricultural products yeah so the production is much less than the demand now that we have another set of buildings so we're gonna have to fix that so the imports are higher so let's go over to rush and let's have a look that's our cattle farms that's our red pepper so we just need two more of each well we could just slam them down next to each other really i don't see why not something like that and maybe one of these can go down here now this will have to be redone as well i mean i don't know why i don't just take the time with it sometimes but sometimes when i've got something on my mind and i don't want to lose it i'm like okay let's do things quickly and then we'll get it ready afterwards actually yeah you stay there oh yeah we could bright harvest all of this as well if we had the oil to be delivered which we're working on we're gonna get those extra oil things set up okay good we're gonna need extra housing i should fix it i think because it's 10 per house right yeah we're still hitting 10. so 10 20 30 40 50 60. we're lacking 60. that should be fun um so yeah that should meet the demand that we have over on swords yeah so oh actually not really we're producing more now why would that be i must have done something wrong or not looked at it correctly so let's have a look artist in kitchen two minutes to two minutes so it is it is one to one a bit confused about that then how many artisanal kitchens do we have just two that's very strange to me if we have got we should have more than we even need two two and then two if anything i feel like we've got more than we need right we're making four and four of these but we've only got two of these and their numbers are equal oh but they're improved by electricity they're improved by electricity but that still works out it should be four to four then what else we got going on with them product um boosting their productivity let's turn all that off let's mess with me there we go i mean that should be the same i don't know why it's a little less maybe because it's factoring in the journey oh it also says its productivity is not fully up yet so maybe that's why those are the things that can really catch you off off guard i think they're just climbing productivity now they should they should be fine i don't see why they wouldn't be a hundred it's just building up slowly that's okay though oh because of the population count that's it all right all mystery solved got it all in the end it's that screen to the rescue but at least yeah that's gonna that's gonna be even so that's fine so then the next thing is where things will really get complicated now which is iron so obviously we have that's the extra goulash that we need the ghoulie lash but then we need the cannery so we've got one cannery right now that isn't sufficient for what everyone needs the cannery is also going to be taking in a little bit of iron every now and then so let's check on the consumer goods we go to canned food where is it sorry there we're all we're actually really really close it's not even at its full potential yet so we could just buff that up a bit now we wouldn't need to build anything else so let's go to 15 for now and at 15 we are one to one just like that last thing to check then would be the raw material of the iron itself that is 16 to 16 that is totally fine with the demand we put on it excellent brilliant and that is actually with the extra sewing machines on as well so let's check now the steel god it's never ending i can understand why people say they feel overwhelmed all the time in this yeah so we are vastly under producing steel right now but that's why we have other islands first off i want to get this guy's quest we need his reputation how could they forget something as simple as windows you know it is the one thing that's keeping me from achieving my world's fair from reaching my zenith oh even oh everyone will like us for this let's do it 36 glasses that's totally doable do we finish all the other quests yeah i guess so we'll deliver it with our royal ship here actually no we won't because that has other things to do let's just pick it up here 36. all right let's go god look at his city holy crap it does look good i gotta say it does look good very uniform but good nonetheless good because it's even though it's uniform it's got a variety of where things are wow and he's really made use of every bit there's the bank he's got a bank before me we'll get one soon ours is just a building site we're working on it okay we're working on it i mean i guess in thinking about it if we're going to be working on it anyway we should really just get these extra 10 houses and then build the thing that we know we're going to have to get the demand what we're going to need to do is here what have we got iron is not being used coal is being used what about down here iron no iron there neither there okay yeah we can set up a new mine here 50 workers on it let's do that we've only got 25 left but we'll build the other one as well and try to get our first workers here see what they see what we can do just to get 25 workers it's really not that much uh these guys don't even have a pub sadly enough they do have what they need to upgrade arthur and margaret are at war with each other still okay there is a trade route that takes copper and zinc from this island so i'm gonna ask that it loads also up uh some iron and then over at rush we'll just check is our iron here there is so this should be loads of iron now coming back in you know three new deposits basically so that should be of great help so yeah so right so russia's iron as well as scaries is iron that's three iron mines that we've just added to coming back into swords let me just double check that i didn't mess that root up right so it's zinc copper iron it's like your vitamin root or something expedition a new expedition don't have time don't have time to do that as well zinc copper and iron old world so yeah yep seems correct to me okay cool just the one ship on the route though right now so nothing too crazy we should really maybe get making another a few more of these cargo ships yeah we'll just get another one going if we get a couple more actually it'd be nice uh okay i'm just trying to think about what to do next so