How to Play Anno 1800 | The Complete Beginners Guide 2022

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hello everybody and welcome to anno 1800 i'm colonel damdas and with the release of the final piece of season three dlc the high life i thought this was a better time than ever to go through the basics of one of my personal favorite city building strategy games if you do want to try before you buy the game is also on a free weekend right now over on uplay and i highly recommend trying it out if you're all interested in the genre i have chapters covering all areas of the game so feel free to jump around to areas of most interests you by using the time codes on screen now as well as in the description firstly let's go through what the game is actually about [Music] hanno 1800 is a city builder setting a fictional version of the year 1800 strangely enough don't worry though because when i say fictional i just mean the world isn't laid out like it is in the real world everything else is mostly authentic to the time period so you won't see any aliens or giant mechs walking around your objective is to build up your company using a collection of islands in a variety of locations the base game has you spread between the new and old world representing temperate and tropical locations but with the dlc in tow you'll unlock others such as an african inspired area and even the arctic but we'll come to that later but before we go any further we need to handle the best part about any new game tweaking the sayings i know 1800 has a great little story mode that helps to teach you the basics up to the engineers so if you're totally new i recommend going with that and leaving all settings on default if you want a more custom experience however go for sandbox from here you can tweak pretty much everything you could ever need if you're new the guides can help so i'd use that it doesn't matter what you look like or name yourself as it's all just cosmetic and can of course be changed later you can select what dlcs to enable if any and if you have them there's not really any harm in leaving them all on now the difficulty section is where it gets interesting this lets you tweak everything and buy everything i mean everything there are three default sends but if you want a more custom experience then you can get really detailed with it i'll rattle through each page and explain its purpose on the first page pretty much everything here is very self-explanatory if you hover over them so i suggest reading each one and tweaking it to fit your specific needs the characters page allows you to pick the other players or remove them all together by right-clicking and i'll come back to just how these fit into your games a bit later on faction customization lets you toggle the different npcs in the game such as the traders and pirates so if you want a relaxing city building experience then turn off the pirates and other players then kick back and relax features are again explained by hovering over them so just have a read and they will all make sense start locations decide the conditions you start with including your ships resources capital island size and if there are any hidden parts of the map and finally victory conditions can be set if you want to have a set into your campaign otherwise you can really go on forever once everything is set you're good to go to work on building up your islands on these islands you have to create housing for your residents and fulfill their needs so you can attract high classes of people which will of course pay more money their needs are in the form of a large number of different products of varying complexity as well as proximity to certain buildings such as marketplaces to supply them with goods and schools in universities to provide them with education your simple farmers have simple needs such as fish and clothing whereas your engineers have more complex needs like canned food and spectacles fulfilling all the needs of a level of residence allows you to upgrade them to the next day where the cycle begins anew as you work to fulfill their new needs and that leads us nicely into our second chapter resident needs and supply lines as i mentioned all your people have needs and desires and these quickly become complicated to fulfill side note needs are required to attract more people to your residences and level them up to high tiers desires are goods they can't actually live without but are happier with and the happier your people are the more money you make and the less chance there is of them rioting or doing their jobs incorrectly resulting in accidents most goods require some level of crafting so clothing requires a sheep farm to create wool which is then crafted into a knitters into clothing which is then sent to a warehouse which enters the shared inventory of the entire island which is then sent to a market to be distributed amongst your people a little side note there about warehouses every single warehouse on an island shares inventory so if you put something into a warehouse on one side of the island you'll be able to pull it out of another on the other side and your dock also acts as a warehouse take engineers in their need of eyeglasses these require three types of raw materials two intermediate factories and one final factory all to produce one item and they aren't even the top level what this boils down to is the more skilled your people become the more complicated their requirements and of course all these production buildings require staff of varying levels of skill naturally your jobs such as crop farming and cattle ranching require farmers and your simple factories such as steel required workers and so on and so forth so the game becomes this balancing act of creating your cities with enough resources that you can support a population large enough to create all these resources and of course the more people you have the more resources they require so it saw this big tug of war that is constantly going on for the entire game and making sure that neither side is losing is a trick to moving forward side note there's a super detailed stat screen where you can see the supply and demand for every single resource you are creating and it's always worth checking in to make sure you aren't headed for disaster there are far too many needs to explain