that's the iron sorted which should allow us to get a second cannery all right because we're gonna well yeah before we do that let's just upgrade those final 10 houses good stuff he's happy again right so we need 10 more houses so let's just finish off this one one two three six seven eight something like that all right and this should give us the 3 000 engineers we need to build a bank and we should be making really good money when we get the bank done and then we'll just have to sort out the production chain because they're going to be needing stuff all right cool now we'll just do our final upgrade of workers again these guys have to be upgraded first yeah i have to wait just a minute i could i could just remove them from down here actually i suppose oh i'm out of steel all right cool let's check out what we got now we shouldn't have the bank just yet they need to grow a bit we're at 2916. uh so i think if i've done it right that should be yeah when we get eight more people in all of these they should be done they're lacking a road do i put the road on the outside or the inside i guess on the outside looks nice i wonder how they how far they are from that variety theater yeah the university is a little far from them as well maybe a road out the back you probably helped that yep that fixes that power should be okay right oh maybe not oh just the one extra house there i think in that case what i'll have to do is we'll bring the road down the center and then we can just have stuff in there yeah that should fix it anyway oh no actually what am i saying they still wouldn't get it because it's diagonal ah don't do that to me game you're killing me no it's just the tiniest bit off like obviously i could push these out a bit if i wanted to but that would make the whole thing go crazy by whole thing i mean my mind well until i figure that one out in future i'm just gonna move this somewhere else that's uh that's gonna be fine yeah i'll have to think about that could just put something else down an ornament or something or if we get a gas fire station or if we get something that extends the range you know it'd be fine but for now everything is the essentially it has to come out here down around and then down and then around and down so it's just it's just one tile short it's all paved so there's not really much i can do about it i mean getting rid of this lamppost maybe does that count as an extra tile down let's just see out of curiosity no or if it did it didn't work all right anyways whatever uh let's just see where we're at now for the bank 2962 canned food gonna be running out pretty soon though i would imagine yeah not by a crazy amount though we could just keep increasing their production i think to actually fix that the artisans are super happy anyway let's try 33 percent almost could do maybe just a little bit more 40. didn't actually even change the happiness there so that's good that pretty much does it i could just bung it up to 50 and say screw it okay so they have what they want so now we just i'm sorry that we're doing this again but we just have to see that everything we're feeding into it is okay so rush that's fine oh yeah we need to check goulash sorry so goulash is fine as well even with the extra demand on the cannery uh iron iron needs to now factor in the three islands yes we're making 28 productions so we can it's actually time to get another um another furnace up and running does seem a bit crazy to just smash them all in here but that's kind of the plan we could even put it there maybe i wonder what the electricity no the electricity doesn't reach out this far just move that for a second brighten up the day hmm yeah okay let's just push this out a bit she's loving it she loves the pollution and this is still within this thing right yeah so cool okay so that's going to rapidly increase that now we're going to get that item that hopefully reduces the demand or the workforce uh where's our ship there it is oh apparently i had that ship escorting something wow that must have been a complete fluke of a click because i'm pretty sure i clicked the um radar so back in the old world what we need to do is just queue up to get those filaments together right that's what we're waiting for they should be all good to go now we needed 15. i'll just double check it but i think it was 15. damn i like that song and i've ruined it that's the thing i don't like about the way the music changes when you hop around i like the music in the game but i wish you just didn't switch every time you went to a different session at least finish the song you're on you know maybe um or give me the option how about that yeah so it's 15 and it also needs 10 workloads but we can get that here so let's send this off to cape jelani go to crown falls my little pirate frigate it's got nice um kind of car carvings would you say or um engraving on the front of it yeah it's actually like really detailed we i haven't actually seen a regular monitor in such a long time though so it's hard to compare all right great if we check the diplomatic situation we are killing it 98 96 178 and even arthur on 65 with this recent thing uh okay so we are heavily lacking steel though which is a bit of a concern i just want to get my artisans back in place thinking about it that's actually going to put more demand on canned food so we might need to get another one of those things already this is like the canned food episode for some reason also did our wrong place did our ships arrive here the ones with extra steel did i ever send them did i ever send it off maybe i didn't we should have queued up oh no no i remember now yeah all right this is going to go to the new world and help set up the extra oil that we don't actually need right now but eventually we're going to need it obviously now we'll need another one of those basically to do the same thing but in cape jolani all right i'm looking forward to it i can't wait till nate uh the we were able to transmute that item bring it back here and have and just get all that workforce back it's gonna be great so did we reach 3000 it's not going to tell me there's no milestone for it we'll just know if we can build a bank which we can we need 60 steel for that that's all right the 60 steel