individually and i'd literally be saying the same thing every single time but a very useful resource for maximum efficiency is a production layouts page on the wiki which provides a huge number of layouts for every resource in the game meaning you can spend less time doing maths and more time building up your islands and yes i did just say islands of course with this many resources in the game it'd be crazy if everything was available on every single island so of course you'll be forced to branch out and set up networks of multiple islands working together to fulfill their needs [Music] if you ask me this is where the game hits a new level of complexity your attention is now required in many places at once pretty much all the time and in a game with no playable pause feature this can be somewhat daunting but worry not all be explained and made easier so once you get to the stage we have workers and artisans which are the second and third tier of residents you'll realize that some resources are missing and that these are either hops or peppers or both these are required for the bare desire of workers and the canned food need of artisans respectively so there's nothing for it other than to find an island that allows you to generate these resources at this point in the game you should have been exploring the map and i highly recommend doing this pretty much at the start of the game so you can work on your second island early but nevertheless if not look for the biggest island you can that supports the resources you need and move your ship over to it with eight steel and as much wood as you can spare if you're playing on normal difficulty you should actually start with a ship ready to do this right on the gate once it's there click on the ghost of doc's past and build it and boom the isle does yours now all you have to do is the exact same thing you did in your first island to increase the population to the point where you have enough workers to create that resource this is why i recommend doing it at the start otherwise your first island is going to be sat idle whilst you do this once you've got that resource up and running you want to do two things firstly make sure you're producing way more of that resource than is being consumed on the source island so that there is plenty of excess and two set up a trade route between your two islands and this can be done one of two ways you can do it yourself by building your own ship and assigning it to the trade routes click create routes click the two islands and tell the route to pick up resources from the source and take it to the destination assign a ship and you're off to the races alternatively you can chart a route this is more or less the same process but you are given an ai control chip to do this for you this uses a small amount of gold and eventually some influence for maintenance but the first few are free so i would say go with this first and don't worry about influence at this time i'll come back to that later on one tip for this one if your two islands aren't too far apart set the number of resources to be transported to be quite low otherwise your source will never have any stock and your destination will end up with a lot of excess which means your ship ends up doing dummy trips and there you fulfilled your need using inter island connections but of course the game would be too easy if you only needed two islands the truth is the further into the game you go the more islands you're going to need to produce everything and you'll have so many shapes going back and forth that'll make your head spin but if you set it up right from the get-go you'll have less of a pain later on down the line and can simply tweak it when needed of course every single resource can't all be produced in the same climate and even in the base game you'll need to travel to the new world to meet the demands of your ever more difficult residence multiple instances follows the same principle as multiple islands but works on totally different time scales obviously traveling from the uk to america takes quite a while so this fictional version is no different and going between the two maps takes your ships a significant amount of time this means you have to take larger amounts of resources back and forth at a time ride more ships to the route to meet the demand on the other end this introduces unique problems into your production chain for example your attitudes require fur coats and you need wolfman alpacas which can only be made in the new world however if there is only 10 pieces of wool when the trade ship arrives the art suns will run out before the trade ship is even halfway back this means you need to over produce resources like crazy and stockpile large amounts so you can meet the large orders each time you also have to do this whilst meeting the demands of the residents of the new world which have a whole new list of needs and resources fortunately they only have two tiers of skill so it can only get so complicated unfortunately new world islands aren't as easy to build on as the old world with a lot of rivers dividing the space into difficult to use chunks of land you really have to plan ahead to utilize this space wisely bear in mind that while you're doing all this in the new world you also need to be working on building in the old world so especially when starting out i would say don't be afraid to use slow motion to get everything done that you need also if you have a numpad on your keyboard it's worth using the one and two keys to switch between instances on the fly to save yourself some time you get to these new locations or instances via expeditions which i'll explain in their own section and once you arrive you of course want to explore and pick the best island but you're not the only person racing to claim it so it's worth getting there nice and early [Music] in any standard game you can have up to three other players or companies and unless you're delving into multiplayer these will be controlled by the ai on the standard difficulty you have three ais two of which are fairly passive and will even ask permission to sell islands so you can always have the first pick the other one is a bit more aggressive and tends to be the dominator for most of the game unless you can beat her every ai has a specific way they can behave and you can discern this from their description in the game setup menu for example princess king is focused on peace and prosperity for all so she values honesty and generosity such as being truthful in your newspaper and not raising the workouts of your people conversely beryl o'mara is a vindictive old woman who runs her company ruthlessly as her husband died in debt and she's determined not to do the same she'll support you early on but make no mistake as soon as you become a threat to her she will not hesitate to take you out you can tell the difficulty of an ai via their star rating in the game cell menu the higher the stars the better they will be and the harder it'll be to beat them to start the lower tier ai's first to ease yourself into it you can engage in diplomacy with these ais ranging from alliances to all-out war and everything in between such as trade agreements and non-aggression packs try to keep everyone on site early before deciding who you want to take out first otherwise it can get a little messy alongside these players there are also npcs which can be there to help or hinder you depending on the character there are three traders who will always remain neutral and will unsurprisingly trade with you for items and resources both buying and selling and their stock and requests change over the course of the game so it's always worth checking if you have a surplus of something a little side note here items are usable in a variety of buildings such as trade unions town halls and harbour masters as well as ships and improve them or surrounding buildings in a large number of ways like too large to list here so just hover over each one that you see and it'll be pretty self-explanatory the over two are pirates who most of the time are out to take you down and generally make your life difficult for both the old and new worlds most of the time i pay them off with ceasefires which last two real-life hours which is a significant amount of time to get lots done without having to worry about pirates eventually you can amass a military large enough to take them out and destroy their bases which will temporarily remove them from the map but like a cockroach they will keep coming back to recolonize their base and you should try to prevent this if you can by sinking their new ships before they can reach land all ais aside from the pirates can offer you missions which will reward you with things such as gold fave with ai players and sometimes items these missions are normally one of five things destroy some ships collect some flotsam deliver something escort a ship or send the quest giver some resources they are almost always worth doing early on for some easy gold and keeping the ai on side now you may be wondering how do you get rid of a player that is a threat to your company you can do it in one of two ways economic is the more elegant way to do it but it's going to cost a lot of gold and it's only viable when you have the money to burn you simply buy shares of a competitor's island fight the pie chart menu at the top of the screen this costs a large chunk of gold but nets you passive income as a share of that island's income meaning you can make money from your opponents upon owning all shares of an island you can choose to take it over which gives you the island but flattens it removing everything aside from the harbor meaning you need to start from scratch this loses that passive income but ensures that they cannot simply buy the shares back and kick you out over time alternatively combat is the more dramatic way to take over an island and involves varying numbers of ships with increasingly large guns you simply have to attack a docklands and reduce the island's morale until they surrender every island will have a defensive cannon on the dock and most will have some other cannons defending them so this can take some serious firepower and often results in losing a ship or two but if you get the morale down low enough the island will surrender to you giving you the choice of owning all the sheds of the island or flattening it and starting to build it from nothing for yourself once all islands have a player have been taken from them they're removed from the game and taken out do this three times and you have the whole world to yourself that being said we should still take a deeper dive in combat [Music] there are five kinds of sail ships in the mid game five late game engine powered ships and one flagship per faction sail ships rely on wind and you can see the direction in the mini map provide this icon engine ships normally have lower max speed but it's consistent regardless of the wind each ship has a specific purpose and will be better at some things than others so let's just roll those off quickly flagships medium-sized ships that can do a little bit of everything they're decently fast have a medium amount of firepower in hp three cargo slots and two items lost you start with one of these and they can only be replaced by buying a new one from one of the npcs as i said they can do a little bit of everything so should be your early game workhorse schooners these are smaller trade vessels they have two cargo slots and one item slots decent speed but nothing crazy no weapons and low hp these are best suited to safe local trade routes gun boats smaller combat vessels one cargo slot two item slots similar speed to the schooner less hp but does have some light weapons best seward being a smaller combat support ship rather than your own tight force as one large ship can take out multiple gumbos frigates medium combat vessels three cargo slots two item slots good speed medium damage and medium health middle of the road combat ships that are best suited to ship ship combat with their combination of speed and firepower they're very similar to the flagship and work great as escort vessels clippers medium cargo vessels four cargo slots one item slot great speed no weapons medium health great mid game trade ship best suited to routes that take them between instances or across an entire instance if they are going via dangerous territory then issue them an escort ship of the line large combat vessel three cargo slots three item slots slow speed great weapons high health best suited as a warship in large battles are invading over islands cargo ship first of the engine powered ships large