over here we can just grab it real quick still all that cold or the um not cold sorry coffee all right 25 25 and then we have to go buy some probably from archibald can't drop any more of that off waiting you also need to be buying some items he's almost got 150 against that's good and he's also got gramophones for 27 000. geez uh something i'm just gonna check as well is how we're doing for our gold production yeah around 1997 so it does last like three to four hours dropping in 100 which is pretty good i noticed that we're also maxed out for guns and a few other things we should maybe just skim a little off the top and sell that then can't be bothered bringing it to the new world minimum stock i don't know 300 in case we need it for war defense selling above 300. awesome extravaganza steamer wait a second what is it oh i thought it was a battleship at first this is a gran the great eastern is it with six cargo and three i know the great eastern has eight i thought i don't even know what this is this is a totally new ship i could be wrong but the great eastern i think is known for having like eight slots this is six and then three item slots the extravaganza stream steamer oh cool and it's got lights all over it it doesn't actually really look pirate themed i thought it yeah it looks kind of like the great eastern with the big wheel thing let's go hmm same voice as the battleships that's awesome though oh my god what a ship let's just get that bit of fog of war over there also you should check that was actually pretty cheap it was only half a million the monitor was half a million i'll take it we could buy up the rest of that coal maybe and get one of these items as well maybe there we go yeah we'll go buy a few items that's awesome this is like our flagship um i don't know what to call it do we already have a caesar i think we do i feel like this should be the new caesar oh i got an idea let's call it the um the augustus how about that all right cool oh we have our little schooner here we could just sell that now sell it to the pirates i wanted to buy the ships for more probably not but it'd be kind of cool if they did nice the great thing as well i just realized is we can always just buy advanced weapons here it looks like someone's been buying them or something because there's only 58. um if we ever go to war so we could just make our big battleships without ever having to get set up the the production chain for that's so annoying all right nice that was unexpected little boon to our um episode here so let's get more steel all right the pelican is here so we'll head over to nate get the diving bell over here as well uh we need to go grab the special scrap that's up here oh that's what it looks like it looks like one of these that's what it is right basically it's got the lights on the front and the back it's different in the center right these have like little canopies but it's this seems like way more what it is yeah that must be what it is oh it's like a hybrid of the boat of two of them this in a battleship it's cool sorry i'm just i've never i've honestly never seen it before i've never seen it before i feel like in the comments some people were saying something about like buying ships around harlow this i'm guessing this is what they were talking about not too sure awesome okay let's get the scrap that we need we need that special scrap public mooring is making bank out here i can't even get rid of that right now let's see god this place is just full up of everything it has i haven't told it to sell anything who's got the time just got the time what am i looking for special scrap we needed 17 or something oh you killed it kidding me we've only got seven we might have to get the one below just bring all the scrap we have see what we can do i love visiting the orphans but it always breaks my heart they're only children they should be playing and scuffing sweets i'd like to give them a treat could i sneak some from your pantry what do you want chocolate i don't have any chocolate what are you crazy i'd have to buy some from madame kahina hardly worth it at that stage i guess we're hitting late game quests now or something because it's a late game item for sure another quest from uh margaret we need to do her ones her ones perhaps oh soda acid extinguisher not that good but it's okay chance of fire is reduced at least a band of shameless criminals has stolen one of her majesty's vessels you must be swift child who knows what mischief they could use under the royal flag they could cause i shall be waiting is that even true though is she just setting up this like ambush there is everybody happy i control click the items away is everybody happy jesus i want my own royal ship to take him out all right that should be done in no time at all we need the frigate though to go grab chocolate four tons i think it said all right my collection of ships is down here so workforce needed thirty percent um using the more regular scrap i guess so yeah we don't have the best scrap just yet at least not enough of it uh i forgot to get the work closed as well sorry god damn just let me select that ship yeah get rid of that item just get rid of the scrap we've got too much of the basic scrap can't really do much with it a treasure my voice is going treasure on the old world this and this excuse me so two old world and two new world i've actually got a drink here one sec so yeah i'm just gonna drop them up here for now people are like why don't you just activate them it's because they're on a timer so i'd rather activate them when i'm in the session than when i'm not knowing me i'll forget you know and uh i'll miss it i'll be like oh i'll activate oh yeah i have to go to the other session you know with like 10 minutes to go or something so i'm basically just preparing for my inevitable failure on things so let's give um everything we can to this diving belt so you just need the work clothes and then they can make the atom looks like no time lapse in today's episode i was kind of hoping to do a bit of a build out on the front of swords actually taking heavy damage on it bro it makes so much money from katima it's crazy you can actually see other royal ships passing by oh it's my one nice oh my god the range