cargo vessel six cargo slots two item slots high speed no weapons high health best used for trade routes going between instances to make the most of that high capacity battle cruiser large warship three cargo slots four item slots decent speed great damage very high health best used in heavy combat when wind is an issue can take on over ships and dogs equally monitor medium warship two cargo slots two item slots good speed good damage and medium high health best used as nest cards for battle cruisers as they are faster and cheaper to run these are the frigate to the battle cruiser's ship of the line oil tankers large cargo ships one cargo slot that can only carry 400 tons of oil no item slots good speed no weapons high health obviously a cargo ship just for oil the only choice for moving the stuff between islands finally the world-class reefer a large cargo ship six cargo slots one item slot great speed no damage and high health this unique ship that travels twice as fast between instances so it's a great choice for those long distance trade routes obviously only ships with weapons can engage in combat and as you might imagine this is the area where the game is lacking most well let's be honest it's not exactly a battling game you pretty much just select your units right click on what you want them to attack and they'll move to attack an open fight aside from using items like mortars torpedoes and repair kits you mostly just fire each other until one of you is taken out if there are multiple enemies getting them on either side of your ship can be useful as each side fires independently essentially doubling the damage output aside from that it's pretty basic take out the biggest threats first like more powerful warships and larger defense cannons and work your way down from there the only other thing you need to know is that every ship costs maintenance in the form of gold and also influence which brings us nicely to our next chapter [Music] influence is a currency you accrue over the course of the game by increasing your population across all islands and gaining a large amount of investors which are the top level of residents influence can be spent on a large number of bonuses to your company you can change the contents of newspapers which print every 30-120 minutes depend where you are in the game and by default they are full of articles about your current progress so if you're at war or running long resources this will have an adverse effect on your people if you wish to avoid this you can use influence to change each of the three sections of the newspaper to get the desired effects company-wide these can be a variety of things like you see on the screen now and they last until the next newspaper is printed upon this all influence spent is refunded and available to spend on your next newspaper you can spend influence on trade items such as maintenance for trade ships charter routes and eventually airships this is returned when those ships or routes are no longer part of your company and by default you get a few free to start off with it's spent on upkeep for military ships and buildings again like trade you get the first few for free and the influence is returned when you lose the buildings or ships you can spend on upgrade buildings such as trade unions for buffing production buildings on land town hall for buffing residences and harbour master offices for buffing docklands production buildings first few are free and it's all returned when the buildings are destroyed you can spend on culture buildings and their modules these are zoos museums and botanical gardens the first few are free and it's returned when they are destroyed finally it's automatically spent for every 1 000 island tiles you control as well as every commute appear and share that you own for each of these six sections you unlock rewards for spending large amounts of influence and the more you spend the better they are for propaganda you gain a 7 15 and 25 bonus to newspaper effects for trade you gain a 7 15 and 25 bonus to trade ship speed the military you gain a 7 15 and 25 increase to military ship attack speed optimization he gained a minus three minus six and minus ten percent all maintenance costs for culture he gained 10 20 and 30 increases to island attractiveness and for expansion he gained 50 100 and 200 bonus workforce on every island aside from in-baser and the arctic most of these things passively add up over the course of the game but it's worth keeping an eye on to make sure you don't accidentally run out right when you need that extra ship to turn the tide speaking of ships there is one thing that they can do that i haven't mentioned yet [Music] expeditions as you might imagine are troops you can send ships on for a variety of reasons there are a few which unlock you new instances like the new world region and of course the three other dlc instances there are also a massive amount of more generic ones that earn you all sorts of items such as animals to place neon zoos antiques for the museum plants for the botanical garden rescue missions for specialist characters and items and even pirate hunts for more items and treasure maps from the sunken treasure dlc there are three levels of difficulty and the harder they are the higher tier rewards you'll receive upon completion to begin an expedition you select one from the expedition tab in the top left and select a ship to use the better ship you use the high the base morale of your crew will be you need to load the ship with items and supplies that will help them with their objectives outlined in the expedition description along the top almost everything in the game has an effect on expeditions and you can find a full list of these on the expedition pages of the wiki while hovering over each item can help you out in a pinch you also need to send them out with enough food to last a trip which will lessen the morale drain once you are happy with their supplies you can send them off and they will leave the instance to start their journey as they progress on the expedition they will come across certain dilemmas that require your attention to solve these often require resources and skills you found out when preparing their supplies and having the correct ones will increase your chance of success and the likelihood of progressing to the end unscathed