good shot wow finished him off is that you're disappointed you just wouldn't i did exactly what she said all right we'll have to come back for that later so let's just get the work close and uh that'll be it i thought of something recently um which is some people are saying like why don't you use discard cargo and i often say i don't like throwing stuff overboard i think what would be a good idea possibly is on on on almost every route where you think you might have over access you could send it to you know one of the other traders and just like sell your stuff off so that way your ships always end their route at an npc or an ai or something selling whatever it was nothing's ever wasted you always get some money back i think that'd be a good idea obviously it adds to the length of the route but if you think that it's probably better than throwing it overboard at least i would think so and something i've actually not done at all that people were saying like you could just trade with people to get their relations up i never even thought of it to be honest but they don't always have stuff i mean i guess you could buy things yeah i just never actually thought of doing that but we do have trade rights so there's no reason why we couldn't go to certain areas here she wants hibiscus tea here for some reason five light bulbs that's what she's requiring here 41 sewing so i guess you could just look at this cube a few of these things and be like yeah let's go down to old margaret and uh make some good money and then buy things if we need them it's not reliable though right it's not like the npc traders where they're always gonna have a lot of a certain thing she's only demanding five light bulbs um so you won't really make that much for it speaking of light bulbs actually i think we forgot to turn back on the filament factory whoa okay we're having a bit of a problem here yeah so what i'm planning on doing is actually building out this area here and then having like either another hospital or a town a few new town halls and things like that to also help with the sickness that we always keep getting so i've never experienced that i know i've said before in any campaign the amount of sickness we get is disturbing um so i really want to fix that those guys are a bit far away from their things as well did i pick up those clothes i'm guessing i did good she should be maxed out now which means we could actually probably buy a share from her if we wanted to i don't know push are we making money from shares actually we actually have no shares right now interestingly all our money is our own boom all right so let's go transmute let's get this item here nice we're gonna add that back to i don't know flagship maybe send that home okay let's get rid of some of this stuff this guy is so messy now yeah i've got way too much of the basic scrap let's just get rid of it not gonna need it all you follow you and then you can go off and look for stuff and then we'll try to buy some extra maps as well if we can okay yeah it's gonna be a big workforce shortage it's gonna back up our supply chains for a bit what the hell was that a second ago did i just see riot chance of these guys they shouldn't have high riot chance i would hope not oh we should build that bank do we have the steel now um kind of oh you're kidding me it's actually a little off well that's gonna drive me insane oh no it's not no it's not i never know which way is the front it says bank with steps leading in on both sides uh so we just we're lacking a little bit of steel again just because it keeps getting taken away it actually just gets delivered here anyway so i'm just gonna pick it up real quick all right we'll just manually drop that over here and then build it build the item oh this thing is sick as well drop off your gold at least our new ship the augusta straight away plagued oh nice look there's all the iron ore and stuff we're bringing in brilliant it's good to see that doing its thing good oh he's still right here how smart of me finally all right let's just build a simple road into it for now i'll probably change how it looks obviously with stuff around it we can open up these okay open up this area for a bit yeah have something like that maybe some uh fencing or trees and things in the middle there we go so that means that should really bring up the money because that's like instantly everyone is now paying 45 gold per house so we're making two grand bank is big money now even better with the bank is that we have room for that's income per house 15 happiness reduced by 3 but also reduced needs oh damn and then bonus workforce and bonus supply now we don't need her she's okay but we'll get this guy in instead mr garrick provides bonus income five percent residents provide bonus income from bank with the bank you also get pocket watches and jewelry so that's reduced consumption there i didn't actually i gotta be honest didn't see the money change that much let's turn that off for a sec got it yeah it barely affects it at all it's only five five gold i guess per household but it goes from two oh eight eight to two two seven three so it's like up two hundred dollars more i guess but the fact that he um fulfills the pocket watches and jewelry jewelry isn't even until we get to investors um so yeah maybe he'd be better suited up here in the future but either way we'll see because the investors are going to go over there so jewelry is needed happiness for the second to final thing for the investors cool well we're making money now right everything's fine except for the uh plague constant plague did my ships ever come here there it is 250. and uh basically we just copy and paste this thing pop it over here let's do blueprint mode just in case i like how the music doesn't change when it's sickness just do something like that it's fine and then we'll just pull this out it's a big bridge though straight across the cliffs there goddamn all right cool it's quite it's actually ridiculous the amount we can build so that's good beautiful totally not destroying the land but yeah so that's one two three four five so five hundred percent should be coming out of this we have 200 coming out of that one uh 200 coming out of that one right did i miss any no i didn't