after you've completed a few of these per expedition your ship will return and then you'll be presented with your rewards as i mentioned earlier some of these are only available in the base game but a lot of them are only active when you have some pieces of dlc to close off i thought i'd roll off each dlc and exactly what it adds to the game so you know which ones you might want to try out if you do want to try out any of these pieces of content including the game itself then please consider using my games planet links in the description so you can both save yourself some money and help support the channel with a small kickback starting in season one we have sunken treasures this adds the new instance of cape trollani which is another old world-style area of a huge island taking up nearly a whole corner of the map for you to build on you also unlock the diving bell which allows you to die for buried treasure in a variety of locations and get access to incredible items using scrap that you find when diving alongside this there is a fun little story line involving the queen and a number of brand new fully voiced characters the sanika is a smaller piece of dlc from season one that has the botanical gardens building which is a museum type building with a large number of different plants to collect to increase your island attractiveness you collect these items by expeditions this is a whole new set of dilemmas to explore alongside this you unlock the music pavilion which you can use to play different songs and change up the soundtrack and bring class to your islands the final piece of dlc in season 1 is the passage this sees you venturing to the arctic to conquer the most hostile environments on earth you have to juggle new resource buildings and keep your people warm as you push forward to unlock new resources to help your cities back home and create all new airships which are extremely fast transport vessels only buildable here whatever happens the city must survive kicking off season 2 we have the seat of power this allows you to build an all-new modular building called the palace which allows you to enact policies that affect everything from your culture to your labor this adds a whole new government to the game which can be incredibly powerful writes harvest revolutionizes farming with the introduction of a couple of new technologies it adds grain silos to speed up production on your animal farms at the cost of wheat and adds tractors to your fields to improve their productivity and max size at the cost of a small amount of fuel closing season two we have the land of the lions this adds the all new invasive instance to the game which comes with a totally unique set of production chains for a totally different style of people with beautiful buildings and new problems such as water availability to solve you can also unlock a whole new class of residents for the old world scholars who come with their own set of needs to allow you to push your company into the future with scientific enhancements of all kinds first up in season three we have the docklands this is a new modular building that adds a whole new level of depth to your trade with new contracts to specialise in exporting and importing different goods you can also expand this area to assist in everything from resource storage to repair speed for nearby ships the tourist season introduces a new class of people to your islands tourists these of course come with their own list of demands building and resource chains you have to fulfill to keep them happy they also require transport around the island in the form of bus stops to keep everything connected and easy to access finally closing season 3 we have the latest dlc to be released the high life this adds skyscrapers to house your most illustrious engineers and investors vertically instead of spread out they also come with a whole new set of fancy products they'll undoubtedly demand and finally unlock a few cosmetics as well as the skyline tower which is the crowning technological achievement for any endgame industrialist we also have a few small content packs that are decorative items to the game the holiday pack adds a number of christmas themed items to get you into that christmas spirit the city lights pack has a number of new lighting items and other decorative items such as parks and restaurants to light up your city in the night time the amusement pack has a number of theme park themed items to allow you to make a fun little theme pack area to your island finally the vehicle livery's pack adds a number of cosmetics for your ships trains and more to set them apart from the others all these are purely cosmetic and don't really add anything else to the game but they do look nice if you have a bit of spare cash i believe that covers everything for the complete beginner's guide to anno 1800 i hope you've enjoyed this and if you did then leave it like as it really does help out so much if you want to see more content like this then definitely be sure to subscribe to the channel as i post new videos every single week if you have any other questions about anno then leave them down in the comments or feel free to join the discord and ask me there and i'll be more than happy to help you out i'd like to thank all supporters of the channel both here on youtube as well as on twitch and on patreon in particular kobuscetto and it's your boy lc for their wonderful sport at the unclean ones tier really can't thank you guys enough one more time thank you all so very much for watching and for now i've been colonel damdas and i will see you next turn
Channel: Colonel Damneders
Views: 239,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colonel Damneders, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 dlc, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 war, anno 1800, anno 1800 beginners guide, anno 1800 beginners guide 2020, anno 1800 beginner guide, anno 1800 beginner tips, anno 1800 starting guide, anno 1800 quick start guide, how to anno 1800, anno 1800 how to make money, how to play anno 1800, how to play anno 1800 campaign, anno 1800 how to start, anno 1800 how to make money early game, anno 1800 how to build a city, anno 1800 high life
Id: DQpFqqIKpqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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