miss anything right no just i was double checking i forgot that this one existed i was thinking oh maybe people were talking about this but now that seems good so that's some 900 oil or whatever way more than we need let's increase this uh carver now although really you could just build more storage but uh yeah so what we'll need to do actually back in swords is start setting up extra ships that are gonna come back and forth doing all this so this is sick as well the ship let's move it over there oh actually no it's not keep doing what you're doing yeah so over at our steam shipyard another oil tanker please we can make our own monitor we've got enough of our own advanced weapons great i'm excited drop that off the last thing then i think we'll do is just pick up steam motors and we're going to go to cape trollani with them and bright harvest the f out of the place in the next episode we still obviously have lots of quests and stuff to do over here we want to reach the capital status 500 artisans oh deliver the chocolate did i ever do that and uh yeah just basically build up the build up crown falls we're able to actually do we have everything for the workers i think we do right oh they don't have their beer yet oh let's just do that really quickly that won't take long i know what they need um they need malt and hops pops up hops all right hops so yeah two hops farms we don't have the thing for bright harvest right now so we'll just build this as a temporary building for now but then when we get the um motors from the new world we'll build this probably just somewhere else with its own little area this is just to get it just to get it going is that it that should be it um if i just check consumer goods let me check beer beer is fine hops is fine uh and i'm sure this is fine yeah malt is fine so there you go beer set up done i mean that was just in the happiness anyway but yeah they have all their needs so we could actually get artisans and start building our artisan islands which will look really really cool i think especially the ones out here these ones are gonna look magical with the uh so many waterfalls in the distance i mean even better would be to bring build them all the way up here maybe let's not go get back maybe let's not get crazy uh eventually we probably want to start harvesting all these mines and it wouldn't look too good if that's in the middle of their houses someone did say um i should build my own house somewhere off like a mayor's house and just designate that as my own i might do that i kind of think living up here would be cool by the big castle build one little house at the end of a road and be like that's where that's where i live all right let's just wait to get this quest delivered to benty with our fastest ship the uh pirate frigate 22.5 knots insane speed look at the speed can't wait to see your astonishing happy there you go she's loving it all right great i'm happy happy to serve and let's dive let's be our final dive of the day got all our items active so let's see what we get another don't we have like three of the great white sharks though i could sell them all to um madame ganino sure she'll love them something else i was also thinking of once you know where the thing is you can take this off right like that and then put something else there and then dive and you'd still get the other 30 percent that cord that we sold so i guess you could do that there's other items that give you other things as well so we could try that in future all right so i think that's gonna be it for this episode i don't think i'm waiting on anything else i'm gonna have to make sure these guys stay quarantined until the sickness passes sickness of six minutes on that ship there's still just a couple of houses left with it uh but a pretty stable episode i think nothing really went wrong we made some money uh we're actually making less now than we were i wonder did i run out of anything i could just check real quickly i don't think so it seems like we have everything on the higher residences obviously the sickness can play havoc with with things we are really short on workforce because these houses are just still recovering i think oh yeah and some of them haven't been upgraded yet of course there we go yeah so oh actually that's the very last thing to do how could i forget the item there it is yes it's here so let's throw that in here so there we go workforce needed negative 30 percent so not quite as much as i was hoping but pretty close uh the other one that's chance of fire reduced we could do something like this productivity 50 chance of fire increased uh people were saying to use that again yeah i mean i'm pretty happy with that i think that's fine we do have lots of fire stations anyway so if anything does blow up or go down they're usually out there pretty quickly all right yeah it's a pretty good episode i think anyway in terms of got a lot done feels that way anyway all right so that's going to be it for this one uh thank you again for all the support i hope people had a good christmas um i might talk about actually the next episode but i didn't have a i didn't go home for christmas in the end my flight was cancelled due to covid i'll talk about in the beginning nice little talking point um but yeah i hope everyone's christmas was good and as we get closer to the new year hope you guys have something to do and hopefully are able to celebrate in some way it sounds so weird saying that but that is 2020 i guess all right thank you guys very much and i'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the series directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty badges and emotes to use in the comments if you don't see the join button it means the video has been copyright claimed but you can still join from the channel page on desktop you can also link your account to our discord to get a special role on there that'll give you access to the senate house and a few other perks
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 76,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9u1xcbb-3C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 10sec (4390 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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